Lieke: The Lengend: Prologue

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Lieke : The Lengend

The usually sleepy town of Rounshale was rife with life. It was a Friday night,
and all the kids were staying up late, causing all kinds of mischief. The men were at the
taverns and the women gossiped with one another about the events of the week.
Fireplaces were lit, warming up homes, so that when the owners returned, they could be
lulled by the gentle caresses of heat through the night. It was well into winter, and hardly
anyone could be seen wandering outside. However song and cheers traveled the streets,
and if one were to follow these noises of gaiety to their source, they would find
themselves at the Leaky Creek.

The Leaky Creek was an Inn well known for its stupendous food, and even better
ale. The Inn had a large fireplace that was inlaid with stones that weaved in and out in a
hypnotic pattern. Trophies of animals, as well as ones of gold and silver, could be found
adorning the walls inside. Everything about the Leaky Creek made one feel at home.
Next to the fireplace, an old man could be seen dozing. He was wearing a fur coat over
brown chaps and a white tunic. He was powerfully built, so big in fact that one could
only imagine how impressive his physique was in his youthful days. The only telltale
signs of his old age were his gray hair, and the occasional wrinkle on his face. If it
weren’t for those few things, one might believe that he was only in his mid thirties. This
man practically lived at the Leaky Creek. He would leave for only a few hours and then
be back, taking his place at the same spot by the fireplace. The only reason the Innkeeper
Bergis put up with it, was because of the crowd the old man drew in on Fridays. Bergis
could never remember a time in his life when he had ever heard a man tell a story the
way that strange old man could. After a few minutes he could have the entire inn quiet
and the customers sitting in silence eagerly listening to every word he breathed. Bergis
noted that the flow of customers coming in had lessened, and so he sent out the barmaids
to start taking orders.

Greakus, the old man by the fireplace, started to rouse and suddenly the entire
room seemed to be blanketed by silence. Everyone’s gaze was centered on Greakus,
waiting expectantly for another of his stirring stories of adventure, love, courage, and
sacrifice. Greakus looked around at all the faces surrounding him, and wasn’t in the least
disquieted by the fact that every pair of eyes in the room was on him. He called to the
one of the bar maids in a strong voice, “water if you please miss.” “Yessir, right away,”
the barmaid sang back, and scurried off to fetch him his water. There was an unspoken
understanding between Greakus and Bergis that there was no need for him to pay, so long
as he brought in crowds, his meals and drink were paid for. The barmaid returned as
promised with his water, and he drank slowly, savoring the rush of coolness that took
over his insides. He let out a sigh of satisfaction and looked around once again at the
crowd. There were many children sitting on the floor in front of him, beaming at him
with that innocence that only a child can have. The majority of the others were men that
lived in town that wanted a good drink and some entertainment to relax themselves after
a hard week of work. There were of course a few travelers passing through scattered
throughout the crowd as well, and many were intrigued by the sudden influx of people in
the inn. Greakus cleared his throat and began.

“I have a very special story to tell you tonight. Many years ago, at a time when
most here were still a future that had yet to come, there was a knight.” He took a pause to
consider his words, and then continued, “He is not the type of knight we know today, he
was not arrogant, nor was he rich, and he did not have an over inflated sense of self
importance. He was kind, generous, noble, and most importantly he had humility.”
Greakus paused again. A heavy sadness reflected in his eyes, “His name was Ulien.
Like all Ceric knights, he was well trained in the arts of war. At the infancy of his
knighthood he was paired up with a mage in training, as are all knights in the Ceric order.
The knights were also thoroughly learned in theology, and were trained to be men of
religion as well as war. The strange part about it all is that although the Ceric order is
known to be very pious in many respects, the mages trained are reared in a very different
religious persuasion. While we have only one god, the mages of the Ceric order have
many. The magic they call upon is bestowed to them by the Oerthen Gods.” Unlike the
God of the Church, the God of the Denions, the Oerthen Gods are much younger, and
tend to meddle in human affairs, and bestow gifts on those who worship them, such as the
gift of magic. “Ulien and his mage companion Berin showed much prestige in their
respective arts, and soon were among the most reputed knights in the Ceric Order. Ulien
was a happy man for many years after, but soon he found his faith in the order, in the
church, and in himself eroding with the tide of time. Berin, noticed his companions
growing depression, and suggested that Ulien should leave the confines of the their castle
and find a way to fill the hole that had opened inside him. Ulien took Berin’s words to
heart, and left the Ceric castle, and never returned.”

