20-26 November 2010

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ê ò Lae WûKùe ù^ùf www.nijuktikhabar.net iì P^û

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Manager, Nijukti Khabar, ù~ûMûù~ûM ùaùk
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TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., Cùfä
CùfäLL Keòaû Reêe ú @ùUö
Bhubaneswar - 10 _âiiûe
- _â iûe _eò
NIJUKTI KHABAR Postal Regd.No-BN/43/09-11
RNI No. 52621/93
Employment & Education based leading weekly
18g ahð iõLýû- 24 bêa ù^gße 20 eê 26 ^ùb´e, 2010 5.00 Tel:0674- 2582532 / 533 / 534 Fax : 2582535
VOLL-XVIII ISSUE - 24 BHUBANESWAR 20 to 26 November, 2010 5.00 e- m a il: n ij uk t ik h ab a r @gm ail.c om

Samantaray Academy
Mu ltip le Lea rn in g S olu tio n Pro vid er. .. Say goodbye' in a smooth way at exit interview
Join for Best Coaching.... Visit Us : www.samantaray.ac.in Today is the trend to- some clues that help you to say positiv e approac h whi le J
BANK P.O. : CLERK wards change. Every one of 'good bye' in a smooth way:Get ans wering the ques ti ons.
us need and think for a Ready: Even though, you feel The HR mainly to get proper
Dis eci al change in our daily life. We exit interv iews as a mere HR feedback from departing em-
SSC GL : ML cou Fes look forward for better jobs, formality, you should attend it ployees and learni ng what
nt R tive
DEFENCE CDS : NDA s. 1 Off e better pay and finally a better as a token of courtesy to your c ould be done to prov ed
000 r career. Job change has be- employer. You need to prepare ployee engagement conducts
MBA MAT : OJEE come a common phenomenon well before as you do it for the an exit interview. So present
for a better career growth. job interview. Also ask the em- the true information without Taking Bankin g Techn ology to
RAILWAY TECH : NON TECH But changing jobs ployer for some c ushion time blaming anyone. Offer posi- the Com mon Man
Regular VST Series at Nominal Fees: should not be like chang- to prepare for. Make small notes tive and constructive criticism (A Government of India
Un dertaking) HO: HRM
ing one's clothes and needs of points you would like to say. that c ould benefi t the DEPARTMENT, HEAD OFF ICE,
ÆMonthly 15 Tests to be handled carefully. Mr. Since this s tage als o in- organisation in future. Instead 66, RAJAJI SALAI,
ÆVSTs Series for all Exams Ram i s a s incere, honest, cludes you in the employment of complaining about loop- CHENNAI-600 001.
ÆEvaluation with Feedback dedicated and hardworking history with the company, you holes, you can well analyse RECRUITMENT OF
ÆExplanation with short cut tricks manager in a reputed need to be careful while deal- and explain issues you faced
organisation since five years. ing with any issues. Behave in in an unbiased manner and SPORTSPERSONS

JOIN FOR SPECIAL SBI CLERK BATCH One fine day, he received an
offer fr om another
a professional way and after
all, your final behavior and ap-
demons tr ate y our experi -
enc es honestly. Al ways
In di an B an k i nvi tes
applications from talented
Surya Vih ar, L ink R oa d, Cu ttack - 12, organisation that better suits proach towards the HR people s peak i n terms of the Sp or tsp er son s in
Ph. : 0 671-2323 545 / 9438 56312 1 / 9 4391 64611 / 9437 10354 5 his c areer objectiv es and counts . Sometimes negative organisation as a whole and A thl etics, B asketb al l,
helps him climb the c areer comments may creep in to your do not spec ifically point to Cricket, Football, Hockey
ladder. Now before he packs file that may spoil your future people those with whom you a nd Vo lle yba ll fo r
up his things, he needs to career. are unhappy. If you are leav-
appear for an 'exit interview", Ho nest f arewell: You ing the organisation for bet-
a ppo intmen t i n Office r
the last but still a crucial part may quit the job for many rea- ter career growth, you need Cadre in JMG Scale I and
of the employment process. sons lik e, job dissatisfac tion, to stay factual and give the Clerical Cadre. Complete
Exit interviews are necessary low pay, delayed promotion, reasons in brief. Always 're- details and Procedure for
before the final departure of unclear job description and re- member that maintaining good applying available at our
employees. As you quit the sponsibilities, frustrated with relations with all will help you B an k's we bsi te:
job, you need to answer why, boss and surrounding environ- to succeed in your professional www.indianbank.in
how and what prompted you ment. Whatever may be the endeavor. Maintain cordial Assistant General
to leav e the job. Here are reason, you need to exhibit a (Continued P-16)
Manager (HRM)

National Highways Authority oF India

¯ æˆÿöæ
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Ministry of Road Transport & Highways State Level
Office Orissa 1st Floor. Setu Bhavan. Unit-VIII, Nayapalli ¨¯
ç†ÿ÷ B’
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Bhu ban eswar-751 012


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N atio nal Highways Aut hority of India, St ate Level Off ice, Orissa.
Bhubaneswar requires Site Engineers / Site Supervisors on short term
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¨¯ÿçç †ÿ÷ B’ÿú - Dfú - fë Ü ÿæ ¨¯ÿö
contract basis for its PIUs / Site Offices. The intending candidates
may attend the Wlak-in-interview to be held on 27.11.2010 at 10 AM
with duly filled In application, original educational & experience certifi-
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cates and proof of identity at National Highways Authority of India,
Sta te Level Office, 1st F loor, Setu Bha van , Unit-VIII, Nayapalli,
Bhubaneswar-751012, Ph. No. 0674-2392720,2392730. T he complete
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d etails alo ng w ith a pplication format can b e do wnloa ded from
NHAIWebsite http://w ww.nhai.org. Óþõ•ç
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dçç>> Aæ;ÿÀÿçL ÿ Éë{µÿbÿæ f~æDdç F¯ÿó
General Manager (Tech.)
E-mail:bhu@nhai.org State Level Office
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bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 2
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HINDUSTAN SPICES GK ^òRÊ C_ôû\^lc Kµû^ú cùogße ijòZ
Paribesa & Co. requires Ladies Sales Representative.
Contact: 9938095281 or Email- aim_1@ymail.com Wâ ûAbòõ ùUâ^òõ, bêaù^gße
@^êMkê , ~ûR_êe,cdìeb¬,ùK¦êSe,i´f_êe,afûwúe, eûdMWÿ, aûùfgße IKkûjûŠò gòÌûokùe Regd by Govt. of Orissa ùK¦âúd ^ìZ^ ^òdc
^ò~qê ò _ûAñ _âùZýK Ròfûäeê 72 RY _âû[úð Gaõ _âùZýK Ròfûä _ûAñ DISTRIBUTOR @ûagýK ö ^ò½ò« ^ò~ê qò @^êiûùe Cq ieKûeú ÊúKéZò_ûâ ¯ ùUâ^òõ @^êÂû^ùe IWÿògûe _âùZýK
POST AGE EARN QUALF. Bajaj Electronics company ^òRe ^ì@û aâû o ^òcù«60Uò _âû [ð [ðúú,, Ròfäûe _âû[ðúuê Rò_,þ Kûe, ùcKû^òRòcþ I Uâû`òKþ ^òdc aòhdùe ùUâ^òõ
Dy. Manager 17-28 Rs.8300/- +3 above _âû[ò[òð^^ú,ú, Official ù_ûÁ _ûAñ @ûagýK Keê
_â Keê@Qò
Qòö \ò@û~ûC@Qò ö ùUâ^òõ _ùe _âcûY_Zâ ij fûAùi^è \ò@û~òa ö
Labour Incharge 17-28 Rs.6750/- +2 above Post Qualification Vacancy Salary
Product Supervisor 17-28 Rs.4650/- 10th B.Manager +2,+3 10 6000-7000
QûZâûaûie iêaò]û @Qò ö AzêK _âû[ðú Principal, Regional In-
Packing Boy 17-28 Rs.3200/- 7th A.Manager 10th to +3 20 5000-6000 stitute, Near Side Over Bridge, Plot No.- 298,
LûAaû I ejòa û cûMYû ö AzêK aýqòcûù^ @ûi«û 7 \ò^ c¤ùe icÉ _âcûY_Zâ Superv isor 10th 20 4000-5000 Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-3 uê iûlûZ Ke«ê ö
Store keeper 8th 10 3500
ij iûlûZ Ke«ê ö icd-8 A.M. to 2 P.M. (C ond ition s ap ply)
ejòaûû LûAaûe iê
û@Qòö AzêK _âû[ðú/_â
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ûg _ûAaûe
_ûAaûe Mobil e- 9 23890994 1,
SRIMATI ENTERPRISES, 4\ò^ c¤ùe Interview \ò\ò@«ê«êö Time 9.30 AM to 2PM 9 2 3 8 80 4 4 1 5
_äU ^õ.-4693, ùi÷^K
ò Äêfþ _ûLùe, cùogße ùefþùIß Bajaj Electronics
C_WûKNe iûcþ^û Mkú, @û\òcûZû Kùfû^ú, bêaù^gße
Contact : 9 237 5592 42, 9938 978 008
Manorama Complex, jajpur Road RECRUITMENT FOR NEW BRANCH
Mob-9178997115, 9439640923, 80188703200
www.h ind us tans pi ce s.c om A Co mp any r ecru itin g 25-Male, 20-Femal e
OPENING NEW OFFICE cand id ates fo r per manen t p ostin g in New
EARN 35,000 / MONTHLY, PAPER WORK / Branch gòl ûMZ ù~ûMýZû- +2/Graduation/above (No
Vacancy-35 , Perma nent j ob _ûAñ AzêK _â û[ðú cû^uê
ONLINE / OFFLINE DATA ENTRY / Experience, No donation)cûiòK ùeû
RMûee - Rs. 5000/
iê ù~ ûM \ò @û~ò a ö (No Expe ri en ce/No r eg istra tio n -above ijòZ free Hostel for outstatio n can di-
INTERNET / ONLINE SURVEY / COPY fe es) Qu al ifi cati o n 1 0th eê Gr ad ua tio n cûiò K @ûd date, Age below 30 years. RUSS your Bio-data
PASTE / ADPOSTING / EMAIL PROCESS- Rs.4500/- eê Rs.8000/- Age(18-23) yrs. @ûi«û 7 \ò^ c¤ùe for In terviews within 5d ays.
ING / SMS SENDING JOB AT Bio-Data ijòZ iûlûZ Ke«êö Time 10.30am to 4.30pm.
Contact- The Director of Career
HOME.09051010534 / 09051412410 / MICRO E XPANSION
O pp. Hotel Basanti (Top Floor) Mahatab Road,
09051547728" N/6-315, 1st Floor, In front of Bank of Baroda
Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar-15
Cuttack, Mobile-9238100193
Graduates from recognized university with above 50% marks. CENTER AND HOSPITAL
œ ç¾ëNÿç Óí`ÿœÿæ
Age: 24 to 35 years. The International Committee of R equir es
Work Experience: 3 - 6 years in operations with good commu- µ ¯ æœÿê¨æs~æ,
æœÿê¨æs~æ, Óë¢ ÿÀÿSÝ,
nication in English and local language, customer handling skills, the Red Cross (ICRC) CATH LAB TECHNICIANS ¯ à æèÿêÀÿ,
æè ÿêÀÿ, sçsçàÿæSÝ, œÿíA æ¨Ýæ,
proficiency in computers. Experience in Education / training / 1 CHHATTISGARH: WATER AND HABITAT PROJECT Qualification: DMRT / DMIT ü ëàÿ¯ÿæ~ê,
ëà ÿ¯ÿæ~ê, þßíÀÿµÿ
þßíÀ ÿµÿq ÿ F¯ÿó
ITES / BPO / Hospitality Industry will be preferred. Candidate MANAGER: Experience: 1-2 years, Fresh À æßSÝæ
æßSÝæ ÉçÅÿæoÁÿ{Àÿ
ÉçÅÿæoÁÿ{Àÿ New Bra nch Office
must be willing to travel and relocate anywhere in india. Dip/Degree in Civil Engineering/ Msc. Envt./ MSW / MA in Sociology candidates can also apply. In- ¨æBô 172 Îæüÿú Îæü ÿúA æ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ LÿÀÿëdç>
Locations: Chapra. Ranchi. Deoghar and other locations. Exp of 2 to 4 years in the fields of rural drinking water supply, terested candidates can ap- Post Age 18 to 28 E ARN
Please email your detailed CV to: Asst.Manager,A.Officer 8600 to 12000
hygiene, and project management. Good communication skills in ply with detailed resume and
job sateast@gm ail.co m S.Keeper, Supervisor 5000 to 9,200
English and Hindi, computer literate. Familiar with the Southern a recent passport size pho- F. Supervisor, Worker 3500 to 5200
districts of Chhattisgarh State, interested in developing her/his tograph, mentioning the cur- {¾ææSS¿†
{¾ ¿† ÿæ:
ÿæ : 8þ Àÿë ë 3¨¾
3¨ ¾ö¿;
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An UK based Premium Tea Company, is searching for the knowledge of the India Central States' context and strongly ÿæ, QæB¯ÿæ þæS~æ can didate
rent salary and the expected À Ü ç¯ÿæ,
following positions for its Kolkata Office- Sales Executive / committed to prov ide rel ev ant assi stance to vulnerable þæ {œÿÿ œœÿçfÀÿ
þæ{œ ÿçfÀÿ Ó
sçü ÿç{Lÿs ÓÜ
salary within7 days to :
Merchandiser: MBA / Graduate (any)with maximum 2 years populations. S/he needs to interv ene in difficult conditions, þš{Àÿ Interview ’ çA çA;;ÿë>
The General Manager - HR 9’ÿçœÿ
9’ çœ ÿ þš{Àÿ ; ÿë>
of similar experience.Asstt. Manager (Finance & Accounts): manage a field based team report to the State Program Manager
and work in line with the other ICRC departments. For details, KOVAI MEDICAL CENTER SUPRIM(P) LTD
B.com/M.com with C.A/ICWA (Inter). Must have 2-3 years
please log i n to www.devnetiobs india.org and send your AND HOSPITAL {þ{ÜÿÀÿ ¯ÿÚæÁÿß
¯ÿÚæÁÿß ¨æQ,
¨æQ, þœÿþëƒæ, {Óæœÿ¨ëÀ
similar experience with knowledge of Finalisation of Accounts, {þæ:9937450767, 9658972413
applic ation and curric ulum vitae to the H R Department, Post box No. 3209,
VAT/CST.TDS etc.Store Assistant: Graduate with similar ex-
icrc.humanresources@.gmail.com or to Head HR, International Avinashi Road, Tattoo Studio wants Artist
perience of 2 years.
Committee of the Red Cross, 47, Sunder Nagar, New. Delhi- 11 Colm batore - 641 014. with computer skills (Male/
Must have working knowledge in Computers.
0003 along with your present salary details and mention the India Phone: 0422- Female) 9830333101
Interested candidates are requested to send their updated
post applied for in the subject line itself. The last date of receiving 4323800,2627784 E-mail:
res ume to ni rmaly a@new byi ndia.com or s ales Wanted B.Sc(Chem. Hons.)
applications is15th December 2010. personnel@kmchonllne.coni
@newbyindia.com fresh/experienced for our
chemical plant near Vizag
Chemist. Also looking for
CORPORATION OF ORISSA LTD. At/Po-Baidyarajpur, Dist.-Jajpur Ph : (06728) 224940, email - dpcjajpur@opepa.in No.5248, Date plant i ncharge. Appl y to
(A GOVERNMENT OF ORISSA UNDERTAKING) 15.11.2010. Applications are invited in the prescribed format from interested candidates for the email:skray64@ yahoo.com

