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Management Perspective

Dealing with comorbid sleep

disorders in pediatrics: are we doing enough?

Luci Wiggs*

Practice points
„„ Pediatric health professionals need to be aware that sleep disturbance is a common problem with
wide‑reaching effects for many children. It is especially likely to be present in children with intellectual
disabilities and those with medical, neurological and psychiatric conditions.

„„ Parents (and children) may not always ask for help with sleep, even when sleep problems are severe, adversely
affecting the child and placing considerable caring burden on their families. Clinicians need to routinely ask a
few simple screening questions to see if a more detailed follow-up assessment/referral is required.

„„ Consideration of predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors should include a combination of the
child’s underlying condition, its pharmacological management and family and environmental issues.

„„ Multiple sleep disorders may be present in one child and each one might require different forms of assessment
and management.

„„ Although some children may require referral to multidisciplinary tertiary sleep clinics, many could be being
helped at the primary and secondary care level if sleep problems were identified and trained personnel were
available to assess and manage sleep, and support families.

„„ Behavior therapy has a prominent role to play in the management of many common sleep disorders.

„„ Some sleep problems could be prevented by increasing parent education and providing support in the early
years, with relevant advice for parents of children at greatest risk of sleep disturbances.

SUMMARY Sleep disturbance is a common problem for many children and especially
likely to be present in children under the care of pediatric health professionals, although
many intervention/prevention opportunities are being missed. This is worrying in view of
the fact that resolving or mitigating sleep disturbance is likely to benefit the child and family,
and for some children with multiple and complex problems, might be one of the most easily
treatable problems with which they present. In considering ways in which sleep disturbance
is commonly comorbid with other pediatric clinical conditions (or aspects related to these

*Department of Psychology, Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK; Tel.: +44 1865 483 710;
Fax: +44 1865 483 887; part of

10.2217/NPY.12.65 © 2012 Future Medicine Ltd Neuropsychiatry (2012) 2(6), 487–495 ISSN 1758-2008 487
Management Perspective Wiggs

conditions), examples of the multiple and reciprocal relationships between sleep and
children’s health are highlighted and the fact that attention to children’s sleep should be
central to optimal pediatric clinical services is therefore emphasized. Suggestions for ways
in which this can be achieved include increased education (for parents and professionals),
routine preliminary screening for vulnerable children, the development of clear guidelines
for assessment, management and referral for use in primary- and secondary-level services
and, ultimately, an increased number of tertiary pediatric multidisciplinary sleep clinics.

