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Profile of Respondents

A total of 48 respondents were surveyed. 4% of them were male and 96% were female.
All respondents were aged 21 and above, 39 % aged 21 to 40 years, 48% aged 41 to 60 and 13%
aged more than 61 years old. These only suggest that calamay making is a middle-age and
women-dominated livelihood in general.

Table 2. Demographic Profile of Respondents

No. of Respondents Percent
Male 3 4
Female 45 96
Total 48 100
Years No. of Respondents Percent
20 and Below 0 0
21 to 40 19 39
41 to 60 23 48
Above 61 6 13
Total 48 100

Commented [Q1]: You can delete this graph

Usage of Traditional Calamay-Making
All the respondents were
asked if how often they use the
traditional method in producing
calamay. All of them responded that 0%
they are frequently using the
traditional method. This indicates Infrequently
that these calamay makers do not Frequently
use calamay-making method other
than the traditional one.
Figure 1
Number of Years Producing Calamay Using Traditional Method

9% 15 years and less


26% 16 to 30 years

31 to 45 years
46 years and more

Figure 2

Figure ___ shows how long the calamay makers have been producing calamay
using the traditional method. The largest percentage showed 45% of the respondents who are
making calamay for more than 46 years. On the other hand, the smallest percentage, which is 5%
of the respondents, is producing for less than 15 years. This explains that traditional calamay
making is still utilized by most of the calamay makers since then up to now.

Table 3. Commented [Q2]: What’s the caption?

Also, for all your figures and tables, please place captions below
Rank Reason of Choosing the Traditional Method No. of Respondents Percent them.
1 I am familiar with the method. 46 96
2 Materials are available. 44 91
3 Materials are affordable. 40 83
4 This brings greater income or profit. 27 57
5 I have no choice. 25 52
6 This produces high quality of calamay. 23 48
7 Products produced are easily sold. 6 13
Total 48 100

The table shows the reasons why the respondents are still using the traditional calamay
making. These reasons were ranked from 1 to 7 with 1 as the highest rank basing on the number
of respondents which agreed to the provided possible reasons. The highest rank is the familiarity
of the method. Next on the rank are availability of materials, affordability of materials,
profitability, having no choice, quality of produced calamay. Last in the rank was the manner on
how the calamay can be sold. The respondents also provided other reasons for using the
traditional methods. Here are the reasons the respondents have provided:

Advantages of Traditional Method

 We cannot afford the method that uses machineries.

 It does not consume much electricity.
 It requires small amount of capital.
 It can already support our daily expenses.
 The materials used are easy to replace.
 Traditional method is a culture and tradition we want to preserve.
 We can gain more profit especially during peak seasons.
 The procedure is only done at home.
 The ingredients are properly mixed.
 I follow it from a family business.
 Product produced has good smell.
 The calamay produced in traditional way is different from the calamay produced using
The above reasons provided by the respondents present the strengths of traditional
calamay making. These reasons are mainly based from their experiences while using the
traditional method.

Number of Laborers Needed in a Single Production

17 0 0


Percentage of Respondents

Figure 3

The graph shows the number of laborers needed in a single production using the
traditional method. It shows that majority of the respondents, that is 83%, need only 1 to 3
laborers. This indicates that the persons needed in a single production are at the range of 1 to 6
persons but not more than 7 laborers.

Number of Hours Spent in a Single Production

45 42

13 0


Percentage of Respondents

Figure 4

The graph shows that 45% of the respondents take 4 to 5 hours for every single calamay
production while 42% of them take 6 to 7 hours. Thus, the number of hours spent for a single
production of calamay is shown to be between 4 to 7 hours.

Volume of Production in a Week during Ordinary Season

3 13 17 19

50 TO 100 PIECES 101 TO 150 PIECES 151 TO 200 PIECES 201 TO 250 PIECES MORE THAN 250

Percentage of Respondents
Figure 5

The graph shows the estimated volume of calamay that the calamay makers can produce
in a week. 48% said that they can produce more than 250 pieces in an ordinary week.
Alternatively, more than a half of the respondents totaling 52 % (that is summing up 3% + 13%+
17% +19%) can only produce below 250 pieces in a week.
Volume of Production in an Week during Peak Season

0 0 4 9

50 TO 100 PIECES 101 TO 150 PIECES 151 TO 200 PIECES 201 TO 250 PIECES MORE THAN 250

Percentage of Respondents

Figure 6

This graph illustrates the estimated volume of calamay that the calamay makers can
produce in a week of a peak season. Majority of the respondents can produce more than 250
pieces, which is 87% of the total respondents. Conversely, only a total of 13% can produce less
than 250 pieces.

