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Nehru Arts and Science College

Department of Business Administration

Course: BBA(CA), BBA (RM), BBA (IB)
Subject : Organization Behaviour

Faculty Incharge: Mrs.T.Shenbhaga Vadivu, Mrs.C.Roopa, Mrs.Saranya, Dr.Shanmuga


Unit – I

Section – A

Choose the best answer:

1. Organization structure primarily refers to

(1) how activities are coordinated & controlled (2)how resources are allocated (3) the
policy statements developed by the firm
2. The purpose of job enrichment is to
(1) increase job effectiveness (2) expand the number of tasks an individual can
do (3) increase job satisfaction
3. Strategic planning as a broad concept consists of
(1) strategy formulation and strategy implementation(2) environmental analysis (3) )
corporate strategy and business strategy
4. According to Herzberg, which of the following is a maintenance factor?
(1) Salary (2) Work itself (3) Responsibility
5. A major problem with a task force type of management is
(1) lack of planning (2) accountability (3) there is no logical basis for task force
6. Individuals such as Albert Einstein, Edwin Land and Steven Jobs lead through which type
of power?
(1) Expert (2) Reward (3) Legitimate
7. Communication begins with
(1) idea origination (2) encoding (3) decoding
8. Functional managers are responsible
(1) to the upper level of management and staff (2) for a single area of activity (3) for
complex organizational sub-units
9. Policies are sometimes defined as an
(1) shortcut for thinking (2) action plan (3) substitute for strategy
10. The problem-solving process begins with
(1) identification of the difficulty (2) clarification of the situation (3) Perception
11. A study of the culture and practices in different societies is called
(1) Anthropology (2) Personality (3) Perception
12. ____________ is known as the father of scientific management
(1) Robert Owen (2) Fredrick W. Taylor (3) Henry Fayol
13. ___________ a young Welsh factory owner was one of the first to emphasise the human
needs of employees: He refused to employ young children.
(1) Andrew Ure (2) N. Tata (3) Robert Owen
14. _____________ embodies a team concept, is based on the principle of mutual contribution
by employer and employees.
(1) Autocratic model (2) Collegial Model (3)Supportive Model
15. Contribution/s of human relations movement is/are
(1) Labour Movement (2) Great Depression (3) All of these
16. Edward Tolman is related to
(1) Technology (2) Cognitive approach (3)Behaviourist Framework
17. Forces affecting organizational behaviour are
(1) People (2) Environment (3) both
18. Hawthorne Studies is related to which stage of the organisational behaviour evolution
(1) Industrial revolution (2) Organisationalbehaviour(3) Human relations movement
19. In present context, challenges for OB are
(1) Globalization (2) Employee expectation (3) both
20. Meso organisation behaviour is related with
(1) Individual behaviour (2) Group behaviour (3) Organisational behavior
21. Organisational behaviour is
(1) science (2) An art (3) A science as well as an art
22. Organisational behaviour is a field of study backed by a body of associated with growing
concern for people at workplace.
(1) Theory (2) All of the above (3) Research
23. The field of organizational behaviour examines such questions as the nature of leadership,
effective team development, and
(1) Interpersonal conflict resolution; motivation of individuals (2) Organisational
control; conflict management (3) Motivation of individuals; planning
24. The term psychology is derived from the word psyche, which means soul or spirit
(1) Greek (2) French (3) Latin
25. Leadership motivates the people to work and not the power of money, this concept is
related to
(1) Autocratic model (2) Custodial model (3)Supportive Model

Section - B
1. Explain the importance of OB?
2. Explain the objectives of OB?
3. Explain the Individual Differences in brief?
4. How will you measure the intelligence of an individual’s?
5. Explain the types of personality tests?
Section – C
1. Explain the factors affecting the individual differences in brief?
2. Explain the Intelligent tests in brief?
3. Explain the different types of personality?
Unit – II

Section – A

Choose the best answer:

