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Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122

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Inequality of opportunity and growth☆

Gustavo A. Marrero a, b,⁎, Juan G. Rodríguez c,1
Departamento de Análisis Económico, IUDR, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
CAERP, Spain
Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Theoretical and empirical studies exploring the effects of income inequality upon growth reach a disappointing
Received 8 May 2011 inconclusive result. This paper postulates that one reason for this ambiguity is that income inequality is actually a
Received in revised form 8 March 2013 composite measure of inequality of opportunity and inequality of effort. They may affect growth through oppo-
Accepted 15 May 2013
site channels, thus the relationship between inequality and growth depends on which component is larger. Using
the PSID database for the U.S. in 1970, 1980 and 1990 we find robust support for a negative relationship between
JEL classification:
inequality of opportunity and growth, and a positive relationship between inequality of effort and growth.
E24 © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Income inequality
Inequality of opportunity
Economic growth

1. Introduction negative impact on investment in human capital accumulation (Galor

and Zeira, 1993) or entrepreneurial activity (Banerjee and Newman,
A surge of literature on the effect of income inequality on growth 1993), and hence on economic growth.3 Thus, overall inequality would
suggests many channels through which inequality can affect growth.2 affect growth positively or negatively depending on the channels that
On the one hand, the classical approach emphasizes the accumulation dominate.
of savings (Bourguignon, 1981; Stiglitz, 1969), unobservable effort However, the vast empirical literature does not indicate that any
(Mirrlees, 1971; Rebelo, 1991) or the investment project size (Barro, of these channels has a predominant influence. As a result, the empir-
2000) as some of the main routes through which inequality may enhance ical relationship between inequality and growth is also ambiguous.4
growth. On the other hand, the modern approach has shown that in the This ambiguity tends to be justified through the quality and type of
presence of credit market imperfections, inequality has a long-lasting data (Deininger and Squire, 1998; Panizza, 2002), the inconsistent
nature of inequality measures (Knowles, 2005), the type of inequality
index (Székeli, 2003), the econometric method (Forbes, 2000), the
model specification (Panizza, 2002) or the set of countries considered
and their degree of development (Barro, 2000). Moreover, as pointed out
☆ We are grateful for the assistance with the data base from, Marta Huerta, Nidia García
by Partridge (1997 and 2005), Barro (2000), Bleaney and Nishizama
and Elijah Baley. We also acknowledge the helpful comments and suggestions of two
anonymous referees, David Weil (Editor), François Bourguignon, John Roemer, Francisco
(2004) and Voitchovsky (2005), this ambiguity can be due to the fact
Ferreira, Branko Milanovic, Shlomo Yitzhaki, Rafael Salas, the audiences at the World
Bank (Washington DC), ECINEQ (Buenos Aires), XXXIV Simposio de la Asociación
Española de Economía (Valencia), XII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada (Madrid) and
FEDEA (Madrid). This paper has benefited from the financial support of the Fundación
Ramón Areces. The authors also acknowledge funding from the Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovación under project reference ECO2010-17590. Responsibility for any error is the
authors' alone. Alternative channels through which inequality can have a negative effect on
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 922 317123. growth are: unproductive investments (Mason, 1988), demand patterns (Marshall,
E-mail addresses: (G.A. Marrero), 1988), fertility (Galor and Zang, 1997; Kremer and Chen, 2002), domestic market size
(J.G. Rodríguez). (Murphy et al., 1989), political economy (Alesina and Perotti, 1994; Alesina and
Tel.: +34 91 3942515. Rodrik, 1994; Persson and Tabellini, 1994), and political instability (Gupta, 1990).
2 4
Surveys on this issue can be found in Bénabou (1996), Aghion et al. (1999), Bertola See Banerjee and Duflo (2003), among others, on the inconclusiveness of the cross-
et al. (2005) and Ehrhart (2009). country empirical literature on inequality and growth.

0304-3878/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
108 G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122

that income inequality has distinct offsetting avenues affecting subse- (Section 3). For this task, we follow widespread used procedures in the
quent growth in different ways. For instance, the variation in the rela- inequality-of-opportunity literature and use refined data from the PSID
tionship between inequality and growth with income level and the to decompose total inequality into inequality across groups (classified
presence of non-linearities could reflect these alternative offsetting by race and parental education, the two observed circumstances),
ways by altering economic incentives.5 and inequality within groups, by applying the Theil 0 decomposition
Following this line of inquiry, we claim that an important reason technique. The first component will be the proxy for IO, while the
for this ambiguous relationship is that income inequality is actually second component will be the proxy for IE.
a composite measure of inequality of opportunity (IO) and inequality Following Durlauf and Quah (1999), Panizza (2002), Partridge
of effort (IE).6 Following Roemer (1993) and Van de Gaer (1993), IO (1997 and 2005), and Barro (2000), among others, we carry out an
refers to that inequality stemming from factors, called circumstances, extensive sensitivity analysis to show how robust are the results
beyond the scope of individual responsibility, like race and socio- found across model specifications and alternative econometric tech-
economic background (i.e., proxy by parental education or wealth), niques. Thus, we present in Section 4 the system-GMM estimations
while IE defines the income inequality caused by individual responsi- for IO and IE based on a small model, where only a few number of
ble choices, like the number of hours worked or the occupational controls are specified, and a base model, where a large set of controls
choice. Roughly speaking, total inequality can be viewed as the result is considered. As a matter of robustness, we also report the standard
of heterogeneity in circumstances, which involves individual initial linear pooled-OLS, Fixed Effects (FE) and Random Effects (RE) esti-
conditions, and the exerted effort, which basically has to do with mates and a further sensitivity analysis is developed in Section 5.
individual control variables. We hypothesize that these two types of In sum, we find that the impact of overall inequality on growth is
inequality affect growth in opposite ways.7 positive, as in Partridge (1997 and 2005), although it is not robust and
On the one hand, IO would reduce growth as it favors human significant to alternative specifications, as emphasized by Panizza
capital accumulation by individuals with better social origins, rather (2002). On the contrary, the impact of the IO component is negative
than by individuals with more talent or skills (Chiu, 1998; Loury, and significant, while the impact of the IE component is positive and
1981, and Mejia and St-Pierre, 2008). This result can be easily linked significant. These results are highly robust to alternative model specifi-
to the credit market imperfection literature mentioned above (Galor cations, econometric techniques and other robustness checks. Thus, our
and Zeira, 1993 or Banerjee and Newman, 1993). In a multiple steady results would offer a unified explanation for the two opposite streams
state framework with borrowing constraints, initial heterogeneity in of empirical results by suggesting that the overall impact of total in-
wealth and certain circumstances would reduce the opportunity of equality on growth could be positive, negative or zero depending on
accessing credit to achieve higher levels of education or to promote which of the above two sources of income inequality dominates in the
profitable investment projects, which would generate a misallocation data.
of talent, underinvestment in human capital and a negative conse- A final comment is worth noting. Our results call for a proper design
quence on growth. On the other hand, income inequality among of policy. In particular, general redistributive policies may increase in-
those who exert different effort reflects the reward of unequal effort vestment across individuals, but it may also discourage unobservable
or unequal talent, hence it would give incentive to people to do effort borne by agents. Thus, its final impact on growth would be
hard work, saving or to invest in education (Mirrlees, 1971), which unclear. However, selected policies reducing IO will promote not only
would stimulate growth. The main goal of this paper is to test empir- equity – in the sense of opportunity – but also economic efficiency
ically this hypothesis. For this task, we combine the empirical growth and growth. We will further discuss this issue in the final Section 6.
literature from macroeconomics and the inequality-of-opportunity
literature from microeconomics. A discussion on both these litera- 2. The inequality–growth debate and inequality of opportunity
tures and how they can be linked is presented in Section 2.
Data requirements for comparing inequality of income across The last decade has witnessed an intensive debate about the effects
states or countries are severe (Deininger and Squire, 1998), but com- of inequality on growth. However, as commented in the Introduction,
parisons of IO and its estimation are even more stringent (Lefranc et from a theoretical perspective the prevalence of a positive or negative
al., 2008). This is because empirical analysis of IO requires not only relationship between overall inequality and growth depends on which
comparable measures of individual disposable income but also indi- channel predominates. This fact is clearly reflected by the empirical
vidual circumstances or social origins measured in a comparable and evidence linking income inequality to economic growth: cross-sectional
homogeneous way. Furthermore, there are only few databases with and panel data studies are generally inconclusive.
information on individual circumstances or social origins and in Cross-sectional analysis showing a negative relationship between
these cases the number of circumstances is usually small. In addition, both dimensions include, among others, Alesina and Rodrik (1994),
to test for long-term effects on growth, we also need the value of IO Persson and Tabellini (1994), Clarke (1995), Perottti (1996) and
for at least two distant periods of time, generally ten years. This last Alesina and Perotti (1996). However, other authors find a positive re-
requirement limits even more the availability of databases. To the lationship between growth and income inequality, such as Partridge
best of our knowledge, the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) (1997 and 2005), Zou and Li (1998) and Frank (2009). Barro (2000)
database is the only exception that satisfies both requirements and shows a very slight relationship between both variables when using
is rich enough in terms of cross-sectional heterogeneity, variables, panel data, while Forbes (2000) finds a positive relationship.8 Panizza
observations and circumstances. (2002), using a cross-state panel, finds some evidence in support of a neg-
Given these database limitations, to fulfill the overall objective of ative relationship between inequality and growth, though this relation-
the paper, we measure total inequality, IO, and IE at the U.S. state level ship is not robust to different econometric methods and regression
specifications. And Barro (2000), using a non-linear specification, finds a
negative and significant effect of inequality on growth for poor countries,
while a positive but insignificant effect of inequality on growth for rich
Galor and Moav (2004) emphasizes that the relationship between inequality and
growth changes with the replacement of physical capital by human capital accumula-
tion as a prime engine of growth along the process of development.
6 8
Though not considered in this paper, another possible source of inequality is luck Forbes' results suggest that overall inequality has a significant positive effect upon
(Lefranc et al., 2009). growth in the short and medium term, while Partridge (2005) finds that inequality is pos-
A similar reasoning is found in World Bank (2006) and Bourguignon et al. (2007b). itively related to long-term growth, this relationship being less clear in the short-run.
G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122 109

