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To have o perfectly reassembled gsortox (after replacing cone of ite parte or if there are frequently recurring defects) it is necessary to begin with the reinstallation of its parts into crankcase helves without the crank mechanien to be able to give the leyshaft the necessary play (axial clesrence), To determine the play, fit the leysheft into the bush together with the lst-speed geer and bolt together the crenkcass halves provisionally with several screws, Push and poll the Isyshaft to check its play which should de within the range from 0.3 to 0.6 mn. Then remove the layshaft egain, 2.7.2 After heating up the left-hend crankcase half to eome 100-120°C, plece therein the checked crank aechaniem with its centre face plate (provided it hes been removed rom the crenkcase left-hand helf), As far as heating up is concerned, use only @ geo or en electric heater covered with a metal shect for better heat Giotribution end place thereon the crankcase helf so that the arse of the main bearing is nearest to the heating surface, This is in case you do not intend to heat up the whole crankease in an electric oven. On no account ia it permitted to eet up the crankcase with a direct fle Place the heated up crankcase (half) on wooden blocks or a wooden case 00 that its front and reer.ends are supported by them, and locate into it the crank nechanisn as quickly es possible end 0 thet the lock pin of the centre ring slips houe into the recess in the crankcase. Remember that the crenk mecheniam mst be inserted end never driven into the main bearing, If the crankshaft gete jammed in the bearings, push it out again (see engine dismantling), hest up the crenkease to @ fiigher temperature, and repeat the installing procedure. Adjust the shifter gate into one of the centre positions (extrame positions are unsuitable), 227.3 Fit the mainsheft with the 1$-teeth wheel secured in position by the wire- formed retaining ring into the crenkcase left hard, Fit the gear with 16 teeth on the sheft splines with the three dogs pointing downward. 2.74 Locate the shifter-fork pins into the upper and lover slots of the gate while sliding the upper shifter fork into 16-tooth gear on the main shaft. Thread the shifter-fork guide rod through the forke with the collared end pointing downward. 2.7.5 Locate the gear with 24 teeth with its flet eide turned toward the bronze bush and fit the gear with 16 teeth on to the shifter fork oo that its three doge point upward, Thread the leysheft (with the previously installed end secured gear with 16 teoth) through toth gear ‘Test gear shifting ty turning the gate to positions of the individual speed gears, especially efter having installed a new gate in the folloving manner: a) Engage the let-speed gear and check whether the gear with 16 teeth on the layshaft meshing vith the 24 teeth of the let-spsed gear has an exial clearan— 8 of at lesst 0,2 to 0,3 m, At the eane time check whether there is a clear ance between the shifter-fork pins and the ends of slots in the gate. If the agers >) a) Fig.No.21 trensnission diegram pins ebut against the ends of the elots (the fork has not the required side clearence in the gear guiding slot) bend carefully the holder of the gate interlock into the required position using the S-89 gate unterlock edjuster. Engege ‘the neutral position between the let-and 2nd-speed geare end check whether the dogs of the 16-tooth geer on the layshaft clear safely the face of the lst-speed gear end the cogs of the 2nd-epeed goer (19 teeth) when lift ing the lower shifter fork, In thie instance too the required clearance can be adjusted by changing the position of the gate interlock. Shifting into the second and third gear presente uovelly no difficulties. With the 4th-speed gear engaged, the face of the splined nainshaft should protrude from the 3rd-speed geer (16 teeth) 0.1 to 0.2 mm, At the same time meke eure that the shifterfork pins do mt abut egainst the ends of slote in the gete - see paragraph a). =A 2.8 Reconnecting the Crankease Helves, Heat up the right crankcase half in the same wey as the left half - see esction 2.7.1, Apply a good quality sealing compound on the nating eurface of the ‘left half and part of the eluminium centre ring. Oil the ends of the mainsheft and leysheft, and the right-hend erankeheft journal. Engage the neutral between the firet- and second-speed gears, and turn the connecting rod to its top position eo thet it can pass through the cut-out in the crankcase without difficulty, Coat the mating surfaces of the centre insert also with a sealing compound end place the insert in the centre recess of the crankcasse, Fit the well heated right helf of the crankcase on to the crankshaft eo quickly eo posible while rotating the hub of the gear with hub to make the gears engege