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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder


User Guide ®

Table of Contents

Search Center............................................................................................................................................................................... 1
I. Search Filters............................................................................................................................................................. 1
A. Full Text............................................................................................................................................................... 1
B. Document Summary Fields................................................................................................................................. 1
C. Licensor............................................................................................................................................................... 1
D. Licensee.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
E. Filing Company.................................................................................................................................................... 2
F. Effective Date...................................................................................................................................................... 3
G. SIC Code............................................................................................................................................................. 4
H. Verbatim Territory................................................................................................................................................ 4
I. Normalized Territory............................................................................................................................................ 4
J. Exclusivity............................................................................................................................................................ 4
K. Agreement Type.................................................................................................................................................. 5
L. Industry
................................................................................................................................................................ 5
M. Royalty Rate........................................................................................................................................................ 6
II. ktMINE Search Center............................................................................................................................................... 6
A. Saved Searches.................................................................................................................................................. 6
B. Saved Sets.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
C. Search History..................................................................................................................................................... 7
III. Search Summary....................................................................................................................................................... 7
A. New Search......................................................................................................................................................... 7
B. Save Search........................................................................................................................................................ 7
C. Export Search...................................................................................................................................................... 7
D. Operator.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
a. And
................................................................................................................................................................ 7
b. Or
................................................................................................................................................................ 7
c. And Not......................................................................................................................................................... 7
E. # ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
F. Filter ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
G. Criteria ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
H. Step Count........................................................................................................................................................... 8
I. Result Count........................................................................................................................................................ 8
J. Edit/Delete........................................................................................................................................................... 8

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

K. See Results......................................................................................................................................................... 8
L. Boolean Logic...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Results Summary.......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
I. Filter to Narrow Results............................................................................................................................................. 8
II. Start New Search....................................................................................................................................................... 9
III. Refine Search............................................................................................................................................................ 9
IV. Save All Results as a Set........................................................................................................................................... 9
V. Save Search Steps.................................................................................................................................................... 9
VI. Export Results Summary........................................................................................................................................... 9
VII. Results Summary Print View...................................................................................................................................... 9
VIII. Agreement Summaries.............................................................................................................................................. 9
A. Synopsis.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
a. Agreement ID................................................................................................................................................ 9
b. Filing Company........................................................................................................................................... 10
c. Licensor(s).................................................................................................................................................. 10
d. Licensee(s).................................................................................................................................................. 10
e. Related Parties........................................................................................................................................... 10
f. Effective Date.............................................................................................................................................. 10
g. Term............................................................................................................................................................ 10
h. Type............................................................................................................................................................ 10
i. Industry....................................................................................................................................................... 10
j. SIC Code..................................................................................................................................................... 10
k. Territory....................................................................................................................................................... 10
l. Exclusivity................................................................................................................................................... 10
Royalty Rates...............................................................................................................................................11
i. View Royalty Rate Text..........................................................................................................................11
ii. Statistics Only........................................................................................................................................11
Actuals Only..........................................................................................................................................11
Statistics and Actuals.............................................................................................................................11
n. Actions.........................................................................................................................................................11
i. View Agreement....................................................................................................................................11
ii. Comment on this Agreement.................................................................................................................11
View Royalty Rate Text..........................................................................................................................11
View/Add Agreement to Set...................................................................................................................11
Agreement View.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

I. Actions .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
A. Back to Top........................................................................................................................................................ 12
B. Start New Search.............................................................................................................................................. 12
C. Back to Search Center...................................................................................................................................... 12
D. View Agreement in New Window....................................................................................................................... 12
E. View Agreement Summary................................................................................................................................ 12
F. Add Agreement to Set....................................................................................................................................... 12
G. List of Rates...................................................................................................................................................... 12
H. Jump to Agreement........................................................................................................................................... 12
Analysis Center........................................................................................................................................................................... 13
I. License .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
II. Sub-license
.............................................................................................................................................................. 13
III. Referral .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
IV. Royalty Rate Function.............................................................................................................................................. 13
A. Min (Minimum)................................................................................................................................................... 13
B. Avg (Average).................................................................................................................................................... 13
C. Max (Maximum)................................................................................................................................................. 13
V. Analysis Points......................................................................................................................................................... 13
A. Common Base................................................................................................................................................... 14
B. Observations..................................................................................................................................................... 14
C. Minimum............................................................................................................................................................ 14
D. 1st Quartile........................................................................................................................................................ 14
E. Average............................................................................................................................................................. 14
F. Median
.............................................................................................................................................................. 14
G. 3rd Quartile........................................................................................................................................................ 14
H. Maximum........................................................................................................................................................... 14
VI. Filters .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
A. Industries........................................................................................................................................................... 15
B. Agreement Types.............................................................................................................................................. 15
C. Royalty Rate Bases........................................................................................................................................... 15
D. Territories........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Project Center............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
I. Quick Access........................................................................................................................................................... 15
A. Create New Client............................................................................................................................................. 15
B. Create New Project........................................................................................................................................... 16

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

C. Project Center Settings...................................................................................................................................... 16

D. Projects.............................................................................................................................................................. 16
a. Project......................................................................................................................................................... 16
b. Year............................................................................................................................................................. 16
c. Searches..................................................................................................................................................... 16
d. Status.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
E. Clients .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
a. Client Name................................................................................................................................................ 16
b. Industry....................................................................................................................................................... 16
c. Projects....................................................................................................................................................... 16
II. Client Projects.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
A. Project .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
B. Client Details..................................................................................................................................................... 17
C. Actions .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
III. Searches Saved to this Project............................................................................................................................... 17
A. Project Details................................................................................................................................................... 17
B. Project Progress................................................................................................................................................ 17
C. Agreement Count.............................................................................................................................................. 17
D. Accepted............................................................................................................................................................ 17
E. Rejected............................................................................................................................................................ 17
F. Not Reviewed.................................................................................................................................................... 17
G. Transaction Type(s)........................................................................................................................................... 18
H. Industry
.............................................................................................................................................................. 18
I. Year for Analysis................................................................................................................................................ 18
J. Actions
.............................................................................................................................................................. 18
IV. ktMINE Project.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
A. Click to Change................................................................................................................................................ 18
B. Synopsis............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Appendix A: Industry List and Definitions.................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix B: Agreement Types and Definitions........................................................................................................................... 29

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

Search Center
The Royalty Rate Finder Search Center is the default home screen for all Royalty Rate Finder searches. Every search will begin

I. Search Filters
A. Full Text
Full Text allows a user to search for the specified keywords within the full text of each license agreement.

