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Blackleg in ruminants

Article  in  CAB Reviews Perspectives in Agriculture Veterinary Science Nutrition and Natural Resources · January 2010
DOI: 10.1079/PAVSNNR20061040


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Nicodemus M Useh
University of Agriculture, Makurdi


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CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 2006 1, No. 040


Blackleg in ruminants
N. M. Useh1,*, A. J. Nok2 and K. A. N. Esievo1

Address: 1 Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,
Nigeria. 2 Department of Biochemistry, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

*Correspondence: N. M. Useh. Email:

Received: 2 August 2006

Accepted: 5 October 2006

doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR20061040

The electronic version of this article is the definitive one. It is located here:

g CABI Publishing 2006 (Online ISSN 1749-8848)


Blackleg is a per acute or acute and fatal disease of cattle and sheep caused by Clostridium chauvoei
Jakari, Vom and K76 strains in Nigeria, strains NCTC 8070 and 8361 in UK, strain 49 in India and
other parts of Asia, strain NC08596 in Germany and other parts of Europe and America, strains
ch.16 and ch.22 in Mozambique and Tanzania and strain Awasa in Ethiopia, respectively. The
haematological and biochemical changes observed in ruminants with blackleg include haemo-
concentration (increased packed cell volume, haemoglobin concentration, red blood cell counts,
and total plasma protein concentration), increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), decrease
in total and differential leucocyte counts (leucopaenia, panleucopaenia i.e. lymphopaenia, neu-
tropaenia, eosinopaenia and monocytopaenia), thrombocytopaenia, increased plasma neur-
aminidase activity, increased erythrocyte surface and plasma sialic acid concentration, increased
levels of serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate amino-
transferase (AST) and increased creatine kinase (CK) activity. The leucopaenia and decrease in
differential leucocyte counts, increase in plasma sialic acid concentration and decrease in ery-
throcyte surface sialic acid levels were attributed to the action of neuraminidase, whose activity is
increased in the plasma in clinical blackleg. The neuraminidase produced by C. chauvoei is reported
to possibly play a significant role in the inflammation and vascular permeability which are observed
in blackleg. The pathological changes observed in cattle, sheep and deer with blackleg are
essentially similar and are discussed. Some herbal remedies (Tamarindus indicus and Combretum
fragrans) have been used by the transhumance (nomadic) Fulani pastoralists of rural Nigeria to
successfully treat the disease. The economic losses of ruminants to the disease have not been
quantified in most countries of the world, but in Nigeria, annual losses of cattle to it have been
estimated at US$4.3 million. Vaccination has remained the best control strategy against the disease,
which is endemic in Africa, USA, Central and Southern America, Asia and Europe.

Keywords: Blackleg, Ruminants, Clostridium chauvoei

Introduction 1929 [6] and has remained a major problem of cattle in

the country. Although vaccination against it has been
Blackleg is a fatal disease of cattle and sheep mainly (but carried out since 1930, sporadic outbreaks are recorded
has also been reported in deer and other animal species), annually.
caused by Clostridium chauvoei, and was first reported in C. chauvoei ( Jakari strain), which causes blackleg in
1870 [1]. Other synonyms of the disease are: black- indigenous Nigerian cattle, has been found to produce
quarter, emphysematous gangrene, symptomatic anthrax, neuraminidase [7]. Studies on this enzyme have not been
quarter ill [2], gangrenous myositis [3], clostridial myositis carried out in the Vom and K76 strains, which have also
of ruminants [4] and clostridial myocarditis (blackleg of been isolated in clinical cases of blackleg in the country.
the heart) [5]. In Nigeria, the disease was first reported in Neuraminidases (sialidases, EC are involved in
2 Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources

the pathogenesis of infectious diseases, whose aetiologic

agents produce the enzyme [8–13]. The use of neur-
aminidase inhibitors to manage blackleg is a potential
therapeutic strategy that is currently being assessed [14].
This review article provides detailed background infor-
mation on the aetiology, susceptible hosts, epidemiology,
haematology and biochemical changes, pathogenesis,
pathological findings, differential diagnosis, diagnosis,
management, prevention and control of the disease.