1. The field of organizational behaviour is primarily concerned with

(1) The behaviour of individual and groups (2) How resources are effectively
managed (3) Both
2. The study of organization behaviour has certain basic assumptions. They are
(1) An industrial enterprise is an organisation of people(2) people must be motivated to
work effectively (3)All of the above.
3. Which of the following represents correct sequencing of historical developments of
Organisational Behaviour?
(1) Industrial revolution Scientific management Human relations movement
OB (2) Industrial revolution Human relations movement Scientific management
OB (3)Industrial revolution Human relations movement Scientific management OB
4. Which of the following frameworks is used in the development of the overall model of
(1) The cognitive framework (2) both (3) The behaviouristic framework
5. Which of the following frameworks is based on the expectancy, demand and incentive
(1) The cognitive framework (2) The behaviouristic framework (3) none
6. Which of the following forms the basis for the autocratic model of OB
(1) Obedience (2) Power (3) Authority
7. Which one of the following is the definition given by Fred Luthans
(1) Organisational behaviour is to understand, predicting and controlling human
behaviour at work• (2) none (3) Organisational behaviour is subset of management
activities concerned to human behavior
8. Might is right• is the motto of
(1) Autocratic Model (2) Custodial Model (3)Supportive Mode
9. Which of the following is not correct for the organizational behaviour?
(1) Organisational behaviour is an integral part of management (2) Organisational
behaviour is a disciplinary approach (3) Organisational behaviour is goal-oriented
10. The____________ is based on the environment. Though____________ like thinking,
expectations and perception do exist, and they are not needed to manage or predict
(1) Behaviouristic approach, Cognitive processes(2) cognitive processes, behaviouristic
approach (3)Cognitive processes, social cognitive
11. OB is the study of _____________ in the organization
(1) Employer (2) Employees (3) Human Behaviour
12. Now a days a lot of stress is being put on the __________ of the employee in the
(1) Character (2) rewards (3) behavior
13. OB focuses at 3 Levels-
(1) Individual, Groups, Organisation (2)Individuals, Organisation,
Society (3) improvement
14. Scope of OB does not include
(1) Leadership (2) Design (3) Technology
15. High rate of ______________ increase cost and tend to place less experienced employee in
(1) Employee Turnover (2) Training (3) Absenteeism
16. Job Satisfaction have ________________ related to Absenteeism and Turnover
(1) Negatively (2) Positively (3) directly
17. ________________________ advocated that humans are essentially motivated by levels of
(1) A. Maslow (2) B.Follet (3) Elton mayo
18. Scientist of OB recognize that organisations are not static but dynamic and
(1) systematic (2) Processing (3) ever changing
19. _______________ and fringe benefits are no longer employees first priority
(1) rewards (2) Wages (3) bonus
20. A manager with good ________________________ can make the work place more
(1) knowledge (2) experience (3) Interpersonal Skills
21. ______________________ is called as father of scientific management
(1) Elton Mayo (2) Robert Owen (3) F.W.Taylor
22. The book The Psychology of management• was published by
(1) Hendry Fayol (2) William Gilbreth (3) F.W.Taylor
23. ___________________ is recognised as father of Human relations•
(1) Elton Mayo (2) W.Taylor (3) William Gilbreth
24. The most significant management skills are
(1) Technical, Human and Conceptual (2)Systematic, Human and
Conceptual (3) Technical, Human and cognitive
25. The Hawthome experiment was conducted by
(1) William Gilbreth (2) Hendry Fayol (3) Elton Mayo

Section – B

1. Explain the perception process?

2. Explain the Financial & Non – Financial Motivation?
3. Explain the Transactional Analysis in brief?
4. How brain storming helps in decision making?
5. Explain Maslow’s Need hierarchy?

