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Name___________________________ Block________ Date___________

Heat & Temperature Worksheet

You may write on this, but there’s not enough room to work out the problems, so do them on your own paper.
1. How is temperature commonly measured?

2. How many degrees are between the freezing point of ice and boiling point of water on the Celsius scale?
Fahrenheit scale?

3. Why is it incorrect to say that matter contains heat?

4. What is temperature a measure of?

5. What unit is heat measured in?

6. In terms of differences in temperature between objects that are in thermal contact, in what directions does heat

7. What is meant by saying that a thermometer measures its own temperature?

8. What is thermal equilibrium?

9. What does it mean to say that a material has a high or low specific heat capacity?

10. Which expands most for increasing in temperature: solids, liquids, or gases?

11. If you drop a hot rock into a bucket of water, the temperature of the rock and the water will change until both
are equal. The rock will cool and the water will warm. Does the same principle hold true if the rock is dropped
into a large lake? Explain

12. Why do lakes and ponds freeze from the top down rather than from the bottom up?

13. Calculate the number of joules of heat needed to change 50 grams of water by 50°C.
14. Calculate the number of joules given off by 500 grams of water cooling from 50°C to 20°C.
15. Suppose a 30 gram piece of iron is dropped into a container of water and gives off 700 joules in cooling.
Calculate the iron’s temperature change.
16. What mass of water will give up 1000 joules of heat when its temperature drops from 80°C to 68°C?
17. When a 50 gram piece of aluminum at 100°C is placed in water, it loses 725 joules of heat while cooling from
30°C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of aluminum. You can check it on the table in your notes.
18. A 200 gram sample of water at 80°C is missed with 200 grams of water at 10°C. Assume no heat is lost to the
surroundings, what is the final temperature of the mixture?
19. A 400 gram sample of alcohol at 16 °C is mixed with 400 grams of water at 85°C. Assume no heat is lost to the
surroundings, what is the final temperature of the mixture?
20. A 100 gram mass of aluminum at 100°C is placed in 100grams of water at 10°C. The final temperature of the
mixture is 25 °C. What the specific heat of the aluminum?

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