countries. Given these different findings in the literature, we propose to IO would imply suboptimal levels of investment in human capital, with
analyze the inequality and growth relationship using the IO concept. a negative consequence on growth.
Another general argument to support the negative effect of initial
IO on growth can be inferred from Heathcote et al. (2008), which
2.1. The inequality of opportunity concept
focus on the implications of missing insurance markets rather than
on borrowing constraints. They emphasize that it is reasonable to be-
Equality of opportunity has been traditionally understood as the
lieve that society cannot provide insurance against one's circumstances
absence of barriers to access positions, education and jobs, thus hiring
(in our case, race and parental education) and the non-pecuniary dis-
should be meritocratic and characteristics like the economic class,
crimination associated with them. As a consequence, income allocation
gender and race should have no bearing on the merit of the individual
based on those uninsurable factors would be inefficient and would
(Lucas, 1995). Rawls (1971) and Sen (1980), among others, invoked a
harm growth.
more general notion and argued that equality of opportunity would
Arguments based on one particular circumstance can also be found
require compensating persons for a variety of circumstances (i.e., socio-
in the literature. Regarding parental initial wealth or human capital,
economic background, ethnicity, place of birth) whose distribution is
Chiu (1998) shows that, under liquidity constraints and decreasing
morally arbitrary. Roemer (1993) brings that philosophical debate
marginal utility, if wealth is redistributed from rich to poor, rich parents
into economics and formalizes a precise definition of equality of oppor-
would stop sending their less talented children to college, while, among
tunity (see also Van de Gaer, 1993). He emphasizes that an individual's
poor parents, more talented children would be afforded the chance to
outcome (income, welfare, health, etc.) is a function of variables within
go to college (see also Loury, 1981 and Bénabou, 1996). As a conse-
and beyond the individual's control, called effort (occupational choice,
quence, aggregate human capital will increase and, therefore, so will
number of hours worked or investment in human capital) and circum-
growth. Another example can be found in Ferreira (2001), where pro-
stances (socioeconomic and cultural background or race), respectively.
ductivity and wages are determined by the quality of the school one at-
As a consequence, total inequality can be seen, in reality, as a combina-
tends (see also Bénabou, 2000). Under borrowing constraints, children
tion of inequality of effort (IE) and inequality of opportunity (IO).
from poorer families would not be able to attend private schools, and
The important role of circumstances has been emphasized in the
would then go to public schools. On the contrary, richer families
inequality literature. For instance, Arrow et al. (2000), Hertz et al.
would send their children to private schools and, because they are
(2008), Blume and Durlauf (2001), and Loury (1989) have found
willing to pay high fees, these schools would provide high-quality edu-
strong evidence for persistent inequality, which is not attributable
cation. Then, if public school budgets are determined by the level of
to discrimination between individuals, but rather to factors such as
taxation, and the pivotal voter is wealthy enough to send their children
social networks, poor education quality and intergenerational inertia.
to private school, the funds received by public schooling would be low.
Furthermore, Roemer (1998) and Bowles et al. (2005), among others,
As a result, children from initially rich families will stay rich because
have emphasized that circumstances can affect the realization of
they attend high-quality schools, while children from initially poor
talent and, thus, the full achievement of a purely meritocratic society.
families will stay poor because they attend low-quality schools. Using
These authors have shown that even if individuals have high inborn
a similar argument than in Chiu (1998), removing this inequality trap
talent, the likelihood of their being able to realize the benefits of that
could enhance the overall level of human capital and hence growth.
talent (for example, in terms of admission to university or access to
If we focus on a theoretical framework where the history-dependent
employment) is strongly affected by social conditions.
initial conditions yield path-dependent outcomes, an obvious example
In this respect, the inequality-of-opportunity literature has identified
in the U.S., which could be applied to other countries, is the history of
the following channels through which parents can affect the income
race. A large initial wealth inequality between black slaves, indigenous
earning capacity of their children (Dardanoni et al., 2006): wealth;
natives and Latinos, and whites, combined with subsequent racial
provision of social connections which are relevant in the labor market;
barriers for accessing credit, would justify a negative effect of inequality
formation of skills in children, through family culture and investment;
of opportunity (due to race) on growth under a model à la Galor and
genetic transmission (like native ability and race); instillation of prefer-
Zeira (1993). Alternatively, we can advocate the model proposed by
ences and aspirations. Given these factors and the restrictions imposed
Easterly and Levine (1997), which report a negative impact of ethnic
by data availability, the empirical literature has widely used the level
heterogeneity on growth; or the model by Gradstein and Justman
of parental education or occupational status as a proxy for the first
(2002), which emphasizes the negative effect of racial and ethnic
three factors, and the ethnic group or race as a direct measure of the
heterogeneity on social norms that, in turn, lower the effectiveness of
fourth factor. In this paper, we use parental education and race as the
education on growth; or the model by Galor et al. (2009), where land
causal determinants of IO.
concentration, which is highly correlated with the proportion of income
Next, we provide several existing arguments in the growth–
inequality explained by race, adversely affects the implementation of
inequality and inequality-of-opportunity literature that can give sup-
human capital promoting institutions like public schooling and child
port to our main empirical finding: larger inequalities associated with
labor regulations.
differences in circumstances (parental education and race) affect neg-
atively to economic growth.
3. Inequality of opportunity in the U.S.

2.2. Theoretical frameworks for the role of IO on growth In this section we estimate the IO in the U.S. by using refined data
of the PSID database for 26 states in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. First,
Following the pioneering works of Galor and Zeira (1993) and we describe the database; next, we present the method; finally, after
Banerjee and Newman (1993), a consensus is emerging that, in the describing the sample design, we show the IO estimates.
presence of borrowing constraints and fixed costs of education, a
higher initial inequality might have a negative effect on long-term 3.1. The PSID database
growth. These authors emphasize the existence of multiple steady-
state equilibrium paths, which cause a convergence trajectory that We need microdata of comparable measures of individual disposable
will depend, among other things, on initial inequality. In this context, income and observed circumstances that span at least two decades and
people with unfavorable initial circumstances (because of their race cover a large enough cross-section of countries or states. While many
and/or parent's education) will face considerable barriers for accessing databases satisfy some of the above restrictions, the PSID database (for
credit, regardless of their talent and degree of effort exerted. As a result, U.S. states) is, to the best of our knowledge, the only exception that
110 G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122

