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American Welding Society

The Practical
Reference Guide for

Visual Inspection of Pressure

Vessels and Pressure Piping
COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
STDmAWS PRGVT-ENGL 1999 0784265 051937b 396 E

Visual Inspection of Pressure Vessels
and Pressure Piping

Ted V. Weber
Principal Consultant
Weber & Associates

This publication is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is made available
with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the rendering of professional advice. Reliance upon
the information contained in this document should not be undertaken without an independent verification of
its application for a particular use. The publisher is not responsible for loss or damage resulting from use of this
publication. This document is not a consensus standard. Users should refer to the applicable standards for their
particular application.

American Welding Society

550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126

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Visual inspection (VT) is one of the more important inspection methods used to ensure the quality of both
new fabrication, as well as equipment and piping after some period of service. It is used in all industries, and
should be considered as the basic inspection method prior to the selection of any other inspection method. A
phrase that puts VT in the proper perspective follows:

“lt has been shown repeatedly that an efective program of visual inspection, conducted by properly trained personnel,
will result in the discovery of the vast majority of those defects which would otherwise be discovered later by some more
expensive nondestructive test method.”

Note the emphasis on proper training; without such training, the inspector often only looks at things without
actually inspecting them, and critical discontinuities are often overlooked. It is to that end, the training of vi-
sual inspectors, that this Guide was prepared. Proper visual inspection requires inspector training in many
disciplines and the training should be a continuous, ongoing process. New technologies useful to visual in-
spection are continuing to be developed, and these must be incorporated into the overall inspection efforts to
optimize results.

It was once stated that, “lnspectors must have been haEfcrazy to have selected inspection as a lifetime career!” While
many of us may agree with that statement in part, most would agree that inspection is a very challenging and
catisQing career path, and we remain quite proud to be called inspectors.

Ted V. Weber
Hendersonville, Tennessee

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Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use only, or the internal,
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O 1999 by the American Welding Society. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

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Page No.
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................ 1
New Fabrication......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Base Metals and Filler Metais .................................................................................................................................. 4
Welding Procedure Qualification ............................................................................................................................ 5
Personnel Qualification ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Inspection Planning................................................................................................................................................... 7
Repairs and Re-inspection ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Production Welding-New Fabrication............................................................................................................... 10
Fabrication Codes .................................................................................................................................................... 12
In-Service Inspection ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Annex A-Technical and Scientific Organizations ............................................................................................. 19
Annex -1998 ACME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sections ................................................................... 22
Annex C-Discontinuities ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Annex &Selected References .............................................................................................................................. 28


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In one version of a perfect world of manufacturing,
there are no inspectors. None are needed because
each and every person in the workforce has been so
thoroughly trained, possesses and applies all the
necessary personal attributes, and is paid a reason-
able salary such that all manufacturing mistakes are
completely eliminated. Think of that perfect sce-
nario: a manufacturing world without mistakes.
Some of today's quality approaches reach for that
ideal goal and have developed precepts that con-
siderably reduce online inspection requirements.
The concept of "continuous improvement" is an
important part of that quest for perfection, and is
found in many quality-concept documents.

