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Administrative instructions for Alteration:

Administrative instruction GM nº 3.214, June, 8th, 1978 06/07/78

Administrative instruction SSST nº 25, December, 29th, 1994 30/12/94 (Rep. 15/12/95)


(corresponding initials in Portuguese) (109.000-3)

9.1. The purpose and field of application.

9.1.1. This Regulation establishes the obligation, by all employers and institutions that hire workers as
employees to elaborate and implement the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks - PPRA, with
view to preserving the health and integrity of the workers through the anticipation, recognition, assessment
and consequent control of the existing or potential environmental risks within the working environment, and
taking into consideration the protection of the environment and its natural resources. (109.001-1 / I2)

9.1.2. The actions of the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks shall be developed within the
field of each establishment within the company, under the responsibility of the employer, and with the
participation of the employees. Its coverage and depth depend on the characteristics of the risks and the needs
for control. (109.002-0 / I2) When the environmental risks described in items 9.3.2 and 9.3.3 have not been identified in the
anticipation or recognition phases, the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks may summarize
itself in the stages provided for in sections "a" and "f" of sub item 9.3.1.

9.1.3. The Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks is an integrating part of a wider set of
initiatives of the company in the field of preserving the health and integrity of the workers, and shall be
articulated with the instructions of the other Regulations, specifically the Occupational Health Plan - PCMSO
(corresponding initials in Portuguese) provided for in Regulation 7.

9.1.4. This Regulation establishes the minimum parameters and general directives that are to be adopted in the
execution of the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks, and the same may be extended through
Collective Labor Agreement.

9.1.5. For the effects of this Regulation , environmental risks are considered to be all physical, chemical and
biological agent within the working environment, that, by their nature, concentration or intensity and exposure
time, are capable of causing harm to the health of the worker. Physical agents are considered to be the various forms of energy to which workers may be exposed,
such as: noise, vibration, abnormal pressures, extreme temperatures, ionizing radiation, as well as infrasound
and ultrasound. Chemical agents are substances or composites of products that may penetrate the organism through
respiration, in the forms of dust, smoke, mist, fog, gases or vapors, or that by the nature of the exposure may
have contacted or been absorbed by the organism through the skin or oral intake. Biological agents are bacteria, fungi, bacillus, parasites, protozoa, viruses, amongst others.

9.2. The structure of the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks.

9.2.1. The Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks shall contain at least the following structure:
a) annual planning establishing goals, priorities and timelines; (109.003-8 / I1)
b) strategy and methodology of action; (109.004-6 / I1)
c) means of registration, maintenance and disclosure of data; (109.005-4 / I1)
d) frequency and means of assessment of the development of the Program for the Prevention of
Environmental Risks. (109.006-2 / I1) A global analysis of the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks shall be carried out,
whenever necessary, and at least once every year, to assess its development, make the necessary adjustments
and establish new goals and priorities. (109.007-0 / I2)

9.2.2. The Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks shall describe in a document, and containing
all structural aspects within item 9.2.1. Such document and its alterations and complements shall be presented and discussed at the Internal
Commission for Prevention of Accidents - CIPA (corresponding initials in Portuguese), when existent in the
company, in accordance with Regulation 5, and a copy of which shall be annexed to the minute of this
Commission. (109.008-9 / I2) The documents and its alterations shall be available for immediate access by the competent
authorities. (109.009-7 / I2)

9.2.3. The timeline provided for in item 9.2.1 shall indicate clearly the deadlines for the development of the
stages and compliance with the goals of the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks.

9.3. The development of the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks.

9.3.1. The program for the prevention of environmental risks shall include the following stages:
a) anticipation and recognition of the risks; (109.010-0 / I1)
b) establishing of priorities and goals for assessment and control; (109.011-9 / I1)
c) assessment of the risks and exposure of the workers; (109.012-7 / I1)
d) implantation of control measures and assessment of their effectiveness; (109.013-5 / I1)
e) monitoring of exposure to risks; (109.014-3 / I1)
f) recording and disclosure of the data. (109.015-1 / I1) The elaboration, implementation, follow-up and assessment of the Program for the Prevention of
Environmental Risks may be carried out by the Specialized Services in Safety Engineering and Occupational
Health - SESMT (corresponding initials in Portuguese) or by a person or a team of people that at the criteria of
the employer, are capable of developing what is provided for in this Regulation.

9.3.2. Anticipation shall involve an analysis of the design of new facilities, methods or working processes, or
modification to those already in existence, with view to identifying the potential risks and introducing ways of
either reducing or eliminating them. (109.016-0 / I1)

9.3.3. Recognition of the environmental risks shall contain the following items, whenever applicable:
a) their identification; (109.017-8 / I3)
b) determination and localization of their possible sources; (109.018-6 / I3)
c) identification of the possible trajectories and ways the agents may propagate within the working
environment; (109.019-4/I3)
d) identification of the functions and determination of the number of workers exposed; (109.020-8 / I3)
e) characterization of the activities and the type of exposure; (109.021-6 / I3)
f) obtaining existing data from the company that indicate possible harm to health arising from the activities
developed; (109.022-4/I3)
g) the possible harm to health in relation to the risks identified, available in technical literature; (109.023-2 /
h) a description of the control measures already in force. (109.024-0 / I3)

9.3.4. A quantitative assessment shall be carried out whenever necessary to:

a) confirm the control of exposure or inexistence of identified risks during the reconnaissance stage;
b) scale of the exposure of the workers; (109.026-7 /I1)
c) subsidize the balancing of the control measures. (109.027-5 / I1)