APPOINTMENT OF SURVEYORS 22 (Twenty Two) posts of Block Resource Teacher (BRT) on inclusive education (IE) in Jajpur
Required 300 Telec all ers
District as per the criteria given below.
Applicati ons in the pres cribed format are invi ted from the (Fresher/Ex p), 40TLs for)
eligible candi dates for the post of "SURVEYOR" to work Minimum Qualification: Passed +2 with Diploma/ Degree in Special Education, Age (As on 01. 11 Outbound Domes ti c call
i n R oida'C" M ines, Roida, Dis t- Keonj har and Tailangi .2010)18-42 years, Nature of Engagement: Contractual, Remuneration : Rs.6500/- per month center, "Day Shift only with
C hromite Mines at Tailangi, Dist-Jajpur. The selected c an- including FTA of Rs.500/- , Place of Posting: Block Headquarters, Nature of job : Work itinerant excellent c ommunication
didate will be appointed on regular basi s in the grade of and c omputer skills. Als o
mode i.e. to v isit school to school and village to village for providing resource support to the
R s.5200-20,200 (PB-1 ) w ith grade pay of Rs.2800/-. require 50 Oriy a Callers
CWSN. He/she should not have any deficiency to work in an itinerant (mobile) mode & should be Preference for candidates
H owever, they will be kept on probation for a period of
capable to taking up extensive tours & field visits. with Telecom/ Sales exp.
one y ear on s uc cessful c ompletion of which they may be
7 The selection will be made on the basis of marks secured in the qualifying examinations Walk in with updated re-
c onfirmed against the post. The candidate selected for
R oida "C" Iron & Mn. Mines is to be appoi nted in IDCOL sume betw een 10 am to
8 Selection will be made at district level: under the chairmanship of the Collector-cum-Chairman, 5pm, Mon-Sat at
Kalinga Iron Work s Ltd;, Matkambeda, Barbil, Keonj har
and for Tail angi Chromi te Mines the candidate is to be
appointed in IDCOL F erro Chrome & Alloys Ltd., J aj pur 9.The prescribed application format can be downloaded from the website WWW.opepa.in or can
R oad, Dist-Jajpur. T he detail qualification and experi ence be obtained from District Project Office, SSA, Jajpur during working days from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. 4th Flr, HOMETOWN
presc ribed for the post are as foll ows : (1) Qualificati on 10. The last date for submission of application: 30.11.2010. BLDG, RAJARHAT
: T he candidate shoul d hav e Diploma in Survey with Sur- 11. How to apply: The candidates can submit their applications with attested copies of testimonials (Near DLF IT Park)
v ey Competenc y Certificate. He must be conversant in through Registered Post/Speed Post or can submit the sealed envelope directly in the office of the
us e of total station and c omputer, (2) Experi ence: Mini-
mum one year in the line. Appl ication i n the presc ribed
DPC, SSA, Jajpur. The application should reach to the office of the undersigned on or before WANTED
form av ail able in our Website s hould reac h Head (HRD ), 30.11.2010 by 5.00 P.M. The applications received after the due date will not be entertained. Sal es Exec utiv e F or
IDC of Oriss a Limited, IDCOL HOUSE, Ashok Nagar, Uni t- Incomplete applications will summarily rejected: The application s hould be Superscribed as Jamshedpur :Science Gradu-
l l, Bhubanes war-751 009 by Regd. Post / Speed Post "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF BLOCK RESOURCE TEACHER" on the top of the envelope. N.B.: ate 3 y ears ex p)/MBA (2
w ithin 12 days of this public ation. Appli cati on received Candidates without a diploma / degree in Special Education should not apply. All such y ears exp)/Diploma(1 year
beyond the presc ribed date s hall not be entertained. Per- Exp.) in Indus trial Products.
applications will be summarily rejected.The Collector-cum-Chairman, SSA Jajpur reserves the
s ons employed in Government/Quass i Government / Public M ore ex perienced people
right to cancel the advertisement may also apply.Please send
Sector Undertakings s hould appl y through proper c han-
selection process at any time without assigning any reason thereof. your CV with expectation on
n el . F or mor e d etai l s log on to ou r w eb si te :
the following email:
www.idcoris sa.com (Clic k on the notice). District Pr oject Coordinator Collecto r-cum -Chairm an
HEAD(HRD) SSA, Jajpur SSA, Jajpur Emailat:jobs.jsr@rediffmail.com
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 3
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Jagannath Institute of Fire & Safety Engineering
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AN ISO-9001-2008 Certified fire training Institute
Cuttack:- Plot N o D-106, Bank colony, Sector-9, C DA, CTC , ü þö H œÿçßþæ¯ÿÁÿê œÿçœÿþç §àÿçQç # † ÿ Lÿæ ¾ö ¿æÁÿß Àÿë s.100/- ¯ÿç œÿçÿçþ ß{Àÿ þç Áÿç ¨æÀÿç ¯ÿ >
PhoneNo.-0671-3248474, 9338877707, 8018482160
EWSS œç¾ëNÿç œÿç¾ëNÿç
{À New Branch Office ¨æBô ¨÷{†ÿ¿Lÿ
†ÿ¿ Lÿ
Chruch Lane, Similipada, Angul-759122
Ph:-9438012123, 9937033701
Easy Way Shopping Solutions
fç à ÿâ æÀÿ
ÿÉ¿L ÿ LÿÀÿë
LÿÀÿ ëd ç >
Asst.Manager,A.Officer +3 Pass 9000 to 12000
Area wise Representatives(M/F) at S.Keeper, Supervisor 10th to +3 5,500 to 9,500
various places of Orissa Receptionist, P.In ch arge +2, +3 4200 to 5600
Age : No Bar Worker, Helper 8th Above 2900 to 4200
Qualification : No bar FOODING, HOSTEL FREE Candidate þæ{œÿ œÿçf Àÿ Óæs}
Óæs ü} ÿÿçç {Lÿs ÓÜÿç
Work Full time or part time 8’ Interview ’ çA ;ÿ
8’ÿçœç ÿ þš{Àÿ ;ÿëë> (INTERVIEW FACE T O FACE)
Earn handsome Salary NEAR, BANKER’S COLONY, ¨
¨÷æ÷ `ÿê¯ÿç ÜÿæÀÿ, ¨ÁÿæÉë
¨Áÿ æÉë~ç ,
Contact - EWSS, 9438811773 µ ë ¯¯ÿÿÿ{œ
{œÿÿÉÉ´´ À ÿ, 99370-18098, 92386-62303 ú

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Near Bus Stand gòcòk ò_Wÿû, @^êùMûk

Ph:-9238532793, 9937972252, 9776504505

(Approved by the Govt. of Orissa) ùK¦â I eûRý ieKûeu
Á ûUò Á ò K ûfþ , NAL CO , PWD, Zjiòf þ I A eò ùMi^ L À ç¨ æÀÿëœÿæÜÿôæ;ÿç {Óþæ{œÿ Aæþ AœÿëÏ æœÿÀÿ Ó´† ¦ ¯ ¿¯ÿ×æ ’ÿ́æÀÿæ ¨æÉú
aòb ûMcû^uùe ajê iõLýK @cò^, Revenue Inspector, L À ç¨æÀÿç {¯ÿ > üÿþö H œÿçßþæ¯ÿÁÿê ¨æBô Rs. s.60/- M.O. LÿÀÿ;ÿë > NATIONAL CHILD LABOUR PROJECT, ANGUL
Principal, Regional Institute,
Regional Institute (M),298, Baramunda,
298, Baramunda A Wa lk in inte rvie w will be held by t he NCLP, An gul for th e
iùbð de, ùUâie, Wâû`Öi cýû^þ, Work Sarkar @ûagýK Near
(Near sideofover
side Bridge, Bhubaneswar-3, following posts on 8.1 2.10 at 10 .30 a.m. in the Of fice Ch ambe r
o ver Brid ge) Bhu baneswar-3
ùjC[ôaûeê 8ceê B.A. ù~ûMýZû [ôaû _âû[ðú uê 45 \ò^ c¤ùe Mo b- 9776986218,9583470207
of PD, DRDA , An gul. Eligib le a nd inte re sted ca ndid ate 's "are
Ph-9238909941, advised to app eared the ab ove in tervie w with original t estimo -
ùUâ^òõ \ò@û~òa ö SC/STuê iêaò]û \ò@û~òa ö ùUâ^òõ _ùe PûKòeò nial in suppo rt o f the ir qua lification a nd expe rience a lo ng with 2
Keòùa ö AzêK QûZâQûZâúcûù^ 20 \ò^ c¤ùe Principal, Or pass port size photographs. They will also bring a set of a ttested
Regional Institute Plot No. 298, Near Side of Principal, RIMS, At/Po- Baniapat, Near Baitarani Xerox copies of the t estim onials.
1. PROJECT DIRECTOR:-1 Po st Eligibility:- Retired Governm ent
overbridge, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-751003 uê Gramya Bank, D.D. College Road, Keonjhar-1 Officer Honorarium: - Rs. 6000/- (P.M.). 2 .FIEL D OFFICER:-1 Post
U.50/-uû c^ò@Wÿðe Ke«ê ö Ph-9238943862, 9178838972 (Reserve d fo r ST.) Qualifica tio n:-Deg ree fro m a recog nize d Un i-
versity with Diplo ma in L abour Law / La bour Welfare / In dustrial
WûKù~ûùM c¤ ùUâ^ òõ ù^A_ûeòùa ZILLA SWASTHYA SAMITI, BHADRAK Re la tion and Persona l Man age men t pref ere nce will be
given to the cand id ates with a L aw De gree fro m a recog nized
Applications are invited from the suitable candidates for fill- University and ha ving working e xpe rience. Honorarium:- Rs. 40 00/
Head Office, Pokhariput Bhubaneswar - 751020, ing up the post of one number STS and one number of TBHV - (P. M.). 3. STENOGRAPHER-CUM-DATA ENTRY OPERATOR:-1
RECRUITMENT OF SUB STAFF under RNTCP on contractual basis for one year, in the office of Post Qua lification:- Degree from a recognized College with Ste -
the CDMO Bhadrak. no grap hy fro m a re cog nize d In stitu tio n wit h min imu m typin g
N EEL A CH A L GR AMYA B A NK , a leading
speed of 6 0/ m in and Diplom a in Comp uter Applica tion. Pref er-
Regional Rural Bank in the State of Odisha, invites application Qualificatio n of Senior Treatment Superviso r (STS)
en ce will b e given t o ca nd idat es havin g wo rkin g exp erien ce.
from eligible c andidates for the post of Offic e Attendant a)Higher secondary (10+2) school's Certificates examination
Ho norariu m:-Rs. 2 000 /(P. M)
(m ultipurpos e) Group- "C " Sub s taff Cadre l ates t by b) Bachelor's degree in Science or Arts GENERAL CONDITIONS:-
30.11.2010. For full details regarding eligibility criteria, number c) Permanent two wheeler valid driving licence and should be 1. The candidates for the po st shou ld b e within the ag e grou p of
of vacancies, application fees, application form, documents able to drive two wheeler. 18-32 as on 01.10.2 010 (exce pt for the Po st of Pro ject Director)
required to be submitted etc. please refer to the notification Preferential Qualification : Tuberculosis health visitor's rec- 2: The post is p ure ly temp orary a nd m ay be termina ted At any
entitled "Neelachal Gramya Bank Sub staff Recruitment "On ognized course and two years of work experience in the re- time without assigning any rea son th ereo f. 3. No T. A./ D.A will be
lated field. OR Successful completion of basic training course paid f or appe aring the Inte rvie w. 4 . The und ersigned rese rves the
Bank's website www.neelachalbank.com
(Govt.) recognized) for MPW or recognized sanitary inspector’s right to cancel the fnt erview without assig nin g a ny reason thereof.
course with two years of field.Experience in this field.
LARSEN & TOUBRO Qualification for the post of Tuberculosis Health Visitor (TBHV)

Wanted Civil Engineers with 5 to 15

a) Intermediate with Science and experience working as MPW/
LHV/ANM.OR Tuberculosis Health Visiter's recognized course.
years of experience. b) Thecandidate must know cycling. AGENCY, RAYAGADA
Age: For both the category, the candidate should be below 32
Construction Managers/Project WALK-IN-INTERVIEW
years of age as on 1.11.2010 and for retired servant upto 62
Engineers(E09/CEM/EL) yrs. Remuneration: Remuneration for the post of STS is Rs. Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill up the following
candidates must possess a Degree or Diploma in Civil Engi- 7,500/- and for the post of TBHV is Rs. 6,000/-(Consolidated) posts on purely temporary and contractual basis in Govt. Higher
neering from a recognised institute or University with 'expe- NOTE:-ORV Act and rules 1985 is not applicable for both of the Secondary School, (SSD) Kailashpur in Rayagada District.
rience in project execution and construction of civil engineer- posts. •Preference will be given to the candidate of Bhadrak Cat egory of post : Ju nior Lectu re r in Che mist ry, Consolid at ed
ing structures. Experienc e of finishing works in electrical district. •Selection will be made strictly on the basis of merit remun erat ion per month : Rs. 9300 /, M inimum q ualificatio n re-
structures like switch yards and substations, an advantage. quired : Minimum 55% marks in Post Graduate in Chemistry from
taking into consideration the career marking and Interview mark.
Should be well-v ersed in quality and s afety requirements, any recognized U niversity. B. Ed, will be given preference. Junior
Only five shortlisted candidates will be c alled for Interview
planning and productivity of construction projects. Lecturer in Botany. Rs.9300/- Minimum 55% marks in Post Gradu-
from both STS and TBHV post. ate in Botany from any recognized U niversity. B.Ed, will be given
Tele - appoin tment for Interview • The number of post advertised may be increas ed or de- preference ,Junior Clerk-cum-Data entry Operator, Rs.5200/-
For the Bhubaneswar venue candidates may call Mr. Sahu creased. The authority reserves the right to cancel the said Any Graduate w ith PG Diploma in Computer Application from any
on or before 25th November 2010 between 9.30am and 6 engagement at any time without assigning, any reason thereof. recognized University/Institute.
The details available on our official website www.bhadrak.nic.in A candidate must not be less than 21 years and more than 32 years
p.m. Tel. 033-22550146/7.
N.B.: The complete application form with following documents of Age as on 1.1.2010. The Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in
For the interview, please bring along two passport size colour case of candidates belongs to be SC/ST Women/SEBC candiates.
photographs, all original and a set of copies of qualifications are to be attached with and should reach the office of the
Relaxation of age for other candidates will be as per Govt. Rules.
and experience certificates for verification in support of age, CDMO, Bhadrak on or before 29.11.2010 within 5PM by Regis- Interested candidates having the above mentioned requisite qualifi-
qualifications and ex perience. Candidates selected will be tered Post/Speed Post. The applications received after the due cation may attend the walk-in-interview with one resume with following
required to undergo a pre-employment medical check-up the period will be rejected. documents.
following day at a designated medical centre. Kindly make 1. Two attested passportsize photograph. 1. Original documents and one set of attested copies of Educational
2. Self Attested copies of certificates and Mark sheet from certificat es.
your travel arrangements accordingly.
HSC onwards in proof of age, qualification and experience. 2. Two present passport photographs duly attested.
Designation, salary and benefits will be commensurate with
The walk-interview will be held on 30.11.2010 at 11.00 AM in the Office
qualifications and experience and will not be a constraint for 3.Fresh residence c ertific ate iss ued by the Tahas ildar/Sub-
of the Project
deserving candidates. Should be ready to work anywhere in Collector. 4. Valid Employment Registration card. Administrator, ITDA, Rayagada. COLLECT OR-CUM-CHAIRMAN
India and must be computer-literate. Chief District Medical Officer, Bhadrak RAYAGADA
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 4