Greakus stopped speaking, burst into a yawn, leaned backward and his chair and
started to close his eyes. Everybody in the room was silent, and unsure why he had
suddenly stopped. This had never happened before, Greakus always had an ending to his
stories. A sharp eyed boy stood up pulled on the fur coat that Greakus had wrapped
around his body and insisted, “that can’t be it sir, there’s more, there has to be.” Greakus
opened one eye, and a faint smile played across his lips. He sat up “Of course there is
more boy, but that part of the story is for Ulien himself to tell you. What happened after
he left changed his life profoundly, and the only right way for you to hear the rest would
be to hear it from Ulien’s own lips. I will tell you this much. Berin prayed for Ulien
after he left, he prayed to his Goddess Aela that she help Ulien in his journey to find
himself. She answered his prayers, and appeared to Ulien.” He pulled an object out of a
deep pocket in his tunic. “She gave Ulien this stone. She told him that as long as he had
it, it would always take him where he needed to go.” He brought his gaze back on the
boy who had spoken up. “Perhaps it is time somebody else take the stone he said. You
boy, what is your name?” The boy met Greakus’ gaze boldy, “Lieke sir.” Greakus bent
down and handed the stone to the boy, “I would like you to hold on to this for me. Keep
it safe, and in time I may come to retrieve it.” The boy was ecstatic, and jumped around
in a frenzy, and soon he was surround by eager kids wanting to see Ulien’s stone.
Greakus smiled, then stood up and left. Not long after the inn was still empty. Bergis
was going through the days profit as the last of the people filed out and seemed quite
pleased with the turn. The next day however, Greakus wasn’t there. This disturbed
Bergis very much, and soon word got round the town, and a search party was formed.
They searched for Greakus for many days, and the days turned to weeks. Soon the search
was abandoned, because there was nowhere left to look. Nobody knew where the old
man lived or went when he wasn’t in the inn and so most assumed he either left, or died.
The stories he wove were still told however. The people of Rounshale would still gather
every Friday and remember the tales the old man spun of adventure, love, courage, and
sacrifice. The story that stuck with the people of Rounshale the most however, was the
one of Ulien, the only story left with and ending yet to be told by the old man that sat by
the fireplace.
Chapter 1
“Wake up you lazy oaf,” Kellen grumbled at the sleeping form in the bed next to
Kellen slowly stood up, and stretched his muscles. He walked over to the bed,
and reached out his hand to wake the other up, but quickly pulled it back. His face broke
into a broad grin. Kellen tottered into the room with a large bucket of water that was
splashing around all over the place. He heaved the bucket back, and then flung it
forward. The water cascaded from the bucket onto the man in the bed. A scream
escaped from the sleeping man as he flung forward in bed, thoroughly soaked in the icy
water. Kellen was roaring with laughter at the dripping form of Lieke.
“You---- you----Devil’s Spawn!” Lieke roared grasping at Kellen. Lieke jumped
out of bed and ran at Kellen, “Don’t be a whiney child Lieke, here I’ll dry you off.”
Kellen raised his hands and muttered a few words, and a gale of wind tore Lieke
from the ground and threw him against the wall. Lieke was blank faced when he sunk to
the floor.
Kellen walked up to him and pat him on the back, “Come on, lets get going
Lieke, we’re going to be late for the ceremony you dolt. Strap on your armor so we can
get a move on. Lieke grumbled some unintelligible words and then left the room to get