Pediatric sleep disorders: their nature negative associations including cognitive defi-
& significance cits, poorer academic performance, behavioral
The International Classification of Sleep problems, increased reports of depressed mood
Disorders describes over 80 different sleep dis- and irritability and increased body weight [9–12] ,
orders grouped into the following broad cat- and may even be predictive of a poor psychiat-
egories [1] : insomnia (difficulty with sleep ini- ric state in adulthood [13,14] . Furthermore, dis-
tiation, duration, consolidation or quality, and turbed sleep in children is frequently associated
resulting in daytime impairment); sleep-related with impairments that extend beyond the child;
breathing disorders (disordered respiration dur- associations between childhood sleep problems
ing sleep); hypersomnias of central origin (pri- and general family stress, marital discord and
mary complaint of daytime sleepiness not due to parenting difficulties have been found [15,16] . As
disturbed nocturnal sleep or a circadian rhythm such, the need to identify, assess and manage
sleep disorder); circadian rhythm sleep disor- pediatric sleep disturbance (or even, where pos-
ders (misalignment between the individual’s sible, to prevent sleep disturbance in the first
endogenous circadian clock and the exogenous place) is paramount.
factors that affect the timing of sleep–wake, Many of the adverse effects can be reversed
or alteration of the circadian timing system); by removal of the sleep disturbance (see [17,18] for
parasomnias (disorders that intrude into the a discussion), emphasizing the importance of
sleep process; usually manifestations of CNS addressing sleep as a means of improving overall
activity); and sleep-related movement disorders functioning of the child and family. Indeed, for
(primarily characterized by relatively simple, some children with complex and/or multiple
often stereotyped movements that disturb or clinical conditions, sleep disturbance may be
are associated with sleep, resulting in daytime one of their more easily ‘treatable’ problems,
sleepiness/impairments). with benefits not only for the child, but also
The prevalence of different sleep disorders for the entire family.
within these categories among children of
course varies, depending on the disorder and Management of pediatric sleep disorders:
particular features of the child (e.g., age). How- barriers & service limitations
ever, in broad terms, disturbances of sleep affect Unfortunately, there is a strong suggestion
approximately 30% of infants [2] , school-aged that many children who have sleep problems
children [3] and adolescents [4,5] . Problems are do not receive adequate or appropriate help for
frequently long-standing with sleep difficulties addressing them. Reasons for this are likely to
at 6 months of age being associated with sleep be multiple and varied. For example, Blunden
problems at 5 years, which in turn increases et al. found that Australian school-age chil-
the risk of children having sleeping problems dren’s sleep problems were considerably under-
at 10 years of age [6] . Most of the children who reported by parents during general practice
are under the care of pediatric clinical services consultations [19] . Reasons for not seeking help
(i.e., children with medical, psychiatric and has been investigated among parents of children
neurodevelopmental disorders) are part of the with developmental disorders, where habituat-
‘at-risk’ populations that are known to be par- ing to long-standing difficulties, mistakenly
ticularly vulnerable to various forms of often believing that sleep problems were an inevitable
severe and persistent sleep disturbance [7,8] . and untreatable part of the child’s basic con-
The high rates of pediatric sleep disturbance dition, and unawareness of the problem – the
are significant in view of the fact that in both latter perhaps particularly likely with certain
typically and atypically developing populations, sleep disorders (e.g., sleep-related breathing
sleep disturbance has a number of wide-ranging disorders) – were all apparent [20,21] .

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Dealing with comorbid sleep disorders in pediatrics: are we doing enough?  Management Perspective

