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Matric Number : 2018438752
Faculty / Group : AS 2431

Speech Title : Why deforestation should be banned?

Organisational Pattern: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Visual Aid : Power point slides
General Purpose : To persuade
Specific Purpose : To persuade my audience that deforestation has more negative effect than
what we think
Central Idea : An estimated 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which is
roughly the size of the country of Panama, are lost each year, according to
the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). So this topic
should be centralized and all people from any parties should stop doing


(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Attention)

I. Attention getter
What makes you think that your cosmetic products or medicine that you consume is safe
for your body?
A. Your cosmetic products and drugs were tested before it is released for public
B. One of the ways of the researchers testing their products or chemicals is by performing
animal testing procedure.
II. Reveal topic
You must be wondering what animal testing actually is, right?
A. Animal testing is a method that is used to test the safety and effectiveness of a
product and also to study human’s biological processes.
B. Animals have been used in repetition since 384 BC so the fact that it is still being used
till today make me assume human are still primitive even though there are myriads of
development in technologies.
III. Establish credibility
A. This topic has caught my eye as I came across a photo of a cat with its head being
implanted with an electrode.
B. This really breaks my heart as I have a cat and thus I did some research on this issue.
IV. Preview body/ state central idea
Today, I would love to persuade each and every one of you on why animal testing should
be stopped and banned.

Updated: 5 March 2018 Created by ELC590 Resource Team

(Transition: Now, you must be asking yourself. “What do animals have to do with me? Why
should I care about animals?”)


(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Need)

I. Main idea 1 (in 1 complete sentence)
Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you the reasons on why animal testing should be
A. Sub-point 1
Animal testing is morally wrong, cruel and inhumane.
1. Sub-subpoint 1
Can you imagine yourself to be locked inside of a cage without any control of
anything in your life?
a. That is what animals have to deal if they are used for testing.
b. All animals have feeling and they also can feel pain just like the rest
of living creature.
c. Most of animals used for experiments were left in pain and suffer
without getting any pain reliefs.
d. So is it really worth it of torturing these animals after I informed you
that very little percentage of these experiments is reliable?

B. Sub-point 2
Animal testing is very expensive and costly.
1. Sub-subpoint 2
It is reported that United States of America devote about 16 billion dollars
annually for the purpose of animal testing.

a. 16 billion dollars is a huge amount of money for such

unreliable purpose.
b. Government better spend it for other purposes instead of
spending it for a pointless experiment.
c. Where do you think the government gain that amount of
d. Of course from the taxpayers. So would you consider to
turn a blind eye on this issue knowing that you actually
pay to see animals suffer?

C. Sub-point 3
The use of animals to test effectiveness of a product is not reliable.

1. Sub-subpoint 3
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 95% of all drugs that are
said to be secure and effective during animal tests fail on the human trial due
to the drugs being harmful and do not work for human.
a. In addition, half of the drugs that were approved for
human use were relabeled because of the side effects
that were not recognized on animal test.
b. Human do not share the same physiology as animals.
c. Sacrificing millions of animals for the sake of humans is
absurd and a waste of time.

Updated: 5 March 2018 Created by ELC590 Resource Team

(Transition: So are there any other methods that can be used for product efficacy instead of animal

(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Satisfaction)

D. Main point 2
There are many other available substitutes for animal testing.
A. Subpoint 1
One of them is in vitro testing.
1. Sub-subpoint1
Harvard Wyss’s Institute has invented ‘organs-on-chips’ that consists of
human cells to imitate the morphology and function of human organs and
organ systems.
a. PETA also explains that instead of using animals, the
chips can replace animals in disease research, drugs
testing and toxicity testing as it duplicates physiology of
human, diseases and drug responses more precisely
compared to primitive animal experiments do.
b. For example, European Union Reference Laboratory’s
researchers developed five different tests that use human
blood cells to identify the contaminants in drugs that
cause a feasibly perilous fever response when the drugs
enter the body.
b. Subpoint 2
Other accessible alternative for animal testing also includes computer (in silico)
1. Sub-subpoint
Researchers have proliferated a broad range of advanced computer models
that simulate human biology and progression of developing new illnesses.
a. These models can foretell the process on how will new
drugs behave in the human body.
b. Luckily, the development of this technology can substitute
the uses of animals for drug test.
2. Sub-subpoint2
One of the computer modeling techniques that exists is the quantitative
structure-activity relationships.
a. It is a computer-based technique that makes
approximation of the probability of a substance of being
risky for human.
b. The use of computer modeling in replace of animal
testing is increasing by many companies and government
to evade the the cruelty towards animals.
c. Sub-point 3
Furthermore, we can overcome the animal right issues by start using human-patient
1. Sub-subpoint 3
Human-patient simulators is a computer life-like model which actually
breathes, convulse, bleed, talk and even die.
a. These simulators are used to teach pharmacology and
physiology to students.
b. The simulators also imitate injuries and illnesses to
portray a proper biological response towards
interventions and injections of medications.
c. Supposedly, the simulators uses should be widely
d. By doing this, educational institutes no longer have to
use animals such as mice and frogs to be used to teach
lifesaving skills.

Updated: 5 March 2018 Created by ELC590 Resource Team

(Transition: Can you imagine what will happen if animal testing procedure is performed continuously?)

(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Visualization)

E. Main point 3
Human life will be gambled.
A. Subpoint 1
Earlier, I mentioned that 95% of drugs security succeed in animal test were fail during
the human trial.
1. Sub-subpoint1
Imagine if we keep on depending on animals to test the safety of variety of
a. We will waste our time and even worse, we put people’s
life on risk.
b. Conspicuously, animal testing is not effective thus
increases death rate.
b. Subpoint 2
Our ecosystem and environment will be affected.
1. Sub-subpoint 2
Approximately, 100 millions of animals were sacrificed every year only for
testing purposes.
a. These animals are bred, fed and tested with chemicals
and viruses.
b. Most of the animals end up suffer and eventually dead.
2. Sub-subpoint2
The dead animals were disposed and discarded to the environment.
a. That means, the surrounding will be exposed to
infections, chemicals and diseases from the dead
b. This will increase the number of death of living things and
causes a disruption in our ecosystems.
c. Sub-point 3
More and more of our time is wasted in vain.
1. Sub-subpoint 3
Most procedure of animal testing takes a very long time to come out with a
a. The time taken to find a single cure for a disease will
cause many people to end up dying as no cure can be
used to treat disease.
b. What is worse, even when the test come out with a
positive result for animals that does not mean it brings
good news for human.
c. Therefore, using animal as approach does not promise
anything good for us.


(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Action)

I. In conclusion, animal testing methods bring more harms and disadvantages than it brings goods.
II. Therefore, I vehemently believed that this form of cruelty towards animals should be banned.
III. I would love to ask each and every one of you to sign up a petition and start using and supporting
cruelty-free products such as The Body Shop.

Updated: 5 March 2018 Created by ELC590 Resource Team

IV. If you still think that it is fine to torture animal for the sake of science and beauty than I recommend
you to see any psychologist as soon as possible.

Alternatives to animal testing. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2018, from

Animal Testing Is Bad Science: Point/Counterpoint. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2018, from

Wasted Money, Wasted Lives. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2018, from

Cruelty to Animals in Laboratories. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2018, from

Pugh, C. (n.d.). Animal testing is animal cruelty. Retrieved November 3, 2018, from

Updated: 5 March 2018 Created by ELC590 Resource Team

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