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The Bitesize Book of

Know-How for Nucleic Acid
Extraction and Purification
Table of

1. An Introduction to Nucleic
Acid Extraction and Purification

1.1 Why Isolate Nucleic Acids? 4

1.2 Cell Lysis Methods 5

1.3 Underlying Principles of

Nucleic Acid Purification

1.4 Critical Factors and How

They Influence Success

1.5 Special Situations 15

2. Assessing Your Isolated

Nucleic Acids

2.1 Quantification and Quality


2.2 Improving Nucleic Acid

Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

1. An Introduction to Nucleic
Acid Extraction and Purification

Nucleic acid extraction is a fundamental part of

molecular biology because high quality nucleic
acids are critical to most applications. In this guide,
we will provide an overview of the currently used
techniques for nucleic acid isolation and some tips to
help you choose the right technique for your sample
type. We will cover the ways in which you can assess
purified nucleic acids for quantity and quality, and
we will introduce the most commonly encountered
problems during nucleic acid extraction.
Putting science first
New England Biolabs
Over 1,000 articles have been
New England Biolabs is a
published by NEB scientists to date recognized world leader in
the discovery, development,
283 restriction enzy mes are supplied and commercialization of
by NEB, >210 of which are active in recombinant and native enzymes
CutSmart Buffer for genomic research.

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

1.1 Why Isolate Nucleic Acids?

Isolated nucleic acids provide answers to

a plethora of research questions across a
broad range of applications (e.g., cloning,
qRT-PCR, and genome- or transcriptome-
wide next generation sequencing). The
information obtained from isolated
nucleic acids can be used in a number of

The exact research goal determines the

type of nucleic acid to be extracted and
the application often influences the choice Reasons for isolating nucleic
of extraction method. For example, a acids
standard end-point PCR reaction does
not require the same DNA quality as a 1. To analyze gene expression for basic or
whole-genome sequencing experiment. disease-oriented research.

2. To follow responses to medical

To identify the best extraction method
treatments (e.g., monitoring of viral
for your work, it is necessary to have a
titres during and after anti-viral
clear understanding of the downstream
application, as well as any potential
limitations associated with your sample 3. To identify new species and to gain a
type (e.g., clinical samples are often deeper understanding of evolutionary
limited in amount and challenging to processes (e.g., ancient DNA analysis).
work with). Depending on the sample
type, the cell lysis method may differ, 4. To monitor and type pathogens
but the overall nucleic acid extraction responsible for infectious disease
concept will remain the same: cells or outbreaks in humans, animals, and
tissue samples are lysed and non-nucleic plants.
contaminants (e.g., proteins) are removed,
5. To monitor food and water safety
before the nucleic acids are washed and
via microorganism detection and

6. To diagnose diseases (e.g., genetic

disorders, cancer, immunological

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

1.2 Cell Lysis Methods Info

An over v iew of t he most
The cell lysis method used depends to a large extent commonly used lysis met hods
for a ra nge of sa mple t y pes is
on the sample type, with tougher tissues like plants presented in Table 1.
requiring more force than mammalian cells.

Cell lysis methods are grouped into 3 main categories:

mechanical, enzymatic, and chemical lysis. The
principles underlying the 3 lysis approaches and the
pros and cons of each are presented below:

1.2.1 Mechanical Lysis

In mechanical lysis, cellular membranes are disrupted
by an external force (see Table 1 for examples).

• Often efficient and fast
• Fast lysis reduces time between harvesting the
sample and the isolation of nucleic acids, which
might be crucial in gene expression analysis
• Ideal for tough-to-lyse samples (e.g., plant material,
filamentous fungi, and yeast)

• Time-consuming when processing multiple
samples, depending on method used (e.g., pestle
and mortal processing is very slow)
• Slow processing of large sample numbers may
increase the risk of sample degradation
• Can generate heat in a sample, leading to protein
aggregation and nucleic acid degradation
• Requires special equipment/tools