“Come on Lieke, you aren’t still mad at me are you?” Kellen asked somberly as
they were making their way down a one of the many stone halls of the Ceric castle
towards the training grounds.
“Would you be happy if you were drenched in water, and then pounded by wind
at the crack of dawn, while still only half awake? Of course you wouldn’t, but in spite of
all of that, I’m not really mad at you Kellen, I’m just nervous about today. After all,
today the new champions of the Ceric Knighthood will be chosen. Its our chance to
become what we’ve always wanted to be Kellen. Ever since we were boys, we would
pretend to be great knights, like in the stories. To win would mean fulfilling my life’s
In the hall they were walking through, there hung a tapestry that depicted Ulien
and Berin. This was Lieke’s favorite in the entire castle. Ulien and Berin were held in
great esteem in the Ceric knighthood. Some of the older men that were members of the
Ceric council would say that to this day, none in the order had ever matched the skill that
those two men owned on the battlefield. As a boy, Ulien had always intrigued Lieke, and
so he tried to learn as much about the man that he could. He knew all of the stories by
heart even before he had entered the knighthood.
“Why do you have to be so serious all the time Lieke, you take the fun out of
everything. Not only are you unsettled, but you’ve got me on edge too. Unlike you
though, I will focus on the brighter aspects of today. Derik will certainly be competing,
and I’ve been dying to magick his pompous ass for some time now. I never really get the
chance since most knights refuse to spar with me. You know, you knights should really
have a talk with your god about exercising some more tolerance, after all it just doesn’t
do to insult the very people who help defend his ‘Golden Kingdom’.”
In the past few decades, the Denion Church has preached distrust of all who
worship the Oerthen Gods. They say that no such god that is truly divine would ever
bestow such powers to a single man. They have been saying that power of that nature
could only come from darker sources. They even go as far as calling any that worship the
Oerthen Gods heathens. Of course this caused a growing mistrust among the people of
Denios of people like Kellen who worshipped the Oerthen Gods.
This didn’t stop the Ceric order from training future men of magic, preferably
called druids. In time though the numbers training to become druids reached an all time
low. Because of the growing distrust of druids, many knights refused to be paired with
them. The knighthood, since its creation, always trained men in pairs, and so knights
started to be paired with other knights if they refused to be partnered with a druid. Kellen
and Lieke were the only druid-knight pair in the order. Because of the heavy prejudice in
the order, all druid-knight pairs eventually left the castle, and carried out their duties
elsewhere as Ceric knights. The knights themselves had an even greater prejudice against
the druids than anyone else. Knights were trained to trust in their own strength, and the
sharp end of their weapon. The strength of magic is something they don’t understand,
and they are afraid of it because it isn’t something they are trained to defend against in

Lieke and Kellen had reached the training grounds already, and were waiting as
the tournament ladder was being prepared.
The competition did not consist of the entire order, for that would have been very
inconvenient. To eliminate the lesser knights, competitions had already been held.
Knights were assigned a house the day they started training. Each house had already held
its own competition to find the fighting pair that would represent them in the bout for the
title of Ceric Champion.
There were twelve houses all together, and Lieke and Kellen were representing
theirs in the tournament.
Kellen turned to Lieke, “I was thinking, I know that we’ve been waiting our
whole lives for this moment, but what happens next? If we win, what do we do from
Lieke turned to Kellen, “I really don’t know Kellen. I’ve never thought it
through that far. I still have my doubts that we’ll even get past the first round. Kellen,
we haven’t scrimmaged with any of these knights at all. In fact, we haven’t fought with
any of the knights here that have any sizeable amount of skill. Only the younger knights
agree to spar with us, and that’s only because all the other older knights won’t even
bother with them. What sort of a chance do we have?”
Kellen gave Lieke a stern look, “with the way your talking, of course we won’t
win. Have confidence man, you don’t give yourself enough credit,” he grinned, then
added, “Frankly I’m insulted at the downplay of my,” he made a ridiculous face and
continued, “Godlike Powers.”
Lieke laughed and conceded, “ I guess your right. It looks like we are about to
find out here shortly.”

Lieke didn’t know what he would do without Kellen. His childhood companion
had always been there for him. As a boy Lieke had a rough childhood. His dad was a
roaring drunk, and his mother pretended like he didn’t exist. He always spent his time
somewhere else, and as a result he ended up being raised by near everyone in their small
It wasn’t until he was about eight that he took up a more permanent residence at
Kellen’s house. Kellen’s parents had raised him ever since, and He and Kellen grew up
to be more than just friends, they were brothers.
Like all boys they dreamed of becoming knights. As they grew older all they
other boys grew out of their childish dreams and eventually took on their father’s trade.
He and Kellen never grew out of wanting to become knights though.
At the age of 13 they set off for the Ceric Castle, where they started their
training. Kellen could have been have been a knight like Lieke, but Kellen had always
been rather fond of the idea of magic. After a few months, they quickly found that they
became alienated from everyone else because Kellen had chosen to become a druid.
Whenever they sparred with the other knights in training by choice or instruction, Kellen
was never allowed to use his magic on his opponents because they didn’t have a way to
defend against it. Lieke and Kellen found a way to overcome this however. Lieke
trained Kellen in the art of the sword, and soon Kellen was nearly as good as Lieke.
Lieke and Kellen rose above the ranks of their house as some of the best swordsman.
What made them unstoppable was Kellen’s magic. Kellen was a prodigious
student, and he had already started to learn advanced magic in his 3rd year of training. He
could use his magic to improve his reflexes, strength and speed in battle. However,
because using magic is just like using the muscles of ones body, it took lots of energy to
do. To compensate, Kellen used a shortsword, instead of the common long sword used
by the knights, and wore chainmail. When you threw in Lieke’s ungodly skill and
strength, they were a force to be reckoned with. Not many knew just how skilled these
two men were though, because Lieke and Kellen never got the chance to pit their wills
against swordsmen of any substantial caliber. All of that would change today.

