C 11 Single Phase Transformer 1 65

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TRANSFORMERS pee A Lrons ferme is a device which uses the. phenomenon of amutum induction Le chonge the Vasues of atkernomeg Vologes ond carvyenks one of the anain advantages of Ac Lyromsimisston and dishyibubtion is Xhe ease oth oohich an ober noting Valkoge con be Anewensed or decreased ry Ayansformers. Losses Im Arvons dormers ost oad low ond dhus efierenoy. is : Ber state hoy have @ Low (fe and one Very stable wor ae BRL aes * & ac ff LHP Ny = tans Notas 5 ‘ 2 Sut b rit MY, TP Prive Seconds Vv. ite i FES ried wainds 2D —T ys v eo -- A Rgds Fevvowagneric Cove- a Fp2: ctyend dingrom Szimteh for o Priva cringing <> Comecked do Ac supply Secondeyy ubind > Ase connecked do a oan PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION When the Secondary fs on Open - Cirent ond an alernoting. Voltage V, ts abplied © to the Yrimaroy ainding. , eee eG current — Called the No-oad current ZT, — {lows , wolich Seko Wh ®& ecagnikic S\ux in Ae cave. Anis adernoking, Shu Mons unith doth Prisco ond ecovdary cols and amaducen YH Ahern ean “ of Ey ewrd, Ee respehively Sr comnral Induckion , The Mduced -emf E in & coid of. N= cms 6 given ty ea —Nde Feltosing Assurmphons ane wrade dor an Sdeok — Kransforwey; @ Winds pesiskancs art naghigrhe : (b) Al the flux produced [s confined to the core of te Aovons former @ and links Kall, Aolh Ahe Windings, Ghee no Leacage Gf Xhe flu. (2 Gre Permeabibigy FF the core & bo xhok he emngamekiss ore F-equived op brodwee. che “f\uar ong establish 2+ Am the core me guqitle. (.) Hysteresis ond esd CuUrren&® Losses ane neg ght Tr on ident Sevomeformer, Fd o> Same fps both prewar ond becondary,, ahus Qa — Sd eek nd, = NS. 2 GL Ee (ee (duoc emt ber Ne No AMIN © Constonk) L SSeS Sieger VA oppser the chonge = ren oY ine lav, J EN ert ob | J © Assmann Yio losses, Byer ax Beg, Va Va Te ON Vi ea Te = => Vol € boo on urns yoko on tromofarakion vaio V5 Vee, K K 24 mp Sth up rowshprines a Shep — down homsformes wi When ao oad t cormecked across che Aecandary. winding: re TL, flows. Sn on idook Kronsformvy Aosses wed meqreded and 0 Sevons {near : considered Ko A0e soot ekboienk, © Hence Primary and decondony Volk ~ Gombenes ae ginal, oye Vc Ne The Paring of a dyonslorwer {s MMoaked in Lerms of Khe Volt amperes Lot Ga com dorans-lyrvo tikdrowk overheeking Transformer woking. is -erthar Vat, oy V, Tp (whee In © he Gull dowd Aecordayy- curren’), Sey fm ideok Lronsformer has a turns vcokio f 8:4 amd the primary curver io 3 Arp hon JA io Youbphied ak 240 Volt. Colowatr- hee a Volknge and current = whe t*@) = 24 bp. a A Be RVA, 2 travefencer Io a oovnd yoko ff sod and bo hed Kom & 9-5 A Aye: Negreding- \asses, Sdkering, (a) the Lai hood Drewrdery CMryer® Ww) che ONT Sond wesroroncd witch. coin, Jae connedked sews ae A ecandany Cainding ko Fee a Moock WA '@ Le) priveargy couvrenk ok full Sood VA. ® © a 7 - =io » 2. Y= 25 KV = 2500 Volk Sincd nN, _ “4 Np Va Day ee oox A - A D Vs (2) = 25 Tor = oval The cronsformer “cok. ain Volk — amperes, = V, To (ok fun Load) a 5xlooom 250 xT, L, = Zo Aw. = Lati-foad convent ()— Manivaum Vodace f Sood vesistance R= ah = 459 — 12.5vL tL aoe Zo N. jo Mem 2 tye BOE No Ty f he 20 a = ZArb. @ Non Lead Phaser "Diagram ® The core Flue is Commoy to both primary and beordory caindings In. a ckransdoemner ond fo Khu LOKER os se weferenc® phosor tr % Bhoder Aingr own « ~ Tysp Sweat ve Loed jure Loss is neateded, br omary winds is a pure inducer =] eae Induced ent Ts produces the Slux and fs ty phase out “CAL Sl ur- 2, = Primary inducad emf, The primary induced emf &, is in ~ phase Opposition LO Vy (By Leng s \on and {s Shown 430° om of phase with Vp. © tae The Ty Sin py hes Tpcase, Total core losses = Tron lossex = VT cash, Fig.4: No-hoad phasor dagrom for a Prackicok Saxons fovmer Th curren® Slows them losses ill occur, When losses one cansideved | Ty hos tewo Cormbonents : W 2, the magnekigivg componente Te => the core loss Combonenk. Compiling asso oagichey Stem + Qs) ‘) Rede Areqmencg Ayoustinns you ‘ he ep mw Re MB Freqprency vegion have Sir am Or cove , a fewribe pe Oi 0) uch cone. Ferike fs 0 ceramic renrokey vo hav ing. corcagnckic bropevives Arar Xp Bi\icom Bleck \ywk having high ret Spush coves Ceonsish of Kine borhiches covbonyl davon an peamather (2-€ wverek ond woron). & ppiheakade> Radio ond Televisyon Revver, D_ Trenefermer eaincNess: Usmolly $ “evamel— tnbudaked copper. as ahaaminiwe 6) COW My fin Awmrall Aronsfomers , or in, Lovge Aoponsformed @) EQUIVALENT CiRcvitT OF A TRANS okMER The -Cgpivalene ebreusk Com be Ainphified by Seosferving the Secondary yesistances and veackancen to ‘Ro Brin Arde. in dud w thot Ko sokio f E, # gt Is Wet affected sn corogeitude ar phase: eg Repistane PR can be weploced 3 Anper hing ow addakivnol yesistome® gi Ae briwany einai puch thed * t Yeboched in RB, when he bowen, 8. : i Cowrging cunvent is egal be Mod 5 R Sue he. Decondany currenk, © e pa t =e a i T, _ 2 R= ar &= (4) Rg Tn i Na — wR a R () Ry - Lh By Aiwiloy E08 oneng t 8 y= eK Eqnivelend cok Of ae ae Abenped-ancer dhransferred ko ea @® No - Lood currer® I, => 3% wos £ fui bord courvytnts Aipaniinal yxy alan cixumnh Refewed co Priwary Rey= (RQ, Ke RE Cixcun} porromeders, Kegs (Xa + ®%2)) Non Ke R= «ee QL Load borranekes ep Ke Xo faded de Prinnary EI-6 @ — single-phase doronsfanet has eve dug on eke Primary and Goo churns on rhe Seconday, 1th o~ hood curyerste is & Amp oak oO power fackor f a:20 Log iy: Assuming. Aho Volt- dap im So cainbivgs {s neguiguble, dekounirc the br iveay- cured and porter fookoy chon dhe decandany? cameo is 400Pep ok power fader & 0 85 Loggryy « sds ti nye DaNe ris \00 Arh , ease aie ig oes = 2.0 Na \nogie i f Boo J 2 One Tacs ae = 4ovwly chk oes Pe loging, Becon dary bt Ege céf,= O-85- Be g = 3I-e° 2 25) Tycosf, = (08+ 8A) aa Tsing, =(c + cb) 2 Deeds T, cals") 4 DycBP, = 40x05 SF X0-Q 1 5, Tye6¢,= 35-0 Ly Sindy = Losing, + x Stole!) =5Sin (Fess) + 4osin(ar-e/) 2. Ty Sings = 25-98 a (5)"+(a5-ae)™ = 43-6 Arp, A= 36-6'% cud, = 80 (26 @ A 220¢/96 Volt, Aingle-Phose , SO H3 Aros forex had yesistance of 4.25 and Seackang 4 40 in the high- vol Windia and S042 Sesiskomed ond gis vr Yeackonee in the loco Voltage Landing, Cole Dole (a) dhe eqprvolenk Sesistonee