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Tunnel Segmental Lining Durability

Mehdi Bakhshi & Verya Nasri

AECOM, New York, NY, USA

In one-pass lining systems, the durability of tunnel structure is directly related to durability of concrete segments acting
as both initial support and final lining. Degradation mechanisms of concrete linings are discussed in this paper including
chloride- and carbonation- induced corrosions, sulfate, acid and freeze-and-thaw attacks, and alkali-aggregate reactions.
Mitigation method for each specific degradation mechanism is explained. Stray current corrosion as a durability factor
specific to railway and subway tunnels is presented and mitigation methods for this degradation mechanism are
explained as well as coupled effects with other durability factors. Prescriptive approaches for design based on exposure
classes in major codes are explained and need for future studies are discussed.
Watertightness of tunnels must be ensured during design and construction to prevent water infiltration and minimize
maintenance/repair costs, maintain operational safety, and protect inside equipment. In one-pass segmental lining
system, watertightness is guaranteed by segments and gaskets placed between segments joints. In this paper, a
procedure is provided to select gasket materials, solutions for different working water pressures, appropriate safety factor
considering relaxation, and gasket profiles considering size of tunnel, tolerances and required construction gap/offset.
Watertightness and gasket load-deflection tests and most recent innovations in gasket systems are presented.
Fastening systems to segments are important parts of every bored tunnel lining system. Post-installed anchors with
drilling as traditional systems may damage concrete, reinforcement or segment gaskets with negative impacts on
structural behavior, sealing performance, corrosion protection and long-term durability. This paper presents new cast-in
fastening system for segments as a durable and sustainable solution.

1 INTRODUCTION pressure, safety factor, size of tunnel and consequently

size of segments, gap and offset between segments, and
Tunnels as important underground structures are typically tolerances. All these factors are discussed in this paper.
designed for a service life of more than 100 years. Load-deflection response of gasket profiles and latest
Mechanized tunneling method with Tunnel Boring developments in gasket systems are explained.
Machines (TBMs), as the most common excavation The safe operation of tunnels greatly depends on the
method, is often associated with continuous installation of durable fixation of all required technical and operational
one-pass precast concrete segments in the form of rings equipment. Post-installed anchors as traditional systems
behind TBM cutterhead. In these tunnels, durability of using drilling may damage concrete, reinforcement or
tunnel is directly related to durability of concrete segments segment gaskets with negative impacts on structural
acting as both the initial support and the tunnel final lining. behavior, sealing performance, corrosion protection and
In this paper, most-frequent degradation mechanisms of long-term durability. In this paper, cast-in fastening
concrete linings are briefly discussed. Mitigation methods system is presented as a modern solution for increasing
are presented and durability of segments under coupled durability of segmentally lined tunnels.
degradation factors is explained. Prescriptive approaches
for durability design based on codes and standards using
the concept of exposure classes are explained and 2 DEGRADATION MECHANISMS IN TUNNEL
compared with each other. Recommendations made on LININGS
concrete characteristics including strength class,
maximum water-to-cement (w/c) ratio, minimum cement Possible degradation and damage mechanisms in bored
content, and minimum air content are explained. tunnels include corrosion of reinforcement by chloride
With regard to tunnel durability, watertightness of attack and carbonation, sulfate and acid attacks, alkali-
tunnels must be also ensured to minimize maintenance aggregate reactions, freeze-and-thaw damages as well as
and repair costs, maintain operational safety, and protect stray current corrosion.
mechanical and electrical equipment inside tunnels. In
segmentally lined tunnels, watertightness is guaranteed 2.1 Reinforcement Corrosion
by gaskets placed between segments joints. Gaskets are
positioned around individual segments like a frame and Chloride-Induced Reinforcement Corrosion
primarily near the lining extrados to provide the joint
tightness. This paper discusses technical solutions that Chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement is the main
engineers need to implement to achieve the required cause of degradation in tunnels lined with reinforced
watertightness per each project’s specific needs and concrete. Table 1 presents thirteen major tunnels that are
conditions. The important factors for design and significantly damaged and corroded due to chloride
application of tunnel sealing gaskets are the water ingress before the year 1991 (ITA, 199; Abbas, 2014).
Table 1. Damaged/Corroded tunnels due to chloride
ingress (ITA, 1991; Abbas, 2014)