Blackleg is caused by C. chauvoei. The organism was named

after Professor J. A. B. Chauveau, a French bacteriologist Figure 1. A Zebu calf with blackleg on sternal recum-
[15], and 23 strains of the bacterium have been described
[16]. In Nigeria, Jakari, Vom and K76 strains have been
incriminated as the aetiologic agents of the disease [17,
18], while NCTC 8076 and 8361 [19], strain 49 [20], 100% [29, 30]. C. chauvoei has been isolated in 30% of
strain NC 08596 [19], strains ch.16 and ch.22, strain postmortem specimens in Nigeria [6].
Tukyu and strain Awasa [21] have been reported to cause The incubation period of blackleg may either be 1–5
blackleg in UK, India and other parts of Asia, Germany, days [2] or 2–5 days [28]. The clinical signs in the per
other parts of Europe and the Americas, Mozambique, acute form of the disease are so short-lived that they are
Tanzania and other parts of east Africa and Ethiopia, usually not observed [20]. The acute form of the disease is
respectively. These strains are also responsible for the the most commonly reported [3]. The observable clinical
disease in both the natural and accidental hosts [22]. signs associated with blackleg in cattle (see Figure 1)
include marked lameness with pronounced swelling of
the affected limbs, marked depression, anorexia, ruminal
Susceptible Hosts stasis, high pulse rate (100–120/min), acute rumen tym-
pany, high temperature (41 C) [36], protruding tongue,
Blackleg is a fatal disease of cattle and sheep, but out- tongue and throat swelling; oedema, emphysema and
breaks have been reported in deer [1], pig [23], horse crepitation of affected heavy muscles, marked respiratory
[24] and ostrich [25]. C. chauvoei has been isolated distress, stiffness of thigh muscles and reluctance to move;
from hens with a disease of complex aetiology [26] and and discoloured, dry and cracked skin [37]. The clinical
wounds of dogs and cats [27]. Another report suggests signs of the disease in sheep are the same as in cattle,
that horses, rabbits, mice and pigeons are resistant to except that crepitation may not be palpable in the swelling
the disease [28]. In cattle, the disease mostly affects during life [22, 36].
young stock between the ages of 6 months and 2 years The clinical signs observed in hill bulls experimentally
[29, 30]. infected with C. chauvoei [20] are similar to those report-
ed by other authors [36, 37] in natural infections. The
course of disease was acute, and per acute cases were not
Epidemiology encountered. The authors were of the view that the
factors responsible for determining the course of infec-
Blackleg is an endemic disease in both developed and tion in blackleg need to be investigated further. It has been
developing countries of the world and is a well-known suggested that acquired immunity, nutritional status and
cause of financial loss to cattle raisers in many parts of age, besides other undetermined factors may be respon-
the world [30]. The economic losses of ruminants to the sible for the course of the disease [38]. The clinical pre-
disease have not been quantified in most parts of the sentation of blackleg in deer [1] and horse [24] is similar
world, but in Nigeria, the losses of Zebu cattle alone to to the clinical picture reported in cattle, while in sheep,
the disease have been estimated at US$4.3 million annually subcutaneous oedema is not common and gaseous cre-
(600 million naira) [31]. In USA, Latin America, India and pitation is usually not observed before death [22, 36]. The
other parts of Asia and Europe, the economic losses of clinical presentation of clostridial myocarditis (also known
ruminants to blackleg have not been estimated, but it has as myocarditis due to C. chauvoei or blackleg of the heart)
been reported that the disease causes major economic has been described in cattle [5, 39–42] and sheep [42] and
losses in cattle and minor losses in sheep [30, 32–35]. The is usually not pathognomonic for the disease, except for
disease is enzootic in areas associated with flooding and the short duration from onset to death. Depression,
the case fatality rate of blackleg may at times approach dyspnoea and recumbency of approximately 81 h are
N. M. Useh, A. J. Nok and K. A. N. Esievo 3