properly, Drive home the front centering bush and the rear centering pin end clemp both halves of the crankcase together by tightening the M 6 screws, Wait till the erankcase cools down and retighten the screws, Use a tube of a suitable diazeter to tap home the inner rings of bell bearings on the crankshaft to embed properly the belle in the race, Lubricete the bearings with engine oil, Drive home both packing rings of the crenkeheft after meking sure that the ends of the spiral spring ere properly interconnected. Use the S~72 packing ring installer (Fig.22) and fit the oil smeared S-73 protector on the crankchaft jour- Fig.No.22 Driving out crankshaft bearings 4 nal to prevent the bending over of the ring sealing strip. Lock the packing ringe in position by cirelips. Tap home the centre insert, For further reassembly of the engine it is recommended to clamp ite front end again in a vice and then to preceed with the individual jobs described in previous chepters, Do not hurry to refill the gearbox with oil but give the’ sealing ‘compound time to dry well between the crank- case halves, i.e, till the next dey. 2.9 Refitting Engine into Frame Reverse the procedure of engine removel ~ see chepter 2.1 - while paying attention to the following pointe: Smear the ball under the adjusting screw before reinstalling the declutching mechaniem bracket, After refitting the engine into the frame ani after reconnect- ing the clutch cable, adjust the semi-eutomatic and manual clutch release mecha= niem as described in the Rider “s Handbook. (6207) kufeu 1.10. Fig, No, 23 Crankshaft check dimensions 535 = 3. CRANK MECHANISM DISMANTLING AND REASSEMBLY 3.1 Crank Digmsntling Mechanism Use the tubular spanner “12" to screw off the nuts of bolts clamping the split face plate oni vate the two hslves by means of the 3-61 centre buah extractor (Fig. 24), Never use a chisel or screwdriver, Apply © square to ths Fig.No.24 Splitting crenk mechaniem centre face plate (ring) -37- flywheele (counterweights) end uark their reletive positions with e scriber. The most euiteble positions are about 90° from the crankpin regardless of the side (Fig.25). For pressing the flywheels epart and for pressing them together later on you will need a prees with a pressing pressure in the range fron & to 10 tons and a spectel split supporting cylinder (S-200). Fig. No, 25 Crank mecheniem dismantling If it ie necessery to install a nev centre deering, press cut firet the left sie flywheel end then the edjacent centre flywheel. Then use the S-60 fixture to extract the beering including the spacing ring. When instelling a new left-hand or right-hand connecting rod (replace elways the connecting rod complete with the crankpin), press out firet the respective side flywheel (Fig.26), withrew the connecting rod, end then press the centro bear- ing pin out of the adjacent centre flywhecl (Fig.27). Finolly press the erenkpin out of this centre flywheel. If it ie necessary to fit a new centre bearing pin, press epart the crenk mechsniem on either side. Crankshaft journels cen be replaced only in specielized repair shops equipped with « specisl grinding machine since epsre journele are available only as unground seni-products, the curfaces end tepere of which have to be ground to Fig,No.26 Crenk mechanism dismentling Fig.No.27 Crenk mechenion dismantling the reconmendea dimensions only efter pressing together the whole crenk uechaniom end efter ite centering (alignment), The dimensions are give in Fig.23. The Journels should be pressed fron the inner side of the respective flywheel to such a depth thet the journal recesses 3.9 + 0,1 mm from the inner face of the fly- wheel. Befdre pressing in the right-hend cronkshaft journel set it in a position, in which the contro of tho pin for the dynsao rotor ie ligned with the erankpin, 3.2_Reassembling Cronk Mochanian The following instructions apply to the reassenbly of a completely dismantied erenk ‘mechanism (including crankshaft journels), When reessembling the individuel subassemblies, proceed according to the respective paragraphs. a) First press crankpins into the inner (centre) flywheels s9 that their feces are pereliel with the outer surfaces of the flywheels. The crankpins met ve exactly perpendicular to the flywheel surfaces, For this job use the square or guide rule included in the set of speciel fixtures delivered for the dismentl- ing and reassembly of crank mechanisn (Fig.28). b) Set the inner right-hand flywheel absolutely level end press the centre crank~ pin into it exactly perpendicular to the flywheel ourface. Measure the perpendi- cularity using again the square of the respective guide rule, Then drive or press on the crenkpin the lower spacing ring and the bearing No. 6306 well. lubricated with beering grease. Complete this ressseubly by driving hone the upper spacing ring and