Tunnels Location Tunnel Dia. Compl

type Year
Basel/Olten Switzerland Railway - 1916
Northern U.K. Metro 3.5 m 1924 Figure 1. Loss of reinforcement section and cracks and
Line Old
Street to
concrete disintegration caused by chloride-induced steel
Moorgate corrosion (PCA, 2002; Romer, 2013)
Shimonoseki Japan Railway - 1944
/Moji limited impact area of carbonation and reduced strength
Kanmon zone limited to the extreme outer layer. It is well-known
that high rates of carbonation occur when the relative
Mikuni Japan Highway 7.6 m 1959
National humidity is maintained between 50% and 75% (PCA,
Route 17 2002). In a lower relative humidity, the degree of
carbonation is insignificant and above this range, moisture
Uebonmachi- Japan Railway 10 m 1970
in concrete pores restricts penetration of CO2 (ACI
201.2R, 2016). In tunnels, only portal areas and entrance
Dubai U.A.E Road 3.6 m 1975 zones can maintain a relative humidity in the
aforementioned range as lining in such areas is exposed
Tokyo Japan Road - 1976
to cyclic wet and dry conditions. Also high rate of
carbonation requires elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide
Berlin Tunnel Germany Road - 1978 (CO2) levels which is only a case in heavily trafficked road
Airport runnels because of CO2 emission from car exhaust.
Second U.K. Road 9.6 m 1980 Therefore, carbonation is a major durability factor in portal
Dartford areas and entrance zones of heavily trafficked road
runnels. Carbonation can also occur in tunnel linings
Mass Transit Hong Kong Metro 5.6 m 1980
exposed to bicarbonate (HCO3) ground water which often
formed by the reaction of carbon dioxide with water and
Ahmed Egypt Road 10.4 m 1980 carbonate bedrocks such as limestone and dolomite.
Hamdi Chloride- and carbonation-induced corrosion can be
Stockholm Sweden Metro - 1988 mitigated using low w/c ratio, high compressive strength
Underground and high cement content. This in conjunction with
considering a sufficient concrete cover over reinforcement
Chloride-induced corrosion is even a greater durability provides with a high quality and dense concrete that can
issue specifically in sub-sea, sea outfall, and road/rail delay the initiation time of corrosion also known as
tunnels. In sub-sea and outfall tunnels, and tunnels propagation time beyond the service life of structure.
exposed to brackish groundwater, the intrusion of chloride Other effective mitigation methods that are not in the
ions present in seawater and salt water into reinforced codes include using cements with high amount of C3A,
concrete can cause steel corrosion. In cold region and addition of corrosion inhibitors to the concrete mix.
road/rail tunnels, major durability issue is the ingress of
chloride ions present in deicing salts sprayed from 2.2 Sulfate Attack
vehicles during the snow fall. Chloride induced corrosion
due to water infiltration initiates from the lining extrados, Sulfate attack is a major durability issue for concrete
while corrosion due to de-icing salts sprayed from vehicle structures in contact with soil or water containing
tires starts from lining intrados. Rust as the reaction deleterious amounts of water-soluble sulfate ions.
product has a greater volume than the steel and cause Tunnels as underground structures, regardless of their
expansion resulting in excessive tensile stresses, specific use, can be exposed to external sulfate attack
cracking, delamination, and spalling in the concrete from common sources such as sulfates of sodium,
(Figure 1). potassium, calcium, or magnesium found in in the
surrounding ground or dissolved in natural ground water.
Carbonation-Induced Reinforcement Corrosion Ancient sedimentary clays and the weathered zone (<
10m) of other geological strata, as well as contaminated
Carbonation-induced corrosion in general is considered grounds and groundwater generally contain significant
as a minor durability issue in reinforced concrete sulfate concentrations (BTS, 2004). In tunnel linings
structures compared to chloride-induced corrosion. This is exposed to such conditions, sulfate attack is a major
mainly due to limited impact area of carbonation and concrete degradation mechanism. In tunnels, usually
reduced strength zone limited to the extreme outer layer. ettringite and gypsum can be produced as a result of a
In bored tunnels, carbonation is unlikely to occur due to sulfate attack which in turn results in expansion of cement
the fact that generally extrados of tunnel lining is (e.g. ettringite volume is ~2.2 times higher in volume than
the reactants). As a result concrete cracks and loses very high density and relatively impermeable concrete to
strength. It is expected that damages in tunnel linings due reduce the damage due to acid attack. Type of cement
to sulfate attack start on segment extrados and at the has an insignificant role on mitigation of acid attacks.
interface between lining and the ground where sulfate When concrete is exposed to very server acid attacks, a
from ground or groundwater can penetrate the concrete. surface protection method such as coatings,
Sulfate attack can be mitigated by using cements with waterproofing membranes or a sacrificial layer should be
low amount of C3A (<8%), use of high content of active considered.
mineral components, low w/c ratio and use of blended
cements with pozzolans. Codes and standards 2.4 Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (AAR)
recommendations to mitigate sulfate attack are based on
using a concrete with low w/c ratio, high compressive AAR as a chemical attack can be a major durability
strength and high cement content. In addition codes concern when concrete aggregates contain materials that
require use of sulfate-resisting cements such as type II can be reactive with alkali hydroxides in cement phase.
portland cement (ASTM C150, 2017) or in severe cases The AAR generates expansive products and may result in
