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DR. B. C.

YEAR: 1ST SEM: 1ST SESSION: 2019-2020


1. As actual distance of 4 km is shown by a line 8cm long on a map. Draw a plane scale
reading in km and hm and show 220 deca. m. & 5.7 km.
2. A cube of 5cm side represents a tank of 1000 m3 volume. Construct a scale to measure
up to 35m. and mark on it 34 m.
3. The area of a field is 6,000 sq. meter. The length and breadth of the field in map is 10 cm
& 6 cm respectively. Construct a scale which can read up to 150 meter. Mark the length
of 30 m on the scale. Find the R.F. [2013-type, 2014-tyoe]
4. In a map a line of 10 cm length represents 20 km in the field. Calculate the R.F. and draw
a diagonal scale to read up to 30 km. Measure a distance of 22.5 km. [2016]
5. The distance between two points on a map is 15cm. The real distance between them is
20 km. Calculate R.F. of the scale and draw a suitable scale to measure up to 25km and
mark on it a distance of 14.7 km. [2013]
6. The distance between two cities A and B is 3000 kilometers. Its equivalent distance on
the map measures only 6 centimeters. What is the R.F? Draw a diagonal scale to show
hundreds of kilometers scale, the given distance. (i) 525 kilometers, (ii) 279 kilometer.

7. A map 1 m × 1m represents an area of 2500 km2. Construct a scale to measure Km, Hm,
Dm and long enough to be measure up to 5 k.m. Find also the R.F. and length of the
scale. [2012-type, 2017-type,]
8. Construct a diagonal scale showing yards, feet and inches in which 2 inches long line
represents 1.25 yards and is long enough to measure up to 5 yards. Find R.F. and mark a
distance of 4 yards 2 feet 8 inches.
9. Construct a scale of R.F= 1/20 to read meter, decimeter and centimeter; long enough to
read up to 4m. Show a distance of 2.38 m on the scale. [2018]

D.O.C. – 11/09/2019 (Group A) D.O.S. - 24/09/2019 (Group A)

11/09/2019 (Group B) 25/09/2019 (Group B)

# There were no questions from scale in 2015

by Chiradip Pal (Lecturer, ME)

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