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An effective choice-focused strategic Fig 1: Companies should only choose to excel in

Blue Insight process positions an organisation to
make sustainable strategic decisions. A
one value dimension.

Focus: Creating a Winning Strategy strategy is the chosen way to win in an

environment. If the environment is not
The three essential leadership questions defined, it is difficult to assess the quality
we usually phrase when meeting senior of the strategy, hence rejecting a bad
executives are: strategy or improving a good one. A bad
• What is the environment in which strategy often ignores the power of choice
our organisation must compete and and focus, and compensates by trying to
win? accommodate a multitude of conflicting
demands and interests. A good strategy,
• What are those few things our
in contrast, works by focusing energy and and customer intimacy. Market leaders
organisation must do outstandingly
resources on one, or a very few, pivotal only excel in one value dimension, since
well to win and keep on winning in
objectives, which accomplishments will the operational models are inherently
this environment?
lead to a cascade of favourable outcomes. different in the different dimensions. In
• How will we mobilise our organisa-
Surely, you do not want your manage- the other two dimensions, the company
tion to implement these things faster
ment team to bounce around between has to perform above threshold standard
and better than our competitors?
different topics, never digging in and un- as well as working continuously with
This Blue Insight explores the second of derstanding the core business and what operational efficiency. See fig 1, page 1.
these essential questions and elaborates it means. Successful companies maintain Strategy can be said to be the art of
on how to make the right strategic choice focus and sustain profitable growth, while making the most intelligent choices
through a clear articulation of custom- others get lost in a diffusion of possibil-
er focus, winning proposition and key Strategic choices will help a company use
ities. Companies, which lose opportuni-
priorities, in order to win in the chosen its limited resources to win the competi-
ties, are most often unfocused and have
environment1. Key challenges for the tion for value creation. Making strategic
lost track of the most important things at
leadership team in this endeavour are: choices and sticking to them is difficult.
the centre of their core business.
It takes courage to choose one course of
• Creating a sense of urgency and direct The one with the best insights is likely action over another and to stick to the
attention to what is important. to win decision when the pressure of daily busi-
• No lasting success has been built Knowledge equals power as the old ness tempts to blur the focus.
without an intense focus on the right saying goes. But today when the distinc- To remain competitive today, while also
things. tion between true knowledge and mere preparing for tomorrow, is not simply a
• Developing a clear focus is something information has become more important question of getting out of one strategy
that most companies find extremely than ever, there is a dense information and into another. On the contrary, you
hard to do. jungle to pass through in pursuit of find- must decide how to maintain the existing
The world serves a never-ending series of ing knowledge to be converted to usable business profitable in order to buy the
temptations, distractions, doubts, and un- insights. Every business breakthrough time needed to adapt to the new model.
certainties. At the root of strategy lies the starts with a unique insight. The struggle Therefore, the primary leadership chal-
ability to make good strategic choices. for superior insights is the real starting lenge is to create and sustain an adaptive
point for any business competition. company, i.e. a company with a built-in
Leadership teams and senior executives
The company, which arrives at the right ability to renew itself over and over again.
must be good at focusing the attention
insight first and uses it in an unparalleled This is important, since winning once is
of their people. They lead and communi-
way, has a superior advantage. Com- not good enough, a company must be
cate, and through their ability to inspire
panies having a systematic process of able to win and go on winning.
and encourage they influence significant
divergent learning, which enables them
outcomes. They are in charge of organisa- So, the ultimate job of a strategy is to de-
to uncover meaningful trends regarding
tions that compete vigorously with others. fine how you will win. Or more precisely,
customers, competitors, own realities,
So doing better than rivals is vital. This the strategy determines how you will
industry dynamics, and the broader envi-
is where the need for a focused strategy use your scarce resources in the best way
ronment, have the best chances of finding
comes in. possible to win. The formula for winning
the right insights first.
A company´s strategy is defined by the is to build sustainable capabilities, which
Even though strategy has a lot to do with create greater value for the customers,
multiple and varied choices it makes
finding the direction, a strategy must also and at the same time generate superior
about when and where to compete and
be integrated with choices about the com- profits for the company as well as positive
how to win the business in the environ-
pany´s identity, purpose, and capabilities. benefits for society and key stakeholders.
ment it has chosen. True strategic choices
This integrated view on strategy calls for It is not enough to simply delight the cus-
require giving up one thing in order to
an answer to questions like: What will tomers, which sometimes is easy to do.
reap the benefits from another. Making
this company be? Why will it matter? An- You need to figure out the composition
strategic choices is by definition hard.
swers to these questions have to include of the winning formula. First, this is done
And often, the company does not antic-
in which value dimension the company by reflecting and considering what those
ipate the need to focus, which results in
must excel in order to generate superior few things are that the organisation must
important strategic choices neither being
customer value. There are three dimen- do outstandingly well to win and go on
framed, made, nor appears to being made
sions in which a company generates winning in the selected environment, and
but falls apart due to lack of action.
value, product leadership, cost leadership, secondly focusing on which key things
1: Inspired by the thinking of Willie Pietersen.