type V (ASTM C150, 2017) plus pozzolan or slag cement. damaging deformation and cracking of concrete over a
period of years. AAR has two main forms of alkali-silica
2.3 Acid Attack reaction (ASR) and alkali-carbonate reaction (ACR). ASR
is often major concern compared to ACR as aggregates
Acid attack is a chemical attack that can be a major containing reactive silica are more common (PCA, 2002)
durability issue when concrete structure is exposed to whereas aggregates susceptible to ACR are less common
high concentrations of aggressive acids with high degrees and usually unsuitable for use in concrete. Reactive forms
of dissociation. The deterioration of concrete by acids is of silica can be found in aggregates such as chert,
primarily the result of decomposition of the hydration volcanic glass, quartzite, opal, chalcedony, and strained
products of the cementitious paste (ACI 201.2R, 2016). quartz crystals. Damage to concrete only normally occurs
Sulfuric and hydrochloric nitric acids are main inorganic when concrete alkali content is high, aggregate contains
(mineral) acids, and acetic, formic and lactic acid are main an alkali-reactive constituent, and concrete is under wet
organic acids with rapid rate of attack on concrete at conditions (BTS, 2004). ASR reactions can be
ambient temperature. Acids reduce the pH or alkalinity of summarized as:
the concrete, and once the pH reduces to less than 5.5 to
Alkalis + Reactive Silica → Gel Reaction Product
4.5, severe damages are imminent as cement hydration
Gel Reaction Product + Moisture → Expansion
products such as Portlandite (CH, Ca(OH)2) and C-S-H
starts to decompose when pH drops to around 12 and 10, PCA (2002) reports the internal relative humidity of
respectively (ACI 201.2R, 2016). This is the main reason 80% as a threshold, below which the alkali-silica reactivity
that no concrete materials have a good resistance to can be virtually stopped. AAR does not depend on the
acids. specific use of each tunnel. Sub-sea tunnels may be more
In tunnels, the rapid deterioration of concrete only susceptible due to exposure to warm seawater containing
normally occurs when concrete is subject to the action of dissolved alkalis which may aggravate alkali-silica
highly mobile acidic water (BTS, 2004). With external reactivity. AAR can be mitigated by using inert aggregate,
acidic groundwater this is rarely the case, since ground controlling the amount of soluble alkalis in concrete, and
waters are not usually highly mobile. Regarding internal using blended cements with pozzolans.
sources for acid attack, flow of acid-containing runoff from
outside the tunnel is not a major concern. However, 2.5 Frost Attack and Freeze-And-Thaw Damages
sulfuric acid solutions result from decay of organic matter
by bacterial action in sewage and wastewater tunnels is Frost attack and freeze-and-thaw damages are durability
the primary mechanism of degradation in these tunnels. concerns in concrete structures built in cold regions.
This is due high attack rate of sulfuric acid and continuous Water expands by about 9% when it freezes and as a
movement of the acidic materials inside the tunnel as result, the moisture in concrete capillary pores exerts
gravitational flow of sewage in these tunnels is always pressure on the concrete solid skeleton. This leads to
guaranteed. Note that sewage is not aggressive to development of excessive tensile stresses in the concrete
concrete buy itself but hydrogen sulfide produced by and rupture of cavities. Successive cycles of freeze-thaw
anaerobic bacteria reaction with the sludge is can disrupt paste and aggregate and eventually cause
subsequently oxidized by aerobic bacteria to form sulfuric significant expansion and cracking, scaling, and crumbling
acid. In addition to decomposition of the cement hydration of the concrete (PCA, 2002). Frost damage is
products, sulfuric acid is particularly aggressive to considerably accelerated by deicing salts (ACI 201.2R,
concrete because the calcium sulfate formed from the 2016).
acid reaction may drive sulfate attack of adjacent concrete Surface scaling is the only frost damage that can
that was unaffected by the initial acid attack (ACI 201.2R, possibly occur in precast tunnel segments. Since the
2016 ; PCA, 2002). increase in volume when water turns to ice is about 9%,
Acid attacks can be mitigated with providing a dense more than 90% of capillary pores volume must be filled
and high quality concrete by lowering w/c ratio and with water in order for internal stresses to be induced by
increasing compressive strength and cement content. ice formation (BTS, 2004). Moisture content near
Codes and standards provide specific limits to achieve saturation level is usually the case for tunnel linings as
often times tunnels are built under the water table and General mitigation methods for this type of corrosion
concrete lining can be near saturation level. However, are based on reducing the amount of stray current by
along most of tunnel alignment, the temperature rarely decreasing rail resistance, improving rail to ground
falls under the freezing point because tunnel is embedded insulation using isolated rail fastening systems or pads,
in the ground. Tunnel entrances, portals and shafts are keeping the substation as close to the point of maximum
parts of tunnel system that should be designed for current as possible, developing monitoring systems,
exposure to cycles of freezing and thawing because of devices and measurement apparatus (Brenna et al.,
saturation level and exposure to freezing temperature. 2010).
Freeze–thaw attacks are mitigated by controlling w/c
ratio, compressive strength and cement content.
Controlling air content in the mix to a minimum 4% using
air-entraining admixtures is the most effective mitigation
method. Codes and standards often provide limits for
maximum w/c ratio and minimum compressive strength,
or require frost-resistant aggregates (EN 206-1, 2013).