One approach to quality is found in the documents,

modified by American organizations, commonly
referred to as IS0 Standards. These often become AMERICAN SOUM FMI QUAUTY
the basis for "IS0 Certification," which many man- 611 EAST W6co" AMNUE
ufacturing sites obtain and market as part of their
quality program. In the U.S.,these IC0 quality pro-
gram standards and guides are published under the
combined authority of ANSI (American National
Standards Institute), IS0 (International Organiza-
Figure 1. ANSVISO/ASQC Q9001-1994.
tion for Standards), and the ASQ (American Society
for Quality), as "Q" documents. Two of these are
Q9004-1, Quality Management and Quality System
Elements-Guidelines, and Q9001, Quality Systems-
Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, decades to come, especially in the fabricating in-
Production, installation, and Servicing (see Figure 1). dustries, and visual inspection will certainly con-
A thorough understanding of these two quality tinue on the front line of that inspection effort.
documents is very helpful in organizing a Quality In the broad field of Quality Assurance, the control
Assurance program for fabrication companies. Ad- of welding operations and fabrication of process
ditional ASQ documents covering fabrication qual- equipment encompasses many technical disciplines
ity are Q9002, Quality Systems-Model for Quality including engineering design, materials selection,
Assurance in Production, installation, and Servicing, welding processes, welding procedures, non-
and Q9003, Quality Systems-Model for Quality As- destructive inspection, and corrosion mechanisms.
surance in Final inspection andTest. Their cost is min- Visual inspection plays an important role in all of
imal and can be obtained from the American these and it requires proper training of personnel to
Society for Quality, 611 East Wisconsin Avenue, provide the necessary function of quality control at
Milwaukee, WI 53202. each stage of fabrication as well as continued in-
spections during the life of the component.
However, as much as these new quality programs
have improved quality in many areas, in our less- Inspector certification programs, such as the AWS
than-ideal, real world, there still remains a need for CWI and SCWI certifications, have been developed
skilled inspectors. Most have seen various versions to ensure a basic minimum qualification of the
of the old saying, "People do whaf you inspect, not visual inspection personnel (see Figure 2). Other
what you expect." While that statement appears to organizations such as the American Petroleum
be quite cynical, many critical manufacturing ef- Institute (API), the National Association of Corro-
forts still follow that credo with great success. In- sion Engineers (NACE), and the American Society
spection will continue to be a necessary skill for for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT),have developed

AWS Practical Reference Guide 1

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
drawing course; others learn on the job. The
method of learning to interpret fabrication draw-
ings is not the important issue. Rather, it is the in-
terpretation itself that must be included as part of
an inspector’s skills.
Slang terms and incorrect terminology often lead to
confusion and errors. So, a second requirement is to
know and understand the proper terminology per-
tinent to a given industry. Proper terminology in-
cludes the mechanical aspects of stress, strain,
strength, ductility and many others that aid in de-
scribing the mechanical properties of the materials
used in manufacture. It also includes the necessary
terminology of welding and fabrication processes,
including joint and weld geometry and welding
processes as well as typical discontinuities. Various
base and weld metal discontinuity types have been
defined by AWS and are described in AWS 81.10,
AWS B1.ll, AWS A3.0, and in the convenient AWS
publication The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual
Inspection and Weld Discontinuities-Causes and Rem-
edies (see Figure 3 and Annex D-Selected Refer-
ences). Excerpts from some of these are found in
Annex C-Discontinuities. Knowledge of corro-
sion terms is also required when completing in-ser-
vice inspections of pressure equipment. Corrosion
Figure 2. AWS QC1-96-Standard for AWS terms can also be found in several of the references
Certification of Welding Inspectors. noted in Annex D-Selected References.
An important third requirement for the visual in-
spector is a thorough knowledge of the fabrication
codes pertaining to the various industries. The pe-
certification programs for general and/or specific troleum industry relies on API specifications, the
industries. Additionally, several industries and pri- railroad industry relies on the AAR standards, and
vate companies have produced industry-specific or building construction relies on the AWS structural
in-house training programs to train the inspectors codes. Almost every industry has specific codes
that pertain to their particular needs and the inspec-
on their particular needs. Nuclear power industries
tor must have access to, and be familiar with, the
have such programs, as do the petroleum, petro-
applicable codes.
chemical, and aerospace industries.
A fourth requirement is precise documentation of
Visual inspection is learned through experience; al- inspection results. Verbal statements regarding in-
most everyone has the inherent capability to see spections usually have little value; the inspection
things, but visual inspection requires a more thor- results must be documented such that they can be
ough observance of details that requires consider- referred to months or years later with absolute un-
able training, and the learning curve is usually very derstanding and clarity. With today’s computer
experience-intensive.One of the first requirements technology, there is little or no excuse not to have
of a visual inspector in the fabricating realm is to be complete, clear, legible, and retrievable documenta-
able to read and interpret engineering drawings. tion of inspection results readily available as
Unless the inspector has this first capability, the re- needed. Today’s technology also includes the excel-
quirements of the fabrication cannot be properly lent digital cameras that permit photographs of the
determined. Many inspectors learn blueprint read- equipment or condition to be easily inserted into
ing in school, either in a drafting or engineering the records. Video cameras are another method of

