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Generator Reactive Power Reserve Management to Prevent Voltage

Collapse in Bangladesh Power System


ATM Mustafizur Rahman

A thesis submitting to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Bangladesh

University of Engineering and Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree

Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

24 May 2016

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

It is hereby declared that this thesis titled ‘Generator Reactive Power Reserve Management to
Prevent Voltage Collapse in Bangladesh’ or any part of it has not been submitted elsewhere for
the ward of any degree or diploma.

Signature of the candidate


ATM Mustafizur Rahman


I would first like to thank my thesis supervisor Dr. Abdul Hasib Chowdhury, Associate professor,
Department of EEE, BUET. This thesis work would not be possible to complete without his
support and guidance. I like to express my humble gratitude gratefulness for his instructions,
continuous encouragement, valuable discussion and careful review during the period of this thesis
work. The door to his office was always open for me, whenever I ran into a trouble spot or had a
question about my thesis work. He always steered my in the right direction to a successful

I am thankful to the University (BUET) authorities for providing me with necessary assistance
and allowing me to use university resources for my thesis.

I would like to acknowledge the contribution of my employer, Wartsila Bangladesh Ltd. I always
felt Wartsila being in my side with necessary supports and encouragement. They allow me to
continue my study in parallel to my job.

I collected information from different power plants, my special thank goes to Summit Rupgonj
Power Plant where master voltage control functionality had been tested.

Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my family members especially to my wife
for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of
study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis.

Thank you.


Voltage stability has become a major concern in power system (PS) planning and operation and
deals with power system adequacy and security. Highly stressed PS’ are being operated more
often longer and closer to voltage stability (VS) limits and increases probability of instability and
voltage collapse. Adequate voltage stability margin needs to be obtained through the appropriate
scheduling of the reactive power resources. There is direct relation of generator reactive power
reserves (GRPR) with voltage stability and voltage violations. The amount of reactive reserves at
generating stations is a measure of the degree of voltage stability. As preventive measure,
optimum GRPR to be maintained and managed so as to meet reactive power demands during
voltage emergencies by fast acting automatic voltage regulator (AVR) operation.

In Bangladesh Power System Network (BPSN), generating plants are mostly running at their
highest capacity and no active or reactive power reserve is being kept for supporting system
contingencies. Recurring system failures and collapses have been observed in BPSN. As a fast
growing network, it is very important to study the network characteristics from voltage stability
perspective, assess GRPR and formulate an effective and efficient reactive power management
scheme and methodology for the operating and upcoming power plants.

This thesis work presents the study on Bangladesh Power System for its voltage stability feature.
Voltage profile of different buses have been investigated from real life data. Based on the basic
connectivity and interconnection a simplified network model has been proposed. A load flow
program has been provided based on the simplified model to assess the steady state Q-V and P-V
sensitivities of different buses with incremental active and reactive load change.

A methodology of generator reactive power reserve management has been proposed in this thesis
work to enhance system voltage stability. The proposed methodology has been tested with
dynamic simulation model and also verified its performance in a real life power plant. This
methodology seems very practical and effective in Bangladesh perspective. If this control
philosophy would be implemented in different power plants located in different places
(geographically) in the network, will help to maintain better voltage stability and prevent system
collapse due to voltage instability.

Bangladesh power system is now in as state of ‘change’ as continual expansion of generation,

transmission and distribution capacity. In this thesis, some inherent challenges in power system
operation in Bangladesh have been presented which need further refinement.


Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Declaration iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xii
List of Abbreviations xiii

Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Background and Present Status of the Problem ..................................................................... 2

1.3 Thesis Objectives ................................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Organization of the Thesis ..................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 2 Theoretical Background ......................................................................................... 9

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 9

2.2 Voltage Stability Concept ...................................................................................................... 9

2.2.1 Basic Concepts Related to Voltage Stability ................................................................... 9

2.3 Voltage Control Philosophies and Preventing Voltage Collapse ......................................... 15

2.3.1 System Design Measures............................................................................................... 15

2.3.2 System Operating Measures .......................................................................................... 17

2.4 Generator Capability Limit .................................................................................................. 17

2.5 Determination of Voltage Stability ...................................................................................... 20

2.5.1 Static Analysis ............................................................................................................... 20

2.5.2 Dynamic Analysis ......................................................................................................... 22

2.6 Dynamic Model of Power System Components .................................................................. 23

2.6.1 Exciter Modelling .......................................................................................................... 24

2.6.2 Generator Modelling ..................................................................................................... 25

Chapter 3 Study of Bangladesh Power System..................................................................... 27

3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 27

3.2 Bangladesh Power System ................................................................................................... 28

3.2.1 Generation System ........................................................................................................ 28

3.2.2 Transmission System ..................................................................................................... 30

3.3 Simplified Model of BPSN .................................................................................................. 33

3.4 Voltage Profile of BPSN ...................................................................................................... 36

3.5 Voltage Control Simulation of BPSN .................................................................................. 39

3.5.1 Simulation program ....................................................................................................... 39

3.5.2 Simulation results of different test scenarios ................................................................ 41

3.5.3 Decision from simulation results ................................................................................... 48

3.6 Practical Challenges in Generating Plants ........................................................................... 49

3.6.1 Operating at Rated Capacity.......................................................................................... 49

3.6.2 P-Q Mode of Operation ................................................................................................. 51

3.6.3 Lack of Coordination between Generation Plants ......................................................... 52

Chapter 4 Proposed Method of Generator Reactive Power Management ........................ 53

4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 53

4.2 General Description of the Control Scheme ........................................................................ 53

4.3 Control Algorithm ................................................................................................................ 54

4.4 Description of Different Functionalities .............................................................................. 56

4.4.1 Selection of HV Bus and Generators ............................................................................ 56

4.4.2 Producing Voltage Adjustment Factor .......................................................................... 57

4.4.3 AVR Control Block ....................................................................................................... 58

4.4.4 Control logic for Generator Capability and Reserve ..................................................... 59

4.5 Simulation Model ................................................................................................................. 61

4.6 Implementation of Proposed Controller in a Power Plant.................................................... 64

4.7 Test Methodology ................................................................................................................ 65

4.7.1 Data Collection and Analysis ........................................................................................ 66

4.8 Analysis of Test Result ........................................................................................................ 66

4.8.1 Controller active for Bus-1: One Hour Performance .................................................... 66

4.8.2 Controller Active for Bus-2: One Hour Performance ................................................... 68

4.8.3 Controller Enabled for Bus-1: 24Hours Performance ................................................... 70

4.8.4 Controller Enabled for Bus-2: 24hours performance .................................................... 71

Chapter 5 Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 73

5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 73

5.2 Outcome of the Thesis ......................................................................................................... 73

5.3 Future Study Opportunities .................................................................................................. 74






Figure 2.1: Radial Network ............................................................................................................ 10

Figure 2.2: Characteristic of Radial network in Fig-2.1 ................................................................ 11

Figure 2.3: VR-PR characteristics of the radial network in Fig- 2.1 ............................................. 12

Figure 2.4: Q-V characteristics ...................................................................................................... 12

Figure 2.5: a radial feeder with intermediate generator bus........................................................... 13

Figure 2.6: Impact of loss of regulation of intermediate bus voltage ............................................ 14

Figure 2.7: Generator capability limit curve – armature and field current limits .......................... 19

Figure 2.8: End region flux distribution of a generator ................................................................. 19

Figure 2.9: Generator capability limit – applying all limiting factors ........................................... 20

Figure 2.10: System model for Load flow ..................................................................................... 21

Figure 2.11: Synchronous generator modeling with voltage control blocks ................................. 23

Figure 2.12: Linear model of the comparator-amplifier portion of the AVR loop ........................ 25

Figure 2.13: Complete model of generator with AVR control loop .............................................. 26

Figure 3.1: Maximum generation from 2007 to 2015 .................................................................... 29

Figure 3.2: Demand forecast (up to 2030) ..................................................................................... 29

Figure 3.3: Grid network of Bangladesh, source: www.pgcb.org.bd ............................................ 32

Figure 3.4: Simplified network of BPSN ....................................................................................... 34

Figure 3.5: Simplified representation of interconnection .............................................................. 35

Figure 3.6: 230kV system voltage (maximum) for the year 2015 ................................................. 36

Figure 3.7: 230kV voltage (minimum) at different buses over the year 2015 ............................... 37

Figure 3.8: 132kV system maximum voltage at different buses over the year 2015 ..................... 38

Figure 3.9: 132kV system minimum voltage of different buses over the year 2015 ..................... 38

Figure 3.10: Basic functional flow chart of the simulation program ............................................. 39

Figure 3.11: PV bus has generated its maximum capacity and turned in to PQ bus ..................... 44

Figure 3.12: Bus-8 voltage comparison- with and without utilizing generator’s Q reserve .......... 47

Figure 3.13: Bus-9 Voltage comparison- with and without utilization generator’s Q reserve ...... 47

Figure 3.14: Bus-12 voltage comparison: with and without utilizing Q reserve ........................... 48

Figure 3.15: Generators running at 0.8pf to maintain 0.85pf after transformer............................. 49

Figure 3.16: Operation point of a generator at 200MW PP ........................................................... 50

Figure 3.17: Operation point of another generator at 200MW PP ................................................. 51

Figure 3.18: P-Q operation mode of generating units .................................................................... 51

Figure 4.1: Proposed control function illustrated in simplified block diagram ............................. 54

Figure 4.2: A single line diagram of a standard power plant ......................................................... 55

Figure 4.3: Flow chart of GRPM control scheme .......................................................................... 55

Figure 4.4: Selection tree for HV bus and generators for GRPM control scheme ......................... 56

Figure 4.5: PI controller for voltage comparison and producing voltage bias signal, U bias ........... 57

Figure 4.6: AVR control block with Ubias input. ............................................................................ 58

Figure 4.7: Detail of AVR with Exciter Model ............................................................................. 58

Figure 4.8: Q reserve calculation of a generator ............................................................................ 59

Figure 4.9: Control block for generator capability and Q reserve calculation ............................... 60

Figure 4.10: Control block diagram for calculating generator capability and spinning reserve .... 60

Figure 4.11: Power System Model in SIMSCAPE to simulate GRPM ......................................... 62

Figure 4.12: 33kV Voltage, when GRPM controller is disabled for the generator........................ 63

Figure 4.13: 33kV voltage, when GRPM is enabled for the generator .......................................... 63

Figure 4.14: Generator voltage and reactive power when GRPM control enabled ....................... 64

Figure 4.15: Simplified single line diagram of Rupgonj power plant............................................ 65

Figure 4.16: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-1[test period-1 hour, generator-1 data] ..... 67

Figure 4.17: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-1[test period-1 hour, generator-2 data] ..... 68

Figure 4.18: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-2 [test period-1 hour, generator-3 data] .... 69

Figure 4.19: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-2 [test period-1 hour, generator-4 data] .... 69

Figure 4.20: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-1[test period-24 hour, generator-1 data] ... 70

Figure 4.21: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-1[test period-24 hour, generator-2 data] ... 71

Figure 4.22: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-2[test period-24 hour, generator-3 data] ... 72

Figure 4.23: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-2[test period-24 hour, generator-4 data] ... 72


Table No. Name Page

Table 3.1 Generation Capacity- installed and derated ( based on fuel type) 28
Table 3.2 Generation capacity- based on plant type 28
Table 3.3 Transmission lines and Grid substations in BPS 30
Table 3.4 Different buses in simplified network model 33
Table 3.5 Interconnectivity of the simplified network model 33
Table 3.6 Transmission lines conductors' data 35
Table 3.7 Equivalent Circuit parameters 35
Table 3.8 Bus Data Table used for Simulation 40
Table 3.9 Line data for simulation program 40
Table 3.10 Simulation test case scenario 41
Table 3.11 Voltage profile of selected PQ buses (Case-1, Scenario-1) 42
Table 3.12 Voltage profile of selected PQ buses (Case-1, Scenario-2) 43
Table 3.13 Voltage of bus-3 (Chittagong) when generator’s Q reserve being 45
Table 3.14 Simulation result for bus-8,-9 and -12 (Case-2, Scenario-1) 46


ACSR Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced

AVR Automatic Voltage Controller
BPDB Bangladesh Power Development Board
BPSN Bangladesh Power System Network
HMI Human Machine Interface
HT High Tension
MVC Master Voltage Controller
NLDC National Load Dispatch Centre
PGCB Power Grid Company of Bangladesh
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
RPR Reactive Power Reserve
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
ULTC Under Load Tap Changer
VCA Voltage Control Area

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction

Delivery of quality power to end customer is the fundamental target of power system designers,
operators and owners. Concept of Quality Power is not simply confined to the term ‘power
quality’, rather it carries the value of reliability, availability. Stability of the system can ensure
both reliability and availability that eventually brings economic success. That is why stability is
very important topic of study for power system engineers and designers. One important feature of
stability is its dynamic nature. The system stability is changing continuously and certainly
becomes complex with change in technology, integration of different types of generating units,
entrance of renewable resources, interconnectivity between large areas etc.

Another important aspect of electric network in a developing country is its dynamic evolution. To
meet the uncovered demand as well as to ensure the sustainable economic growth electric power
system is being expanded continuously in terms of capacity and connecting geographical areas.
Bangladesh power system is also experiencing a rapid growth, and observes capacity
enhancement in all three sectors - Generation, Transmission and Distribution. As the network
configuration, capacity and structure are changing continuously, it is very important to assess the
stability factors and indices of the present network as well as for future system. A power system
should be stable with its frequency control as well as voltage control.

The voltage and reactive power management has been a concern for power system operators,
especially after the restructuring of the power industry. In the restructured environment, the
operation of the system is constrained by strict economic constraints. As a result, the network is
frequently operated under stress and closer to its operating limits. The evidence of these
circumstances is widespread blackouts in the recent two decades. Insufficient voltage and reactive
power support was an origin or a factor in the major power outages worldwide. In the context of
the electricity market, the voltage and reactive power control service is classified as one of the
ancillary services. Until now the system operator is the sole responsible for the management of
this critical ancillary service to ensure secure and reliable operation of the system. Sufficient
voltage stability margin (VSM) should be provided to preserve the security of the bulk power
system against the short- and long-term instabilities and subsequent voltage degradation and
collapse. For this purpose, appropriate control actions should be continuously acquired, deployed
and maintained from the control resources. These control actions comprise reactive power reserve

(RPR) and emergency countermeasures that can be considered, respectively, as preventive and
corrective control actions.