2.6 Stray Current Corrosion

Stray current corrosion is a type of corrosion specific to

rail tunnels where corrosion is caused by traction current (a)
resulting in accelerated oxidation of metals and rapid
migration of the chloride ions (ITA, 1991). Inspection of
removed segments from tunnels with high conductivity
between running rails and lining reinforcement such as
Bucharest Metro has shown an extensive corrosion of the
outer reinforcement layer (Buhr et al., 1999).
Government agencies around the world are promoting
electric trains and all modern railway systems take
advantages of railway electrification. Power transmission
is provided by overhead catenary wire or a conductor rail
also known as third rail. The running rail connected to
nearby substations is often used as traction loop through (b)
which the return circuit is made. The running rail has a
limited conductivity, and insulation between the rail and
the ground is sometimes reduced or constructed poorly
form the beginning. This causes a fraction of the traction
current to leave the rail, leak into the ground and flow
back along the running rail on the return path to the
traction substation by the earth diversion, which is
referred to as stray current. Figure 2(a) shows a simplified (c)
electronic circuit of the electric railway system for Figure 2. a) Modeling stray current leakage with simplified
modeling the stray current. In this figure, IT, IR and Is electronic circuit (Niasati and Gholami, 2008); b)
represent the train (overhead catenary system) current, Schematics of stray current from a train overhead
stray current and the current flowing through the running catenary system picked up by reinforcement in concrete
rail. RR is the running rail resistance, Rs is the ground (Bertolini et al., 2007), c) corrosive effect of stray current
resistance at the traction substation, and RT is the ground
resistance as seen at the train. Therefore, it’s evident that As shown in Figure 3, stray current corrosion can be
reduced RT or Rs results in increased stray current. When also mitigated using equipotential connection provided by
train runs in a lined tunnel, stray current leaks to the copper plates/straps connecting reinforcement cages of
tunnel lining and through the concrete reinforcement. This segments. The equipotential connections between the
is shown schematically in Figure 2(b) with a cathode reinforcing bars of all segments in a ring constitute a path
formed at reinforcement where stray current enters the with extremely low electrical resistance that allows the
rebar and an anode is formed where stray current leaves current to flow from a segment to the adjacent one without
the rebar and flows back to substation. Figure 2(c) shows passing into the ground. The equipotential connection
that in cathode, rebar is disengaged from the concrete reduces bar-to-ground voltage to values well below the
due to trapped hydrogen isostatic pressure, and in the standard limits (EN 50122-2, 2010) for corrosion initiation,
anode, the rebar is oxidized in contact with electrolytic and provides an effective method to prevent stray current
material, i.e. concrete, and accumulation of corrosion corrosion in segments.
products exerts excessive pressure leading to cracking Another mitigation method for stray current induced
(Wang et al., 2018). This type of corrosion is not limited to corrosion is use of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC)
rebar in concrete lining but also metal utilities and steel segments (Tang, 2017). Results of studies on stray
pipelines embedded in the ground in e proximity of tracks. current corrosion of FRC show that steel bars are more
likely to pick up current than short steel fibres under same level instead of the exposure surface which is the case for
conditions (Edvardsen et al., 2017). This can be due to general chloride ion exposure without stray current. Also
the fact that the chloride threshold for the corrosion of chloride ion concentration is higher for segments
steel bars in concrete is between 0.15-0.6% by mass of immersed in chloride solutions (Cl-) than the ones
cement (ACI 318, 2014). However, steel fiber-reinforced immersed in solution with both chloride and sulfate (Cl- +
concrete demonstrates a higher corrosion resistance SO42-). Another major outcome is that carbonation depth
compared to steel bar reinforced with a chloride threshold is only 1-4 mm, leading to a conclusion that carbonation is
level for corrosion at 4% by mass of cement (Tang, 2017). not a controlling durability factor for concrete segments
The discontinuous and discrete nature of steel fibres or compared with the chloride and sulfate ions and stray
the length-effect is the main factor to be accounted for this current corrosion. A typical corroded steel cage under
higher corrosion resistance as fibers rarely touch each coupled durability factors using this setup is shown in
other and there is no continuous conductive path for stray Figure 4b. Considering results of this study, one can
currents through the concrete (ACI 544.1R-96, 2009). conclude that coupling factors of chloride ion penetration
and stray current has the most detrimental effect on the
durability of concrete tunnel segments.


