Social Studies Lesson Plan Level 3

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Dakota State University

College of Education


Name: Reanna Fitzgerald

Grade Level: 1st
School: Madison Elementary School
Date: November 15th, 2018
Time: 2:00pm

Reflection from prior lesson:

The prior lesson will be given by Mrs. Denne and it will be over Pilgrims. Students will go
over the way of life for the Pilgrims once they got settled in the United States. This will
carry over into my lesson because they will now learn the way of life of the Wampanoag
Tribe, who were the first people to meet the Pilgrims. Students will already have the
worksheet needed to complete my lesson and have the “Pilgrims” side filled out to the best
of their ability.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

1.H.1.2 Describe ways people learn about the past including but not limited to photos,
artifacts, stories, and videos.

1.H.2.1 Connect people and events honored in commemorative celebrations.

Lesson Objectives:
Given knowledge of the Wampanoag Tribe, students will recall and retell factual
information about the Wampanoag way of life.
Given knowledge of the Wampanoag Tribe, students will successfully compare and contrast
the Wampanoag way of life to the life of the Pilgrims.
Materials Needed:
 Scholastic Website
 Computer
 Projector
 Compare and Contrast Scholastic Worksheet
 Pencil

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

There are 19 students in the entire first grade class. There are 4 ESL students and one
student with behavioral issues and she is placed on an IEP, although she isn’t always in the
class. I will need to be cautious of this if she does enter the classroom and understand what
triggers her and what calms her, she also has a paraprofessional with her in case of any
sudden outbursts. This lesson will be at the end of the day, so it is important to keep the
students engaged and focused.

A. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
 getting attention/ relating to past experience and/or knowledge
o You guys have been learning about how the Pilgrims settled in the U.S
and lived their lives in the 1620s. They came from England and they came
over on the Mayflower ship. Was it a good trip for the pilgrims or was it
bad? Yes, that is right, it was a hard trip for them. They got sick and were
very hungry.
o When they got to the U.S a group of Native Americans called the
Wampanoag helped them hunt and get food. Remember Native American
is another word for Indian.
 creating a need to know
o Today, we are going to learn about the lives of the Wampanoag people.
We will learn things about their lives that are different from our lives and
from the Pilgrims lives.
 sharing objective, in general terms
o Today we are going to focus on the way that the Wampanoag tribe lived
their lives and think about how the Pilgrims lived their lives differently. We
will also discuss how their lives are different from ours.

2. Content Delivery (15-20 Minutes instruction, 10-15 Minutes work time- Direct
Part One: : Show Video (8-10 Minutes)
 Stop video to discuss some possibly troubling words.
o Nasaump- traditional Wampanoag dish made with dried corn, berries, and
o Gourd- similar to a pumpkin, and is considered a fruit
o Sumac Berries- type of berries they used
o Quail- a small bird they use to cook, eat, and put in stew.

Part Two: Vocabulary (1-2 Minutes)

 Use the vocabulary resource to introduce words to the students before we begin the
Part Three: Ask students to repeat words as we go through the slides together.
Weekly Reader (5-10 Minutes depending on conversation/questions)
 Go through the weekly reader as a class.
 Stop to address some key facts and things that the students might question through
the reading.
 When vocabulary words come up in the story, ask the students again what those
words mean.
 Interactive  Have students point out the wetus, ask them the second and third
Part Four: Guide students through the worksheet. (10-15 minutes)
 Have them brainstorm what their houses look like as a whole group.
 Have them brainstorm ways they helped out as a whole group.
 Have them brainstorm ways they had fun as a whole group.
 Students are to share 2-3 points on each section of the assignment.
 Our conversation and worksheet will wrap up this assignment
naturally. Then transition them to next activity.

3. Closure (5 minutes)
 Bring students back together.
 Have the students hand in their worksheet.
o Transition them into the next part of the day.

B. Assessments Used
 Informal Assessment- provided throughout and after instruction.
o Compare and Contrast Worksheet
o Scholastic Interactive

C. Differentiated Instruction
There are four total ELL students in the class and two really need more direction. These
students either have trouble speaking and writing English. For one of the students, I will
have him tell me 1-2 facts and I will write it small on his paper for him. Then I will ask that
he copies what I write on his paper in his own writing. (But first I will give him a chance to
make sure he tries his best and assist when needed) For the other student who doesn’t
speak or understand much English, I will provide him with 1-2 facts on his paper and ask
that he copies what I write in his own writing.
The students that finish early can work on unfinished work that is in their bins. If they do
not have any unfinished work, they can work on flashcards/word sorts/anything else that
they can keep practicing on. Students who do not finish on time will have time to finish the
following day during center time.

D. Resources
The Wampanoag Way. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2018, from

SD Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2018, from

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