Writing Assignment 2019

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Term 2 Writing Assignment

Short Story

Competency 1 - TALK: Use oral language to develop your short story by conferencing with your peers
and teacher; use language to support a small group; use language to learn.

Competency 3 - PRODUCTION: Follow a process to produce a short story based on an historical period
of Canadian history; develop your style as a writer within a classroom community of writers.

What are you willing to sacrifice for your values?

Learning Activities

1. View music videos about Remembrance Day and a CBC video “In the Words of a Soldier” to
gather information about wars in which Canada has fought.
2. Use a graphic organizer to brainstorm ideas and create a description of a character that would
have to sacrifice something for their values in one of the historical contexts.
3. Share your character and find another character that you could use in a short story.

Complex Task

Using the writing process, create a short story about a character that has to sacrifice something for their
values. Include your own character as well as at least one other from the class. Be sure to verify the
historical accuracy of your facts. You should consider/include the following elements:

 Title
 Hook
 Detailed description of the central character
 Dialogue
 Setting
 Point of View
 Plot structure and Conflict
 Imagery
 Literary elements
 Overall Message (your answer to the question)

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