Continued page-12
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 5
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Bhopal
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Employment Advertisement No. 04/2010 - with applicable allowan ce s such as Dearness Allo wance, Perks at 46% of b asic pay, House Rent
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is one of the leading Navratna Public Sector Undertakings Allowance etc a s per rules. Th e absorpt ion in regular establishment will b e based on re view o f their
of Govt. of India. As a premier Engineering Organization, BHEL provides world class products and performan ce /beh avio ur/ su it abilit y to rema in in th e services o f the Org anisation as
services to the core sectors like Power, Industry, Transportation, Transmission, Defense, Elec- assessed b y th e committee con stitute d for this p urpo se .
tronics etc. BHEL has a wide network of 15 manufacturing divisions, 4 Power Sector region, 8 Health Standards:
Service centres and 15 regional, BHEL, HEP, Bhopal has requirement o\for the post of Temporary • A ppo in tme nt t o t he p ost will be subject to bein g fo und me dically fit b y the Auth orize d M edical
Auth ority in BHEL. The app ointm en t o f th e se lecte d cand id ate s will be subject to me etin g t he
Employee (Artisan) in different trades as follows.
health sta ndards prescribed by th e Compa ny. • The candidate s are advised in their own interest that
S.no Trade No. of Vacancies Qualifications UpperAgelimit they sh ould get themse lve s tho rou ghly exa mined by a compe ten t me dical officer b efore a pplying
01 Electrician 168 • Matric/High School/10th/SSLC plus again st the adve rtisem ent. • The defin itio n of vario us disab ilities fo r re se rvat io n in the matt er of
The cutoff date va ca ncie s for Physically Challenge d candida tes und er t he Persons with Disabilities (Equa l Op por-
02 Fitter 162 • ITI/ National Trade Certificate (NTC)plus for calculating tunities, Protection of Rig hts and Fu ll Particip ation) Act 1995 are as un der:
03 Machinist 58 • National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) the upper • Hea ring I mpairmen t mea ns loss of sixty decibels or m ore in the bett er ear in the conversational
Note: • ITI/NT C an d NAC shall be in resp ective age limit & rang e of frequen cies. Blin dness refe rs to a co ndition where a person su ffers from b lindness or low
04 Welder 22
Master T rad e. • Fo r Boiler Operator, ITI/NTC experience visio n. • Only su ch p ersons wo uld be eligible for reservatio n who suffe rs fro m not less th an 40% of
05 Turner 15 in Fitter Trade p lus NAC in Bo iler Atten dant if applicable for re le vant disability. • Th e Ph ysically Challeng ed candid ates a re required to f urnish du ly stamp ed
06 Boiler Operator 05 passed can didates can also app ly. • General & Me dica l Certifica te in rela tion t o t he ir disa bility from G overn me nt Hosp ital or Me dica l Bo ard
all categories of
OBC categ ory can didates sho uld have se- atta ched to Special Emplo ym en t Excha nge for t he h and ica ppe d.
07 Draughtsman cured n ot less th an 60% marks in bo th ITI/ candidates Proc essi ng Fees :
(Mechanical) 20 NTC & NAC an d SC & ST cand idates sh ould will be 01/11/ Before th e sub mission of online a pplication form, a processin g f ees of Rs 125 /- is to be dep osited by
hav e secured no t less than 55% marks in 2010 the ca ndidate . This fee is to be p aid by d epositing a n am ount of Rs 125 /- in the BHEL Bhopa l -
Total 450 bo th ITI/NT C & NAC Power Jyoti Account No. 308 559485 40 in favour of M /s Bh arat Heavy Electricals Lim ite d, Bhopal at
Reservations & Relaxations : any State Bank of India branch through a challan availa ble at our website only. After depositin g the
• Following vacancies of Temporary Employees (Artisan) are reserved for different categories fees the candidate shou ld e nsu re tha t bank has allot ted a Journal n umber (Host Trace no.) o n the
copy o f th e cha lla n. This n umb er is to be n ecessarily ente re d b y the can didat e while filling t he
after adjustment on the roster :
online applicat ion form . Can did ates are req uired to keep a cop y of this ch allan with them and a lso
Reserved for Physically Challenged
se nd a copy of this Challan to BHEL along with the Ackno wledgem ent slip a t the time of app lying.
UR OBC SC ST To tal* Ex-S VH HH This Non refun dable Processin g fees (Rs. 125/-) is p ayable by Ge n and OBC cand ida tes. Howeve r
SC, ST a nd Physically challe nged can didates are exem pted from paying the Pro ce ssing/Exam ina -
219 69 73 89 450 65 08 15
tion fe es.
This includes 08 SC, 02 ST and 03 OBC backlog vacancies. How to apply :
*45 Vacancies are ear marked for words o f deceased employees of Bh opal Unit. • The application s f or selection to above po sts will be accepte d ONLY ONLINE through our recruit-
• Th e a bove n umb ers of va ca ncies are tenta tive and ma y vary on review. In t hat event uality, the me nt we bsite . • In terest ed an d eligible can did ate s sho uld refe r to th e d eta iled A dvertise me nt
number of vacancie s reserved for va rious categories may also und ergo revision . av ail ab le a t h tt p: / /www. b he lb h op a l.c om / ca ree rs/ in d ex. h tm l an d a lso th ro ug h web sit e
• A s re se rvat io n for Ex-Service men and Physica lly Challeng ed p erso ns is on horizo ntal ba sis, the www.b helbpl.co.in an d www.bh elb hopa l.com for all informat io n rela ting t o guide line s for filling a nd
vacancies will filled a nd a djusted in the appropriate ca tego ry viz., (UR/OBC/ SC/ST). su bmission of App lication form, and act accordingly. • Applica tion s sen t directly b y post without the
• Re la xa tion of 5 yea rs fo r can didate s belong in g to Schedu le d Ca stes (SC) and Schedu le d Tribe s acknowle dgement slip, g enerate d aft er online sub mission of a pplica tion fo rm , or with out a ll e nclo -
(ST) an d 3 years f or Other Ba ckwa rd Classes (non cre amy layer) is permissible. sure s as in dicate d will b e rejecte d. I ncom plete app licat io n f orms will no t b e en tertain ed in th is
• An a dditio nal rela xation of 10 years in upp er ag e limit for Ph ysica lly ch alleng ed Ca ndid ates is reg ard. • The web -site will rem ain open for su bmission o f applications till midnight of 0 4/12/20 10.
ad missible i.e ., re laxat ion in Up per a ge limit will be 10 yea rs for Gen eral, 13 yea rs fo r Othe r • Can didate s afte r f illing t he o n-line app lication form are required t o sen d the ir a ckn owled gem ent
Backward Cla ss an d 15 yea rs for Schedu led Ca ste /Scheduled Trib e candidate s. slips by o rdinary post a lon g with copies of the following certificate s so as to reach at Post Bo x No 35,
• Ex. Serviceme n will be g iven age relaxation a s per the e xta nt Govt. rules. Post Off ice - Pip la ni, Piplan i, BHEL, B hopa l, Pin- 462 022 by 11/12 /201 0.
• A re la xation of 5 ye ars in u ppe r a ge limit is also adm issib le to cand id ate s wh o were o rd inarily a) Date of Birt h Ce rtificate b) Xth ce rtificate c) ITI/NTC certificate with Ma rksheet
domiciled in the state of Jammu and Kashmir during t he p eriod from 01/0 1/19 80 to 31/ 12/1 989. d) NAC - National Apprent iceship Cert ificate with ma rksheet e) SC/S T Certifica te
• Relaxation in upp er a ge lim it is permissible corresponding t o the years of experience subject to a f) OBC (Non creamy layer) certificate a nd self und erta king
ma xim um of 84 m ont hs to th e can didat es ha vin g re le vant Post Qualification /NAC experience of g) Med ica l Ce rtificat e fo r Physica lly ch alle nge d can didat es
working direct ly or throug h co ntractor in a public sector or private sector organisa tion engaged in h) Disch arg e certifica te indicating perio d of se rvice for Ex-se rvice men ca ndidat es.
Ma nuf actu rin g/Design ing of He avy Ele ctrica l En ginee rin g e qu ip me nt like Hydro/ Stea m Tu rb ine, i) Certificate of residence in J & K du ring t he pe riod fro m 01/ 01/19 80 to 31/1 2/19 89
Elect rica l Mo tors, Tractio n M ot ors, Transf ormer/Cap acito r Bush in gs, Swit chge ar/Rectifie rs, Heat j) Expe rien ce Ce rt ificat e in p rescribed format for claiming a ge relaxa tio n.
Co ndensors. This a ge relaxation is available to ca ndidates h avin g aforesaid expe rience o f at least k) Ce rtificate of Best / Ru nner-up Ap pren tice o f the All India Apprentice s
50 months of continuous or intermittent service fo r availin g 84 m onths of relaxation a nd on prorata Compet ition co ndu ct ed by th e Directo ra te of Em ploym ent and Train in g.
basis for less than 84 months of relaxa tio n. (As pe r the p roforma availab le on the website) Prefe rence l) A copy of Challan of Rs 125/ - for pro ce ssing & examination fe es.
for Best App re ntice /Ru nner-u p Apprentice o f All In dia Apprentices Ge nera l Instructions/Condi tions :
Comp et it ion : 1) The can dida tes shou ld e nsure wh ile a pplying th at the y fu lfill th e e lig ibility criteria and o the r
The can did ates who were se lected as BEST APPRENTICE OR RUNNER-UP APPRENTI CE in the All re quiremen ts an d th at t he p articu la rs f urnished by th em during o nline a pplication and the docu -
India App ren tices Compe tit ion conducte d by Directorate Gen eral o f Employme nt & Training Ministry ments produ ce d in support of applicat ion and are co rrect in all respects.
of L abour & Emp lo yment in the Trade Apprenticeship NE ED NOT appe ar for writte n test. They will 2) In case it is d etected at any stage of re cruitment & sele ction process tha t t he can did ate does not
be directly ca lled f or Interview subject to fulfillin g of o ther terms and con ditio ns & elig ibility criteria. fulfill t he eligib ilit y crit eria a nd /or d oes no t co mply with ot he r requ ire me nts and /or h e/ sh e has
Best Appren tice will b e ind ucted as Artisan Grd IV/ Draug htsma n Grd IV with 2 increm ents a nd furn ished a ny incorrect/false inform ation or has sup pressed any ma terial fact(s), his/he r candidature
Ru nner-up Appren tice will be inducted as Artisa n Grd IV/Draughtsman Grd IV in the pay sca le of Rs. is liable to be rejected. If a ny of th e abo ve shortco mings is/are dete ct ed, even afte r ap pointme nt,
117 00 -2 30 00 . his/ her services a re liab le for suitab le actions includ in g termina tion a nd p rosecu tio n.
Age limit: 3) SC, S T, OBC, Physically Challen ged , J&K do miciled ca nd id ate s an d Ex- S ervice men sho uld
• Th e cut off d ate for calculating the u ppe r a ge limit & experience if applicable will be 0 1/11/20 10. ca refully fill up th e re sp ect ive columns, since these d etails will not be allowed to be changed la ter.
• The candidates in all the cate gories should n ot be less than 18 years of age . In this ca se t he supp orting do cume nts sub mitt ed alon g with the ackn owle dg eme nt slip will be
• Th e upp er a ge limit will b e 27 yea rs for all candidate s a s on the cutoff d ate. tre ated as fina l.
Sele ction Proce ss: 4) In case cand ida tes are d esirous of changing a ny detail in th eir applica tion form , they may submit
• The selection proce ss co mprises of Objective Type Written Test and Personal Interview to be held at a fresh applica tio n with t he necessary corre ction. Th e acknowledg ement slip for this fresh applica -
Bhopal, for which they may down load call letters from the website http://www.bhelbhopal.com/careers/ tio n ma y then be sent to th e add ress m entione d along with req uired docume nts aga in .
index.html. No separate intimation will be sent to the ca ndidates by post. 5) Cand id ate s who are p re sently emp loyed in Cen tral/ Sta te Govt. / P SU/ Aut ono mou s Bo dies,
• Elig ib le ca ndidate s will be invited f or writt en te st at t heir o wn expense. sh ould a pply through Proper chan nel or pro duce a “No Objection Certificate“ at the time of Inte rview
• Th e Question Boo klet will be availab le in Hindi and English. Based on merit and requiremen t, the fro m the ir Emplo yer o therwise th ey will not be In terviewed a nd n o TA will be a dmissible.
short liste d Ca ndidate s will be re quired to a ppear fo r pe rsona l int erview. 6) A pplicants sh ould p ro duce the re quired Certificate s in original in proof of Caste , Qua lif icat io n,
• On the basis o f Writt en Test, candidates will be short liste d fo r the interview in the ratio of 1:3 to the Expe rie nce etc, as men tion ed und er t he guid eline s at th e t im e of int ervie w failing which the ir
number of vacancies. ca ndidat ure s are liab le to b e rejected a nd t hey will no t be allowed to at tend the int erview.
• For the purpose of application of the above criteria, in it ia lly, all UR can didate s, alon g wit h such 7) Can did ates will have to ap pear for the written test at their own expenses. However, can didates
reserve d cat ego ry can didat es, who d o n ot a va il age re la xation/ marks relaxation , will b e grou ped atte nding the inte rview will be pa id secon d class to and fro ra il f are from the post al ad dre ss to
toge ther and the n arrange d in descending o rder of th e marks o btain ed in the Written Test and only Bhopal by the shorte st rou te on pro ductio n of p roof of journey.
the required num ber according to the above men tione d ratio f or UR, sta rtin g from the top will be 8) Ca ndida tes who have left a PSU a fter a va iling Volun tary Re tire men t (VR), if selected , will be
called for the in terview. In case o f tie at cut-off marks, all t he ca ndidates scoring cu toff marks will be req uired to return th e VR co mpen sa tio n received to t he PSU concerned.
called f or interview. 9) BHEL d oes not take responsibility of a ttaching th e docum ents or application fee sent sepa rate ly
• A ll reserved catego ry cand id ates who a re initially co nsid ere d in the UR categ ory a nd who do not afte r t he d isp atch o f th e origina l application form.
ma ke it to in terview le vel, the n sh all b e re grou ped with th eir resp ect ive ca teg ories f or f urthe r 10) Any lega l p roceed ing s in respect of any mat ter o f claim or d ispute arising out of this advertise -
consid era tion and can didat es will b e called fo r interview in t he pre scribe d rat io . It me ans t hese men t and / o r an ap plicat io n in resp onse th eret o ca n b e in stitu ted o nly in Bh opa l a nd Co urts/
candida tes will then be considered a s reserved cate gory ca ndidate s. Trib unals/ Forums at Bhop al only sh all ha ve sole and exclusive ju risdiction to try any such cause/
• La ter on, at the time of f in al selection , the same me tho d will be fo llowed for all th ose reserved dispu te.
catego ry candidat es co nsid ered so far unde r u nreserved categ ory. 11) Candidates a re b ound b y the existin g ru les a nd regulations ma de for the purposes of selection
• All eligible Ex-Serviceme n candidate s who possess the pa ss certificate of NTC and NAC (% of marks and to b e made in future by BHEL as an d when warran ted.
not manda tory) in the relevant trade from Armed Forces will b e called for writte n test. 12) Selecte d can didate s ca n be poste d to any of th e Units/ Divisions/ Project Sit es etc. of BHEL
Emo lumen ts an d ot her be nefits: dep end in g u pon the requ ire men t of th e orga nizatio n.
• Se lected can dida tes will in itially be taken a s Tempo rary Em ployee s for a period of one year. During 13) The Comp any re serves the rig ht to reject any app licatio n withou t assigning any rea so n wha tso -
this pe riod the y will be p aid da ily wage s as per n otification o f th e Sta te Gove rnment fro m time to ever.
time for the initial six mon ths and consolidated wages fo r the su bse quent six month s. Currently the 14) BHEL re se rves th e rig ht to re sche dule th e test date, venue, etc., d epen ding up on t he circum -
average wag es fo r skille d workers on daily rated ba sis are Rs. 4420/-p.m. ap prox and consolidated sta nces and th e candidates are bo und by th e same.
wa ges are Rs. 5500 p.m. In ad dit ion , th ey will be en titled to Lea ve, Contribut ory Provident Fund (PF), 15) BHEL reserves the right to ca ncel/ rest rict / en large the re cruitment process, if the ne ed so arises,
Gra tuity, Fre e med ical be nefits for self and dep enden t family members as per Co mpany rules and without issuing a ny notice or assig ning an y reason thereof.
will also be elig ible fo r subsidized comp any a ccomm odat io n, if availab le . 16) Ca nd idat es are advise d to re gu larly visit ou r we bsit e a s a ll th e in fo rm at ion rega rding t he
• On successfu l co mpletion o f this one ye ar p eriod , they will be absorb ed in th e regular establish- select ion proce ss e tc will b e a vaila ble on ou r recruit men t we bsite h ttp :// www. bhe lbh opa l.co m/
men t as Art isan Gr. IV/Drau ghtsman Gr. IV at the minimum of t he sca le of pay o f Rs. 11 700-2 3000/ care ers/ in dex.h tml & also th rou gh www.bh elbpl.co. in and www.bh elbho pal.com
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 6


