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Assignment - 1
Semester :1st (Sec-D) Course Title: Engineering Mechanics Course Code : ME-181104

1. A truss hinged at A, and supported on rollers inclined at 45° with the horizontal at D, is loaded as
shown in Fig. Find the reaction at A and D.

2. A simply supported beam AB of span 4.5 m is loaded as shown in Fig. Find the support reactions
at A and B.

3. A simply supported beam AB of 6 m span is subjected to loading as shown in Fig. Find, the
support reactions at A and B.

4. The roof truss shown in figure below is supported at A and B and carries vertical loads at each of
the upper chord points. Using the method of sections, determine the forces in the members CE
and FG of truss, stating whether they are in tension or compression.
5. Figure, shows a warren girder consisting of seven members each of 3 m length freely supported at
its end points. The girder is loaded at B and C as shown. Find the forces in all the members of the
girder using graphical method, indicating whether the force is compressive or tensile.

6. A machine component 1.5 m long and weight 1000 N is supported by two ropes AB and CD as
shown in Fig. Calculate the tensions T1 and T2 in the ropes AB and CD.

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