There also appear to be gaps in clinical medicine); it is therefore not surprising that a
knowledge among medical practitioners who wide range of intervention approaches might be
may not enquire about or recognize sleep prob- used [10,26,101] . A co-ordinated multidisciplinary
lems in children [22] . Chervin et al. found that approach to assessment and manage­ment is the
US pediatricians discussed sleep problems in ideal for optimal outcomes [27] . However, the
only 16 out of 103 cases over 2 years, treating sheer number of affected children realistically
only three of these [23] ; Owens reported that means that not all children will be able to (or
there were significant gaps in US pediatricians’ need to) access tertiary sleep disorder services
knowledge with only 34% of 626 pediatricians and a tiered approach is probably more appro-
confident about evaluating children’s sleep prob- priate. In order for such a system to work, one
lems and only 25% confident about approach- key aspect is that primary and secondary care
ing treatment [24] . This study also highlights the services need to be alert to identifying sleep dis-
relatively common use of prescription medica- turbance and equipped with the skills to make
tion for the treatment of sleep disorders (when basic assessments and, where appropriate, pro-
other approaches have a stronger evidence base) vide preliminary management advice or suitable
and, in other cases, the low levels of knowledge referral. Because behavior therapy is likely to
about sleep disorders that are potentially likely play a prominent first-line approach for many
to respond to medication (e.g., periodic limb common pediatric sleep disorders and might be
movement disorder or restless legs syndrome). used preventively [28] , efforts should be made to
Such findings fit with parents’ reports that ensure it can be accessed by families.
medication was commonly prescribed for their
child’s sleeplessness, although its effectiveness Considering comorbidity as a means of
was poorly rated by them [21] , and that parents improving patient care
often rate treatments poorly, regardless of their An appreciation by clinical staff and service
type [20] . Such inadequacies in the services planners of the multiple and reciprocal relation-
received by families are perhaps unsurprising ships between sleep and child health is a precur-
given that professional training in this field sor to improved services for the identification
appears to be limited [25] . and management of comorbid sleep disturbance
Such service limitations are of special con- where they are integrated into routine pediatric
cern because many possible sleep disorders may services. The following sections will highlight
have the same key presenting symptoms and it how attention to children’s sleep should be
is, therefore, imperative that a diagnostically central to optimal pediatric clinical services by
driven approach to assessment and manage- considering, with some specific examples, ways
ment, rather than a symptomatically driven in which sleep disturbance is commonly comor-
approach, is adopted to ensure success. For bid with other pediatric clinical conditions (or
example, ‘difficulty getting off to sleep’ is a aspects related to these conditions).
presenting symptom that might be caused by
a number of sleep disorders (each requiring a „„Comorbidity with other medical &
different focus of intervention), including those neurological conditions
relating to anxiety, poor limit setting on the It is perhaps difficult to think of an example
part of carers, an inappropriate sleep environ- where sleep has been shown to be unaffected
ment or disruption to the child’s body clock. by the presence of a pediatric medical condi-
Making the correct diagnosis (and management tion [29] . Sometimes, the sleep disturbance is
decision), therefore, requires a sophisticated directly caused by the medical condition, but
and broad level of knowledge so that one can the cause may also be associated pain or discom-
consider appropriate differential diagnoses. fort (e.g., for children with juvenile rheumatoid
It seems likely that the variable availability of arthritis, headache or eczema) [30,31] , associated
appropriate sleep services and specialists may also psychological distress or a combination of these
play a role in maintaining the situation, whereby things (e.g., in children with cancer [32]).
pediatric sleep disorders are not optimally iden- It should be noted that different types of
tified, assessed and managed. Sleep disorder epilepsy can be associated with sleep in a num-
medicine is a broad field that falls across many ber of ways [33,34] . Sleep may induce (or sup-
different health-related specialties (e.g., psy- press) seizure activity, sleep loss may lead to
chiatry, neurology, psychology and respiratory increased seizure frequency, seizures can occur

