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Esta historia pasó cuando los animales y humanos hablaban un idioma y el tigre tenía su pelaje

amarillo. Una tarde un búfalo regresaba a casa después de haberse bañado en el rio, cuando
apareció un tigre quien le preguntó que por qué trabajaba para un débil humano, este le dijo que
porque ellos poseían de “inteligencia” y con eso podían dominar a todos, el tigre decidió ir
comprar la inteligencia, pero el campesino notó que el tigre solo quería poder, entonces inventó
algo para poder amarrar al tigre, al regresar el campesino lo que hizo fue encender la cuerda,
entonces el tigre se empezó a quemar y a quedar con rayas negras en todo su cuerpo, las cuales
han venido teniendo desde entonces.

Mr. Tiger

This story happened when animals and humans spoke a language and the tiger had its yellow fur.
One afternoon a buffalo returned home after having bathed in the river, when a tiger appeared
who asked him why he worked for a human, he told him that because they possessed
"intelligence" and with that they could dominate everyone, the tiger decided to go buy l
intelligence, but the peasant noticed that the tiger only wanted power, then invented something
to be able to tie the tiger, when the peasant returned what he did was to light the rope, then the
tiger began to burn and to get black stripes all over his body , which they have been having ever

This story occurred when animals and humans spoke a language and the tiger had its yellow fur.
One afternoon a buffalo returned home after he had bathed in the river, when a tiger appeared
asking him why he worked for a human, he answered that they dominated them thanks to his
"intelligence", the tiger decided buy it, the peasant needed to get out of there but he realized that
the tiger only wanted power and invented something to be able to tie the tiger, when the peasant
returned what he did was to light the rope, then the tiger began to burn and marvel at stripes black
all over her body and you've been having her descendants ever since.

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