9.3.5. Control measures. Necessary measures that are sufficient to eliminate, minimize or control the environmental risks shall
be adopted whenever one or more of the following situations has been verified:
a) identification, in the anticipation phase, of the potential risk to health; (109.028-3 / I3)
b) confirmation, in the reconnaissance phase, of evident risk to health; (109.029-1 / I1)
c) when quantitative assessment results of the exposure of the workers exceed the limits provided for in
Regulation 15, or when absent, the limits of occupational exposure adopted by the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists - ACGIH, or those that have been established in a Collective Labor
Agreement, providing that they are more rigorous than the technical legal criteria established; (109.030-5 /
d) when, through the health control, causal nexus is established between the harm observed to the health of
the workers and the situation of the work to which they are exposed. (109.031-3 / I1). The study for the development and implementation of collective protection measures shall follow the
following hierarchy:
a) measures to eliminate or reduce the use or formation of agents harmful to health;
b) measures to prevent the release or dissemination of these agents into the working environment;
a) measures to reduce the levels or concentrations of these agents within the working environment. The implementation of collective measures shall be accompanied by training of the workers in the
procedures that guarantee their efficiency and by information of the occasional limits of protection they offer;
9.032-1 / I1) When the adoption of collective measures of protection have been confirmed by the employer or
institution as being not viable, or when they are not sufficient or are in the phase of study, planning or
introduction, or yet still in a complementary or emergency character, other measures shall be adopted and
follow the hierarchy below:
a) administrative measures or work organization;
b) the use of Personal Protective Equipment - PPE. The use of the PPE within the field of the program shall consider the administrative and legal
Regulations in force and involve at least:
a) adequate technical selection of the PPE for the risk to which the worker is exposed and the activity to be
carried out, considering the necessary efficiency for the control of exposure to the risk and the comfort
offered, according to the user’s assessment;
b) a training program for the workers on its correct use and orientation about the limited protection that PPE
c) establish regulations or procedures to promote the supply, use, storage, hygiene, conservation, maintenance
and replacement of PPE, with a view to guaranteeing the original conditions of protection established;
d) characterization of the functions or activities of the workers, with the respective identification of PPE used
against environmental risks. The Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks shall establish the criteria and mechanisms of
assessment of the effectiveness of the protection measures introduced, taking into consideration the data
obtained from assessments and health controls provided for in Regulation 7.

9.3.6. Action level. For the purposes of this Regulation, the action level is considered to be a value above which the
preventive measures shall be taken, in order to reduce the probability that exposures to the environmental
agents go beyond the limits. The actions shall include the frequent monitoring of exposure, information to the
workers and health control. Situations that provide occupational exposure above the action limit, as indicated in the sections
below shall be the object of a systematic control:
a) for chemical agents, half the occupational exposure limits considered in accordance with section "c" of sub
item; (109.033-0 / I2)
b) for noise, a dosage of 0,5 (a dose superior to 50%), in accordance with the criteria established in
Regulation 15, Annex I, item 6. (109.034-8 / I2)

9.3.7. Monitoring. To monitor the exposure of the workers and the control measures, a systematic and repetitive
assessment of the exposure to a given risk should be carried out, with view to implementing or modifying the
control measures, whenever necessary.

9.3.8. Data Recording. Records shall be kept by the employer or the institution, which shall be structured in such a way that
they provide a technical and administrative history of the development of the Program for the Prevention of
Environmental Risks. (109.035-6 / I1) The data shall be kept for a minimum period of de 20 (twenty) years. (109.036-4 / I1) The records shall always be available to the workers who might be interested in them as well as to
their representatives and to competent authorities. (109.037-2 / I1)

9.4. Accountabilities.

9.4.1. Employers:
I. To establish, introduce and guarantee the compliance with the Program for the Prevention of Environmental
Risks as a permanent activity of the company or institution.

9.4.2. Workers:
I. To collaborate and participate in the implementation and execution of the Program for the Prevention of
Environmental Risks;
II. To follow the orientations received during the trainings on the Program for the Prevention of
Environmental Risks offered;
III. To inform his direct hierarchical superior on events that, to his judgment, may imply a risk to the health of
the workers.

9.5. Information.

9.5.1. Workers who are interested shall have the right to present proposals and receive information and
orientation, in order to guarantee protection from the environmental risks identified during the execution of
the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks. (109.038-0 / I2)

9.5.2. Employers shall inform the workers in an appropriate and sufficient way of the environmental risks that
may arise at the work locations and about the available means to prevent or limit such risks and inasmuch as
to protect themselves from the same.

9.6. Final provisions.

9.6.1. Whenever several employers carry out, simultaneously, activities at the same location, they will have
the duty to carry out integrated actions to apply the measures provided for in the Program for the Prevention
of Environmental Risks in order to provide protection to all workers exposed to the environmental risks
produced. (109.039-9 / I2)
9.6.2. The knowledge and perception that the workers have of the working process and the existing
environmental risks, including the data from the Risk Map, provided for in Regulation 5, shall be considered
for planning and execution of the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks. (109.040-2 / I2)

9.6.3. The employer shall guarantee that, when an environmental risk occurs at the work fronts, which places
one or more workers in a situation of serious and imminent risk, these may interrupt their activities
immediately, and communicate the fact to his direct hierarchical superior for the due actions to be taken.
(109.041-0 / I2)

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