ond yeadamee of lo- velbage Ai Tn tems of hgh Vollege side 8 \b) -egpt ivolen® Tesistomed ord he Yeachonst, ff i Volknge Aida nin ders of (uw ~ Voltage Joido. sd. RQ, = 2S , Haan R, = 8040, X, > SD . N . Me 2280 va Tp Va 80 4o & R= R= W* R04 = Ae x= WK Uy a oss IS on tems of fush— vollage side Ran Ry = (25 r4j= 5254 Xere Xrap= Btls) = \Qvi. @) , R lose &) Ri = es [pes Corse Ce y= yrs Wee = a5 Sm Leu 4 \ow Voltage Side | f Ra= RR, = (e044 oe ee tf Xer= Xp tr = Ors +004) = 9g. Ex’ Fgh the eqmivalert civonh fon Aivgta— bhone Ayonsfromer weferved So lovo- Viltnge Arde ¢ 200 Volt- cCoaleubali- (9) Peamiwok Voltage em Lond (hish- vettese Aru) \s) loc ~ rarknge Cnvren® 0 Sf ve yee {000 2. = Law 2 2, GL gwhedong = 7 ° an berconk impedonr = So = Cy) ~Q2Z2= 10) soy To6y Se COS ve Sireslody R oo] pout: weston 3 = Ty) = ons 2% k= [ERE ET = oye aco Yeats 2a U4 P Ze Uy = oer @) Losses AND EFFICIENCY Je ee eee ) Core Loss : These one hysteresis and — cuyrenk losses. cove-loss Is Constart bor a fxonstormen. Ope waked, ok constant Volkoge ond fpequenet- pba eter in wind ssesiskences hen the Aronsfrinn 4 \ ied gee tees Vou o he Agave & Xne Aooding. -erpressed os & otto £ Qe fue Saeed 3) Load (shvay)-Loss spe \agey segults — from Lennage Kelds inducing eddy currents rin he ome. Wall ond covduchors, , 4 Dicleic~ Los + Ghe beot ¢ thio Loss is tr che Angulohirg conakertols, pavtteovlonly in oth and Solid Ansulakions . ® Maior losses: iy Cove loss (ce Drv Loss) => Wy = corshosk Loss “y) Cobber \ossa> REO Var ioble —\aes Cobper loss in the tua windings arn: 2 2 cu-toss % = (Z,) R, + (22) Ry Rete ee LR ean (22) : afm + CRyal (fy » Ba C+ Se) HEE ie)! Whe Rer=(Ro + 2) = Yesfshonce wedevyek bo Henoncar ' © Wh ene. eS Lull- ood curyent (Aecroay pds), ‘ De K Tape | - - Row Eqns EY a cu-loss= Rep Ca Tran) Zz on eyelessce FO Tyg Ber —-2 2 Cbeleccas OTS, [- Cp-locs = We t -- & hort Wo= Ty Ren = Fatt load carlos Oukpuk of the cbransformur = Vit, co, = = «VT, yp C89. [F T= % La | i) Woe Poe V, Ty ge CPFL = fa loed oukfk Sop = oudfut + lpsseS : Sapo: _ ourput Ab core losst cu loss Efficiency ood li gmp Pek --- For coeguioum A erty - ges ee [ * Wes We oe) Few pmaximum Pf Ai cAemoy 7 ea | cxe- loss = Cn-loss [he = eg | mo 7 Re 2) fee a ade : Y OF A TRANS PoRneg AL a effrciemed. 2 of Aryomsformer tm kith im 24 bec Jopuk Ko tronsformear to Kah in 24 bed, Tron loss => censhenk and presemk doing od. whe 24 bs. cu—loss => ee Bo Syne fd Ke Load cameron fom how te hour. VOLTAGE REAVLLATION SE Me Awondery termined Voltage cho , f eh Sh Be change is “ Lond che 4 a er on ViOlnae: obés aan webiscomea, and ee bs corwes the coin &) Tre volkoge wegudakion of Lroncfmwer is defined on tha woh chowge tt) he becorchoyy Lenninal voltage Fea Sewn yoronh soo Susu-dord, -erbpvessed on a bercontoge. gf sits Woled voiloge. volkoge eran ae = Mast) y 460 Va, $l Whee Veo = Secondary Volkage when Soad 5 thrown “off. (« @, Voo= 2) Vo. gh = Futl-Load Aecondary Voltage (£4 & OsSwmed dv be adjushed Aw he voted Lecordory Volkoge) Voltage peguhedion bw gure of. werit & a Kransfornes, For on Beck Kranseforveey Voltrge ‘seawhakin > BY: Swaller 1s the Voltoge