2 AWC Practical Reference Guide

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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STD-AWS PRGVT-ENGL 1999 E 07842b5 0519381 7 5 3

The Everyday
Pocket Handbook for
Visual Inspection and
Weid Discontinuities-
Causes and Repairs

Compiled as a useful tool for

on-the-job welding personnel by the
AWS Product Development Committee

Figure 3. The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual Inspection and Weld Discontinuities-Causes
and Repairs.

recording inspection results. As one inspector be covered, both for new fabrication and in-service
noted, ”in today‘s world, if it’s not written down, it inspections. The emphasis will be on piping and
hasn’t happened!” vessels for pressure containment.
It is certainly recognized that the actual require-
ments for thorough visual inspection may vary
from one industry to another, but all visual inspec- New Fabrication
tion contains the four basic requirements noted
above that must be met to inspect an item to the de- A good starting point for any new fabrication
sired and required level. Inspection not only applies project is close communication between the manu-
to the original fabrication of the components, but facturing personnel and the design groups. To use a
extends to the in-service inspections as weli. Fitness petrochemical process as an example, the manufac-
for purpose inspections must often continue for the turing group knows the task it wants to perform
life of the component, and this usually requires whether it is to manufacture polyester sheeting ma-
some form of periodic inspection, performed to terial, polyethylene pellets for molding machines,
written guidelines, to ensure the continued safe op- or acids to use as ingredients for other manufactur-
eration of the item. Most are somewhat familiar ing processes. The group conveys its desired result
with the stringent rules for continued inspection for to the design group and after several discussions
aircraft; they receive periodic inspections after a set and iterations, the final design of the component is
number of hours of operation. Many pressure ves- completed. During this design stage, it is very help-
sel codes have similar requirements but usually
ful to have input from the welding and metallurgi-
have longer time periods between inspections.
cal engineers as well as the inspectors to assist in a
It is not the purpose of this Guide to repeat in great design that first of all can be fabricated, and sec-
detail all the visual inspection procedures found in ondly, inspected adequately. All too often, designs
these other documents. Rather, practical ap- are too quickly put together only to find out the
proaches to the broad topic of visual inspection will materials selected pose tremendous difficulty in

AWS Practical Reference Guide 3

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STDmAWS PRGVT-ENGL 1997 0784265 0537382 b7T m