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predominantly (or exclusively) during sleep, combination and interaction of physical and
seizures may hinder sleep onset, disrupt sleep psychosocial factors, including medical, neu-
during the night, impact upon sleep architec- rological and psychiatric problems (and their
ture, reduce sleep duration and be associated treatment).
with daytime sleepiness (as a result of impaired Some sleep disorders may be specifically
night sleep, daytime seizures or as a consequence related to the child’s particular underlying
of anti-epileptic medication side effects). Elec- condition [8] ; for example, Down’s syndrome
trical status epilepticus during sleep, which in is associated with hypotonia and also a num-
itself may be asymptomatic, is associated with ber of other risk factors for narrowed airways
neuropsychological impairment such as cog- such as midfacial and mandibular hypoplasia,
nitive regression, behavioral disturbance and large posteriorly placed tongue, upper respira-
motor impairment; the link between the dura- tory tract infections causing enlarged tonsils and
tion of electrical status epilepticus during sleep adenoids, and a congenital narrowing of the air-
and neuropsychological outcome highlights the way. It is, therefore, perhaps unsurprising that
importance of early recognition and effective obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnea syndrome is
treatment [35] . frequently described in children with Down’s
The hospital environment itself might con- syndrome [43] . Sometimes there is an interac-
tribute to children’s (and parents’) sleep distur- tion between atypical physical functioning and
bance, causing fear and anxiety (either while psychosocial factors; for example, an abnormal
staying in hospital or in anticipation of an out- endogenous melatonin rhythm (in terms of pro-
patient visit), or disturb sleep because of night- duction, secretion, distribution or metabolism)
time noise and light levels [36,37] . It has been has been described in association with particular
noted repeatedly that the disruptive effects on syndromes, likely with a genetic basis (e.g., an
sleep can persist after discharge [38,39] , high- inverted rhythm in Smith Magenis syndrome
lighting the need for post-discharge monitoring [44] , a ‘flattened’ profile in autism [45] ), which
of sleep. in itself is likely to predispose to problems with
The link between sleep and a child’s medical sleep timing and/or continuity. However, the
state and care is of significance to pediatrics, not circadian clock is influenced by both endoge-
only because of the importance of good sleep nous and exogenous factors. Exogenous factors
for the child’s general physical and psycho­ that may play a particular role include reduced
logical functioning, as outlined above, but exposure to daytime light in some care envi-
also because reduced sleep or sleep disruption ronments where outdoor exposure is limited,
can predict health outcomes. For example, in reduced differentiation between ‘daytime’ and
children with asthma, sleep quantity predicted ‘night-time’ in terms of extent and nature of
next day peak expiratory flow and self-reported activities and the environment in which they
sleep quality predicted the severity of asthma occur, reduced flexibility to link key time-giving
symptoms; asthma symptomatology was not cues (e.g., bed times and meal times) to each
predictive of sleep measures, indicating the individuals’ particular sleep–wake rhythm for
potential benefits of targeting sleep behaviors as children living in group residential settings and
a means to improve asthma control rather than impaired learning of the association between
the other way around [40] . Furthermore, poor social time cues and sleep.
sleep adversely affects children’s perceptions Normal sleep patterns and behavior are both
of pain and may contribute to the difficulties biologically and socially determined, so in addi-
they have coping with their medical condition tion to atypical functioning of the structures
[41] , although this relationship may be partially and processes involved with the control of sleep
mediated by mood [42] . In addition, where chil- and wake states, the learnt elements of sleep
dren’s sleep disturbance impacts upon parents’ (e.g., where one sleeps and how one falls asleep),
sleep this is likely to further reduce the fami- which vary from family to family and culture
lies coping resources and place the unit under to culture [18,28,46] , must also be considered.
additional strain, as discussed further below. These learnt elements may be more challenging
to learn for children with intellectual disabilities
Comorbidity with intellectual disabilities
„„ or may be more challenging to ‘un-learn’ once
High rates of sleep problems in children with inappropriate sleep-related behaviors have been
intellectual disabilities probably arise due to a established.

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Dealing with comorbid sleep disorders in pediatrics: are we doing enough?  Management Perspective

„„Comorbidity with psychiatric & behavioral consolidated [63] . Antihistamines may be associ-

