Research No.19

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Research no.

Name: Orantes, Marejoy D. Date: November 27 2019
Gr./Sec: 8- Anthurium Group no.2

Effect of music on plant growth

This science fair project was conducted to find out how music will affect the growth
of plants. The science fair project was done by playing classical music for 3 hours
everyday beside the plants.

Playing classical music beside the plant everyday will make it grow faster.

Music and plants

The effect of music on plant growth is still a debatable subject among

scientists and experts. Many experiments have been performed by both
scientists and students to prove that plants can grow better and faster
when they are provided with musical stimulation.

Music actually consists of sound waves that travel through the air at
varying frequencies and finally reaching our ear drums to be recognized as
sound and music. When the plant is exposed to the same music, it also
receives the same sound waves and could in fact be receiving some form of
stimuli that we are yet able to understand.

The experiments done by scientists have shown that some plants grew
more quickly after being exposed to musical stimulation. Most scientists
will agree that seeds that are exposed to music will actually be able to
germinate faster.

There are also those who are of the opinion that plants that are exposed to
music may in fact be receiving better care and attention, and therefore
grow more quickly. When someone speaks or sings to plants, they may
possibly be supplying the plant with additional carbon dioxide that the
plants will need to grow faster.

Scientific Terms
Sound waves, frequencies, stimuli, germinate

The materials required for this science fair project:
- 1 packet of radish seeds
- 2 plastic pots
- Soil required for the 2 pots
- A CD player
- A classical music CD
- tap water
- Ruler (1 meter)

1. For this science fair project, the independent variable is the musical stimulation
given to the plants. The dependent variable is the growth of the radish plants. This
is determined by measuring the height of the 10 plants in each group and
calculating their average height. The constants (control variables) are the amount
of water used, the amount of sunlight received and the type of plants used.

2. The 2 pots are filled with the same amount of soil and labeled A and B
respectively. Ten radish seeds are placed in each pot. (More than 10 radish seeds
can be used in each pot in case some of the seeds do not germinate. Once they
start to geminate, remove the unwanted plants from the pots). The radish seeds
are placed at least 20mm away from each other in the same pot.

3. The pots are both placed where they are able to receive the same amount of
sunlight every day. Both pots are also watered with the same amount of water,
twice everyday.

4. The pot labeled A is placed beside the CD player for 3 hours everyday with
classical music being played. At the same time, the pot labeled B is kept away from
the musical sound.

5. The height of the plants is measured everyday and their average height is
calculated and recorded in the table given below.

It is observed that the average height and growth rate of the radish plants in pot A
(the plants provided with music stimuli) are greater than that of the plants in pot
B. The seeds in pot A were also able to germinate a day earlier.

Con Ave
ditio rage
n dail
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Wit 0 0 4 57 124 193 267 359 451 543 658 761 872 984
Wit 0 0 0 3 58 112 173 247 342 436 527 633 727 813

The chart below represents the results of our experiment.

The hypothesis holds true: playing classical music to plants makes them grow more

Music is able to speed up seed germination and enhance plant growth. Although
there may not be an available scientific explanation as to why music is able to
enhance plant growth, the results are there for us to take advantage of. Music can
be used in plant nurseries to speed-up seed germination and help us grow healthier
1. Solution: a mixture of two or more substances which is homogeneous (has a uniform
mixture and composition).
2. Specific gravity: the ratio of the weight of one substance to the weight of a different
3. Starch: a complex carbohydrate which forms the energy supply within many vegetables.
4. Substrate: a substance which is acted upon by an enzyme; a layer which is underneath
another layer.
5. Trial: testing the performance or result of an experiment.
6. Uniform: something which always shows the same form or manner without variation.
7. Variable: a factor which is meant to be changed in an experiment to determine the
effects it has on the experiment.
8. Vapor: liquid in gaseous state.
9. Velocity: the speed and direction of an object’s motion.
10. Viscosity: the tendency of a liquid to resist flow. More viscous liquids flow more slowly
than less viscous ones.
11. Wavelength: the distance between two successive crests of a wave, such as a sound
wave or electromagnetic wave.

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