Review Phonetic

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Part 1: Choose the correct answer.

(4,0 pts)

1. ………. is the word that starts with a voiced alveolar fricative and ends in a voiceless velar stop.
a. dance b. calculate c. zodiac d. fiction
2. ………. is the word that starts with a bilabial nasal.
a. breed b. need c. weak d. met
3. ………. is the word that starts with a voiced alveolar fricative.
a. fry b. calculate c. dance d. zeal
4. ………. is the word that ends in a voiceless alveolar stop.
a. want b. need c. weak d. mess
5. ………. is the word that contains a voiced velar stop.
a. age b. generous c. ghost d. jam
6. ………. is the word that contains a high back vowel.
a. pool b. good c. back d. spot
7. ………. is the word that starts with a voiced alveolar fricative.
a. zodiac b. calculate c. dance d. fiction
8. ………. is the word that ends in a voiceless alveolar stop.
a. wish b. need c. weak d. met
9. ………. is the word that contains a voiced obstruent.
a. manner b. butter c. twin d. lateral
10. ………. is the word that contains a voiced velar stop.
a. age b. generous c. dangerous d. get-together
11. ………. is the word that contains a voiced sibilant.
a. manner b. wish c. usual d. lateral
12. ………. is the word that contains a voiced sibilant.
a. mission b. casual/leisure c. wish d. church
13. ………. is the word that contains a high back vowel.
a. school b. good c. slot d. pack
14. ………. is the word that contains a mid low central vowel.
a. shut b. put c. shot d. pot
15. ………. is the word that contains a mid low front vowel.
a. dance b. pretty c. tea d. center
16. ………. is the word that contains a mid low central vowel.
a. pot b. put c. nut d. not
17. Which is pronounced differently from the other three words?
a. song b. sure c. sugar d. ensure
18. Which is pronounced differently from the other three words.
a. song b. sign c. sugar d. sun
19. Which contains the /f/ sound?
a. plough b. rough c. though d. thorough
20. Which is pronounced differently from the other three words.
a. desire b. design c. sign d. husband
21. Which doesn’t contain the /f/ sound?
a. cough b. rough c. enough d. thorough
22. Which transcription best describes the word measure?
a. /ˈmeʒə(r)/ b. /ˈm_ʒə(r)/ c. /ˈmeʃə(r)/ d. /ˈm_ʃə(r)/
23. Which transcription best describes the word commercial?
a. /kəˈmɜʃl/ b. /kɜˈməʃl/ c. /kɜˈməsəl/ d. /kəˈmɜsəl/
24. Which transcription best describes the word financial?
a. /faɪˈnenʃl/ b. /faɪˈnænʃl/ c. /fèɪˈn_nʃl/ d. /ˈfaɪnænsl/
25. In which word can tap ɾ appear?
a. future b. design c. partial d. pretty
26. In which word can tap ɾ appear?

a. future b. punctual c. partial d. party
Part 2: Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word/ phrase. (3,0 pts)

27. Voiceless stops are unaspirated after /s/ in words such as span, stand, scan.

28. Stops are unexploded when they occur before another stop, like in word rubbed.

29. Consonants are longer when at the end of a phrase.

30. Voiceless stops are aspirated when they are syllable initial.

31. /s/ has the same manner of articulation with /h/.

32. /t/ has the same place of articulation with /l/.

33. /n/ has the same place of articulation with /z/.

34. /v/ has the same manner of articulation with /h/.

35. In the word criticism, the nasal /m/ is syllabic.

36. Nasals are syllabic at the end of a word when immediately after an obstruent.

37. Alveolar stops are reduced or omitted when between two consonants.

38. Two fricatives /s, z/ are slightly labialized.

39. Two fricatives /~, 2/ are strongly labialized.

40. Velar stops are more front before front vowels.

41. In the word autism, the nasal /m/ is syllabic.

42. The sound /d/ is reduced or omitted in the word handkerchief.

43. In the at this, the sound /t/ is dentalized.

44. In the plinth, the sound /n/ is dentalized.

45. Skim is an example in which /k/ is unaspirated .

46. In the width, the sound /d/ is dentalized.

47. Stick is an example in which /t/ is unaspirated .
48. In many accents of English, /t/ is replaced by a glottal stop when it occurs before an alveolar nasal in the
same word.
49. The sound /p/ is unexploded/ unreleased in the word stopped.

50. The sound /k/ is aspirated when it is syllable initial.

51. /v/ has the same manner of articulation with /h/.

52. /`/ cannot appear in stressed open syllables.