Blue Insight © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

that will really drive success. thing, but not make them do everything. Fig 2: Strategic Learning is a systems approach to
To focus means to think through and strategy and execution.
Only 42% of top executives are satisfied
with the output from their strategy answer a set of questions to determine
promise where and how to use the company’s
scare resources.
Our research conclusions on the subject
of Strategy Creation and Implementation2 • In which businesses will we
suggest that 58% of top executives are compete?
not satisfied with the output from their • Which geographies will we target?
strategy promise. Put differently, there is • Which customer segments will we
a strategy-to-execution gap close to 60% pursue?
among the researched top executives in
• What products and services will we
terms of how they perceive their strategy
promise and the actual strategy output.
60% of top executives believe that their • How will we deliver our products
strategic priorities do not lead to focused and services?
which choices need to be made. Going
implementation and execution. They • How will we create greater value for through a bridging process, starting with
claim for instance that one reason is that our customers? the insights and analysing the issues they
unfocused and unclear priorities are • How we will generate superior raise, enables the strategic alternatives
communicated from the leadership team profits? to emerge and assist in making the right
into the larger organisation. Thus, many choice. See fig 3, page 2.
• How will we generate positive bene-
top executives simply do not get the effect
fits to society and our key stakehold- There are three main elements involved
they are looking for from their strategic
ers? in defining strategic choices:
The real business focus must be external, 1. Customer focus
But is implementation and execution
e.g. customer dynamics, competitors and 2. Winning proposition
really the problem? Perhaps so, but if
shifts in technology, etc. These perspec-
the problem is the lack of a clear and 3. Five key priorities
tives must be addressed when consider-
compelling strategy, the rush to discuss Customer focus defines which custom-
ing a company´s winning proposition,
implementation and execution will prob- ers will be served and which will not
where and how to win.
ably hide the most crucial issues. Unless be served, and it identifies what is most
there is a crisp and clear focus, effective Making informed strategic choices
important for those customers. The better
strategy implementation and execution is A winning strategy begins with superior job one does in identifying and meeting
very hard. insights. The quality of generated insights the customers’ hierarchy of needs, the
Focus is one of four phases in a virtuous will have a direct impact on the quali- stronger and more profitable the bonds to
strategy cycle ty of the strategic choices. Up-to-date them will be. Finally, customer focus also
insights gained from increased learning defines what products and services will
Strategic Learning is a systems approach
of the actual situational context regarding be offered to them. The winner, indepen-
to strategy and execution that embraces,
customers, competitors, the company’s dent of industry, will most likely be the
develops and disseminates knowledge
own realities, industry dynamics, and company that swiftly identifies the most
and is able to adapt to changes in the
the broader environment, are needed to important customer needs and acts to
world so that it benefits customers,
conclude which key issues and alterna- satisfy those needs effectively and better
employees, shareholders and society.
tives the business is facing. Situational than anyone else.
The Strategic Learning strategy process
analysis, as a vehicle for consolidating
framework has a four-phase dynamic The winning proposition is the hard cur-
the main points from increased learning,
cycle of Learn, Focus, Align, and Execute rency of a company´s strategy. It defines
is a foundation for turning trends and
(See fig 2 on page 2). These phases build what the company will do differently or
reflection points into insights, and iden-
on one another and are repeated to create better than its competitors to generate
tifying major alternative courses from
and sustain a winning performance. The
more often an organisation repeats this Fig 3: The high level architecture of creating a winning strategy
cycle, the better it becomes in doing it,
thus enhancing its adaptive capability.
The result is a process of on-going re-
newal that characterises a truly adaptive
What does focus mean?
Focus does not necessarily mean being
the biggest and most profitable compa-
ny in the world or even in the industry.
Focus means knowing in which direction
we want the company to go and knowing
what to do and what to stop doing to get
there. A senior executive can more or less
command the organisation to do any-
2: Blue Research: Strategy Creation and
Implementation, 2013.

