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Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP) is the process for preparing and implementing a unit of instruction.

By understanding the community and school environment and the makeup of the classroom, you will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of your
students. In the first two weeks of student teaching, you should focus on learning about the students you will be working with. You are expected to teach the
unit you are preparing by the end of week 8.

Review the geographic, district, and school demographics of your student teaching classroom. Utilize the district or school website, your cooperating
teacher/mentor, or school administrator for this information. You may also use your state Department of Education website for statistical data on community
and school demographics.

Complete STEP Standard, 1 Part I that includes:

A. Geographic Location
B. District Demographics
C. School Demographics

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to
become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Please note, that in order to submit this assignment, you must:

1. Complete each section of the STEP Standard 1, Part II as directed in the course syllabus.
a. Note: Closing your internet browser before the signing process is completed will result in a loss of your work. If you will be completing this
document in multiple sittings, it is highly recommended to save and back up your work on another document. When you are ready to make
your final submission, copy and paste your responses into this document. The data from this electronic document will not be saved until you
complete the signing process.

2. Complete the signing process by entering your name, selecting “Click to Sign”, and entering your email address.
 An initial email will be sent to you to confirm your email address.
 A completed copy of the document will be emailed to you within minutes of confirming your email address.

3. Submit a completed copy to the appropriate LoudCloud submission space for grading.

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Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate Student ID:
First Name:
Last Name:
Marquez 20325255
Email Address: Phone: 951-892-2910 State: CA- California
Program of Study:
B.S. in Physical Education


Cooperating School State: If “Other” School State Cooperating School
CA- California Selected, Specify: City: Nuevo

Population of City: School Classification: If “Other” Classification

6,447 Charter Selected, Specify:
Facility Setting: Stability of Community: Perception of the Level
Rural Stable of Community Support: Low

 Discuss the possible effect these characteristics could have on planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.
 Cite the references used for this information.
We are shaped by where we grow up, who we surround ourselves with, our parents' education, our race, our culture, and our socioeconomic status. As instructors, we must
familiarize ourselves with the demographic structure of where we will be teaching to better plan, deliver, and assess what best helps our students academic success. For
example, if the stability of the community is in a state of decline, the students lifestyle at home may worsen. In a hypothetical scenario, the student might have to begin
providing financially which may reduce the amount of time he or she puts into their studies. Despite the experience and the level of expertise a teacher may have in his or her
content, the student may feel unmotivated when the time comes for the teacher to instruct. Being aware of what happens in the community and addressing issues and
providing solutions might be enough for the student to perform better. So, at times, it might not have to do with the way you plan, deliver, and assess, but simply just trying to
understand and connect with the student at a personal level might help to increase their motivation to perform better.

©2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

District Name: Nuevo Union District District Grades Served:

Number of Schools in Number of Students Percentage of Students in

District: 4 Enrolled in District: 2,881 the District Receiving Free 70.2%
or Reduced-Price Lunch:
 Describe the district demographic data, including statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it, for your cooperating school
Nuevo Union District has a number 4 schools in their district with an estimate of 2,881 students enrolled in the district. The district grades served are K-12 and about 70.2% of
those students are enrolled to receive free or reduced-price lunch. The Diversity index is 30 which indicates how evenly the students are distributed among the race/ethnicity
categories. In other words, the higher the index number the more diverse the school is. A school where all students are the same race/ethnicity would receive an index number
of 0. Sources indicate that the average class size in the year 2014-2015 is around 27+ students. The average class size was found by the number of students enrolled in class
divided by the number of classes.

 Discuss the possible effect these characteristics could have on planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.
 Cite the references used for this information.
The number of students in your class may have a great effect on the way you plan, deliver, and assess your unit. I like to believe there is more opportunities for teachers to plan
one on one discussions with their students and discuss the strengths and weaknesses a student might have in relation to the content the teacher is teaching. Also, I believe it
would be more realistic to reach out to 20+ students versus trying to reach out to 40+ students in each class you teach. The larger the class, the more difficult it could be to
manage and assess each students competence in the specific content (science, Math, English, PE). For example, if there were 15 students in my classroom, I would be able to
help students create a diet plan or an exercise plan and hold them accountable to what they eat and do for exercise weekly. Of course you can do the same for a larger class, but
I believe the work would be too overwhelming and time consuming. In other words, there is not much class time given to teachers in order to work with each student
independently. I want to clarify that teachers with large classes can be successful, but realistically some students won't receive the same attention a smaller class would and
some students might feel left out and unmotivated.

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Cooperating School Nuview Bridge Early College High Cooperating School Title One (I):
9-12 No
Name: School Grades Served:
Number of Students Percentage of Students in Academic Achievement 888th in California
Enrolled in School: 639 the School Receiving Free 65.7% Ranking/Label of the 88 in Riverside County
or Reduced-Price Lunch: School:
 Discuss the possible effect these characteristics could have on the planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.
 Cite the references used for this information.
Some of the characteristics above ,such as the number of students enrolled, can effect the planning, delivery, and assessment in regards to the unit you're teaching simply by
planning more accordingly and more ahead to be more prepared to teach a larger class. The ratio between teachers and students will never be proportionate, so over planning
is a must in order to achieve structure in your classroom. Understanding how you'll assess and deliver is crucial so students can have trust and comfort that their teacher is
competent enough to teach them what they must know and what is important for them to take away.


I, the above named, GCU student attest this submission is accurate, true, and in compliance with GCU policy guidelines, to the best of my ability to do so.
NOTE: The data entered into this document may be audited for accuracy. Students who engage in fabricating, falsifying, forging, altering, or inventing information
regarding clinical practice/ student teaching may be subject to sanctions for violating GCU academic integrity policies, which may include expulsion from GCU.

Teacher Candidate Date:

E-Signature: Alexis Marquez
Alexis Marquez (Sep 8, 2019)
Sep 8, 2019

©2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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