satisfies all of the above requirements and hence can be used to charac- be an N-dimensional smoothed distribution where each individual in
terize the IO–growth relationship.9 type m receives that type's mean income μm.
The PSID is a household panel which began in 1968 and is still In order to fulfill the aim of this paper, we need to decompose
running. The survey was conducted annually from 1968 to 1997, overall inequality into IO and IE components. Following Ruiz-Castillo
and then every other year. The initial sample for the PSID consists of (2003) and Ferreira and Gignoux (2011), among others, we define
two independent probability samples. The first one is an equal prob- IO ¼ I ðv Þ, where I is an inequality index. In this manner, whenever
ability sample of households from the 48 contiguous states (based on total inequality can be additively decomposed by population groups
a stratified multistage selection of the civilian noninstitutional popu- according to a set of circumstances, the between-group inequality com-
lation of the U.S.) drawn by the Survey Research Center (SRC); the ponent can be seen as the IO term, while the within-group inequality
second one is a national sample of low-income households drawn by component can be interpreted as the IE term. Among all the possible
the Survey of Economic Opportunity (SEO). The combination of both inequality indices, only those of the Generalized Entropy class are addi-
is also a probability sample, with unequal selection probabilities and, tively decomposable into a between-group and a within-group compo-
as a result, compensatory population weighting would be needed in nent (Bourguignon, 1979 and Shorrocks, 1980). Consequently, we
the estimation of inequality indices. The PSID supplies these weights, adopt the mean logarithmic deviation or Theil 0 (T), because it belongs
which indicate how many persons in the U.S. population are represented to the Generalized Entropy class, has a path-independent decomposi-
by a given observation in the sample. These weights are designed to com- tion (Foster and Shneyerov, 2000), and uses weights based on the
pensate for unequal selection probabilities and differential attrition.10 groups' population shares. The Theil 0 index can be exactly decomposed
The quality of the PSID database has been successfully assessed as follows:
by comparing different distributions from this database with their
equivalent in other sources.11 However, we are aware that two main X
M  m
problems remain. First, sample sizes in the PSID are not very large T ðvÞ ¼ T ðv Þ þ pm T v ; ð1Þ
and, second, the data, which is representative on a national level, may
not be at the state level. To overcome these problems, we have made
where T ðv Þ is the between-group component (the IO term), which is
a reasonable selection of data, states and decades, as commented
calculated by applying the Theil 0 index to the vector v, and the second
below (subsection 3.3), and an extensive robustness analysis will be
term is the within-group component (the IE term), which captures the
carried out in Sections 4 and 5.
income inequality within each type m, weighted by pm, the frequency of
type m in the population. In this manner, the two sources of income
differences, circumstances and effort, can be included separately in
3.2. The estimation approach
the inequality–growth regressions conducted in Section 4.
The IO and IE components can be estimated non-parametrically
Consider a finite population of discrete individuals indexed by
(Checchi and Peragine, 2010, and Lefranc et al., 2008) and/or paramet-
i ∈ {1, …, N}. As is standard in the inequality-of-opportunity litera-
rically (Bourguignon et al., 2007a, and Ferreira and Gignoux, 2011). The
ture, the individual income, yi, is assumed to be a function of the amount
convenience of using one or another approach generally depends on the
of effort, ei, and the set of circumstances, Ci, that the individual faces,
available database and the issue under analysis. In this paper, we use the
such that yi = f(Ci,ei). Effort is treated as a continuous variable, while,
first approach because it does not assume any particular functional form
for each individual i, Ci is a vector of J elements, each element corre-
and its application is straightforward for our set of circumstances.
sponding to a particular circumstance. Finally, circumstances are exog-
enous because they cannot be affected by individual decisions, while
3.3. The sample design
effort is influenced, among other factors, by circumstances.
In order to estimate IO, the population is partitioned into a mutually
In order to estimate IO, we need to refine the PSID samples. First,
exclusive and exhaustive set of types Γ = {H1, …, HM}, where all indi-
we consider individuals who are household heads (male in married-
viduals in each type m share the same set of circumstances. Further-
couple families, but female or male, otherwise).12 Correspondingly,
more, let us assume that em(π) is the level of effort exerted by the
gross income is computed as the household head's labor income plus
individual at the πth quantile of the distribution of effort Fm where
the household capital income divided by the number of adults in the
π ∈ [0,1]. Given the type m, we can define the level of income obtained
household (Rodríguez, 2008; Roemer et al., 2003).
by the individual at the πth quantile as vm(π) = ym[em(π)]. Now, let
  Second, we remove the so-called composition effect: individuals
v = (v1, …,vΜ) be a partition of income into M groups, and v ¼ μ i m
with different ages are in different phases of the wage-earning time se-
ries. To do this, the common practice in the inequality-of-opportunity
The Survey on Income, Social Inclusion and Living Conditions in Europe (EU-SILC) literature is to consider only household heads in a given age group, for
database gives information on individual disposable income and circumstances for example, 25 to 50 years old. However, in our case, this strategy could
most European countries (see Marrero and Rodríguez, 2012). However, this survey is significantly reduce the number of available observations and, as a
valid only for 2005, since it is the only year for which information is available on paren-
tal level of education. For the U.S., the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS-
result, the accuracy of IO estimates. Alternatively, we just restrict the
CPS and IPUMS-USA) databases contain more information than the PSID but, unfortu- samples to household heads between 18 and 65 and, following
nately, they do not provide information on parent's education. Furthermore, Roemer et Checchi and Peragine (2010), we regress actual gross incomes on expe-
al. (2003), Lefranc et al. (2008), Bourguignon et al. (2007a), Rodríguez (2008) and rience, experience squared and survey years.13 Then, we take residuals
Cogneau and Mesplé-Somps (2009) have considered heterogeneous data with circum-
from this regression and, because they are centered around zero, we
stances, but for a few countries and specific years.
A representative sample of 2043 Latino (Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican) house- add a constant to match the minimum of the actual series.
holds was added to the PSID data in 1990. However, this sample missed out Asians, and Third, we consider two circumstances: the father's education and
because of this crucial shortcoming, and a lack of sufficient funding, the Latino sample race. For the father's education, we assume four groups: no education,
was dropped after 1995. To avoid longitudinal inconsistencies, we have not considered
the Latino sample in our study. For more information about the PSID database visit:
11 12
For instance, Gouskova and Schoeni (2010) have compared estimates of family in- Notice that information on father's education for wives is only available from 1974
come between the PSID and the March Current Population Survey (CPS) for the entire onwards.
history of the PSID (1968–2007). They find that the distributions are in close agree- Due to the lack of information about actual experience, we have calculated potential
ment throughout the 39-year history of the PSID, above all in the range between the experience as: age – age when finished education. The results of these partial regressions
5th and 95th percentiles. are available upon request.
G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122 111

primary, secondary and tertiary education14; for race, we consider Going back to Fig. 1c, we observe two relevant facts. First, IO esti-
two groups: white and non-white. Then, combining both circum- mates represent a modest percentage of the total inequality, which is
stances, the sample is partitioned into 8 groups or types (i.e., M = 8), consistent with results in the literature.17 The existence of additional
and the estimated inequality-of-opportunity index is called “IO-8group”. circumstances capturing differences in opportunity, other than race
Despite the limitations of the PSID database to using more circum- and parental education, could explain this result.18 Second, the
stances, parental education (as a proxy of provision of social connec- range of inequality on income opportunities across states is large,
tions, transmission of culture, parents' wealth and investment on from 5% to 31% of total inequality, with the highest shares being
formation of skills in children) and race are two of the main factors systematically found in the Southern states. In this respect, it is inter-
used in the inequality-of-opportunity literature. esting to note that the majority of the Southern states are above the
Four, to neutralize possible outliers, inequality indices (overall regression line in Fig. 2a and b. These findings could be explained
inequality, IO and IE) in 1970, 1980 and 1990 are the average up to by the history of race in the U.S. In keeping with the works mentioned
2 years, that is, 1969 and 1970, 1979 and 1980, and 1989 and 1990, earlier by Easterly and Levine (1997), Gradstein and Justman (2002)
respectively. Finally, we disregard those states with fewer than 50 and Galor et al. (2009), among others, large initial wealth inequality,
observations at any decade so as to have enough information in mainly in the form of land concentration, between whites and black
each group to estimate IO. In this respect, we will show that the slaves (who were extensively used in the Southern states) could be
main results do not vary significantly when the selection criterion effectively causing our share estimates.
changes to 20, 30, 70 or 100 observations (Section 5). Following these Finally, we comment the time evolution of the indices. As a general
criteria, our final sample for 1970, 1980 and 1990 reduces to a set of 26 trend, we observe that total inequality between the 70's and the 80's
states distributed throughout the whole U.S. territory: West (California, is stable, while it increases between the 80's and the 90's. Note that
Missouri, Oregon and Washington), Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, this progression is consistent with the information gathered from the
Michigan, Minnesota and Ohio), South (Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, U.S. Census Bureau. With respect to IO values, its temporal progression
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, is less clear, and depends on each state. For example, between the 80's
Tennessee, Texas and Virginia) and Northeast (Massachusetts, New and 90's, IO drops significantly in Louisiana and Mississippi, while it
Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania). increases considerably in Maryland, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey,
Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. In all other states in the
sample, IO is relatively constant between the 80's and the 90's. Accord-
3.4. Inequality of opportunity in the U.S. by states ingly, IO and IE evolve in one direction or another depending on the
case. This finding is consistent with Fig. 3. Looking at the entire data
For our refined database, Table 1 shows the estimations of total pool, the relationship between IO and IE annual changes is positive
inequality (Theil 0), the absolute IO and the relative IO (IO as a per- though small, showing a coefficient of determination of 0.35, and of
centage of Theil 0) for 1970, 1980 and 1990.15 Fig. 1a, b and c just 0.15 if the two extreme values shown in the figure are omitted.
shows the decade averages of these inequality measures, respectively, Thus, a clear-cut endogenous individual behavior response of IE to IO
sorted from the highest to the lowest index.16 changes (or vice-versa) cannot be inferred from this simple data analy-
By comparing the income inequality and IO average results sis. Many other factors such as institutions or policy actions might be
(Fig. 1a, b and c), we observe substantial differences between their rank- affecting the evolution of both components in one way or another. An
ings. For example, there exists a group of states with high total inequal- extensive analysis of this issue deserves much more attention, which
ity and rather low IO (absolute and relative), such as Massachusetts and goes beyond the scope of this paper.
California, while the opposite happens for states like Louisiana and
Virginia. Additionally, there exist some states whose relative position re- 4. Inequality, inequality of opportunity and growth: an
mains basically unchanged, such as Oregon and Minnesota, which are at empirical investigation
the lowest levels of both dimensions, and New Jersey, South Carolina
and Florida, which are at the top of the three rankings. This finding is In this section we carry out the main task of this paper, which is to
consistent with Fig. 2a and b, which, for the entire pool of observations, empirically characterize the effect of IO on growth. The benchmark
show the relationship between the Theil 0 index and the estimated IO, analysis is limited to three decades, the 1970–2000 period, and to a
and between IE and IO indices, respectively. Their coefficients of deter- selected set of 26 U.S. states.19 Our empirical strategy relies on estimating
mination (R2) are 0.45 in Fig. 2a, positive but far from unity, and only of a reduced-form growth equation with a set of inequality indices (total,
0.21 in Fig. 2b. This result highlights how those factors affecting these IO and IE) added to an otherwise standard set of growth determinants,
two dimensions of inequality should be different. Note that Fig. 2a and
b shows several important outliers (Louisiana and South Carolina in
GY iðt−s;t Þ ¼ α i þ φ′T t þ βY it−s þ ϕ′INEQ it−s þ λ′Χ it−s þ εit ; ð2Þ
1970, and California, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey in
1990), which will be analyzed in more detail in the analysis of robust-
ness in Section 5. where GYi(t − s,t) = ln Yi,t − ln Yi,t − s is the logarithmic growth rate
of real personal income (adjusted by CPI) divided by total mid-year
Information on mother's education is not available for the whole period. “No education”
means 5 grades or less; “primary” education goes from 6 grades to 11; “secondary” educa- Ferreira and Gignoux (2011) find that between one fifth and one third of all in-
tion refers to 12 grades and 12 grades plus non-academic training; and, “tertiary” education come inequality is explained by opportunities in six countries in Latin America.
refers to college with or without a degree. The results do not change significantly when Marrero and Rodríguez (2012) find that between 2% and 22% of overall inequality is
three groups for the father's education (primary or no education; secondary education; explained by opportunities in a set of 23 European countries. See also Checchi and
and, tertiary education) are considered. Peragine (2010) and Marrero and Rodríguez (2011).
15 18
Due to space constraints, we have omitted from Table 1 the standard errors com- The true IO requires the observation of all circumstances, but this is unfeasible in
puted by bootstrapping (Davison and Hinkley, 2005). The estimated standard errors practice. Consequently, our IO estimates must be interpreted as a lower bound
for the income inequality and IO indices are rather precise. They are available from (Ferreira and Gignoux, 2011). Another possibility is that income-based IO tends to un-
the authors upon request. derestimate IO because the higher measurement error and variance for transitory com-
Note that a direct comparison of these inequality indices with those published by ponents in the distribution of income (in comparison with the distribution of
the U.S. Census Bureau would be misleading. Data from the PSID were refined to esti- consumption) may be effectively counted as inequality of effort.
mate IO and not to estimate total inequality. Thus, Census data refer to families, while An advantage of dealing with states instead of with countries is that heterogeneity
our data refer to individuals (household heads), our samples consider only individuals within states does not stem from the political process because, for the most part, it is sim-
between 18 and 65 years old, and our income data are corrected to consider that indi- ilar across the different states. More importantly, institutional, cultural, religious and other
viduals are at different phases of the wage-earning time series. differences are less intensive for U.S. states than for different countries (Partridge, 1997).
112 G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122

