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PTE Write Essay: Super Structure

Your essay should have four paragraphs:

1. Introduction
2. Argument 1
3. Argument 2
4. Conclusion


Your introduction should have three sentences:

1. Background sentence/s about the topic

e.g. Advertising is increasingly entering more and more personal areas of

our lives.

2. Rewrite the question

e.g. While public schools may benefit from additional revenue from
advertising, there are negative implications that should be taken into

3. Tell the reader what you will tell them “This essay will discuss…”

e.g. This essay will discuss why advertising in schools should not be used a
form of revenue generation.

PARAGRAPH 1 - Argument 1 (for or against)

1. Opening sentence

e.g. There are various reasons why public schools might use advertising to
generate more revenues.
2. Support sentence

e.g. Many schools in poor areas do in fact use advertising to bolster their

3. Evidence

e.g. For example, a school might be poor and advertising might be the only
option to make additional revenue.

4. Closing sentence

e.g. Advertising might be an easy option for schools to make money, which
could allow for schools to purchase better resources and facilities.

PARAGRAPH 2 - Argument 2 (against)

1. Opening sentence

e.g. There are various reasons why public schools should not use
advertising to make more money.

2. Support sentence

e.g. Academic integrity may be compromised by advertising in the school

and as a result children may be exploited.

3. Evidence

e.g. It is well known that companies often target children in advertising

campaigns that may not be ethical.

4. Closing sentence

e.g. The effect that advertising might have on children at schools may have
negative consequences.

1. Tell the reader what you told them (1 sentence)

e.g. This essay discussed the reasons why schools may or may not use
advertising to increase revenues.

2. State your opinion and summarize your argument

e.g. In my opinion, schools should refrain from advertising because

academic integrity should be more important than making additional


Advertising is increasingly entering more and more personal areas of our

lives. While public schools may benefit from additional revenue from
advertising, there are negative implications that should be taken into
consideration. This essay will discuss why advertising in schools should not
be used a form of revenue generation.

There are various reasons why public schools might use advertising to
generate more revenues. For example, a school might be poor and
advertising might be the only option to make additional revenue. Many
schools in poor areas do in fact use advertising to bolster their budgets.
While advertising might be an easy option for schools to make money, they
may want to consider other options.

There are various reasons why public schools should not use advertising to
make more money. Academic integrity may be compromised by
advertising in the school and as a result children may be exploited. It is well
known that companies often target children in advertising campaigns that
may not be ethical. The effect that advertising might have on children at
schools may have negative consequences.

This essay discussed the reasons why schools may or may not use
advertising to increase revenues. In my opinion, schools should refrain from
advertising because academic integrity should be more important than
making additional money.

223 words

Make sure you write more than 200 words or you will lose a point.

Make sure you write DIRECTLY on topic. If you deviate from the topic you
will lose points.

You can argue in the following way in your paragraphs:

• For / For
• Against / Against
• For / Against
• Against / For

… but whatever you do, make sure you CHOOSE A SIDE in your conclusion.

Follow the E2Language structure because it WORKS. It will maximize your

Written Discourse score and overall Writing score.

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