Recruitment for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer
(Generalists/ Chartered Accountants/Company Secretary / Legal)
1. Life insurance Corporation of India invites On-line Applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment minimum q ualifying marks in each part o f Pap er I (as the Corporation may fix at its d iscretion at the
to the following posts of Assistant Administrative Officer Candidates.are requested to apply only On-Line appropriate stage) will be assessed.
between 22nd November, 2010 and 14th December, 2010. No other means/mode of application will be (iv) Depending on the number of vacancies, only those candida tes who have secured the minimum
accepted qualifying marks in the written test and rank sufficiently high in the order of merit shall be called for a
Personal Interview in the ratio of 1:3 or as decided by the Corporation at the appropriat e stage.
No Post Vacancies Appearing in the written examination or mere pass in the written examination shall not vest any right in
1 Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalists) 250 a candidate to be called for Personal Interview.
2 Assistant Administrative Officer (Chartered Accountant) 100 (v) Interview: The number of candidates to be called for interview will be about three times the number of
3 Assistant Administrative Officer (Legal) 20 vacancies to be filled in subject to availability of successful candidates in the written test and will be
purely as per the ranking list (Total marks obtained in Paper I) Candidates will have to obtain the
4 Assistant Administrative Officer (Company Secretary) 05 minimum marks as will be decided by the Corporation in the interview. Candidates w ho do not obtain the
Total 315 minimum qualifying marks as decided shall be excluded from the selection process.
Vacancies for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer (Company Secretary) are likely to be at Mumbai only. (vi) The Corporation reserves the right to fix the minimum eligibility standards in order to restrict the
candidates to be called for interview, commensurate w ith number of vacancies and also the minimum
Reservation for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled T ribe, Other Backward Classes and Physically Handicapped shall be
qualifying marks to qualify in the interview. T he decision of the Corporation in this regard shall be final
as under. The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and may vary and binding on the candidates and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
according to the actual requirement of the Corporation. (vii) Issue of Call Letters for written examination for AAO Generalists.
Reservation SC ST OBC General Total PH Written Test will be tentatively held on Sunday the 27th February, 2011 at the Examination cities given
below Full address of the examination centre shall be given in the Call Letter. Call Letters of all eligible
Current Year 54 26 95 189 364 11 candidates for the post of AAO Generalists will be posted on the website http://jobs.licindia.co.in on 7th
Backlog 09 02 0 0 11 08 February 2011. Candidates will have to visit the website http://jobs.licindia.co.in/ for dow nloading call
letters for w ritten examination from 7th F ebruary 2011 onwards by clicking ‘My Call letter”. Information
Total 63 28 95 189 375 19
of important dates/change of dates, if any regarding written examination uploading of the call letters
2. Reservation /Definitio ns for Person s with Disab ilities: etc. shall be made available on the Notice Board on the above mentioned website. Candidates should
(i) 19 Vacancies which includes 08 backlog vacancies shall be reserved for Persons with Disabilities. Only the bring two copies of the Call letter to the Examination Centre. Candidates are required to affix their recent
Orthopaedically Handicapped and Visually Impaired candidates are eligible to apply. recognizable photographs on both the copies of the call letters, get it atleast by a Gazetted Officer or
(ii) Orthopaedically Handicapped (OH). A person having a minimum of 40% physical impairment with disability officer of a Public Sector Undertaking. T he invigilator at the examination centre shall sign on both the
of one hand or one leg provided independent mobility is not affected, is eligible to apply. copies of the call letter. One copy of the call letter shall be collected by the invigilator while the second
(iii) Visually impaired (VH) Candidates with visual Impairment falling under Category I (40-74%) only are eligible copy will be retained by the candidate for future reference. The candidate will have to bring the copy of
to apply. the call letter retained by him at the time of interview, if shortlisted for interview.
(iv) Reservation for Persons with Disabilities shall be on horizontal basis. Selected candidates will be placed in the (viii) Choice of Examination City; Candidates should indicate the Code N umber/Name of the Test City in the
appropriate category. appropriate column of the online Applicalion form No change of Centre will be permissible at a later date.
(v) Use of Scribe The Corporation, for administrative reasons, how ever, reserves the right to direct the candidate to
A scribe to write the written examination on behalf of a Visually Impaired or Orthopaedicaily Handicapped appear for Written Test at any City other than the one chosen by the candidate
candidate whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral Palsy may be used In all such cases, w here a scribe (ix) Proposed Examination C ities
is used, the following rules apply;
a) Candidate will have to arrange his own Scribe at his own cost.
b) T he Scribe may be from any academic stream.
c) T he academic qualification of the Scribe should be one grade low er than the stipulated minimum eligibility
criteria and the Scribe should possess less marks than the candidate.
d) Both the candidate and the scribe should give a suitable undertaking confirming that the scribe fulfils all
the stipulated eligibility criteria as mentioned above. In case it later transpires that the scribe did not fulfill
any of the laid down eligibility criteria or had suppressed material facts, the candidature of the applicant
shall stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the written examination.
e) Candidates who use scribe will be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes for every hour of the examination.
3. Reservation for ECO/SSR CO
Reservation for Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service R etrenched Commissioned Officers
shall be as per Rules. 8. Selection Procedure for Assistant Administrative Officer (Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and
4. Eligibility Conditions as on 1st November, 2010 shall be as under: Legal).
(i) Age : Minimum Age shall be 21 years (completed) as on 1 st November, 2010, Maximum age shall be 30 Selection will be based on the performance in the interview and fitness in pre-racruitment medical examination
years. R elaxations in upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/ECO/SSRCO/Persons with Disabilities/Confirmed LIC The number of candidates to be called for interview will be about three times the number of vacancies to be
employees shall be as under: filled in under each post or as decided by the Corporation at the appropriate stage.
SC/ST 5 Years PH(SC/ST ) 15 Years ECO/SSRCO (SC/ST ) 10 Years Candidates who do not obtain the mmimum qualifying marks in the interview shall be Disqualified from further
OBC 3 Years PH(OBC) 13 Years ECO/SSRCO(OBC) 8 Years
The Corporation reserves the right to fix the minimum eligibility standards in order to restrict the number of
PH(Gen) 10 Years ECO/SSRCO(GEN ) 5 Years Confirmed LIC Employees Further relaxationof 5 Years candidates to be called for Interview, commensurate with the number of vacancies and also the minimum
Qualification: qualifying marks to qualify in the interview. The decision of the Corporation in this regard shall be final and
(ii) AAO(Generalist) - Bachelor/Master's Degree from a recognized Indian University (under UGC) with a minimum binding on the candidates and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
of 55% marks in the aggregate in eit her of the Degrees which is relaxable to 45% in case of SC/ST 9. In case of similar marks of two or more candidates, the merit order of such group of candidates shall be as
candidates. If any University awards grad es instead of marks, applicants should clearly mention the
numerical equivalent of the grades in terms of aggregate marks and then write percentage scored out of per the aggregate marks in written test and interview (for the post of AAO Generalists) and marks obtained in
aggregate marks. the interview [for AAO - Chartered Accountants /Company Secretary/Legal) and further as per their additional
AAO (Chartered Accountant) - An Associate Member of the institute of Chartered Accountants of India post graduation qualification (i e the person will higher qualification will be placed higher in the merit order) and
AAO(Company Secretary) - A Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) in case of similarity, further as per their date of birth [i e more senior in age will be placed first before less
AAO (Legal) - LL.B. with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate and minimum three years experience at senior in age]
the Bar.
(iii) T he percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing the marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects Successful outstation candidates called for interview shall be entitled for re-imbursement of Second Class to
by the aggregate'marks irrespective of honors/optional subject, if any, T his will be applicable for those and fro Railway/Bus Fare by the shortest route from the place of residence to the place of interview.
Universities also where Grade is decided on the basis of Honors Marks Only. 10. Action against Misconduct
5. Emoluments and Benefits (i) Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered,
Basic pay of 17240/- per month in the scale of Rs.17240-840(14)-29000-910-(4)32640 and other admissible fabricated or should not suppress any material information,
allowances as per rules. Total emoluments will be approximately* 27000/- in a city like Mumbai. Other benefits
are Gratuity Defined Contribution Pension, LTC, Medical Benefit, Group Savings Linked Insurance (GSLI), (ii) At any stage of recruitment if a candidate is or has been found guilty of .
Group Term Insurance, Vehicle (2 wheeler/4 wheeler) Advance, etc as per rules of the Corporation. Staff (a) Using unfair means during the examination or
Quarters/Leased Accommodations wherever available are generally provided on transfers subject to rules (b) Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or
and regulations of the Corporation. Candidates selected for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer (c) Misbehaving in the examination hall or taking away question booklet/answer sheet from the examination
(Chartered Accountant) with two years post qualification work experience on the date of eligibility shall be hall
eligible for two advance increments.
6. Application Fees. (Non-refundable): (d) Resorting to any irregular means in connection with his/her candidature during selection process
Candidate has to pay an Application Fee of Rs. 400/- in Cash, during cash collection hours at any Cash (e) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means .
C ollectio n Center of LIC Offices viz. Branch / 'Divisional /Zonal Office /Z onal Training Cent re of Life Such candidates in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, may also be liable to be:
Insurance Corporation of India. Deman d Draft s/C heques or any other form of payment shall not be (a) Disqualified from the examination hall
accepted. On-line applications shall be registered only on payment of Application Fee of Rs. 400/- in Cash (b) Debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any examination/ recruitment to be conducted
(wherever applicable). On payment of application fee, candidates will be issued a Miscellaneous Receipt
containing dtails such as Transaction Number, Transaction D ate, Branch Code & Miscellaneous Collection by the Corporation. The responses of acandidate would be analyzed and compared with other candidates
Number appearing on theReceipt issued to him/her. who appeared for the examination to detect patterns of similarity. If it is suspected that the responses
Before leaving the Cash Collection Centre, candidate should specifically check that the Account Code have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/valid, the Corporation reserves the right to cancel
No.114033 appears in the Miscellaneous Receipt issued to him/her Candidate should also check that his/her his/her candidature,
name is correctly reflected in the Miscellaneous Receipt. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled T ribe /Physically 11. Service-Conditions: These shall be as applicable in the Corporation from time to time. The advertised posts
Handicapped Candidates are not required to pay any fee.
7. Selection Procedure (AAO Generalists) are regular and selected candidates on appointment are liable to be posted of subsequently transferred in
(i) A Competitive examination will be held at 37 centers in India. Applicants will have to appear for the w ritten aywhere in India.
examination on 27th February, 2011 (tentatively) at the C ity chosen by them/ allotted to them at their own 12. Probation: One year, extendable upto 2 years.
expenses T he Corporation, however, reserves the right to change the examination date/Centre. Candidates 13. Guarantee Bond: Before joining as a Probationer, candidates will be required to give an undertaking to serve
wiil be informed accordingly in case of any change in the date /centre of examination. the Corporation for a minimum period - of four years from the date of joining (including probationary period)
(ii) Candidates will have to appear and qualify in the Written Test and interview. Final selection will be based on failing which, he/she /his /her heirs, executors, administrators will be liable to pay Updated damages of
the overall performance in the written test . and interview. Selected candidates w ilr have to undergo a 100000/- (Rupees.one lakh only) to the Corporation. The candidate will have to submit Deed of Indemnity for
successful Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination.
Rs.100000/-(Rupees one lakhs only) duly stamped, the stamp value of which will be as applicable to the State
Written Test: in which the deed is executed by the candidate.
Paper I (Objective) (2 Hrs) Total : 140 Marks Paper II (Descriptive) (1Hr) Total: 50 Marks 14. How to Apply (for all posts): Candidates are necessarily required to register On-line for applying and are
Reasoning Ability (Bilingual - English/Hindi) Test on Essay (can be w ritten in Hindi or English) required to have a valid e-mail identification.
No other means/mode of applications will be accepted. Candidates can register on-line only after obtaining a
Numerical Abiiity (Bilingual - English/H indi)
receipt for payment of application fee, wherever applicable, at the cash collection centre of LIC If not,
General Knowledge & Current Affairs (Bilingual - English/Hindi) Precis & Comprehension in English applications shall be invalid.
Eng lish L angu age with spe cial empha sis on grammar a nd vo ca bula ry. Eligible candidates are required to log in to the designated website http://jobs.licindia.co.in for submission of
Candidates shall be ranked according to their performance in Paper I. Paper II is of qualifying nature and the marks applications on-line. While filling the 'Fee Details' in the online application form, candidates are requiredto enter
obtained in this paper will not be counted for ranking. However, Paper II of only those candidates who obtain such and check the following: See next p age...
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 7

LIC Branch Code (Upper Left Hand Corner of the Miscellaneous Receipt) Maximum 4 characters(Alpha
Miscellaneous Collection Number - Maximum 6 Digits (appearing in the shaded portion of the Box).
(iii) T ransaction Number (Tr. N o.) - Maximum 8 Digits (appearing on the Left Hand Corner of the Receipt),
KANKE. RANCHI- 834006, JHARKHAND (iv) T ransaction Date (appearing on theUpper Lett Hand Corner of the Receipt)
A specimen of the Miscellaneous Receipt showing the above fields is shown below for reference.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to the following postgraduate degree / *Branch: *Date: Tr.No.:
diploma courses of Ranchi University and conducted at this Institute, commencing from May 2, 2011. Miscellaneous Receipt
GROUP - A Received with thanks f 4007- in cash from Smt/Ms/Sri _________ towards the following:
1. M.D. (Psychiatry) : Duration: 5 seats (UR-4, OBC-1) *Miscellaneous Collection No.: ___
: 3 years (exemption of one year is granted to those who have passed Diploma of 2 years duration in the Rupees Four hundred only
same subject). Qualification: M.B.B.S. degree of any University recognized by Medical Council of India, with Signature
one year rotating Internship completed by February, 15, 2011.
Fields marked * are required to be filled in the on-line application. Correct Branch Code & Date of deposit of
2.Diploma in Psychological Medicine : 9 seats (UR- 6, OBC-2, SC-1),Duration:2 yearsQualification:M.B.B.S, application money should be selected from the Drop down Boxes.
degree of any University recognized by Medical Council of India, with one year rotating Internship completed On successful acceptance of appropriate validations in the online application form, candidates will be given a
by F ebruary, 15, 2011. GROUP-B Unique Application Registration Number. Candidates should note/remember this Registration Number for future
3.Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology : 4 seats (UR -4): Duration: 3 years for M.A./M.Sc. (Psychology) degree references and use pertaining to this recruitment. Candidates should note that the registration process will not be
complete unless they get a confirmation. On getting a confirmation from the system candidates are required to
holders and 2 years after M.Phil in Medical & Social Psychology/ Clinical Psychology. obtain two print outs of their application form which shall be required at the time of written test/interview. A copy
Qualification : First C lass Master's degree in Psychology regular course Or M.Phil in Medical & Social of the Registered Application shall be sent to the individual rnail ID
Psychology/ Clinical Psychology of any recognized University, for 3 years and 2 years course respectively. Please note that the above procedure is the only proceBure for applying. Physical mode of application or
4.M.Phil in Medical & Social Psychology : 1'8 seats (UR-9, OBC-5, SC-3, ST-1),Duration: 2 years incomplete application would not be accepted and if submitted, such application would be rejected outrightty.
Procedure for fillinq up of applications on-line is briefed below:
Qualification: M.A./M.Sc. in Psychology regular course of a recognized University with minimum 50% marks a) Read the Employment Notification thoroughly
in the aggregate. GROUP-C b) Approach the nearest LIC Collection Centre for payment of Application Fees, if applicable.
5. M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work : 12 seats, (UR-7, OBC-3, SC-1, ST-1), Duration:2 years, Qualification:M.A. c) Check the Miscellaneous Receipt obtained at the Collection Centre and ensure that the same is in order
d) Log on to the designated website httptfjobs.licirKfia.co.in for online filling up of application. Enter all
in Sociology or Social Work regular course of a recognized University with minimum 50% marks in the information. See that all mandatory fields are completed.
aggregate. e) Check your application form" property before clicking on the relevant button for submission of application.
GROU P-D f) Ensure that the system informs you that you have completed the procedure for submission of application
6. Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing : 18 seats, (UR-9, OBC-5, SC-3. ST-1), Duration: One year, Qualification: completely.
g) Take two print outs of the registered application form and preserve the same till completion of final selection
'A' Grade Certificate or Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery. Experience: Two years experience as process. Candidates can log on for
Sta ff Nurse. Registration of Applications on the dates given below
02 seats are reserved for Physically Hand icap ped can didates. Prograrne Date
Group A : For MD(Psychiatry) and D.P.M.:- Selected candidates may be considered for Residency Scheme Opening D ate of acceplance of application money at Cash Collection Centre of LIC 22nd November, 2010
as applicable to the Central Government Institutions. The residency scheme is limited and may not be Opening Date of On-Line Registration 22nd November,2010
available to some candidates joining the course on seats reserved for OBC candidates. However, it may be
Last date for acceplance of Application Money 13th December, 2010
provided subject to sanctioning of the same by the Government. Group B & C : Selected candidates may
Closing date for On-line Registration 14th December,2010
be considered for scholarship of Rs. 8000/- per month in the first and second year, and Rs. 9000/- per month
in the third year. The scholarships is limited and may not be. available to some candidates joining the course Modification of Applications submitted if desired (Once) 15th & 16th Dec.2010
on seats reserved for OBC candidates. However, it may be provided subject to sanctioning of the same by Dow nloading of Hall T ickets from site 7th February 2011
the Government. Group D : Selected candidates may be considered for scholarship of Rs. 2500/- per Candidates shall be solely responsible lor filling up the on-line applications correctly. In case of invalid applications
month. The scholarships is limited and may not be available to some candidates joining the course on seats due to errors committed by the applicant /wrong information provided by them, claims for refund of application
money so collected shall not be entertained the Corporation.
reserved for OBC candidates. How ever, it may be provided subject to sanctioning of the same by the To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised to pay the application fees (wherever applicable) and register
Government. Selection procedu re for M.D. and D.P.M. course: The selection will depend upon marks on-line at the earliest.
obtained in the entrance examination. The entrance test will be of MCQ type consisting of 100 questions to 15. Important Instructions:
be answered in 60 minutes. T here will be 0.25 negative marking for each wrong answer. The test w ill have 0) Before applying, candidates are advised to satisfy themselves that t hey fulfill a ll the requirements
especially age, qualification, caste (for Scheduled - Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class candidates
questions of MBBS standard in the following approximate distribution: only). If found ineligible on any count, their candidature will be cancelled at any stage of recruitment. The
20% from Psychiatry and allied b ehavioural sciences fees paid by ineligible candidates shall be forfeited. Decision of the Corporation in all matters regarding
15% fro m Neurology eligibility of the candidate, selection and any other matters relating to recruitment w ill be final and binding
on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquires shall be entertained by the Corporation in this
30% from General Medicine regard,
"35% from rest,of Medical sub jects (ii) C andidates should have a valid personal e-mail id. In case, candidates are not having valid e-mail, they
For Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, M.Phil in Medical and Social Psychology and M.Phil in Psychiatric should create a new e-mail id before applying on-line which should be valid for the duration of the project.
Social Work courses also the entrance test will be of MCQ type consisting of 100 questions to be answ ered Keep particulars of date of birth, educational qualifications, caste, payment details, other personal details
etc. ready as these are required to be entered in the on-line application.
in 60 minutes. The test will have questions of M.A./M.Sc. standard. There will be 0.25 negative marking for (iii) Candidates applying for more than one post are required to apply on-line for each post separately and also
each wrong answer. For Diploma in Psychiatric nursing course there shall not a written entrance examination. pay application fee separately tor each post,
However, there will be an interview for the selection of the candidates. (iv) After applying on-line, and getting the confirmation that the application has been registered, the candidate
Note: Candidate applying for both M.D, and D.P.M. and for both Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology) and M.Phil in shall be sent a copy of application form to his/her e-mail id. The candidates are required to open their e-mail
and take a Print out of the application on A-4 Size Paper and retain it after signing the same. Please do not
Medical and social Psychology courses starting from May 2, 2011 need to submit only one application each. send this print out to Life Insurance Corporation of India.
They should clearly mention the names of the course applied for, in order of preference. For MD (Psychiatry (v) Candidates who are called for interview will have to submit the duly signed System Generated Print Out of
3 Years Course) and Diploma in psychological Medicine (PM):- One year Rotating Internship to be completed the On-line application, copy of the call letter duly signed by the invigilator during the written examination,
by 15.02.2011. For MD (Post PM. 2 Years Course). Ph,D.(Clinical Psychology. Post M.Phil 2 Years course) miscellaneous receipt of fee as mentioned above and also produce original and attested Photostat copies
of all relevant certificates at the time of interview failing which their candidature shall be liable to be
:- Certificate of passing DPM, M.Phil (M&SP/Clinical Psychology) on or before 31.5.2011. cancelled,
For M.Phil (M&SP), M.Phil (PSW):- M.A./M.Sc. in Psychology, Sociology & Social Work and results declared (vi) Withdrawal of candidature on account of non furnishing of any information will not confer any right to carry
on or before 15.02.2011. forward or retain the candidature forther recruitment,
(vii) Application once submitted will not be allowed to be withdrawn and the fee once paid will not be refunded nor
For the D.P.N.:- 2 years working experience certificate as a staff nurse on or before 15.02.2011. would this fee be held in reserve for future exam/ selection,
The candidates who do not fulfill above criteria need not apply. The number of seats in each discipline is (viii) Caste Certificate in respect of SC/ST /OBC must be obtained in the prescribed format from any one of the
subject to change without assigning any reason. following authorities and submitted, at Ihe time of interview.
15%. 71 /2% and 27% seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste. Scheduled Tribe and OBC candidates respectively. A. D istrict Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ C ollector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy
subject to availability of such candidates. There shall also be reservation of 3% horizontal reservation for C ommissioner/ Deputy Collector/ 1s! Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Taluka
Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner not below the rank of 1st Class Stipedary
physically- handicapped persons only for locomotory disabilities of lower limbs between 50% to 70% or as per magistrate.
the Govt. of India Rules in this regard} subject to availability of .such candidates- if suitable candidates.,
B Chief presidency Magistraie/ Additional Chief Presidency magistrate /Presidency Magistrate.
are not available under the reserved categories, seats will be filled UP by General category candidates.
C. R evenue Officer not below the rank ot Tehsildar.
There is no reservation in Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology course. Attested/Xeroxed copies of all certificates,
mark sheets, testimonials, Caste Certificate/Disability certificate if applicable etc., should be attached with D. SubDivisional Officer of the area where the candidates and / or.hisfami|y resides.
the application. Details of research experience, if any, in the form of research publications in peer-reviewed E As far as the candidates belonging to ST caste from Tamil Nadu are concerned, the certificate issued by
R evenue Divisional Officer only is acceptable and not by the Tehsildar.
journals or research papers presented in scientific conferences may be attached on separate sheet(s) of
paper. Reprints of- research papers may also be attached. The application form is to be submitted electronically ix) F or claiming reservation under OBC category, candidates should belong to such caste or community which
are common to both the lists in respect of Mandal Commission and Ihe State Governments List from the
by internet to CIP website: www.cipranchi.nic.in and a hard copy of the same application form printed on A4 State of their origin (as per the list published by the Central Government). T he benefit of reservation shall
size bond paper complete in all respect along with a Demand Draft of Rs.400/- for General candidate and not apply to persons/ sections belonging to "Creamy layer" as specified vide column 3 of the Schedule lo
Rs.300/- for SC/ST/OBC candidates (non-refundable favour of Director. CIP. Ranchi payable at Ranchi the Dept. of Personnel 4 Training Office Memorandum dated 8.9 93. CBC candidates should produce
should reach the Director. Central Institute of Psychiatry. Kanke. Ranchi - 834006 (Jharkhand) by December certificate as per the proforma prescribed by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions,
Govl. of India which should include that they do not belong to Creamy layer. (Non submission of certificate
9. 2010. The hard copy of the application form 'must be duly signed by the candidate and his/her photograph in the prescribed proforma may render the application to be invalid.)
pasted in appropriate place. Incomplete applications not accompanied with Demand Draft, attested photocopies (x) Candidates serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings should produce "No Objection Certificate"
of all certificates, mark sheets, testimonials, Caste Certificate/Disability certificate if applicable or applications from their employer at the time of interview, failing which, their candidature may not be considered.
(xi) Formats of Caste Certificates for Scheduled Castea/Wbes/Other Backw ard Classes and Disability Certificates
received after due date, i.e., December 9, 2010, shall not be considered. The admit card and a covering letter for Physical^ Handicapped Candidates shall be available on Ihe website
having necessary instructions will be made available on the CIP website (www.cipranchi.nic.in (xii) Candidates shall not be permitted to use calculators, mobile phones, pagers or any other instruments in the
The admit card and the covering letter are, to be downloaded and printed by the candidates and the same to examination hall.
be brought with them to the examination centre. Examinee will not be allowed to enter the examination hall (xiii) Admission lo written test/issue of call letter for interviews is purely provisional without verification of age/
qualification/ category of candidate w ith reference to documents. Candidates should not lumish any
with any electronic communication gadgets, viz.. Mobile Phones, pager etc. Examinees, who come to the particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated and'or should not suppress any material information while
examination centre, with and such gadget, he/she has to make his/her own arrangements for. keeping these filling up the online application form. If al any time, any information furnished by Ihe candidate is found to
outside the examination centre and if found, he/ she may be expelled from the examination. This should be be false, tampered, fabricated or it is found that s(he) has suppressed any information his/her candidature
strictly complied with. From the pool of applicants suitable candidates would be asked to appear for a written shall be cancelled immediately.
(xiv) Any request for change of address will not be entertained whilst the recruitment exercise is in progress.
examination and interview/counseling at this institute, which shall be between February 20-26, 2011. The last- (xv) Candidates will appear tor the written examination at the allotted centers at their expenses^ risks and the LIC
date for joining the courses is 31" March, 2011. The candidates are strongly advised to visit the C.I.P. will not be responsible for any injury/ losses etc. of any nature caused to them.
website from time to time for relevant information and instructions. Please download the prospectus and go (xvi) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/ her being declared medically fit as per the requirement
of Ihe LIC. Such appointments will also be subject to the LIC of India (Staff) Regulations, 1960.
through it carefully before filling-up the.application-form. The Institute maintains Men's and Women's (xvii) Interview Call Letters for candidates appearing for AAO (Chartered Accountant /Company Secretary/Legal)
hostels for a limited number of its postgraduate students. shall be senl by post at the correspondence address given by the candidate. Requests for sanding letters to
different address subsequently shall not be entertained. A Notice Board will be placed on the website.
NOTE:-RAGGING IS TOTALLY BANNED/PROHIB IT ED IN Candidates are requested to kindly refer to the website periodically lor updated information pertaining to the
THIS INSTIT UTE AND ANYONE FOUND GUILT Y OF RAGGING Recruitment till the conduct of the recruitment examination. In case of any dispute on account of interpretation
AND /OR ABETTING RAGGING IS LIABLE TO BE PUNISHED APPROPRIATELY of this advertisement in version other than English, Ihe English version shall prevail.
Place: Mumbai.
Sd/- (Prof. S. Hague) Director Date: Executive Directo r (Personn el)
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 8
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Introduction UNIT No.2 BHAVAN’S CAMP US ,MUNS HI N.T.T. {¾æS¿†ÿæ: +22 ¯ÿ¯ÿææ †ÿ’ÿ
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Sanitary n apkin is a very sop histicated essential item for la die s all ove r the world. Sanitary na pkin NAGAR MUMBAI - 400 058.
in du stry is close ly asso ciate d with mo de of life which is in t urn directly co rre la te d t o h ou sin g. BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN a reputed S.T.T. {¾æS¿†ÿæ:Ó§ ææ†ÿLÿ
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or ganis ation establis hed in 1938 by
Sanitary napkin is a product used by women at the time of delivery and during the period of men ses.