Section - C

1. Briefly explain the factors affecting the perception

2. Explain the theories of motivation?
3. Explain the techniques of Transactional Analysis
Unit – III

Section – A

Choose the best answer:

1. The 3 Theoretical Framework of OB are

(1) Cognitive, Behaviouristic, Social (2) leadership, attribution, Motivation (3) Cognitive,
Social and Technical
2. ______________ explains internal processes of choice among different behaviours
(1) Goal attain theory (2) Equity Theory (3)Expectancy theory
3. _____________ explains how and why people react when they feel unfairly treated
(1) Expectancy theory (2) Equity Theory (3) Goal attain theory
4. _____________ focuses on how to set goals for people to reach
(1) Goal setting Theory (2) Equity Theory (3)Expectancy theory
5. Concerning organizational cultures
(1) a weak culture is a productive environment more(2) the stronger the culture, the
more influential it is on employee behavior (3) ) a strong culture is a more productive
6. Shared organizational values are
(1) influenced by international values (2) 3) different for the various components of a
diverse work force(3) unconscious, affective desires or wants that guide society behavior
7. Which of the following best explains why an employee behaves as s/he does?
(1) Both the environment and individual differences are important considerations in
understanding individual employee behavior (2) Neither the environment nor individual
differences are important considerations in understanding individual employee
behavior (3) The environment is the most important consideration in understanding
individual employee behavior.
8. Order from lowest to highest, what are Maslow five classes of needs
(1) Physiological-safety-social-self-actualization-esteem (2) Social-esteem-physiological
- safety-self-actualization (3) ) different for the various components of a diverse work
9. A lack of clarity concerning what will happen is referred to as
(1) uncertainty (2) predisposition (3) temporal
10. Which of the following is a strategy of job design that increases job depth by meeting
employees needs for psychological growth?
(1) Job enlargement (2) Job enrichment (3) Job rotation
11. What is the key word in understanding organization structure?
(1) Process (2) Control (3) Change
12. Organization structures
(1) affect group behavior more than individual behavior (2) change rapidly to meet
environmental and market changes (3) can be defined simply as activities that occur
13. Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the organization
are called
(1) formal groups (2) informal groups (3) task groups
14. Continued membership in a group will usually require
(1) conforming to group norms (2) supporting the group leader (3) encouraging cohesiveness
in the group
15. The definition of communication implies that
(1) understanding must occur to have communication (2) communication is mostly
written(3) communication is mostly verbal
16. The Least used communication channel in an organization is usually
(1) Horizontal (2) downward (3) upward
17. __ means the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through
thought, experience, and the senses
(1) Cognition (2) development (3) Learning
18. Framework is based o the concept of Expectancy, demand and Intention of the human being.
(1) Cognitive (2) Expectancy (3) Behaviouristic
19. According to Edward Tolman, ______________ consists of the expectancy that a particular
event will lead to a particular consequence.
(1) Behaviour (2) Learning (3) eventual
20. Every individual set his goal and he also know the _____________ which will take him to
achieve the goal.
(1) Behaviour (2) Event (3) Process
21. ________ insist that it is advisable and fruitful to the study the behaviour of the human being
which is visible than studying the mind which is elusive in nature.
(1) Ivan Pavlov and Jon B. Watson (2) . Watson (3)Ivan Pavlov
22. _____________ is the force of action or motivation.
(1) Behaviour ( (2) Stimulus (3) Perception
23. ___________ is the behaviour for a stimulus.
(1) response (2) Perception (3) Stimulus
24. Behavioural framework based on ______ behaviour and ___environmental variables
(1) Observable Observable (2) Non Observable Observable (3) Observable Non Observable
25. Might is right is the motto of
(1) Autocratic Model (2) Custodial Model (3) power model

Section – B

1. Explain the importance’s of job satisfaction?

2. Explain the advantages of good morale?
3. How employee attitude determine the behavior and productivity?
4. Explain job enrichment?
5. Explain job enlargement?