53. The sound /a1/ is nasalized in the word fine.

54. Other things being equal, vowels are longer in stressed syllables.

55. A consonant is shortened when it is before an identical consonant.

56. The approximants /w, r, l, j/ are at least partially voiceless when they occur after initial /p, t, k/ .
57. A homorganic voiceless stop may occur after a nasal before a voiceless fricative followed by an
unstressed vowel in the same word.

58. In the word walk, the sound /l/ is velarized.

59. Stops are unexploded/ unreleased when they occur before another stop, like in word rubbed.

60. The lateral /l/ is velarized when after a vowel or before a consonant at the end of a word, i.e. /fiɫ/

Part 3: Transcribe the following sentence in both narrow and broad transcription. (3,0 pts)

61. Your computer’s not working today.

Broad: /jɔ(r)/ jə(r) kəmʼpjutə(r)z nɑt/nɒt ʼwɜ(r)kɪŋ təʼdeɪ/

Narrow: [jɔ:(r)/ jə(r) kʰə̃m̚ʼpʰj̥uːtʰə(r)z nɑːt/nɒt ʼwɜː(r)kʰɪ̃ ŋ tʰəʼdeɪ]
62. I have to get the thing fixed.

Broad: /aɪ hæv/həv tə/tu gɛt ðə θɪŋ fɪkst/

Narrow: [aɪ hæv̥/həv̥ tʰə/tʰuː gɛt̪ ðə θɪ̃ ŋ fɪkst] /v/ voiceless (thực ra là little
voicing: xem trong consonant allophones mục số 3, hơn nữa phía sau là voiceless /t/
nên /v/ bị ảnh hưởng)
63. What time’s the play?

Broad: /wɑt/wɒt/wʌt taɪmz ðə pleɪ/

Narrow: [wɑːt/wɒt/wʌt tʰaɪ̃ mz̪ ðə pʰl̥eɪ]
64. Your camel’s not working today.

Broad: /jɔ(r)/ jə(r) ʼkæmlz nɑt/nɒt ʼwɜ(r)kɪŋ təʼdeɪ/

Narrow: [jɔ:(r)/ jə(r) ʼkʰæ̃ml̩ z nɑːt/nɒt ʼwɜː(r)kʰɪ̃ ŋ tʰəʼdeɪ]
65. What is Ken playing?

Broad: /wɑt/wɒt/wʌt ɪz kɛn pleɪɪŋ/

Narrow: [wɑːt/wɒt/wʌt ɪz̥ kʰɛ̃ n pʰl̥eɪɪ̃ ŋ] /z/ voiceless (thực ra là little voicing: xem
trong consonant allophones mục số 3, hơn nữa phía sau là voiceless /k/ nên /z/ bị
ảnh hưởng)
66. My grandmother’s not walking today.

Broad: /maɪ ʼgrænmʌðə(r)z nɑt/nɒt wɔkɪŋ təʼdeɪ/

Narrow: [maɪ ʼgræ̃nmʌðə(r)z nɑːt/nɒt wɔ:kʰɪ̃ ŋ tʰəʼdeɪ]
67. She has to get the things fixed.

Broad: /ʃɪ/ʃi hæz/həz tə/tu gɛt ðə θɪŋz fɪkst/

Narrow: [ʃɪ/ ʃiː hæz̥/həz̥ tʰə/tʰuː gɛt̪ ðə θɪ̃ ŋz̥ fɪkst] /z/ voiceless (thực ra là có little
voicing: xem trong consonant allophones mục số 3, hơn nữa phía sau là voiceless /t/
và /k/ nên /z/ bị ảnh hưởng)
68. He has to get those things fixed.

Broad: /hɪ/hi hæz/həz tə/tu gɛt ðəʊz θɪŋz fɪkst/

Narrow: [hɪ/hiː hæz̥/həz̥ tʰə/tʰuː gɛt̪ ðəʊz̪ θɪ̃ ŋz̥ fɪkst] /z/ voiceless (xem phía trên)
69. What are they playing?

Broad: /wɑt/wɒt/wʌt ɑ(r)/ə(r) ðeɪ pleɪɪŋ/

Narrow: [wɑːt/wɒt/wʌt ɑː(r)/ə(r) ðeɪ pʰl̥eɪɪ̃ ŋ]
Part 4: Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
a. F Raising the velum enables the air to flow through the nasal tract.
b. T In the articulation of voiced sounds, the vocal cords are brought close together.
c. T Different sounds are created by changing the properties of the vocal tract.
d. F During normal breathing, the vocal cords are close together and vibrate.
e. F Most speech sounds are made by allowing air to flow through the nose.
f. F The glottis surrounds the vocal cords.
g. T A sound whose articulation involves movement from one vowel position to another is called a

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