welding, or the design makes it impossible to thor- new equipment, the welding operations usually get
oughly inspect. considerable attention up front. There are several
reasons for this, but they often include the general
The design of each separate component for a com-
lack of knowledge of welding techniques by many
plex process is sometimes done in a rather random
of the engineering staff as well as previous experi-
fashion. For example, a vessel is needed to mix the
ences with weld failures. A list of the initial require-
raw ingredients and is designed by the pressure
ments for fabrication inspection will usually
vessel group. Then a distillation column is needed
include the following:
and is designed by the distillation column design-
ers. A heat exchanger is needed and is designed by
the heat exchanger designer. When insufficient
communication exists between these various Base Metals and Filler Metals
groups, it can lead to costly redesign, or material These should be purchased to specifications listing
changes, to incorporate exactly what is needed. all the necessary requirements, with a supporting
Material Test Report requirement on the purchase
order. These necessary requirements usually in-
clude the mechanical properties, chemistry, size,
shape, manufacturing method, surface finish, heat
treatment, and quantity. Base metals are often or-
dered to ASTM, ASME, or API specifications; filler
metals are usually ordered to AWS specifications.
Specific items may require additional data, such as
the protective coatings for corrosion resistance of
steel products or shipping container requirements
for low-hydrogen electrodes, and all the materials
should always be inspected upon receipt to ensure
compliance. Often, for critical applications, check
analyses on the chemistry or mechanical properties
may be made to reflect a higher degree of certainty.
For filler metals, this may require the preparation of
Figure 4. A typical petrochemical complex a weld sample to a specification for chemical or me-
showing the complexity and variety of pressure chanical testing, with its preparation witnessed by
vessels and piping arrangements. an inspector.
Once the proper materials have been received and
A far better approach is to have good liaison be- confirmed, it is imperative that storage of these ma-
tween the various design sections through a project terials maintains their proper identification (ID).
manager to ensure compatibility of each compo- There are many different systems used for main-
nent, especially regarding the materials of construc- taining the ID of materials. Coding by different
tion and corrosion issues. The selection of materials paint colors can be an acceptable method for mate-
incorporates many different aspects including cost, rials control, but consideration should be given to
availability, strength, weldability, and corrosion re- the effects of sun and weather on the color. Color
sistance. Selection of the correct material may re- changes do occur with exposure to sun, and this
quire fabrication and corrosion testing to ensure must be recognized. Color changes over time have
suitability. Visual inspection of these corrosion tests led to mistakes in alloy identification. Weather can
may be an initial inspection requirement for the also cause deterioration of the materials, and pro-
project, and requires an understanding and knowl- tection may be needed during storage.
edge of the various corrosion tests by the inspector.
Piping is often ink marked every three or four feet
Often these are done to ASTM specifications and
along its length with its specification, grade, heat
the inspector must have ready access to them.
number, etc., which helps maintain its identifica-
Pressure containment usually requires the use of tion. Plate is often stamped or paint marked with its
welding operations in the manufacturing of the ID on one corner. Consider what happens if a por-
piping and vessels needed. In the fabrication of tion of the plate is used. Often, the corner with the

4 AWS Practical Reference Guide

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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STD-AWS PRGVT-ENGL 1999 m 07842b5 0539383 52b

Figure 5. ASME Section II, Part A, covering Figure 6. ASME Section II, Part Cycovering filler
ferrous material specifications. Section II, Part B metals. The AWS Filler Metal Specifications
of the same code covers nonferrous materials. were adopted for use in Part C.

marking is taken for use and this requires the re- ways depending on the code requirements in effect
marking of the “drop” or remainder. Inspectors for the project. In some codes, test weldments must
should, and often do, play a role in this remarking. be made and tested to qualify a procedure. Other
Other items such as forgings, castings, or subassem- codes may permit the use of “canned” welding pro-
blies may require bar coding, stamping, tagging, or cedures or the use of mockups. The inspector must
segregation to maintain their identity. be familiar with the procedure qualifications and
ensure they are met completely and satisfactorily.

Two of the more common procedure qualification

Welding Procedure Qualif ¡cation approaches are those found in the AWS standard
B2.1:1998, and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Once the base materials have been received, con- Code, Section IX (see Figures 7 and 8). Either may
firmed, and stored properly, the next item requiring be acceptable but if an ASME Code fabrication is
attention for fabrication of pressure containment being produced, Section IX is required for proce-
equipment is the qualification of welding proce- dure qualification.
dures. (This step may be the initial step in the entire
process if the fabricator has little or no experience Too often, once a welding procedure has been qual-
with the materials to be used.) A welding process is ified, it disappears into the dark corners of some
selected and a preliminary Welding Procedure office and is never seen again except during formal
Specification is usually prepared. However, these audits. While a master list of procedures with
procedures can be qualified in several different current copies should be maintained in an office,

AWS Practical Reference Guide 5

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S T D O A W S PRGVT-ENGL 1779 111 0784265 0519384 4b2 m