B. Document Summary Fields

Document Summary Fields allows a user to search for the specified keywords within the license agreement summaries
and associated keywords created by ktMINE analysts.

Below are a few tips for a successful search using Full Text and Document Summary Fields.

Basic full-word searching

Example: PAINT
▲ “PAINT” = will match exact word only, as a standalone (PAINT with no letters before or after it)

Basic multi-word searching

▲ This works as an AND in Boolean logic
▲ For this example, ktMINE will search for any agreements with PAINT as a standalone or within a word and then will
do the same for BRUSH.
▲ The results will show the intersection of agreements that contain both PAINT and BRUSH in same data field or the
full agreement text.

Wildcard, any character match searching

Example: trade*
▲ ktMINE looks for any field that starts with PAINT and anything else from there (e.g., TRADEMARK, TRADEMARKS,
Example: *mark
▲ ktMINE will look for any field that begins with PAINT and anything else from there (e.g., TRADEMARK,

C. Licensor
The Licensor filter allows the user to search for license agreements with a specific licensor(s). To begin, start typing a
company name into the text box. A list of all available companies will automatically populate. To add a company(ies),
check the box next to the name. To remove a company(ies), uncheck the box next to the name. Once all desired
companies are selected, click Apply.

How are licensors identified?

▲ ktMINE analysts review each agreement to ensure that the licensor(s) are properly identified.

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

Special attention is focused on these key sections in each agreement: recitals, definitions, grant of license and
royalty rates. If the relationship of agreement parties is unclear, then each participant is listed under licensor (and
licensee) to ensure that none is overlooked during an agreement search.

How do I capture all agreements associated with a company name that has several variations?
▲ There are two ways to ensure this. If you are in the Licensor search filter, look for and select all variations of the
company name (e.g., Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Licensing Inc, etc.). This will give you all the agreements
where at least one of the Microsoft entities you selected is listed as the Licensor.
▲ Alternatively, you can type Microsoft* in ktMINE’s open search field. ktMINE will find agreements containing any
variation of the word Microsoft.
▲ The additional value here is that the matched results will also find agreements where Microsoft is listed as the
filing company and/or licensee in addition to ones where they are documented as the licensor.

D. Licensee
The Licensee filter allows a user to search for license agreements with a specific licensee(s). To begin, start typing a
company name into the text box. A list of all available companies will automatically populate. To add a company(ies),
check the box next to the name. To remove a company(ies), uncheck the box next to the name. Once all desired
companies are selected, click Apply.

How are licensees identified?

▲ ktMINE analysts review each agreement to ensure that the licensee(s) are properly identified.
Special attention is focused on these key sections in each agreement: recitals, definitions, grant of license and
royalty rates. If the relationship of agreement parties is unclear, then each participant is listed under licensee (and
licensor) to ensure that none is overlooked during an agreement search.

How do I capture all agreements for a company that has several name variations?
▲ There are two ways to ensure this. If you are in the Licensee search filter, look for and select all variations of the
company name (e.g., Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Licensing Inc, etc.). This will give you all the agreements
where at least one of the Microsoft entities you selected is listed as the Licensee.
▲ Alternatively, you can type Microsoft* in ktMINE’s open search field. ktMINE will find agreements containing any
variation the word Microsoft.
▲ The additional value here is that the matched results will also find agreements where Microsoft is listed as the
filing company and/or licensor in addition to ones where they are documented as the licensee.

E. Filing Company
The FIling Company filter allows a user to search for license agreements with a specific filing company(ies). To begin,
start typing a company name into the text box. A list of all available companies will automatically populate. To add a
company(ies), check the box next to the name. To remove a company(ies), uncheck the box next to the name. Once all
desired companies are selected, click Apply.

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User Guide ®

How are filing companies identified?

▲ Filing companies are the companies that file an agreement, as well as other required filings, with the SEC and

How can I find all agreements associated with a filing company?

▲ Since the parent company most often is the filing company for any agreement, use either of the two methods
below to find agreements filed by the parent. The bonus with searching for a filing parent is that this search will
also find agreements the parent filed for related parties, some of which may have completely different names. This
is a great way to get a more comprehensive view of the integrated IP portfolio tied to a particular organization.
ktMINE recommends either of these two options to conduct your search:
▲ Look for and select all variations of a company name in the Filing Company search filter (e.g., Microsoft
Corporation, Microsoft Licensing Inc., etc.).
▲ Use the Open Search field and type in “Microsoft” to find all agreements containing any variation of the word
▲ EXAMPLE: A Large Food Manufacturer (LFM) had agreements under four variations of the parent name. LFM
also had filed agreements for five related parties that did not use the parent name at all. Using either method
above, your search would give you all agreements associated with any of the nine unique companies that had
been filed by the parent.

F. Effective Date
The Effective Date filter allows a user to search for license agreements with a specific effective date. The effective date
is the date that the terms within the license agreement become material. To use the filter, click on Effective Date and
choose the month, day and year. To search for agreements with effective date greater than or equal to a certain date,
choose only a Start Date. To search for agreements with effective date less than or equal to a certain date, choose only
an End Date. To search agreements with effective date between two dates, choose a Start Date and End Date. Once the
date is set, click Apply.

How does ktMINE capture the Effective Date of an agreement?

▲ ktMINE’s analysts look for the effective date in each agreement text. If the date is not in the body of the
agreement, then we look for a date in the signature blocks. If there is a signing date(s), the latest date is used.
▲ If there is no signing date, we then look for the date when the agreement was written. If no date can be located
after this step, then the effective date is listed as Unknown.

What date does ktMINE assign for agreements without a specific month or day noted in the agreement?
▲ If an agreement contains a year only, ktMINE analysts assign an effective date of January 1. If an agreement
contains a year and a month, but no specific date, then the first day of the month is recorded as the effective date.

− Agreement signed in 2001 = Effective date is coded as January 1, 2001
− Agreement signed in May of 1998 = Effective date is coded as May 1, 1998
− Agreement signed June 23, 2003 = Effective date is coded as June 23, 2003

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

G. SIC Code
The SIC Code filter allows a user to search for license agreements with a specific SIC Code. To begin, start typing a
number or name into the text box. A list of all available SIC codes will automatically populate. To add a code(s), check
the box next to the number. To remove a code(s), uncheck the box next to the number. Once all desired code(s) are
selected, click Apply.

It is suggested that the Industry filter be used instead of the SIC Code filter. See Industry for more information.

How are SIC codes identified?

▲ The filing company that submits an agreement to the SEC assigns their own SIC code based upon their industry.