Table 1
Inequality of income and inequality of opportunity (8 groups) in 1970, 1980 and 1990.

Observations Total inequality IO (8 groups)a IO to total inequality ratiob

State 1970 1980 1990 1970 1980 1990 1970 1980 1990 1970 1980 1990

Arkansas 88 85 100 0.0916 0.0894 0.0819 0.0172 0.0157 0.0100 18.8 17.7 12.3
California 353 438 434 0.0945 0.1046 0.1854 0.0068 0.0046 0.0061 7.2 4.4 3.3
Florida 86 135 176 0.1286 0.1464 0.2046 0.0384 0.0341 0.0280 29.9 23.3 13.7
Georgia 91 129 144 0.0798 0.1064 0.1278 0.0176 0.0201 0.0311 22.0 18.9 24.3
Illinois 120 158 147 0.0813 0.0966 0.1480 0.0079 0.0045 0.0215 9.8 4.7 14.6
Indiana 84 133 130 0.0553 0.0767 0.1207 0.0031 0.0055 0.0143 5.7 7.1 11.9
Iowa 59 89 89 0.0901 0.1025 0.1681 0.0056 0.0129 0.0160 6.2 12.6 9.5
Kentucky 77 85 97 0.0692 0.0653 0.1062 0.0036 0.0097 0.0163 5.2 14.9 15.3
Louisiana 79 119 94 0.0587 0.1251 0.0981 0.0156 0.0578 0.0191 26.6 46.2 19.5
Maryland 111 168 211 0.0549 0.1062 0.2355 0.0206 0.0184 0.0590 37.6 17.3 25.0
Massachusetts 74 98 124 0.0780 0.1289 0.2668 0.0077 0.0020 0.0244 9.9 1.6 9.1
Michigan 177 220 245 0.1031 0.1368 0.2094 0.0175 0.0299 0.0350 17.1 21.9 16.7
Minnesota 58 74 88 0.0712 0.0946 0.1223 0.0069 0.0079 0.0066 9.8 8.4 5.5
Mississippi 101 195 204 0.0987 0.0782 0.0885 0.0309 0.0205 0.0097 31.3 26.3 11.0
Missouri 134 140 143 0.0736 0.0880 0.1180 0.0019 0.0077 0.0056 2.7 8.8 4.8
New Jersey 92 116 142 0.0911 0.1488 0.4078 0.0103 0.0285 0.0841 11.3 19.2 20.6
New York 193 217 228 0.0849 0.1196 0.1416 0.0107 0.0080 0.0084 12.6 6.7 5.9
N. Carolina 151 209 272 0.0881 0.1074 0.1455 0.0284 0.0295 0.0338 32.3 27.5 23.3
Ohio 170 234 200 0.0911 0.0869 0.1325 0.0272 0.0069 0.0118 29.9 8.0 8.9
Oregon 60 74 76 0.0675 0.0984 0.0910 0.0031 0.0063 0.0035 4.6 6.4 3.9
Pennsylvania 192 236 263 0.0765 0.1042 0.1195 0.0026 0.0078 0.0076 3.5 7.5 6.4
S. Carolina 155 215 288 0.1675 0.0926 0.1170 0.0686 0.0142 0.0238 40.9 15.4 20.3
Tennessee 51 75 88 0.0506 0.0568 0.1521 0.0054 0.0041 0.0355 10.8 7.3 23.3
Texas 210 286 308 0.0902 0.0940 0.1224 0.0135 0.0063 0.0196 15.0 6.8 16.1
Virginia 120 155 164 0.0587 0.0698 0.1161 0.0066 0.0061 0.0243 11.3 8.7 20.9
Washington 53 74 72 0.1152 0.0961 0.1414 0.0160 0.0111 0.0062 13.9 11.6 4.4
USA 3464 4706 5124 0.0916 0.1058 0.1749 0.0055 0.0046 0.0099 6.1 4.4 5.7

The values for 1970, 1980 and 1990 are actually the averages of 1969 and 1970, 1979 and 1980, and 1989 and 1990, respectively.
IE estimates are the difference between total inequality and IO values. This decomposition is only exact for the Theil 0 index.
In percentage.

population in the entire decade; αi and Tt are country- and time-specific bias problems, the base model could introduce significant collinearity
effects, respectively; Yi,t-s is real per capita lagged income (in logs), problems in the regression. For these reasons, especially in a reduced-
which controls for conditional convergence across states; INEQi,t-s form exercise, Perottti (1996) and Panizza (2002), among others, em-
represents the inequality indices (overall inequality, IE and/or IO, phasize the importance of considering this distinction and comparing
depending on the case); Xi,t-s groups a set of control variables other the results for both specifications.
than lagged income; and εit is an i.i.d error term. Fig. 4a, b and cillustrate the main results of the paper. They show
Depending on the controls included in X, we have a small or a base the scatter plots between decennial growth and each measure of
model. The small or parsimonious version includes human capital var- lagged inequality (total, IO and IE), conditioning both variables on
iables, the percentage of people who live in metropolitan areas and all other explanatory variables included in the base model. Consistent
the percentage of the population over 65 years of age. The base model with Partridge (1997, 2005) and Forbes (2000), Fig. 4a indicates a
accounts for human capital, industry mix, farm employment, welfare positive relationship between total inequality and growth, although
public expenditures, lag employment growth and the fertility rate somewhat weak, with a slope of 31.4. The two other figures consider
(fertility) at the beginning of the period as an additional explanatory the cases of IE and IO. Fig. 4b suggests that the relationship between
variable.20 While the small specification suffers from omitted-variable growth and IE becomes more positive (its coefficient is now 93.7)
and more significant (i.e., data are less dispersed around the regres-
As is standard in the literature, we consider three categories to measure human sion line) than for total inequality. However, Fig. 4c shows that the
capital: the percentage of the population over 24 years of age who have graduated relationship between IO and growth is significant but negative, with
from high school but do not have a four-year college degree (high school); the percent- a coefficient of − 107.9.21 Moreover, note that in Fig. 4a–c the differ-
age who have graduated from a four-year college (college); and the omitted category,
ent regions (South, North-East, West and Mid-West) are more mixed
which is the percentage of individuals who have not graduated from high school. To
control for the initial economic sectoral composition of each state, the shares of in the scatter plots than in Fig. 2a and b, which suggests that the base
nonagricultural employment are included for the following sectors: mining, construc- model is capturing quite well the regional clustering pattern originally
tion, manufacturing, transportation and public utilities, finance, insurance and real estate, observed in the data.
and government. Traded goods and services are the omitted sector, and thus the employ-
ment share coefficients should be interpreted as being relative to this sector. The per-
centage of the population who worked on a farm (farm) is included to account for the
different importance of agriculture across states. In order to account for the possibility 4.1. Econometric issues
that growth in the previous decade could, in turn, influence growth in the following
decade and be correlated with past inequality, we include the percentage change in The easiest way to estimate a panel data model like Eq. (2) is to
nonagricultural employment (emp_growth) in the preceding decade (e.g., employment
ignore any unobserved country specific heterogeneity – i.e., set αi = α
growth in the 70s is used to explain per capita income growth in the 80s). Welfare ex-
penditure as a percentage of personal income (welfare) is included as a proxy for the for all i – and then apply OLS to pooled data. However, this strategy
degree of distributive policy. More inequality would imply greater distribution, more may result in seriously biased estimates when region heterogeneity
welfare expenditure and that, in turn, would imply lower average growth rate (as
some political economy models suggest). Hence, a negative growth−inequality rela-
tionship could appear if we omit this variable. Fertility has been proved to be an impor-
tant channel through which initial inequality may reduce growth. For the case of U.S. Correcting for the main outliers in these scatter plots does not change significantly
states, Panizza (2002) and Partridge (1997, 2005) omit fertility in their reduced-form the results. In particular, estimated slopes become 22.5 for total inequality
regressions, thus, although minor, this inclusion is a contribution of the paper. (R2 = 0.028), 79.0 for IE (R2 = 0.126) and −88.9 for IO (R2 = 0.06).
G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122 113

a) Income inequality in U.S. (Theil 0)

(average 1970-1980-1990)


Total Inequality

















b) Inequality of opportunity (8 groups) in U.S.