Figure 3. Stray current mitigation using equipotential

connection provided by copper plates/straps connecting
reinforcement cages of segments by Dolara et al. (2012) (b)
Figure 4. a) Stray current test setup and corroded steel
2.7 Durability under Coupled Durability Factors cage under coupled durability factors (Li et al. 2014)

Coupling effects of multi factors on durability of 2.8 Prescriptive-Based Approaches

segments in large-scale were studied by Li et al. (2014).
These factors include carbonation, sulfate, chloride ion Durability design according to prescriptive approaches is
penetration and stray current corrosion. Study was the most-common method in tunnel and concrete
conducted on segments made of concrete with water– industries that are performed in accordance with major
cement ratio of 0.28-0.33, compressive strength of 60-70 national and international structural codes (EN 206-1
MPa, and steel bars of 6.5mm diameter with yield and (2013), EN 1992-1-1 (2004), ACI 318 (2014)). Inputs to
ultimate strengths of 472 and 586 MPa. Extrados side of these methods are environmental exposure classes and
segments was immersed in solutions of 3.5% NaCl for outputs to these methods are required concrete
simulation of exposure to chloride ions, and 3.5% NaCl + characteristics such as concrete strength and maximum
5% Na2SO4 for simulation of exposure to both chloride w/c ratio. Following Euro standards (EN 1992-1-1 (2004)),
and sulfate ions. Segment intrados was exposed to a for specific case of tunnel linings, suggested exposure
carbonation setup simulating CO2 environment with classes according to Helsing and Mueller (2013) for CO2
concentration of 20%, temperature of 20o±5, and relative carbonation are XC3 to XC4, for seawater chloride-
humidity of 70%±5%. Figure 4a shows schematics of the induced corrosion is XS2 to XS3, for deicing salt chloride-
test setup demonstrating series connections between 6 induced corrosion is XD2 to XD3, for frost exposure is
segment samples in a group to ensure equal current flow XF3 to XF4 and for harmful ions other than chloride
of 1A among all segments. Segment reinforcement as (Mg2+, SO42-) is XA1 to XA3. This is mainly due to the fact
anode and stainless steel tube placed in corrosion pools that this standard includes assumption of design service
as cathode were connected to DC power supply to life of 50 years, and exposure classes should be
simulate the stray current. After casting and standard increased by 2 in order to consider 100 years as minimum
curing, samples were immersed in corrosion solution for tunnel service life. Exposure category C2 in ACI 318
18 days and were exposed to carbonation setup for 28 (2014) can be compared to above-mentioned XC, XD/XS
days. Free chloride ion was determined from powders exposure classes in EN 206-1 (2013) and EN 1992-1-1
collected using drilling at 5mm intervals along the (2004), and categories F2 and F3 with XF3 and XF4.
segment thickness. Results show that stray current Similarly, considering sulfate attack, ACI 318 (2014)
accelerates the migration of chloride ions. Stray current exposure categories S1 to S3 can be compared with EN
corrosion also changes the penetration distribution of categories XA1 to XA3. A case example for an extreme
chloride ion in the section resulting in the largest exposure to chloride-induced corrosion (ACI category C2
concentration of chloride ions to be at the reinforcement vs. EN class XS3/XD3) shows that ACI would require a
maximum w/c ratio of 0.4 and a minimum compressive rubber compound is stable enough not to react with the
strength of 35 MPa. On the other hand, EN would require environment or deteriorate in contact with other materials,
a maximum w/c ratio of 0.45, a minimum compressive such as concrete, grease, injection materials and ground
strength of 35 MPa, and a minimum cement content of and groundwater anions, cations, heavy metals, volatile
340 kg/m3. Concrete cover specified by ACI 318 (2014) and semi-volatile organic compounds. BSI PAS 8810
as minimum 38 mm (1.5 in) for reinforcement size of No. requires a maximum shore hardness of 75 per ASTM
19 or smaller (<imperial #6) can be compared with 45 mm D2240 (2015), whereas the STUVA (2005) and AFTES
required by EN 1992-1-1 (2004). This indicates that (2005) call for a maximum hardness of 85. Tensile
concrete requirements set forth for concrete by either ACI strength and elongation per ASTM D412 (2016) are
or EN would be very similar and most likely would result in recommended to be higher than 1700 psi and 300%.
a concrete specification with similar if not identical quality. The most important parameter for design of gaskets is
The major flaw of prescriptive apaches is lack of the maximum water pressure. Depending on the expected
connection between the limiting requirements and main water pressure, different solutions and gasket profiles are
source of degradation mechanisms for each specific type selected. The first gasket generation could only withstand
of concrete damage. In contrast, performance-based a maximum pressure of 3 bar. Today, with the advance of
design approaches despite all challenges related to these technology and limited offset between adjacent segments
methods provides significant benefits to designers by due to more accurate segment erection inside TBM, water
focusing on the specific sources of concrete damages in a tightness of up to 10 bar is often achievable with a
project-specific fashion (Swiss Standard SIA 262, 2003). standard mono-extrusion EPDM gasket profile. Water
In order to achieve a performance design, rapid, easy, tightness between segments will be created through the
and reliable test methods are needed to assess properties compression of gaskets developed during the assembly
of structural concrete. Future studies are needed to process of the segments. For higher requirements and
develop a performance-based design approach with higher water pressure, two main solutions are available.
reference to different major tunnel segment projects. First solution includes a composite seal combining EPDM
While this design approach is not discussed in this paper, compression gasket with a hydrophilic seal. As shown in
studies such as Rashidi and Nasri (2012), Sigl et al. Figure 5, this solution can be provided by the application
(2000) and Li et al. (2015) provide important new insight of co-extruded gaskets with hydrophilic layer, composite
into such design method for CSO, subway and sub-sea profiles with hydrophilic cord, or composite solution with
road tunnels, respectively. Also durability separate hydrophilic seal next to standard profile. Second
recommendations of national and international tunnel solution includes two gaskets, one near the extrados and
segment guidelines should be analyzed and compared one near the intrados of the segment, providing double
including BSI PAS 8810 (2016), DAUB (2013), AFTES the security for the waterproofing performance. A review
(2005), OVBB (2011), and LTA (2010). of reference projects with double gaskets shows that in
half of these projects no connecting gasket bar was used.
In projects with connecting gasket bar, the connecting
3 TUNNEL SEGMENT GASKETS gasket bars were glued in place at the segment precast
plant. Note that double gasket system is defined by the
Majority of tunnels are built below groundwater table. higher capacity of the two gaskets, not by the sum of both
Water infiltration can be a detrimental factor to gaskets’ capacity (BSI PAS 8810, 2016).
serviceability and durability of tunnels and tunnel linings.
Tunnel watertightness results in maintaining operational
safety, minimizing maintenance and repair cost, and
protecting mechanical and electrical equipment inside
tunnels. In segmentally-lined tunnels, watertightness is
guaranteed by individual components of ground support
system, i.e. precast concrete segments and gaskets
located between segment joints. Segments are often
impermeable due to high-quality controlled production,
transportation, handling and installation. Gaskets placed
between joints of adjacent segments are, therefore, the
weakest points for penetration of groundwater into TBM
tunnels and should be studied carefully.