ANSVAWS ü2.1!1998
An A m o r i m N a î i m l Siandard

Specification for
Welding Procedure
and Performance

Figure 7. ANSVAWS 82.1 :1998 can be used for Figure 8. ASME Section IX also covers
welding procedure and personnel qualification. qualification of procedures and personnel for

copies of those welding procedures should also be The inspector should be familiar with the period of
placed in binders or protected with plastic covers validity for the welder to remain qualified; this pe-
and made readily available at the shop floor to the riod is usually noted in the applicable code. Most
welding and inspection personnel. This simple step welder qualifications are valid for a six-month pe-
often eliminates many procedural mistakes during riod, meaning that the qualification is valid as long
fabrication. as the welder performs the same welding process to
which he or she qualified. If a welder does not per-
form any documented welding with the qualified
Personnel Qualification welding process in the speciried time period, the
welder is no longer considered qualified. Some
Once the necessary welding procedures have been companies adhere strictly to the code qualification
qualified, the next step is to qualify the welders and requirements; other retest their welders once a year
welding operators to the applicable code. The in- regardless of the code requirements or continuing
spector has a key role to play in this activity; many use of the process. There are several software pro-
codes require the witnessing and documentation of grams available that aid the tracking of welder
both the welder performance tests and the mechan- qualifications. Central certification of welders is
ical testing of the resulting welded test specimens another option that allows a company to maintain
by an inspector. Most codes and other standards records on qualification. Independent third party
cover both the procedure qualification and the certifications of welders can provide value by in-,
welder performance testing. troducing rigorous standardized procedures for 1

6 AWS Practical Reference Guide

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

S T D - A W S PRGVT-ENGL 1999 0784265 0539385 3T9

performance testing that eliminates bias and subjec-

tivity in the qualification process.
In addition to welder qualification, attention must
be given to the personnel qualifications of those en-
gaged in nondestructive testing (NDT) which in-
cludes visual inspection. Before specifymg the type
and level of personnel involved in welding inspec-
tion, a decision must be made as to what types of
tests are to be performed. AWS administers a pro-
gram for the certification of welding inspectors
who are engaged in activities that span the welding
fabrication process, including visual inspection, to
assure that the delivered product meets the cus-
tomer’s specification. The AWS Certified Welding
Inspector program has been in existence for over 25
years and is recognized for its conhibutions to qual-
ity assurance within the welding industry.
Many welding operations require the application of
inspection methods that do not affect the service-
ability of the finished product. These nondestruc-
tive test methods differ in their scientific principles
and require specially trained and certified individu-
als for each method employed. The most common
NDT methods used today are visual testing (VT),
penetrant testing (PT),magnetic particle testing
(MT), ultrasonic testing (UT),and radiographic test- Figure 9. ASNT SNT TC-1A, Recommended
ing (RT). Each method has advantages and limita- Practice for Qüû/i@ingNDT Personnel.
tions, and must be specified only after a thorough
understanding of the principles involved and how
they relate to the weldment being examined.
projects, just keeping track of the welders and their
The certification of NDT personnel can be em-
qualifications can be difficult, and as mentioned
ployer-based in accordance with the Recommended
above, one of several computer programs can often
Practice SNT-TC-1A, published by the American
aid this effort. When hundreds of welds are to be
Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) (see Fig-
made each day, identifying and tracking their status
ure 9), or can be third-party administered. These
also requires careful planning. Large numbers of
third-party or central certification programs are of-
piping welds are often tracked from copies of
fered by both AWS and ASNT and provide uniform
the isometric drawings used for fabrication. Shop-
personnel testing and portable documentation of
fabricated vessels often maintain control using a
qualifications to the practitioner of specific NDT
weld map sketch of the vessel in addition to the fab-
rication drawings. Again, computers often can aid
in this tracking effort.