1.2 Background and Present Status of the Problem

Bangladesh Power system has evolved into a rapidly with large change in its capacity in last
couple of years. Within last seven years generation capacity has been boosted thrice, in parallel
transmission and distribution networks also been expanded and a good number of projects are
under construction. Bangladesh will certainly observe this rate of change for distinct period of
time, and by year 2030, government has set target for lifting up the generation capacity to a land
mark of 30GW. This target is realistic; because still 40% of the population is not getting
electricity connection, and steady GDP growth rate is expected.

During this period of change, it is very much challenging to ensure correct level of security and
stability of the network. Power generating units are being installed having different size, capacity
and different type of control dynamics. Transmission capacity is also following generation
growth, and new projects are being executed for connecting more geographical areas and
increasing power transmission capacity. Distribution network is being webbed to cover new
consumers both in urban and rural areas. Among these new expansion projects, some are taken as
short term basis or as emergency measures. In this fast changing situation, the level of quality,
compliance and coordination are the biggest challenges and sometime compromised or
overlooked. All these factors need to be studied, evaluated and examined for ensuring sustainable
power system network. In recent years Bangladesh Power System observed couple of blackouts
due to failure of national grid. In 2007 there occurred three failures successively on 15 th
November and 14th December. These three blackout created a total system interruption of
110GWh and its monetary values estimated about 15.9 million USD [1]. On 1st November 2014
there also occurred a country wide blackout. It took about 8 hours to restore the system. The last
event revealed some inherent weakness in the system-

 Stability has not been assessed for a changed network configuration,

 Protection coordination has not been revised,
 Lack of centralized communication and coordination between generation plants and load
dispatch centers,
 Absence of or inefficient load shedding scheme.

Considering these facts, Bangladesh Power System requires in depth study on system stability,
protection coordination and centralized generation and load dispatch control scheme. Considering

this facts and background this thesis work is aimed to study BPS, especially on its voltage
stability enhancement scheme.

Voltage control and stability problems are not new to the electric utility, but are now receiving
special attention. Once associated primarily with weak system like BPS and long lines, voltage
problems are now also a source of concern in highly developed networks as a result of heavier
loadings. There have happened some major network collapse events globally due to voltage
instability. Some cases are presented in [2, 3]. In [4] some more events of voltage instability in
the United States, Europe and Russia have been analyzed. World-wide power system outages
have been presented in [5] up to 2014. It shows a significant growth from power system outages
during last decades.

Voltage stability has been defined precisely in [6], where it is explained as- voltage stability is
concerned with the ability of power system to maintain acceptable voltages at all buses in the
system under normal condition and after being subjected to disturbances. The main factor causing
instability is the inability of the power system to meet the demand for reactive power. Voltage
collapse is another term used closely with voltage stability. Voltage collapse is the process by
which the sequence of events accompanying voltage instability leads to a low unacceptable
voltage profile in a significant part of the power system

To deal with voltage instability problem, it is important to determine how much stable the system
is or how far it is from voltage collapse point. This is called proximity analysis. Also mechanism
of voltage stability to be evaluated, by which the key contributing factors, voltage weak points
and involved areas are determined [7]. There are different methods for calculation of voltage
stability margin of a system or part of a system. After determining voltage stability margin and
voltage collapse point, it is necessary to take corrective actions. The fundamentals of the
corrective or preventive action are to ensure adequate reactive power reserve to meet the demand.
Lot of research have been done to evaluate the system stability margin. There are different
methodologies of managing and utilizing reactive power resources for stable system operation
have been proposed, verified and applied. Which technique would be effective for a particular
network, it depends on its inherent characteristics, dynamic behavior, nature of loads, generator
model, economics of the power purchase etc.

In [8] and [9] weak bus oriented reactive power planning has been discussed. To identify the
weak bus or voltage sensitive bus the proposed method is based on well-known liner power flow
equation. Minimum singular value of the power flow Jacobian matrix J is used as static voltage
collapse index. These are static method and only effective for steady state condition. Fast

calculation of a steady sate voltage stability index has been presented in [10-11]. In steady state
analysis traditional load flow approach is effective before system reaches to critical point.
Beyond critical point, continuation power flow technique is effective which is proposed in
reference [12]. Bangladesh Power System voltage stability has been analyzed by bifurcation
technique in [13]. There are dynamic method of voltage stability assessment where differential
equations of state variable are used [6].

Presently most of the power systems have their centralized online SCADA system. It is possible
to determine and measure the system load, presently operating units and their spinning reserve. In
such system statistical multilinear regression models (MLRM) are utilized in order to express
how variation in RPRs can be transformed into direct information about voltage stability margin
(VSM). Data regarding RPRs and system VSM are obtained through an offline voltage stability
assessment (VSA) tool and stored in a database for further multilinear regression model
development. Different load increase directions and a comprehensive list of contingencies are
considered to account for uncertainty present in real time operations. Once properly designed and
validated, the MLRMs are ready to be used in the online environment [14].

Voltage stability margin is represented by a measurement associated with the maximum real and
reactive power demands for a specified node, area or overall system that can sustain an adequate
corresponding minimum voltage magnitude. With this perspective, a new approach to the
assessment of voltage stability margins based on the P–Q–V curve technique is proposed in [15].
A P–Q–V curve shows the boundary of the maximum real/reactive power and the minimum
voltage magnitude in a three-dimensional diagram.

In [16], an advanced technique has been proposed for determining VSM. It shows that Eigen-
decomposition can be performed on the Thevenin impedance matrix, creating a set of decoupled
single-node, single-branch equivalent circuits. The decoupled circuits can reveal important
characteristics of a power system. By applying the transform to calculated or measured voltage
phasor data, a technique for tracking the modes of voltage collapse and for identifying areas
vulnerable to voltage collapse can be developed.

In [17], distributed linear algorithms for the online computation of voltage collapse sensitivity
indices have been presented in smart grid perspective. The computation are collectively
performed by processors embedded at each bus, and use synchronized phasor measurements and
communication of voltage phasors between neighbouring buses.

Voltage stability margin depends on reactive power reserve. More reactive power reserve at
certain point of operation gives more stability to the system. There are different research works
have been performed on the generator reactive power reserve management and assessment of its
effect on voltage stability. In [18] the influence of generator capability chart representation
(overexcited zone) on system voltage and reactive power control have been examined. Possible
criteria for the optimization of system voltage and reactive power scheduling in critical conditions
are also discussed.

In [19] an effective approach has been suggested for reactive power reserve management. The
RPR can be taken into account from the load or the generator point of view which is called LRPR
and GRPR respectively. It has been seen that generator reactive power reserve is more effective
and can be used with faster dynamic during contingency. GRPR should be maintained to certain
limit for ensuring effective VSM. Generator reactive power reserve (GRPR) has been well
explained in [20] perspective of online voltage stability and security assessment

In [21] a detail study has been performed and focused on dynamic reactive power reserves in
respect of voltage stability. how In the paper it has been demonstrated that in steady-state
operation, with more generator reactive power output, the static voltage stability and transient
voltage stability of power system are better; with less reactive power output of SVC and

Effectiveness of generator reactive power control is studied also in [22]. In this work a novel
control strategy of voltage stability based on generator dynamic reactive power releasing has
presented to deal with the problem. When voltage collapse happens, stator current and rotor
current of generator is increased temporarily to improve its reactive power output, which can
restore voltage adjustment capability of those generators whose reactive power has already
reached their limit, prevent voltage collapse and achieve much more decision-making time for
voltage stability control. Load voltage weak node is identified by coefficient of tangent plane
equation of boundary of pre-fault voltage stability region. It has been evaluated that, generator
dynamic reactive power releasing strategy can prevent voltage collapse and provide technical
supporting for online application of voltage stability control algorithm.

In [23], a method has been discussed to evaluate the available reactive power of individual
generators that could be deployed to support voltage in the power network. The method is based
on real time calculation of reactive power capability limits of the generator (i.e. modification of
generator capability chart) taking into account limitations imposed not only by load ability
thresholds of generator components but also by performance thresholds imposed by generator

auxiliary equipment. It is demonstrated that the actual reactive power support that generator could
provide to the network can be substantially reduced compared to the value indicated by the
standard generator capability curve provided by the manufacturer at the time of commissioning of
the generator. The proposed method enables full utilization of actual available reactive power of
individual unit, and consequently of the entire power plant, to support voltages in transmission
network. The detail of evaluation and testing of generator reactive power capability limit has been
well covered in [24-25].

Presently smart grid system concept is becoming prominent. Different type of generating units
are being integrated to the system. Generation plants are now in distributed nature and closer to
proximity to load centers. There is certain effect of these distributed generators in system stability
and in reference [26-30] detail study has been presented. In [31], application of droop control in
distributed energy sources has been presented where it is shown that coordinating voltage
regulation behavior with the droop control scheme in distributed resources improves the
observation of voltage collapse margins.

Generator reactive power margin can be well utilized by an outer control loop of AVR [2], where
it is explained that AVR of the generators respond to the system voltage and control the injection
of reactive power to support voltage level. This proven technique has been presented in [32].

Beside generator reactive power reserve, in the system shunt and series capacitors are used to
deliver required reactive power. Transformer’s on load tap option is one of the widely used
means of voltage correction [2]. There is another means, the last resort, load shedding to mitigate
voltage instability problem. In ref [33-35] load shedding control schemes have been well

Reactive power control by generator reactive power margin management needs some effective
cost modeling. How operators can be paid for required reserve in generators, and what would be
the contributing factors for brought operators in competitive energy market are to be well
structured in power purchase agreement. In [36-40] some cost models have been proposed for
reactive power management as ancillary services.

Considering the above perspective, there are some deviation in operational philosophy of
Bangladesh power system. In BPS all generators are running at their highest limit and there is no
regulation reserve capability left. Thus generators cannot support further when system observes
voltage dips or there raises demand of reactive power. There are different methods of reactive
power management for gaining voltage stability, and need to study the best suitable methods for

Bangladesh. Also, there may need restructuring of energy cost model in power purchase

1.3 Thesis Objectives

The objectives of this thesis work are:

a) To study the BPS network from perspective of voltage stability margin and collapse point.

b) To determine the problems attributed to generating units running at their full capacity, keeping
no reserve.

c) To propose a methodology of managing generator reactive power reserve to support voltage

stability during emergencies and contingencies.

The possible outcomes included:

a) Reactive power management technique for generators operating in BPS.

b) A modified power purchase agreement (PPA) structure of newly built power plants in
Bangladesh incorporating reactive power support

1.4 Organization of the Thesis

This thesis report has been organized in total of six chapters.

Chapter-1 is introductory chapter, where background of this thesis has been explained. The
prevailing problems related to BPS has been outlined. This chapter also summarizes the literature
survey on voltage stability, reactive power reserve management and control.

Chapter-2 presents of theoretical background including voltage stability concept, voltage control
philosophies, Generator capability limit, dynamic model of exciter and generator, static analysis
of V-Q sensitivity.

Chapter-3 represents a detail study on Bangladesh Power System that covers generation capacity,
generation mix, network structure etc. In this chapter, a simplified model or BPS with 12 buses
has been developed. A load flow program has been designed based on the proposed simplified
model using Newton Raphson algorithm. By using this program, V-Q sensitivity of any bus can
be determined. The change of voltage with incremental variation of active and reactive power can
be checked. Another feature has been included to this program, voltage stability improvement can

be evaluated if reactive power reserve of generators at test bus is being utilized. In this chapter
some practical challenges prevailing in Bangladesh power system have been presented.

In Chapter-4 there presents operating challenges of power generating units in BPS. Based on the
prevailing problems and challenges, a methodology has been proposed to control and utilize
generator reactive power reserve to support system voltage. According to this control scheme,
generators’ AVR will control excitation current to control amount of reactive power injection
wen system voltage changes. If system voltage drops to a certain threshold, the controller will be
active and when voltage reaches to an up-threshold it will reset. Dynamics of the different control
blocks of the proposed scheme have been presented and a dynamic simulation model developed
with Simscape. Same control scheme has been verified in a real life power plant, which is
connected to 33kV grid system. Test results have been presented with necessary explanation.

Lastly, overview of the study has been presented in the last chapter, in Chapter-5. Outcomes of
this thesis work and future scopes of study have been presented in this chapter.

There are three Appendices with this report. In Appendix-I, detail of the MATLAB load flow
program has been included. The voltage profiles of different buses of BPS has been evaluated by
this program in chapter-3. In Appendix-II, voltage data for year 2015 of 230kV and 132kV
systems of BPSN have been given in tabular form. Appendix-III contains the dynamic parameters
of different control blocks of Simscape simulation model which has been referred in chapter-4.

Chapter 2 Theoretical Background
2.1 Introduction

In this chapter different theoretical aspects have been presented which are related to the thesis.
Especially concept of voltage stability, different methodologies and philosophies of voltage
control have been discussed. When voltage stability is concerned, load flow analysis is an
essential concept. Steady state voltage stability can be determined by load flow calculation.
Newton Raphson load flow algorithm is also recalled in this chapter. Another basic but important
concept is capability limit of generator is also studied.

2.2 Voltage Stability Concept

Power system stability is broadly divided into two categories- angle stability and Voltage
stability. Angle stability is related to inertia of rotor, speed governing system, torque balance etc.
Whereas Voltage stability is related to the ability of maintaining system voltage to a certain limit
irrespective of steady state load change, transient disruption and major contingencies. Voltage
stability definition by P. Kundur is widely accepted- Voltage stability is concerned with the
ability of power system to maintain acceptable voltages at all buses in the system under normal
condition and after being subjected to a disturbances. A system enters a state of voltage
instability when a disturbance, increase in load demand, or change in system condition causes a
progressive and uncontrollable decline in voltage. The main factor causing instability is the
inability of the power system to meet the demand for reactive power. [2]

There is another concept, closely related to voltage instability is voltage collapse. Voltage
collapse is the process by which the sequence of events accompanying voltage instability leads to
a low unacceptable voltage profile in a significant part of the power system.

