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The Director,
Shree Institute of Management,

Sub: Publication\Presentation of write up on topic-“inflation: beast of terror” and Self-


Respected sir,

I have conducted a thorough study and have collected information under heading
“inflation: beast of terror” The abstract is enclosed for publication/presentation. The write
up has neither published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.

With thanks and on early reply and action from you’re ends.

DATE: 31/07/2010 Yours Sincerely

Alka Tiwari (Asst.Prof.) and Ankur Saxena

(Asstt.Prof.), MBA Department, NRI
Institute, Sajjan singh Nagar, Bhopal
-462041, (M.P.)
1. Mr. ANKUR SAXENA, MBA from PIPS, Devi Ahilya
University, Indore. I am NET qualified and presently
pursuing Ph.D. programme in management under the
guidance of Dr .R. K. Bharti (Sagar University). I am
having more than 3yr industrial and 4yr teaching
experience. At present working as Asstt. Prof. in NRI
College, Bhopal.

2. Ms. Alka Tiwari, MBA from CRIM, Bhopal. I am

presently pursuing Ph.D. programme in management under
the guidance of Dr .P. K.Mishra (VC DAVV University). I
am having 8yr teaching experience. At present working as
Asstt. Prof. in NRI College, Bhopal.

1. MBA Department
NRI College, Sajjan Sing Nagar, Bhopal -462041, (M.P.) .
2. A/2-108, Sagar Estates, Ayodhya by pass road, Bhopal,
M.P., PIN- 462041

Email: 09926578383

Inflation: beast of terror

Asst. Prof. Ankur Saxena & Alka Tiwari

Now a day’s fear of inflation is more than global terrorism. The government has
already taken several fiscal and administrative measures but According to the data
released on May of 2010, the inflation rate in India was 13.91 percent, and
companies/consumers can expect more stronger measures on the demand and the
Monetary and Fiscal side.

India has been the cynosure for the past few years in the global economic arena owing to
its changing inflation patterns. Between the fiscal year 2004-05 and 2007-2008, India had
experienced an average growth rate of more than 9%, but the global crunch pinched the
economy so hard that the economy gave in to the adverse external shocks and few sectors
experienced a slump.

Indian government need to look beyond core and headline inflation, and also target
commodity and asset price inflation while formulating monetary policy. They must
follow a more market – based approach.The need of the hour is to achieve self –
sufficiency in products like food grain and cooking oil to bridge the demand – supply

With the help of this paper we are trying to analyze present situation and trying to
suggest some measures.

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