The knight cupped his hands around his mouth, “All knights participating in the in
proceedings today, please approach the platform now tournament ladder assignment!”
“That’s our cue Lieke, lets get this party started,” Kellen grinned, trotting over to
the platform.
Lieke joined Kellen, and they stood in line to draw numbers from a box. When
each team had finished picking, the knight that had called them in earlier finished up the
tournament ladder. Sections of the training grounds had been set-aside for the other
knights that wouldn’t be participating. Out of the five thousand or so knights that were
actually in the order, only around fifteen hundred showed up to watch the tournament
taking place today.
Kellen and Lieke were going to be in the third match of the first round, and so
they got to sit back and watch the first two matches. They were intense, and in both
cases, the pairs that were competing were very skilled. The second match dragged on for
a while because both teams were so evenly matched. Neither pair refused to give ground
to the other. The match eventually boiled down to whichever man dropped from
exhaustion first lost.
“Will the next two pairs of fighters please come forward,” the announcer called as
the men from the previous round walked off the field.
Derik walked up to Kellen and Lieke as they were getting up, “well if it isn’t Luck the
bastard and his idiot friend. I don’t know how you even made it through house
eliminations, but I can guarantee that you wont make it past the first round.”
“Back off Derik, we don’t need to be exposed to stupidity this early in the day,”
Lieke said gruffly shouldering into Derik as he passed by. Kellen stuck out his tongue at
Derik as they walked off.
“Why you insolent piece of trash, come back here!” Derik fumed at them as they
were walking away.
“Do you really have to do that Kellen? Its really childish,” Lieke said wearily.
“Sorry, its instincts I guess,” Kellen agreed, “The only way you can deal with
idiots like Derik is stooping to their level.”
Kellen looked at Lieke with a broad grin on his face.
“I know that look Kellen, what have you done this time?” Lieke sighed in
resignation, not sure that he wanted to know the answer.
“Well lets just say that a large piece of horse poop is now following Derik. In a
few minutes he’ll be in for a big surprise,” Kellen said with a perfectly strait face.
Lieke couldn’t contain his laugh. Kellen had always been a master prankster in
his younger days, and his magic had helped him turn it into a form of art. They walked to
the center of the allotted arena. The other two men were already there. Lieke knew these
two men by reputation. The big one with scar across his nose was Olen, and the one with
the long moustache was Arn. Both men were in their late twenties, and not much older
than Lieke or Kellen. Olen was probably the strongest guy living in the castle. Lieke
didn’t know so much about Arn though.
“Gentlemen,” the knight on the platform called, “Take up your swords and
Kellen ran forward and unsheathed his sword calling back at Lieke, “I call the big
Olen took out his massive broadsword and confronted Kellen. Kellen wanted to
test the waters first before he resorted to magic, and swung his sword at Olen a few times.
The big man blocked the attacks with his massive broadsword as if it weighed nothing.
Olen started going on the attack, and swung shattering blows at Kellen. Kellen was ready