H. Verbatim Territory
The Verbatim Territory filter allows a user to search for license agreements with a specified territory, matching the
spelling from the agreement. To begin, start typing a territory name into the text box. A list of matching territories will
automatically populate. To add a territory(ies), check the box next to the name. To remove a territory(ies), uncheck the
box next to the name. Once all desired territory(ies) are selected, click Apply.

I. Normalized Territory
The Normalized Territory filter allows a user to search for license agreements with a specified territory, matching the ISO
names, for which ktMINE analysts have combined different spellings. To begin, start typing a territory name into the text
box. A list of matching territories will automatically populate. To add a territory(ies), check the box next to the name. To
remove a territory(ies), uncheck the box next to the name. Once all desired territory(ies) are selected, click Apply.

How are territories assigned?

▲ The ktMINE analyst team captures the verbatim territory(ies) noted in the agreement. If no specific territory is
noted in the license agreement, then the territory is listed as Unknown.
▲ NOTE: In the few instances that an agreement stated conditions such as Worldwide, except for one specific
territory, the agreement was only assigned as Worldwide in order to streamline your search process.
▲ ktMINE also offers an option to search by ISO standardized country codes from within the territory filter.

How do I ensure that my territory search includes all pertinent agreements?

▲ Your search results will only include matched agreements that contain the specific area(s) you selected in the
agreement territories. Example: if you search for agreements covering Finland, your results will NOT include
agreements that are summed up as Worldwide or European Union. If you want agreements that apply to
Finland only, choose Finland. If you want all agreements that might cover Finland, then chose Finland plus the
other geographical groups that Finland would belong to, such as Worldwide and European Union.

J. Exclusivity
The Exclusivity filter allows a user to search for license agreements with a specified exclusivity. Exclusivity denotes the
rights the licensee holds to exploit the licensed IP within a certain territory(ies). To begin, click on Exclusivity and check
either Exclusive, Non Exclusive, Multi Exclusive, Unknown or a combination. To remove an exclusivity, uncheck the box
next to the name. Once the desired exclusivity(ies) are selected, click Apply.

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

How was exclusivity assigned?

▲ ktMINE reviews agreement data to look for the terms exclusive and non-exclusive. If neither appears, then the
agreement is assigned as non-exclusive. If one or more instances of a single value appears, then only that value
is assigned to the agreement. If at least one instance of each value, then the agreement is assigned as multi-
− Exclusive = Company has only right to utilize or exploit the intellectual property or services granted under
the license.
− Non-exclusive = Company has the right to utilize or exploit the intellectual property or services granted
under the license, but other Companies may also share these rights.

How should I setup my search to capture all exclusive agreements?

▲ If you are looking to find agreements that are exclusive, then choose both exclusive and multi-exclusive in setting
up your search conditions. Agreements that are labeled as multi-exclusive contain at least one royalty rate that is
exclusive (as well as at least one royalty rate that is non-exclusive).

K. Agreement Type
The Agreement Type filter allows a user to search for license agreements by specific agreement type. To begin, click
on Agreement Type and check the desired type(s). To remove a type(s), uncheck the box next to the name. Once all
desired type(s) are selected, click Apply.

A complete list of Agreement Types and definitions can be found in Appendix B.

L. Industry
The Industry filter allows a user to search for license agreements by a specific industry(ies). Industries are assigned
to each agreement by ktMINE analysts. To begin, click on Industry and check the desired industry(ies). To remove an
industry(ies), uncheck the box next to the name. Once all desired industry(ies) are selected, click Apply.

A complete list of industries, with definitions can be found in Appendix A.

Does each Industry include the entire supply chain?

▲ Yes. For example, searching under our Oil and Gas industry, your search will find agreements associated with
companies that distribute natural gas, drill for oil, provide oilfield services, international integrated oil firms involved
with every aspect of the oil industry, domestic integrated oil firms, independent exploration and production firms,
and refining and marketing companies.

Why search by Industry vs. SIC?

▲ The filing company assigns their own SIC code (based on their industry) when filing with the SEC. Since the
filing company’s industry may not accurately reflect the true context of the agreement, ktMINE analysts review
each agreement and assign industry classification(s) for any that are relevant to the agreement. Industry is a
separate search filter you may use with or instead of SIC code.

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

M. Royalty Rate
The Royalty Rate filter allows a user to search for license agreements with specific royalty rate(s). To begin, click on
Royalty Rate and first choose a level (Any, License, Sublicense or Referral). Next, choose an operator (Equals, Greater
Than, Greater Than or Equal, Less Than, Less Than or Equal, or Between). Once the Operator is chosen, type in the
desired numerical value(s). Next, choose the Value Type. Value Type is the currency/percent of the rate. Lastly, choose
a Base (Gross Sales, Net Sales, Costs, Gross Profit, Operating Profit, Net Profit, Assets, Per Unit or Other). Once all
desired rate criteria is selected, click Apply.

What does Common Base mean?

▲ Each agreement uses its own language to explain compensation. In order to simplify your research process,
ktMINE analysts rolled similar base variables into a common base category. For example, our common base
SALES VALUE, and NET SELLING PRICE. This common base also allows ktMINE to provide meaningful
statistical analysis of agreements.

What does each option in the royalty rate filter cover?

▲ Level – Select the level of agreements that best fits your search: License, Sublicense, or Referral.
▲ Base – factors that any compensation related to the agreement is calculated on, including: Gross Sales, Net
Sales, Cost, Gross Profit, Operating Profit, Net Profit, Cash, Assets, Equity, Per Unit.
▲ Operator – Set boundaries for the value(s) you want to find in agreements, such as greater than, between or equal
▲ Value – Free form field that allows you to input a numeric figure that your operator will use to find agreements
▲ Value Type – Define the value type you are searching for as currency or percent.

II. ktMINE Search Center

This section of the Search Center gives the user immediate access to saved search steps, saved agreement sets, and
search history.

A. Saved Searches
Saved Searches gives the user access to any search methodologies they had previously saved. From within this section
the user has the ability to view or delete specific saved steps. To view the desired saved steps, click on the name.

Saved searches will be saved within the system, even in the case of a day pass. Day pass users will have access
to saved searches on future logins if they use the same login name. Saved searces can also be transferred to new
accounts if the need arises.

B. Saved Sets
Saved Sets gives the user access to any results sets they had previously saved. From within this section the user as the
ability to view or delete specific saved sets. To view the desired saved set, click on the name.

