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Under employment

Under employment refers to those types of unemployment in which the

peaple have capacity to be a employe, they are capable to do a job. Means
they have degree, they spend their many years to complete their educarion,
yet, they don't have any job. This tyoe of unemployment is more effective
than unemployment, which means the people who are not capable to be an
employe and that's why they don't have any job, are considered Unemployment.
As we have mentioned above that Under employment is more effective than
Unemployment. But why it is.
Reasons -
1. The lake of opportunity- it means, in our country there are no such apportunity
to prove the students. If someone wants to invent something, most of the time it
is misused. For example, if someone want to do something for the betterment of
the sociaty, it is misused by politically and for the sake of victory, name and fame,
many political parties use to make a big issue.
2. Nature of lazyness and depend on others- According to my observation, it is
one of the prominant issue of under employment. As I observe, I see that most
of the students are trying to achirve a job. In our country there are one and half
billion people are here. If everyone wants to get a job which is headed by other is
not possible.
3. Misusing of power - it is also a man factor of under employment. Whenever
someone gets a higher post he starts to misuse his power. It is actually not
his fault beause he has been appointed with the 8same manner. So, I think it
becomes a system of our sociaty, which effects us badly.
4. There are no proper facility in the village area.
5. Rapidly growth of population.
6. Corrupted education system - I think in our country the education system has
been spoiled badly. I want to start with myself. I have completed graduation
graduation in English honours but do I have that capability to prove myself as a
English honours student. Than how I got that degree. I agree that my falt is here
but my question is, is the education system totally perfect? If it is, than how did I
get that degree?
In our whole education system, we are producing robot but not human being. We
make the education system a sourse of business.
7. There are no such exam is conducted to judge the psychological state of a
7. Goverment can't take care of every corner of our sociaty. So it is our
resposibility too to maintain a beautiful and healthy sociaty.
8. We are performing like animal not like human being- I want to explain that
whenever a animal change the direction from a crowed, the whole crowed follow
him. Like that, we are doing the same. We are forcing our child to attempt which
one our nebourgood is attempting. In this case we have to understand that what
our child, student, friend or anybody want to do. If anyone will achieve his dream
goal or interesting goal, it is abvious that he will do his job with honesty and than
only he can creates job.

We should take a step towords the education system. First of all we will have
to understand the speciality of a student. If someone is good in arts and we are
forcing him to go in acience, he can't contribute his full concentration on study
and if it will be going on, if is obvious that under wmployment will increase.

Last modified: 06:50

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