though; he had already started to enhance his physical abilities with his magic. He
sidestepped the first two strikes with lighting speed, and knocked away the third blow
deftly with his short sword. Lieke and Arn had started battle as well, and Arn was
already starting to wear down as Lieke struck him constantly with jarring after jarring
blow. The entire crowd watched in silence, as Kellen and Lieke bested the opposing duo.
Kellen and Lieke fought with grace; it was like watching a dance. Kellen and Lieke
moved artfully, and Olen, and Arn just couldn’t seem to keep on beat.
Kellen saw that the huge broadsword that Olen was wielding was starting to take
its toll on him. Olen took another sluggish swing at Kellen, but he dodged it, and with
lightning speed locked his sword on Olen’s and then flug Olen’s sword to the ground.
From somewhere in the crowd, Lieke could hear a loud shriek and the roaring of
Kellen’s name along with a long strew of curses. It looked like that piece of horse dung
finally found it way onto Derik’s head. Lieke took a hazard glance at Kellen and saw that
he was thoroughly enjoying himself. It wasn’t everyday that both of them really got to
have a challenging fight. Lieke had found early on that Arn was a feisty swordsman.
Lieke decided to take that away from Arn. He stayed on constant attack, pounding the
man relentlessly with his longsword. Lieke was a powerful man, and keeping his strong
attacks at bay was draining Arn. It didn’t take long until Leike had finally disarmed the
man. Kellen had Olen disarmed only moments later.
The crowd went wild. There was a loud applause, and the Knight at the platform
called them off the field.
“Was the fight really all that good? Neither of them put up much of a fight. Not
that they didn’t try though, that big guy Olen sure can use that broadsword of his,” Kellen
mused as they left the field. “You know what sucks? Derik automatically gets to go to the
finals Lieke. He’s going to beat the pair of knights he fights in the first round; I’ve seen
them fight before and they aren’t that good. In the semifinals he doesn’t have to fight
anyone because he and Sylvan are the pair that’s odd man out in the tournament ladder.
Where is the justice in that?”
“And here I thought you were always one to look on the bright side Kellen. Look
at it this way, if we make it past the semifinals, then we get pleasure of laying Derik on
his rear end ourselves.” Lieke grinned as Kellen looked on him in astonishment.
Kellen gave him a strong clap on the back, “now that’s the what I’m talking
about, you know I’m surprised I didn’t think of that myself. What do you say we go get
some food, I’m starved. Plus the next match won’t be much to watch, when we both
know that Derik is going to win.”
“How can you eat Kellen?” Lieke asked critically, “I wont have sympathy if you
get all the food you’ve just eaten smacked out of you. The semifinals will be starting
within the hour, and you stuff yourself with food, that’s very unprofessional Kellen, I’m
“Stop your bellyaching Lieke, I’ll be fine. Come one come all and do your worst,
just know that you will have to catch me first,” Kellen sang waving his fork dramatically.
“Idiot,” Lieke muttered under his breath.
Kellen turned to Lieke, “what was that, I didn’t hear you Lieke,” Kellen mumbled
with a mouthful of food.
“Nevermind, just eat your food you fool,” Lieke muttered.
Kellen grinned and started to chomp away at again at the food on the table.