Saved sets will be saved within the system, even in the case of a day pass. Day pass users will have access to saved
sets on future logins if they use the same account. Saved sets can also be transferred to new accounts if the need

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

C. Search History
Search History automatically populates the last twenty search methodologies created by the user. This includes
searches that were not saved by the user. To view, click on the date and time. The user’s search will appear in the
Search Summary. These save after each time a user moves from Search Center to the Results Summary.

III. Search Summary

The Search Summary is the area in which the user’s search methodology will appear once filters have been applied.

A. New Search
The New Search button allows a user to start a new search from the Search Summary. The current search methodology
will be removed and ktMINE Search Center, with all saved sets and searches, will replace the Search Summary.

B. Save Search
The Save Search button allows a user to save the search methodology that is currently displayed in the Search
Summary. To save your search, click on the Save Search button and enter a name into the text box. Click Save. The
Search will be placed in the user’s Saved Searches on the ktMINE Search Center.

C. Export Search
The Export Search button allows a user to export the Agreement Summary(ies), based on the current search
methodology, without going to Results Summary. To export the Agreement Summary(ies), click on the button. The user
will be directed to a page detailing the results that will be exported, including the number of agreements in the set and
the user’s daily limit.

D. Operator
The Operator column provides users with the option to choose a Boolean operator between each search step. This
option will appear after the user has chosen at least two steps.

a. And
When And is chosen, the results will reflect license agreements that contain all filter criteria connected with the
And operator.

b. Or
When Or is chosen, the results will reflect license agreements that contain any of the filter criteria connected with
the Or operator

c. And Not
When And Not is chosen, the results will reflect license agreements that do not include the filter criteria chosen
immediately after the operator.

E. #
The # column provides the number of filter criteria that have be applied to the search.

F. Filter
The Filter column provides the exact filter that is being applied to that search step.

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User Guide ®

G. Criteria
The Criteria column provides the information that was entered or chosen for each filter.

H. Step Count
The Step Count column provides the number of agreements that match that specific step # within the entire database.

I. Result Count
The Result Count column provides the number of agreements that resulted from applying all filters. This column reflects
the difference between what is available for that one criteria filter, and the resulting agreements with every applied filter.

J. Edit/Delete
The Edit and Delete actions allow the user to change the search methodology. The user is able to delete steps they
no longer want or need, or edit the filter criteria. Clicking on edit will open the search filter, allowing the user to choose
different criteria.

K. See Results
The See Results button allows the user to view the resulting agreement summaries in Results Summary. Click on See
Results when you are satisfied the search, and wish to review the results.

L. Boolean Logic
Boolean Logic is available to all users who wish to perform a more complicated search than what is available in the
linear logical operators.

Example: 1 and 2 or 3 and not 4

NOTE: Users may move individual search steps by dragging and dropping them in the desired location.

Results Summary
The Results Summary displays all of the resulting agreement summaries based on the user’s search methodology.

I. Filter to Narrow Results

The user has the option to filter the results summary further, based on Exclusivity, Agreement Type, Industries, Territory, and
Associated Keywords. All narrowing filters open with a pre populated list of options based on the resulting set.

What is an Associated Keyword?

ktMINE analysts review every agreement in detail and assign keywords that serve as identifiers or buzz words that can
accurately describe the intangibles/services/industries that are being licensed/provided/exploited in each agreement. The
keywords are tied to important pieces of information related to the products/services which are being licensed, not just
general terms. ktMINE keywords are related to the licensed intangible as well as the products that the intangibles relate to.

Can I search for Associated Keywords using the Open Search field?
Yes. For instance, if you are looking for any agreements associated with products related to BLOOD, you can enter the term
in our open search field. ktMINE will look across our entire database of associated keywords for agreements matching the
word BLOOD. The matched results will be presented as a step on our search summary just like any other filter. The extra
value here is that ktMINE analysts have also assigned many other relevant terms to the matched agreements. These are

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ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder

User Guide ®

automatically populated into the Associated Keyword filter and in the Narrow Filters section of the Results Summary, and
you can narrow your results further based on these.

II. Start New Search

The Start New Search button allows the user to start a new search directly from Results Summary. Clicking on the Start New
Search button will direct the user back to the Search Center to start their new search.

III. Refine Search

The Refine Search button allows the user to make changes to the search methodology directly from the Results Summary.
Clicking on the Refine Search button will direct the user back to the Search Center to refine their search. The steps will be
repopulated and displayed in the Search Summary.

IV. Save All Results as a Set

The Save All Results as a Set link allows the user to save the results currently displayed on the screen to a set. To save the
results to a set, click on the Save All Results as a Set link, name the set and click Save. The saved set will appear in the My
Saved Agreement Sets under Quick Access.

V. Save Search Steps

The Save Search Steps link allows the user to save the steps used to get the results currently displayed on the screen. To
save the search steps, click the Save Search Steps link, type in a name and click Save. The saved search steps will appear
in the My Saved Saved Search Steps under Quick Access.

VI. Export Results Summary

The Export Results Summary link allows the user to export the results summaries currently displayed in Results Summary.
To export the Results Summary, click on the Export Results Summary link.. The user will be directed to a page detailing the
results that will be exported, including the number of agreements in the set and the user’s daily limit.

VII. Results Summary Print View

The Summary Print View link allows the user to print the agreement summaries without the Royalty Rate Finder interface.
Clicking on the Summary Print View link opens a new tab. The user can print all of the results from this new tab.

VIII. Agreement Summaries

Agreement summaries provide the user with a snapshot of key agreement terms. Agreement Summaries include Synopsis,
Agreement ID, Filing Company, Licensor(s), Licensee(s), Effective Date, Term, Type, Industry, SIC Code, Territory,
Exclusivity and Royalty Rates.

A. Synopsis
The Synopsis section provides the rights granted to the licensee(s) by the licensor(s).

a. Agreement ID
Agreement ID displays the number given to the license agreement by ktMINE analysts. The Agreement ID number
gives the user an indication of when the agreement was added to the database.