2.2.1 Basic Concepts Related to Voltage Stability

Voltage stability problems normally occur in heavily stressed system. The disturbance leading to
voltage collapse is an inherent weakness in the power system. To understand the nature of the
voltage stability problem, the principal factors related to voltage stability should be studied first.
The following are the principal factors contributing to voltage stability or collapse.-

 Nature and strength of transmission network and its maximum power transfer level,

 Generator reactive power capability limit and automatic voltage regulation dynamics and
control loop,
 Load characteristics – voltage and frequency dependence,
 Characteristics of reactive power compensation devices, and
 Action of voltage control devices such as transformer under load tap changers. Transmission System Characteristics

Transmission system is interconnected and power flows from one point to other point. There is
interdependent relation between transmitted power (P R), receiving end voltage (VR) and the
reactive power injection. Receiving end voltage magnitude depends on both active and reactive
power. Voltage characteristics of a bus or node in a network is determined by its V-P and Q-V
characteristics. Often the Q-V relationship is very useful for voltage stability study, which shows
the sensitivity and variation of bus voltage with respect to reactive power injections or

Relationship between voltage, active and reactive power of a simple radial network is similar to a
complex network. The basic relationships are presented here with a simple radial network in

Figure 2.1: Radial Network

Here, ZLD is considered as variable load at receiving end and connected to a constant power
supply ES (resembles a bigger network with high capacity) by a transmission link. ZLN is
transmission line impedance. Receiving end voltage, current and power can be expressed as
function of load and power factor. Equations 2.1 to 2.4 give the relationship.

Current drawn by the load,


Receiving end voltage,


Receiving end power,


Where, ………………………….(2.4)

The above relationships can be illustrated in the Figure-2.2.

Figure 2.2: Characteristic of Radial network in Fig-2.1

From Figure-2.2, it is seen, beyond the critical point, where transmission line impedance and load
impedance become equal, maximum power transfer is transmitted. Beyond this limit power
transmission decreases with decreasing receiving end voltage. For a particular network
configuration, there is certain limit of operation. V R-PR characteristics of the system is presented
in Figure-2.3.

Figure 2.3: VR-PR characteristics of the radial network in Fig- 2.1

In Figure-2.3, a dashed line is showing the critical operating point. Any point above the critical
operating point is stable operation and below of it is unstable. The load characteristics influence
the voltage significantly, when load is inductive type, or consuming more reactive power, the
maximum power transfer capability reduces and decreasing rate of voltage is higher than the case
of leading power factor loads. So, if the reactive power demand is met locally or near to the load
point, the receiving end voltage will show more stability. Q-V curve illustrates this fact. In
Figure-2.4, a standard Q-V curve is shown.

Unstable Operation Stable Operation

Injection of Reactive power

poin P


Qi=0, Load and
Generation is equal at
Point of

Voltage of bus-i

Figure 2.4: Q-V characteristics

At any point, the slope of Q-V curve gives the numerical indication of voltage stability of that
point. At the point of instability, the slope is zero and in unstable region, slope is negative. From
load flow program, voltage of a bus can be determined for a particular operating condition.

Successive incremental change in active and reactive power will give a sense of voltage change
direction and nature. This way system voltage stability can be determined. Generator Characteristics

Generators are the primary control device in a power network and governed by two controllers-
one for speed and active power and the other for controlling voltage and reactive power.
Generators are primary source of reactive power and the base line voltage is maintained by them.
Generators are rated in terms of maximum MVA output at a specified voltage and power factor
which they can carry continuously without overheating. The active power is limited by prime
mover capability. Reactive power limit or reserve is limited by three factors:

 Armature current limit,

 Field current limit, and
 End region heating limit.

If reactive power reserve of generator is to be maintained, managed and utilized so that generator
runs within the capability limit but it respond it can be utilized during system demand. And
Automatic voltage regulator of generators should have sufficient control scheme, so that it can
respond to the system voltage variation in stable and fast manner.

The impact of generator in voltage stability is well explained by the following case, illustrated in
figure-2.5 and figure-2.6. When generator can regulate voltage at intermediate bus (V I), better
voltage stability observed at receiving end. It shown by curve-1 in P-V characteristics at figure
2.6. Curve-2 is showing the P-V characteristic when generator has reached its excitation limit and
no regulation further possible.

If an operation point A is considered, which lying on both curves, it is very clear, when generator
reaches it regulation limit, A is closer to voltage instability.

Figure 2.5: a radial feeder with intermediate generator bus

Figure 2.6: Impact of loss of regulation of intermediate bus voltage

These results demonstrate the importance of maintaining the voltage control capability of
generators. Additionally degree of voltage stability is not judged based how the present voltage is
close to nominal level rather how much capability left off. Load Characteristics

Load characteristic is important phenomena in voltage stability study. Power consumption of load
varies with change in voltage and frequency. Loads are broadly divided into two categories-

i) Impedance type load and

ii) Motor Type load

Response to change in system voltage for both type of loads are different, also the switching
criteria are not same. So, when a wide area of a network is concerned, the nature of the major
type of loads should be considered. Compensation Device Characteristics

Three reactive power compensation devices used in network to control or support voltage.

i) Shut capacitor
ii) Regulated shunt compensation
iii) Series capacitors

Shut capacitors are inexpensive means of providing reactive power and voltage support. They can
be used up to a certain limit to correct receiving end power factor and free up spinning reactive
reserve’ of generators. But they have inherent limitations: in heavily shunt capacitor compensated
systems, voltage regulation tends to be poor. Beyond a certain level of compensation, stable
operation is unattainable with shunt capacitors. And thirdly, reactive power generated by shunt
capacitor is proportional to the square of the voltage. So when system voltage is low, there comes
less reactive power support from shunt capacitors and thus compounding the problem.

Problems attributed with shunt capacitors are well covered by regulated shunt compensators.
There are static Var system and synchronous condenser. Both respond to the low voltage situation
dynamically and support system within their limit.

Series capacitors also improve voltage stability significantly. Reactive power generation form
series capacitors is proportional to square of line current. It also reduce the characteristic
impedance (Zc) and the electrical length of the line.

2.3 Voltage Control Philosophies and Preventing Voltage Collapse

There are different methods for controlling system voltage to a stable level. Control philosophies
are broadly divided into two categories:

1. System design measures,

2. System operating measures.

2.3.1 System Design Measures

Application of reactive power-compensating devices

Adequate stability margin should be ensured by proper selection of compensation schemes. The
selection of sizes, ratings and locations of compensation devices should be based on detailed
study covering the most onerous system conditions for which the system is required to operate
satisfactorily. Design criteria based on maximum allowable voltage drop following a contingency
are often not sufficient from the VS view point, rather stability margin based on MW and MVAr
distances to instability should be used.

Control of network voltage and generator reactive power output

Load compensation of a generator AVR regulates voltage on the high tension side of, or partway
through, the step up transformer. In many situations this has a beneficial effect on voltage
stability by moving the point of constant voltage electrically close to the loads.

Alternatively, secondary outer loop control of the generator excitation system (AVR) can be used
to regulate network side voltage. This should be much slower than the normal regulation of
generator terminal voltage to minimize adverse interaction of the two controls. A response time
of about 10 seconds is usually adequate for the outer loop control.

With correct application of compensation devices, generators’ reactive power margin can be
reserved as spinning storage. With proper control scheme this reserve can be utilized during
voltage dips. A central control and monitoring is needed to use the reactive power reserve of
different generators at different locations in the network.

Coordination of protection/control

One of the causes of voltage collapse is the lack of coordination between equipment
protections/controls and power system requirements. Adequate coordination should be ensured
based on dynamic simulation of the network and possible contingencies.

Isolating an over loaded device should be the last resort. Before that, sufficient control feature
should be available that can monitor the trend of operation dynamics and tune it back to normal
stable condition.

Under Load Tap Changing Scheme

Tap changers can be controlled either locally or centrally, so as to reduce the risk of voltage
collapse. Where Tap changing is detrimental, a simple method is to block tap changing when the
source voltage sags, and unblock when the voltage recovers. There is a potential for application
of improved ULTC control strategies. Such strategies must be developed based on a knowledge
of the load and distribution system characteristics.

Under Voltage Load Shedding

Under voltage load shedding scheme is useful when system voltage steps toward collapse limit
and all the means of control and regulation seem not effective. But there should be very precise
load shedding algorithm, which will cut the load that are evaluated most important for voltage

problem than for frequency problem. Load shedding scheme should be designed so as to
distinguish between faults, transient voltage dips, and low voltage conditions leading to voltage

2.3.2 System Operating Measures

Stability margin

System should be operated with adequate voltage stability margin by the appropriate scheduling
of reactive power resources and voltage profile. If the required margin cannot be met by using
available reactive power resources and voltage control facilities, it may be necessary to limit
power transfer and to stat up additional generating units to provide voltage support at critical

Spinning reserve

Adequate spinning reactive power reserve must be ensured by operating generators, if necessary,
at moderate or low excitation. To do so, it may require to switch shunt capacitors to support
voltage profile. This reserve should be utilized dynamically when needed.

Operator’s action

Voltage stability problem is relatively slow and there are certain symptoms. Operators should be
able to recognize these symptoms and take appropriate remedial actions such as voltage and
power transfer controls, and possibly as a last resort, load curtailment. For a large network with
distributed generation, a central control centre can be considered which will maintain a degree of
coordination with local control operators.

2.4 Generator Capability Limit

In Voltage stability and long term stability studies it is important to consider the reactive
capability limits of synchronous machines. Synchronous generators are rated in terms of the
maximum MVA output at a specified voltage and power factor (usually 0.8 or 0.9 lagging) which
they can carry continuously without overheating. The active power output is limited by the prime
mover capability to a value within MVA rating. The Continuous reactive power output capability
is limited by three factors:

 Armature current limit

 Field Current Limit and
 End region heating limit

Armature current limit

The armature current causes I2R power loss and energy associated with this loss must be removed
so as to limit the increase of temperature of the conductors and its immediate environment.
Therefore one of the limitations on generator rating is the maximum current that can be carried by
the armature without exceeding the heating limitations.

The per unit complex output power is


Here, is the power factor angle. The above equation indicates a circle with radius of |S|= MVA.
So, in P-Q plane the armature current limit is the circle of radius of rated MVA. In the figure-2.5
this is shown by the dotted line.

Field current limit

Field current If produce heat in field winding thus increases the temperature of rotor. Thus field
current imposes a second limit of the operation of the generator. Following equations give the
relationship between field current, active power and reactive power.


The relationship between the active and reactive powers for a given field current is a circle

centered at – on the Q axis and with as the radius. This relationship is illustrated in the

Figure 2.7. It is seen that, field current heating limit and armature heating limit curves intersect at
a point, in Figure-2.7 it is shown by A, which is the rated operation point of the machine.

Figure 2.7: Generator capability limit curve – armature and field current limits

End region heating limit

The localized heating in the end region of the armature imposes a third limit on operation of
synchronous generator. This limit affects the capability of the machine in the under excited
condition. The leakage flux form the end turns of the stator winding enters perpendicularly to the
stator laminations and produce eddy current which cause localized heating. If generator is
running in over excited region, the retaining ring gets saturated and limits the end turn flux. In
case of under excitation operation, leakage flux increases more and cause more heating to end
turns areas. So there is a limit of operation in under excited region. This phenomena is illustrated
in Figure-2.8.

Figure 2.8: End region flux distribution of a generator

Compiling these three limiting factors, the capability limit of a generator can be shown by the


nt lim
A it

Armature current limit



D ting
eg io n hea
End r limit

Figure 2.9: Generator capability limit – applying all limiting factors

2.5 Determination of Voltage Stability

There are two methods for voltage stability determination-

 Steady state analysis and

 Dynamic analysis

2.5.1 Static Analysis

Static approach captures snapshots of system conditions at various time frames along time
domain trajectory. At each of these time frames, time derivatives of the state variables are
assumed to be zero and state variables take on values appropriate to the specific time frame.
Consequently the overall system equations reduced to purely algebraic equations allowing the use
of static analysis techniques. Conventional power flow technique can be used in static method
and determine the Q-V sensitivity of a bus. Newton Raphson method is convenient to use, and
components of Jacobian matrix gives indication of rate of changes of power (active and reactive)
due to variation of states of the system (V and angle).

Figure-2.10 shows the necessary parameter designation used in Load Flow calculation.

Vj ∠∂j
Vi ∠∂i
Pgi Pgj
Qgi Qgj


Qdi Pdj
Power flowing from Power flowing from Qdj
bus i into network bus j into network

Figure 2.10: System model for Load flow


I,j Number of buses in the network considering there are ‘n’ number of total
V Bus Voltage with respect to network reference of measurement
∂ Angle of voltages, reference is arbitrary. Normally, swing bus angle is
considered ‘0’
Pg Active power generation
Qg Reactive power generation
Pd Active load connected to bus
Qd Reactive load connected to bus
Zs, Zp Transmission line parameters, normally a ‘Π’- section is considered

The mathematical formulation of Newton Raphson method is:



Incremental change in Active power injection

Incremental change in reactive power injection
Incremental change in Voltage angle
Incremental change in voltage magnitude
The components of Jacobian matrix.

System voltage stability is affected by both P and Q. However at each operating point P may be
kept constant and evaluate voltage stability by considering the incremental relationship between
Q and V. this is analogous to the Q-V curve approach. Although incremental changes in P are
neglected, the effect of P or power transfer level can be taken into account by studying the
incremental relationship between Q and V at different operating conditions.

Based on above consideration, at , Equation-2.9 turns to:


is reduced Jacobain Matrix of the system. The inverse of the equation-2.8 gives the straight
forward relationship of voltage change with incremental variation of reactive power injection.


The is the reduced V-Q Jacobian, its ith diagonal element is the V-Q sensitivity at bus i.

The V-Q sensitivity at a bus represents the slope of the Q-V curve at the given operating point. A
Positive V-Q sensitivity is indicative of stable operation, the smaller the sensitivity, the more
stable the system. As stability decreases the magnitude of the sensitivity increases and becoming
infinite at the stability limit. Negative sensitivity represents a very unstable operation.

By this conventional power flow calculation (Newton Raphson or Fast Decoupled), stability
sensitivity can be determined up to the critical point. But Beyond critical point if solution
required, need another approach- the continuation power flow algorithm. In this study, system
operation before critical point is considered and conventional power flow algorithm has been

2.5.2 Dynamic Analysis

The General structure of the system model for voltage stability analysis is similar to that for
transient stability analysis. The overall system equations, comprising a set of the first order
differential equations, which can be represented in general form:



x System state vectors,

I Current injection vector,
YN Bus admittance matrix, and
V Voltage vector.

