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At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a. Identify elements and types of drama.

b. Appreciate drama in relation to real life situation.



Topic: Drama


Materials: visual aids, white board and marker.


1. Review the previous lesson.

 What was the last topic is all about?

2. Establishing purpose of the lesson.

 How we can relate in our life the poem if?

 What have you learned in our topic?

3. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills.

 What did you notice in this poem?

 What is the theme of the poem?


 The teacher will group the class into two groups.

 The two groups will choose representative to pick their task.

 The tasks are word hunt and matching type.

 They will do the task at same time.

 The teacher will give five minutes to complete the task.

 To show their answer the students will attach their cartolina on the board.

g a l j l t o d
p r a i s e u f 1. grief
b e i d e p t h 2. praise
c b r e a d t h 3. depth
d p a f o t e 4. height
f a i t h p j i 5. death
y s e h u o m g 6. strive
7. passion
p s t r i v e h
8. grace
o i h h a j n t 9. breadth
n o j l e l m p 10. faith
m n l f i k o k
z b g r a c e l

Column A Column B answer:

1. praise a. work hard 1. f
2. grief b. end of life 2. d
3. faith c. high 3. j
4. breadth d. deep sorrow 4. g
5. passion e. love 5. e
6. grace f. glorify 6. i
7. depth g. width 7. h
8. death h. deepness 8. b
9. strive i. kindness 9. a

10. height j. trust 10. c


 What have you notice in our task A and task B?

 Do you find it easier or difficult? Why?

 Do you have an idea what will be our lesson for today?



How Do I love thee written by Elizabeth Browning is dedicated to her
husband. She expressed her love in the poem by listing the ways on how she will
love her husband. She also described her love as three dimensional. The love for her
husband stretch from the limit even the grave will never stop her to love his husband.


 The teacher will divide the class into three.

 Students will make their own poem, song and jingle that will show their love
with their love one.
 It should compose of two stanzas, the first must have 8 lines and the second
must have 6 lines.

Content: 30%
Originality: 20%
Creativity: 20%
Delivery: 30%
Total: 100%

 Students need to search poem that is related to love.

 They will share in the class the poem and explain it briefly on the next
 Each student must have different poem from each other.
 Write the poem in ½ crosswise.


The teacher will give comments on teaching and to the learning process.
Prepared by:

Fauline V. Pinili

Prepared to:

Ms. Bacalay

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