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User Guide ®

b. Filing Company
Filing Company displays the company that filed the agreement with the regulatory agency. The filing company
can be the licensor(s) or licensee(s), but can also be a third party, such as a subsidiary. To learn more about Filing
Company, see Filing Company under Search Filters.

c. Licensor(s)
Licensor(s) displays the company that is licensing their IP. To learn more about Licensor(s), see Licensor under
Search Filters.

d. Licensee(s)
Licensee(s) displays the company that is receiving rights to the licensed IP. To learn more about Licensee(s), see
Licensee under Search Filters.

e. Related Parties
Related parties denotes any entity that can exercise control or significant influence over the operating policies of
another entity. This designation is called out by a symbol present within Licensor(s) and Licensee(s).

f. Effective Date
Effective Date displays the date that the license agreement became material. To learn more about Effective Date,
see Effective Date under Search Filters.

g. Term
Term displays the amount of time the agreement remains entact.

h. Type
Type displays the type of agreement being reference. To learn more about what agreement types are included in
the database, with definitions, see Agreement Type under Search Filters.

i. Industry
Industry displays the industry in which the IP will be exploited. To learn more about Industry and the difference
between Industry and SIC Code, see Industry under Search Filters.

j. SIC Code
SIC Code displays the filing company’s primary SIC Code. To learn more about SIC Code and the difference
between SIC Code and industry, see SIC Code under Search Filters.

k. Territory
Territory displays the territory the licensor(s) is able to exploit the licensed IP. To learn more about Territory, see
Territory under Search Filters.

l. Exclusivity
Exclusivity displays the rights the licensee holds to exploit the licensed IP within a certain territory(ies). To learn
more about Exclusivity, see Exclusivity under Search Filters.

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User Guide ®

m. Royalty Rates
Royalty Rates displays the variable rates outlined in the license agreement. Royalty Rates include Value,
Agreement Base and Modifier organized by level and common base. To learn more about Royalty Rates, see
Royalty Rate under Search Filters.

i. View Royalty Rate Text

The View Royalty Rate Text link allows the user to see the text from the agreement where the royalty rate(s)
is located. The user will be directed to the Agreement View tab. To resume looking at the results, click on the
Results Summary tab.

ii. Statistics Only

The Statistics Only link allows the user to view only the statistics associated with the Royalty Rates.
Included in this section are Minimum, Mean, Maximum, # of Observations organized by level and Common

iii. Actuals Only

The Actuals Only link allows the user to view only the actuals. This is the default view for Royalty Rates
and includes Value, Agreement Base and Modifier organized by level and common base. ktMINE Analysts
identify each and every variable royalty payment identified in the license agreements.

iv. Statistics and Actuals

The Statistics and Actuals link allows the user to view both statistics and actuals in one view.

n. Actions
Actions in the Results Summary allow users to View Agreement, Comment on this Agreement, View Royalty Rate
Text and View/Add Agreement to Set...

i. View Agreement
The View Agreement link allows a user to see the full agreement text. Clicking on the View Agreement link
opens a new tab with the agreement text.

ii. Comment on this Agreement

The Comment on this Agreement link allows users to make a comment on the agreement that will be
reviewed by ktMINE analyst.

iii. View Royalty Rate Text

The View Royalty Rate Text link allows the user to see the text from the agreement where the royalty rate(s)
is located. The user will be directed to the Agreement View tab.

iv. View/Add Agreement to Set...

The View/Add Agreement to Set allows the user to add a single agreement to a new or previously saved
set. To add the agreement to a set, click on View/Add Agreement to Set, created a new set and click Save,
or choose an existing Set and click Save.

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Agreement View
The Agreement View tab allows the user to view the full text of each agreement from the Results Summary. Agreement View
will start on the first agreement in the set. The user can jump to other agreements by using Jump to Agreement. Either use the
navigation arrows or type in a specific page number.

I. Actions
Actions allow the user to go Back to Top, Start a New Search, go Back to Search Center, View Agreement in New Window,
View Agreement Summary, Add Agreement to Set, see List of Rates, Jump to Rate or Jump to Agreement. The Actions box
will scroll up and down with the document, so that it is always in view.

A. Back to Top
The Back to Top link allows the user to navigate to the top of the page without scrolling. Clicking on the Back to Top link
will bring the user to the top of the page.

B. Start a New Search

The Start a New Search link allows the user to start a new search directly from Agreement View. Clicking on the Start a
New Search link will direct the user to the Search Center.

C. Back to Search Center

The Back to Search Center link allows the user to navigate back to the Search Center directly from Agreement View.
Clicking on the Back to Search Center will direct the user back to the Search Center.

D. View Agreement in New Window

The View Agreement in New Window link allows the user to view the displayed agreement in a new tab. Clicking on the
View Agreement in New Window link will open a new tab with the agreement text.

E. View Agreement Summary

The View Agreement Summary link allows the user to view the agreement summary for the displayed agreement without
leaving the Agreement View. Clicking on the View Agreement Summary link will open the agreement summary in a new

F. Add Agreement to Set

The Add Agreement to Set link allows the user to add the displayed agreement to a new or previously saved set. To add
the agreement to a set, click on View/Add Agreement to Set, created a new set and click Save, or choose an existing
Set and click Save.

G. List of Rates
The List of Rates drop down allows the user to jump to a rate within the displayed license agreement. To jump to a rate,
click on the arrow and choose the desired rate.

H. Jump to Agreement
The Jump to Agreement box allows the user to navigate to the other agreements in the set. Use the arrows to navigate,
or type a page number into the box and click Go.

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Analysis Center
The Analysis Center provides the user with graphical representations of the data contained within Results Summary. Analysis
Center graphs include Industry and Agreement Type, Territory Coverage and royalty rate statistics organized by level. Levels
include License, Sub-license and Referral.

I. License
The License section of Analysis Center displays royalty rate data based on the resulting agreements at the license level.
Statistics and images are organized by Common Base and include Observations, Minimum, 1st Quartile, Average, Median,
3rd Quartile and Maximum.

To view each graph, click on the arrows, or click on the Common Base level you wish to view.

II. Sub-license
The Sub-license section of Analysis Center displays royalty rate data based on the resulting agreements at the sub-license
level. Statistics and images are organized by Common Base and include Observations, Minimum, 1st Quartile, Average,
Median, 3rd Quartile and Maximum.

To view each graph, click on the arrows, or click on the Common Base level you wish to view.

III. Referral
The Referral section of Analysis Center displays royalty rate data based on the resulting agreements at the referral level.
Statistics and images are organized by Common Base and include Observations, Minimum, 1st Quartile, Average, Median,
3rd Quartile and Maximum.

To view each graph, click on the arrows, or click on the Common Base level you wish to view.

IV. Royalty Rate Function

Royalty Rate Functions allow the user to view a particular set of analytics, computed using either the Min, Avg or Max set of

A. Min (Minimum)
The Minimum column displays calculations computed using the minimum royalty rates included within the selected
search set.

B. Avg (Average)
The Mean column displays calculations computed using the mean royalty rates included within the selected search set.

C. Min (Maximum)
The Maximum column displays calculations computed using the maximum royalty rates included within the selected
search set.