Late K ulapati K. M. Muns hi requires Hostel Facil ity for
Now-a-da ys sanitary napkins are ge tting m ore a nd more popularity amon g working ladies with the dynamic and result oriented Pre-primary Study Materials, Computer
teachers, Primary teachers , TG Ts & Ladies Candidates in
increase of h ealth service as well as rise in standa rd of livin g. The most ad va ntageou s thin g in the
PGTs for its Schools at kuwait, Abudhabi Art & Craft, Spoken English nominal price
use of sa nitary na pkin is d rying an d absorbing o f somet hin g wet rapidly. It has such prope rties as & Bahrain, The incumbent must be flu-
agre eable touch, speed d rying etc. due to which it has app ealed to the ladies and u sed in da ily life. ent in English and must have proven {ä†ÿ÷ { Àÿ HÝçÉ æÀÿ
Teacher’s Training {ä†ÿ÷ A
The sanitary napkin has a lready replaced absorbent cot ton as it b eing clean a nd it can be carried
ability as an effective teac her . He/ op dm
arou nd easily an d since it can be thrown away aft er o nce used.
She should also be a computer savvy.
Attractive s alary, shar ing acc ommo-
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Gene rally a bsorpt ion paper, waterproof pa per, crushed pu lp and n on-woven cloth o r rayon pape r dation and annual return. Air Ticket to 19 98 þÓ þÓç çÜÜÿæÀÿë ÿæÀÿ
ÿæÀÿë ë Lÿæ¾
æ¾ö ö¿ LÿÀç ÿ AAæÓç æÓç AAdçdç > Ba for o n
are use d as raw m aterials fo r t his indu st ry. Raw mat eria ls plant and ma ch inery required for th is
the nearest Airport from the home town tc 1 0 t
h h
ind ustry are e asily availa ble indigeno usly. Sanitary napkins can b e ma nufactured on a h ome scale
will be provided, interested candidates
may apply online to the The Director,
Bhavan'a Shiksahan Bharati at the fol-
in dustry. This indu st ry is exp ected to ha ve a brigh t fu ture owing t o th e incre asing d ema nd fo r its
produ ct.
lowing e-mail
Ids : 1.
Propertie s and Cha racte ri stic s : Sa nitary nap kins have hig h degree o f softness and loosely fitted pies@besvidyabhav an.c om xerox (Regd. By Govt. of Orissa)
copies of the degrees/marksheets are
fibres. The y a re h ighly ab sorbe nt so tha t t he y can t ake up blo od qu ickly a nd ho ld it up a fte r not to be attached with application. For 23, Gautam Nagar, BBSR-14, Ph-2434818, 9438183366
absorpt ion . Sa nita ry napkins are mad e of clean fibres t hat does not produce unpleasant o dour when fur ther details please log on the
Bhavan' s webs ite: www.bhavans.info For Form & Prospectus send Rs.100/- By M.O. or by hand.
wet o r dry. A good q uality sanitary napkin should have sufficie nt dry streng th.
Uses and Applications
Sa nitary na pkins are e xtensively u se d b y la dies a ll o ver the wo rld at the time of d elive ry a nd WANT TO JOIN THE BEST AUTOMOBILE WORKSHOPS ?
during mon thly co urse o r t heir menstrual perio d. Ma rket Survey COME, GROW WITH DEALERSHIPS OF, TATA MOTORS
* Now-a-days sanitary na pkins are becoming more and mo re pop ula r amon g lad ies all o ver the
world as an e ssential item. It is used by ladies a t the time of delivery and during monthly course. The
We have been retained to select 'Trainee Workshop Managers' for Authorised Dealership of Tata
dema nd fo r na pkin is increasing t remendou sly wit h the civilization and rise in stand ard of livin g of
people. Th e incre ase in numbe r of working wo men in ou r co untry ensures more deman d f or this item Motors. Vacancies exist in around 50 cities of India across 15 states. Preferred candidate profile
in future. In a co untry like ours with rapidly incre asing population, the ma ss consump tio n items like are Graduates engineers from Mechanical/Electrical/Automobile/ Production disciplines having 3
sa nita ry napkins a re estimate d to have good future deman d. This in dustry is estimate d to have high years of industrial experience having the attitude to work hands-on with a large team on all
pro fitabilit y owing to th e increasing de man d supp ly g ap. This produ ct has a good export p otent ia l aspects of Automobile Workshop management The selected candidates would be under stipend
too.The raw ma terials and plant & machin ery required for this industry are available indigeno usly.Raw for 1 year during which they undergo intensive training on technical and managerial skills/
Mate rials Req uired Surgical cotton (white a nd, red), n ylon threads a nd po lyth ene b ags. development. Thereafter they will be plated with various Dealerships of Tata Motors as Certified
Plant and M achi nery Required Workshop Managers. Candidates who have not scored 60% or above in class 10, class 12 & B.
Su rg ica l cott on slittin g m achine ,Knit ting mach in e, Pre ssin g machine , Wra p pin g m a - E. need not apply. Selection process will consit of general aptitude test. Followed by personal
chine Sem i aut oma tic pa cking mach in e interview. If you are unable to attend the interview, please get in touch with Mr. Hemant Tiwari on
Manufacturing Proc ess : Ma nulacture of sanitary napkins for ladies involves t he following st eps: his email id: hemant@ abinitiopeople.com
1. Cutting and press ing of s urgical cotton : Bulk cutting of surgical white cott on is done to size of
Ab Initio HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd., www.chrglobal.com
20.5 x 6. 5 x 0.75 cm. usin g a surgica l cott on slitting machine. Simila rly the red cott on is cu t in to a
thickness of 0.2 to 0 .3 cm by slittin g machine. No w the piece of red cotton is ke pt on the white and
pressed to make it uniform.
2. Knitting of nylon yarn wrapper
In this step , flat nets are knott ed with nylon ya rn b y u sing the knitting ma chine. DISTRICT WATER & SANITATION MISSION, SUNDARGARH
3. Wrapp in g a nd f in ish in g
The surgical cot ton pad is th en wrapp ed into nylon net an d b oth the en ds are pun ched. The WALK-IN INTERVIEW
pro duct is then packed into polythene bags a nd ma rkete d. The District Water & Sanitation Mission, Sundargarh invites applications for engagement
of one post of clerk on contractual basis for a period of one year. The post is purely temporary.
Surgical Cotton (White & Red) It can be terminated at any time without assigning any reason there of. A walk in interview for
the post will be conducted on 29.11.2010 in the office chamber of PD, DRDA, Sundargarh at
Nylon Yarn
11.00am. The interested candidates s hould come with applications in plain paper giving
complete bio-data as given below with information on his/her suitability for the post along with
Knitting original testimonials. Eligibility: Well versed in Government procedures and ready to provide
Sliting excellent and consistent level of administrative and secretarial support the project. Retired Head
Clerk/ Accountant / Sr. Assistant of govt. offices shall be preferred.
Condition: Engagement is purely temporary on one year contract basis with monthly consolidated
Wrapping remuneration of Rs.7000/- per month. The contract of engagement may be renewed after
completion of 1 year depending on performance evaluation.
Name of the Candidates (in capital letter) :
Father’s Name :
Permanent Address :
Educational Qualification :
Matriculation % Graduation % Post-graduation %

