Types of Hybrid Orbitals

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Types of Hybrid Orbitals

Hybrid orbitals are hypothetical orbitals formed due to mixing of atomic orbitals in the same atom in order to
make a covalent bond. In other words, atomic orbitals of an atom undergo hybridization to make suitable orbitals for
chemical bonding. Atomic orbitals are found as s orbital, p orbital, d orbital and f orbital. Hybridization of two or
more orbitals will form a new hybrid orbital. Hybrid orbitals are named according to the atomic orbitals that undergo

Covalent bonds require a half-filled hybrid orbital from each atom. In an sp hybrid orbital, one s and
one p orbital combine. In an sp2 hybrid orbital, one s and two p orbitals combine. In an sp3d hybrid orbital
one s, three p, and one d orbital combine. In an sp3d2 hybrid orbital, one s, three p, and two d orbitals

Elements in the first two periods of the periodic table have only s or p orbitals. For these elements, there
is a maximum of one filled s and three filled p orbitals in the valence shell. This means there can be at
most four sp-type orbitals, as in the case of the sp3 hybrid orbital.

However, when some of the native p orbitals are empty, the hybridization changes. An sp2 hybrid
orbital is a hybrid orbital that forms when one s and two p orbitals combine. Consider boron, which has
only three valence electrons and therefore two empty p orbitals. Boron can form three covalent bonds, as
in boron trifluoride (BF3). For this molecule, boron must have at least three hybrid orbitals. This means
the s orbital and two p orbitals combine to form three sp2 orbitals, which have a trigonal planar geometry.
The third p orbital is left out of the hybridization.

An sp hybrid orbital is a hybrid orbital that forms when one s and one p orbital combine. Beryllium, for
example, has only two valence electrons, both in an s orbital, so it can form only two hybrid orbitals.
The s orbital and one p orbital combine to form two sp orbitals, which are linear.

Atomic orbitals
hybridize into new
orbitals with specific
geometries. The
number of orbitals
that combine is equal
to the number of
hybrid orbitals

sp Hybrid Orbital
These orbitals are formed when one s orbital and one p orbital are mixed. The resulting hybrid orbitals have 50% of s
characteristics and 50% of p characteristics. The spatial arrangement of sp orbitals is linear. Therefore, the bond angle
between these orbitals is 180oC. The atoms that undergo sp hybridization have 2 empty p orbitals.

sp2 Hybrid Orbital

These orbitals are formed when one s orbital and 2 p orbitals are hybridized. The resulting hybrid orbitals have about
33% of s characters and about 66% of p characters. The spatial arrangement of these orbitals is trigonal planar.
Therefore, the bond angle between these orbitals is 120 oC. The atoms that undergo this hybridization have 1 empty p

sp3 Orbital
These orbitals are formed when one s orbital and 3 p orbitals are hybridized. The resulting hybrid orbitals have about
25% of s characters and about 75% of p characters. The spatial arrangement of these orbitals is tetrahedral. Therefore,
the bond angle between these orbitals is 109.5oC. The atoms that undergo this hybridization have no empty p orbitals.
Differences between Atomic, Molecular and Hybrid Orbitals

Difference Between Hybrid Orbitals and Molecular Orbitals

Hybrid Orbitals: Hybrid orbitals are hypothetical orbitals formed due to mixing of atomic orbitals in the
same atom in order to make a covalent bond.
Molecular Orbitals: Molecular orbitals are hypothetical orbitals that are formed due to the mixing
(overlapping) of atomic orbitals of different atoms.

Hybrid Orbitals: Hybrid orbitals are formed in the same atom.
Molecular Orbitals: Molecular orbitals are formed between two atoms.

Antibonding Orbital
Hybrid Orbitals: Hybrid orbitals do not give information about antibonding orbitals.
Molecular Orbitals: Molecular orbitals give information about antibonding orbitals.

Both hybrid orbitals and molecular orbitals are hypothetical orbitals that show the most probable location
of electrons in atoms or in between atoms. They are very important in predicting the shape of a molecule.
The main difference between hybrid orbitals and molecular orbitals is that hybrid orbitals are formed by
the interactions of atomic orbitals in the same atom while molecular orbitals are formed by the interactions
of atomic orbitals of two different atoms.

Difference Between Atomic Orbital and Molecular Orbital

Atomic Orbital: Atomic orbital is the region having the highest probability of finding an electron in an
Molecular Orbital: Molecular orbital is the region having the highest probability of finding an electron of
a molecule.

Atomic Orbital: Atomic orbitals are formed by the electron cloud around the atom.
Molecular Orbital: Molecular orbitals are formed by the fusion of atomic orbitals that have nearly the
same energy.

Atomic Orbital: The shape of atomic orbitals is determined by the type of the atomic orbital (s,p,d or f).
Molecular Orbital: The shape of the molecular orbital is determined the shapes of atomic orbitals that
make the molecule.

Describing the Electron Density

Atomic Orbital: Schrodinger equation is used.
Molecular Orbital: Linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) is used.

Atomic Orbital: Atomic orbital is monocentric as it is found around a single nucleus.
Molecular Orbital: Molecular orbital is polycentric as it is found around different nuclei.
Effect of Nucleus
Atomic Orbital: Single nucleus affects the electron cloud in atomic orbitals
Molecular Orbital: Two more nuclei affect the electron cloud in molecular orbitals.

Both atomic and molecular orbitals are regions having the highest electron densities in atoms and
molecules, respectively. The properties of atomic orbitals are determined by the single nucleus of atoms,
whereas those of molecular orbitals are determined by the combination of atomic orbitals that form the
molecule. This is the main difference between atomic orbital and molecular orbital

Atomic orbitals depict the location where the electron can probably be found in
the atom whereas molecular orbitals describe the probable location in a molecule as a
whole. Atomic orbitals are named s, p, d, f and molecular orbitals are classified as bonding
and antibonding.

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