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

1.2.2 Enzymatic Lysis 1.2.3 Chemical Lysis

In enzymatic lysis, an enzyme is added to digest During chemical lysis, cells are washed with a
proteins or cellular structures, such as cell walls detergent that breaks down lipid membranes,
of yeast and filamentous fungi. thus releasing cellular components. In addition
to a detergent, chemical lysis buffers usually
Pros contain chaotropic salts, such as guanidine
• Ideal in a lab that doesn’t possess mechanical hydrochloric acid or urea, which help destabilize
lysis equipment proteins (e.g., nucleases) that might degrade
• Selective removal of the cell wall leaves the newly exposed nucleic acids, and prime the
behind the remainder of the cell for nucleic acid for binding to silica-matrixes. The
another lysis method (usually chemical). exact composition of a chemical lysis buffer
This provides flexibility and circumvents varies depending on the application and sample
some of the damage that may be caused by type.
mechanical lysis

Cons Pros
• Can be time-consuming (enzymatic • Cheap, easy, fast to perform
digestion may take 1 hour) and expensive • No specialized equipment required
• Not ideal for gene expression analysis as
enzyme-induced cellular changes may Cons
impact gene expression • Detergents that disrupt the cell membrane
will often lyse other intercellular membranes
as well, and thereby releasing their
components. This approach isn’t readily
suitable for organelle-specific nucleic acid
• While this technique works well for E. coli,
it is not effective for gram-positive bacteria,
plant cells, or fungal cells because of the
presence of hard cell walls that prevent the
detergent from accessing the cell membrane
Next Page • Adding both a detergent and chaotropic salt
Table 1: Over v iew of Commonly to an E. coli sample may compromise the
Used Lysis Met hods. Note: It is not ability to differentiate plasmid DNA from
possible to list ever y sa mple t y pe
here, so if your sa mple t y pe doesn’t genomic DNA. However, steps can be taken
appear in t he table, consu lt your to differentiate these, which will be discussed
col leag ues or suppliers to f ind t he
correct lysis met hod. later
• Harsh chemicals can present a danger to the

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

Category 1: Mechanical Lysis

Method Description Sample Ty pe

Blender blades grind sa mples Yeast, complex tissue sa mples

Waring Blender
at high speed (e.g., liver, muscle)

Grinds sa mples whi le leav ing

Dounce Homogenizer Cu ltured cel ls
orga nel les intact

Meta l beads are agitated w it h Ma mma lia n, pla nt,

Bead Beater
sa mples at high speed microorga nisms

Sa mples are ground w it h a

Ma nua l grinding w it h mor tar
mor tar a nd pest le in liquid Pla nt, f i la mentous f ungi
a nd pest le

Sa mples are subjected to

Freeze-Thaw Bacteria
mu ltiple f reeze/t haw c ycles

Sa mples are disrupted as t hey

French Press are forced t hrough a sma l l Pla nt, f i la mentous f ungi

Sa mples are broken dow n

Sonication w it h high f requenc y sound A l l sa mples t y pes

Category 2: Enzymatic Lysis

Method Description Sample Ty pe

Enz y mes t hat target gluca n

Lysostaphin a nd chitin, respectively, in Staph lococcus spp.
f unga l cel l wa l ls

Targets gluca n a nd chitin,

Gluca nase, chitinase respectively, in f unga l cel l Yeast, f i la mentous f ungi
wa l ls

Enz y me t hat brea k s dow n

Ma mma lia n, pla nt,
Cel lu lase cel lu lose, a major component
microorga nisms
of pla nt cel l wa l ls

Enz y me used in conjunction

Maceroz y me w it h cel lu lase to brea k dow n Pla nt
pla nt cel l wa l ls

Sa mples are subjected to

Freeze-Thaw Pla nt
mu ltiple f reeze/t haw c ycles

Category 3: Chemical Lysis

Method Description Sample Ty pe

Series of chemica l washes to

A l ka line Lysis ex tract nucleic acids f rom Bacteria l plasmids
bacteria l cel ls