Experience if any
FIGURE-73 Signature of the Candidate
Bas is: 1000 doz. na pkins/day UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION
3 Lak h doz na pkins/annum
1. Total L and Area Req uire d 250 sq. m ts.
Reference Union Public Service Commission's Advertisement No. 11 Item No. 07, published on
2. Covered Area Require d 150 sq. m ts.
3. No. of Emp loyee s 9 Nos. 12.06.2010 with normal closing date of receipt of applications as 01.07.2010 (08.07.2010 for
Rs. in Lakhs remote areas) for recruitment to ten (10) posts of Junior Works Manager (Electrical) in Ordnance
4. La nd and Bu ild ing 2. 00 Factory Board, Ministry of Defence. The Commission have now decided to conduct a Recruit-
5. Plant and Ma chinery 1. 35 ment Test, for filling up these posts, on 12.12.2010 (Sunday) from 02.00 PM to 04.00 PM at the
6. Other Fixed assets 0. 25
following Centres :-
7. Fixe d Capita l 3. 60
8. Working Cap it al Req uired for one Mon th 1. 85 Cen tr e Co de SCHEME OF THE TEST
9. Working Capital Required for th ree Month s 5. 55 Bhopal 04 (a) The test will be two hours duration and w ill carry a maximum
10 . Margin Mo ney for W/C Loan 1. 39 of 100 marks.
Kolkata 06
11. Co st of Project 4. 99 (b) The test will be objective type questions with multiple choice
12 . Tot al Capita l Inve st men t 9. 15 Delhi 08
13 . Cost of Pro duction /Annu m 24 .2 0 Dispur (Guwahati) 09
(c)The medium of the Test will be English only.
14 . Re ceipt Per Annu m 31 .5 0 Chennai 12 (d)T here will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer
15 . Profit Per Annum 7. 30 Nagpur 13 will carry a deduction of one-third of the marks assigned to that
16 . Profit Sales Ratio 23 .17 %
Luc know 26 question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no
17. Rate of Re turn 79 .78 %
18 . Bre ak Even Point 43 .41 % Jammu 34 penalty for that question. (e) The level of the question paper
3URCES FOR FINANCE Port Blair 37 will be that of B.E/B.Tech. programme of Indian U niversities.
Rs. in Lakhs Note-I: Intimation about venue of the SYLLABUS OF THE TEST It comprises the following broad
1. Term Loa ns from Fina ncia l Institution s 2. 88 areas : (i) Electrical Circuits, Theory & Applications (ii) Electrical
Recruitment test will be communicated
2. Ban k Loa ns fo r 3 Month s - 4. 16 Engineering Materials (iii) Energy Conversion (iv) Electric Drives
3. Self-Ra ise d Finance 2.11 to the Candidates in due course. (v) Power Systems; (vi) Measurement Instrumentation (vii) Sig-
To tal 9.15 Note-II: Respective weightage of nals & Systems (viii) Control Systems (ix) E.M. Theory (x)
The above plant Econo mics is for your kind ref ere nce. For p rop er guida nce t he e ntreprene urs the recruitment test and the Analog Electronics & Digital Electronics (xi) Power Electronics
have t o take advan tage of Practical Project Execution Know-How Report, which is prepared by a interviews shall be as decided (xii) Communication System (xiii) Computers & Microprocessors
team of e ngineers and marke t rese arch analysis suppo rted by a pane l of exp erts. This report will help by the Commission. (xiv) Elements of IC Fabrication Technology (xv) Production
yo u in actua l se tting up of th e project. Management; & (xvi) Human Resources Management.
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 10
OBC Catefory, 13 years.
BARODA RAJASTHAN GRAMIN BANK For Post Code:03- Actual period of service rendered in defence service +3 years (8 years for
disabled ex-serviceman belonging to SC/ST) subject to maximum 50 years.
(Sponsored by Bank of Baroda) Definition : Physically Challendged Persons(PC)- Definition of categories of Disabilities, (a) An
Head Office: Citi Plaza, First Floor, Vaishali Nagar, Ajmer 305004 Orthopaedically challenged (OC) person is one suffering fr0m Locomotoe Disability or Cerebral
e-mail:www.brgb.co.in Palsy. persons who suffer fron not less than 40% of relevant disability (as certified by a Medical
Phone-0145-2642621, 2642580, 264 1893, Fax:0145-2642603 Board appointed by the Central /State Govt.) would be eligible for reservation in services/posts.
APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR APPOINTMENT AS OFFICE MIDDLE MANAGE- Locomotor Disability means disability of the bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restric-
MENT SCALE-II (SPECIALIST CADRE), OFFICER JUNIOR MANAGEMENT SCALE-I tion of the movement of the limbs or any from of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy means a group
GROUP-”A’ & OFFICE ASSISTANT (MULTI PURPOSE) GROUP-”B” of non progressive conditions of a person characterized by abnormal motor control posture
resulting from brain insult or injuries occuring in the pre-natal, perinatal or infant period of devel-
Baroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank established as per RRB Act, 1976 with 50% shareholding by
Govt. of India 35% of Bank of Baroda and 15% by Govt. of a Rajasthan invites applications from opment
Indian Citizens, for the posts in Officer Middle Management (Scale-II)(Specialist Cadre), Officer (b) Deaf & Hearing impaired (HI): The deaf are those persons in whom the sense of hearing
Junior Management (Scale-I) Cadre and for the posts in Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from is nor fundtional for ordinary purposes of life i.e. total loss of hearing in both ears. They do not
domicile of Rajasthan as follows. hear, understand sounds at all even with amplified speech. Hearing impairment means loss of
sixty decibles or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies (c)Visually
Starting Date of on line registration : 16.11.2010 impaired (VI) The visually impaired persons are those suffering from blindness or low vision.
LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF ON-LINE APPLICATION :15.12.2010 Blindness-refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions. (i)
(including Far Flung Areas) total abdence of sight (ii) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye
DATE OF WRITTEN EXAMINATION with correcting lenses, (iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending and angle of 20 degrees or
worse. Persons with low vision-means a persons with impairment of visual functioning even
Post Code Post Proposed date of Written
after treatment or standard refractive correction, but who uses or is potentially capable of using
vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.
01 OFFICER NM SCALE-II(Specialist Cadre)-Group”A’ 20.02.2011 Use of Scribe:Visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is affected by
02 OFFICER JM SCALE-I-GROUP-A 20.02.2011 cerebral palsy can use their own scribe at their cost during the written examination . in all such
03 OFFICE ASSISTANTS (MULTIPURPOSE)-GROUP-B 27.02.2011 cases where a scribe is used, the following rules will apply. (i) The candidate will have to arrange
01.DETAILS OF VACANCIES his/her own scribe at his/her own cost. (ii) The academic qualification of the scribe should be one
grade lower than the stipulated eligibility criteria. (iii) The scribe can be from any academic
Posts Post code Number of vacancies Out of which discipline. The scribe should possess 60% or lesser marks.(iv) Both the candidates as well as
SC ST OBC GEN TOTAL PC includingVI EXS the scribe will hav e to giv e a suitable undertaking, confirming that the scribe fulfills all the
HI & OC stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe as mentioned above. Further in case, it later transpires that
OfficerScale-II 01 - - 1 4 5* - - he/she did not fulfill any of the laid down eligibility criteria or suppresses material facts, the
Officer Scale-I 02 7 3 13 23 46 1 - candidature of the applicant will stand c ancells . Irrespectiv e of the result of the written
Officer Assistants 03 12 8 13 33 66 2 10 examination.(v) Such candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes
*Officer Middle Management Scale-II-Chartered Accountant:3, Law Officer:2 for every hour of the examination.
NOTE-a) As the reservation for Phys ic ally challenged and Ex-serviceman is on horizontals 4.APPLICATION FEE ( FOR POST CODE 01,02 & 03) INCLUDING POSTALCHARGES :(NON RE-
basis, the selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate category (viz. SC/ST/OBC/ FUNDABLE)
OTHERS) to which they belong. b)The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved S.No. Category Postage(Rs.) Application fee Total(Rs.)
vacancies are provisional and may vary according to actual requirements of the Bank. c)It is 1 SC/ST/PC 50 - 50
clarified that it may not be possible to employ Physically challenged candidates in all Offices/ 2 OBC/GEN/EXS 50 350 400
Branches of the Bank and they will have to work in the post identified by the Bank as suitable for
them. a)Payment of Fee:There are three Challan available in our website (Bank’s website) for each
2.PAY SCALE & EMOLUMENTS: category, details of which are as follows:
POST CODE-01, Officer MM Scale-II Post Code-01 Officer Scale-II, Bank of Baroda-Challan Form-01
Rs. 19400 700 2010 800 28100 Post code-02 OfficerScale-I-Bank of Baroda -Challan Form-02
1 10 Post code-03 Office Assistant-Bank of Baroda-Challan Form-03
POST CODE-02 :Officer JM Scale-I b)Candidates should download one of the above challan form as applicable to them for the post
Rs. 14500 600 18700 700 20100 800 25700 applied for) from the Bank’s website.(c) After filling up the required information on the Challan
7 2 7 Form they should make payment of the fee applicable to them in any branch of Bank of Baroda
POST CODE-03, Office Assistants (Multipurpose): and should keep the Candidates copy of the challan with receipt of fees duly acknowledged
Rs. 7200 400 8400 500 9900 600 12300 700 17200 1300 18500 800 19300 (20years) thereon, with them for producing the same at the time of written test along with the latest
3 3 4 7 1 1 passport size photograph pasted on the Challan and signed across by the candidate.Candidates
Officer MM Scale-II:At present the total starting emoluments are approx Rs. 28576/-(Approx) per claiming fee concession should also enclose photocopy of the relevant category certificate,
month inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rate. Officer JM Scale-I- At present the total starting along with the Challan. Important Note: Candidates will not be permitted to appear at the written
emoluments are approx Rs. 21358/-(Approx) per month inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rate. test without production of this challan and Photograph. Candididates are therefore advised to
Office Assistants: At present the total starting emoluments are approx Rs. 10642/-(Approx.) per keep-3-photocopies of the fee payment challan for future use.(d) Application once made will not
month inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rate. be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it
NOTE:Othe allowances & perquisites will be admissible as per the rules of the Bank. be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. (e) Fees should be paid invariably
3.ELIGIBILITY between 16.11. 2010 and 15.12 2010 only. Fees paid before or after the stipulated dates, if
(A)Nationality /Citizenship: Acandidate must be either (i) a citizen of India (ii) a subject of Nepal any,will not be acknowledged for the purpose of application and will be forfeited. (f) Payment by
or, a (iii) subject of Bhutan or ,(iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, Cash/Cheque/Money Order /Bank Demand Draft/Bank pay Order/Postal Order etc. will not be
1962 with the intention of permanently setting in india or aperson of Indian origin who has acc epted.
migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Srilanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United 5.SELECTION PROCEDURE: The selection will be made on the basis of performance in written
Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar)Zambia, Malawi, Zaire Ethiopea and test and interview. All the eligible candidates who apply with the requisite fee and whose
Vietna with the intention of permanently setting in india, provided that a candidate belonging to applications are received in time and who fulfill the eligibility criteria will be called for a written test,
categories(ii) (iii) (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility which will be of objective type comprising the following.
has been issued by the Government of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligiblity POST CODE-01-Officer Scale-II - The selection of the candidates shall be on the basis of written
is necessary may be admitted to the examination/interview conducted by the Bank but on final test and interv iew.
selection the offier of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has WRITTEN TEST :
been issued to him by the Government of India. Objective Tests: Dur ation : 2hr s & 30minutes
A candidate for the post code-03-Office Assistant cadre must be a domicile of Rajasthan. S.No. Name of the test Medium of Exam No.of questions Maximum marks
(B)EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION (As on 01.11.2010) POST CODE-01, OFFICER SCALE-II, Char- 1 Test of Reasoning English/Hindi 50 50
tered Accountants, Experience-One year, Law Officers-Degree from a recognised University in
2 Quantiative Aptitude & English/Hindi 50 50
Law or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Experience-Two years as an
advocate or should have worked as Law officer in banks or Financial Institution for a period not Data Interpretation
les s than two years. 3 Financ ial Awareness English/Hindi 50 50
POST CODE-02 OFFICER SCALE-I 4a* General English English 50 50
(i)Bachelor degree of a recognised university in any discipline or its equivalent. Preference will 4b* General Hindi Hindi 50 50
be given to the candidates having degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal, Husbandary, Total..... 200 200* *
Veterinary Science, Agriculture Engineering, Pisciclture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation,
*Candidates can opt for either 4a or 4b (General English or General Hindi) ** Marks will further be
information Technology, Management Law, Economics and Accoountancy (ii) Proficiency in local
reduced to 70 The candidates shall be required to qualify in each objective test separately.
language i.e. Hindi (iii) Computer knowledge or awareness will be an added qualification.
POST CODE-02 Officer Scale-I
(i)Bac helor D egree or its equivalent of a recognis ed univ ers ity in any discipline.(ii) (a) Objective Tests:
Essential:Proficieny in local language i.e. Hindi. (b)Desirablr:Knowledge of Computer skills.(C) Dur ation : 2hrs & 30minutes
Age-(As on 01.11.2010)
Post code-01-Officer Scale-II Above 21 years but below 32 years S.No. Name of the test Medium of Exam No.of questions Maximum marks
Post code-02-Officer-Scale-I Above 18years but below 28years 1 Test of Reasoning English/Hindi 50 50
2 Numerically Ability English/Hindi 50 50
Post code -03, Office Assistant Between 18 years & 28 years
RELAXATION IN UPPER AGE LIMIT : 3 General lnowledge English/Hindi 50 50
Category:SC/ST, Relaxation by years -5years, OBC, 3 years, Physically Challenged-General 4a* General English English 50 50
Category, 10 years, Physically Challenged-SC/ST Category, 15 years, Physically Challenged- 4b* General Hindi Hindi 50 50
Total..... 200 200** Continued
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 11
BARODA RAJASTHAN......(Continued page) BRGB Office Assistant Recruitment Project-2010,
v)Take a print of entire Recruitment Notification including the FEES PAYMENT CHALLAN.
*Candidates can opt for either 4a or 4b (General English or General Hindi) ** Marks will further be
vi) Fill in the Fee Payment Challan in a clear and legible handwriting in BLOCK LETTERS.
reduced to 70 The candidates shall be required to qualify in each objective test separately. vii) Go to the nearest Bank of Baroda Branch with the Fee payment Challan duly filled in and pay
POST CODE-03 Office As sistant in Cash, the appropriate Application Fee in Account with Bank of Baroda, Vaishali Nagar, Ajmer
WRITTEN TEST : Branch as uder.
Ob jective Tests: Duration : 2hrs & 30minutes Project Challan Form Account No.
S.No. Name of the test Medium of Exam No.of questions Maximum marks BRGB Officers Scale-II Recruitment Project-2010 01 17370200000254
1 Test of Reasoning English/Hindi 50 50 BRGB Officers Scale-I Recruitment Project-2010 02 17370200000253
2 Numerically Ability English/Hindi 50 50 BRGB Office Assistant Recruitment Project-2010 03 17370200000255
3 General lnowledge English/Hindi 50 50 viii)The amount of fee to be paid is indicated at Point No. 4 above.
4a* General English English 50 50 ix)Obtain the Counterfoil (Candidates Copy) of the Fee Payment Challan duly received by the
4b* General Hindi Hindi 50 50 Bank with (a) Branch Name & Code Number (b) Transaction ID (c) Date of Deposit & amount filled
by the Branch Official.
Total..... 200 200**
x)After the payment of fees the Candidate should visit the Bank;s website again and fill up the
*Candidate can opt for either 4a or 4b (General English or General Hindi) ** Marks will further be
application form available after clicking the link given in the notification.
reduced to 70 The candidates shall be required to qualify in each objective test separately.
xi)Branch Name, Branch Code and Transaction ID noted on the challan should be correctly filled
For post code 01, 02 & o3
in the application at appropriate place.s
Wrong answers given in the objective test will result in negative marks. The candidates securing
xii) After filling up all the mandatory fields and security check box, the candidate should submit
a minimum of 40% marks in the written test shall qualify for interview. In the case of candidates
his/her application by clicking on the submit button.
belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes categories, the minimum marks in the
xiii) All the mandatory fields (marked with*) should be filled in otherwise the s ystem will not
written test shall be 35% to qualify for interview. All those candidates who have secured minimum
accept the application.
qualifying marks in written examination, in the order of merit, shall be called for interview upto the
xiv) TheCandidate should note/ remember the Registration number and Password for future
ratio of 1:3 Mere eligibility/pass in the test shall NOT vest any right for being called for interview.
reference and use.
The detailed information regarding the written examination will be given in the Acquaint Yourself
xv) A recent passport size photograph should be firmly pasted on the paid Challan (Candidates
Booklet which will be sent to the candidates along with the call letters for the Written Examination.
Copy ). Five copies of the same photograph should be retained for use at the time of written
Final selection will be on the basis of the ranking accorded, after adding the marks obtained in the
examination and interview. Candidates are advised no to change their appearance till the recruit-
written test and interview.
ment process is completed. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of written test and
interview may lead to disqualification. The Candidates copy of the exam fee challan with a recent
The written test in tentatively fixed on the follwoing dates. The exact date will be communicated
photograph of the candidate pasted thereon should be handed over at the examination centre.
to the candidates through call letter for the examination.
xvi) The name of the candidate or his/her father/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the
application as it appears in the certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may dis-
qualify the candidature.
Payment of Application Fee :
The Bank deserves the right to cancel or alter the date of examination. Name of centres and
Candidates should first download one of the Challans as applicable to them from the Bank’s
centr e codes : The written test will be scheduled at the following centres and the address of
webs ite www.brgb.co.in
the venue will be advised in the call letter. List of written test centres with the centre codes is
Post Code-01 Officer Scale-II, Bank of Baroda-Challan Form-01
given below.
Post code-02 OfficerScale-I-Bank of Baroda -Challan Form-02
SNo. Name of the Centre Centre code
Post code-03 Office Assistant-Bank of Baroda-Challan Form-03
For Post code-01
Candidates can pay the fees at any of the Bank of Baroda Branches. Candidates should ensure
1 Ajmer 11
that on deposit of fee the branch issues him a receipt which includes the following items.
For post code-02 & 03
i) Transaction ID (ii) BOB Branch Name (iii) Branch code number (iv) Date of deposit
1 Ajmer 11
After filling in the required information on the challan they should pay the requisite fee at the
2 Bhilwara 12
respective branch of Bank of Baroda.
3 Churu 13
Sr.No. Category Fees
4 Sawaimadhopur 14
1 SC/ST/PC(Postage) Rs.50/-
NOTE:(i) Request for change of Centre of Examination will NOT be entertained.(ii) The Bank
2 OBC/General/EXS(Application+Postage) Rs.400/-
reserves the right to cancel any of the Centre/or add other centres depending on the response
Candidates must ensure that on deposit of fee, the branch issues him a receipt which should
administrative feasibility etc. The Bank also reserves the right to allot the candidate any centre
invariably mention the undernoted Items :
other than the one he/she has opted for and the right to waive any of the criteria for selection
(i) Transaction ID (ii) BOB Branch Name (iii) Branch code number (iv)Date of deposit
looking at the requirement and exigenies.
Candidates should keep the ‘Candidates’ copy of the remitted Challan with them and produce the
same at the time of the written test along with the above passport size photograph.
Those shortlisted candidates in the order of ranking in the written test as per the cut-off marks
Note.Candidates will not be permitted for the Written Test without the production of this Challan
determined by the Bank shall be called for interview & the decision of the Bank in this regard shall
and Photograph. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and examination fee
be final. Candidates will have to produce a hard copy of the application form along with the
once paid will not be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other selection
following certificates (photocopy for submission and originals for verific ations) at the time of
process .
interview. 1. Secondary School certificate/school leaving certificates for proof of age. 2.Marks
sheet (year wise) s howing specifically the subjects s tudied and certific ate/s in support of
Please note that the following is the general procedure f or applying ON-LINE. No ot her means/
educational qualification viz.SSLC/HSC/ Graduate degree, post graduation degree, professional/ mode of application or incomplete applicat ion wiil be accepted and in such case, the application
research qualification etc. would be rejected outright