Section – C

1. Explain the factors affecting the job satisfaction of an employee?

2. Explain the factors influencing morale of an employee?
3. State briefly the difference Job enrichment and job enlargement.
Unit – IV

Section – A

Choose the best answer:

1. The manner which a person understands someone or something is called

(1) Attitude (2) Stimulus (3) Super ego
2. Anything that excites or arouses a person is called
(1) Stimulus (2) Attitudes (3) Personality
3. A personality Comprises internal factors, such as ability, intelligence, and personality and
will determine how an individual responds to certain stimuli.
(1) Sensory limit (2) Psychological threshold (3)Perceptual set
4. Which of the following influence an individual’s perception?
(1) Previous experiences (2) Sensory limitations (3)Individual needs
5. Which factors are used to interpret a personal task performance?
(1) Stable factors (2) External attribution (3) Internal attribution
6. The process by which the perception of a person is formulated on the basis of a single
favorable or unfavorable trait or impression, where other relevant characteristics of that
person are dismissed is called
(1) Stereo typing (2) The angle effect (3) Cloud judgment
7. Motivation is important to managers because
(1) It is a significant contributor to high performance (2) It explains the differences in
attitude and personality (3)Not all employees know how to use it effectively
8. Employees with relatively weak higher order needs are Concerned with variety and
(1) Extremely (2) Less (3) More
9. Herzberg hygiene factors leads to which of the following?
(1) Lack of dissatisfaction (2) Frustration (3) Motivation
10. People dislike work and seek to avoid it at all cost applies to which organisatoinal behavior
(1) Theory y (2) Theory x (3) Management by objectives
11. Which of the factors listed below is not a reason for decision making in organizations being
a complex process
(1) several stake holders will have an interest in the decision(2) Modern information
systems enable people to evaluate a range of possible outcomes (3) Factors in the
current context of the organization affect the decision
12. The overall process of decision making in, e.g., staff selection includes which of these
(1) Deciding which candidate to appoint (2) Agreeing the job specification (3) ifdentiying
need for a new member of staff
13. A manager who is helping a customer return some shoes they purchased last week is
dealing with what type of decision?
(1) Programmed decision (2) non programmed decision (3)uncertainty
14. Decision making situations can be categorized along a scale which ranges from
(1) Certainty to uncertainty risk (2) Uncertainty to certainty risk (3) certainty to risk to
uncertainty to ambiguity
15. Which of the following is not a method of improving decision making in organizations?
(1) Delphi method (2) e-mail system (3) Brainstorming
16. The decision making model which emphasizes that organizations contain diverse interest
groups who will bargain about goals and alternative actions, often with incomplete is
known as the
(1) Political model (2) inspirational or garbage can model(3) Computational or rational
17. When a manager knows little about the intended goals of a decision and the out comes of
the option are unclear what type of situation are they in
(1) Uncertainty (2) Certainty (3) Risk
18. What would you say is the most suitable definition for brainstorming?
(1) Brainstorming is a creativity method used for finding a solution to a
problem (2) brainstorming is a natural weather phenomenon (3) Brainstorming is a
method for deliberative creative thinking
19. How does brainstorming function?
(1) Brainstorming facilitates logical problem solving (2)The brainstorming method helps
people to break out of their logical thinking (3) brainstorming method helps people to
structure their ideas
20. The process of working together spontaneously to generate new ideas is called
(1) Brainstorming (2) The meeting process (3) the nominal group technique
21. _______ relates to our ability to tune out certain stimuli to which we have been
continuously exposed
(1) Sensory adaptations (2) Sensory limitations (3)Internal attributions
22. ___________ are related with the state of anticipation of a particular behavior from a
(1) Expectations (2) personality (3) attitude
23. Response salience is the set of_______ which are determined not by the familiarity of the
stimulus situations, but by the persons own cognitive predispotions
(1) Dispotion (2) pupations (3) both a and b
24. Transactional analysis is a social psychology concept developed by ________ in 1950
(1) Kerr (2) Eric Berne (3) Freud
25. People are Sid to be motivated ______ when they are shown a reward and the way to
achieve it
(1) Positive motivation (2) primary motivations (3) internsic motivation
Section – B

1. Explain sociometry?
2. How group cohesiveness can be implemented?
3. Explain the types of conflict?
4. How groups are formed?
5. Explain the methods of training to supervisors?