observed. Clostridial myocarditis is rare in cattle, sheep [10, 45] and this report gave credence to the leucopaenia
and deer all over the world [5]. reported in blackleg.
Serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine
aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase
Haematological and Biochemical Changes (AST) are significantly increased during the course of the
disease. The values of creatine kinase (CK; 2800 IU/l), ALT
Hypovolaemia occurs in later stages of blackleg [43]. (66 IU/l), AST (233 IU/l) and LDH (201 IU/l) significantly
Studies on the haematological and biochemical alterations increased [43], in agreement with other reports [46, 47].
in hill bulls experimentally infected with C. chauvoei [20] The increase in CK, AST and LDH were attributed to
showed that such hill bulls developed haemoconcentra- skeletal and to some extent cardiac muscle damage, while
tion, which was evident by significantly increased ery- the increased ALT values appeared to be due to hepatic
throcyte count (8.661012/l), haemoglobin (150 g/l) and damage [48]. Blood glucose values did not show any
haematocrit (0.44/l). This was associated with fluid exu- definite pattern, as it increased in some groups of infected
dation in subcutaneous tissues and muscles and serous animals (8.1 mmol/l) and decreased in others (4.1 mmol/l).
effusions in the body cavities. Thrombocyte and total This agrees with the findings of other authors [49, 50].
leucocyte counts were significantly decreased initially at The elevated and depleted glucose levels observed in
1–3 days post-infection (180109/l and 4.91109/l). Lym- infected hill bulls respectively may be due to disturbances
phocytes also correspondingly decreased (4.47109/l). in carbohydrate metabolism caused by C. chauvoei. It was
These findings are in consonance with the findings in concluded that more work should be carried out to
bacterial infections. The fluid exudation in subcutaneous explain this finding.
tissues and serous effusions in the body cavities aggra- The haematological changes in cattle and sheep with
vated the haemoconcentration and hence the elevated natural infections of C. chauvoei include haemoconcen-
values of the haemogramme. The possible cause of the tration (due to dehydration following oedema and an-
thrombocytopaenia could be toxaemia [44], while the orexia, increases in packed cell volume, haemoglobin
leucopaenia may have occurred as a result of the concentration and total erythrocyte counts), and panleu-
destruction of leucocytes by the effusing toxins in tissues. copaenia (decreased total leucocyte counts due to
It was suggested that the effect of toxins on circulating lymphopaenia, neutropaenia, eosinopaenia and mono-
leucocytes and thrombocytes need to be studied further cytopaenia) [22, 31], while the biochemical changes in
[20]. In another study [31], there was increased ery- cattle with natural infection that have been reported
throcyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in Zebu cattle experi- include increases in plasma neuraminidase activity and
mentally infected with C. chauvoei ( Jakari strain) and peak plasma sialic acid and decreased erythrocyte surface sialic
values of ESR were attained on day 3 (72 h) post-infection. acid concentrations [31]. The changes in serum levels of
The ESR remained significantly higher in the infected than LDH, ALT, AST, CK and glucose are similar to those
the control animals from day 7 to day 21 post-infection, at described in experimental infections [22]. The biochem-
a time when the oedema and haemoconcentration that ical changes in sheep with natural blackleg are similar to
preceded this time had subsided. The statistically sig- the description in cattle [22], while the haematological
nificantly higher ESR was accompanied by low packed cell and biochemical changes in deer, pig and horse with
volume from day 7 post-infection, suggesting that anaemia blackleg have not been investigated.
may have occurred in the early stage of the disease,
especially on day 3 (72 h) post-infection, but was masked
by haemoconcentration. The low mean packed cell Pathogenesis
volume persisted up to day 21 (413 h) when the experi-
ment was terminated. Since increased ESR is associated There is no consensus on the pathogenesis of blackleg
with anaemia, the author concluded that anaemia may be a [20]. In the 1960s, some authors believed that C. chauvoei
haematological change associated with blackleg, but is enters the host animal through the oral route and intes-
usually not observed clinically because of haemoconcen- tine, mixed with putrefactive material. Thereafter, the
tration which occurs as a result of diarrhoea (dehydra- vegetative forms of the organism enter the circulation
tion), oedema and anorexia. before localizing in injured or poorly drained muscles [2].
The decrease in total leucocyte (leucopaenia) and dif- Another report [36] suggests that the infection is
ferential leucocyte counts (lymphopaenia, neutropaenia, acquired by ingestion of spores, which are probably taken
eosinopaenia and monocytopaenia) observed in blackleg across the alimentary mucosa in macrophages and then
was attributed to the action of neuraminidase, whose distributed to the tissues including muscles. The spores
activity was higher in the plasma of blackleg-infected Zebu reside in the muscle as a latent infection and later become
cattle, compared with their apparently healthy counter- activated and vegetative when the muscle is injured in
parts [31] in both natural and experimental infections. some manner with a lowering of its oxidation–reduction
Leucopaenia has also been linked to the activity of neur- potential. This leads to anaerobiosis and reduced hydro-
aminidase produced in vivo by pathogenic trypanosomes gen ion concentration (pH) in the muscles, thus providing
4 Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources

a favourable environment for the germination of the achieved in the pyrexic phase of the disease [20] and it
spores to cause blackleg [51]. High rainfall is a known was predicted that during the pyrexic phase, the removal
predisposing factor to blackleg [5, 52], as the spores are of sialic acid from the muscles by the enzyme may reach
dispersed to far areas to become vegetative and infective the peak. The neuraminidase at the optimum pH and
during grazing. Soil excavation has been reported to also temperature desialylated haemoglobin-free erythrocyte
predispose ruminants to blackleg [53]. Vaccination could membranes (ghosts) of cattle, sheep, goat and horse at a
also be a source of trauma which may predispose to statistically significant rate (P < 0.001) in vitro to further
infection, by creating a favourable condition for the confirm that optimum pH and temperature of the enzyme
growth of latent spores through needle punctures in are critical parameters required to cause muscle damage
muscles [54, 55]. in clinical blackleg [51].
This sequence of events that leads to clinical blackleg as High neuraminidase activity was detected in the
described previously [36] seems to disagree with the oedema fluid in blackleg and the neuraminidase was
report of Merchant and Barner [2] who believed that identified as a potent mediator of inflammation and vas-
spores germinate before they reach the muscle. The later cular permeability. It cleaved sialic acid from the blood
authors are silent on any trigger mechanisms that may vessels to cause diapedesis (vascular permeability) and
promote or cause the germination of C. chauvoei spores in oedema [31]. Slauson and Cooper [59] and Kumar et al.
the muscles, such as injury. C. chauvoei spores were found [60] had earlier reported other mediators of inflammation
in the livers and spleens of normal cattle [56]. This gave and vascular permeability in some animal and human dis-
further credence to the report that there must be injury eases to include histamine, leukotrienes (C4, D4 and E4),
for spores to germinate and cause disease. The finding cytokines (interleukin-1, IL-1; tumour necrosis factor-a,
was collaborated by the report that the mere presence of TNF-a), plasma kinins (bradykinins), serotonin, platelet-
C. chauvoei spores in the muscles of animals does not activating factor, interferon, complement fragments
mean any harm [57]. To become pathogenic, the spores (anaphylatoxins C5a and C3a) and prostaglandins.
must be made to germinate during experimental infection Whether these mediators of inflammation and vascular
by causing injury in the muscles and liver using calcium permeability are produced in blackleg has yet to be
chloride [58], sharp objects [57] or dilute solutions of investigated and still remains open to research.
saponins [54].
The suggested mechanisms of blackleg as outlined
above are believed to occur in cattle and sheep, including
deer, pig and horse which are unconventional hosts of Gross Pathological Picture
C. chauvoei [31, 49].
The gross pathological changes associated with blackleg in
cattle have been described previously [36]. They include
The Role of Toxins swollen and bloated carcasses, blood-stained froth in the
nose, blotchy haemorrhages on the conjunctiva, palpable
The role of toxins in the pathogenesis of C. chauvoei crepitation of affected muscles, dark-coloured muscles,
infection in hill bulls has been investigated [20]. It was haemorrhages in the parietal pleura, blood-stained clots of
reported that the toxins initiated a humoral immune fibrin on the ventral mediastinum and epicardium, con-
response in the spleen, leading to hyperplasia of the gested lungs with intestinal oedema and haemorrhages;
malphigian corpuscles in the spleen. The congestion, pale and friable myocardium, foci of emphysematous
haemorrhagic and degenerative foci in the liver and kidney myositis and necrosis and the spleen may be normal or
were also attributed to toxins. The toxins also caused enlarged with congested mushy pulp. This description
destruction of leucocytes and platelets leading to leuco- tallies with the report of other authors [37]. The gross
paenia and thrombocytopaenia, respectively. lesions in sheep closely resemble those in cattle, except
The role of neuraminidase in the pathogenesis of that there is less gas and the affected muscles remain
blackleg has not been properly researched, although there moist rather than dry [22]. The gross lesions in deer [1]
is a report that the enzyme assists in spreading the disease are typically similar to those described in cattle. Pectoral
in infected tissues [8]. An in vitro study on the char- oedema is observed in horse [24].
acterization and possible role of neuraminidase in the The gross pathological changes observed in blackleg of
pathogenesis of blackleg [7] revealed that C. chauvoei the heart in cattle and sheep [5, 41, 42] include irregular
(Jakari strain) neuraminidase has optimum pH and tem- dark areas of myocardial necrosis through the full thick-
perature of 4.5 and 40 C, respectively. The low pH was ness of the atrial and ventricular myocardium, severely
thought to be significant in promoting anaerobiosis, congested and haemorrhagic myocardium, moderate–
muscle damage, removal of sialic acid from muscles of excess blood-stained pericardial fluid, congested and
infected animals and pathological spread of the disease in oedematous lung, severely congested liver, excess pleural
the tissues of infected animals [51]. The optimum tem- and peritoneal fluid, moderately enlarged and pulpy spleen
perature of 40 C coincided with the highest temperature and no lesions in the skeletal muscles.
N. M. Useh, A. J. Nok and K. A. N. Esievo 5