3.1 Gasket Materials and Design for Water Pressure

Recommended materials for segment gaskets are

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) rubber
compounds which have replaced the formerly used
Chloroprene gaskets. EPDM compounds guarantee a life
span of more than 100 years, and economically and Figure 5. Different gasket solutions for projects with
technically most suitable material to withstand climate and different watertightness requirements
groundwater with varying water composition. EPDM
3.2 Gasket Relaxation and Factor of Safety 15mm, which can be reduced to 5mm when precisely
applied. Dowels, however, are the connection system with
In addition to the expected water pressure in the tunnel, reduced tolerances. Note that reducing the tolerances has
specifications have to define the watertightness a major impact on the design of gasket system. With the
performance of a sealing gasket and thereby include a smaller offset range that gasket needs to cover, a gasket
safety factor that takes rubber relaxation effects into profile with smaller width can be selected. Most of tunnel
account. To get a long-term post construction project specifications allow for 5 mm gap and 10 mm
performance, it is crucial that the gasket profile and offset for segment gaskets. In some projects, contractors
rubber compound uphold the designed reaction force to tend to change the conditions to higher gap and
withstand the applied water pressure even years after its especially higher offset values to avoid an additional time
application. The majority of the relaxation occurs in the and labor needed for very precise application of
first months after installation. The relaxation can be tested connections to such low tolerances. A review of 50
with so-called accelerated aging tests using an international projects show that while the gap opening
accelerated procedure with elevated temperatures to get between segment gaskets ranges from 2-7 mm, in 30% of
results within a reasonable timeframe (Figure 6). Most of these projects the contactors selected to use a gap of
specifications ask for a minimum residual compressive more than 5 mm. Also with offsets between gaskets
stress of 60% after 100 years. This means a safety factor ranging from 5-20 mm, contractors have chosen an offset
of 1.67 (1/0.60=1.67) is the minimum factor of safety for of more than 10 mm in 46% of these projects. Therefore,
gasket profiles. Considering the relaxation effects of designers are also encouraged to consider possible larger
rubber and design life of most of tunnels from 100 to 120 gaps and offsets with potential cost saving during
years, a safety factor of two is advisable to ensure that construction due to faster erection and shorter
the gasket is able to withstand the design pressure in the construction time compared to gasket and connection
long term. As the geometry of the gasket profile has a materials themselves.
significant impact on the relaxation behavior of a sealing
gasket, such aging tests have to be carried out
independently for every gasket profile.