Here, transformer tap changer and phase shift angle controls are included with system admittance
vector calculation. Thus elements of YN change as a function of bus voltages and time. The
Current injection vector I is a function of the system states x and bus voltage vector V,
representing the boundary conditions at the terminals of the various devices (generating units,
non-linear loads, motors, SVSs, HVDC converters etc.). Due to the time Dependent nature of
devices such as field current limiters, the relationship I and x can be a function of time.

Equations 2.11 and 2.12 can be solved in time-domain by using any of the numerical integration
methods and network power flow analysis methods.

2.6 Dynamic Model of Power System Components

Amongst all the means of voltage stability improvement, in this study generator’s contribution
will be analysed. Generators or collectively a power plant with sufficient regulation capability
and spinning reserve do the fastest control measures to voltage correction or improvement. There
are different major components related to voltage and reactive power control of generator, which
dynamic models are presented in this section.

Comparator Amplifier Exciter + a
+ Ie b delivered to
Vref e Gs A VR Vf system

Stability Compensator VT +
Rectifier and filer

Vref: Voltage Reference

VT: Terminal Voltage
e= Error between ref and Actual

Figure 2.11: Synchronous generator modeling with voltage control blocks

2.6.1 Exciter Modelling

Reference to Figure-2.11, if terminal voltage of the generator VT decreases, this immediately

results in an increased error voltage, e which in turn causes increased values of VR, Ie, Vf and If.
The d-axis generator flux increases as a result of the boost in If, thus raising the magnitude of the
internal generated emf, E and terminal voltage VT.

To establish a model of the exciter and its control, firstly stability compensator is ignored. Then
for Comparator and Amplifier respectively-



Here, KA is the amplifier gain.

Laplace transformation of these two equations yields:



Here, GA is the amplifier transfer function.

Equation-2.16 implies instantaneous amplifier response. In reality the amplifier will have a delay
that can be represented by a time constant T A and its transfer function will then be of the form:


If Re and Le represent respectively the resistance and inductance of the exciter field at voltage


If measured across the main field the exciter produces K l armature volts per ampere of field
current if, that is with proportionality consideration-


Using Laplace transformation of Equation-2.18 and Equation-2.19 and eliminating , transfer
function of the exciter obtained as:




From these equations and using accepted block symbols, the transfer function model is presented
in figure

Figure 2.12: Linear model of the comparator-amplifier portion of the AVR loop

2.6.2 Generator Modelling

The complete control loop can be established by linking field voltage Vf and the generator
terminal voltage VT as the terminal voltage equals the internal emf minus the voltage drop across
the internal impedance it is clear that the relationship between vf and VT depends on the generator
loading. The simplest possible relationship exists at low or zero loading in which case V T equals
approximately the internal emf E. Kirchhoff’s voltage law applied to the field winding yields in
this case-


Where Laf = the mutual inductance between field and armature

After Laplace transformation of equation-2.21, yields the field transfer ratio:


Where and

Now the complete model of the generator with voltage control loop can be developed. The new
transfer function is added to the model illustrated in Figure-2.12 to obtain complete generator
model as shown in Figure-2.13.

Figure 2.13: Complete model of generator with AVR control loop

Chapter 3 Study of Bangladesh Power System
3.1 Introduction

In this chapter Bangladesh Power System (BPS) has been analyzed and studied. The system has
been seen broadly into two sections- generation and transmission, distribution system has been
considered as integrated part of the transmission network for study purpose. In Bangladesh,
power demand is constantly high and supply capacity is lagging behind the actual demand. The
‘demand’ that is forecasted, is concerning only the connected load. In fact, electricity is not
served to about 40% of the total population. Additionally, there is a constant growth of power
demand in industry and commercial sectors, which is also not been served in full scale. Taken
accounts of these two factors, BPS needs more generation plants and expansion of transmission-
distribution network. A number of fast track power generation of projects of different economical
and technical models are being implemented. There are some long term projects also in queue but
with comparatively slower progress. Renewable power generation projects are also in priority
with conventional system. In transmission network, 230kV voltage level has been still expanding.
Recently 400kV system has been started with limited connectivity and couple of projects are
under implementation.

Thus, BPS observes a continual changes in its network characteristics by entering new diversified
generation plants and expansion of transmission system. Stability, reliability and integrated
protection scheme are important topics of study in case of this type of continual evolving system.

In this chapter, different aspects of the BPS have been studied. Firstly, available data from BPDB
and PGCB have been studied and analyzed. Secondly, a simplified model of BPS has been
proposed. This model has been used in a MATLAB program where voltage profiles of the
network nodes have been simulated with changes in generation and loads at different buses. The
principal target is to achieve a concept of reactive power management scheme that supports
voltage stability of the network effectively.

At the end of this chapter, some prevailing important operational features and challenges of
power plants have been presented.

3.2 Bangladesh Power System

3.2.1 Generation System Present Generation Capacity and Generation Mix

As on December 2015, the total installed capacity is 12071MW with declared derated capacity of
11476MW. Till date the maximum generation has been recorded as 8177MW. In Table 3.1, fuel
based generation capacity has been listed. Major portion of generation dependents on natural gas,
which is about 63.19% of total capacity. HSD and HFO (Crude oil) based generation is 28.69%
and is second in stake. Use of coal is still very limited (250MW), and only 230MW is coming
from hydro source. Intercountry connectivity has been established with India and till date
600MW import agreement has been realized.

In Table 3.2, the plant type wise generation capacity has been presented. One important thing is
to be noted here, about 35% of generation capacity is coming from reciprocating engine based
power plants. These power plants are different than the conventional turbine based power plants
in terms of dynamic stability, starting and loading capability. Engine based power plants are
distributed in different places and closer to load end. The range of these plants are between
25MW to 200MW.

Table 3.1: Generation capacity- installed and de-rated-(based on fuel type)

Fuel type Installed Capacity Derated Capacity

MW % MW %
Coal 250.00 02.07 200 01.74
Gas 7628.00 63.19 7169 62.47
HFO 2507.00 20.77 2450.00 21.35
HSD 956.00 07.92 927.00 08.08
Hydro 230.00 01.91 230.00 02.00
Imported 500.00 04.14 500.00 04.36
Total 12071.00 100.00 11476.00 100.00

Table 3.2: Generation capacity- based on plant type

Plant Type Installed Capacity

MW %
Gas Turbine 2048 16.97
Combined Cycle 2201 18.23
Steam Turbine 2938 24.34
Reciprocating Engine 4154 34.41

Hydro 230 01.91
Imported 500 04.14
Total 12071.00 100.00

Figure-3.1 presents the maximum generation from 2007 to 2015. The capacity has been increased
with significant growth rate. This trend gives a very clear picture that Bangladesh Power system
structure is evolving and under continual changes.

Figure 3.1: Maximum generation from 2007 to 2015 Generation Expansion Planning

A Power System master plan has been designed by BPDB, where 7% GDP growth has been
considered. LOLP (Loss of Load Probability) has been taken 2% as reliability factor. Generation
expansion plan has been settled based on following load forecast, given in figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: Demand forecast (up to 2030)

Considering future power generation plan, followings significant features will be observed-

 Reserve of own natural gas will be limited. Imported LNG will be alternative of pipe line
 Low price of crude oil in the international market will have positive impact to introduce
more HFO and HSD based power plants. These power plants can still be considered as
important alternatives for peaking and emergency backup.
 A good portion of energy, especially for rural and domestic uses, will come from
renewable sources.
 Nuclear power plant of 1000MW capacity will give a strong base load support. This plant
is expected to come by 2021. This will be the biggest single unit power plant and enhance
the system stability.
 Coal based power plants (more than 2000MW) will lessen the dependency on natural gas.
But there will be comprise to stringent environmental regulations.

3.2.2 Transmission System

There are two main voltage levels in transmission system, 132kV and 230kV system. A very
limited length of 400kV line has been installed between Meghnaghat and Aminbazar substations
and between Bheramara and Bahrampur (India). Table 3.3 shows the transmission line length and
grid substation capacities.

Table 3.3: Transmission line length and grid substations capacities

Transmission lines ( ckt Length)

Transmission line (400kV) 165ckt-km
Transmission line (230kV) 3172ckt-km
Transmission line (132kV) 6359ckt-km
Grid Substation (Capacity)
400/230/132kV 520MVA
230/132kV 9625MVA
132/33kV 14525MVA

The complete network has been presented in the Figure-3.3. Red colored lines are showing
230kV system, 132kV system is shown by blue color. 400kV connectivity is presented by
magenta color lines. In 230kV system, there is wider ring-connection in the central part of the
country which consists of Ghorasal, Ashugonj, Tongi, Amin Bazar, Meghnaghat and Rampura.
Comilla is connected to this ring by two double circuits, one from Ashuganj and other one from
Meghnaghat. The western part of the country is connected by two double circuits of 230kV with
the centre ring. One pair of circuits connect Sirjganj with Ashuganj and other pair of circuits

connect Iswardi with Ghorasal. These connections are termed as “East-West” interconnection.
From Comilla 230kV lines connect radially Chittagong and Fenchuganj. From Sirajgonj grid
substation, 230kV radial feeder goes to Barapukuria thru Bogra. Bheramara 230kV substation is
connected with Iswardi, and there is a connection from Bheramra to Khulna grid substation.

132kV system is widely spread over the country. Each 230kV grid substation has 132kV step
down substation. Greater Chittagong is covered by 132kV system extended to Cox’s Bazar.
Similarly, Faridpur, Madaripur, Barisal, Bagerhat and Khulna – the southern part of the country-
are interconnected by 132kV system. Most of the districts of North Bengal are connected by
132kV system.

From voltage profile perspective, some areas of the network can be grouped together and
considered as voltage control areas (VCA). Ghorashal, Meghnaghat, Haripur, Aminbazar can be
considered as a Dhaka area. Ashugonj, Comilla are closer, Fenchuganj, Sylhet, Sunamganj can be
clubbed as one area. The whole area of Chittagong consists of Hathazari, Raozan, Madunaghat,
Dohazari, Cox’s Bazar etc. can be thought as one area. Similarly, western and northern part of the
country can be divided into some areas like- Sirajgonj, Bogra, Rajshahi, Iswardi and North
Bengal which consists of far north districts like- Rangpur, Dinajpur, Gaibangdha, Lalmonirhat,
Kurigram. Bhermara is very close to Iswardi, can be considered under same voltage area. Other
two major areas are, Khulna area and Barisal area. This area wise segmentation provides a
simplified picture of the whole network and ease the study of the system. In the next section, a
simplified network model has been proposed based on these areas.

Figure 3.3: Grid network of Bangladesh, source: www.pgcb.org.bd

3.3 Simplified Model of BPSN

The transmission network of BPSN can be simplified for study and analysis purposes. The
simplified network consists of 12 buses and keeps its basic connectivity scheme that is illustrated
in previous section. The buses are designated as:

Table 3.4: Different buses in simplified network model

Bus No. Bus name Nature of Bus

Bus-01 Dhaka Generation rich + Maximum load
Bus-02 Comilla Generation rich
Bus-03 Chittagong End of connection, load rich
Bus-04 Mymensing Generation rich
Bus-05 Sylhet Generation rich, less industrial load
Bus-06 Sirajgonj Connection point of east and west
Bus-07 Iswardi Major hub for connectivity in south and North
Bus-08 Khulna Load rich
Bus-09 Barisal Load rich
Bus-10 Rajshahi Load rich
Bus-11 Bogra Load rich
Bus-12 North Bengal Load rich

The buses have been chosen so that major segments or areas of the network are covered. Each
bus represents a certain area. Generations and loads of that area are considered lumped parameter
and assigned to the bus representing that area. Some buses are generation rich and some are load
rich. In Figure 3.4 the proposed simplified model has been presented.

The interconnections between proposed 12 buses are determined based on the existing
transmission network. Route distances between buses have been given in the Table-3.5.

Table 3.5: Interconnectivity of the simplified network model

From Bus To Bus Route Distance

Bus-01 Bus-02 60km
Bus-01 Bus-04 75km
Bus-01 Bus-05 106km
Bus-01 Bus-06 90km
Bus-01 Bus-07 175km
Bus-02 Bus-03 151km
Bus-02 Bus-05 153km
Bus-06 Bus-07 55km
Bus-06 Bus-11 75km

Bus-07 Bus-10 75km
Bus-07 Bus-08 135km
Bus-07 Bus-09 230km
Bus-08 Bus-09 90km
Bus-11 Bus-12 130km

North Bengal

Bogra Mymensing



Sirajgonj BUS No. and Name





Barisal BUS-8 KHULNA




Figure 3.4: Simplified network of BPSN

In practical network, interconnection is achieved by multiple circuit transmission lines. In this

simplified model, the interconnections have been shown with single line connectivity. The
multiple circuit transmission lines have been simplified with approximate single equivalent
circuit. Following example gives the procedure of equivalence.

Iswardi Khulna



Z3 Z2 Z4



Zr= (Z3+Z2+Z4)||Z1 (in pu)

Figure 3.5: Simplified representation of interconnection

Reference to the Figure-3.5, Iswardi and Khulna are connected with two lines- one of 132kV and
other is of 230kV. If both lines are presented with their impedance in per unit, it is easy to achieve
an equivalent single line connection. In Figure-3.5, the line impedances are shown by Z1, Z2, Z3 and
Z4. The final equivalent impedance is Zr, which is derived as Zr= (Z3+Z2+Z4)||Z1 (in p.u.).

Different overhead cables are used in 132kV and 230kV, and their impedances are different. In
actual network, the interconnections have been made mainly by ACSR Grosbeak, Mallard and
Finch as overhead cables. The standard conductor parameters are given in Table-3.6.

Table 3.6: Transmission line conductors’ data

Conductor Area Diameter Resistance Inductive Shunt capacitive Remark
reactance reactance
MCM mm Ohm/km Ohm/km Mohm/km
At 50oC
Grosbeak 636 25.146 0.1006 0.2137 0.1826 Used in 132kV line

Mallard 796 28.0924 0.0800 0.2063 0.1761 Used in 230kV line

Finch 1113 32.8422 0.0595 0.1970 0.1673 Used in 230kV line

In the proposed simplified network model, following ranges of impedance values of overhead
lines are chosen and presented in the Table-3.7.

Table 3.7: Equivalent circuit parameters (r, xl and xc)

132kV 230kV Series Impedance Shunt Capacitance

R jXl -jXC
(Ohm/km) (Ohm/km) Mohm/km
Single - 0.1006 0.2137 0.2
Double - 0.0503 0.1068 0.3
Single Single 0.04178 0.1030 0.4
Double Single 0.02960 0.0698 0.5
Double Double 0.02089 0.0515 0.6

Grid substation power transformer reactance is in range considered in the range of 5-8% at rated
voltage and power.