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

1.3 Underlying
Principles of Nucleic
Acid Purification

After cell lysis, nucleic acids the need to make fresh solutions. the column, while other cellular
are selectively isolated from the Spin columns contain a solid components pass through (this is
surround cellular components, matrix of silica or proprietary often called the flow-through).
concentrate, and stored in water resin for selective binding of the
or a suitable buffer for use nucleic acid of interest. 3. Washing
in downstream applications. After binding, the column is
The steps following cell lysis A Typical Spin Column washed to remove any remaining
are collectively referred to as Protocol: contaminants like protein or
purification. Since the chemistry 1. Application of lysed sample to residual salts that may severely
of the isolated nucleic acid spin column impair downstream applications.
remains the same regardless of The lysed sample, collected in The number of washes performed
sample type, the purification a binding buffer containing is kit-dependent. Some wash
strategies described below are chaotropic salts, is applied to buffers contain chaotropic salts
generally applicable to all sample a spin column. The binding to remove protein, and some have
types. buffer allows the nucleic acids to a high ethanol concentration for
disassociate from the aqueous salt removal. Most kits include a
1.3.1 Spin Columns solution and bind to the column final wash step in a buffer almost
matrix. entirely comprised of ethanol to
Often referred to as “using the ensure complete salt removal.
kit”, spin column extraction 2. Nucleic acid binding
and purification allows rapid Centrifugation brings the entire 4. Spin to removal residual
purification and cleanup of high sample into contact with the ethanol
quality genomic DNA, plasmids, column matrix. Nucleic acids in After washing, a short dry spin is
RNA, and PCR products, without the sample selectively bind to sometimes performed to remove

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

residual ethanol. to rehydrate the nucleic acids, nuclease activ it y. W hi le TE

buf fer is ef fective in inhibiting
disassociating them from the nucleases, t he a mount of EDTA
5. Elution column matrix. A final spin present in TE is genera l ly orders
of magnitude lower t ha n t he
To elute the nucleic acids from allows this aqueous solution a mount of Mg 2+ present in most
the matrix, a small volume of containing the nucleic acid enz y matic reactions, so t he
presence of EDTA in t he elution
water or elution buffer* is added sample to be transferred to a buf fer shou ld not be a concern.
and the column is allowed to fresh tube.
rest for a few minutes. Since
chaotropic salts have been * Nucleic acids are usua l ly
stored in a buf fer conta ining
removed in Step 4, the aqueous Tris a nd EDTA (TE buf fer). The
elution buffer will now be able presence of EDTA helps to inhibit

Pros and Cons of spin column kits Pros Cons

• Cost effective • Slow growing

• High efficiency strains can pro-
• Reliable duce lower yield
• Yields nucleic • Nucleic acid loss
acids suitable for caused by incom-
use in downstream plete elution
applications • Yield is limited by
binding capacity
of column

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

3. After binding of the plasmid-containing lysate

to the spin column, the remaining purification
steps are similar to all other spin column

4. Ready-to-use high quality plasmid DNA is

eluted in water or TE buffer.

**Most spin kits differentiate plasmid DNA

from genomic DNA (gDNA) during the lysis
step. The lysis buffer contains sodium hydroxide
and sodium dodecyl sulfate, which completely
denature plasmid and gDNA. The proceeding
step neutralizes the sample, allowing the plasmid
DNA to reanneal. High molecular weight gDNA,
however, cannot fully reanneal and tends to
tangle with proteins present in the sample,
preventing the gDNA from binding the spin
column, thus leading to its removal. Despite their
efficiency and reliability, plasmid spin kits come
with a few drawbacks. Since they are optimized
for use with standard E. coli strains, slow growing A Note on Plasmid Spin Kits or unstable strains will likely produce low yields
if used with standard protocols. Furthermore,
Plasmid miniprep kits are among the most plasmid miniprep kits, and spin kits in general,
are limited in binding capacity, with a total
widely used kits in molecular biology labs, yield of between 50 to 100 μg, depending on
allowing for rapid plasmid isolation from E. the kit. Also, the DNA isolated with these kits
generally has higher endotoxin levels. For routine
coli. Since E. coli is amenable to chemical lysis, transfections where larger yields and endotoxon-
plasmid kits combine sample lysis and nucleic free DNA are required, it is worth considering a
midi- or maxiprep kit, which use spin columns
acid purification as follows: with larger loading and binding capacities.

1. Bacterial cells are pelleted and lysed in

microcentrifuge tubes, before the cellular debris
is pelleted by centrifugation.

2. The lysis solution is formulated so that only

the plasmid DNA binds to the spin column
after lysis**. Therefore, the cell lysate can be
loaded onto a column immediately following

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification Other Spin Column Kits

In addition to nucleic acid extraction,

spin columns are also used for nucleic
acid cleanup and concentration. Cleanup
kits can be used to remove unused
PCR reagents following PCR and other
enzymatic reactions, and to purify DNA
from agarose gels. Concentrating your
sample can provide more flexibility with
many downstream applications.