Inspection Planning One of the early considerations for fabrication in-

spection is the necessary type and degree of inspec-
At this point, we have qualified the welding proce- tion. Often, the fabrication code will specify the
dures, qualified and certified the welders, and qual- inspection requirements but these may not be suffi-
ified and certified the inspectors. Now, the actual cient for the application. While code inspection re-
fabrication is about to begin. But before the welding quirements must be met for compliance, additional
begins, some thought must be given to the organi- inspection may be required. However, the inspec-
zation of the inspection efforts. (This step is often tion philosophy must keep in mind that delaying a
the first action taken on many projects.) On large project for three months by requiring too-stringent

AWS Practical Reference Guide 7

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STDmAWS PRGVT-ENGL 1997 07842b5 051938b 235 =

inspection and quality assurance is often just as If the material leaking has an extremely high eco-
costly as having premature failures from poor qual- nomic value, product containment becomes a very
ity welds later during the manufacturing operation. high priority. Thus, criticality includes the dollar im-
A balance of quality and economics must always be pact of loss, and its effect on personnel. If a leak in a
an important consideration in developing an in- pressure vessel permits a hazardous material to es-
spection program. Remember, as one professor of cape and endanger personnel, subsequent inspec-
economics stated, ”General Motors is not in business tions may include multiple inspection methods, or
to make cars; they are in business to make money.” the percentage of welds inspected is increased,
sometimes to a 100% level. As expected, safety and
These inspection decisions do require a thorough economics play a large role in determining criticality.
understanding of
One approach used to aid in the criticality or level
The criticality of the equipment. of inspection decisions is often referred to as a
Metallurgy of materials. ‘What If’ analysis. A group of personnel knowl-
edgeable about the overall manufacturing process
Welding processes. and materials considerations meet and review dif-
Inspection methods. ferent scenarios using the ’What If’ technique. An
example of this would be the case where the group
Repairs and re-inspection. asks, ”What are the results Ifvalve B fails?” The analy-
sis of that scenario then determines the results and
It is helpful to examine each of these above items
individually. if serious, may lead to increased inspection to en-
sure that valve B has the required quality.

Criticality Metallurg¡cal Aspects

A potable water line designed for 150 psig is not
The metallurgical aspects should also be consid-
usually considered a critical item. But consider the
ered, including several general principles:
consequences of a weld failure in that piping if it
runs up the side of a 300-foot-high column to cool As a metal’s strength increases, its weldability
the topmost section. If this cooling water supply is usually decreases.
interrupted, a process explosion may occur. In this
case, the degree of criticality decision should in- The types of welding discontinuities often vary
clude the results of a premature failure. Inspection between alloys.
of this water line example may warrant including Some materials have a greater propensity for
visual, penetrant, and even radiographic inspection. cracking or porosity than others.
Welding affects a material’s heat treatment
Welding may reduce the material’s corrosion
Not every fabrication project has a metallurgical en-
gineer or metallurgist on staff to review all of the
metallurgical aspects, which makes it imperative
that the inspectors have a basic knowledge of these
fundamentals to aid in planning the inspection pro-
gram. Not being aware of the metallurgical aspects
of welding can lead to production difficulties or
even worse, premature failure of the component.

Welding Processes
Figure 10- Lengthy vertical Piping arrangements Knowledge of the welding processes is also valu-
may have a role in determining criticality. able because each different welding process brings

8 AWS Practical Reference Guide

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S T D e A W S PRGVT-ENGL 1999 0784265 0519387 L71