wegubetion, bekher G athe. berokions bh ine dironsformer. @) Athonimal Eqprivalen® ciranh referred ko Decensany (Shank byonehes ont nesteded) Re = (Ro. + wt) fa (us Hh) ane Unity Power Fackor Lead ez a oe LJ t, Vy Reo, Phasor diagram £ hronsfrw on Lord ok Unvidye party factor (22, Vy and Zp oft tn phase) Se) a Ps Gbbswmokion E,cosS = Vo +1, Rer . Smo 1 COL Ss | BE, a Vy +L, Reo Ea — Vn Ty Ren or c' it Case-2; Lagging Povrer Face Lond (S#* 59 Litecody es & ee ; 2 a (v, +, Reglosh, + TX eSind) T : Ze + (Tyrencasd, — T Rea Sing t) ee eee | As an opprorinnokion E, cos$ = vy + Ty Rereg, + Dy XerSin, Ao, Cas ato Exy= Vo + TrRercwd, + TL, Xe Sing, | By Ve C,Rerca, + La%eaSinfs) Vp. TReaces, + Ken. Sing) | en Base Dmpedaneg (Becondans drde ) _ a Zeaq= Me 4 Rel = ) Vo. Zar. Rex SE "sings a Vo, om Vn _ (\. ae iE , 2 Vp. B, define Xen Sak us Re. X_, bY) = Rea d= gd le Zp, pu <> Per Vt Voy 7 Va 7 (RestDese4, + Xo) ‘4, Vo C4se- 3; Leading power Fact Lond. Nexr Page TE E,coss = Vy +t Rego BF, — Ty Xe, Sing SD0;, c@Sytro ae 42 (Rez ot ae ening, ) —S 207 te = 2 (Racoe,- Kersindg) | Vo. OR Vas ~ Me (Rexbuyces,— Xen (pw ra) Vo = ® POLARITY TEST 1-4, =D LV windy Ay Ar=> Hv winding. Volimeber Yoveyry , hem polavidies £ the winding ot oy nes OD ™m™ Abe dinyvom. tf va ir) ae pe\avidg oes 4 he AWAKE rrust He 43) OPEN CIRCVIT TEST -ro opTAIN Re & Xm CSBONT PARAMETERS) Suthy valose (v) Volkwe}oy = Va Ly siie AV Side Sony 5 gptven to Lv srde | Hv side is Oban tf For Nof220 Valk Rowserings, LV srde > No valk AV syde > 220 valk Then on Lv side, Gktimmt iho V SubtIE S given d Wabbinelos weading giver => Cave or Tron lassen Wt Aromoker wrenching giveg ay No-hond wrrertop Ty Molton vending gun => Lv side oppheed voyage = Vy Va Ty cs$,= Wy Ww v — C86 = Vn = No-load fower forckor, c= T.c44, tuo Ty 4d, Eqnivalerh caved ah Jeon on Span = edremt hole; x ; 1 Tk => He- lord Cy-lrss \ to very Veg bint Y, ond ne ghgile. Hence | c Wallincloy teaching gives _ Lym ey Cove less, Pphrrinake ye: Volkage dep ocwss (Brix) ty naghigitte, co) @p SHoRT— CiReUIT TEST To OBTAIN SERIES PARAMETERS (R 2X) WottneLey Show: Cone Hvside LV s¥do Sc- Test on Aeonsfornoy S-8y% 4 Siti => Transfrrcey Yesistance ond Leauge yeackomee ang_ w om Yesulk AU Bro. Bemeg eee neat o-ey Yoked Voltage. Under Se conditin 1 fobierent Kp cdrental? Oa te 05% of Sha fut Load omyver, Fury — Lom Onn ver Nof2r6 Vor damstemey, 2.2 cv A Aamo Kv =220 i Vege SHE: of 220 Volt is Freronp yo oy, of 226 volt aye = |} Vole. sor TLL Eqpivalenk Cixan} under SCH Condition a xX eX o {} —orx,. V5e. L Abbonimoalim me prvahirk circunst Undey Sc cardityo, Vollage = Veg Onrvenh = Tse Fate Load cmrvent , Power = Nee. P Cabpor—lose, R Wee F - (B)* “These Vokes ane wederyed ko Hv side. Xe yoh ge Resistance, could be Seboroked out fa, Maxie BDC Meaciremenhs am the prima oy Deco ond daly covveching hese er AC. Valves, Reackorness cannot be Arparaked. ob puch. Whee Teqmived, these could be 1 2 hae Vo Np K i See Ce a [. kia Kaa I Let us compare VA vakingd of the two © As o tw watndiog Ayansforna Wa) = (-v)T, = (f2-5) vy, hen used o an aucrbromsdormer (va) = Vu= _. uo wy = ES) oy - WA = (> B) 42) wi = (4-4) We) Auto