V. Analysis Points
Analysis points include Observations, Minimum, 1st Quartile, Average, Median, 3rd Quartile and Maximum. Each analysis
point calculation is calculated using the set of royalty rates corresponding to the header (Minimum, Mean and Maximum).

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User Guide ®

A. Common Base
Each agreement uses its own language to explain compensation. In order to simplify the users research process,
ktMINE analysts rolled similar base variables into a common base category. For example, our common base of
VALUE, and NET SELLING PRICE. This common base also allows ktMINE to provide meaningful statistical analysis of

Common Bases include Gross Sales, Net Sales, Costs, Gross Profit, Operating Profit, Net Profit, Assets, and Other. To
view the graph for a particular Common Base, click on the text.

B. Observations
Number of Observations is the number of royalty rates present in the entire data set.

C. Minimum
Minimum is the smallest number contained within the Minimum, Mean or Maximum data set.

D. 1st Quartile
The quartiles are calculated as follows:

We use the median of the data set to divide the ordered data set into two halves. If the median is an actual data point
(as opposed to being the average of the middle two data), we do not include the median in either half. The lower quartile
value is the median of the lower half of the data. The upper quartile value is the median of the upper half of the data.

E. Average
Average is the mean of all numbers contained within the Minimum, Mean, or Maximum data set. Average is calculated
by adding all available rates and dividing by the number of quantities.

F. Median
Median is the numerical value separating the high and low halves of a data set. Alternatively, the median is the number
in the middle of the Minimum, Mean or Maximum data set.

G. 3rd Quartile
The quartiles are calculated as follows:

We use the median of the data set to divide the ordered data set into two halves. If the median is an actual data point
(as opposed to being the average of the middle two data), we do not include the median in either half. The lower quartile
value is the median of the lower half of the data. The upper quartile value is the median of the upper half of the data.

H. Maximum
Maximum is the largest number contained within the Minimum, Mean or Maximum data set.

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User Guide ®

VI. Filters
Filters allow the user to view all statistics defined above for subsets of the resulting agreements. Filters include Industries,
Agreement Types, Royalty Bases and Territories. When Filters are applied, the graphs and statistics will reflect only that
information from the resulting set of agreements. Filter options are pre populated from the agreements present in Results

To remove all filters, click on Clear All Filters.

A. Industries
To apply an Industries Filter, check the desired Industry(ies) and click Update Charts. Users can choose as many filters
as they desire. To view all available Industries, click on the Show/hide remaining...

B. Agreement Types
To apply an Agreement Types Filter, check the desired Agreement Type(s) and click Update Charts. Users can choose
as many filters as desired. To view all available Agreement Types, click on the Show/hide remaining...

C. Royalty Rate Bases

To apply a Royalty Rate Bases Filter, check the desired Royalty Rate Base(s) and click Update Charts. Users can
choose as many filters as desired. To view all available Royalty Rate Bases, click on the Show/hide remaining...

D. Territories
To apply a Territories Filter, check the desired Territory(ies) and click Update Charts. Users can choose as many filters
as desired. To view all available Territories, click on the Show/hide remaining...

Project Center
Project Center is not made available to all users. Contact your account representative to discuss enabling this feature for your

Project Center allows a user to organize analysis by client. See the accompanying Project Center User Guide for more detailed

I. Quick Access
The Quick Access section is the default view for Project Center. All user functionality is contained within this section,
Including Create New Client, Create New Project, and access to saved projects and clients.

A. Create New Client

Create New Client allows the user to create a new client profile. To create a new client, click on the Create New Client
Icon. The user will be directed to a new page where they can name the client and select an industry or sub-industry.
Once all information is completed, click Save.

After clicking save, the user will be directed to the Client projects page where they can create a project or delete the

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B. Create New Project

Create New Project allows the user to start a new project. To create a new project, click on the Create New Project icon.
The user will be directed to a new page where they can choose the client the project is for, and enter in project specifics
including, name, year, industry, and transaction type. Once all information is completed, click Save.

C. Project Center Settings

Project Center Settings allows the user to change the default acceptance/rejection reasons. These reasons will appear
as an option for all future clients and projects.

D. Projects
The Projects section allows the user to view All, Completed, Started or Not Started projects. Projects can also be sorted
by Client, Project, Date Started, Date Created, Year and Status. When these options are clicked, the Project subsection
will update to display the options or order chosen.

a. Project
The Project subsection displays the details of each project. This section includes Year, Searches, Agreements and
Status. Users may also Export Accept/Reject lists for each project directly from this view.

By clicking on the company name, the user will be directed to the Client Projects page for that client. By clicking
on the project name the user will be directed to the Searches Saved to this Project.

b. Year
The year displayed in Project is the year being analyzed in the project.

c. Searches
The searches displayed in Project are the number of searches saved for that particular client. Users have the
ability to save more than one search for each project.

d. Status
The status displayed in Project notifies the user when a project has been made active.

E. Clients
The Clients section allows the user to view every client that has been created.. Information displayed in this section
includes Client Name, Industry and Projects.

Clicking on the client name will direct the user to the Client Projects page for that client. Users can also sort clients in
alphabetical order within this section.

a. Client Name
Client name displays the name specified by the user for the client.

b. Industry
Industry displays the industries chosen by the user when creating the client.

c. Projects
Projects displays the number of projects the user has saved for the client.

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II. Client Projects

The Client Projects page is the default view for every client created. This section contains every project that was created for
that particular client. Users can sort by Project, Date Started, Date Created, Year or status.

A. Project
The Project subsection displays every project associated with the client. Every project displays the year the search was
created, the amount of searches, the number of agreements and the status of the project. The user also has the ability
to Export the Accept/Reject List directly from this screen.

Clicking on the project name will direct the user to Searches Save to this Project.

B. Client Details
Client Details displays the industry chosen by the user when creating the client, the number of projects currently
available, and the date that the client was created.

C. Actions
Actions allow the user to Create Project or Delete Client. Clicking on Create Project will direct the user to create a new
project for that client. Clicking on Delete Client will eliminate that client from Project Center.

III. Searches Saved to this Project

Searches Saved to this Project is the default screen for viewing the searches saved for each project. This section provides
the search methodology used for all saved searches.

A. Project Details
Project Details displays the specifics about the search(s) that has been conducted for that project.

B. Project Progress
The Project Progress bar gives a visual representation of the number of agreements reviewed out of the available
agreements for that project.

C. Agreement Count
Agreement Count displays the number of agreements the user’s search has yielded in the database.

D. Accepted
Accepted displays the number of agreements the user has accepted from the available agreements. Clicking on View
will take the user to the list of accepted agreements.

