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As the continuation from the progress last week, our group together with our leader Mr.

Darren Cerado started to plan what will be the flow of the video. In connection with that, we started

to do the script step by step depending on the flow that has been talked and discussed inside our

group. We shared opinion, thoughts and criticism for the script to be more effective and reliable.

Our brainstorming lead to finalizing the script, the setting, the characters and the flow of the video.

Through the use of Laptop, we had accomplished to do the script fast and also by the help

of the members who always attend every time that there’s meeting needed to be done. The

materials that are going to be used won’t cost a lot of money, our group decided to be more

practical and reuse things if it possible to avoid a lot of money being spend. The setting will be in

Cedrik’s house because he has the pool table wherein the main props that our group need to film

and to create the performance task right and systematize.

Since we have a lot of days to finish the final output, we thoroughly analyze the things we

needed to do for us to have an organized video that will meet the standard of the given rubrics.

Every member contributes well and shares their ideas without the fear of being rejected because

we are open to criticism as long that it is not personal or it is just about the idea and not attacking

the person itself. Due to this mind set of our group, we always manage to do our task correctly and

they listen very well when the leader talks about the plan or the other members contribute or

suggest things for the final output to be done neatly.


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