A MATLAB program has been developed based on this simplified model using Newton Raphson
load flow technique to analyze voltage profile of different buses. Using this program Q-V and P-
V sensitivities of different buses are determined with incremental change in active or reactive

3.4 Voltage Profile of BPSN

Voltage and load profile of Bangladesh Power System Network (BPSN) has been studied from
operational data of PGCB and PBDB. PGCB records voltage values of all transmission stations and
substations. They have daily as well as monthly data logging and reporting system. Data for whole
year of 2015 have been studied. A summary of the data have been given in the Appendix-2.

230kV system voltage profile

Figures-3.6 and 3.7 present the maximum and minimum voltage of 230kV system over the year
2015. It is seen from these two figures, 230kV system varies from 210kV to 235kV on an
average. In figure-3.7, it is seen that all buses observed a voltage dip in March 2015. Sylhet,
Sirajganj and Iswardi buses are having good voltage stability over the year. Dhaka and
Chittagong are stressed areas as most of the most industry loads are populated in these two areas.

Figure 3.6: 230kV system voltage (maximum) for the year 2015

North Bengal and Khulna also have lower voltage profile. These two buses are radially connected
and having less generation capacity.

Figure 3.7: 230kV voltage (minimum) at different buses over the year 2015

132kV system voltage profile

In Figures-3.8 and 3.9 maximum and minimum voltages of 132kV system for year 2015 are
presented. 132kV system is highly stressed and having less regulation. Among the all buses,
mostly affected buses are North Bengal, Khulna, Barisal, Mymensing and Comilla. Dhaka area is
also much stressed. In April 2015 the maximum and minimum both values occurred to their peak,
it means the voltage control of the network is not smooth rather being coarse. It is also seen that,
the average minimum values of the buses is about 115kV which is a 12.8% less than nominal.
Like 230kV system, Sylhet, Iswardi and Sirajganj have very good voltage stability over the year.

Figure 3.8: 132kV system maximum voltage at different buses over the year 2015

Figure 3.9: 132kV system minimum voltage of different buses over the year 2015

3.5 Voltage Control Simulation of BPSN

3.5.1 Simulation program

To understand the nature of voltage profile of BPSN, it is better to check the bus voltages at
different load and operating conditions. To do it by simulation, a MATLAB program has been
developed based on the simplified network model of BPSN, as presented in Figure-3.4. This
program uses Newton Raphson iteration method of load flow. Using this program it is possible to
calculate voltages of different buses at different load conditions in the network. Simulation result
can be referenced to the actual bus voltages that have been presented in section 3.4. Simulated
results give a relative picture of voltage profile of different buses rather than actual numeric
values. Thus it is possible to determine which buses are weaker or having higher sensitivities.

The following flow chart in Figure-3.10 gives the basic functionality of the program:


Read line data and

Bus data from

Receive user inputs for load

change steps, test bus
selections and reactive power
reserve utilization

Report the Load

Perform the NR
flow result
Load Flow

Change the load Bus voltage is

NO of selected bus less than 0.92


Reactive power
Number of load generation
change step >= set adjusted
value =available_
reserve* adj factor



Figure 3.10: Basic functional flow chart of the simulation program

Table-3.8 shows the bus data table. Load, mode of the buses, generator’s delivery and their limits
can be set by this table. MATLAB program read this excel file for calculation. Generators’
derating factors are also included in the data table so only available derated capacity of the
generators are being considered.

Table 3.8: Bus Data Table used for Simulation

Type-1: Slack Bus Type-2: PV bus and Type-3: PQ bus

Generation Load Q Range
Bus Name Bus Type Vsp Theta Pgi Qgi Gf fdp fdq pfset Smax Pli Qli Qmin Qmax
Dhaka 1 1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Comilla 2 2 1.00 0.00 31.28 16.03 0.60 0.95 0.98 0.89 70.00 153.00 35.00 -10.00 280.00
Chittagong 3 3 1.00 0.00 40.22 20.60 0.60 0.95 0.98 0.89 90.00 180.00 108.00 0.00 0.00
Maymensing 4 2 1.00 0.00 67.03 37.99 0.60 0.95 0.98 0.87 150.00 150.00 95.00 -10.00 190.00
Sylhet 5 3 1.00 0.00 44.69 22.89 0.60 0.95 0.98 0.89 100.00 110.00 56.00 0.00 14.00
Sirajgonj 6 3 1.00 0.00 67.03 34.34 0.60 0.95 0.98 0.89 150.00 35.00 26.00 0.00 0.00
Iswardi 7 2 1.00 0.00 71.50 44.31 0.60 0.95 0.98 0.85 160.00 95.00 40.00 -10.00 400.00
Khulna 8 3 1.00 0.00 59.58 40.04 0.80 0.95 0.98 0.83 100.00 199.80 107.00 0.00 2.00
Barishal 9 3 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.95 0.98 0.89 0.00 59.40 41.00 0.00 0.00
Rajshahi 10 3 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.95 0.98 0.85 0.00 90.00 61.00 0.00 0.00
Bogra 11 3 1.00 0.00 20.85 12.92 0.70 0.95 0.98 0.85 40.00 108.00 67.00 0.00 200.00
North B. 12 3 1.00 0.00 52.14 32.31 1.00 0.95 0.98 0.85 70.00 120.00 70.00 0.00 0.00

Table-3.9 shows the line data by which Ybus matrix is formed. This data are also given thru an
excel file and easy to manipulate.

Table 3.9: Line data for simulation program

Number of Bus 12

Base MVA 100 Base kV 132 174.24

Line Data
From bus To bus R X B/2 Xm Tap setting Distance Resistance Reactance shut reactance
1 2 0.013188 0.032513 0.014039 1 110 0.02089 0.0515 6.83E+05
1 4 0.031172 0.076848 0.016592 1 130 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
1 5 0.043161 0.106405 0.022973 1 180 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
1 6 0.013188 0.032513 0.014039 1 110 0.02089 0.0515 6.83E+05
1 7 0.037374 0.088131 0.028079 1 220 0.0296 0.0698 6.83E+05
2 3 0.038365 0.094582 0.020421 1 160 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
2 5 0.021581 0.053202 0.011487 1 90 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
6 7 0.019183 0.047291 0.010210 1 80 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
6 11 0.016785 0.041380 0.008934 1 70 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
7 8 0.023978 0.059114 0.025526 1 200 0.02089 0.0515 6.83E+05
7 9 0.051963 0.110382 0.022973 1 180 0.0503 0.10685 6.83E+05
7 10 0.014434 0.030662 0.006381 1 50 0.0503 0.10685 6.83E+05
8 9 0.018764 0.039860 0.008296 1 65 0.0503 0.10685 6.83E+05
11 12 0.045868 0.108161 0.034460 1 270 0.0296 0.0698 6.83E+05

The following features can be determined by this program:

 The steady state P-V and Q-V sensitivities of different buses by incremental changing of
active and reactive load
 Effect of Q-reserve of PV buses on the network (When Q reserve of the PV bus is
exhausted, it turned into PQ buses and voltage regulation of network is being affected.)

 Effect of utilization of spinning reactive reserve generators connected at PQ buses (when
generators at PQ buses has Q-reserve and inject reactive power to support system voltage)
 The effect of electrical distance on Q-V sensitivities

In next sections couple of scenarios have been tested with this simulation program.

3.5.2 Simulation results of different test scenarios

The following test scenarios have been considered:

Table 3.10: Simulation test case scenarios

Case/Scenario Conditions Possible outcome

Case-1:  Network voltage will be controlled by  By changing incremental reactive load,
Scenario-1 three PV buses with sufficient Q- PQ bus voltages will change.
reserve.  The far end PQ bus will be affected
 Generators connected to the PQ buses more
will deliver fixed active and reactive  Immediate demand increase in a PQ bus
power will be supplied by nearer PV bus.
 Load of selected PQ bus will increase
in set step. Only reactive load will be

Case-1  Network voltage will be controlled by  When PV bus’s Q reserve limit has
Scenario-2 three PV buses been fully utilized, the voltage drop of
 Q reserve of one PV bus will be PQ bus is accelerated.
exhausted and turned to PQ buses
 PQ bus reactive load will be increased
in set steps.
 All generators of PQ buses will deliver
fixed active and reactive power.

Case-2  Network voltage will be controlled by  When reserve capacity of the generators
Scenario-1 nominated PV buses at PQ buses are being utilized, system
 Reactive load at selected PQ buses will voltage regulation improved
change in set steps
 Generators at PQ buses will deliver
scheduled active power and reactive
power, but reactive power delivery will
be changed if the system voltage varies
beyond threshold values. But always
generator should adjust its delivery
according to its derated maximum
available capability limit.

Case-1, Scenario-1: Voltages of PQ buses with sufficient Q-reserve in PV buses

According to the conditions stated in Table-3.10, there considered three PV buses- Comilla,
Mymensing and Iswardi each having maximum Q limit of 350MVAr, 200MVAr and 450MVAr
respectively. The test PQ buses are Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal and North Bengal. For each PQ
test bus MATLAB simulation program has been executed. The results have been given in the
Table-3.11. Only reactive load has been changed for the PQ buses, with the set step of 0.1pu and
voltages of buses are determined for 7 times load changes.

Table 3.11: Voltage profile of selected PQ buses (Case-1, scenario-1)

BUS-3 [Chittagong] BUS-8 [Khulna]

Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve

0.907 1.60 0.72 0.233 0.931 1.75 0.92 0.186

0.896 1.60 0.82 0.233 0.926 1.75 1.02 0.186
0.884 1.60 0.92 0.233 0.921 1.75 1.12 0.186
0.872 1.60 1.02 0.233 0.916 1.75 1.22 0.186
0.859 1.60 1.12 0.233 0.911 1.75 1.32 0.186
0.846 1.60 1.22 0.233 0.906 1.75 1.42 0.186
0.832 1.60 1.32 0.233 0.901 1.75 1.52 0.186

PV bus Q Injection: PV Bus Q Injection

Comilla: 287MVAr Comilla: 209MVAr
Mymensing: 127MVAr Mymensing: 127MVAr
Iswardi: 352MVAr Inwardi: 423MVAr

BUS-09 [Barisal] BUS-12 [North Bengal]

Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve

0.933 0.59 0.41 0.063 0.894 1.05 0.50 0.129

0.927 0.59 0.51 0.063 0.873 1.05 0.60 0.129
0.921 0.59 0.61 0.063 0.852 1.05 0.70 0.129
0.915 0.59 0.71 0.063 0.829 1.05 0.80 0.129
0.908 0.59 0.81 0.063 0.804 1.05 0.90 0.129
0.902 0.59 0.91 0.063 0.777 1.05 1.00 0.129
0.896 0.59 1.01 0.063 0.747 1.05 1.10 0.129
PV Bus Q Injection PV Bus Q Injection
Comilla: 209MVAr Comilla: 209MVAr
Mymensing: 127MVAr Mymensing: 127MVAr
Inwardi: 423MVAr Inwardi: 390MVAr

Significances of this simulation:

 None of the PV buses have reached the Qmax limit.

 The change in demand of any PQ bus affects the nearby PV bus more. Example, when
load has changed in Chittagong bus, the increased demand has been supplied by nearby
PV bus (Comilla). Same can be observed for Khulna or Barisal or North Bengal buses,
nearby PV bus Iswardi has supplied the majority of the demand of these buses.

 The Q_reserve column has been shown, but no reserve change as the generators have
been running in PQ mode. They have not respond to system voltage drops.

Case-1, Scenario-2: Voltage of PQ buses when PV buses has delivered its full Q reserve

The conditions of this scenario have been given in Table-3.10. Here three PV buses (Comilla,
Mymensing and Iswardi) are considered with maximum Q limit of 280MVAr, 180MVAr and
400MVAr. The Q limits are less than in case-1, scenario-1. Voltages of selected PQ buses
(Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal and North Bengal) are monitored with reactive load change for 8
times with steps of .01pu each time. The results have been presented in the Table-3.12.

Table 3.12: Voltage profile of selected PQ buses (Case-1, Scenario-2)

BUS-3 [Chittagong] BUS-8 [Khulna]

Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve

0.907 1.60 0.72 0.233 0.931 1.75 0.92 0.186

0.896 1.60 0.82 0.233 0.926 1.75 1.02 0.186
0.884 1.60 0.92 0.233 0.921 1.75 1.12 0.186
0.872 1.60 1.02 0.233 0.916 1.75 1.22 0.186
0.859 1.60 1.12 0.233 0.911 1.75 1.32 0.186
0.846 1.60 1.22 0.233 0.906 1.75 1.42 0.186
0.832 1.60 1.32 0.233 0.890 1.75 1.52 0.186
0.810 1.60 1.42 0.233 0.879 1.75 1.62 0.186

PV Bus Q Injection PV Bus Q Injection

Comilla: 280MVAr [ V=0.9938pu] Comilla: 209MVAr
Mymensing: 127MVAr Mymensing: 127MVAr
Inwardi: 352MVAr Inwardi: 400MVAr [V=0.9853pu]

BUS-09 [Barisal] BUS-12 [North Bengal]

Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve

0.933 0.59 0.41 0.063 0.894 1.05 0.50 0.129

0.927 0.59 0.51 0.063 0.873 1.05 0.60 0.129
0.921 0.59 0.61 0.063 0.852 1.05 0.70 0.129
0.915 0.59 0.71 0.063 0.829 1.05 0.80 0.129
0.908 0.59 0.81 0.063 0.804 1.05 0.90 0.129
0.902 0.59 0.91 0.063 0.777 1.05 1.00 0.129
0.885 0.59 1.01 0.063 0.747 1.05 1.10 0.129
0.872 0.59 1.11 0.063 0.713 1.05 1.20 0.129
------------------------------------------------ PV Bus Q Injection
PV Bus Q Injection
Comilla: 209MVAr
Comilla: 209MVAr
Mymensing: 127MVAr
Mymensing: 127MVAr
Inwardi: 399MVAr
Inwardi: 400MVAr [V=0.9848]

It has been seen from the simulation result that, Q reserve margin reduction in PV buses have
direct impact on voltage profile of different buses. When PV buses deliver reactive power to its
maximum capacity, after that they have turned in to PQ buses and cannot support system voltage
further. At this condition, bus voltages drop rapidly. This can be seen by comparing simulation
results of scenario-1 and scenario-2.