its own advantages and limitations to the fabrica- tion is then ground a bit to remove a thin layer of
tion effort. Some welding processes are more prone metal, 1/16- to l/S-inch depth, depending on the
to cracking than others; some have a greater pro- amount of bleed-out. At this point, after light
pensity for porosity; still others should remain in grinding, a second light developer coat is ap-
the shop and not be used in the field under adverse plied to the freshly ground surface to determine
conditions. Consideration must be given to these if the crack bleeds out again. If so, additional
aspects early on, and often, the economics of a par- light grinding is done, followed by a third re-
ticular process, including productivity and cost of development of the surface. Typically, the de-
filler metal, are the primary drivers. veloper can be applied 2-5 times to obtain suc-
cessive indications, depending on the crack depth
and width and the thickness of the developer
Inspection Methods coating. At the point where no indications are
The next item to discuss for organizing the inspec- observed on subsequent redevelopment only, the
tion effort is the selection of the required inspection, surface is given a complete I Tonce more.
or inspections, from the various methods available. Chasing a crack by subsequent redevelopment
Just as welding processes have advantages and lim- without new penetrant steps saves time and ef-
itations, inspection methods also have these same fort, since the time required for the complete PT
attributes. Some are limited to finding surface dis- process is not necessary. When chasing is used,
continuities only; others can detect them below the and no further indications are observed on the
surface. Some methods require lengthy training surface after multiple developments, the entire
and experience, while other methods may be taught surface must then be re-cleaned and the entire IT
effectively in just a few hours or days. The welding process applied once again. If additional indica-
inspector must have a thorough knowledge of the tions are found, the chasing procedure is com-
more common inspection methods to assist in the pleted again using only the application of the
initial selection, and to aid the understanding of developer in several stages. The alternate ap-
later field inspection results. proach of chasing several times followed by a
complete PT procedure is repeated until no indi-
cations are observed during a complete Pï, indi-
Inspection Tip # 1 cating complete removal of the defect.
PT Chasing for Crack Removal
When penetrant testing (Pï)is used for inspec- After visual inspection, radiographic testing (RT) is
tion, it is often helpful to minimize the amount of one of the more common methods selected for pres-
developer applied to the surface to just the bare sure vessel and piping inspection. Often, RT is con-
minimum required for developing a light, white sidered to be the best or most complete test method
background. Applying multiple light coats of de- since its capabilities are very good. However, one
veloper to the surface enables detection of very serious limitation of RT is its inability to find flat,
fine cracking. Another important advantage of planar discontinuities unless they are properly ori-
developing to a minimum is that when cracks entated with respect to the incident radiation. The
are found, a minimum amount of the penetrant planar discontinuity must not be oriented normal or
is consumed in the light bleed-out of indications, near normal to the radiation beam if it is to become
leaving an amount of penetrant remaining within visible on the film. This orientation requirement of
the crack. This remaining penetrant can be avail- the radiation being in line with the edge can se-
able for subsequent redevelopment steps only, verely limit detecting tight incomplete fusion on the
and does not require completing the entire PT weld joint sidewall, especially for short circuiting
procedure for re-inspection. Grinding is often GMAW with its propensity for such problems.
then used to remove the crack indications, and
the crack can be chased in stages for complete
removal. Repairs and Re-inspection
Crack removal by chasing is done in several Finally, attention should be given to how rejected
stages; the first being to complete a careful PT welds are to be handled. Will the rejected item be
with a light developer coating. The crack indica- scrapped, cut out, repaired? If weld repairs are to be

AWS Practical Reference Guide 9

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made, will they be complete cutouts or will spot- suffer. The inspection force must also have copies
repair techniques be used? Care must be taken of, or access to copies of, all applicable and perti-
to document the repair procedure used, the re- nent drawings and standards. The inspection su-
inspection technique, and the re-inspection results. pervision should report directly to top management
Typically, the same inspection method used to find and have no line responsibilities with respect to
the defect will be re-applied to the repairs. production. This approach has shown itself to be a
successful path to weld quality.
Another decision to make is will the welder who
made the defective weld make the repair, or will To gain additional insights into visual inspection
repair welders make all repairs? Both approaches programs for field welds, our discussion will now
have been used very successfully. Often, in a move to a review of the fabrication of a typical pet-
production-line approach, the rejects are recycled rochemical process plant using an inspection ap-
through a repair center, leaving the production-line proach somewhere between the opposite ends of
welders online to maintain production. Repairs the spectrum noted above. As you might expect,
made in the field may often require the original these plants are often built into open structures ex-
welder to repair his/her rejects. This last approach posed to the elements and this is an important con-
often has the potential for, and inherent advantage sideration regarding the inspection requirements.
of, being a learning experience for the original The plant will often consist of several miles of pro-
welder. When a welder repairs his/her rejects, they cess piping of various diameters and alloys, con-
are usually able to see what condition caused the necting pressure vessel to pressure vessel, and often
reject, and consider how to avoid it in the future. placed into pipe bridges above ground level. Pres-
sure vessels are often placed throughout the sev-
eral-story structure and are also fabricated from
Production Welding-New different alloys.
To this point, we have devoted considerable effort
to the planning and preparing for the actual fabrica-
tion welding and inspection. These first steps are
very important, and shortcuts should not be taken
in these early stages. When poor planning and poor
preparation lead to welding defects, it is amazing
how there is always time to weld it correctly the
second time but not the first.
Inspection of production welding is done with a
wide variety of approaches. On one extreme, very
little attention is given to the inspection effort until
the final product is completed, if even then. Weld
quality is left entirely to the welder, yet quite often
this simple approach is adequate. On the opposite Figure 11. Fabrication of a typical steel
end of that spectrum, very close control of base and structure for a petrochemical plant is often
filler metals, joint fitup, tack welding, root-pass multilevel. These structural welds must also be
quality, and final weld-out is maintained. Each step inspected, often requiring an inspector with
is documented and signed off by an inspector. agility as well as experience.
Often this tight control is mandated by a code or
specification and is adhered to very closely.
One fact is certain regarding careful visual welding A decision sometimes made in the above circum-
inspection: a trained and qualified inspection force stances is that every field weld will be visually in-
is required, and they must be supported whole- spected by a welding inspector, and signed off on
heartedly by management. If management consid- the isometric drawing when acceptable. The ques-
ers the inspection force as a necessary expense tion to be asked in this circumstance is at what
rather than a good investment, quality will often point will the joint or weld be examined? Some feel