Some commercial spin column kits have

size-selection capabilities, allowing you to
select the fragment size range you want
applications. Finally, Monarch kits allow
to study (e.g., small RNA species). This is
small volume elution, resulting in more
accomplished by altering the amount of
concentrated nucleic acids and eliminating
alcohol present in the buffer system.
the need for downstream concentration
Many modern spin kits combine cell
lysis and nucleic acid purification, and
nowadays you can find a spin column for
nucleic acid isolation from almost any
sample type, including, but not limited
to, insects, plants, seeds, fungi, bacteria,
saliva, blood, feces, and FFPE-samples.

NEB has recently released the Monarch

line of nucleic acid purification kits. This
line of spin column kits is specifically
designed to reduce environmental impact
by including thin-walled columns, which
contain reduced amounts of plastic.
Additionally, these kits ensure less buffer
retention, resulting in higher purity nucleic
acids, for greater results in downstream

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

1.3.2 Phenol/Chloroform and Ethanol A Typical Phenol/Chloroform Extraction

Precipitation Protocol:

Phenol/chloroform extraction is a manual 1. Exposure to phenol and chloroform:

method that relies on the principle of differential Previously lysed samples are mixed with
solubility to isolate nucleic acids. Samples are phenol/chloroform, usually by strong
exposed to a mixture of phenol and chloroform vortexing. Vortexing ensures that all organic
in a given ratio, depending on the desired components can fully interact with the
nucleic acid. Protein is soluble in phenol/ phenol/chloroform mixture for complete
chloroform, and nucleic acids are water-soluble. solubilization and removal.
When the phenol/chloroform solution is mixed
with the sample, proteins and nucleic acids are 2. Centrifugation: After Step 1, two phases are
separated, paving the way for purification. visible. The aqueous phase containing the
nucleic acids sits at the top, while the organic
phase on the bottom contains proteins,
lipids, and other macromolecules. The
sample is then centrifuged to fully separate
For dual extraction of RNA and DNA, this the two phases.
procedure can be adjusted by the addition of
acid phenol. This renders DNA uncharged as a 3. Phase separation: The aqueous phase is
result of the excess H+ ions interacting with the carefully removed by pipetting.
phosphate backbone. DNA will then be soluble
in the phenol layer of the phenol/chloroform 4. Ethanol precipitation: The nucleic acids are
extraction, while RNA will remain soluble in purified via ethanol precipitation. During
the aqueous phase, owing to its naturally more ethanol precipitation, salts and ethanol are
acidic nature. The aqueous and organic phases added to buffer the nucleic acids from the
can be separated after centrifugation and each water solution. The salts buffer the sugar
can be subjected to ethanol precipitation, as phosphate backbone, and the ethanol alters
described above. the solution’s dielectric constant. This
allows the nucleic acids to separate from the
aqueous solution, permitting subsequent
isolation by high-speed centrifugation.

5. Resuspension: Pelleted DNA or RNA is

resuspended in water or TE buffer.

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

Pros and Cons of phenol/chloroform extraction:

Pros Cons

• High efficiency, often resulting in higher • Phenol and chloroform are harmful if
yield than spin kits handled incorrectly, and must be treated
• Suitable for extraction of intact high with extreme caution in fume hoods, as
molecular weight DNA (e.g., gDNA) well as be disposed of in appropriate waste
• Samples that are suspended in complex streams
solutions are usually still amenable to • This method is much more time-consuming
the procedure, whereas some volatile than a spin kit, and may result in a lower
compounds can interfere with a spin column yield
matrix • Traces of phenol and chloroform in resulting
• For fatty samples (e.g., brain tissue), phenol/ nucleic acid extracts can negatively impact
chloroform extraction is superior over most downstream enzymatic reactions, like PCR.
spin column kits If this is the case, the nucleic acids will need
to be cleaned up prior to PCR. A number of
spin column PCR cleanup kits exist for this
• It can take a bit of practice to be able to
confidently extract the aqueous phase
without contaminants

1.3.3 Automated Methods for Higher


Depending on the application and sample be released at high pH. Beads can be removed
type, there may be high-throughput techniques through the use of magnets, and the pH of the
available for your application. One of the most solution can be easily adjusted to isolate the
commonly used high-throughput techniques desired nucleic acid. The technique is fast and
is the use of magnetic bead separation. In this efficient, but the investment in automation
technique, positively charged magnetic beads equipment can be quite costly.
are introduced to the sample. DNA will bind to
the positively charged beads at low pH and will