E. Rejected
Rejected displays the number of agreements the user has rejected from the available agreements. Clicking on View will
take the user to the list of rejected agreements.

F. Not Reviewed
Not Reviewed displays the number of agreements the user has yet to review from the available agreements. Clicking on
View will take the user to the list of agreements that have not been tagged as accepted or rejected.

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G. Transaction Type(s)
Transaction Type(s) displays the type(s) of agreements the user had chosen when creating the project.

H. Industry
Industry displays the industry the user had chosen when creating the project.

I. Year for Analysis

The year displayed in Project is the year being analyzed in the project.

J. Actions
Actions allow the user to Deactivate/Activate, Create New Search or Delete Project. Clicking on Activate alerts the
system the user will be running searches for a particular project. Clicking on Deactivate alerts the system the user will no
longer be running searches for a particular project. Create New Search will direct the user to Search Center. Clicking on
Delete Project will eliminate that project from the user’s account.

IV. ktMINE Project

ktMINE Project within Results Summary allows the user to accept or reject agreements, and provide a reason for the

A. Click to Change
Click to Change allows the user to choose Accept or Reject for that agreement. Clicking on Accept or Reject will open
a dropdown that lets the user select a reason for their decisions. The default reasons creating in settings will appear
here. When adding a new reason, it will only become an option for that project, but will remain available for all other
agreements within that project.

B. Synopsis
When a project is active within the Results Summary, the user has the ability to add specific royalty rates for export.
Clicking on Synopsis opens a menu with all available royalty rates for that agreement. Only those rates chosen during
this step will be included in the user’s export for that project.

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Appendix A ®

Industry List and Definitions

ADVERTISING covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Media advertising, including television, radio and cinema/movie
▲ Creation of commercials
▲ Billboard advertising, including signs, benches, subway platforms and trains
▲ Magazine and newspaper advertising
▲ Flyer advertising
▲ Infomercials
▲ World Wide Web advertising such as spam, banners, adwords and pop-ups
▲ Covert advertising (e.g., including a product or brand name in movies)
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products and activities

AGRIBUSINESS covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Farming
▲ Seed supply
▲ Agrichemicals
▲ Commodities growing
▲ Commodities processing
▲ Fertilizer
▲ Dairy product producers
▲ Meat processors
▲ Products, equipment, and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products and activities

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES & TOBACCO covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine and spirits
▲ Tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars and smokeless products
▲ Recipes and formulas
▲ Products, equipment, and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products and activities

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Appendix A ®

ALTERNATIVE & RENEWABLE ENERGY covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Alternative energy, defined as energies that are nontraditional and have low environmental impact
▲ Solar power
▲ Wind power
▲ Hydroelectric power
▲ Bio-fuels
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products and activities

BIOTECHNOLOGY covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Genetics research
▲ Molecular biology
▲ DNA techniques
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products and activities used in medical diagnostics, pharmacology, forensics, agriculture, food processing
and environmental control
▲ Other related products and activities

BROADCAST & CABLE covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Broadcast television
▲ Television networks such as ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and FOX
▲ Network affiliates, such as the various news companies affiliated with CNN
▲ Broadcast radio
▲ Television system operators, including terrestrial and satellite providers
▲ Radio system operators, including terrestrial and satellite providers
▲ Broadcast internet
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products, services and activities

BUSINESS SERVICES covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Accounting services
▲ Consulting services
▲ Legal services
▲ Telecommunication services
▲ Information technology services
▲ Business services provided through software
▲ Research services
▲ Leasing services
▲ Business and professional associations
▲ Commercial Airlines providing services to businesses
▲ Other related services and activities

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Appendix A ®

CHEMICALS covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Basic chemicals
▲ Specialty chemicals, such as paints and coatings
▲ Industrial gases
▲ Organic chemicals
▲ Plastics
▲ Fertilizers
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products and activities

COMPUTERS: HARDWARE & SOFTWARE covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Personal computers and peripherals
▲ Business computers and peripherals
▲ Business systems and systems integration
▲ Software
▲ Other related products and activities

CONSTRUCTION covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Building or assembling of infrastructure, such as roads, dams and railroads
▲ Adding structure to property, including personal property and public property
▲ Products, equipment, and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products and activities

CONSUMER DURABLES covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Hard goods intended to last more than a few years
▲ Appliances
▲ Electronic equipment, including audio/visual equipment
▲ Furniture and home furnishings
▲ Artwork, such as paintings or sculptures
▲ Housewares
▲ Construction hardware, tools and materials
▲ Sporting and recreational goods
▲ Toys and hobby goods, such as craft and hobby kits, dolls, games and models
▲ Video games
▲ Movies, including DVDs
▲ Jewelry, watches, stones and related products
▲ Other related products

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Appendix A ®

CONSUMER NON DURABLES covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Soft goods intended to last less than a few years
▲ Household cleaning products
▲ Paper and paper products
▲ Personal care products
▲ Textiles
▲ Apparel, clothing and related accessories
▲ Footwear
▲ Books, periodicals and newspapers
▲ Posters
▲ Flowers
▲ Paints and varnishes
▲ Other related products

CONSUMER SERVICES covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Car washes
▲ Child care facilities
▲ Dry cleaning and laundry facilities
▲ Franchises (i.e. Restaurants, Sports teams, Bars, etc.)
▲ Repair services
▲ Hair care services
▲ Legal services
▲ Pest control services
▲ Photography services
▲ Talent agencies
▲ Taxi and limousine services
▲ Rental car services
▲ Real estate brokerage services
▲ Consumer banking and financial services
▲ Hotels and resorts
▲ Commercial Airlines, such as American Airlines
▲ Other related services and activities

EDUCATION covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Online training and education
▲ Material utilized by schools and educational services
▲ Products, equipment, and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

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ELECTRICAL UTILITIES covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Electricity plants
▲ Nuclear power plants
▲ Coal plants
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

ENTERTAINMENT covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Movies
▲ Theatrical plays and musicals
▲ Comedy events
▲ Sporting events
▲ Dance events
▲ Music events, including live concerts
▲ Other audio/visual media available live as well as via the web, television, radio and related mediums
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

ENVIRONMENT & WASTE MANAGEMENT covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Water supply and treatment, including waste-water treatment, water treatment equipment and chemicals, and contract
operation of water supply and treatment facilities
▲ Solid waste and hazardous waste treatment centers
▲ Air pollution control and monitoring, including vehicle and industrial emissions control equipment and chemicals, as
well as monitoring services
▲ Environmental remediation services
▲ Recycling facilities and programs
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