Blue Insight © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

greater value for its customers and su- able from a total stakeholder perspective. leadership teams and senior executives to
perior profits for itself as well as benefits A litmus test of a winning strategy is that develop strategic choices, including de-
for society and its stakeholders. Winning the company has decided not only what it fining customer focus and crafting win-
is not a matter of absolute performance will do, but also what it will not do. Every ning propositions. Our support is always
but depends on how well a company time you fail to choose, you are choosing bespoke and there are several possible
performs relative to others. The winning to spend part of your company´s scarce entry points to a successful collaboration,
proposition must anticipate the moves resources on the wrong things. The best for example:
of the competition. This is the essence of decision is the right one, the second best Running a Strategic Focus Workshop
strategic thinking. Once there is a clear decision is the wrong one, and the worst with the management team is a proven
view on which customers to target and decision is no decision at all. A great process for identifying and structuring
what products and services to offer them, winning proposition combined with five strategic choices.
the time is ripe to define the company’s clearly stated key priorities is as much
Conducting a Strategy Audit with focus
winning proposition. Remember, the about leadership as it is about strategy. It
on a set of strategic options in question.
challenge is to define the winning prop- is a call for action and tells people what
This is a reverse-engineering approach
osition, not just a value proposition. The they will do when they go to work every
for validating the company’s current or
latter is often nothing more than me-too morning.
planned strategy, as well as the strategic
thinking. The winning proposition may The strategic priorities need to be trans- effectiveness.
be based on a theory of success, but it lated into the right operational context
must always be based on the company’s Engaging in Strategic Coaching of senior
with activities defining what must be
strengths and capabilities, i.e. what it executives’ and managers’ strategic chal-
done to make the strategy successful. This
does outstandingly well. lenges supports and assists them individ-
is the task of Align, the following phase
ually in their ongoing strategy develop-
The five key priorities ensure that bold in the Strategic Learning strategy process.
ment and implementation work.
priorities are made. They should define Leadership evolution
the most important things a company Running the Focus Phase of the Strategic
Many of the senior executives and Learning strategy process gives man-
will do to achieve its winning proposi-
managers, which we support in clarifying agement a comprehensive approach to
tion, i.e. those vital few things that will
the strategic focus and finding the right strategy creation.
make the biggest difference. This is the
strategic choices, have come to under-
final step in forming the strategic choices,
stand that key to create conditions that
and is done by making a list of the top Blue Insight
will allow strategy to emerge naturally is
priorities that will help the company We help clients close the strategy-to-exe-
through a process we call self-organisa-
to effectively concentrate and use its cution gap by creating and implementing
tion. This process highlights the impor-
resources to deliver the winning propo- winning strategies.
tance of crucial success factors such as
sition. The key priorities are those things
individual expression, decentralisation, Blue Insight is a boutique advisory
one must focus relentlessly on to reach
and to induce creativity, the right balance firm, focusing on strategy creation and
success. Our experience tells us that there
between order and chaos. We believe that implementation. Our focus on employing
is a clear risk that people presented with
traditional forms of top-down control are professionals with extensive experience
too many priorities will not remember
doomed in a world where no single mind provides us with the executive resources
anyone. Hence, the limit set to five.
fully can understand the compounded of a larger organisation while still being
An important outcome from making challenges facing a company or organi- flexible and responsive in the relation to
strategic choices and formulating a win- sation. By enabling diversity and using our clients’ challenges.
ning strategy is the formulation of a com- the wisdom of the crowd in a facilitated
pelling vision. A vision statement should Blue Insight is devoted to knowledge and
process, increase the chances to find
be a simple and motivating word picture situational insight and is aligned to the
unique competitive advantages. It creates
that, yet realistically, involves a stretch shift in demand for management con-
an environment in which bright insights,
of what the organisation aspires to be in sulting services by its way of leveraging
unusual perspectives, little known facts,
the future and a statement that provides knowledge, experience and giving advice.
and contrarian approaches have an
a clear sense of direction that everyone in Our experienced Consulting Associates
opportunity to surface and be recognised.
the organisation understands and will act work closely with clients throughout the
But at the end of the day, all these intel-
upon. The desired response from the peo- stages of strategy creation and implemen-
lectual assets must be focused on making
ple should be: Yes, that’s where we want to tation.
the best strategic choices.
go. When working closely with senior ex-
How can we help?
ecutives, we find that defining the vision Blue Insight
statement is best done in iteration with It is impossible to eliminate risks from Consulting Associates
the strategy definition work. By doing so, strategic decision-making, but we argue Stockholm Office:
that it is possible for companies to World Trade Center
the vision becomes an extension of the Klarabergsviadukten 70
company´s customer focus and winning significantly improve their chances of Box 70396
proposition, i.e. an aspirational statement success when it comes to finding the right SE-107 24 SWEDEN
of where the winning strategy will take strategic focus, making the right choices London Office:
the company in the future. and developing a winning proposition. 16 St Martin’s Le Grand
Rather than looking for the next musing, St Paul’s
If the strategy definition work results in London EC1A 4EN
it is probably better to be thorough about UNITED KINGDOM
two or more strategic directions, man-
what we know works and make sure www.blueinsight.se
agement needs to make a clear decision
we do that well. Blue Insight has long info@blueinsight.se
which one to pursue, i.e. the most favour-
experience and knowledge of helping

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