vy = C).) wy, ~ Val = aE VY auto . VA = SEU (Va) 7), Auto ie Vg = Et Mey eae eve The parameters of opproaino egpniva er cick of 2% 4RVA, 200/400 volt, 50H3, 4p tromefrnnr Ove: Rey = OSV» Xe = O3F A Rg = 600%, Xn = SOW, When soled Volkage of 200VRF by applied t +h Primary, a currenk f do Arp, © 8 bE \ogang flows wm Abe Aensay waeding Coho ole (QB) Crsverk tn the rivany (b) Geaminat Voltage ot Khe Secondary Aide. sh Rey Xey —. ] ck vk vey, ~ J Lord, =200Velk a : | | \ \ LL ae @ Ty = Jo Amp of o8 Pf logging t a ee tox Me Zo Rrdp, ad oO ehh \ngaing I . 2 T= (26 ~Ji2) Prep. gp = 282= 0:33 amp ce 600 200 OG Im = zap = OT OP Le fe-Jin= (e128 ere?) rep « C® -T= f +2, = (0:28-0:09) + (4e ~Ji2) Jen = 20:67 |_az.g0 Aor (b) vy Se Ca a) i ¥ = 206lor— (20 =2417") (#15 xjoaq) a v= 493-2 |-12" volt . KVy = 193°2.L212° iz Vo = 306-4 [=12* Volt Ex-1) ~~ 4 transfomer has Jas : 4.36 keh . Inkeval — 4: 4 Avs, vo-Lond , Curler = O10 Ernangy. lost = 0+ 9 L@ Energy loss (due Jo yon \ass) caving Lhe whale ee = SIS3x2q = 3. 672 kth E ae Exons (ve do cat less) dauvieg the hvleday = (p+ asa +1436) 2.054 kh, Toko Evvongy, oss = (2:051+ wapa)icrd Tahol onbpesh dauvig Wo whale dow = (Bxt0 4 (OXS + i) veh = \Fo tah. &p = ont "loa ~ wkd 3 \usve, \Fo = 97% a la! a ®) A LookvA, 440/220 Volk , A), 50 hg Cove Kye Jovans doy hos on effickomoy. of gesy. , whem sodpyiog Stk hoad ok oe pf Sagpig ork on sfkciong F 99 , When Anpplying hrotg Lond ok vest power fackos, Pard Lhe Xxon \wsse2 ayn Catper \oaseg ak Kur Aond: Sob. ir ee oe Fau-ford culos = We x21] oe Oo: 4s = 400% 10? Korg A00 x1? Xow Wet he O-.948S Ue OFT, = 19.06 . ao Qh of aransdormor at olf load gait Windy, PF at K100 me xo So KI BW? 2 © @ 09g eR ee ao 50xd Feet) le forage Ho zag hy = 520 — -(iy) Salvieg equa) 2G), wwe am, Wes 26T3W Dos. We= So 4H exis!" ~ Cafewale the Voltage wegubabion of oO Kransform or having xa of 2h uf iho ourpud ond Rho rweackomer adres gf When power fnckor Fe () o-e Jaga (e) a@ Leedubg C® A single bhase step-down Lronsfamer has a tum votio of 3. Ghe resistance Ex-13; Ond venckaned of the Primary winding. ORL 12m and oa ond those f rhe Aeconder: wand ong O+,05V2. and 0103. “Gespeckivdy, If cre Dash volboge aindiog b Aofplied ok 230 Vor with Joa-volkege indivy Shak chramted, sod () curryenk sn Bre Aow voltae oo: . Wy) copper loss Sn Hoe kr one forwar LA) Power Locker . Sdu. fam rotien =o. HV SIN > privog- ty Seno Seenshe Reta, myo 62 Qa = oss, = (63.45 Refereed to fv side, - Rez Mra = b2 r(Broosea teow L Ney ed kei © eon 0 HOP Za a ROS = wes) \eay* Ze= erty om C@ Current tn dhe Noh = vot 2 coinking chem low - Vollege eaicdieg, is shark -ctrerted Vg 236 = = = 28-97 Arp, Ts. Ze eR 35-4 « Negecing Te 1 3S: KF. Ty sc TD, = 26-37 arb Curtrenk dn Joe - Voltage oink ; T= er = $549 B= Fast Pol, [66 W 4) ° TMokol cu-hess Wse = T Re, = By, 465 = 12 BoM, 285Cn" rs) Vee fee Cosh. = Wee ; 230 x7 C84, = ER DIF LS 2 cuy= ONES. OSA, Eig : Qe A single-phase , 3 vA 223 of jie Volk, So HB LY onsformon, hoo the following consanhs : RQ = 0-8, Xe ou , R ‘o R= COM, XK Sod Goo. ond X= Zoo , Iho edould be dhe readings af he

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