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Material 1 – Cultural Diversity

Age: Adults (In Japan)

Level: Advanced II

Time: 20 minutes

Skills: speaking, cultural awareness, writing

Materials: timer, worksheet 1 (for number of students in the class. (Make sure to have an extra
worksheet just in case)

Students will: learn about the different definitions of culture, other cultural differences and
sharing similarities.

Procedure (20 minutes):

 Introduce dictionary definition: “a set of ideas, beliefs, and ways of behaving of a
particular organization or group of people”.
o Then introduce Pellegrino’s “global mindset”. With which do the students agree?
Both? Or maybe their own definition. (5 minutes)
 Ask students to individually be creative in writing, drawing, acting (whatever form of
creative expression) what culture is. As you explain the activity, hand out worksheet 1
which is attached to this paper.
o Students will have one minute for this activity. Time them. (3 minutes)
 Have students share their answers with at least three of their peers. Make sure they
document and write down what they learned from their peers. (8 minutes)
o Time the students. (2 minutes each student)
o Punctuality is an essential component in Japanese culture. (side note)
 Wrap up the students. Now ask them to assume someone was new to Japanese culture.
What advice would they give that person to acclimate/learn about Japanese culture.
What is very important know? (4 minutes)
o Have students work individually and let them hand you their papers at the end of
o Use their answers to your benefit in learning about Japanese culture.

Teaching tip: not only is Japanese culture adamant on precise teaching. It is crucial to keep in
mind from here onward that Japanese students are used to teacher-centered form of
instruction. Therefore, the teacher (you) must always be in control of the classroom.
Material 1 – Cultural Diversity

Worksheet 1:

My Definition Name What I learned My advice

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