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Letter to the editor of the newspaper on noise pollution

I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities towards increasing problem
of noise pollution. Increasing noise pollution is a big threat to the health the people; if it is
allowed to go unchecked it may rob the people of their hearing capacity. Increasing number of
vehicles on the roads, rising growth of factories, loudspeakers etc. are various factors responsible
for causing noise pollution.
It is the time that the authorities should strictly enforce the noise control laws. The noise
producing factories located in the residential areas should be shifted to far-off places without any
delay. The use of loudspeaker should be stopped after specific time.
I hope that you ‘ll voice my concerns through your esteemed newspaper and then the concerned
authorities will take necessary action against those responsible for noise pollution to relieve the
people from the harmful effects of it.
Yours faithfully,
Jatin Pathak
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the present law and order situation in the
country. Examination Hall,A.B.C. (City). June 12, 2011.The Editor, The Pakistan
Times.Lahore. Sir,
At that time, we are passing through the most delicate phase of our history. Every day
newspapers are filled with the news of bad law and order situation prevailing in our society.
Incidents of murder, robbery, dacoity and rape are on the rise. Though the police are there to
check such a kind of incidents, but due to corrupt police officers the situation is getting bad to
worst. The number of bomb explosions is also rising day by day. The terrorists are hunting the
most genius minds of our country. No one is safe here. Like every Pakistani I am also very
concerned about this horrible situation. In my point of view, if following steps are taken the, the
present situation can improve a bit:
1.Police department is the most corrupt one in the country and there is a great need of
overhauling of this department. More efficient and honest people should be employed in the
police department, while corrupt one should be expelled from it with awarding them exemplary
.2. Police should be provided sophisticated weapons and material.
3.There is a need of improvement in the working of secret agencies. The training of these
agencies and police department should be done on scientific and modern basis.
4.The criminal should be awarded heavy and exemplary punishments, so that an example can be
set for others.
5.Awareness about laws should be created among common people, which will help them in
getting justice. In this regard media can play an important part. Let us hope better for our
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the rising prices of things of daily use or
inflation (). Examination Hall, A.B.C. (City). June 12, 2011.The Editor, The Nation. Lahore. Sir,
Please allow me to use the space of your esteemed newspaper to highlight the problem faced by
our common man now a days. For the last few months the prices of things of daily use have been
rising steadily. The daily eatable things are getting out of reach of poor people. The day is not for
when the poor will only dream for these things. The prices vegetables, fruit, milk etc. are making
the life of poor people very difficult. They are finding it hard to survive in their small incomes.
Here are following suggestions to improve this situation:
1.The latest methods should be used to increase the production of food products. The more the
quantity of things for sale, the lower the prices.
2.The distribution of things produced should be quick and proper.
3.The government and social organizations should put pressure on shopkeepers to sell goods at
right prices.
4.Black marketers should be given heavy punishments.
5.We should take steps to check our rising population. If it continues to rise at present rate, it will
be very difficult to provide things of daily use to all the people in proper quantities. Let us hope
the government and people will act together to bring prices down.
Yours truly, X.Y.Z
Write a letter to the newspaper editor about the need of construction of some new dams in
our country.
Through your esteemed newspaper I want to draw the attention of concerned authorities about
the need of construction of some news dams in our country. In modern age three things are very
important for the survival of man; water, air and electricity. Without these three, life is very
difficult. Life without air and water is impossible while electricity had played and is still playing
an important part in the progress of the world. Other countries of the world are planning to
secure their future in the fields of water reservation and power production. In our country, main
source of power production are dams. The electricity produced by hydro power plants is much
cheaper as compared to the electricity produced by thermal organ run power plants. Therefore,
running of power plants through our hydro resources will save our billions of dollars. In this
respect, the construction of some new dams is need of the hour. By the construction of new dams
not only water shortage can be avoided but production of cheap electricity can also be made
possible. The electricity produced in this way can be used to run hundreds of closed mills and
factories. The opening of these closed mills and factories can provide employment to thousands
of unemployed people. Water stored in these dams will also increase the agricultural production
of country. Hence, I pray to government to construct new dams for the better future of our

Application to the D.P.PO of your district on the rise of drug trafficking in

your areas

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