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Question Bank
1) Differentiate between Vectors and Arrays?
2) Write a program to implement the use of Vectors?
3) What are the various methods in Vectors?
4) Constructors and Destructors in Java?
5) What is the use of Final Keyword in Java?
6) Differentiate between Final/Finally and Finalize?
7) What are byte codes?
8) Errors Vs Exceptions in JAVA?
9) Write a program to handle Arithmetic Exception?
10) Explain JVM?
11) Class Vs Object?
12) Differentiate between C/C++/JAVA?
13) Multiple Inheritance in JAVA?
14) Applet Vs Applications?
15) Constructor Overloading/Method Overloading
16) Define Overriding in Java? Explain using Programming?
17) Jagged Array?
18) Wrapper Class?
19) Importance of JAVA?
20) Polymorphism in JAVA?
21) Why Java is called Platform Independent?
22) Packages in Java?
23) Write a program to implement Packages in Java?
24) Difference between AWT and SWINGS?
25) Write a program to implement the use of Bitwise Operators?
26) Features of Object Oriented Programming?
27) Looping Statements in JAVA?
28) Event Handling in Java by using button and text field?
29) What is Java AWT?
30) Write a Program to demonstrate the use of File & data Input/ Output stream?
31) Why Exception Handling is required? How it is done?
32) How arrays are declared in Java Program? Write a program to multiply two matrices?
33) What is CLASSPATH?
34) What are parameterized Constructors?
35) Give the brief history of Java?
36) What are the various operators in Java?
37) What are interfaces in JAVA? What is the difference between inheritance and interfaces?
38) Write a program to add two numbers using applets?
39) What is an abstract class? What is its use in Java?
40) What is the importance of JAVA?

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