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The study area of the research is the effectiveness of ENRICH financial program. ENRICH is a
holistic development program of PKSF (Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation), an apex development
organisations in Bangladesh. To get a better realization in the context of human development,
Capability Approach of Amartya Sen, an economic theory inspires me to choose PKSF as PKSF
provide services to the vulnerable people of the society in order to stimulate them for income-
generating activities. According to Sen (1980), if attempts continued to enhance the human
abilities, it will convert into valuable functioning’s. Primarily ENRICH program supports the
philosophy of Capability approach with the assistance of financial engagements. However,
achieving capabilities means living a good life with the support of social arrangements. This
research will focus on specific financial program of ENRICH programs such as loan savings,
special savings and grants.

Research questions/ research objectives

Specific Objective
 The primary objective of the research will be focused on measuring the effectiveness of
three financial programs on a specific community/union.

Broad Objectives
 To compare the overall performance under Enrich loan savings, Special savings and grants
 To explore the impacts/actions after implementing the ENRICH components.
 To evaluate the programme undertaken by ENRICH, PKSF.

In the search for acquiring this information is three research questions developed based on the
research objectives:

 What impacts the households of that specific community has experienced after the
programme was undertaken?
 How are people upgrading them from ultra-poor segment of the society?
 How ENRICH financial programs are promoted toward socio-economic activity?
Significant of the Research
It would be a worthwhile experience for me to be part of this research, where the people involved
have demonstrated diligence and passion for learning from experiences and, on that basis, to
reorient and redesign approaches and work programmes. Serving the ultra-poor segment of the
society has always been the prime concern of PKSF. In addition, under the community level
orientations, problem faced by some community, indeed, reveals the whole community problems.
The objective essence of the approach is to ensure the maximum utilization of the resources and
so of the human capabilities by which a household is endowed with.

Literature Review
In Japan, the Livelihood Improvement Program (LIP) was initiated for the period of the 1950s to
improve the lives of the rural people. LIP put its importance on the indigenous planning and
methods of the rural people themselves in regards to managing projects. However, NGOs are
working in the broad area of emergency response, democracy building, conflict resolution, human
rights work, cultural protection, environmental activism, policy suggestion, research, information
sharing (Lewis, 2010; Lewis and Kanji, 2009).

Recently, Bangladesh has declared as a middle-income country by World Bank. But still now
Bangladesh encompasses many social and economic problems. In fact, most the resources
provided by the government has undergone political persons as well as to the richest section (Huda,
1987). NGOs have been functioning in rural areas for long time and many researchers have claimed
that literally NGOs have done nothing for the betterment of rural poor. NGOs speak for rural poor
through rallies or other gatherings but carefully considering their voice is the voice of the patron—
in a patron-client relationship (Karim, 2001). According to Roy, Raquib and Sarkar (2017)
revealed that NGO’s are found extensively in third world countries oriented to social businesses
where Bangladesh is no exception.

Qualitative and Quantitative approach will be used to measure the effectiveness of the ENRICH
financial program. A small group discussion guided by the supervisors will be used for Field study.
Further, a KII (Key informant interview) will be conducted on field study to get experts
information. In addition, earlier studies will be reviewed for literature studies.
Focus Group
Research Methodplogy discussion

Primary Research Case Study

Key Informant
Interviews (KII)
Literature Review

Figure: Research process

Source: Author

Data Sources
I have chosen the case study design in my research as I found it the most suitable approach for this
particular research project. The nature of a case study as a design entails detailed and intensive
analysis of a single case. Further is the “case” term in a case study design often associated with a
study of a particular location or community. In my research, I have chosen Eliotgong Union,
Daudkandi, Cumilla district as my “case” where the aim is to explore and provide detailed analysis
of how the households have been impacted by the ENRICH program. In addition it will explore
the performance of the existing programs in Eliotgonj Union.

My choice of using a qualitative methodology includes the use of a semi-structured interview as

the main research methods. The questions in the interviews will be mostly open-ended with the
purpose of respondents to reply in which matter they choose. KII (Key Informant Interview) with
organizations and persons working with the development programs (if possible) will be done
during the final stages of the research.
Huda, K. S. (1987). The Development of NGOs in Bangladesh. ADAB News, 14(3pp), 1-10.

Karim, L. (2001). Politics of the poor?NGOs and grass‐roots political mobilization in

Bangladesh.PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 24(1), 92-107.

Lewis, D. (2010). Nongovernmental organizations, definition and history.In International

Encyclopedia of Civil Society (pp. 1056-1062).Springer US.

Lewis, D., and Kanji, N. (2009). Non-governmental organizations and development: Routledge.

Roy, I., Raquib, T. A., and Sarker, A. K., (2017). Contribution of NGOs for Socio-Economic
Development in Bangladesh. Science Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2017,
pp. 1-8. doi: 10.11648/j.sjbm.20170501.11.

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