In case of Khulna bus, voltage dropped to 0.879pu in scenario-2 when PV bus Iswardi has
delivered reactive power of its full capacity and turned to PQ buses. Where as in case-1, scenario-
1 (in Table-3.11) Khulna voltage dropped to 0.901p.u. Same results revealed for Barisal and
Chittagong buses. Khulna bus voltage for two scenarios are illustrated in Figure-3.10. Following
the yellow line in the trend, after 6th step of load change at Khulna, the PV bus ( Iswardi) has
reached its maximum capacity (400MVAr) limit and voltage dropped sharply.

Figure 3.11: PV bus has generated its maximum capacity and turned in to PQ bus

Case-2, Scenario-1: Bus voltages when generators of PQ Buses deliver Q based on System

In this case, voltage profile of different buses have been evaluated by considering that Generators
connected PQ buses can control their reactive power injection if system voltage changes beyond a
certain acceptable limit. In this simulation program, the limit value of system voltage is
considered as 0.92 and 1.05pu for lower and upper limit. If system voltage is below than the
lower limit, generators will deliver more reactive power from reserve capacity. And opposite
scenario will happen if voltage increases more than 1.05pu, generators will reduce their reactive
power delivery. While generators are at PQ buses act like generators at PV buses, the system gets
positive support for enhanced voltage stability. During this control generators always follow their

capability limit. For reserve calculation, derating factors for prime mover as well as alternators
are considered.

In Table-3.13, result for this test scenario has been presented for Chittagong bus.

Table 3.13: Voltage of Bus-3 (Chittagong) when Generator’s Q-reserve being utilized

*Bus Number: 3
*Active Load INC/DEC (in p.u): 0
*Reactive Load INC/DEC (in p.u): .1


*Bus Number: 12
*Active Load INC/DEC (in p.u): 0
*Reactive Load INC/DEC (in p.u): 0

Maximum Steps of INC/DEC of Load: 8

---------------------------------------Q-Gen ADJ FACTORS

*Q-gen adj factor of Test Bus-1: .4

*Q-gen adj factor of Test bus-2: 0

Tested Bus 3
Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve
0.907 1.60 0.72 0.233
0.906 1.60 0.82 0.140
0.901 1.60 0.92 0.084
0.894 1.60 1.02 0.050
0.884 1.60 1.12 0.030
0.873 1.60 1.22 0.018
0.862 1.60 1.32 0.011
0.849 1.60 1.42 0.007
Qvsens: -0.082464 |Qg-Adj= UP: 8 DWN: 0 Times
Note- Qg adjustment Factor: 0.400000

Reference to the simulation result in Table-3.13, generators connected to Chittagong bus has
reactive power reserve capacity of 0.233pu. As the voltage drops below threshold (0.92p.u)
generator’s operation mode switched. Generators has kept their active power delivery unchanged
but regulated their reactive power delivery to support system voltage. In the eight steps of
simulation, reactive power reserve of this bus has been utilized from .233 to 0.007p.u. The effect
of reactive power utilization can be evaluated by comparing earlier simulation result when
generation reserve has not been utilized (Tables 3.11 and 3.12).

This time voltage has been changed from 0.907 to 0.845pu. But when generator Q reserve has not
been utilized, the voltage dropped more, from 0.907 to 0.810 [Table-3.11]. Another significance

is that nearby PV bus (Comilla) has delivered 2.69p.u reactive power, whereas it delivered 2.8p.u
when generator reserve had not been utilized.

Same simulation has been performed for more three buses, Khulna, Barisal and North Bengal.
The simulation results have been given in Table-3.14. To compare the effect of generator’s
reactive power reserve utilization, simulation result of Table-3.11 have been present in separate
column where generator’s reserve has not been utilized.

Table 3.14: Simulation results for Bus-8, 9 and 12 (Case-2, scenario-1)

Without generator reserve Generator reserve utilized

Tested Bus 8 Tested Bus 8
Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve
0.931 1.75 0.92 0.186 0.931 1.75 0.92 0.186
0.926 1.75 1.02 0.186 0.926 1.75 1.02 0.186
0.921 1.75 1.12 0.186 0.921 1.75 1.12 0.186
0.916 1.75 1.22 0.186 0.916 1.75 1.22 0.186
0.911 1.75 1.32 0.186 0.915 1.75 1.32 0.102
0.906 1.75 1.42 0.186 0.912 1.75 1.42 0.056
0.890 1.75 1.52 0.186 0.909 1.75 1.52 0.031
0.879 1.75 1.62 0.186 0.898 1.75 1.62 0.017
------------------------------------------------- Qvsens: -0.047169 |Qg-Adj= UP: 5 DWN: 0 Times
Note- Qg adjustment Factor: 0.450000
Tested Bus-9 Tested Bus 9
Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve
0.933 0.59 0.41 0.063 0.933 0.59 0.41 0.063
0.927 0.59 0.51 0.063 0.927 0.59 0.51 0.063
0.921 0.59 0.61 0.063 0.921 0.59 0.61 0.063
0.915 0.59 0.71 0.063 0.915 0.59 0.71 0.063
0.908 0.59 0.81 0.063 0.910 0.59 0.81 0.035
0.902 0.59 0.91 0.063 0.905 0.59 0.91 0.019
0.885 0.59 1.01 0.063 0.891 0.59 1.01 0.011
0.872 0.59 1.11 0.063 0.879 0.59 1.11 0.006
------------------------------------------------ Qvsens: -0.076294 |Qg-Adj= UP: 5 DWN: 0 Times
Note- Qg adjustment Factor: 0.450000
Tested bus-12 Tested Bus 12
Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve Voltage | P_Load | Q_Load | Q_reserve
0.894 1.05 0.50 0.129 0.894 1.05 0.50 0.129
0.873 1.05 0.60 0.129 0.886 1.05 0.60 0.071
0.852 1.05 0.70 0.129 0.871 1.05 0.70 0.039
0.829 1.05 0.80 0.129 0.853 1.05 0.80 0.021
0.804 1.05 0.90 0.129 0.833 1.05 0.90 0.012
0.777 1.05 1.00 0.129 0.809 1.05 1.00 0.007
0.747 1.05 1.10 0.129 0.784 1.05 1.10 0.004
0.713 1.05 1.20 0.129 0.755 1.05 1.20 0.002
------------------------------------------------- Qvsens: -0.198335 |Qg-Adj= UP: 8 DWN: 0 Times
Note- Qg adjustment Factor: 0.450000

The comparison have been presented in Figures- 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13 for buses-8, 9 and 12
respectively. In the Figure-3.7, BUS-8 voltage is shown for two cases. The brown (lower) trend
shows the voltage when reactive power reserve of the bus is not being utilized and generators

were running in fixed output mode (PQ mode). The green trend, the upper one, shows the voltage
of bus-8, when generators’ reactive power reserve haves been utilized. Later case, voltage profile
is improved and better stability ensured.

Figure 3.12: Bus-8 voltage comparison- with and without utilizing generator’s Q reserve

Figure 3.13: Bus-9 Voltage comparison- with and without utilization generator’s Q reserve

Figure 3.14: Bus-12 voltage comparison: with and without utilizing Q reserve

3.5.3 Decision from simulation results

From different simulation results it is evident that, to ensure better voltage stability, reactive
power reserves are to be maintained adequately. Traditionally, voltage control of the network is
done by designated PV buses (Case-1, Scenario-1 and -2). So PV buses need very high level of
reactive power reserve, which may be uneconomical and sometime unrealistic. Because the
electrical distance is very important factor. Far distant bus cannot get sufficient support from PV
bus and line losses increases.

In BPS many power plants are being installed in different locations and nearer to load centres.
Normally these generators are not running in PV mode, rather they deliver set active and reactive
power. This operation mode is called PQ mode. If these generators would have been running in a
different mode, similar to PV mode, where active power delivery is controlled by set values and
reactive power injection is controlled according to system voltage requirement, then a better
voltage stability can be achieved.

The operation mode switching of generators should be performed under certain conditions. There
should have an acceptable limit of system voltage variation. If system voltage drops below the
lower limit of acceptable range, then only generator with reserve reactive margin can be switched
to PV mode. These generators should not deliver power beyond their capability limit, so present
operation condition and maximum available capacity should be monitored or calculated
dynamically. If system voltage remains within acceptable limit, generator will limit its reactive

power injection and keep more reserve for future demand. If all distributed generators are
considered, a good amount of reactive power reserve can be maintained. With centralized load
control system these reserves can be well managed, scheduled and allocated based on system
demand. Thus a better voltage stability can be achieved and possible to keep the system far from
collapse point.

3.6 Practical Challenges in Generating Plants

There exists some major challenges in operation feature of power plants in Bangladesh, which are
directly related to system reliability and stability, especially related to reactive power
management and voltage stability.

3.6.1 Operating at Rated Capacity

The power purchase agreements (PPA) for new power plants are very stringent on reactive power
delivery. Power Plants are contractually bound to deliver the maximum reactive power of their
declared capacity even there is no requirement for the network. Thus no margin or reserve is left
off to support the network in case of sudden load change or contingency. According to the PPA,
power plant operation should maintain 0.85 pf after power transformer otherwise penalty
imposed. The copy of PPA terms have been attached in Appendix-IV.





Figure 3.15: Generators running at 0.8pf to maintain 0.85pf after transformer

It has been seen, to ensure 0.85pf (maximum) at delivery point meaning after power transformer,
all generators need to be run at 0.8 pf, figure-3.7. At the same time operators try to deliver
maximum active power, the only salable power. Thus generators are being run at their maximum
capacity- maximum active power at 0.8pf. Thus there is no reserve left that can be utilized from

generator end. In this case, the generation bus voltages are controlled only by on load tap
changers and on line static VAR generators are the only means of controlling system voltage.
These VAR generators are located in different points of the network, they are slow in response
and no coordination exist among them. Beside this, due to frequent switching of OLTC, power
transformer premature failures observed.

Operation data was collected from a 200MW power plant. This plants is at the generation rich
center- at Ashugonj (In Comilla Region), it was found, all generators are running at 0.8pf and
marginal to their capability limit. Figure-3.8 and Figure-3.9 show the PQ diagram of two
generators of the same plant. This is practical case for most of the power plants in Bangladesh.

Figure 3.16: Operation point of a generator at 200MW PP


Figure 3.17: Operation point of another generator at 200MW PP

3.6.2 P-Q Mode of Operation

Most of the power plants are being operated in PQ Mode. In PQ mode, irrespective of grid
voltage and frequency, generating units deliver powers following given set points.Figure3.10
illustrates the PQ operation mode of generators.

Generator produces power

irrespective of grid

Load Set Generating

Governor set


Generator produces
reactive power irrespective
of grid voltage
Reactive Power
Generating Deliver
Pf set point AVR set


Power factor

Figure 3.18: P-Q operation mode of generating units

In this operation mode, generating plants only meet the demand of power (active and reactive)
rather contribute less in grid voltage and frequency stability. Because generators do not respond

according to changes in system requirement, i.e. set point is not changed operator changes

For stability concern, there should have power plants with sufficient capacity (at least 30% of the
total generation), those will adjust their active and reactive power injection based on system
requirement. These plants are normally called swing plants. The mode for this type of plant is
Isochronous (for speed and active power control) and Voltage droop compensation (VDC) for
voltage control. The PID values of governor and AVR are different than plants running in PQ

3.6.3 Lack of Coordination between Generation Plants

NLDC (National Load Dispatch Centre) does the coordination among generation, transmission &
distribution of the existing power system to operate each power station and substation
economically and profitably. They also ensure to avoid excessive variation in voltage and
frequency of the network. This coordination is done thru SCADA system and established
communication network.

Most of the smaller and remotely distributed power plants (which have been made during last
couple of years) are still not connected to NLDC communication network. So a good number of
power generation units are not in automatic generation control and coordination rather manual
scheduling is being used. This type of control is slower, prone to erratic estimation does not
ensure a stable operating point. Especially during emergency or contingency the available
resources cannot be turned on or utilized effectively.

It has been seen that, in all new power project contracts RTU [Communication panel to central
SCADA of LDC] units are included in the scope. Most of the cases communication and control
have not been established.

Chapter 4 Proposed Method of Generator
Reactive Power Management
4.1 Introduction

In the earlier chapter different features of Bangladesh Power System have been studied in detail.
It has been seen from different simulation results that, better voltage stability can be achieved
with efficient control of reactive power reserve of generators at different PQ buses. A control
algorithm is required to manage and control the reactive power reserve of generators. That control
scheme will monitor system voltage magnitude, evaluate the reactive power reserve of the
available generators, change or switch the generator’s operation to PV mode, produce control
command for automatic voltage regulator of generators to control the reactive power delivery. In
this chapter a control scheme has been proposed that meets these desired objectives. The
mathematical models of this control philosophy has been presented in detail and then verified
with a SIMSCAPE dynamic simulation model. The control philosophy has also been tested in a
real life power plant. Test results have been presented in the later part of this chapter.

4.2 General Description of the Control Scheme

Generator terminal voltage and reactive power are controlled by excitation current which is
regulated by automatic voltage regulator (AVR). AVR always monitors generator terminal
voltage and machine current for maintaining voltage and reactive power to the desired level. This
is standard AVR control loop. In the proposed control scheme, an additional control loop is
included to this standard control model. The proposed control function produces a biasing signal
(Ubias) by monitoring the switch yard voltage magnitude at HT side of power transformer. If
switch yard voltage drops below a threshold level the control function generates a positive bias
signal which directs AVR to deliver more reactive power. Additional reactive power injection
helps to improve the system voltage. While system voltage stays within an acceptable limit, there
will be zero bias signal and no additional reactive power is delivered. This scheme is illustrated in
the Figure 4.1. In this figure, a generator is shown connected to grid thru a power transformer.
The standard AVR control loop senses terminal voltage U GT. The proposed controller senses
voltage (UHV) of HT side of transformer and produces Ubias to AVR.


HV Bus



Switch Yard

MV Bus


Proposed control
G AVR scheme

Figure 4.1: Proposed control function illustrated in simplified block diagram

It is not sufficient to produce only Ubias signal to achieve the target performance. There need some
other associated control functions to be performed like selection of MV, HV buses and
generators, selection of operating mode, enabling and disabling of the function, evaluation
generator reserve capacities etc. It is an integrated control scheme, where different logic functions
and dynamic function blocks are involved. In following sections control algorithm of this scheme
and mathematical models of different blocks are presented.

