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Arianna Roemke

Imagine Middle School

678 S. Teacher Cr.
Mesa, AZ 91234

November 3, 2019

To the Parents or Guardians

of Billy Kid
789 Student Dr.
Mesa, AZ 91235

To Whom it May Concern:

I hope this letter finds you well. I am Arianna Roemke the 6-8th grade English Language Arts teacher at
Imagine Middle School. Your son is enrolled in my grade six ELA class. I am writing this letter to you to
discuss an academic concern that I have for Billy.

Monthly all ELA classes work on doing an independent reading assessment with each student in order to
gauge the areas in need of growth or strong areas for the student. We time students for a minute as
they read a sixth-grade level short story. Over the course of my time with Billy I have noticed that he has
been struggling with reading and reading comprehension. It takes him time to sound out words such as
“respect” “adjust” as well as others. Then when asked to explain what he had just read he did not know.
This has started to affect his class participation in class as we popcorn read our class novel. When Billy
was called upon, he said he was, “to cool to read” and “reading was stupid and he just couldn’t care less
about any of this.” This statement not only caused a disruption to class but also caused me to worry that
his struggle has wounded his confidence and has caused Billy to shut down.

I am available to be reached in regard to this issue or any others that may be of concern by phone call
Monday-Thursday evenings from 3:30pm-5pm and Fridays 2:30pm- 4pm or by email at any time at and if preferred I am available to set up a face-to-face conference.


Arianna Roemke

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