Table 4.
Shelf Life of Calamay Commented [Q3]: I have changed the term “Longevity”.
Please include “Shelf Life” in your Definition of Terms.
Number of days No. of Respondents Percent
0 to 3 days 0 0
4 to 7 days 37 78
More than 7 days 11 22
Total 48 100

The table shows how many days the produced calamay lasts. Among the respondents,
78% responded that their calamay lasts for 4 to 7 days, only 22% answered that it lasts for more
than 7 days, and none of them responded to below 3 days. This means that the calamay produced
using the traditional method lasts up to 7 days or one week. According to the respondents upon
asking why this is so, the respondents said that the factors that affect its longevity are the kind of
raw materials they are using and how they are mixed.
Likelihood that the Calamay Produced are Sold


35% At speed
Slightly at speed
Not at speed

Figure 7

The graph shows the manner on how the produced calamay using the traditional method
is sold. About 61% responded that their products are sold is at speed, 35% responded that it is
slightly at speed, and only 4% responded not at speed. According to the facts given by the
respondents, the factors that affect how fast their products are sold are the quality, shelf life,
competition, and seasonal volume of customers. Customers are expected to buy high quality
calamay. Therefore, basing on the 61% who answered that they can sell their products at speed,
the quality of calamay using traditional method is at the average to high quality. Thus, the
volume of calamay sold depends on the demand of customers, which is affected by season,
quality and its shelf life.

Cost of Calamay Production

Table 5.
Cost of Utensils
Cost in Peso No. of Respondents Percent
less than 3,000 11 22
3,001 to 6,000 18 39
6,001 to 9,000 17 35
More than 9,000 2 4
Total 48 100
Cost of Raw Ingredients
Cost in Peso No. of Respondents Percent
less than 1,000 4 9
1,001 to 2,000 27 56
2,001 to 3,000 17 35
More than 3,000 0 0
Total 48 100
Calculated Total Cost in a Single Production
Cost in Peso No. of Respondents Percent
less than 3,000 11 22
3,001 to 6,000 18 39
6,001 to 9,000 17 35
More than 9,000 2 4
Total 48 100

Table __ provides the estimated costs of traditional calamay production. It showed that
the average cost of utensils in the production of calamay is between the range of P3,000- P6,000,
and P6,000-P9,000. On the other hand, the average cost of the raw materials per production is
between P1,000- P3,000. The average calculated total cost in a single production is between
P3,000- P9,000. The estimated cost of traditional production is said to be comparatively small
than the other method, which uses the machineries.

Estimated Profit in a Week

60 57
Percentage of Respondents


30 26
17 Ordinary Season
Peak Season
0 0
Below Php 3,000 Php 3,001 to Php Php 6,001 to Php More than Php
6,000 9,000 9,000
Estimated Profit

Figure 8

During an ordinary week, the highest percentage of respondents responds to have a

weekly profit of less than P3,000 and no one has a profit of more than P9,000. In a peak season,
the highest percentage of respondents responds to have more than P9,000 weekly profit and none
below P3,000. This indicates that the profit of calamay making is seasonal. Calamay makers earn
more in the peak season such as during passenger seasons, when passengers travel through the
Jagna seaport, while lesser all through the ordinary periods.

Satisfaction of Using Traditional Method

Not Satisfied


Not Satisfied

Figure 9

Respondents were asked whether they are satisfied of just using the traditional way or
not. There were 95% who says they are satisfied and only 5% were not satisfied. Majority is
satisfied of using the traditional method, which means traditional calamay making has a practical
and beneficial use for them. The remaining percent of respondents who were not satisfied
suggest that the traditional calamay making has relative disadvantages.

Disadvantages of Traditional Method

Respondents were asked about their perceived disadvantages based on the respondents’
experience of using traditional calamay-making method. The following are statements they have

 Calamay produced has a shorter shelf life.

 It is time consuming.
 It is tiresome or has exhausting labor.
 The temperature while making is very hot.
 There is lack of facility.

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