Figure 7. Illustration of gap opening and offset before and

after compression

Watertightness tests using gaskets can be performed

on steel or concrete specimens. However, working with
concrete specimens is time consuming and prone to
failure. Practically only tests on steel specimens are
currently carried out. Following STUVA (2005)
recommendations, as shown in Figure 8a, the tests are
performed on a T-joint setup in the laboratory, simulating
a simplified situation at a circumferential joint with straight
pieces of gasket profile pressing against each other at the
Figure 6. Typical long term relaxation test results end of a longitudinal joint. Gaskets must ensure the
according to ISO 11346 (2014) watertightness under all possible gaps and offsets.
Therefore, it is necessary to run the watertightness tests
3.3 Design Based on Tunnel Size and Tolerances with different gaps and offsets. For every offset value (0 –
20 mm), the test has to run through a range of different
The width of gasket profile depends on the size of tunnel gaps. For every gap, the water pressure is built up in
as segment thickness is a function of tunnel diameter steps of 1 bar and is hold there for 5 minutes until the
itself. Following gasket profile widths are commonly used profile shows leakage. The recording of all leakage
with regard to the tunnel diameter as current industry pressures under different gaps and offsets leads to the
practice. watertightness-gap diagram shown in Figure 8b. Gasket’s
• ID< 4m, Gasket Width = 20mm resisting pressure corresponding to designed gap and
• 4m < ID < 7m, Gasket Width = 26mm offset in the watertightness-gap diagram should be higher
• 7m < ID < 11m, Gasket Width = 33 or 36mm than maximum factored working pressure.
• 12m < ID, Gasket Width = 36 or 44mm
Gasket size is also related to erection tolerances which in 3.4 Gasket Short-Term Load-Deflection
turn depend on tunnel diameter, segment size, and the
connection system. Bolt and dowels as the two typical Short-term response of gasket profiles is also of
connection systems allow for different gap and offset significant importance. If gasket reaction force is too high,
tolerances during the segment erection process. Gap a strong erection force should be applied to properly
openings and offsets are illustrated in Figure 7. The compress the segments. With a high compression force,
connection system with bolts usually allows offsets up to there is a risk of cracking in the concrete groove and at
edge of segments that may lead to water penetration
underneath the gaskets causing durability and
serviceability issues in the lining. In addition, connection
systems are designed based on the initial reaction force
of gaskets. Therefore, gasket short-term behavior should
be provided in shape of a load-deflection curve which
depends on the compound, the shape of gasket profile
and required gap and offset. As shown in Figure 9,
maximum reaction force of gaskets after a short-term
relaxation within 5 minutes can be used for design of
connection systems. Note that 5 minutes is approximately
a minimum time for connectors to start acting against
compressive force of gaskets because of required time for
segment erection and removal of TBM thrust jack forces.

Figure 9. Typical short-term gasket load-deflection curve

the corner element. This technology provides soft corners

and reduces risk of spalling of concrete at the segment
The most recent innovation in the gasket design is the
use of fiber anchorage technology. The principal is the
elimination of footed legs in anchored gaskets and
application of plastic fibres as anchoring element (Figure
10). This new technology, similar to regular anchored
gasket system, offers an additional pull-out resistance
comparing to conventional glued gasket system. In
addition, it provide several advantages over anchored
gasket including: easier handling; improving the fixation in
longitudinal direction; reduced risk of spalling; no
possibility of wrong installation (anchored feet up or
down), more economic packaging, easier repair
procedure because of perfect groove bottom (no holes
Figure 8. T-joint watertightness test setup for gaskets by from the anchored feet) and no possibility for air
STUVA (2005) and typical watertightness-gap diagram entrapment in the anchorage area.