“Fighters competing in the next round please approach the field immediately,” the
knight boomed from the platform in the center of the training field. Lieke and Kellen
approached the field as Derik entered the Ceric council chamber.
Derik looked exactly like a “knight in shining armor” should. He was handsome,
well groomed, and tall. His physique was admirable, and he was overall a very skilled
knight, and some say maybe even the best. He did not however have the heart of a
knight. He was power hungry, and reveled in politics. Had he not become a knight, he
most certainly would have gone into politics. He was intelligent, calculating, secretive,
and most importantly ruthless. From day one he had loathed Lieke and his baboon
friend. Unlike all the other knights, he had seen Lieke’s potential, and though he would
never admit it, Kellen’s as well. They both posed a threat to his ultimate goal, and so he
had made it a point to find a way to get them expelled from the order for good. His father
was a man of nobility, and had many connections in the church, and of course in the
Ceric council.
Derik thought it funny that they even called what the Ceric’s had a council. It
was just five old men who served no other purpose than to simply sit there and look
important. They only made decisions in times of war, and there had been no wars in the
Kingdom of Trent for some time. They did however need to be approached on matters
such as the one he would be bringing up, which bent the rules of the tournament being
held today.
“My lords,” Derik addressed the men sitting in front of him. “I have a request. In
the event that Sir Lieke, and Sir Kellen win their match and make it to the finals, then
certain rules must be changed.”
“Just what exactly is it that you propose Derik?” one of the councilmen asked
“Well I have a question I would like to pose to you my lords, how do we know
that Sir Kellen has not been using magic on his opponents so far throughout this
competition? I certainly don’t wish to question his honor, but the fact is we have no way
of knowing that he has been doing more than just using magic on himself. With High
Druid Athix present, there would have been no doubt. I’m not saying that we should hold
the tournament again, but I do think that it is very important that we make sure that our
champions are in fact the real ones.”
There was a murmur of agreement from the councilmen.
“I propose that the High Druid Athix fight as my partner in the final match should
Sir Lieke and Kellen make it to the final round.”
One of the councilman looked at him apprehensively, “One would think a
proposition like this was made out of cowardice Derik. To have Athix present to validate
the fight is one thing, but to have him fighting with you would surely tip the balance in
your favor.”
“How are we to be sure then that Sir Kellen is the Ceric Champion of the druids if
he only fights against knights defenseless against his magic. The only way to accurately
test his worth of the title of champion is to pit him against another druid. The only druid
here is High Druid Athix.”
The councilmen talked it over in hushed tones. Derik knew he had won them
over. He knew exactly what to say to anyone to get his way, and this time would be no
different from the countless others.
The same councilman that had addressed Derik spoke again, “We find that we
must agree to your proposal. Though we all feel that you still have an unfair advantage,
we admit that the only way to properly determine Sir Kellen’s worth is to pit him against
one of his own.”
The man motioned to a page in the room and told him to bring some parchment
and a pen. The page returned moments later and the councilman began to write. Once he
had finished, he gave the paper to Derik.
“Take this to the knight directing the tournament, and he will make sure that
everything is in order should Lieke and Kellen advance to the finals.
“Thank you my lord,” Derik bowed, and exited the council chamber. He could
barely contain his euphoria as he left the room. There was no way he could lose now.
He would be the Ceric Champion.
Derik was nearly out of the castle when he heard the booming voice of the knight
outside, “knights fighting in the final bout, please come forward.”
Lieke and Kellen were already waiting when he got outside. He wasn’t surprised
in the least that they had bested the other two men in the last round. He knew there was
more to these two than one might think. No matter. At the end of the fight, win or lose,
he would still come out on top.
“Hey Derik, ya’ ready to lose?” Kellen asked as Derik approached.
“Quiet vermin, your infectious presence is enough to deal with is, I’d rather not
suffer the added burden of you heathen stupidity,” Derik replied as he handed the piece of
parchment to the knight on the platform.
The knight made and audible sound of surprise, and turned to Derik. “I will see to
it that the conciliators know. Does High Druid Athix know?”
“Yes he has been informed, he will be joining us shortly,” Derik replied giving
Lieke a mirthful look.
The knight scurried away, leaving Lieke and Kellen alone with Derik.
“What are you up to Derik?” Lieke asked, not trying to hide the disprespect that
his tone carried.
“I was beginning to think that you would never ask,” Derik replied in mock
pleasure. “To even up the odds in our fight, I will be partnering up with that crackpot
Athix instead of Sylvan. Oh, and don’t worry yourselves over all the conflictions with
the rules, I’ve already taken care of it. The council gives its approval. Bull up “friends”,
by the time I’m done with both of you, you won’t be able to see straight.”
Derik put some distance between himself and Lieke, and let them mull over their
impending defeat.
“Aww man, this is so not fair,” Kellen pouted, while stamping his feet around on
the ground.
Lieke gave Kellen a reproving stare, “Kellen why do you have to whine all the
time. Don’t you have any self respect at all?”
“Of course I do Lieke. Whining helps me cope faster. It feels suffocating when I
try to keep my emotions bottled up.”
“Isn’t that just another way of saying you have no self control?” Lieke said
“That hurts Lieke, that hurts me deep,” Kellen said putting his hand on his chest.
“I thought we were friends, but I guess I’ve just been deluding myself. Kellen turned
away from Lieke with his arms folded on his chest.
“Come on Kellen, you know I didn’t mean it like that,” Lieke reached out for
“Its too late Lieke, your dead to me. I don’t know you, so go away.”
Lieke shoulders slumped, and he looked at the ground dejectedly. He was trying
to think about what else to say to Kellen. He wasn’t sure how he had insulted him so
“Gotcha!!,” Kellen, turned around and picked up Lieke in a giant bear hug. “You
know, I don’t know how I would get on without you Lieke. You’re the only one around
who doesn’t put up with my crazy Antics.”
A throat cleared from behind Kellen. he dropped Lieke and turned around.
“Hello Sir, I guess its true then,” Kellen said dejectedly.

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