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Appendix A ®

FINANCIAL SERVICES covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Diversified financial services
▲ Bank holding companies
▲ Commercial banks
▲ Consumer banks
▲ Investment services
▲ Brokerage services
▲ Clearinghouse services
▲ Portfolio and wealth management
▲ Savings and loans
▲ Real estate investment trusts
▲ Foreign exchange services
▲ Insurance services, excluding health insurance
▲ Reinsurance services
▲ Credit unions
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and product

FOODS & NONALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Food and nonalcoholic manufacturers
▲ Food and nonalcoholic packagers/bottlers
▲ Recipes and formulas
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

GAMING covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Casinos
▲ Online casinos
▲ Off-track betting
▲ Lottery
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

HEALTHCARE: FACILITIES covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Hospitals
▲ Acute care, rehabilitation and psychiatric institutions
▲ Nursing homes and assisted living facilities
▲ Home healthcare services
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

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Appendix A ®

HEALTHCARE: INSURANCE covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Managed care organizations
▲ Health maintenance organizations
▲ Preferred provider organizations
▲ Managed fee-for-service plans
▲ Other health insurance providers
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services and activities

HEALTHCARE: PHARMACEUTICAL covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Prescription drugs, including brand name and generic products
▲ Non-prescription drugs, such as over-the-counter products
▲ Nutritional supplements
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products

HEALTHCARE: PRODUCTS & SUPPLIES covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Medical devices, including cardiology products, diagnostic imaging, orthopedics and in-vitro diagnostics
▲ Medical supplies, including stints, gowns, gauze and needles
▲ Surgical and medical instruments
▲ Medical, hospital and dental equipment
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products

INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Flow control products, including pumps and valves
▲ Electrical equipment and components
▲ Industrial automation equipment, including robotics, sensors and programmable controllers
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

INTERNET covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Internet service providers
▲ Search engines
▲ Internet based companies
▲ E-commerce companies
▲ Website downloads
▲ Online applications
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related internet services, activities and products

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Appendix A ®

METALS covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Manufacture and sale of steel
▲ Manufacture and sale of aluminum
▲ Metal fabrication and casting
▲ Sheet metal work
▲ Metal stamping
▲ Millwork
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

MINING covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Mining of ore, including iron, copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver
▲ Exploration services
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

OIL & GAS covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Natural gas distribution, including processing, wholesale transmission (including “midstream” pipeline companies) and retail
transmission (including “downstream” traditional utilities or local distribution companies)
▲ Oil drilling
▲ Oilfield services, including evaluating services
▲ Exploration services
▲ Production services
▲ Transportation services
▲ Refining services
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

PUBLIC SAFTEY covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Forensics
▲ Protection systems, including those in airports, malls, public areas
▲ Security systems
▲ GPS and locator systems and services
▲ X-ray detection equipment
▲ Police, fire department and ambulance services
▲ Homeland security products
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

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Appendix A ®

PUBLISHING covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Production and dissemination of literature, media and related products
▲ Newspapers
▲ Magazines
▲ Books
▲ Music
▲ Movies
▲ Digital media
▲ Video games
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

RESTAURANTS covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Food service establishments
▲ Fast food restaurants
▲ Buffet restaurants
▲ Family restaurants
▲ Dining halls
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments

Please note: this classification does not cover the license of intangible property related to the products sold by or at these

RETAIL covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Department stores
▲ General merchandisers
▲ Discount stores
▲ Specialty stores
▲ Convenience stores
▲ Online retailers
▲ Kiosk retailers
▲ Supermarkets and food stores
▲ Pharmacies and drug stores
▲ Liquor stores
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments

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Appendix A ®

SEMICONDUCTORS covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Digital and analog semiconductors
▲ Electronic parts made from silicon, including those used in computers, televisions, radios and automobiles
▲ Microprocessors, including digital signal processors
▲ Memory devices, including DRAMs, SRAMs and flash memory
▲ Analog, including amplifiers, regulators, converters and interface devices
▲ Semiconductor equipment, including wafer processing equipment, semiconductor test systems and monitoring systems.
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

TELECOMMUNICATIONS covers the license of intangible property related to:

▲ Wireless equipment, products and services, including cellular wireless service providers and broadband services
▲ Wireline equipment, products and services, including local exchange carriers and long distance carriers
▲ Communications equipment, including those used by communication companies and consumers
▲ Networking solutions
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT & PARTS covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Equipment and parts related to airplanes, trains, automobiles, trucks, boats and any other transportation vehicles
▲ Transportation technology, such as fuel cells and alternative energy
▲ Space program vehicles, equipment and parts
▲ Military vehicles, equipment and parts
▲ Defense vehicles, equipment and parts
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related services, activities and products

TRAVEL & RECREATION covers the license of intangible property related to:
▲ Travel services
▲ Hotels and resorts
▲ Golf courses and resorts
▲ Cruise lines
▲ Travel agents
▲ Vacation clubs
▲ Theme parks
▲ Retreat centers
▲ Products, equipment and software used by this industry’s establishments
▲ Other related products and activities

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Appendix B ®

Agreement Types and Definitions

Asset Purchase
Agreements involving the purchase of certain assets, including intellectual property, by one company from another. The
agreement will cover specific assets or the entire assets of the seller.

Cross License
Agreements involving the licensing of intangible property between parties in order to sell an existing product.

Agreements where the distributor (Licensee) typically buys a finished product and incorporates it within another product
or simply resells the finished product on its own. In Distribution agreements, the distributor is taking title to the goods.
Distribution is usually of a tangible good.

Agreements involving the complete licensing of all aspects of a business system, including methods, procedures, practices of
a business philosophy, and all related Marks.

Joint Development
Agreements involving the licensing of intangible property between parties in order to develop a product.

Manufacturing/Process Intangibles
The agreement involves a license granting the right to use any of the following:
▲ Patents
▲ Processes
▲ Know-how
▲ Technical information
▲ Trade Secrets
▲ Proprietary Information

Marketing Intangible
The agreement involves a license granting the right to use any of the following:
▲ Trademarks
▲ Tradenames
▲ Trade dress
▲ Copyrights
▲ Service marks
▲ Logos
▲ Content

Settlement Agreements, Royalty Agreements, Financial Indices, and other non-standard licensing transactions.

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Appendix B ®

Agreements between a service provider (Licensor) and a receiver of services (Licensee). Compensation is usually based on the
provision of services. Service agreements include sales agent agreements and buying agent agreements.

The agreement involves a license granting the right to use a software product, source code or object code for internal use or
commercial sale.

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