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Maalidin Nashriff U.

Angkad Management in Organizational Behavior

PA 215 Prof. Alberto Marquez


Falcon Computer

I. Identify the Problem

Falcon Computer was a new firm operating in the Silicon Valley of California. It was just created

eight months earlier and the company management created there so called “Falcon Values” which

described the culture on how they handle their customers, they worker relationships, the preferred

style of communication, the decision making process, and the nature of the working environment.

A new employee by the name of Peter Richards read over the Falcon Values but he noticed wide

discrepancies between what is written in the document and its actual implementation. For instance,

the Falcon values document contained statements such as this: Quality: Attention to detail is our

trademark; our goal is to do it right the first time. We intend to deliver defect-free products and

services to our customers on the date promised. But Peter Richards was able to verify this deviation

when he observed some defects of the products delivered to their customers. Unfortunately, his

personal experience had also substantiated this deviation when he used to borrow some of their

computers but some of these units weren’t actually working properly.

Another deviation he observed was the Falcon’s value of open communications and equality.

However, these weren’t put in to actual practice when they conduct their meetings. The traditional

layout is being used wherein the top executives are positioned at the front of their room.

II. Three (3) actions that may solve the problem

1. The management may ask every individual members of the company if it’s really true that their

so called “Falcon Values” are being put in to actual practice. They may suggest appropriate course

of actions that the company may opt to use in order to rectify the deviations that has been

identified. Their quality of service must be carefully reviewed to determine the source of the
problems. This will clearly identify problems that has been raised and put solutions in an open


2. The company management may still use what they perceived as the type of company is more

appropriate for them. Top executives/managers will have to simply review their company

performance in terms of financial targets and physical input/output targets. Any deviation from

these targets may indicate problems in some areas of the organization that they will now have to


3. Provide corrective actions to those who don’t follow the company values or standards. They have

to be disciplined and properly trained, if needed.

III. Choose the best solution

1. The solution No. 1 is the best alternative course of action because it creates a participative way of

solving the problems.

IV. Conclusion

1. Organizational values are abstract ideas that guide organizational thinking and

actions. Organization values represent the foundation on which the company is formed. It sets the

tone on how people will naturally act in to a given situation/conditions. It must be written in order

to monitor and remind the commitment of every members of an organization. Managers should

provide mechanisms that will identify the level of commitment that every member has given to

the organization. In other words, a wise manager needs to ensure that what is written in the

organizational values must be put into practice.

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