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

1.4 Critical Factors and How They Influence Success

When performing nucleic acid • Suboptimal pH or salt

extraction or purification, it is concentration can alter the
important to pay close attention charge of the nucleic acid in
to a number of factors such as pH, question, which could prevent
salt concentration, temperature, binding to a spin column, or lead
buffer volume, and potential ethanol to solubility in the wrong phase
contamination. Each of these factors of a phenol/chloroform reaction.
can greatly impact yield, quality, and
success of downstream applications. • Incorrect buffer volumes
can lead to incomplete lysis,
neutralization, or undesired
dilution of the eluted nucleic

• Ethanol contamination can

inhibit downstream enzymatic
reactions and cause your sample
to float out of an agarose gel well.

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

1.5 Special Situations

DNA because it becomes irreversibly tangled

1.5.1 High Molecular Weight DNA
during the denaturation step.
For some applications (e.g., southern blotting and
• If using a spin column for HMW DNA
some sequencing procedures), extraction of intact
extraction, consider the binding size capacity
high molecular weight (HMW) DNA is necessary.
of the column matrix. Some columns are
To extract HMW DNA, additional factors need
only able to reproducibly purify 10 – 15 kb
to be considered in addition to the ones described
sized fragments because larger fragments
are difficult to elute from the column due to
tight binding. For larger fragments, it may be
• HMW DNA can easily fracture during
necessary to consider specialized columns for
extraction. Exposure to shearing forces
high HMW binding, or a manual method such
(vortexing, sonication, etc.) can lead to the
as phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol
breakdown of DNA molecules, resulting in
shorter fragments after extraction. To avoid
this, use an extraction and lysis protocol that 1.5.2 Small RNAs
places minimal force on the sample. Small RNA molecules are often lost during
traditional RNA extraction procedures because
• For applications in which visualization of traditional spin columns usually have a lower size
HMW DNA is necessary, it is possible to limit of approximately 100 base pairs, though size
perform lysis and extraction within agarose gel cut-offs are very dependent on buffer formulation.
plugs, thus stabilizing the DNA throughout the Because small RNA molecules are extremely
procedure (e.g., pulsed-field gel electrophoresis), important for understanding biological function,
where entire chromosomes are kept intact and most modern clean up kits for total RNA extraction
visualized by electrophoresis. are optimized to capture these small RNAs.

• Alkaline lysis often results in the loss of HMW

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

2. Assessing Your Isolated

Nucleic Acids

2.1 Quantification and Quality Control

Following nucleic acid extraction and

purification, it is important to understand the
quantity and quality of the extracted samples.
Depending on the downstream application,
fluctuations in these parameters can drastically
alter the outcome. For example, expression
analysis by qRT-PCR will result in unreliable data
if the exact same amounts of total RNA are not
used for each cDNA synthesis reaction.

There are a number of nucleic acid assessment

methods, which vary in time consumption, cost,
and precision. Ultimately, the method should be
chosen with the requirements of the downstream
application in mind. Here is an overview of some
of the most common assessment methods:

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

• Visual determination of DNA quality
2.1.1 Agarose Gel • Intact genomic DNA samples appear as bands that
barely migrate out of the well
Agarose gel electrophoresis • Degraded nucleic acid appears as a smear
separates nucleic acids based • Ribosomal RNA can be clearly seen
on their molecular weight • Available to most laboratories
by pulling them through a • Allows you to visualize the presence of other potential
solidified gel matrix in the nucleic acid contaminants (e.g., the presence of RNA
presence of an electric current. in plasmid purification samples)
Extracted nucleic acids are
compared to a molecular
weight standard run in
parallel, containing fragments
of known sizes and quantity.

• Provides only a crude estimate of quantity
• Does not reveal the presence of contaminants, such as
salts, within a sample

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

2.1.2 Capillary Electrophoresis

Capillary electrophoresis, sometimes referred

to as lab-on-a-chip, pulls samples through a
small capillary that is monitored by a detector. A
computer receives the information and displays
it graphically. Capillary electrophoresis is
suitable for analysis of fragment size, quantity,
and overall sample quality. This technology is
much more precise than traditional agarose
electrophoresis, and is often the method of
choice for nucleic acid assessment prior to qPCR.