To refer this control scheme at different places in this report, it is termed as Generator Reactive
Power Management Controller (GRPMC). ,,,

4.3 Control Algorithm

To understand the control algorithm, it is better to refer a standard layout of a power plant
consists of generators, MV and HV switchgear and transformers. In Figure-4.2 such a schematic
is presented. Six generators are grouped into two sections. Three generators are in one group
connected to a MV bus. Each MV bus is connected to HV bus with power transformer. Power
transformers are of OLTC type. There are bus couplers in between MV and HV bus sections.
Normally Transformer and HV switchgear are placed in switchyard. This figure will be referred
to describe the different functionalities of GRPM controller.

Target Grid

HV Bus-1 HV Bus-2

Transformer Transformer

MV Bus-1 MV Bus-2

Gen CB

Generator Generator

Figure 4.2: A single line diagram of a standard power plant


Selection of:
1. HV
of Selected
Selected Tx
Tx in
GRPM scheme

Measure and
Generator Set
Set value
value for
for ref
ref and
compare HVHV bus
Operation mode
mode Acceptable
Acceptable band
band ofof HV
voltage with
with set
selection. voltage

Derating Factors
Factors Check
Check and
and evaluate
of Prime
Prime mover
mover the
the QQ reserve
and Generator
and Generator Diff
Diff of
of Volt
Volt and
and Ref
Ref volt
isis out
out of
of accepble
accepble band

QQ reserve
reserve >>

Send the
the error
error signal
to PI
PI controller
ref for
for AVR



Send the
the PI
Controller out
out put
put to
Generator Time
Time lag
lag func.

Control Delivery
Delivery of
Reactive Power
Power Voltage
Voltage Correction
Signal, Ubias


Figure 4.3: Flow chart of GRPM control scheme

4.4 Description of Different Functionalities

4.4.1 Selection of HV Bus and Generators

GRPM controller will work in parallel to the standard control functions of a power plant. There
should be feature of enabling and disabling this control scheme. HV buses, transformers and
generators are to be selected to operate under this scheme. The selection criterion is presented in

Figure 4.4: Selection tree for HV bus and generators for GRPM control scheme

Selection criteria is based logic which is simple and implemented using AND logic. Power plant
operator first select whether GRPM scheme would be used or not. Second selection option is for
HV bus sections. If there are 1, 2…n number of HV bus sections, need to select which bus or
buses to be considered under GRPM scheme. The OLTC of power transformers connected to the
selected HV buses have to be kept at nominal or suitable fixed tap position. The selection of the
HV bus can be arbitrary or determined by a central control system which manage the whole
network and schedule generation and load, or selected by agreed contract between utility and
power plant operator. But in general, in the control scheme there should have the option to select
the bus or buses.

With selection of HV bus and power transformer a section of the power plant is selected to be
operated under GRPM control scheme. Now generator belong to that section need to be selected
for GRPM control mode. The two main criterion for generator selection are – whether its control

mode is in AUTO and parallel with grid. Because this control scheme is only applicable for
system operating with grid.

The mode of the selected generators is switched to PV mode and AVR of those generators will
respond to the bias signal to control the reactive power delivery.

4.4.2 Producing Voltage Adjustment Factor

The selected HV bus voltage is being monitored and compared with reference set value. The
difference between actual and reference voltage produces an error signal. If system voltage is
above a threshold value, and the error is bigger than acceptable voltage variation band, voltage
error signal is then passed thru a PI controller. PI controller processes the signal and send to a
saturation block. Saturation block is used to limit the PI controller output. Normally upper limit is
set to 0.1 and lower limit is -0.1. This signal further processed by a time lag function, and finally
voltage correction or adjustment bias signal (U bias) is produced. In Figure-4.4 the function blocks
are illustrated.

Figure 4.5: PI controller for voltage comparison and producing voltage bias signal, Ubias

The choice of PI controller is justified, because grid voltage is not changing too fast so derivative
factors can be avoided in this case. The time lag function is used to smoothen the bias signal to be
applied suitably to AVR.

4.4.3 AVR Control Block

The Ubias signal generated by the PI controller is applied to the AVR of the selected generators for
GRPM control. This signal is applied to a summing point together with Voltage reference for
AVR. There are different types of standard AVR control blocks. In Figure-4.6 a standard AVR
block is shown with Ubias signal input. The AVR designated as AC5A is recommended by IEEE
for excitation system modelling for power system stability study.

Figure 4.6: AVR control block with Ubias input.

The detail of the AVR control block is presented in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7: Detail of AVR with Exciter Model

With added bias signal AVR adjusts excitation current to the main exciter of generator and thus
control the reactive power generation. If positive bias is applied, it increases reactive power
delivery and vice versa. So when system voltage is stressed due to high demand of reactive
power, generators inject more VAR and help to stabilize the voltage to its acceptable level. When

bias signal is set to zero and system voltage within acceptable limit, no extra reactive generated
and generators are running with Q reserve.

4.4.4 Control logic for Generator Capability and Reserve

Referring to the Figure-4.8, the graphical explanation of reactive reserve calculation for a
generator has been given. The field current limit line, ABC can be linearly approximated by the
line AC. At any operating condition, when generator delivers active power Ppv=OP’, total reactive
power margin is MP’. At the same time if generator sets its reactive power deliver to Qpv= MP’,
rest of the reactive power margin is kept as reserve, so, Qreserve= MN. Derating factors can be
imposed, if rotor heating limit is reduced due to any reason (viz. high ambient temp, insufficient
cooling etc.), available reactive power reserve margin will reduce. An indicative derating line has
been shown by the dashes line.

Q reserve
Reactive Power, Q

Qo M

O P’ P E
Active Power, P

Figure 4.8: Q reserve calculation of a generator

In case of GRPM control scheme, available generator reactive power limit needs to calculate.
AVR responds to Ubais signal to control reactive power generation. But generator should not be
run beyond its capability limit. So a control function is needed to calculate the present available
reactive power margin. If the margin is less than a present value, that generator will not
participate to GRPM control loop. The control algorithm will monitor and evaluate the capability
of the generator. Generator’s derating factors should be considered while calculating the present
deliverable or available capacity. The control block illustrated in Figure-4.9 is designed for
checking capability limit of generator. The inputs of the blocks are derating factors of prime

mover and generator, rated active and apparent power and current operating active and reactive
load. The outputs of the block are Maximum available active and reactive power, and present
reserve of reactive power.

Figure 4.9: Control block for generator capability and Q reserve calculation

Figure 4.10: Control block diagram for calculating generator capability and spinning reserve

Control blocks in Figure 4.9 and 4.10 implement the basic idea of reactive power reserve
calculation of generators as explained with reference to Fig 4.8. A comparator checks whether the
present reactive reserve is sufficient or not. If Q reserve is more than a threshold value, generator
can be participated in GRPM control scheme. Otherwise, GRPM control is forced to switched off
for this particular generator.

4.5 Simulation Model

In MATLAB SIMSCAPE a power system model has been designed to simulate the functionality
of GRPM controller. The model is given in the Figure-4.11. In the model one synchronous
generator of 21MVA capacity is connected to a 33kV grid system. There are other generators
also. Loads are distributed over the network with variable switching schedules. The generator has
automatic speed and voltage regulator.

Generator reactive power management control scheme has been implemented in this model to see
how the generator excitation system responds to variation in network voltage. 33kV voltage is
being monitored and compared by GRPM controller and produces a bias signal for generator

Simulation duration is 15 sec. During simulation period loads are switched ON and OFF at
different timing. Switching timing is programmable. When loads are switched ON, there
increases sudden reactive power demand and 33kV voltage drops. Opposite happens when loads
are switched off. 33kV voltage tends to increase. Generator AVR responds to this voltage
variation. Generator’s reactive power deliver is always monitored and not allowed to exceed the
capability limit.

Load switching timing is given in the following table:

Table 4.1: Load switching timing of Simscape model

Time @ Type of Switching of load Switching load

[ simulation time]
sec P, MW Q, MVAr
5sec CB Closes: Load-2 10.5 8.0
6sec CB Opens: Load-3 1.0 6
9sec CB Closes: Load-3 1.0 6
10sec CB Closes: Load-5 8.0 7.5

Figure 4.11: Power System Model in SIMSCAPE to simulate GRPM

Simulation with GRPM disabled

33kV system voltage is shown in Figure-4.12 when GRPM is switched OFF. It means, generator
AVR does not respond to system voltage variation. In this case, when load-2 is switched ON (at
5sec), voltage drops to 29.8kV. At 9sec Load-3 switched ON, and at 10sec when Load-4 switched
ON- successively voltage has dropped. System voltage is settled to 28.2kV when all loads are

Figure 4.12: 33kV Voltage, when GRPM controller is disabled for the generator

Simulation with GRPM enabled

In Figure-4.13, 33kV system voltage is shown when GRPM is switched ON or enabled for the
generator. At this time, the voltage profile looks improved than earlier case. When first load
switched ON at t=5sec, the voltage dropped to 30.25kV. After fourth load switching, the voltage
dropped to 29.5kV. Thus it is seen that, by using proposed generator reactive power management
controller system voltage stability improves.

Figure 4.13: 33kV voltage, when GRPM is enabled for the generator

During GRPM operation, generator performance is given in the following figure, Figure-4.14.
Top trend is showing the generator terminal voltage. Bottom trend is reactive power injection by
the generator. It is seen from the reactive power trend, when system voltage dropped, generator
immediately responded and reactive power generation increased.

In this simulation, only one generator is tested. If the power plant would have more generators
operated with the voltage control scheme, system voltage would have been improved far better.

Figure 4.14: Generator voltage and reactive power when GRPM control enabled

The basic characteristics of the reactive power control philosophy has been explained here. It is
possible to simulate with different load and switching schedules. Beside this simulation, this
controller function has been verified in a real life power plant. In the next section the field test
results have been presented.

4.6 Implementation of Proposed Controller in a Power Plant

Performance, effectiveness of the proposed voltage control scheme has been tested in a power
plant with 4 generating sets. Each generator’s capacity is 10912kVA and rated active power is
8.73MW. Prime movers are 4-stroke reciprocating gas engines. The Power plant is connected to
REB 33kV grid at Rupgonj in Narayanganj district. Simplified single line diagram of the plant is
given in Figure-4.15 and technical specifications are listed in Table-4.2.

Table 4.2: Technical specification of Rupgonj power plant.

Prime Mover 4 stroke reciprocating engine

Shaft power: 8900kW Nominal Speed: 750rpm
Fuel mode: Natural Gas
Alternator DIG 167 8 Pole, 50Hz
10913kVA, 573A

Excitation: 52V/4.4A [Indirect excitation]
Insulation class: F
AVR: Unitrol, ABB, Iemax= 15A
HMI Intouch Wonderware

33kV BUS-1 33kV BUS-2

Transformer-1 Transformer-2

Switch Yard

BUS-A, 11kV BUS-B, 11kV

G1 G2 G3 G4

Figure 4.15: Simplified single line diagram of Rupgonj power plant

4.7 Test Methodology

This power plant has modern programmable logic controller (PLC) and HMI (Human Machine
Interface) system. Control blocks can be designed using PLC and HMI and implemented within
certain constraints. There are plenty of data available for online monitoring. 33kV system
voltage, frequency data are also included in the system. The voltage signal of 33kV bus has been
used to implement the proposed control scheme. The bias signal produced from the controller is
fed to AVR as a 4-20mA remote reference signal.

Enabling the control function

The control function has been enabled from HMI and PLC. Before enabling the controller
transformer tap changer has been set to ‘MANUAL’. Tap changer would not be active in auto
while this control scheme is in operation.

Test Target

The proposed controller works to manage reactive power generation in response to system
requirement. It also bypasses the requirement of Tap changer for transformer. Generator AVRs
maintains terminal voltage at rated level, and also respond to the system voltage variation.
Excitation current is regulated to change in reactive power generation based on changes happen
in 33kV system voltage. During this operation generators should not cross its capability limit. the
following features of the controller have been tested:

 How the generator AVR responds to system voltage variation,

 How generator reactive power reserves is maintained and managed
 Impact of the control scheme on active power generation.

4.7.1 Data Collection and Analysis

Different data have been collected from HMI. These include bus voltages, generator active- and –
reactive power, system frequency etc, list is given in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Summary of Monitored data

Test Duration: 1 hours, 24 hours

Serial Data / parameters Unit
01 Switchyard busbar-1 voltage kV
02 Switch yard busbar-2 voltage kV
03 MV Busbar -1 Voltage kV
04 MV Busbar-2 Voltage kV
05 Generator Active Power ( for individual generator) kW
06 Generator Reactive Power ( for individual generator) kVAr
07 System Frequency ( from MV bus) Hz

4.8 Analysis of Test Result

4.8.1 Controller active for Bus-1: One Hour Performance

The Controller has been active for Bus-1 and Transformer-1. Two generators (Gen-1 and Gen-2)
have been transferred from PQ mode to PV mode. AVRs of the generators have changed their
mode from PF to AUTO, where the excitation control has been adjusted by the bias signal
generated by the controller.

This test period was for one hour. In the Figures-4.16 and 4.17, measurement data are presented
in trends

Test Result Analysis

 From both Figures (Figs-4.14 and 4.15) it is seen that, switchyard Bus-1 voltage (Green
line in the trend) has remained stable and been closely around 33kV.
 As the 33kV bus voltage has remained stable, reactive power delivery from both
generators are also fixed. The red trend shows the reactive power delivery from generator.
 Both generators running with 0.85 pf (P=8750kW, Q=5500kVAr). Thus generator can
keep reactive power reserve of 1062kVAr.
 With this control scheme, active power generation is not affected. Both generators have
been running with maximum rated capacity of prime mover.

Figure 4.16: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-1[test period-1 hour, generator-1 data]

Figure 4.17: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-1[test period-1 hour, generator-2 data]

4.8.2 Controller Active for Bus-2: One Hour Performance

Controller has been activated for bus-2. Generator-3 and -4 have been changed their mode from
PQ to PV mode. AVRs mode have been changed from PF (Power Factor) to auto. Figure-4.18,
the performance of Generator-3 has been shown. Performance for generator-4 is shown in Figure-

Test Result Analysis

 When bus voltage has increased very fast (showing by point-1), generators have
responded quickly, reactive power injection have been decreased. Afterward 33kV
voltage has settled to a higher level, and generators adjusted reactive power injection to
match the demand.
 Afterward, generators continuously adjusted reactive power generation according to the
changes in system voltage. When voltage increased, reactive power injection dropped,
and vice versa.

