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Manalo, P.R., Quibol, S. M., Raagas, E., Rosario, C.F., Tabula, M.C., Tan, J.M., Tornea, E.M.

Ribonucleic acid is one of the three major biological macromolecules that are essential for all known
forms of life molecules, consisting of a single-stranded chain of phosphate and ribose units with a
nitrogenous base derived from purines. The objectives of the experiment are to isolate RNA from yeast,
determine its purity through UV spectroscopy, and characterize RNA after basic hydrolysis. The RNA
molecules were obtained from RNA isolation from yeast and was divided into portions of 20 uL for UV
quantification, with the remaining portion for hydrolysis. The obtained product from the isolation
process yielded an RNA isolate, which appeared to be a powdery sediment, dirty white in color. It
underwent the UV analysis, where the absorbance at 230 nm, 260 nm, and 280 nm readings were
obtained and used for further specifications. The RNA purity was further assessed using the A260/A280
and A260/A230 ratio. The experiment yielded quantitative results lower than the required amount of 1.8
to 2.0 for a good quality isolated RNA sample, and this signifies a contamination with protein. The
isolated RNA failed to meet the standard of a pure isolation.

INTRODUCTION The isolation of RNA molecules varies

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule is one of the according to the type of tissue employed and
three major biological macromolecules that are the RNA species to be isolated. The RNA sample
essential for all known forms of life. It consists was isolated from yeast (Saccharomyces
of single-stranded chain of phosphate and cerevisiae), a unicellular fungus that contains
ribose units with a nitrogenous base derived 4% RNA by weight. It directly involves heating
from purines which are guanine (G) and adenine with alkali (NaOH) which loosens and lyses the
(A) and from pyrimidines which are cytosine (C), cell membrane leading to the extraction of RNA.
uracil (U), and thymine (T). RNA is used in all Increased pH level by adding glacial acetic
steps of protein synthesis and carries the inactivates nucleases resulting to the prevention
genetic code for most viruses. In comparison of RNA degradation. Furthermore, in order to
with DNA, RNA molecules are relatively shorter, get rid of contaminants such as lipids and
making it more susceptible to shearing and unnecessary supernatant, the sample RNA
degradation by ribonucleases. needs to be filtered and washed with ethanol
containing HCl then centrifuged.

The most widely used traditional method for

assessing RNA concentration and purity is by UV
spectroscopy. The absorbance of a diluted RNA
sample is measured at 260 and 280 nm, with
the nucleic acid concentration to be calculated
using the Beer-Lambert law, which predicts a
linear change in absorbance with concentration.

Figure 1. Ribonucleotide Components

vigorously. The RNA was allowed to settle at the
bottom of the centrifuge tube.

Preparation of RNA Sample

The isolated RNA sample was diluted with
2mL of the Tris-EDTA buffer, forming a solution.
It was then divided into two portions — (a) 20
uL portion for UV quantification with the (b)
remaining solution for the hydrolysis of RNA.

Figure 2. Beer-Lambert’s Equation A. UV Analysis

In the 20 uL RNA sample solution, a 980 uL
Using this equation, an A260 reading of 1.0 is of Tris-EDTA buffer was added and provided a
equivalent to approximately 40 µg/ml single- total volume of 10 mL. This was read in UV
stranded RNA. The A260/A280 ratio is used to spectrometer at 230 nm, 260 nm, and 280 nm
assess RNA purity, a ratio ranging from 1.8-2.1 respectively. The ratio of A260/A280 was
is indicative of highly purified RNA. In order to calculated and compared to A260/A230 for the
separate its components for specific tests, assessment of the purity of the RNA isolate. The
hydrolysis of the nucleic acid is done by adding total RNA was computed using the formula
NaOH to the remaining RNA sample solution below:
followed by the addition of glacial acetic acid to
adjust its pH to 4-6. Total RNA(μg) = A260 x dilution factor x 40 x
sample volume
The objectives of this experiment were to
isolate RNA from yeast, to determine its purity B. RNA Hydrolysis
by UV spectroscopy and to characterize it after For the RNA hydrolysis, 5 mL of 0.3 NaOH
basic hydrolysis. was added to a test tube containing the
remaining solution of RNA. The solution was
METHODOLOGY then incubated in a water bath for 60 minutes.
The materials used for the isolation of yeast It was cooled afterwards and acidified to pH 4-
included an active dry yeast (Saccharomyces 6 by glacial acetic acid and was transferred to
cerevisiae), concentrated HCl, glacial acetic the nucleic acid hydrolysates in a
acid, 1% NaOH, and 95% ethanol. microcentrifuge tube.


The RNA sample was obtained by The RNA was extracted by heating with NaOH
precipitating and isolating the RNA from yeast and separated from associated proteins through
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) using 5.0 mL of the acid extraction at pH 4.5. It was then treated
1% NaOH solution with 25 mL water. The with alcohol and ether to eliminate its lipid
solution was heated in a water bath at 60°C for components. The obtained product of the
15 minutes, then strained in a cheesecloth with isolation process yielded an RNA appearing as a
the filtrate centrifuged afterwards. Glacial acetic powdery sediment which is dirty white in color.
acid was added to the supernatant liquid until it
was faintly acidic. The solution was evaporated Ultraviolet analysis was performed, and the
until it was reduced to 10 mL and was cooled absorbance of the sample was determined at
below 40°C. The recovered solution was then 230 nm, 260 nm, and 280 nm. The results are
poured into a 20mL 95% ethyl alcohol shown in the table below.
containing 0.2 mL of HCl and was stirred
Table 1. Ultraviolet Measurement of CONCLUSION
Isolated RNA from Yeast Upon the addition of NaOH for isolation and
UV MEASUREMENT treatment of alcohol to eliminate the lipid
230 nm 260 nm 280 nm content, it yielded a powdery, dirty white
Yeast 1.5436 1.8604 1.5277 sediment. The isolated RNA presented a positive
protein concentration based on the A260/A230
As seen in Table 1, the highest absorbance ratio, depicting a negative result for a successful
was recorded at 260 nm which is the ^max for pure isolation.
nucleic acids. Presence of exposed nitrogenous
bases was therefore detected resulting to REFERENCES
hyperchromic effect. This effect caused the  What is RNA? (n.d.). Retrieved from
absorbance to be higher compared to the
absorbance at 230 nm and 280 nm. rna/.\
Furthermore, ^max for protein contaminants
was at 280 nm.

Using the formula, A260 x dilution factor

x 40 x sample volume, the total RNA was
computed to be 1488.32. The RNA purity was
further assessed using the A260/A280 and
A260/A230 ratio.

Table 2. Total RNA Computation

UV Measurement

(A260/A280) (A260/A230)

1.8604/1.5277 = 1.8604/1.5436 =
1.2178 1.2052

A pure isolated RNA sample of good quality

ranges from 1.8-2.0 ratio for A260/A280. A higher
value signifies phenol contamination while a
lower value means there is a protein
contamination. Thus, the RNA isolated from
yeast in the performed experiment, based from
the resulting A260/A280 ratio, shows that there is
a protein contamination, with the values lower
than the desired amount of a good quality RNA

Furthermore, A260/A230 ratio of 2.0 signifies

presence of other contaminants such as
polysaccharides and salts as these contaminants
are absorbed strongly at 230 nm. Therefore, the
presence of these contaminants in the sample
was not observed since the ratio did not meet
the ideal ratio of 2.0.

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