disturbance ated with sedation [64] , whereas corticosteroids
Bidirectional links between psychiatric condi- tend to be associated with increased wakefulness
tions (which are more common in children with during sleep and increased alertness during the
intellectual disabilities) and various types of day [65,66] . Theophylline (a respiratory stimulant
sleep disturbances have been noted. For exam- and bronchodilator) has been associated with
ple, anxiety and mood disorders may be associ- insomnia [67,68] . Studies with adults (limited in
ated with sleep disturbances including insom- number) suggest that the action of analgesics
nia, nightmares and bedtime refusals [47] . Sleep depends on the compound used; nonsteroidal
disordered breathing, motor restlessness during anti-inflamatory drugs may increase wakeful-
sleep, periodic limb movement disorder and ness [69] whereas opioids are associated with
sleeplessness can occur at higher rates in ADHD sedation and, importantly, respiratory depres-
[48] ; it has even been suggested that for some sion during sleep [70] . Pseudoephedrine and
children with ADHD, their daytime symptoms phenylpropanolamine (used to treat nasal con-
of attention difficulties and hyperactive behavior gestion and available in many over-the-counter
are caused by a primary sleep disorder [49] , with preparations) have also been associated with
‘ADHD symptoms’ reversed by treatment of the increased wakefulness in adults [71] .
sleep disorder [50–53] . Although there are gaps in knowledge about
It should be emphasized that challenging sleep-related medication effects in pediatrics,
daytime behavioral and emotional disturbance existing literature suggest that mindful moni-
may well arise as a consequence of sleep distur- toring of the effects of a child’s medications on
bance (if sleep is compromised in terms of qual- their sleep should be an important part of their
ity or quantity) and that successful treatment overall care, with attempts to maximize man-
of sleep disturbance has been seen to be associ- agement of their condition while minimizing
ated with improvements in daytime behavior. associated sleep disturbance where possible.
In addition to numerous positive anecdotal
reports, assessments of daytime behavior, uti- Comorbidity & the family
lizing questionnaires and analog rating scales, The impact of sleep disturbance in children fre-
have shown improvements following behavioral quently extends beyond the child, affecting par-
interventions for sleeplessness problems [54–56] ; ents and other family members [18] . Studies of
although not all studies support the idea that parents of sleepless, crying infants suggest that
improved sleep results in improvements in profound parental reactions are evoked, includ-
daytime behavior [55–58] . ing actually hitting, shaking or smothering a
child during the episodes [72] , or having fanta-
Medication effects on sleep
„„ sies about harming (and even killing) the child
A further consideration, is of course that medi- [73] . It is also well documented that mothers of
cations for co-existing medical, neurological sleepless children (both typically and atypically
and psychiatric conditions may in themselves developing children) have higher rates of stress,
have a disruptive effect on sleep in various ways irritability, anxiety and depression, and have
[59,60] . For example, classic anti-epileptic medi- more negative views about themselves, their
cations (e.g., phenobarbital, carbamazepine, child and their spouses [56,74–80] . For some chil-
valproate and phenytoin) have been associated dren with chronic illnesses, it may be the need
with reduced sleep latency, more slow wave sleep for parents to provide nocturnal care/monitor-
and daytime sleepiness. Newer anti-epileptic ing, rather than the presence of a sleep distur-
medications (e.g., gabapentin, lamotrigine, bance per se, that disrupts the parents’ sleep [81] .
vigabatrin and zonisamide) tend to have less Either way, the impact on the child (and the
of a sedating effect after the medication is family unit) of resultant sleep disturbance in
established but may still have variable effects the parents, and its negative sequelae, should
on sleep architecture [33] . Antidepressant drugs, not be underestimated.
such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Assessment of a child’s sleep should, there-
are frequently associated with insomnia and fore, include assessment of the impact upon
periodic limb movements [61,62] , and methyl- the family as this might suggest areas of clini-
phenidate for the treatment of ADHD appears cal need in the parents (successful treatment
to increase sleep latency although sleep may be for which might be expected to have knock-on