(average 1970-1980-1990)
Inequality of Opportunity

























c) Inequality of opportunity Ratio (8 groups) in U.S.

(average 1970-1980-1990)

















Fig. 1. a. Income inequality in the U.S. (Theil 0). b. Inequality of opportunity (8 groups) in the U.S. c. Inequality of opportunity ratio (8 groups) in the U.S.

exists. The standard alternatives are the Fixed Effects (FE) and Random implement the system-GMM estimator, we first rewrite Eq. (2) as a
Effects (RE) estimators, which wipe out the αi term by transformation. Dynamic Panel Data (DPD) model:
However, in a dynamic model like Eq. (2), there is a problem of
0 0 0
endogeneity because (at least) the lagged transformed income variable ln Y it ¼ α i þ β̃ ln Y it−s þ ϕ INEQ it−s þ φ T t þ λ X it−s þ εit ; ð3Þ
is correlated with the transformed error term. As a result, the FE estimate β̃ ¼ ð1 þ βÞ;
of β is typically downward biased, while the RE estimate is upward biased
in the same direction as pooled OLS (Anderson and Hsiao, 1982). Another where the main difference with Eq. (2) is the interpretation of the coef-
potential issue in our case is the simultaneous determination of inequality ficient for the lagged income term; the requirement for conditional con-
and growth. To reduce this problem INEQ and X in Eq. (2) are measured at vergence in Eq. (2) is β b 0, while it is β̃ b 1 in Eq. (3).
the beginning of each decade. The first-difference transformation of Eq. (3) eliminates the fixed
In the absence of suitable external instruments, to address all these term αi. For the resultant set of equations in first-differences, the basic
potential problems we employ the system-GMM estimator (Arellano idea is to employ the levels of the series lagged two or more periods
and Bover, 1995; Blundell and Bond, 1998). This approach is based (i.e., Yit-s, INEQit-s and Xit-s, for s ≥ 2) as instruments. However, using
on the use of internal instruments (lagged levels of regressors) and the model only in first-differences may lead to important finite sample
estimates a system of equations in both first-differences and levels. To bias problems when variables are highly persistent, which is the case for
114 G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122

a) The scatter plot of total inequality and IO in U.S. (Theil 0).

(pool of observations: 1970,1980 and 1990)

0.08 NJ-90
IO = -0.0055 + 0.1963 ·Ineq

Inequality of Opportunity (IO)

R² = 0.45
0.06 MD-90


0.03 South
MA-90 West

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Total Inequality, Theil 0
Outliers: New Jersey, 1990 (NJ-90); Maryland, 1990 (MD-90); South Carolina, 1970 (SC-70);
Louisiana, 1980 (LO-80); Massachusetts, 1990 (MA-90); and, California, 1990 (CA-90).

b) The scatter plot of IE and IO in U.S. (Theil 0).

(pool of observations:1970, 1980 and 1990)

0.08 NJ-90
IO = 0.0013+ 0.1604 ·IE
Inequality of Opportunity (IO)

R² = 0.21

0.06 MD-90


0.03 South
North east
0.02 MA-90 West

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Inequality of Effort (IE)

Outliers: New Jersey, 1990 (NJ-90); Maryland, 1990 (MD-90); South Carolina,1970 (SC-70);
Louisiana, 1980 (LO-80); Massachusetts, 1990 (MA-90); and, California, 1990 (CA-90).

Fig. 2. a. The scatter plot of total inequality and IO in the U.S. (Theil 0). b. The scatter plot of IE and IO in the U.S. (Theil 0).

variables such as income and inequality (Blundell and Bond, 1998). first-difference model, where the instruments of the levels are suitable
Under these conditions, lagged levels of the variables are only weak in- lags of their own first differences (i.e., ΔYit-s, ΔINEQit-s and ΔXit-s).23
struments for subsequent first-differences.22 To overcome this problem, Consistency of the system-GMM estimator depends on the validity
the system-GMM procedure adds a set of equations in levels to the of the instruments set constructed in this way, which is basically

For the set of level equations, most of the associated moment conditions are math-
ematically redundant with the instruments of the first-differenced equations. As a re-
sult, for the set of level equations, only one lag is ordinarily used for each period and
Forbes (2000), a particularly influential paper in the growth–inequality literature, instrumental variable. In our case, we have two first-difference equations, one for
used the first-difference GMM (Arellano and Bond, 1991) for identification. We focus 1990–2000 (the instruments could be the levels in 1980 and 1970) and another for
on the system-GMM because it also addresses the weak instruments problem. Bond 1980–1990 (the instruments could be the levels in 1970); and two equations in levels,
et al. (2001) and Marrero (2010), among many others, have emphasized the relevance one for 2000 (the instruments are the first-differences in 1980–1990), and another for
of using system-GMM when working with growth models. 1990 (the instruments are the first-differences in 1970–1980).
G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122 115

The scatter plot of IE and IO variations in U.S. (Theil 0).

(pool of observations: 1980-1970 and 1990-1980)

Inequality of Opportunity (IO,change)

change(IO)=0.0269+1.2708·change(IE) NJ 90-80
R² = 0.35

MA 90-80
0.1 MD 90-80
CA 90-80


LO 80-70 South
0 North-east
SC 80-70 West

-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Inequality of Effort (IE,change)
Outliers: New Jersey, 1990 (NJ-90); Maryland, 1990 (MD-90); South Carolina, 1970 (SC-70);
Louisiana, 1980 (LO-80); Massachusetts, 1990 (MA-90); and, California, 1990 (CA-90).

Fig. 3. The scatter plot of IE and IO variations in the U.S. (Theil 0).

determined by the autocorrelation structure of the error term in 4.2. Estimation results
Eq. (3). The Hansen's J-test of over-identifying restrictions is the test
most commonly used to assess the joint validity of the proposed For the reasons discussed above, we now show the estimated
instruments set.24 This test basically examines the correlation be- results for our preferred system-GMM (one-step) model (Table 2).
tween the instruments and the regression residuals, where the null In all specifications, we first note that the p-value of the Hansen
hypothesis is the absence of such correlation. In addition, the absence J-test is above 0.10, which is a symptom of the validity of the set
of autocorrelation of the disturbances εit in Eq. (3) is required for the instruments used. Moreover, the AR(1) tests for first-difference resid-
validity of internal instruments lagged two or more periods.25 To test uals are consistent with the absence of autocorrelation. Accordingly,
for this, Arellano and Bond (1991) developed the m1 and m2 tests, we consider that the set of instruments used is valid in correcting
which examine the first and the second-order correlation of the residuals the endogeneity problem posed in Eq. (3).
in first differences. Absence of autocorrelation requires that the m1 test We can now start commenting on the estimated results of model (3)
rejects the null while the m2 does not. Unfortunately, we cannot com- for the Theil 0 index (panel 1 in Table 2). For the small and base models,
pute the m2 test because we need observations for at least five time we find a positive, although weak, relationship between total inequality
periods; hence we only report the m1 test for illustrative purposes. and per capita income. With respect to the other controls, the results
System-GMM estimates are shown for the one-step estimator case. In are, in general, in line with the literature. First, the positive – and
contrast with the two-step version, the one-step system-GMM estimator lower than one – coefficient for lagged per capita income reflects condi-
has standard errors that are asymptotically robust to heteroskedasticity tional convergence. Second, future economic growth is expected to be
and, more importantly in our case, are more reliable for finite sample positively correlated with human capital. As in Partridge (1997 and
inference (Blundell and Bond, 1998; Bond et al., 2001). In addition, errors 2005) and Panizza (2002), the relevant variable for education is
in panel models like Eq. (2) or (3) are generally heteroskedastic and, college, which is highly positive and significant with respect to the omit-
more likely, serially correlated, as some unobservable variables cor- ted category (non-graduated). The coefficient of the high school variable
related with the growth of states might persist over time. Following is negative but never significant.
Green (2008), we correct for these problems by considering panel- Third, the estimates for the percentage of the population who
robust standard errors, that is, clustering by states.26 worked on a farm and the initial industrial mix variables are negative
and significant except for the variables finance, insurance and real estate
with a negative but non-significant coefficient and transportation and
public utilities, with a positive and non-significant coefficient. Thus, in
If errors are homoskedastic, the Hansen's J-test is equivalent to the older Sargan's
general, states with greater initial shares in services and traded goods
test. Since homoskedasticity is an unrealistic assumption in these sorts of dynamic
models, we show only the results for the Hansen's J-test as it is standard in the (the omitted category) have experienced higher economic growth.
literature. Fourth, the labor growth in the preceding year variable is negative
Including time dummies in Eq. (2) or (3) makes the assumption of no correlation and significant, a result consistent with previous studies. Fifth, the
across states in εit more likely to hold. For this reason, we include time dummies in percentage of public welfare expenditure to personal income has a
all specifications estimated in the paper.
26 negative, though non-significant coefficient. According to mainstream
We have estimated the following variance–covariance matrix (Green, 2008, page 188):
" #−1 " ! n !′ #" #−1 political economy models, the expected result would be a negative
G X G Xng
X g X G
and significant coefficient. However, we must note that welfare expen-
X ′g X g xig ε^ ig xig ε^ ig X ′g X g ;
G−1 g¼1 i¼1 i¼1 g¼1 ditures (and the implied redistribution) could promote growth by
where G is the number of clusters in the sample (in our case, the number of states, N = 26),
relaxing the credit constraints on the opportunity disadvantaged indi-
and each cluster consists of ng (g = 1, … G) observations (in our case 3); the matrix X con- viduals, which would partially offset the traditional negative effect.
tains the regressors used; and, ε^ refers to the residuals estimated initially. Finally, the relationship between lagged fertility and subsequent growth
116 G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122