3.1 New Developments in Gasket Systems

Conventional gasket systems include design of gasket

groove in the segment molds, so that after casting, gasket
can be placed into the groove and glued with contact
adhesive and brush or using a spray gun and a pneumatic
pressing frame. The main issue with this system is the low
bond strength of glued gaskets to the segments to
prevent gasket coming loose especially during key
segment installation. Recently, an alternative solution has Figure 10. Latest developments in segment gasket using
been developed using anchored gaskets to meet high fiber anchorage system
waterproofing requirements and provide much higher
bonding strength against gasket pull-off from the 4 New Fastening Systems for Segments
segment. This gasket system is equipped with footed legs
as special anchorage pieces underneath which is directly Fixing failures in tunnels are rare but when they happen,
embedded in concrete in the process of segment consequences can be very costly and tragic. In general,
production. With this system, the gasket material has to segment fasteners can be divided into two main
be mitered and vulcanized at the joint corner in gasket categories of post-installed and cast-in place systems.
manufacturing plants. This can form a high point of the Post-installed anchors as traditional systems have several
harder material and therefore lubricating gaskets become disadvantages over newly developed cast-in place
very significant since lack of lubrication of the corners fastening systems. Requirements for providing fixing
when erecting segment rings may lead to spalling cracks. zones by dimple grids, drilling procedure followed by dust
Another major development is design of the gaskets at and noise generated during installation, and temperature
the corners. Most of the manufactures now provide dependency of assembly by use of adhesive and fixing
prefabricated corner solutions with reduced stiffness of failures make this system less favorable. Additional efforts
and power tools are needed when installing anchors in installed anchors. 4.3-mile (7-km) Finne tunnel with twin
high-strength concrete. Most importantly, drilling may tunnel tubes and 31.5 ft (9.6 m) diameter high speed
damage concrete, reinforcement or segment gaskets with railway line from Erfurt to Leipzig (Germany) is one such
negative impacts on structural behavior, sealing example. Figure 13 shows views of laid fastening system
performance, corrosion protection and long-term in the segment mold as well as final view of installed
durability. Some of the major issues with traditional post- overhead catenary system fastened to segments in this
installed anchor systems are shown in Figure 11. tunnel.
In the wake of providing a universal solution, the Similar systems have been used for subway tunnels
fastening technology shifted toward use of cast-in such as 15.5-mile (25-km) long, 5+1 segmental ring
channel systems with mechanical interlock principle. configuration Shenzen subway Line 9. In this tunnel due
Cast-in systems, as shown in Figure 12, are basically to requirement for fixation in 8 different locations all
framing channels with welded anchors (preferably I- around the tunnel perimeter, a full ring cast-in channel
anchors) which are placed in segment forms before integrated system was adopted for power rail fixing, safety
casting concrete in the segment manufacturing plant. walkway fixation, and support of cables, mechanical, and
Such system provide with efficient, flexible and safe electrical equipment. Also utility tunnels such as 5.3-mile
method of fastening without drilling and negative impact (8.5-km) long 10 ft (3 m) diameter Berlin Bewag
on precast segment quality. Adjustable fixing, flexibility in tunnel with 5+1 ring configuration have taken
changes during construction and service life advantage of the cast-in channel systems to house
(replacements, extensions), use for temporary underground high voltage cable network. Cast-in
installations during construction, reliable planning by an fastening systems provide similar opportunities for road
accurate knowledge of assembly times, reduction of tunnels with fixing lighting, signal facilities, ventilation, and
construction and installation time and higher site exhaust air ducts.
productivity with reduced labor are amongst advantages
of this system.
Cast-in place systems also have lower maintenance
cost, lead to much easier quality control both in precast
plants and before ring assembly, and provide with greater
point load properties. Note that preliminary planning
efforts are needed for all cast-in channel systems such as
preparation of installation drawings for segmental lining,
as well as effects on ring construction logistics which
need to be closely coordinated with contractor and TBM
operation team. One of the most suitable applications of
cast-in channels is in railway tunnel and especially high-
speed rail tunnels. This is because of requirement for
fixing many electrification components to the tunnel lining,
including catenary support point and catenary wire
anchoring, wheel tensioners, anchor points, line feeders
and counter weights to name a few. In addition, in these
tunnels, resistance to fatigue as a dynamic type of load is
a key requirement that cannot be easily met by post-

Figure 13. Curved cast-in channels in railway tunnels: a)

laid and assembled in segment formwork, b) a view of
fasteners in tunnel after fit-out

Figure 11. Major issues with post-installed anchors

including drilling, and installation quality 5 Conclusions

Degradation mechanisms of concrete linings are

introduced and mitigation methods are explained.
Durability of segments under coupled multi-factors of
degradation is discussed and coupled factors of chloride
ion penetration and stray current is presented as the most
detrimental for service life of tunnel precast segments.
Prescriptive approaches for design based on major codes
and standards are presented and compared. The need for
Figure 12. Cast-in fastening system for segments developing a performance-based design approach for
comprising channels with welded anchors and bolts tunnel linings is explained.
Major design factors for segment gaskets include
gasket materials, gasket profile for designed water
pressure, gasket relaxation and factor of safety, gasket Brenna, M., Dolara, A., Leva, S., Zaninelli, D. 2010.
profile width, and expected erection tolerances including Effects of the DC stray currents on subway tunnel
gap and offset. Load-deflection response and short-term structures evaluated by FEM analysis. Power and
relaxation diagram are required for design of connection Energy Society General Meeting: IEEE:1-7.
systems. Latest developments in gasket systems include BSI PAS 8810. 2016. Tunnel design. Design of concrete
anchored gaskets; recently-developed fiber anchored segmental tunnel linings, code of practice. British
gaskets with elimination of regular footed legs and use of Standard Institute.
fiber for anchorage; and development of gaskets with soft BTS. 2004. Tunnel lining. Design guide. British Tunnelling
corners. Details of cast-in fastening system design and Society (BTS).
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