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SUBIECTUL I (10 items x 2p= 20p) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1) Mary ......................................... (go) to the gym every evening.
2) You can turn off the telelvision. I ......................................... (not/ watch) it.
3) Why ......................................... (you/ cry)? Is anything wrong?
4) She ......................................... (need) to buy a new jacket.
5) I promise I ......................................... (be) back on time.
6) She ......................................... (know) everything about you.
7) ......................................... (your mum, make) pasta for dinner tonight?
8) My little brother ......................................... (not/ like) eating vegetables.
9) Look! Those children ......................................... (swim) in the lake.
10) ......................................... (you/ do) your homework before dinner every evening?
SUBIECTUL II (10 items x 2p= 20p) Fill in the gaps with the comparative or superlative form
of the adjectives in brackets, adding any necessary words.
1) Ronaldo is ......................................... (talented) football player in the world.
2) The new shopping centre is ......................................... (big) the old one.
3) The Blue Whale is ......................................... (large) mammal in the world.
4) I think Geography is ......................................... (interesting) subject.
5) Nuts are ......................................... (healthy) crisps.
6) Today is ......................................... (happy) day of my life!
7) January is ......................................... (cold) month of the year.
8) My bike was ......................................... (expensive) yours.
9) The green coat is ......................................... (cheap) the black one.
10) York has one of ......................................... (rich) histories in England.
SUBIECTUL III (10 items x 2p= 20p) Choose the correct answer.
1) Sarah is a good dancer. Look at .....................!
A he B she C her
2) Tom is sitting ..................... to Helen.
A near B next C behind
3) ..................... any more chocolate! It’s bad for your teeth.
A Eat B Let’s eat C Don’t eat
4) I hate ..................... my room.
A tidy B tidying C to tidying
5) ” ..................... T-shirt do you like?”
”The green one.”
AWhat B Who C Which
6) ”Do you know Tim Smith?”
”He’s a friend of ..................... .”
A mine B me C my
7) I want to buy some new clothes, but I can’t find ..................... I like.
A something B nothing C anything
8) It’s hot. I ..................... the window.
A will open B open C opened
9) The baby was fast asleep ..................... midnight.
A in B on C at
10) The guests ..................... an hour ago.
A arrived B arrive C will arrive

SUBIECTUL IV (10 items x 2p= 20p)Complete the text with a word from the box. You do not
need to use all the words.

moon, everywhere, turned, cold, pocket, brave, home, closed, there, dream, excited, key, want, turned

Mum and Michael arrived 1) .........at midnight after a visit to Grandmother’s. There was no 2) ...........,
and there were no stars in the sky, so it was a dark night, and there were no lights in the house. Mum
looked in her bag for her 3) .......... to open the door, but it wasn’t 4) ..... . And it wasn’t in the 5) ........
of her coat. But Michael had a small torch in his bag. He 6) ..... it on and they looked 7) .......... again.
”What are we going to do?” whispered Mum. ”Dad’s at Uncle John’s house tonight and all the
windows downstairs are 8) ........ I don’t 9) ...... to camp outside all night!” Suddenly, they heard a
man. He opened the door. ”Who’s there?” he asked. It was Dad! ”It’s only us!” laughed Mum. ”Oh, ”
said Dad. ”I came home early from Uncle John’s. I was in bed. Come in. It’s 10) ...... and dark outside.
” ”We know!” said Michael and laughed.

SUBIECTUL V (10 items x 2p= 20p)

Read the story below and write some words to complete the sentences about it. You can use 1, 2,
3 or 4 words.
Anna’s best friend is called Emma, and Anna wanted to give Emma a birthday party – her first
birthday party because her parents usually take her to a restaurant for dinner on her birthday.

The party was a secret! On Sunday, the day of Emma’s twelfth birthday, Anna tidied the living room
in her house. Her older brother, Ben, and her little brother, Harry, helped her.Then Emma arrived.
Anna and Ben shouted ”Happy Birthday! We’re are having a party for you!” Emma laughed. She was
very surprised. Then Anna pointed to the table in the corner of the living room and said ”Look!” On
the table there was a big chocolate birthday cake. ”Wow!” said Emma. ” That looks great! Let’s have
some now.” Anna cut a big piece for Emma first, then some more pieces for her and Ben. She cut a
very small piece for Harry because he was only three.

Then Emma opened her presents and after that, they started dancing. Suddenly, Anna stopped and
said, ”Where’s Harry?” They found him behind the sofa. He had cake and chocolate on his face, hands
and clothes. ”Harry! You naughty boy!” said Anna. ”You’ve eaten all the cake!” But Harry only
laughed and said, ”More cake, more cake!”
”I think he likes my birthday cake,” laughed Emma. ”I did, too!”

1) Emma is Anna’s …………………………………… .

2) Emma usually goes to a …………………………………… on her birthday.
3) The party was …………………………………… .
4) Emma was twelve years old on …………………………………… .
5) Anna and her two brothers, who are called ……………………………………, tidied the
living room.
6) Emma was very …………………………………… when Anna and Ben told her about the
7) There was a …………………………………… on the table for Emma.
8) …………………………………… only had a little piece of cake.
9) Harry was …………………………………… when Emma, Anna and Ben found him.
10) Harry’s …………………………………… had Emma’s birthday cake on them!

 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
 Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
 Timp de lucru: 90 de minute.

Clasa a V- a

SUBIECTUL I (10 items x 2p= 20p)

1) goes 6) knows
2) am not watching 7) Is your mum making?
3) are you crying 8) doesn’t like
4) needs 9) are swimming
5) will be 10) Do you always do?

SUBIECTUL II (10 items x 2p= 20p)

1) the most talented 6) the happiest
2) bigger than 7) the coldest
3) the largest 8) more expensive than
4) the most interesting 9) cheaper than
5) healthier than 10) the richest

SUBIECTUL III (10 items x 2p= 20p)

1) C 6) A
2) B 7) C
3) C 8) A
4) B 9) C
5) C 10) A

SUBIECTUL IV (10 items x 2p= 20p)

1) home 6) turned
2) moon 7) everywhere
3) key 8) closed
4) there 9) want
5) pocket 10) cold

SUBIECTUL V (10 items x 2p= 20p)

1) best friend
2) restaurant
3) a secret
4) Sunday
5) Ben and Harry
6) surprised
7) (big) (chocolate) (birthday) cake
8) Harry/ Anna’s little brother
9) behind the sofa
10) face, hands and clothes

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