a) Total inequality and growth in US states

(adjusted pooled data, base model)
growth(adjusted) = -0.0001+31.4·Theil 0 (adjusted)
R² = 0.0653

Decennia lgrowth ,adjusted


(basemodel) NJ-90

0 OH-70
MA-90 SC-70
-5 South
CA-90 West
-10 MA-70

-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Initial period Total Inequality, adjusted (basemodel)

b) Inequality of Effort and growth in US states

(adjusted pooled data, base model)
growth(adjusted) = -0.0002 + 93.7·IE (adjusted)
R² = 0.1543
NY-80 LO-70
Decennial growth, adjusted


0 OH-70

-5 MD-90 South
CA-90 Mid-west
-10 MA-70

-0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Initial period IE, adjusted (basemodel)

c) Inequality of Opportunity and growth in US states

(pooled and adjusted data, base model)
growth (adjusted) = 0.0004-107.9 IO (adjusted)
R² = 0.0577
LO-70 NY-80
Decennial growth, adjusted

4 North-east

2 Mid-west

-4 TX-80
-6 SC-70

-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Initial period IO, adjusted (basemodel)

Fig. 4. a. Total inequality and growth in US states. b. Inequality of effort and growth in US states. c. Inequality of opportunity and growth in US states.
G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122 117

Table 2
Growth, inequality and inequality of opportunity (system-GMM).

Theil 0 Theil 0 + IO Theil 0 + IO/Theil 0 IE + IO

Small Base Small Base Small Base Small Base

Total inequality (Theil 0) 18.528 24.216*** 53.941** 59.393*** 25.190* 58.012** – –

(1.22) (2.43) (1.97) (3.21) (1.39) (2.06)
Inequality return to effort (IE) – – – – – – 53.607** 60.736***
(2.09) (3.17)
Ionequality of opportunity (IO) – – −154.380** −133.940** −16.694** −22.909** −98.852** −80.448**
(−1.85) (−2.28) (−1.98) (−1.84) (−1.82) (−1.89)
Income lag 0.566*** 0.283** 0.620*** 0.327** 0.606*** 0.245* 0.617*** 0.351***
(6.70) (1.92) (5.65) (2.24) (5.58) (1.65) (5.09) (3.05)
High-school (% total graduated) 0.023 0.016 −0.180 −0.059 −0.171 0.044 −0.174 −0.077
(0.16) (0.07) (−1.10) (−0.30) (−1.04) (0.19) (−1.06) (−0.45)
College (% total graduated) 1.117*** 1.794*** 0.856*** 1.586*** 0.928*** 1.712*** 0.869*** 1.521***
(4.13) (4.09) (3.29) (3.64) (3.43) (3.39) (3.33) (3.99)
Farm population (% total) – −67.920** – −70.560** – −87.322*** – −68.348***
(−2.33) (−2.32) (−2.76) (−2.45)
Mining empl. (% nonagric.) – −117.830* – −117.150** – −114.050 – −114.750**
(−1.51) (−1.83) (−1.28) (−1.79)
Construction empl. (% nonagric.) – −215.470*** – −145.520** – −103.970 – −140.940*
(−2.74) (−1.74) (−0.93) (−1.65)
Manufact. empl. (% nonagric.) – −63.800*** – −52.929** – −48.037 – −51.011**
(−2.51) (−1.96) (−1.38) (−1.87)
Transp. & pub. util. empl. (% nonagric.) – 40.610 – 65.829 – 78.052 – 69.487
(0.45) (0.67) (0.72) (0.72)
Fin. inst. & real estate empl. (% nonagric.) – −136.750 – −150.820 – −156.620 – −153.280
(−1.11) (−1.26) (−1.03) (−1.33)
Government empl. (% nonagric.) – −61.280* – −42.174 – −36.647 – −38.778
(−1.37) (−0.93) (−0.64) (−0.87)
Change nonagric. empl. previous decade – −0.087* – −0.087* – −0.088 – −0.084
(−1.45) (−1.35) (−1.18) (−1.32)
Welfare exp. (% personal income) – −0.870 – −0.958 – −0.458 – −0.958
(−0.62) (−0.74) (−0.32) (−0.76)
Fertility rate – −0.364*** – −0.369*** – −0.367*** – −0.369***
(−3.20) (−4.26) (−3.24) (−4.36)
Population age 65 or above (% total) 0.265 – 0.075 – 0.122 – 0.079 –
(0.64) (0.32) (0.53) (0.33)
Population in Metropolitan (% total) 0.129** – 0.108** – 0.115** – 0.109** –
(2.02) (1.83) (1.90) (1.78)
Hansen J-test (p-value) 0.262 0.442 0.390 0.690 0.420 0.671 0.365 0.598
m1-test (p-value) 0.003 0.084 0.008 0.016 0.008 0.070 0.008 0.010
Num. observ. 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

t-statistics in parenthesis: * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1% (one-sided test).
A constant term and time dummies are included in all models.

is negative and significant at a 1% level, in line with the related literature (the IO term) and a within-groups component (the IE term). In this
(de la Croix and Doepke, 2003; Galor and Zang, 1997). This relationship manner, we attempt to isolate the effect of each component on growth.
is strongly robust to all the specifications considered. The impact of the IO component is significantly negative and the impact
Next, we can comment on the impact of IO and IE on per capita of the IE component is significantly positive.28 Moreover, the coefficient
income growth (panels 2–4 in Table 2). We consider different ways associated with IE is higher and more significant than the one associated
to include IO in the INEQ vector in (2). The easiest way is to consider with overall inequality in almost all the previous columns, which sup-
IO together with total inequality (panel 2). When including the IO ports our hypothesis and is consistent with Fig. 4a–c. According to this
term, we control for the observed circumstances (father's education finding, the overall impact of total inequality on growth can be posi-
and race) and, consequently, total inequality would now more clearly tive, negative or zero depending on the source of income inequality
reflect the IE component. As a result, the coefficient for total inequal- (opportunity or effort) that dominates in the data.
ity should be higher and more significant than before, which is what After presenting these results, it would be beneficial to have a more
effectively happens. Moreover, IO coefficients are always negative quantitative assessment of the main coefficients we estimate (those
and significant at the 5% level. However, IO and total inequality can for total inequality, IO and IE). The ϕ coefficient in Eqs. (2) and (3) re-
be highly correlated, because IO is a part of total inequality, which flects the immediate impact of the associated index on decade growth.
can affect the regression results. Since the resultant β estimated in Eq. (3) is always negative, we cannot
Alternatively, as proposed by Ferreira and Gignoux (2011), we can reject conditional convergence among the U.S. regions, and we can then
consider the IO to total inequality ratio in the regression (panel 3).
We see that the sign for relative IO remains negative and significant.27 28
The IO component might be picking up the proportion of poor individuals in each
Nevertheless, the use of this relative index is problematic because the
state, because the latter variable could have a negative correlation with income growth
IO to total inequality ratio index depends, by construction, not only on (Ferreira et al., 2010). To check for this possibility, we have compared the IO coeffi-
opportunities but also on the IE component. For this reason, the third cients with and without the proportion of poor individuals in each state (the poverty
alternative (fourth panel in Table 2) is the most appealing one: using rate as provided by the U.S. annual census data base) in the ‘base’ model. The negative
the breakdown of total inequality into a between-groups component coefficient (and its significance) prevails for IO. Moreover, the poverty coefficients are
negative in most cases and significant in some cases. Thus, although poverty and IO
must be related, one does not exclude the other in explaining economic growth perfor-
Note that coefficients for IO in panel 2 and panel 3 are not comparable to each other mance. A complete analysis of this issue goes beyond the scope of this paper and it is a
because in panel 2 the IO term is a level, while it is a ratio in panel 3. promising extension.
118 G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122

