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Material 4 – 2 Truths and a lie

Age: College Level Students (In Japan)

Level: Intermediate II

Time: 20 minutes

Skills: speaking, cultural awareness, research

Materials: timer,

Students will: learn about the different cultures of the world, other cultural differences and
sharing similarities.

Procedure (20 minutes):

 Re-introduce the topic of culture. Ask to students to look back to the dictionary definition
and their personal definition of culture. Be wary to pick on both extroverted and
introverted students for varied answers. This is considered as a class warmup/ refresher
for the upcoming activity. (5 minutes)
 Introduce the idea of 2 truths and a lie. Students will be required to write two truthful
statements about themselves from their different cultural background(s) and one lie that
does not exist in their culture or ‘global mindset’. This activity is supposed to encourage
students to talk and engage with one another to learn more about their peers and their
cultures. Because our cultures are a part of who we are, right? Give students some time
minutes to write their statements. (5 minutes)
 Next, have the students stand up and divide them equally for cultural speed dating
segment of this activity (if there is an odd number, substitute yourself). One stagnant line,
and one rotating line. Each pair of students will have one minute. That means 30 seconds
per student to say their statement and have the other figure out the truths and the lie.
Make sure you time them. (5-6 minutes, depending on student count)
 By the end of this activity, if there is extra time ask the students for some feedback on the
activity. What did they like? What didn’t they like? How can it be better? (3-5 minutes)

Additional Notes:
You may be required to improvise with some things such as students number and the
classroom setup. If you would like the speed dating activity to be seated, you can create a
circular classroom setup. If there is a constraint on that, you can have students stand as
the activity is explained above. This will cater to those kinesthetic students.
Material 4 – 2 Truths and a lie

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