3.A candidate belonging SC/ST/OBC/PC category should attach a certified copy of the SC/ST/ 1. Candidates should keep two copies of t he Application printout, a copy of t he printout with the
OBC/PC certificates issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format as prescribed by recent photograph of the candidat e duly pasted t hereon will have t o be submitted at the time of
Government of India. In case of OBCs. the certificate inter alia must specify that the candidates interview, the other copy may be retained f or personal record of the candidate. A copy of the, Challan
should not belong to Creamy layer section excluded from the benefits or reservation for other (indicating Transact ion I D) may be ret ained for the candidates record. The Original Challan will
backward class in civil post and services of Government of India. OBC certificate should not be hav eto be s ubmit t ed wit h the c all l et t er at the t ime of wri tt en examinati on.
more than one year old as on the date of application. 2.The Bank takes no responsibility for any certificate/remitt ance sent separately by candidate.
4.An Ex-serviceman candidate has to enclose a copy of the discharge certificate, retirement/ 3.Candidates in their own interest are advised to submit their application on-line well in time before
pension order and documentary proof of rank last held. the last dat e to avoid possible technical snags.
5. Candidates serving in Government/Public Sector undertakings (including Banks) s hould 4.Candidates who wish t o apply for more t han one post have to the application fees separately for
produce no objection certificate from their employer, at time of interview, in the absence of which each post and apply for each post separat ely.
their candidature will not be considered. 5.Candidat es uploading more than one application for a post f or any reason will be t reated as
6.Domicile of Rajasthan Certificate issued by the Competent Authority for (Office Assistant) Post
a) A s the applicat ions are to be processed by a comput erised system, it is essent ial that the
8. Pre-Examination Training (For Post Code 02 & 03): application is properly and completely filled in. The B ank t akes no responsibility f or any delay in
It is proposed to impart free Pre- -Examination Training to a limited number of candidates belong receipt of application or loss in postal t ransit of any communication.
to SC/ST/Minority/PC candidates at Ajmer tentatively. The Training Centre may also be changed at b) Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/ she fulf ils the eligibility and other norms
the discretion of the Bank. An eligible candidate who wishes to avail Pre-Examination Training mentioned in this advertisement . Bank would be free t o reject any applicat ion at any st age of the
should fill in the relevant column in the application format. All expenses regarding travelling, recruitment process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post. The decision of the Bank shall
boarding, lodging etc. will be borne by the candidate for attending the Pre-Examination Training be final in taking decision on qualification and other eligibility norms. No correspondence or
Programme at the concerned training Centre. personal enquiries shall be entertained by the Bank in t his behalf. In case it is detected at any st age
9.APPOINTMENT: For Post Code- 01,02 & 03 candidates selected for current vacancies shall be of recruitment that a candidate does not fulf ill t he eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished
any incorrect/f alse inf ormation certificate/documents or has suppressed any material (facts), his/her
taken into the service in the descending order of merit as per the requirement of the Bank.
candidature will stand cancelled. I f any of t hese shortcomings is/are det ected even after appoint-
10.HOW TO APPLY : i) All eligible candidates are required to apply online in the prescribed Format ment his/her services are liable tobe terminated. (c) Application once made will be allowed to be
through Bank website www.brgb.co.in from 16.11.2010 to 15.12.2010. Please note that the last withdrawn and the fee once paid will not be ref unded on any account nor would this f ee be held in
date for submission of online application is 15.12.2010. No other means mode of application will reserve for any future examination or selection.
be accepted. (ii) Candidates should have a valid e-mail ID.: It should be kept active during the d) A recent passport size photograph should be firmly pasted on the Challan (Candidates copy) and
currency of this recruitment project. This will helphim/her in getting call letter/interview advices should be signed across, by the candidate. Five copies of the same photograph should be ret ained
etc. under no circumstance he/she should share/mention e-mail ID to/ of any other person. (iii) In for use at the time of written examinat ion and interview candidat es are advised not to change t heir
case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e- appearance till the recruitment process is completed failure to produce the ame photograph at the
mail ID before applying on-line. time of written test and Interview may lead to disqualification : e) Only candidate willing to serve
iv) Applicants are first required to go to the Bank’s website www.brgb.co.in and click on the anywhere in Rajast han any where in india where off ice(s) situated should apply.
f)The decision of t he Bank in all matt ers regarding eligibility of the candidat e the st ages at which
Home page open the link Recruitment. Thereafter, open the Recruitment Notification entitled BRGB such scrutiny or eligibility is to be undertaken, the document to be produced for t he purpose of the
Officers Scale-II Recruitment Project-2010, BRGB Officers Scale-I Recruitment Project-2010 and
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 12
Continuatio n o f page-4
BARODA RAJASTHAN......(Continued page)
conduct of examination, interview, selection and any matt er relating to recruitment will be final
and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personnel enquiries shall be entertained in
this behalf.
g)ThBank may at its discretion hold re-examination whereever necessary in respect of a central/
venue/ specific post of a candidate(s)
h)TheBank shall not be responsible for an application being rejected which is based on wrong
information provided-in any advertisement issued by the unauthorized person/ inst it ution.
i) A ny request for change of address will NOT be entertained.
j) Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to t he sole jurisdiction of
the courts sit uated in Ajmer. In case any disput e arising on account of interpretaion of version other
than English the English version will prevail.
k) Candidates who wish to apply f or more than one post have to pay the application fees sepa-
rately for each post and apply for each post separately.
l)No candidat e is permitted to use calculat or, mobiles pager or any other such instruments during
the examination. The candidates will appear for the writt en examination at t he allotted centres at
their expenses and risks and the Bank will not be responsible for any injury/loss etc. of any nat ure.
Candidates in their own interest are advised to submit their application ON-LINE well in time
before the last date to avoid possible technical snags.
Appointment of selected candidat es is subjected to his/her being declared medically fit as per the
requirement of the Bank. Such appoint ment will be subject to the Service & Conduct Rules of the
m) Admission t o written examination and further process of select ion will be purely provisional
without verification of age/qualification/category (SC/ST/ OBC/PC/EX S) et c. of the candidat es
with reference to documents.
n) Canvassing in any form will be disqualification.
12.Competent Authority for issue of certificate to SC/ ST/ OBC/P C is as under:
(a) For SC/ST/OBC-District Magistrate/Addl. Distt .Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/A ddl.
Dy. Commissioner/Dy.Collector/First Class Stipendary Magistrate/S ub-Division Magistrate/Taluk a
Magistrate/Executive Magist rat e/Extra Assist ant Commissioner/Chief P residency Magist rat e/ Addi-
tional Chief Presidency Magistrate /P residency Magistrate/Revenue Officer not below the rank of
Tehsildar/S ub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidat e and/or his/ her family normally
In OBC category the appointment will be provisional and will subject to the communit y certif icat e
being verified through t he proper channel. If t he verification reveals t hat t he claim of the candi-
date to belong to Other Backward Classes or not to belong to creamy layer is false, his/ her services
will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and wit hout prejudice to such
further action as may be taken under the provisions of I ndian Penal Code for production of false
certif icate.
The crucial date f or t his purpose will be last date of receipt of application.
b) For P hysically Challenged: The Competent Authority to issue Disability Certificate shall be a
Medical Board duly const ituted by t he cent ral or state govt. The Central/S tate Govt. may const i-
tut e Medical Boards consisting of at least 3 members out of which one shall be a specialist in the
particular field for assessing loco motor/cerebral/visual/ hearing disability as the case may be.
13. A ct ion against candidates f ound guilty of Misconduct:
Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are
false, tampered, fabricated and should not supress any material information while f illing up the
applicat ion form. At the time of writ ten examination/interview, if a candidate is (or has been) found
guilty of- (i) using unfair means during the examination or (ii) impersonating or procuring imper-
sonation by person or (iii) misbehaving in t he examination hall or taking away the question
booklet (or any part thereof)/answer sheet from the examination hall or
(iv)resorting to any irregular or improper means in connect ion with his/her candidature for selec-
tion or (v) obtaining support for his/her candidature by unfair means. Such a candidate in addit ion
to rendering himself /herself liable to criminal prosecut ion shall be liable.
(a) To be disqualified f rom the examination for which he/ she is a candidates.
(b) To be debarred either permanently or for a specified period f rom any examination or recruit-
ment conducted by B aroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank. (c) Foe termination of service, if he/ she has
already joined the Bank. The Bank would be analyzing the responses of a candidat e with other
candidates t o detect patterns of similarity. If as per the laid down procedure, it is suspected t hat the
responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/valid, the bank reserves right t o
cancel his/her candidature.
POST CODE -01, 02 & 03 Applicat ions should be submitted on-line on or after 16.11.2010 but in
all cases on or before 15.12.2010.
All eligible candidat es will be issued call letters at t he correspondence address given by the
candidates in their application form, which will be sent by ordinary post. A n eligible candidates
who do not receive the call letter by (i) 14.02.2011 for Post Code-01 Officer Scale-II & Post Code-
02 Officer Scale-I and (ii) 21. 02.2011 for post code-03, Office A ssistant should contract the offices
at the addresses given below at t he respective centres (details of whoch will be released in Bank’s
website on www.brgb.co.in), with details of his/ her name , address, original copy of the Challan for
the fee deposited alongwith a photograph pasted thereon, for obt aining duplicat e call letters or
download from the B ank’s websit e. Duplicate call let ters will be issued bet ween 10. 00 A M t o
5.00PM as per the following schedule.
Post Code-01 Off icer Scale-II f rom 14.02.2011 to 19. 02.2011
Post Code-01 Off icer Scale-I f rom 14.02.2011 to 19. 02.2011
Post Code-01 Officer Assistant from 21.02.2011 to 26.02. 2011
For duplicate call letters candidates may contact, as per above schedule at the following address.
Centre(Candidates The complete address with phone No. & Fax No.
appearing at the centre)
Ajmer(For Post code 01, 02 &03) Baroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank, Head Office, 1st Floor,
Citi Plaza, Vaishali Nagar, AJME R-305004 phone no.-
0145-2642621, 2642580, 2641893
Bhilwara(For post code 02 & 03) Baroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank, Regional Off ice,
Lokpeeda Complex, Sector-8, R.C Vyas colony,
B HILWARA(Raj) Telephone-01482-232891, 232892
Churu(For post code 02 & 03) Baroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank, Reginal Office, Khemka
Bhawan, Station Road, CHURU(Raj) Telephone 01562-
250238, 257169
Sawaimadhopur(For post code 02 & 03) Baroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank, Regional Office, 2, Bal
Mandir Colony., Tonk Road, S AWAI MADHOPUR (Raj)
Telephone-07462-220218, 222286
16. This advertisement has been displayed in the B ank’s website:www. brgb.co.in
17. Decision of the Bank in respect of all matters pertaining to this recruitment would be f inal and
binding on all candidates.
bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 13
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bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 14
UNIVERSITY); SHREE SADASHIVA Employment Advertisement No MCET 29/10/2010 LIC Colony UGUP School Campus, Puri
Applications are invited in the prescribed fo rmat form the interested suitable cndidates d uly filled
1. Lecturer of Mathematics Qualifications and exp. as per AICTE
CAMPUS, PURI (ORIS SA) and sign ed fo r th e post o f Block Resou rce Teache r o n Inclusive Education (IE) as per the criteria
norms. 2. Lecturer of English Qualifications and exp. as per given b elow. M in imum Qu alif icat io n of Resou rce Tea cher : Passed with +2 with Diplo ma/ Deg ree
NOTICE AICTE norms. 3. Assistant Registrar Qualifications and exp. in'Sp ecial Edu ca tion. Ag e : 18-42 ye ars (As on 3 0.1 1 .2 01 0 ). Enga geme nt: Con tractual, Rem u-
Regional Lever Contest will beheld
on 27.11.2010 (Saturday) at10 AM Master degree in any discipline from a recognized University / neration : Rs.6 500/ p er month inclu din g FTA of Rs. 500/-
in this campus among the bonafide Institute with 3 years' exp. in handling administrative tasks in 5.No Of Resource Teachers to be eng aged in the district: 2 1 Pla ce of Postin g: Block Headqu arters
students of Traditional Sanskrit In- recognized academic institution. 4. Training & Placement officer an d the post are conf in ed to the district o nly. 7 . Nature o f Job : Work itinerant mod e i.e. to visit
stitutions of Orissa State. Various MBA in HR with experience of handling training & placement Ssch ool to schoo l an d villag e to village for providing resou rce support to the CW SN. He/ she sho uld
types of competations/contests will affairs for at least 2 years. Salary negotiable. not have any d eficiency to work in an itinera nt (mobile) m ode a nd should b e capab le of taking up
be he ld, in which students of Pay for the above posts' will be as AICTE / UGC revised pay extensive tours and fie ld visit s.
Prakshastri, Upashastri, Shastri, 8. The sele ct io n will be m ade o n the basis of ma rks secure d in th e qua lifying exam in ations.
scales. Apply within 10days from the date of publication of the 9. Selection will be mad e at dist rict level un der the ch airm anship o f the Collector-cu m-Chairman ,
Acharyaetc.or equivalent traditional
courses therof can participate. The Advertisement to the following address. PRINCIPAL SSA, Pu ri. 10 . He /sh e must be p erma nent resident of Odisha state and he m ust have passe d at le ast
(interested authorities of such insti- VII standa rd in Oriya lang uage . 11 . Th e prescribe d ap plication format can b e download ed f rom
tutions may contactthe undersigned MURSHIDABAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & the www.opep a.in and www.puri.nic.in. 1 2.The last date of su bmissio n of application: 30.11. 2010 .
(Telephone No. (06752) 223439 or TECHNOLOGY Banjetia, Berham por e, 13 . How to apply: The ca ndidat e can app ly h is/h er app lication throu gh Registered Post/ Speed
222179) immediately for rules, regu- Mur shidabad(WB) Post o r can su bmit the applica tion und er se ale d cover directly at t he off ice o f the Dist rict Project
lations, topics as well as other de- Co ordin ator, SSA, LIC Colon y UGUP School Camp us, Puri. The a pplica tio n sho uld reach to th e
tails for preparation of their partici- Pin 742102, E-mail:mcet696@gm ail.com
office of the un dersigned on or bef ore 30.11.2010 by 5.00 P.M. The ap plication received afte r th e
pants and send the m with, Interested candidates may also apply for part-time lecturer in du e da te will n ot b e e ntertaine d. I ncomp le te a pplication s will summ arily b e rejected . The app li-
authorisation letters and proof of Mathematics and English. cation sho uld super scribe as "APPLI CATION FOR THE POST OF BLOCK RE SOURCE TEACHER"
identity with date of birth, class etc. on the top o f the envelop e. Candida te with out a deg re e/ d ip lom a in S pecial Education nee d no t
ap ply. Th e Colle ctor-cum -Cha irm an , SS A Puri re serves t he rig ht to reject th e a dve rt iseme nt /
selectio n process/ terminate the BRTs a t any time without assign ing any reason th ere of.
µÿæÀÿ†ÿ ÓÀÿLÿæÀ..... (Con tin uatio n of page..13) District Project Coordinator
SSA, Purl
SSA, Puri
4.Marital Status:(married, single widower or widow).........................
5.Father’s Name............................ WA LK - IN - I NT E RV IE W
6.Date of Birth (in Christian Era) (in figures)............................. Walk-in-interview will be conducted for contractual engagement in the following posts under
7.Address for correspondence with PIN code: OUAT Health Centre, Bhubaneswar as detailed below.
Name of the post : Dhai, No. of vacancy :01, Remuneration per month: Rs. .4,440/-PM on contractual
(No DA or any type of allow is admissible), Minimum qualification : Under matric with 5 years
8.Do you fall in any of the following categories................................ experience in first aid/ home nursing training, Maximum Age:32 years as on 1.1.2010
(a)Scheduled Caste : Yes/No (5 years relaxation for SC/ST Women candidates) Not'applicable for departmental candidates
(b)Scheduled Tribe : Yes/No NMR/DLR/ Casual labourers working under OUAT.
The departmental candidates of OUAT will apply through proper channel. The engagement will
(c)Ex-defence Personnel : Yes/No
be made for one year which may also be extended basing on satisfactory performance. Candidates
(d)OBC : Yes/No are required to come at their own cost with the following documents and appear before the
(e)Physically handicapped : Yes/No selection committee. 1. Original educational certificate 2-A-demand draft with Rs. 100/- (Rupees
(Specify which type of PH) : Yes/No one hundred) only for general candidate and Rs. 50% (Rupees fifty) only for SC/ST candidates
8(a)If visually challenged, drawn in favour of the comptroller OUAT, Bhubaneswar payable at State Bank of India, OUAT
please indicate : Yes/No Campus Branch, Bhubaneswar. 3. One set of attested copy of all certificate. 4. Two recent
Whether Guide/Scribe is required at the passport size photograph duly signed by Gazetted Officer.
examination centre INTERVIEW SCHEDULE
9. Option of language for written examination(English or Hindi).............. Nam e of the Post Date and reporting time Venu e
(for the post of Scientist ‘B’) Dhai 23rd Nov.,2010,at 11.AM University,Bhubaneswar Office
Sangram Keshari Ray,REGISTRAR
10. Educational History
Name of Institution Exam /Degree Year of pssing MainSubject Marks %in
Board/University with % age of aggregate DISTRICT PROJECT OFFICE SARVA SHIKSHYA
marks in each and Division ABHIYAN, JHARSUGUDA
Applications in prescribed format are invited from desirous candidates for engagement of 12nos.
of Block Resource Teacher (BRT) in Jharsuguda district (as stated below) under following terms
11.Professional training and conditions. Total No. of Block: 5, Required BRT :12
Organization Period Details of training Terms and Conditions for engagement of Block Resource Teachers (BRT)
Nature of engagement: Contractual, Place of Posting: Block Head Quarters, Remuneration:
12.Employment records(Details in chronological order, starting with your first job): Rs.6500/- per month including Fixed travelling allowance o'f Rs.500/- Minimum. Qualification:
Name& Periodof Designation Description Whether Reasonfor +2 with Diploma/ Degree in special Education (VI, HI, MR, CP), Age: Candidates not less 18 years
address service (with scale ofwork permanent leaving and not above 42 years as on 1st November 2010., Criteria for selection: Selection shall be
ofemployer/ From-To ofpay) ortemporary made on the basis of marks secured in the qualifying examination. How to apply: Candidates
Institution shall submit their application with attested copies of testimonials in person by post to the office
of the District Project Coordinator, SSA, Jharsuguda on or before dt.04.12.2010. Nature of Job:
Give the details break up of earnings in your last/present job: Work in itinerant mode i.e. visit school & village to village for providing resource support to the
(i)Basic per month:............................. CWSNs. He/ She should not have any deficiency to work in an itinerant (mobile) mode and shoud
(ii)Other allowance(indicate each separately)....................... be capable of taking up extensive tours and field visits.
(iii) Total emoluments:.................................. FORM OF APPLICATION
(iv)Next increment due on................................ ENGAGEMENT FOR THE POST OF BLOCK RESOURCE TEACHER (BRT) UNDER SARVA
(v)Salary expected in the post applied for............................ SHIKSHY A ABHIYAN, JHARSUGUDA
1. Name of the applicant in full (in capital letter):
(vi) Joining time required(weeks):............................
2. Father's/ Husband's Name:
13.Resume of Research work/experience if any, (one set of reprints be furnished , if available)
3. Sex-Male/Female:
14. Field of special interest....................... 4. Permanent address:
15.Are you under any contractual obligation to serve the Central/a State Government/any other 5. Present address for correspondence:
Public Undertaking/Autonomous body ? If so, please furnish full details. 6. Nationality:
16. Name and address of two persons (not relatives) to whom reference can be made regard- 7. Educational Qualification: (attested copies of certificate should be enclosed)
ing your professional competence. S I. No . E xami nation Passed In st itu tion / Board/ Full M arks % of Marks Remarks
17.Details of relatives already employed in Department of information Technology (including University M arks secured secured
constituent units)
Name of relatvce Relationship Unit in which employed Post held