calculate the implied effect of inequality on the steady-state level of per Apart from this sensitivity analysis, we study the robustness of the
capita income. This is obtained by dividing the corresponding coeffi- main results to the number of states considered in the regression, the
cient of inequality ϕ by β. In addition, we can compute the effect of a impact of anomalous states and the role of key regressors. To simplify
one standard deviation change in inequality (total, IO, IO ratio and IE) displaying the results, from now on we just show the IE and IO coef-
on growth and steady-state income in absolute and relative terms ficients for the system-GMM model.31
(with respect to one standard deviation of growth or steady-state in- First, we run the regression in Eq. (3) changing the criterion of the
come). Table 3 shows this assessment for system-GMM under the sample state selection. As discussed in Section 3, the 26 states for
base model. which the analysis is conducted are those with no fewer than 50
Focusing first on the results in relative terms (last two columns in observations for any decade. Table 5 shows the results when the
Table 3), the effect of total inequality on growth is about 21%, while it selection criterion changes to 20, 30, 70 or 100 observations. This ex-
is 8.3% for the steady-state level of per capita income. This effect is ercise is interesting because population and inequality of opportunity
much higher (more than double) if we look at the impact of IE: 43.3% might be correlated by, among other factors, early settlement patters
for growth and almost 19.2% for the steady-state of income. For IO, and slavery.32 The coefficients of IE and IO always have the expected
the effect is negative and significant, although lower in magnitude sign, positive and negative, respectively. Moreover, these estimates
than for IE: it is about −20% for growth and −9% for the steady-state are in the majority of cases significant at least at the 10% level. We
of income. Looking at the absolute effects, the results indicate that observe, therefore, that the main results in Table 2 holds under samples
increasing IE by one standard deviation could raise decade growth by of different sizes.33
about 2.6 percentage points (the average decade growth in the 1970– Second, we evaluate the change in our results when those states
2000 period was 20.2%), and about 586 real US$ per person (the average with outliers highlighted in Fig. 2a and b (New Jersey, California,
income in the 1970–2000 period was 14,363 US$ per person). At the Louisiana, Massachusetts, South Carolina and Maryland) are dropped
same time, decreasing IO by one standard deviation might raise growth one state at a time (Table 6). We observe that the IO and IE coeffi-
by about 1.24, and steady-state income by about 274 real US$ per cients are similar and their significance remains unchanged. Hence,
person. possible measurement errors in the IO and IE estimates for these
These estimates tell us that gains coming from a reduction in IO states seem not to be significantly affecting our regression results.
and an improvement in IE might be significant in terms of growth Finally, we run regression in Eq. (3) for the ‘base’ model by dropping
and personal income. Given the importance of this finding, in the one main control variable at a time (Table 7). Significant changes in the
next section we carry out a sensitivity analysis. IO and IE coefficients might indicate that the excluded variable is an
important – indirect – channel through which these inequalities are
affecting growth.34 In this exercise, we find that the most important
5. Robustness and sensitivity analysis variables are fertility and college, while the results remain basically
unchanged when welfare expenditure and industry mix are dropped. IO
Durlauf and Quah (1999), Panizza (2002), Partridge (2005) and Barro and IE estimates remain basically unchanged when all other variables
(2000), among others, have emphasized the importance of including in the base model are dropped (not shown in the Table).
an extensive sensitivity analysis to show how robust the findings of a By excluding the fertility (first two columns in Table 7), we obtain
reduced form regression are across alternative econometric techniques a similar coefficient for IO and a clearly less positive coefficient for IE.
or model specifications. However, by excluding the college variable, we observe that the IO
Using the IO and IE decomposition, Table 4 shows the estimated coefficient becomes clearly higher, while the IE coefficients are simi-
results of our growth model (2) for pooled-OLS, (long-run) cross- lar. These results could imply that fertility and college are important
section OLS, FE and RE.29 In spite of the shortcomings of these methods, indirect channels affecting growth either through IE or IO. Excluding
we find that our previous results are robust to the econometric tech- welfare expenditure basically has no influence on IO and IE estimates.
nique used. In particular, IO coefficients are always negative and IE A possible explanation for this result is that the impact of welfare
coefficients are always positive. In both cases, the coefficients are highly expenditures on growth and its correlation with IO and IE depend
significant. With respect to the estimated coefficients for all other on the financing scheme and the composition of total public expendi-
regressors, we find that they are also highly robust to the alternative ture. Thus, a more precise analysis of this indirect channel would re-
econometric method used.30 quire considering the tax mix and the public expenditure composition
as well, which goes beyond the scope of this paper. Finally, excluding
the industry mix basically keeps the estimated IO and IE coefficients
A battery of standard specification tests has been carried out (see the bottom of unchanged.
Table 4): pooled-OLS is rejected against FE when the F-test is considered; the RE ap-
proach is rejected against pooled-OLS by the Breush–Pagan test; and, RE is rejected
against FE by the Haussman test. Therefore, among the three alternative methods,
the FE specification seems to be the most convenient. In this respect note that Banerjee
and Duflo (2003) point out that the FE technique basically uses within-state variability, In Appendix B (available on the web), the entire sensitivity analysis is also
hence their estimates may produce inaccurate results for variables that mostly vary performed for pooled OLS, FE and RE. Again, the results are highly robust to the econo-
cross-sectionally. To check for this possible problem, Panizza (2002) suggests metric method used.
regressing the inequality variable with respect to time and regional dummies. A high Considering all the states with 20 or more observations, the sample increases from
R2 would reflect that there is a limited within-state and within-decade variability, 26 to 33 states, where the new states in the sample are: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado,
which would lead to unstable FE estimates of the inequality coefficient. For our Theil Connecticut, Nebraska, Utah and Wisconsin. The last four states mentioned are deleted
0, IE and IO estimates, the associated R2 are 0.38, 0.50 and 0.18, respectively, which from the sample when only those states with 30 or more observations are considered.
are clearly smaller than the 0.76 found for the Gini index in Panizza (2002). When considering 70 or more observations, the sample decreases from 26 to 21, and
Following Partridge (2005) and Panizza (2002) and in relation to these traditional the states excluded are: Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon Tennessee, and Washington. In addi-
methods, we check the robustness of our results to the way the income lagged term is tion, we also exclude from the sample Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana,
included in model 2. In an inequality–growth regression, this is an important sensitiv- Massachusetts, Georgia and New Jersey when we only consider states with 100 or
ity analysis because the estimated coefficient of inequality may change dramatically more observations in each decade.
depending on whether the income lag is included or not and, if so, whether it is in Nevertheless, we must bear in mind that working with only 20 or 30 observations
levels or logs (Panizza, 2002). In our case, the relevant finding is that while this change makes the analysis based on the corresponding IO and IE indices less reliable. We con-
might happen when including overall inequality alone, the results are highly robust sider these cases as a matter of robustness.
when overall inequality is broken down into IO and IE (i.e., estimates are always neg- An alternative interpretation would be that the IO and IE coefficients and the omit-
ative and significant for IO, while they are always positive and significant for IE). These ted variable are spuriously correlated because they are driven by a third variable. We
results are available on the web (see Appendix B). acknowledge this point to an anonymous referee.
G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122 119

Table 3
Effects of one standard deviation change in inequality indices on growth and steady-state per capita income (system-GMM).

One std. dev. change of the One std. dev. change, relative to the
associated inequality index std. dev. of growth or pc real income

Mean Std β ϕ ϕ/−β On growth On s.s. income On growth On s.s. income


Theil 0 0.1128 0.0527 −0.7173 24.216 0.338 1.28 255.5 20.9 8.3
IO ratio 0.1457 0.0948 −0.7551 −22.909 −0.303 −2.17 −413.1 −35.5 −13.5
IE (IO-IE model) 0.0957 0.0436 −0.6486 60.736 0.936 2.65 586.4 43.3 19.2
IO (IO-IE model) 0.0172 0.0154 −0.6486 −80.448 −1.240 −1.24 −274.3 −20.3 −9.0
Growth (×100) 20.190 6.110
Pc real income 14363 3062
Pc real income, logs 9.5501 0.2134

For the steady-state (s.s.) income, the resultant ϕ/−β is multiplied by the average pc real income.

6. Concluding remarks this distinction has already been emphasized in the inequality-of-
opportunity literature, it has not yet been considered in the growth
Models exploring the effect of income inequality upon economic literature. In this manner, the present paper contributes to the literature
growth do not reach a clear-cut conclusion. We postulate in this paper on the relation between inequality and economic growth by incorporat-
that one possible reason for this inconclusiveness is that income ing the notion of inequality of opportunity in macro studies.
inequality indices are indeed measuring at least two different sorts of Using refined data of the PSID database for 26 U.S. states in 1970,
inequality: inequality of opportunity and inequality of effort. Though 1980 and 1990, and applying system-GMM and, as a matter of robustness,

Table 4
Growth, IO and IE: alternative econometric methods.