Histopathological Picture Certain immunodiagnostic tests such as tube aggluti-

nation test, agar gel double immunodiffusion (DID) test
In cattle, myonecrosis, oedema, emphysema and neu- and counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) test have
trophilic cellulitis are observed on microscopic examina- been used in demonstrating the presence of C. chauvoei
tion of affected muscles [22, 31, 57, 61] both in natural antibodies [65]. DID and CIEP have been used specifically
and experimental infections. Few C. chauvoei rods may be for demonstrating C. chauvoei antibodies in the serum of
observed in tissue sections [62]. The histopathological vaccinated animals [65]. Immunofluorescence has been
picture in sheep closely resembles the findings in cattle used to detect the presence of clostridial organisms on
both in natural and experimental infections [62]. Fibrinous meat from slaughter houses [48] and clinical cases [63].
pericarditis and meningitis in cattle with natural infections The use of a fluorescein agent (fluorescein isothiocyanate-
of blackleg have been reported [63]. The meningitis labelled globulin) to diagnose the presence of C. chauvoei,
was characterized by thickening and cloudy appearance Clostridium oedematiens and Clostridium septicum has been
of brain meninges. The meningitis was speculatively reported [63] and positive smears produced a char-
attributed to sialic acid removal in the brain by the acteristic fluorescence. A good correlation between the
neuraminidase produced by C. chauvoei [51] and the results of cultural examination of clostridia and the
demonstration of C. chauvoei in smears from the inflamed fluorescent antibody technique was established [4]. In the
meninges [63] provided strong support for the survey, C. chauvoei was identified by fluorescent antibody
speculation. test on 97 occasions and isolated on 89.
The microscopic pathology of blackleg of the heart in In an attempt to develop a more sensitive and reliable
cattle and sheep include multifocal areas of acute coagu- diagnostic technique for blackleg, a study on the phylo-
lative myocardial necrosis and the affected areas contain genetic positions of C. chauvoei and C. septicum based on
large numbers of Gram-positive bacterial rods with 16S rRNA (rrs) gene sequences using polymerase chain
straight sides and rounded ends, some of them with a reaction (PCR) was carried out [66]. A sequence similarity
central or subterminal spore, which may be associated analysis of the gene sequences for both bacteria revealed
with intestinal oedema, haemorrhages and moderate the close phylogenetic relationship of these bacterial
numbers of degenerating neutrophils [5, 42]. The arteri- species. It was found from the study that 99.3% of the
oles may undergo fibrinoid degeneration and necrosis nucleotides in the genes of C. chauvoei and C. septicum are
with infiltration by polymorphonuclear leucocytes. They identical. This identity informs the difficulty in distin-
could be surrounded by large numbers of C. chauvoei. The guishing these bacterial species, either on culture or
gross and histopathological pictures of blackleg of the biochemical tests.
heart have not been described in deer. C. chauvoei was identified in cultures and clinical
