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International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church

Territory of Asia, Diocese of Southern Luzon

Cathedral of St. John the Divine
Children’s Ministry
Evaluation and Financial Report as of and for the period ended June 30, 2019

I. Progress report for plans set for January to June 2019

a. Regularly visit the children in Malanday to conduct Sunday School
(Timeline achieved – January to March 2019)

b. Offer ‘Breakfast for a cause’ for fund raising

(Timeline achieved – January to June 2019)

c. Moving up Graduation for children reaching 13 years old/ Transition to Youth Ministry
(Timeline achieved – April 2019)

d. Set-up Children’s Class Organization

(Timeline achieved – May 2019)

e. Vacation Bible School (VBS)

(Timeline achieved – May 2019)

f. Conduct parents’ orientation – VBS continued

(Timeline achieved – May 2019)

g. Classroom beautification
(Timeline achieved – May 2019)

II. Trainings
- Teacher’s Training 101 (ongoing every Saturday at 3:00 p.m.)

III. Number of Ministers/ Teachers

- Active (7)
Sis. Janice Flores
Sis. Gillian Reyes
Sis. Joyceana Hade
Sis. Teresa Hade
Sis. Rebekah Velasco
Sis. Jo-anne Velasco
Sis. Danica Preconcillo
- Inactive (1)
Sis. Diane Preconcillo

IV. Financial Report (please see Appendix)

V. Attendance (Average number of attendees)
- 15 children (Ages 4-12)
- 7 teachers

VI. Problems encountered and possible solutions

a. Work overload for teachers
- Apart from teaching in Sunday School, most of the volunteer teachers are
involved in other ministries, thereby causing slight conflicts in time
management and in handling numerous tasks. Further, the ministry fund raising
‘Breakfast for a cause’ requires a lot of preparation giving the teacher/s an extra
assignment on top of teaching.

Possible solution
- Improvise teachers’ rotation matrix to have an effective distribution of tasks
(Implemented starting July 2019)

b. Snacks for Sunday School

- On a rotational basis, parents were given an assignment to extend financial
assistance to the Children’s Ministry to be able to provide snacks to children
attending the Sunday School. Without due prior notice or consistent follow-ups
to parents, the Ministry shoulders consequentially the entire cost of food.

Possible solutions
- Post to the Children’s Ministry bulletin board a monthly schedule of parents
assigned per week to increase responsiveness
- Consistently follow-up the assigned parents for the week thru sending text
messages before Sunday

c. Lack/ Shortage of budget especially during special occasions

- The Ministry’s main source of fund comes from the ‘Breakfast for a cause’ fund
raising. This supports the ministry expenses such as birthday gifts to children
and teachers, prizes for Sunday school activities, snacks for children (in case the
parents assigned were not able to provide), snacks for teachers during
meetings, and the like. Due to low sales in some weeks, the teachers were
encouraged to contribute so as not to compromise the ministry activities
requiring financial support.
- In addition, during summer, the Ministry strive to offer VBS program that
requires a lot of budget to make it a reality. Main source of fund is solicitations
and donations from church members and registration fees from CSJD
participants. The amount of collection will direct the number of children that
the Ministry can invite (outside CSJD community), free of any registration fees.
For this year’s VBS, due to low budget, the program was solely offered to
participants that paid the registration fees.
- Further, the mission to regularly visit the children in Malanday entails the need
for budget for gasoline/transportation expense and snacks for the children and
youth volunteers. Some were not able to join due to shortage of budget.

Possible solutions
- Promote further the ‘Breakfast for a cause’ fund raising to CSJD attendees by
posting encouraging messages on the Ministry bulletin board.
- Offer healthier delicacies to make the food more appealing to the customers.
- Aside from donations from church members, request the Church to yearly
extend financial assistance to VBS as part of the Church budget.
- If possible, take into consideration if the Children’s Ministry mission in
Malanday can be supported by the church’ Mission Development Fund (MDF).

d. Limited time to conduct Sunday School classes (8:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.)
- As mentioned above, the teachers had experienced slight conflicts in time
management given just 30 minutes allowance to conduct Sunday school classes
and then be prepared for the 9:00 am service as most of the teachers are also
involved in other ministries.

Possible solution
- New time slot to conduct classes implemented starting July 2019 (6:00 a.m. to
7:00 a.m.; 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.)

e. Non-attendance of some children

- There are few children who are unwilling to attend the Sunday school.

Possible solutions
- Teachers to encourage the parents and the children to always attend and be
participative in the Ministry’s works.
- Elders to give a talk to the parents to signify the importance of them taking part
in the spiritual development of their children by pushing them to attend the
Sunday school.

f. Inconsistent visitation in Malanday

- Due to the absence of the Ministry head and other concerns like budget, the
teachers and other volunteers were not able to consistently do the mission
work in Malanday.

Possible solution
- The teachers should be proactive enough to continue the mission work despite
the difficulties and other concerns.

g. Damages in the Sunday School Classroom

- Broken light bulbs and electric fans

Possible solution
- Escalate the concern to higher authorities.

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