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Student Name: Matt Bradshaw

Lesson Title: Family Crest Drawing Grade(s): 10th

# of Lessons in Unit: 5 Lesson # 1 Time Required: Five 42 minute class

period , along with at home research.
Target ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors:
M 3. Sense of belonging in the school environment
B-LS 2. Demonstrate creativity
B-LS 10. Participate in enrichment and extracurricular activities
B-SS.1 Use effective oral and written communication and listening skills
B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
Learning Objective(s):
-Gain a better understanding of one’s culture and background
-Learn about classmates culture and backgrounds
-Gain an understanding of diversity
-Research cultural event and importance
-Small Poster board
-Computer with access to printer
Period 1 - Students will be asked to draw, on a poster, what they would interpret as their family crest.
This would be explained as a symbol that makes up their entire history. An example of a crest would be
used but it would not be from a previous student or my own.
-Students would be given the rest of the class to work on their posters. The posters would be collected
at the end of class.

Period 2 - Students would be asked to describe their crest and what each symbol or part means to them.
-After presentations, students would be directed to interview their parents about what they think their
culture is.

Period 3 - Students would have interview answers from parents ready.

- Students would be tasked with using their parent’s answers to do research.
-This research would be used to create an updated family crest and with facts about their symbols and
explanations of why they were used.
-Updated crest may have print outs and pictures of symbols that they believe represent them.

Period 4- Continue research and working on poster

Period 5- Students would present their new crest with their original crest. They would describe any
changes and what their updated crest means to them. Students would explain facts from their culture
and important historical details that may have been researched.
-Teacher would finish by showing their family crest and how our cultures may differ but these differences
should be embraced. Students likes and backgrounds may be used as comparisons in a positive way to
show diversity’s role in everyday life.

Plan for Evaluation

(How will each of the following be collected?)
Process Data:
Lesson would be presented to 23 10th grade students in an American History class. The lesson would be
introduced on Monday and wrap up on Friday. The full time of 42 minutes a class would be used.
Perception Data:
Students will gain a better understanding of their own culture and interests and be able to see the
diversity of their classmates. They will make connection with other students who may not share a similar
background. They will show acceptance to their peer’s cultures and a better understanding of diversity
in our world.
Outcome Data:
Students will be able to compare their first drawings with their finished posters. This will allow them to
gain a better understanding of what they perceived and what is true. Student will have a better
understanding of diversity and it’s impact on their community.
Follow Up:
Future multicultural lessons would be worked into the curriculum to allow students to see how their
culture has been affected in the past and how these events have shaped their lives.

Unit Data
(Add post-unit data after lesson has been completed.)
Process Data: One lesson to all 23 students. Presentations from all students and teacher.
(How many lessons provided to
how many students?)
Pre Post
Questions or Demonstration
Perception Data: Date # or % Date # or %
(What do students or adults think How does our culture affect
that students know, believe or can us?
do?) How Diverse is our
Achievement or Related Pre Post Pre Post
Data Element Date # or % Date # or %
Results Data:
Students understand their
(Student achievement or student
Students understand
importance of diversity?

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