18. One page write up on analyzing your experience with reference to one or more functions/
8. Date of Birth (as per HS Examination Certificate):
activities described in the advertisement. 9. Age as on 1st November 2010:
19.Any other information you may wish to add: 10. Marital Status: Full signature of applicant
20. Declaration: I shall, if and when required, take temporary/permanent duty in the discharge of DECLARATION
I do hereby declare that the information furnished above are true, complete and correct to the
Government assignments anywhere in India or abroad. best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any information being found
I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my false or incorrect at any stage of time my candidature/ engagement is liable to be cancelled/
k nowledge and nothing has been concealed/distorted, if at any time, I am found to have terminated without any notice.
concealed/distorted any material information, my appointment shall be liable to be summarily Date: Full Signature of applicant
terminated without notice or compensation. N.B: This can also be downloaded from the official OPEPA website, i.e. www.opepa.in
Place................... By order of Collector-cum-Chairman, SSA, Jharsuguda,
Date................... Signature of the candidate Sd/- District Project Coordinator,SSA, Jharsuguda
Affi x

bêaù^gße , 20eê ^ùb´e26, 2010 NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 20 to Nov.26 2010 15

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited AæßµÿçˆÿçLÿ
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KORAPUT DIVISION fæ†ÿêß {þ™æ A{œÿ´Ì~ ¨Àÿêäæ-2010-2011
¨Àÿêäæ- 2010-2011
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), a Navratna central Public sector undertaking, is a premier `ÿÁÿç†ÿ ¯ÿÌö AæßµÿçˆÿçLÿ fæ†ÿêß {þ™æ¯ÿõˆÿç ¨Àÿêäæ (NMMS ) F¯ÿó Àÿæf¿ÖÀÿêß fæ†ÿêß {þ™æ A{œÿ´ Ì~ ¨Àÿêäæ
Aeronautical industry of South East Asia, with 19 Production/Overhaul/Service Divisions and 9 (State Level NTS) œÿ{ µÿºÀÿ 21.12.2010 (Àÿ¯ÿç ¯ÿæÀÿ) †ÿæÀÿçQ {Àÿ Àÿæf¿Àÿ 30sç fç àÿÈ æÀÿ 81sç ¨Àÿêäæ
located R&D centres s pread across the country. HAL'S spectrum of expertise encompasses
design, development, manufacture, repair, overhaul and upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero- {Lÿ¢ÿ÷{Àÿ AœÿëÏç †ÿ {Üÿ¯ÿ > DNÿ’ÿçœÿ ¨Àÿê äæ$ö êþæ{œÿ ÓLÿæÁÿ 10sæ30þç œÿç sú Óë• æ ¨Àÿê äæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ {Àÿ ¨Üÿo #¯ÿ æ
iglnes, industrial & Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories,'Avionics & Systems and structural imponents Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ > ¨÷ {¯ÿÉ ¨†ÿ÷ (AæÝþç Ó œÿ LÿæÝö) Éçäæ þƒÁÿæ™#É (Inspector of Schools) þæœÿZÿ fÀÿçA æ{Àÿ
for Satellites & Launch vehicles. The Koraput Division, a unit of HAL'S vast network, has the ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æÁÿßþæœÿZ ÿë ¨vÿæB ’ÿçA æ¾æBdç> ¨Àÿêäæ Ó¸Lÿö{Àÿ {Lÿò~Óç †ÿ$ ¿ fæ~ç ¯ÿæ ¨æBô Aµÿçµ ÿæ¯ÿLÿ †ÿ$æ ¨Àÿêäæ$ö êþæ{œÿ
unique distinction of being one amongst the few Aeroengine manufacturers in the world. Applica- Óó¨õ Nÿ ÉçäæþƒÁÿæ™êÉZÿ ÓÜÿç† ÿ {¾æSæ{¾æS LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿ;ÿç >
tions are invited from eligible candidates in the prescribed proforma fulfilling the requirement for
following posts in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, for its Divisions at Koraput:
œÿç{”öÉLÿ, ÉçäLÿ Éçäæ œÿ{ç ”öÉæÁÿß F¯ÿó Àÿæf¿ Éçäæ,S{¯ÿÌ~æ H ¨÷Éä ç ~ ¨ÀÿçÌ’ÿ HÝçÉæ, µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´Àÿ
Sl No. Name of th e P ost ind ucti on Level No. of vacancies Qual ificat ion
1. Dirploma T rai nee SCALE- 0( 6) 10 First class Dip loma in con Affix r ecent pass port
APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF:______________________________ s ize photogra ph
(M echanical) cern ed discipline f ro m a duly a tte sted by a
Recogni zed i nstit ut ion, NAME OF THE EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE : _______________________ Ga zze tted officer .
2. Techn ician Trainee SCALE -C( S) 07 Nation al Apprent icesh ip EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE Regd.NO.____________________________ (D o not Pin or staple
the Photogra ph)
(W elder) certif icate (NAC) |n relevant (Please put () mark at the appropriate Box below)
trades from a recogn ized in DIPLOMA TRAINEE 1.MECHANICAL
stit uti on, candid at es pos
sessing on ly ITI certif icat e SCALE-D-6
are n ot elig ible. 2.MOULDER 6.GRINDER
3. Techn ician Trainee 12
(G rind er) Technician TRAINEE 3.WELDER 7.GORGE MAN/
4. Techn ician Trainee (SCALE-5) BLACKSMITH
(Forgemao/ Blacks mith) 15
5. Techn ician Trainee
(M ou lder) 20 1. NAME :
Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/XSM will be as per Government rules Note:Knowledge of Com- 2.PRESENT ADDRESS
puter application is essential for posts at SI No.1. (For correspondenc e):
RELAXATION CONSESSION : Minimum of first class or 60% of marks in aggregate of all the STATE PIN
semesters/years prescribed in the qualifying examination is relaxable upto second class or 50%
of marks in aggregate of all the semesters/years respectively in case of candidates in the Diploma
Engineering Examination. 4. DATE OF BIRTH : DATE MONTH YEAR
2.AGE LIMIT : From 18 to 28 years as on 01/11/2010 in case of GENERAL candidates. Upper age 5. AGE AS ON (01/11/2010) : YEARS MONTHS
limit is relaxable by 5 years in respect of SC/ST candidates and 3 years in case of OBC candi- 6. SEX : M/F 7.NATIONALITY
dates. Proportionate relaxation in upper age limit will be given to candidates having relevant
experience, subject to a max imum upper age limit of 35 years, in respect of Persons with
Disability (PWD), upper age limit is relaxable by 10 years, which will be over and above the 9.RELIGION
relaxation admissible for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC. Proportionate age relaxation will be 10. STATE OF DOMICILE :
given for candidates underwent National Apprenticeship training for posts at SI NO. 2 to 5 over 11. ARE YOU AN EX-SERVICEMAN : Y/N
and above the maximum age limit prescribed. Candidates belonging to OBC Category are required
to produce recently obtained Community certificate inproof of their community at the time of their
interview (not older than months as on 01. 11. 2010) in the format prescribed by Government of 13. Are you domicile of J & K during the period 01.01. 1980 to 31.12.1989 : Y/N
India, stating that they do not come under the creamy laver, from a competent Authority falling 14. Nearest Railway Station :
which they shall not be allowed to appear for interview. For candidates who had ordinarily been 15.EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : (Mention only required qualification details)
domicled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the peripd from 01 .01.80 to 31 .1 2.89, the upper
age limit is Relaxable by 5 years. Age relaxation is admissible to Ex-Servicemen as per Govern- TIME/ MARKS (AGGRE- YEAR OF
ment directives. CORR E- GATE OF ALL SE- PASSING
3. APPLICATION FEE : The application should be accompanied by a crossed Demand Draft of Rs SPOND ENCE MESTERS)
100/- whic h is non-refundable (ex empted in the case of SC/ST/PWD candidates ), drawn in
favour of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Koraput Division" payable at State Bank of India, sunabeda-
2 (Code - 1304) only. The Demand Draft should have been obtained between 15.11.2010 to
14.12.2010. Any other mode of Application Fee (viz. MO/Postal Order) will be rejected. "Candidates not possessing National Apprentice Certificate(NAC)for posts at Sl.2to5and candi-
4. SELECTION PROCEDURE : Shortlisted candidates will be called for written Test. Candidates dates possessing higher qualification than the required qualification need not apply. *candidates
srtort'ttsted based on the -performance in the written test will be called for trade test/interview, are required to enclose attested copies of certificates, Demand Draft along with the application
candidates qualified in the trade test will only be called for interview, instructions regarding 16. DETAILS OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION:
Written Test will bs intimated to the srtortriisted/eligible candidates individually. Candidates called F ULL/PART D ISC IPLINE/ C LASS/DI - PERCENTAGE OF
for interview will be paid IInd Class Train fare /Actual Bus fare by shortest route on production of TIME/ SPECIALISATION VISION MARKS (AGGRE-
proof of journey the selected candidates will be under training for a period of one year and will be CON TINUING UN IVERSITY CORR E- GATE OF ALL SE-
absorbed on satisfactory completion of training in the scale of pay as mentioned below. They will SPOND ENCE MESTERS)
be drawing stipend during their training period. Besides stipend, they will be getting Special
compensatory Allowance and Canteen Allowance as per rules.
induction Level Stipend (in Rs.) Scale of pay(in Rs.)
D(6) 10500/- 9,250-3%-27,170 17.ARE YOU HAVING COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE - Y/N
C.)5) 9975/- 8,750-3%-25,670 (Knowledge of Computer application is essential for posts at Sl.1)
Though HAL, sunabeda is having residential quarters but at this point of time it is running acute
shortage of such quarters. Therefore, the candidates selected will have to stay on their own; the IF Y, THEN MENTION BATCH
Company will provide Housing Rent Allowance (HRA) as per rule. 19. EXPERIENCE DETAILS
7.GENERAL CONDITIONS : Only Indian Nationals need to apply. Mere submission of application NAME OF THE CENTRAL GOVT./ DESIGNATION FROM TO BASIC/DA
will not entitle any right for claiming employment in HAL. Candidates serving in Government/Public ORGANISATION STATE GOVT./ OTHERS
Sector, Semi-Government organizations should produce NOC at the time of interview, Appoint- PSU/PRIVATE
ment of selected candidates is subject to receipt of satisfactory Medical Report from the company's
Doctor as per the standards of HAL and verification of Caste, character and Antecedents from
the concerned District Authorities as per the rules of the company. Canvassing in any form or
bringing outside influence will be a disqualification. Applications received in any format other than 20. DETAILS OF DEMAND DRAFT
that prescribed, applications received after due date and inc omplete applications will not be NAME OF THE BANK D.D. NUMBER D.D. DATE VALUE PAYABLE AT
entertained. HAL takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss in postal transit of any
application or c ommunication. Further HAL reserves the right to raise the eligibility criteria to
restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test/Trade Test/interview and also fill up (Code-1304)
the posts or alter the number of posts or even cancel the whole process of recruitment without 21. WHETHER YOU HAVE ANY RELATIVES IN HAL : Y/N
8. HOW TO APPLY: Eligible candidates may send their duly filled in applications in the prescribed WITH YOU NAME :
format along with Demand Draft & attested photocopies of relevant certificates in support of their
Date of 'Birth, Educational qualifications, caste.experience etc. toThe sr.Manager(HR-TM/PM),
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Sunabeda-2, Dist-Koraput-76300, orissa by ordinary post so as
to reach on or before 14.12.2010. The envelope should be superscribed with the title of the post
applied for. NOTE: 1. Candidates not possessing required qualification criteria as on 14.12.2010
need not apply.2. Candidates possessing higher qualification than the required qualification need
not apply.
RNI No. 52621/93, Postal Regd. No. BN/43/09-11 Approved by Govt. of India (DAVP, Min. of I & B) & Govt. of Odisha 20 to Nov. 26, 2010 16
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Ph.: (0674) 2370415, Mob: 9937440788 ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ > Ó¸æ’ÿLÿ ’ÿç¯ ÿæ 11sæÀÿë Óó™¿æ 6 sæ

A walk in interview will be held by the NCLP, Angul for the following
SHIKSHA ABHIYAN (SSA), GANJAM posts on 8.12.10 at 10.30 A.M. Office Chamber of PD, DRDA, SHIKSHA ABHIYAN, ANGUL
Angul. Eligible and interested candidates are advised to appear Applications in prescribed format is invited from desirous candidates for
ENGAGEMENT OF BLOCK RESOURCE the above interview with original testimonial in support of their engagement of 19 Nos. of Block Resource Teachers (BRT) in Angul district
(as stated below) with following terms and conditions.
TEACHERS ON IE. UNDER SSA. GANJAM qualification and experience along with 2 passport size photo-
Total No. of Block : 08
Applications are invited for engagement of 49 posts of Block graphs. They will also bring a,set of attested xerox copies of the
Total Requirement of BRT : 24
Resource Teachers on Inclusive Education (BRTs on IE) on testimonials. Existing BRT : 05 (VI-2, HI-2, CP-1)
1.PROJECTDIRECTOR-1Post, Eligibility -Retired Government Of- Now Requirement of BRT : 19 (VI-6, HI-6, MR/CP-7)
temporary and c ontractual bas is with a remunerati on of ficer, Honorarium-Rs.6000/-(P.M.), 2. FILED OFFICER-1 Post (Re- Terms & Conditions for engagement of Block Resource Teacher (BRT)
Rs.6500/- including Fixed TA of Rs.500/- per month under Sarva served for S.T.),Qualification-Degreefrom a recognized university a) Nature of Engagement : Contractual,
Sikshya Abhiyan, Ganjam. Interested candidates having requi- will Diploma in Labour Law/Labour Welfare/lndustrial Relation and b) Place of Posting : Block Headquarters
site-qualification (Minimum Passed +2 with Diploma/Degree in Personal Managementpreferencewill be given to the candidates with a Law c) Remuneration :Rs.6,500including Fixed Travel Allowance Rs.500.00 per
Special Education) may apply in the prescribed application for- Degree from recognized University and having working experience., month.
Honorarium - Rs. 4000/ d) Minimum qualification : +2 with Diploma/Degree in special Education (VI,
mats with a set of attested Xerox copy of all certificates (as HI, MR/CP).
detailed in the guideline) & 2 nos. attested photos on or before e) Age : Candidate should not be less than of 18 years and not above 42
tion :- Degree from a recognized Coliege with Stenography from a years as on 1st November 2010.
4th Dec. 2010 (upto 5 P.M.) through registered post or directly recognized institution with minimum typing speed of 60/min and f) Criterion for Selection: Selection shall be made on the basis of marks
at DPO; SSA, Ganjam, Chatrapur during official working hours. Dlploma in Computer application. Preference will be given to can- secured in the qualifying examinations.
The eligible criteria, Application format, documents required didates having working experience., Honorarium-Rs. 2000/-(P.M.) g) How to apply. Candidateshall submit their application with attestedcopies
and guideline and other details regarding engagement are avail- GENERALCONDITIONS:- of testimonials in person in office of the District Project Coordinator,
1.The candidates for the post should be within the age group of DWCRA Bhawan, SSA, Angul, on or before Dt.26.11.10.
able in the Dist. Project Office, SSA, Ganjam, Chatrapur and h) Nature of job : Work in itinerant mode i.e. to visit to school 8. village to
18-32 as on 01.10.2010(except for the post of Project Director)
the s ame c an also be downloaded from the Ganjam district village for providing resource support to the CWSN. He/she should not
2. The post is purely temporary and may be terminated at any time
webs ite w ww.ganj am.nic .i n and OPEPA w ebsite have any deficiency to work in itinerant (moblie), mode and should be
without assigning any reason thereof. capable of taking up extensive tours and field visit.
www.opepa.in. This office reserves the right to ac cept or 3. NO.T.A./D.A. willbe paid for appearing the interview. F ORM OF APPLICATION
reject any and all applications without assigning any reason 4. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel the Interview ENGAGEMENT F OR THE POST OF BLOCK RESOURCE
thereof. without assigning any reason thereof. TEACHER (BRT) UNDER SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN, ANGUL
Dist. Project Coordinator, SSA, Ganjam Collector-cum-Chairman, NCLP,Angul 1. Name of the applicant in full (in capital letters):
2. F ather's/Husband's name:
3. Permanent address for correspondence with Phone number:
4. Nationality:

Here’s your chance.... 5. Educational qualification: (attested copies of certificates should be

Sl. Qualific ation Institution/ %of Marks Remar ks

to power the Maharatna NTPC Board/Univers it y

8. Date of Birth (as per HSC qualification):

NTPC, India's largest power company with an Installed capacity of 32694 MW is presently operating 15 coal 9. Ags as on 1st November 2010 :
based, 7 gas based and 6 joint venture power stations. NTPC contributed nearly one third of the country's 10. Marital Status:
entire power generation during the year 2009-10 and plans to become a 75,000 MW power company by DECLARATION
2017. NTPC has moved ahead by dive rsifying Its portfolio to emerge as an integrated power major with I do hereby declare that the information furnished above
presence across the entire energy value chain. are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge
and beli ef. I am fully aware that in the event of any
REQUIREMENT/POSTS GENERAL INFORMATION information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my
AREA LEVEL POSTS LEVEL PAY SCALE candidature/engagement is liable to be cancelled/terminated
without any notice. Place : Full Signature of Applicant
Safety E2/E3/E4 15 E1 Rs. 20600-46500 Date
Doctor s E2A/E3 20 By order of Collector cum Chairman
E2 Rs. 24900-50500
En viro nmen t Managem en t E2/E3/E4 8 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Angul
Geology E2/E3/E4 4 E2A Rs. 24900-50500
Su rveyor E1/E2 5 Say goodbye... (Continuation P-1)
E3 Rs. 29100-54500
Assistant C hemist Trainees Trainees 40 behaviour till the end of the interview and the last day of work.
Take this opportunity to ask any questions about the payments or
Total 92 E4 Rs. 32900-58000
compensations that is due to you. Also if you have any company
property like keys, company issued mobiles or laptops return them
Interested eligible candidates should log on to our website: www.ntpc.co.ln/jobs or http:// ntpc.timesjobs.com before your departure and get appropriate acknow ledgment. You
for applying. Only on line mode of applications shall be accepted. Commencement of online Registration of might have performed to your best in this organisation and gained
HOW certain credits to your career. Be sure to carry documentations like
application is 13.11.2010. Last date for on-line receipt of application is 3rd December, 2010. Last date of receipt samples of your good works, projects, letters of appreciations, per-
TO of registration slip by post is 10th December, 2010. Eligible Candidates should go through the full text of the formance evaluation reports as value addition for your next job.
APPLY advertisement and the conditions given, while applying for the post(s). Full text of advertisement containing the Exit interviews are mainly intended to bring constructive changes
qualification requirement, minimum experience requirement, experience profile, upper age limit, reservations in the organisation's working environment. They should not become
against each discipline and general conditions can be viewed on our website. a mere procedural formality, rather the organisation and the depart-
ing employee should benefit from it.
P. V. RADHIKA faqs@ cnkonline.com

Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJ IT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Manche swar Indu st rial Estate, Bhuba neswa r-751 0 10, Printed at Ni jukti Khaba r Pra kas han , TS -3 /19 3, Ma nc he swa r I nd.Estate,
Bh ub a ne swa r-75 10 10 , Phone No.(0674) 258253 2, 2582533, 2 582534 FAX: 2582535, e- ma il : n iju kt ik ha b a r@g mail.c om Editor - SUDHIR KUMAR PANDA iµû\K - iê]úe Kêc ûe _Šû

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