material from blackleg using PCR [67]. Specific oligonu-
cleotide primers, which were designed based on the rrs
gene sequences of C. chauvoei were used in the study.
Differential Diagnoses
The DNA sequences of the rrs genes of C. chauvoei
were compared with most of its closely related species
The clinical picture of some animal disorders mimics that
(C. septicum and Clostridium carnis). A subsequent restric-
in blackleg. These disorders include lightning strike,
tion digestion of the 960 bp amplification product was
anthrax, bacillary haemoglobinuria, lactation tetany, acute
carried out in order to unambiguously identify C. chauvoei.
lead poisoning [22] and malignant oedema [4].
This identification system was evaluated on clinical
material during an outbreak of blackleg in cattle and
C. chauvoei was identified as the aetiologic agent of the
Diagnoses outbreak, either directly from clinical samples or from
primary cultures made from these materials. A compar-
The criteria for diagnosis of clostridial infections have ison of the PCR method with standard diagnostic tools
been outlined [64]. Diagnosis of these infections cannot for C. chauvoei showed that it had advantages over
be made based on the mere presence of the causative immunofluorescence and is therefore a useful option.
organism, without due regard to other relevant factors Moreover, the test is a valuable tool for the phylogenetic
such as clinical picture, postmortem findings and state identification of C. chauvoei, which can assist to substitute
of decomposition. It has been suggested that smears of the fastidious traditional identification methods.
affected tissues should be made in suspected post-
mortem cases and samples should be collected for bac-
teriological examination. The presence of Gram-positive Management
rods compatible with C. chauvoei has been demonstrated
in impression smears made from heart blood, inoculated Penicillins (10 000 IU/kg) are a drug of choice in the clinical
muscles and liver samples using Gram’s staining management of blackleg. A 3–5 days therapy period
method [20]. is recommended. It is generally advocated that the
6 Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources

administration of crystalline penicillin intravenously should against the disease. Annual vaccinations with constant
precede the long-acting preparations that should be antibody monitoring will help in identifying animals at risk.
administered directly in the affected tissues [22]. The
nomadic Fulani agropastoralists of rural Nigeria, who
own about 70–80% of livestock in Nigeria, have used Acknowledgements
Tamarindus indicus and Combretum fragrans to successfully
manage blackleg in cattle [68]. In outbreak situations, they We thank Mrs E. O. Ajiboye for typing this paper. Also,
boil both the roots and stem barks of these plants and the arrival of Johnmark Kerter Useh brought the peace of
administer to the sick animals. However, the dosage mind, inspiration and academic enthusiasm needed to put
regiments of these herbs in rational drug administration this paper together.
remain undefined. It was later found that these medicinal
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