Point-1: Sharp rise of system

Figure 4.18: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-2 [test period-1 hour, generator-3 data]

Point-1: Sharp rise of system


Figure 4.19: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-2 [test period-1 hour, generator-4 data]

4.8.3 Controller Enabled for Bus-1: 24Hours Performance

In 24hours test period the controller has been enabled for BUS-1 and performance of Generator-1
and -2 have been observed (presented in Figures-4.20 and 4.21). Over the period of 24hours,
system voltage has changed and generator reactive power injection has also changed according to
system requirement. One significant feature has been observed, generators reactive power reserve
have been maintained in a good scale, when 33kV system voltage has been remained constantly
higher than set value (33kV). In figure-4.20, this has been demonstrated with (↕). The generator’s
reactive capability is 6547kVAr at full load, generators have run maintaining reserve in range
from 20% to 50%. During this period, generators have been running at full active power capacity

Reactive power generation is less as

system voltage is high

Figure 4.20: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-1[test period-24 hour, generator-1 data]

Figure-4.21 illustrates the performance of Generator-2. Comparing both generators responses,

their reactive power generation controls have matched and synchronized closely. Generator-2 has
also maintained reactive power reserve when system voltage has been higher.

Figure 4.21: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-1[test period-24 hour, generator-2 data]

4.8.4 Controller Enabled for Bus-2: 24hours performance

Controller has been enabled for Bus-2, and 24hours operation data has been recorded. In the
Figures-4.22 and -4.23 the performance of the controller has been shown.

 Generator reactive power injection has been varied according to the system voltage
variation. At higher value of 33kV system voltage, generator reactive power generation
drops and a good amount of reserve has been maintained.
 Generator active power generation has not been influenced.

Figure 4.22: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-2[test period-24 hour, generator-3 data]

Figure 4.23: GRPM controller is enabled for HV bus-2[test period-24 hour, generator-4 data]

Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction

The main objective and purpose of this work is to study Bangladesh Power System, specially its
voltage profile of different buses or areas and to focus on some prevailing challenges which need
to overcome for better system stability. To do so, different theoretical perspectives of voltage
stability and associated reactive power control features have been studied. After studying BPS, it
is observed that, generation capacity has been increased significantly in last couple of years and
power plants have been installed in different locations in the network which gives opportunity to
implement the localized control of reactive power and reduce system loss. It is very important to
establish some proven technique for reactive power management of power generating units so
that higher system voltage stability can be ensured. In this thesis work, a reactive power control
methodology of generating units has been proposed, analyzed and validated by simulation. Same
method has been tested in a real life power plant, which we have termed as GRPMC. It has been
found that this method is quite effective. While using this method, generators’ reactive power
reserve can be maintained and utilized effectively and efficiently for better voltage support. This
chapter consists of summarized key outcomes of this study and indicates future opportunities and
study scopes.

5.2 Outcome of the Thesis

Simplified Model of BPS:

A simplified model of BPS has been developed. The whole network is presented with 12 buses.
Each bus indicates a major section of the network consists of couple of other transmission and
sub transmission stations. The area or bus selection is realistic from voltage control perspective. It
has been observed from operation data of PGCB, that voltage profile of all associated nodes in
designated area (as in the simplified model) varies with little variation. So each bus in this
simplified model can be considered as a Voltage Control Area (VCA).

Static Analysis of Voltage Stability:

A MATLAB program has been developed with sufficient flexibility to check voltage profile of
different buses by incremental change of active or reactive power. By this program Q-V
sensitivity of any bus can be determined with static approach, which gives primary concept of

stability index of that bus. Another feature of this program is that, the effect of generator reactive
power reserve can be evaluated on voltage stability of the system.

Generator Reactive Power Reserve Management:

For ensuring higher voltage stability two things to be confirmed- 1. There should have sufficient
amount of reactive power reserve and 2. There should have control function that utilize the
reserve as fast as possible with adaptable dynamics. A good reactive power management scheme
performs the both functions. Reactive power management is broadly divided into two major
categories- i. management at load end and ii. Management from generation end. In this thesis
work a smart control philosophy of reactive power management at generation end has been
suggested. This is called Generator Reactive Power Management Controller, GRPMC. GRPMC
has been simulated with dynamic simulation model as well as tested in a real life power plant.
This control scheme can be implemented in small as well bigger power plants. It will ensure that
generator should not produce unnecessary reactive power when system does not really need it. It
keeps the reserve secured for using at the time of contingency or sudden network voltage change.
Another advantage of this method is- it replaces the ULTC of power transformer in generating
plants. There observed several cases of transformer failure due to excessive switching of ULTC.
Thus enhanced life of the power transformer and UTLC can be ensured.

Major Challenges of power Generation plants

Some practical challenges related to power plant operation in Bangladesh have been studied
which need in correction or modification. The PPA’s of the power plants impose boundary
conditions so that generating units are being operated at their highest rated limit, no spinning
reserve left off to support emergency or contingencies. Especially correction is required for the
terms and conditions for reactive power generation limit. Otherwise, advantages of new power
plants for system stability enhancement cannot be realized.

Another important feature is the lack of centralized generation control and reserve management
which need to be enhanced and improved.

5.3 Future Study Opportunities

In this study, primary focus has been imposed on reactive power management from generation
point of view. Complete reactive power management needs a well coordination between load side

and generation end reactive power control. It is an important field of study and where online
reactive power management scheme can be developed.

Secondly, in this study, steady state analysis technique has been used. The Fault time transient
behavior of the reactive power management system should be studied more in detail. As future
opportunity, standardization of AVR parameters for limit function and dynamics can be evaluated
for the power generation plants in BPS. Protection coordination for changing network is also very
important field to study.


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MATLAB Program

This program is based on Newton Raphson algorithm of load flow. There is an excel file, where
bus data and line data are stored. Program is reading data from excel. The excel tables looks like:

Number of Bus 12

Base MVA 100 Base kV 132 174.24

Line Data
From bus To bus R X B/2 Xm Tap setting Distance Resistance Reactance shut reactance
1 2 0.013188 0.032513 0.014039 1 110 0.02089 0.0515 6.83E+05
1 4 0.031172 0.076848 0.016592 1 130 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
1 5 0.043161 0.106405 0.022973 1 180 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
1 6 0.013188 0.032513 0.014039 1 110 0.02089 0.0515 6.83E+05
1 7 0.037374 0.088131 0.028079 1 220 0.0296 0.0698 6.83E+05
2 3 0.038365 0.094582 0.020421 1 160 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
2 5 0.021581 0.053202 0.011487 1 90 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
6 7 0.019183 0.047291 0.010210 1 80 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
6 11 0.016785 0.041380 0.008934 1 70 0.04178 0.103 6.83E+05
7 8 0.023978 0.059114 0.025526 1 200 0.02089 0.0515 6.83E+05
7 9 0.051963 0.110382 0.022973 1 180 0.0503 0.10685 6.83E+05
7 10 0.014434 0.030662 0.006381 1 50 0.0503 0.10685 6.83E+05
8 9 0.018764 0.039860 0.008296 1 65 0.0503 0.10685 6.83E+05
11 12 0.045868 0.108161 0.034460 1 270 0.0296 0.0698 6.83E+05


Type-1: Slack Bus Type-2: PV bus and Type-3: PQ bus
Generation Load Q Range
Bus Name Bus Type Vsp Theta Pgi Qgi Gf fdp fdq pfset Smax Pli Qli Qmin Qmax
Dhaka 1 1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Comilla 2 2 1.00 0.00 89.38 43.29 0.80 0.95 0.98 0.90 150.00 153.00 35.00 -10.00 280.00
Chittagong 3 3 1.00 0.00 54.72 28.03 0.80 0.95 1.00 0.89 90.00 160.00 72.00 0.00 0.00
Maymensing 4 2 1.00 0.00 72.62 41.15 0.65 0.95 0.98 0.87 150.00 150.00 95.00 -10.00 180.00
Sylhet 5 3 1.00 0.00 38.73 19.84 0.65 0.95 0.98 0.89 80.00 110.00 56.00 0.00 14.00
Sirajgonj 6 3 1.00 0.00 29.05 14.88 0.65 0.95 0.98 0.89 60.00 35.00 26.00 0.00 0.00
Iswardi 7 2 1.00 0.00 119.17 73.85 0.80 0.95 0.98 0.85 200.00 105.00 30.00 -10.00 400.00
Khulna 8 3 1.00 0.00 46.65 31.35 0.70 0.85 0.98 0.83 100.00 175.00 92.00 0.00 2.00
Barishal 9 3 1.00 0.00 14.90 7.63 0.80 0.95 0.98 0.89 25.00 59.40 41.00 0.00 0.00
Rajshahi 10 3 1.00 0.00 13.03 8.08 0.70 0.95 0.98 0.85 25.00 90.00 51.50 0.00 0.00
Bogra 11 3 1.00 0.00 20.85 12.92 0.70 0.95 0.98 0.85 40.00 108.00 67.00 0.00 200.00
North B. 12 3 1.00 0.00 70.56 40.00 1.00 0.90 0.98 0.85 100.00 105.00 50.00 0.00 0.00

PV BUS 3 25 %
PQ BUS 8 66.666667 % Gf Genertion factor Pli active load at bus i
fdp derating factor of prime mover Qli Reactive load at bus i
fdq derating factor of Alternator Qmin minimum reactive power generator reserve
pfset Operational Power Factor Qmax Maximum reactive power reserve
Smax Rated Capacity of Generation

There are four MATLAB Scrips and functions.

For Ybus calculation


Function for polar and rectangular conversion


Newton Raphson based Power flow program


Function to estimate line flows and injection after Power flow iteration
reached to its tolerance.

To execute the program, these four MATLAB files and excel file should be kept in active

The programs are given in a CD attached to this report.

While nflfppg.m program is run user has to put some values for the following inputs:

*Bus Number: 8
*Active Load INC/DEC (in p.u): .05
*Reactive Load INC/DEC (in p.u): .03


*Bus Number: 12
*Active Load INC/DEC (in p.u): 0
*Reactive Load INC/DEC (in p.u): .02

Maximum Steps of INC/DEC of Load: 6


*Q-gen adj factor of Test Bus-1: .5

*Q-gen adj factor of Test bus-2: .5


Voltage Data of 230kV and 132kV system of 2015 in different VCA.

BPS Volage Profile: 2015 Year

January February March April

230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
Dhaka 231 217 145 118 240 210 142 112 236 202 141 108 245 193 148 106
Comilla 235 220 148 110 236 217 146 113 236 212 146 107 230 210 149 105
Chittagong 232 205 142 118 230 202 142 112 228 200 140 116 224 210 138 119
Mymensing NA NA 137 111 NA NA 142 112 NA NA 142 110 NA NA 145 107
Sylhet 237 222 144 124 240 220 144 124 233 200 142 124 234 216 143 124
Sirajganj 234 220 141 120 232 220 136 125 230 198 141 123 233 217 149 105
Iswardi 239 225 144 133 236 224 140 124 235 201 140 127 237 220 145 127
Khulna 242 213 139 109 242 225 140 117 240 198 142 112 236 207 145 104
Barisal NA NA 140 119 NA NA 140 113 NA NA 142 108 NA NA 152 105
Rajshahi NA NA 140 124 NA NA 140 120 NA NA 140 115 NA NA 145 115
Bogra 238 216 139 122 234 216 136 117 233 198 139 111 234 213 146 119
North Bengal 235 215 140 107 232 219 139 110 233 212 138 104 235 220 142 105

May June July August

230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
Dhaka 228 200 144 110 230 187 141 107 220 207 141 117 226 197 140 115
Comilla 231 210 145 113 230 200 141 116 230 223 137 119 227 210 138 110
Chittagong 223 200 137 114 226 207 137 120.5 226 216 137 127 228 210 137 111
Mymensing NA NA 142 106 NA NA 137 108 NA NA 132 110 NA NA 140 107
Sylhet 240 212 142 131 237 221 142.5 132 239 233 143 133 238 218 141 107
Sirajganj 235 219 140 122 230 220 136 124 227 222 132 126 230 217 136 125
Iswardi 237 220 137 124 238 225 136 127 234 227 135 130 235 222 138 128
Khulna 234 210 140 110 233 208 139 114 231 224 138 118 240 213 140 109
Barisal NA NA 144 106 NA NA 138 111 NA NA 132 115 NA NA 141 105
Rajshahi NA NA 138 117 NA NA 139 121 NA NA 140 124 NA NA 137 124
Bogra 238 209 142 117 232 215 137 120 226 213 132 122 230 209 137 116
North Bengal 240 219 140 106 230 215 133 107 225 219 126 108 233 216 137 108

Septempber October November December

230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV 230kV 132kV
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
Dhaka 230 196 140 111 234 202 142 111 230 202 141 112 228 225 148 122
Comilla 230 212 139 112 227 215 139 111 230 216 140 118 226 222 138 121
Chittagong 222 209 138 119 223 205 140 120 225 210 141 118 220 215 135 124
Mymensing NA NA 136 105 NA NA 137 106 NA NA 137 115 NA NA 135 120
Sylhet 243 218 142 121 238 218 140 122 240 222 143 129 240 231 142 134
Sirajganj 231 216 127 126 230 217 135 128 230 220 135 123 227 220 135 126
Iswardi 236 222 136 126 235 222 137 127 236 225 137 129 235 227 137 132
Khulna 236 210 140 125 235 210 140 113 235 211 140 114 234 222 140 131
Barisal NA NA 140 111 NA NA 136 106 NA NA 137 112 NA NA 135 121
Rajshahi NA NA 138 120 NA NA 136 125 NA NA 138 125 NA NA 138 122
Bogra 227 211 136 119 228 211 136 118 232 214 137 125 227 214 136 127
North Bengal 233 216 134 103 232 219 130 106 235 218 136 108 230 220 128 112

Reference: operation data record of PGCB.


Dynamic Parameter list of SIMSCAPE power system model:

Speed Controller Dynamics:

AVR exciter Dynamic setting:

Generator Parameter settings

For GRPM Controller

Kp= 50 Upper limit of Saturation: 10%

Ki=1/20 Lower limit of saturation: -10%
Td=1-2 [ delay function]


PPA of IPP: Power Factor Terms

Ref: BPDB webside, project: 50MW Ashguonj IPP



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