finelly the labyrinth seel with its larger dismeter turned toward the bearing. ¢) Press the inner left-hand flywheel on the centre crankpin assembled with the bearing and labyrinth seal as far as it will go and co that the index lines on both inner flywheels coincide (Fig.29). anggne a) e) Fig.No,26-29 Crenk mecheniea reassenbly Apply @ thin fils of oil on the left-hend crenkpin and elip thereon the needle- roller bearing and the connecting rod (big end). Texe care mot no mix-up the conoeeting rod as it ie very importend to observe the grading (class) of bearings end crenkpins - see the respective table, Wipe dry the upper part of the crenkpin. Support the flywheel at the point of the bearing No. 6106 and preee the outer left-hand flywheel on the erankpin checking again its per pendiculerity with regerd to the crankpin by wesns of the equere and meking sure thet the index lines on both flywheels coincide. Press home the flywheel till the fece of the crenkpin ie flush with the face (surface) of the flywheel. Proceed in the sane wey when reeesembling the right-hand helf of the crank nechanion (Fig.30). ego Fig. No.30 Crenk mecheniem reassembly 3.3 Crank Mocheniom Centering Before centering the crenk mechanism measure the parellelity and alignnent of flywheels using a steel rule (tool maker‘s knife edge) at a point normal to the connecting line of the erankpin end joumel. In the cave of a mivalignsent, tep the right-hand or left-hendeflywheel with a copper mallet into the required position and check the axial clearence of connecting rods with reference to the respective table. Do not use an iron hamer to tap the flywheele or crankpins (journals) when centering the crenk mechanfom, It is possible, however, to use an fron wedge, the S-201 lever or the S-202 pliers when it is necessary to “open” the flywheels, Further centering procedure’ ie a job requiring special okill and the use of @ centering apparatus with centres and three diel indicators (see Fig.31). The folowing description of the procedure is therefore only informative. Align the crenk mechanism by tepping the flywheele only efter heving it removed from the centres of the centering apparatus. It ie importent to have the spparatue always in a perfect condition to obtein undistorted meacuring reculte, For the elimination of misslignuent (eccentricity deviations) exceeding the specified value of 0.02 to 0,03 mm see separate instructions, -A- Fig.No.31 Measuring of crank mechanien parte + - + Fig. 32. The ourfaces of the flywheels are rot flugh, Make chalk marke on the eurface of the flywheel at the pointe, where the diel indicators yeed the maximum value, Remove the erenkeheft mechanien from the centres ‘and cupport the centre flyvhesle 80 that the outer flywheel is turned vith its marks upward, Tep the marked areas with a copper mallet until the desired effect is achieved (the sur- faces Of all flywheels must be flush when applying the steel (toolmker’s knife edge) rule). ed2 = ae ge -f Fig. 23+ Mark with chalk the pointe, where the diel indicators read the neximum values, In the described case (Pig.27), the intire crankshaft me- Po] chenien is bent. After its removal fron the centres, support one of the outer flywheels co thet the chalk marke are high up- Hold down the opposite part of the mechanism with the hand and tep the centre flywheels with a copper mellet et the marked points, Alternatively, use the epeciel expanding fixture (@rum) included in Fig. No. 33 the set of fixtures for pressing together the crenksheft mechanism, for expanding (forcing epart) the inner flywheels opposite the marked pointe direct in the centres. 0,07 Pige34. The left-hand end right-hand flywheels ere constricted et the point opposite to the connecting-rod pins. Renove the flywheels from the centres fend force them apart by a eteal wodge ariven sensitively ty tepping between the flywheels in the space opposite to the connecting-red pins or use the expanding pliers S-202, supplied with Fig. to. 34 the vet of the pressing fixtures, Clemp again the crankeheft mechenien between the centres for recheckings (T)-08 }-0,04 08 Tr only alight expansion is neces+ sery, leave the crankeheft mechaniem betwoon the centres and force then apert with a lever, poi_} Fig.35. The left-hand and right-hand flywheels are open (separated) and it ie necessary to bring them’ together ‘et points opposite to the connecting- rod pine, After removing the flywheele from the centres, deliver a blow to the flywheels from the side, ae indi- cated by the arrows. Fig. No. 35 Note: Repeat the centering and checking till the meximum permiosible eccentric running (run-out) of 0.02 + 0.03 mm of the crankpins is abteined, After completing the centering of the crank sechanien,” install the perfectly clean centre ring (face plate). 43

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