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Description $ (rounded to the nearest dollar)

Net Income for Accounting Purposes 1,488,726

Add Back: Non-Deductable Expenses
Depreciation 151,083
Golf Membership Dues 9,104
Meals and Entertainment 12106
CRA Interest and Penalty Expenses 310
Legal Fees 2,891
Unreasonable Motor Vehicle Allowance 846
Impairment Loss On Goodwill 18159
Subtract: Deductable Expenses
Landscaping -12391
Life Insurance Premiums 0
Unpaid Renumerations 0
Contribution to Employee
+3(a) Net Business RRP's
Income for Tax 0
+3(a) Net Property Income
+3(b) Net Taxable Capital Gains
-3(d) Losses
Net Income for Tax Purposes
Less: Division C Deductions
Charitable Donations
Capital Loss Carry Over
Non-Capital Loss Carry
Dividends Recieved fromOver
Canadian Corperation
Taxable Income
Notes ITA Reference

50% deductable 67.1
20% deductable 20(1)(e)

Deductable Expense (paid within 180 days), therfore no adjustment required 20(1)(e.2)
Deductable Expense, therfore no adjustment required 78(4)
CCA Class UCC Additions Dispositions Balance 1/2 Year Rule
1 $411,833 $0 $0 $411,833 N/A
8 $173,468 $193,696 $225,761 $141,403 -$32,065
POD $233,355
ACB $193,696
Gain $39,659
Inclusion 50%
TCG $19,830
10 $53,266 $0 $13,734 $39,532
10.1 $0 $30,000 $0 $30,000 $15,000
13 $31,523

14.1 $0 $72,636 $0 $72,636 $36,318

50 $0 $38,204 $0 $38,204 $19,102
Subject to CCA Rate % CCA UCC
$411,833 4% $16,473 $395,360
$173,468 20% $34,694 $106,709

add to +3(b)

$15,000 30% $4,500 $25,500

$36,318 5% $1,816 $70,820

$19,102 55% $10,506 $27,698

POD > Capital Cost, therfore use Capital Cost for Dispositions

Stop calculation, terminal loss of $39,532 (deducted from income)

CCA for Audi, only $30,000 can be added to this class per vehicle
Maximum CCA for Class 13 is lesser of:
1/5 of Capital Cost of Improvment = 1/5 (29,054 + 7,228) = $7,256
Capital Cost of Improvment / Lease Term + 1 Renewal = ($29,054 + $7,256) / 8yr + 2yr = $3,131
Capital Gains on Sale of Land 2018 2019 2020
Proceeds of Disposition $25,875
Adjusted Cost Base $72,278
Capital Loss -$46,403 -$37,122 -$14,847
Reserve -$37,122 -$14,847 0
Net Capital Loss -$9,281 -$22,275 -$14,847
Inclusion Rate 50% 50% 50%
Allowable Capital Loss -$4,641 -$11,138 -$7,424

Calculation shown on calcualtion page

Are the allowable capital losses available for the respective years

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