Pooled OLS Long-run OLS FE panel regression RE panel regression

Small Base Small Base Small Base Small Base

Inequality of returns to effort (IE) 72.152*** 93.775*** 64.660 212.660** 72.026*** 52.455*** 77.725*** 77.939***
(2.63) (4.47) (0.62) (2.46) (3.81) (3.01) (3.68) (4.07)
Inequality of opportunity (IO) −105.870* −107.930*** −148.370** −277.87** −97.370** −87.462*** −117.624** −85.130**
(−1.50) (−2.48) (−1.89) (−2.37) (−2.01) (−2.76) (−2.10) (−1.97)
Income lag −0.006*** −0.005*** −0.006* −0.013*** −0.015*** −0.011*** −0.005*** −0.005***
(−6.66) (−6.91) (−1.43) (−6.94) (−10.11) (−11.16) (−7.04) (−6.90)
High school (% total graduated) −0.075 −0.244 −0.399 0.935 0.484** −0.383 −0.208** −0.329***
(−0.38) (−0.87) (0.25) (1.08) (2.08) (−0.98) (−2.24) (−2.58)
College (% total graduated) 2.075*** 1.950*** 5.025*** 10.800*** 6.099*** 5.034*** 1.566*** 1.815***
(5.50) (6.06) (2.74) (7.02) (7.73) (5.72) (7.12) (5.42)
Farm population (% total) – −24.420* – 39.950 – 45.626 – −18.797
(−1.58) (1.08) (0.38) (−0.89)
Mining empl. (% nonagric.) – −77.460 – −266.630 – −78.579 – −94.818
(−1.04) (−1.23) (−0.75) (−1.25)
Construction empl. (% nonagric.) – −44.217 – −407.180 – −163.587* – −67.085
(−0.69) (−1.26) (−1.53) (−1.09)
Manufact. empl. (% nonagric.) – −11.616 – 106.390* – −78.958 – −28.703
(−0.40) (1.49) (−1.02) (−1.18)
Transp. & pub. util. empl. (% nonagric.) – 141.860** – 581.320** – 344.277* – 94.809
(1.92) (1.97) (1.65) (1.14)
Fin. inst. & real estate empl. (% nonagric.) – −90.532 – −228.690** – −580.218*** – −131.678*
(−0.96) (−1.89) (−2.44) (−1.41)
Government empl. (% nonagric.) – −17.474 – −195.960*** – 40.357 – −25.463
(−0.48) (−2.81) (0.48) (−0.65)
Change nonagric. empl. previous decade – −0.101* – 0.149 – 0.014 – −0.097**
(−1.56) (0.44) (0.25) (−1.75)
Welfare exp. (% personal income) – 0.647 – 3.022 – 1.398 – −0.012
(0.60) (1.08) (0.83) (−0.01)
Fertility rate – −0.376*** – −0.218 – −0.259** – −0.341***
(−4.36) (−1.04) (−1.95) (−5.38)
Population age 65 or above (% total) 0.002 – −1.266* – 2.162** – 0.169 –
(0.01) (−1.47) (2.04) (0.65)
Population in Metropolitan area (%) 0.133*** – −0.243 – 0.204 – 0.118*** –
(3.21) (−1.23) (1.15) (3.07)
Num. observ. 78 78 26 26 78 78 78 78
R2 0.4784 0.6409 0.6945 0.8954 – – – –
F-test – – – – 9.32 (0.00) 136.80 (0.00) – –
Breusch–Pagan test – – – – – – 1.53 (0.22) 0.74 (0.39)
Hausman test – – – – 105.52 (0.00) 51.67 (0.00) – –

Cross-sections included: 26; total pool (balanced): 78; robust cluster standard errors; t-statistics in parenthesis.
(*) significant at the 10% level; (**) significant at the 5% level; (***) significant at the 1% level (one-sided test).
A constant term and time dummies are included in all models. Regional dummies are also included in pooled-OLS and long-run OLS.
(1): p-values in parenthesis.
120 G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122

Table 5
Sensitivity analysis of IO estimates by selecting the sample of states (system-GMM).

20 (1) 30 (2) 70 (3) 100 (4)

Small Base Small Base Small Base Small Base

IE 60.30* 104.48*** 50.09** 50.80*** 51.04** 70.96*** 16.51 105.33**

(1.37) (2.75) (2.03) (2.80) (2.32) (3.45) (0.53) (2.39)
IO −188.04*** −179.09** −99.55** −83.09** −93.93** −85.79** −26.26 −199.92**
(−2.37) (−1.81) (−1.75) (−1.97) (−1.68) (−1.81) (−0.39) (−1.69)

t-statistics in parenthesis. (*) Significant at the 10% level; (**) Significant at the 5% level; (***) Significant at the 1% level (one-sided test). Robust cluster standard errors.
(1) Cross-sections included: 33; apart from the states in the benchmark, the sample include: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connect icut, Nebraska, Utah and Wisconsin.
(2) Cross-section included: 29; apart from the states in the benchmark, the sample include: Alabama, Arizona and Colorado.
(3) Cross-section included: 21; from the states in the benchmark, the sample excludes: Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington.
(4) Cross-section included: 13; in addition to those states excluded in (3), Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Lousiana, Massachusetts, Georgia and New Jersey are also excluded.

Table 6
Sensitivity analysis of IO and IE estimates by dropping some states

New Jersey California Louisiana Massachusetts South Caroline Maryland

Small Base Small Base Small Base Small Base Small Base Small Base

IE 60.26** 86.20*** 67.83*** 53.62*** 36.81** 61.26*** 42.12* 57.74*** 50.40** 69.80*** 55.73** 82.93***
(1.88) (3.27) (2.64) (2.87) (2.14) (3.31) (1.55) (2.72) (1.91) (2.96) (2.01) (3.11)
IO −109.05** −82.10** −137.86*** −67.85* −54.88* −81.06** −88.37* −79.39** −93.69* −108.34* −97.06** −133.00**
(−2.10) (−1.82) (−2.68) (−1.46) (−1.35) (−1.67) (−1.60) (−1.81) (−1.51) (−1.52) (−1.67) (−1.95)

t-statistics in parenthesis. (*) Significant at the 10% level; (**) significant at the 5% level; (***) significant at the 1% level (one-sided test).

alternative pooled-OLS, long-run cross-sectional, random effects and barriers for accessing credit or education, independently of their talent
fixed effects regressions, we find robust support for a negative relation- or effort, which would undermine subsequent economic growth. Never-
ship between inequality of opportunity and growth, and a positive theless, other models that are not based on borrowing constraints might
relationship between inequality of effort and growth. Despite these also rationalize our results (see, for example, Mejia and St-Pierre, 2008).
promising results, a word of caution is in order because only two cir- Making a distinction between inequality of income and inequality
cumstances were used in the analysis. On the one hand, our results of opportunity can throw some light upon several intriguing empirical
indicate that those opportunity-related inequalities associated with facts in the growth literature. Two examples are pointed out. Barro
parental education and race lead to lower growth. However, nothing (2000) shows a positive relationship between growth and inequality
can be said from our results about other opportunity-related inequal- within most developed countries, while this relationship is negative
ities (explained by parental occupation, nationality or geographical when looking at the poorest countries. He proposes, as a tentative
location, for example). On the other hand, it is likely that our IE esti- explanation, the different role of capital markets. In particular, he con-
mates still contain a certain amount of inequality of opportunity. Con- siders that problems of information (moral-hazard and repayment
sequently, the positive impact of effort-related inequalities on growth enforcement problems) are larger in poor countries because they have
found in this paper, though promising, has to be confirmed by future less-developed credit markets. However, he does not find empirical
studies. evidence for this different role of capital markets. An alternative expla-
With these cautions in mind, our results seem to indicate that nation that would arise from the present paper is that differences in op-
inequality of opportunity and inequality of effort may affect growth portunity are more important within less-developed countries. At this
through opposite channels. One possible explanation could be that respect, some evidence is found in the inequality-of-opportunity litera-
distinct returns to effort may encourage people to invest in education ture as in Ferreira and Gignoux (2011), Rodríguez (2008), Cogneau and
and to exert an effort, while inequality of opportunity may not favor Mesplé-Somps (2009), and Checchi and Peragine (2010).
human and physical capital accumulation in the more talented individ- Secondly, some empirical studies have found that the effect of
uals. In fact, Van de Gaer et al. (2001) have pointed out that inequality of income inequality on growth is sensitive to the inclusion of some var-
opportunity reduces the role that talent plays in competing for a posi- iables like regional dummy variables (Birdsall et al., 1995). However,
tion by worsening intergenerational mobility. Moreover, our findings the relationship between initial land inequality and growth is nega-
would provide support for a general theoretical prediction of models tive and robust to the introduction of regional dummies and other ex-
with multiple steady-states and borrowing constraints. In this context, plicative variables (Deininger and Squire, 1998). Our proposal offers an
people with initial adverse circumstances would be likely exposed to easy explanation for this empirical fact. Income inequality comes not
only from unequal opportunities but also from different levels of
Table 7
effort. As a result, the effect of income inequality upon growth can
Sensitivity analysis of IO and IE estimates by dropping main control variables have a different sign depending on the kind of controls that are intro-
(system-GMM). duced in the regressions. However, initial land inequality comes from
unequal opportunities and has a clear-cut negative effect upon growth.
Fertility College Welfare Industry
It is clear from the discussion above that general redistributive
IE 42.24** 61.40** 59.64*** 61.40***
policies may discourage unobservable effort by agents and, in this
(2.34) (2.03) (3.15) (3.08)
IO −77.47** −98.60** −78.72** −72.64** manner, decrease growth. However, policies that equalize opportunity
(−1.86) (−1.84) (−1.89) (−1.79) for the acquisition of the attributes necessary to compete for jobs and
Cross-sections included: 26; total pool (balanced): 78; t-statistics in parenthesis. Base
careers may promote not only equity, but also economic growth. One
model (*) significant at the 10% level; (**) at the 5% level; (***) at the 1% level natural proposal for equalizing opportunity is ‘affirmative action’.
(one-sided test). Robust cluster standard errors. Following Roemer (1998), affirmative action can be defined as
G.A. Marrero, J.G. Rodríguez / Journal of Development Economics 104 (2013) 107–122 121

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