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benefits for the child), and might also have associated with services where there are individu-
implications for the feasibility of any indicated als who have taken a special interest in the field.
interventions. For example, behavioral interven- Examination of the many and multiple ways in
tions, often suggested as a first-line treatment which sleep disturbance is comorbid with child
for many common childhood sleep disorders, health issues emphasizes the need for assessment
require considerable time and energy commit- and management of sleep to be considered as a
ment from the families to be successfully imple- key and routine part of the child’s overall holistic
mented. Getting families to the stage where care at every level.
they have the resources to undertake behavior Awareness raising and education about ways
therapy (perhaps by using other short-term to promote good sleep, and also the significance
interventions or respite services) might be an and nature of sleep disturbance and intervention
important stage in management. The clinical possibilities needs to continue and be directed at
relevance of parenting factors for child sleep both parents and school staff. This should help
should not be underestimated and attention to ensure that some problems are prevented/cur-
needs to be paid to all family members [82] . tailed and that help is sought when appropriate.
The widespread availability of advice material
Comorbidity among sleep disorders
„„ for families will help achieve this [102,103] .
It should be remembered that multiple sleep dis- Greater emphasis on sleep disorder medicine
orders can exist in one child, with some combi- (and integration of sleep across topics) in teach-
nations being particularly likely. This highlights ing curricula for doctors, nurses, psychologists
the need for broad screening of problems in at- and other child health workers is needed. Across
risk groups and in children presenting with any general practice and pediatric services (including
one sleep complaint. The combination of sleep school nurses and educational psychologists), the
disorders present might be those that are thought routine screening of sleep for children who may
to share a common pathophysiology (e.g., peri- be particularly prone to suffer from sleep distur-
odic limb movement disorder and restless legs bance could help to avoid intervention oppor-
syndrome), or those with unrelated underlying tunities from being missed. Mindfulness of the
etiology (e.g., behaviorally based sleep disorders conditions and factors associated with comorbid
may be present in children with other sleep dis- sleep disturbance will help to alert professionals
orders of more physiological origins or arise as and to direct enquiries. Brief screening tools,
a secondary problem); high rates of co-occuring such as the BEARS sleep screening instrument
sleep disorders have been documented in chil- [85] , are practical and quickly administered.
dren with sleep disordered breathing, with other Positive responses to preliminary enquiries
commonly reported sleep difficulties including need to be followed by more detailed enquiry
behaviorally based insomnia, as well as enuresis, and referral to specialist services where appro-
bruxism and arousal disorders [83,84] . Of course, priate. Given the high rates of sleep disturbance
in such cases it may be necessary to use multiple (especially in some clinical groups), it is unre-
forms of treatment to address individual sleep alistic (and perhaps inappropriate) to expect
disorders, emphasizing the ideal for sleep disor- that all children would be referred to specialist
der services to be multidisciplinary and have a sleep disorder services. The delineation of clear
co-ordinated approach. assessment, management and referral pathways,
tailored to incorporate key factors of particu-
Conclusion & future perspective lar relevance to specific clinical groups, would
The field of sleep disorder medicine continues to facilitate a tiered system to the clinical process.
grow and, over the last decade, there have been The Autism Treatment Network Sleep Commit-
significant developments in public and profes- tee have drafted such guidelines for insomnia
sional awareness of the area. However, given the symptoms in children with autism and are cur-
widespread nature of the problems, the implica- rently evaluating their feasibility and usefulness;
tions they have for child and family health (men- the approach and development process should
tal and physical) and the gaps in service provi- serve as an excellent model to be applied to other
sion, there remains a need to build upon this and clinical groups/sleep disorders [104] .
to ensure that all children and their families are While practitioners in every field probably
able to access appropriate services and support, consider that their specialty needs more repre-
not just those who are fortunate enough to be sentation in pediatrics, it is argued that sleep

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Dealing with comorbid sleep disorders in pediatrics: are we doing enough?  Management Perspective

medicine should be considered a high priority access (e.g., with brief forms of treatment, low-
because of the sheer number of affected chil- cost delivery methods and identifying active
dren and the inter-relationships between sleep therapeutic components and their efficacy for
and various aspects of child and family physi- particular groups of children and different sleep
cal and mental health. To that end, the identi- disorders) should be a key research target for
fication of a dedicated ‘sleep specialist’ in each the future along with further exploration of
pediatric service would allow this person to be the potential for objective screening methods
trained (in fundamentals of assessment and (e.g., urinary protein analysis for the detection
management, which would be appropriate/pos- of obstructive sleep apnoea) [86,87] , which could
sible in nonspecialized settings, and also in local have a significant impact upon clinical practice
tertiary referral options) so that they could act and the lives of children and their families.
as a source of information and support for fam-
ilies and their clinician-colleagues alike. Such Financial & competing interests disclosure
an approach would also reduce the demand on The author has no relevant affiliations or financial involve-
overstretched tertiary sleep services, although ment with any organization or entity with a financial inter-
ultimately one would hope for a greater number est in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materi-
of multi­disciplinary pediatric sleep disorder ser- als discussed in the manuscript. This includes employment,
vices given the scope of the problem and diverse consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
nature of sleep disorder medicine. t­estimony, grants or patents received or pending, or
Although ensuring that families can access royalties.
appropriate support and advice should be a ser- No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
vice priority, an investigation of how to improve this manuscript.

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