Section – C

1. Explain the Hawthorne experiment in brief?

2. How conflicts get resolved?
3. Explain the types of Groups?
Unit –V

Section – A
Choose the best answer:
1. Leadership is
(1) a trait held by all managers (2) an inherited trait(3) the ability to influence a group in
goal achievement
2. Which of the following statements is true?
(1) All leaders are managers (2) All managers are leaders (3) Non sanctioned leadership
is not as important as formal influence
3. Which theory states that people are born with certain characteristics that predispose them to
being leaders?
(1) path-goal theory (2) trait theory (3) LPC
4. There is fairly consistent evidence that leadership is related to all of the following traits
(1) extroversion (2) ambition and energy (3) desire to lead
5. If trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are
(1) dominant (2) born (3) trained
6. Blake and Mouton were responsible for development of the___________
(1) Managerial Grid (2) Delphi Technique (3) BCG Matrix
7. Consideration of ____ was missing from the behavioral theories
(1) employee satisfaction (2) traits (3) situational factors
8. Which of the following is not a contingency theory?
(1) Blake and Mouton (2) the Fiedler model (3)Hersey and Blanchard
9. The first comprehensive contingency model for leadership was developed by
(1) Hersey and Blanchard (2) Fred Fiedler (3) Blake and Mouton
10. Fiedler contingency model assumes that an individual leadership style is_____________
(1) fixed (2) changeable (3) trained
11. Which of House leaders from path-goal theory are friendly and show concern for the needs
of followers?
(1) supportive (2) participative (3) directive
12. Counseling is a ____________ approach
(1) both a and b (2) Machinery approach (3)Humanistic approach
13. The role of counselor while counseling will be___________
(1) understanding people (2) arrogant (3) Emotional
14. Effective counseling will leads to _____________
(1) Make them to take clear decision (2) Makes client confuse (3) Make them to take
15. Ultimate aim of counseling to make client to ___________
(1) let their choices decided by friends (2) force with the decision made by
counselor (3) make their own decision
16. Counselor need to be ______________
(1) Empathic (2) Sympathic (3) Aggressive
17. Counseling is for ____________
(1) Judgmental about client (2) giving advice (3) Build Trust and relationship
18. A professional counselor is a ___________
(1) highly trained individual (2) not trained individual (3) illusionist
19. The ___________ is a type of Counseling
(1) Psychodynamic approach (2) Heuristic Approach(3) None of these
20. A leader will have well planned ___________
(1) Mission (2) Vision (3) Objectives
21. Fiedler contingency model is also called as ______________
(1) Final contingency (2) Situational Contingency(3) Maximum Contingency
22. Transactional analysis for leadership developed by___________
(1) Peter .F. Druckner (2) Fielder (3) Eric Berne
23. Leaders do not entertain any suggestions or initiatives from subordinates
(1) Theoretical Leadership (2) Participative Leadership(3) Autocratic Leadership
24. __________________ style of leadership also called as Shared Leadership
(1) Theoretical Leadership (2) Participative Leadership (3) Autocratic Leadership
25. _____________ is a style in which the leader is focused on the tasks that need to be
performed in order to meet a certain production goal
(1) Theoretical Leadership (2) Participative Leadership(3) Task-oriented leadership

Section – B

1. Explain the importance of training?

2. Explain Trait Theory of leadership?
3. Explain the functions of leader?
4. Explain the merits of counseling?
5. Explain the importance of counseling?
Section – C
1. Explain the types of leadership?
2. Explain the theories of leadership?
3. Explain the types of counseling?

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