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Warming Up
8 Great Warmers for Any ESL Level

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You walk into your classroom and find your group

Half are sleepily on their phones, and the other half are snoozing at their desk
such a group is one of the first challenges of a teacher’s working day.

Research recently showed that most of the world’s teenaged students are dan
get to sleep before 11pm, due to a combination of natural biology and the stim
but are required to be at school at 7.30 or 8am. Experiments with later scho
including better attention and focus, higher scores, and a much reduced rate of
Most teachers aren’t in a position to change their school’s schedule,
exhausted people for the first class of the day.
Most teachers aren’t in a position to change their school’s schedule, and so we a
for the first class of the day. Often, they have skipped breakfast and are low on
their computers. It’s more important than ever, therefore, to begin class with
up. The rewards are many and varied:
• Warmers bring a surge of focus and energy

• They also activate the brain’s language circuitry; students traveling alone
without having spoken a word to anyone!
• Many warmers require social interactions, obliging students to connect w
• The activity represents a signpost, beyond which L1 (the students’ first l
environment; it’s English only from here on in.
• Warmers are also a fantastic method of review.
Compounding the tiredness problem is that the teacher is often exhausted, too
and the gym and paying bills and a million other things, often eat into sleep time
6 Tips for Arriving in the Classroom Feeling Fresh:
1. Fix a time by which you know you should be heading ‘in the dire
11.15pm. If I’m still up by then, I simply begin navigating my body thro
else: once you’ve done it 40 times, it becomes second nature.
2. Turn off the screen. Research is now incontrovertible with regard to
screens. It can take an hour before the stimulated cells calm down ag
and read for a few minutes before sleep, instead of using your phone
3. Set up your morning the night before. I arrive, groggy and complai
breakfast bowl, spoon and tea mug already set out, the kettle filled an
the fridge. Doing these things in the half-asleep moments after wakin
4. Consider some morning exercise, meditation or yoga. 15 minutes
my whole day, both at school and after hours, leaving me with more e
problems, and more compassion for my fellow humans. I can’t recom
5. I use an application which provides bus times; I leave the house a
waiting at the bus stop.
6. Plan your classes in weekly arcs, so that there are fewer uncerta
decisions to be made means reduced stress and anxiety.

6 Warmer Techniques You’ll Be Using Every Day

1. 1

Vocab Circle

Start with a random student and ask for a word beginning w

proceeding through the alphabet. Choose one part of speech (n
group (sports, countries, colors, animals) and change this each time
students, I also ask for only polysyllabic answers, and if the answ
something more sophisticated. For example, I recorded this classroo

Teacher: OK, what’s next? G?

Student 1:Great!
That’s nice, but let’s go up a level. What about...
Student 1:Or... Gargantuan
Teacher: Beautiful! Now, H?
Student 2:Happy!
Teacher: (Gestures with a raising, flat palm)
Student 2:Hilarious!
Teacher: Much better! Who’s got I?

If a student gets stuck, classmates can help, or the teacher can mak

Teacher: Next is M, right?

Student: M... erm...
How about that awesome adjective for a really big,
beautiful mountain... or an impressive building?
Student: M... Magnificent?
Teacher: Great job! OK, what shall we have for N?


Students quickly interview the people around them (in pairs, o

happened in their lives since the class last met. This is a m
encourage students to take notes, so that they don’t forget details su
or the store at which they got a great bargain. Summarizing informa
skill, so guide students away from a formulaic answer such as, “Las
had dinner, then sent an email to his father, then made dinner with hi
time expressions and perfect forms, rather than repetitive struc
homework before dinner, so afterwards, he played video games for a


Finish The Thought

Write the beginning of a sentence on the whiteboard and ask stu

o Today I’m happy about...

o Today will be awesome because...
o Today I want to learn about...
o By the time we finish today, I want to have... (learned, done, found, im
o Yesterday, I wish I had...

I Went to Market...

A classic, fun memory exercise, this circle game begins with the
and bought a (noun)”. The second student adds a noun: “I went to
flour”. The third adds another, and so on. By the end of the circle
memorized a dozen or more nouns. This is also a terrific way to pra
of flour, a kilo of rice, a bunch of flowers, a bottle of coke.


Stand Up, Breathe and Stretch

A singer friend from the Royal Opera House in London recomm

with the students standing up, stretching (reaching for the ceilin
and taking a sequence of three slow, deep breaths. Oxygenating
and performing a simple act all together seems a great way to begin


Off The Grid

One more thing I always do is to make sure the students’ cellph

simply switched off, depending on the class.Bringing focus to th
day’s work, is much easier without this distraction.
I hope you find these tips helpful, and that your m
an energetic and positive start!
P.S. If you enjoyed this article, please help spread it by clicking one of those sha
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