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To:, premier@gov.ab.

And send to your MLA...

To Minister Nixon, Premier Kenny, and the various staff tasked towards Caribou

In the midst of large financial cuts being made, please review the study linked at the
bottom of this email. As I am confident the results of this study come at no surprise
to anyone, the majority of Albertans do not support the poisoning of Wolves (and
the long list of non-target species killed). The use of Strychnine, Compound 1080
and Sodium Cyanide are currently used in Alberta while being banned in the
majority of the global community. You can both appease the public and your
financial situation by abandoning this ineffective, cruel and arguably illegal activity
which is in direct conflict to both the Alberta Animal Protection Act and the Criminal
Code of Canada.

Perhaps the millions of dollars saved by banning the use of poison could go towards
supporting the most vulnerable in our society instead. Or perhaps the millions of
dollars saved could go towards effective Caribou management and recovery. Either
way.... millions of tax paying dollars could be saved by simply banning the use of
poison. And millions more could be saved by ending the Wolf cull all together. We
have 14 years of data to prove that it hasn’t helped Caribou recover.

“The Government of Alberta has undertaken various forms of predator control to

protect woodland caribou since 2005. This research seeks to understand Albertan’s
attitudes toward certain species (specifically caribou, wolves, and grizzly bears),
and the acceptability of predator control methods currently being used by the
government of Alberta.

Grounded in the human dimensions of wildlife literature, the objectives of this study
were to:
• assess Albertans' attitudes, beliefs and values toward predators;
• assess the acceptability of various management options involving wolves, grizzly
bears and woodland caribou;
• assess whether rural and urban Albertans differ in their views about wolves,
bears, and caribou;
• assess the public’s opinion regarding possible reasons for caribou decline; and
• assess support/opposition for various proposed ways to recover caribou

Please take the time to further assess the public view of Strychnine use in the below

I hope the UCP government can step up beyond any previous government and
adhere to the values of Albertans.

Thank you for your time,

Lisa Dahlseide B.Sc.

Conservation Biologist
Calgary-Bow Constituent

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