Pros Cons

• Precise analysis of most types of nucleic • Expensive


• Automated sizing and quantification is much

more exact than gel-based methods

• High sensitivity – can detect and analyze

even small amounts of sample

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

2.1.3 Spectrophotometry

Spectrophotometry is a fast technique that relies on

the properties of light interacting with samples for
precise quantification. Samples are loaded into an
instrument (the spectrophotometer) that passes
light at varying wavelengths through them, which is
then picked up by a detector. The detector provides
information regarding sample quantity
and quality that is then translated via computer

Absorbance measurements are taken at 260 nm and

280 nm, and the ratio of the two indicates the purity
of the sample. For pure DNA and RNA, the 260/280
ratio should be between 1.8 and 2.1. An additional
measurement can be taken at 230 nm, and a 230/280
nm ratio below 2.0 indicates the presence of organic

Recently, a new type of fluorescence-based

spectrophotometric analysis has become prevalent
in molecular biology labs. This fluorescence-
based technique achieves increased sensitivity
over traditional spectrophotometry, and is able to
distinguish between DNA and RNA via the use of
DNA- and RNA-specific fluorescent dyes.

• Accurate and fast
• Provides information on the presence of
• Spectrophotometer available to most laboratories

• Inability to quantify individual fragments
• Expensive

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

2.2 Improving Nucleic Acid Quality 2.2.2 Nuclease Inhibitors and Cleaning
Despite our best efforts, it is often necessary to take As mentioned previously, the presence of nucleases
additional steps to improve nucleic acid quality. The can quickly degrade a nucleic acid sample. It is easy
following sections will describe some additional to transfer nucleases from an ungloved hand to a
factors to consider when improvements in nucleic work surface; thus, gloves should always be worn
acid quality are needed. when working with nucleic acids.

2.2.1 Working and Storage Temperature Workspaces should be kept clean and frequently
Nucleic acids are susceptible to degradation by wiped down with ethanol to remove nuclease
nucleases (i.e., RNases and DNases), and storage at contamination. There are a number of
low temperatures helps inhibit this activity. commercially available products to prevent RNase
contamination. Many researchers also add the
DNA is inherently more stable than RNA, and is RNase-inhibitor diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC)
more resistant to nuclease activity at higher storage to water that is destined for RNA work. It is also
temperatures. DNA should be stored at or below advisable to wash and treat glassware with DEPC
-20°C, and kept on ice while in use. Bear in mind prior to RNA work.
that repeated freeze-thaw cycles may fragment
DNA, especially HMW species. HMW DNA In recent years, a number of nucleic acid stabilizing
extracts should therefore be stored at 4°C if they are reagents have appeared on the market. Unlike the
used frequently. cleaning solutions described above, these reagents
are added directly to the intact sample at the point
RNA is much more susceptible to nuclease of collection to inhibit nucleases and stabilize
degradation and should always be stored at very low nucleic acids until extraction is carried out. While
temperatures (-20 to -80°C), and only thawed when the majority of these reagents are compatible with
absolutely necessary. most downstream extraction kits and applications,
bear in mind that some of them require removal
from the intact sample prior to nucleic acid

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Nucleic Acid Estraction and Purification

encountered issues during nucleic acid

purification. The tips in NEB’s guide may
also be useful for kits from other commercial
suppliers, but it is advisable to consult the
supplier of your kit for the most precise
troubleshooting advice.

You may also find it useful to read

protocol-based scientific articles. The underlying
cause of suboptimal nucleic acid extraction is
often resolved easily when you fully understand
the underlying principles of the extraction

If you’ve followed the troubleshooting advice

from your kit’s supplier, and you can’t rectify the
issue, then it may be time to contact technical
2.2.3 Use Nuclease-Free Consumables support. Technical support representatives
are very knowledgeable and are likely to have
When working with any nucleic acid, ensure encountered other users of your kit with similar
that any consumables or glassware are treated issues.
for nucleases. Purchase nuclease-free tubes and
pipette tips with filters when possible.
If, following analysis, you find that your
DNA yield is poor, the quality is suboptimal,
or if the isolated DNA passes your quality
assessments but you achieve suboptimal results
in downstream applications, you will need to do
some troubleshooting.

Because there are many potential pitfalls,

there are also many troubleshooting steps.
NEB’s troubleshooting guide for nucleic acid
purification covers the many commonly

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