10 AWS Practical Reference Guide

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S T D - A W S PRGVT-ENGL 1999 07842b5 0519389 T 4 4

the fitup inspection to be the most important, oth- ter for the multiple shots. From the pipe diame-
ers select the root pass as being the most critical in- ter, it is an easy step to determine weld length.
spection point, while still others feel inspecting Typically, the radiographer takes 3 or 4 separate
only the final weld is adequate. Sometimes, a com- exposures on pipe; the typical identification sys-
bination of these is used for weld inspection: the tem used for a 3-shot sequence is A-B, B-C, C-A,
joint fitup is inspected as well as the root and final and lead letters are placed around the pipe re-
pass. All of these approaches have been used suc- sulting in this marking sequence on the film.
cessfully for field inspection.
A far better approach is to use numbers, starting
In addition to a first visual inspection, spot radiog- at zero and increasing to the nominal pipe diam-
raphy can be used as a conventional approach for eter as the highest number. The applicable num-
obtaining field weld quality. The on-site visual in- bers are spaced evenly around the pipe diameter
spectors often play an important role in organizing while each pipe segment is radiographed. An 8-
and documenting the RT inspections. Welds to be inch diameter pipe would be numbered from O
radiographed on a 5% spot basis are randomly se- to 8 and the 3 resulting radiographic films would
lected by the on-site inspection force using the iso- show 0-3, 3-6, and 6-0 respectively, with the
metric sketches, and should include at least one number 8 as the largest number in the last se-
weld from each welder per month. RT results are quence (6-7-8-0).To aid field orientation of the
also noted on these same isometrics. A 5% random weld, the number O is always placed at the 12
RT of field welds is often selected as a suitable o'clock position for horizontal piping with place-
method for checking the welding skills and weld ment of increasing numbers in a clockwise direc-
quality of each welder. For critical services, 100% of tion while facing North or East. For vertical
the welds may be radiographed. A statistical re- piping, the number O is always placed at the
view of the required weld percentage to be radio- North direction with subsequent numbers in-
graphed shows these two percentages to be optimal creasing in a clockwise direction as if looking
for each consideration. If the welders are to be mon- down on the pipe in a plan view. This constant
itored, the 5% RT approach noted above is often film orientation during radiography aids in field
considered adequate. If weld quality must be cer- defect removal by avoiding defect location mix-
tain, 100% RT is usually specified. ups during field repairs. To speed field radiogra-
In one project, all field welds received visual in- phy, the various pipe diameters to be tested are
spections of the fitup, the root pass, and the final given to the radiographer in advance, and mask-
weld, and were signed off after each of the three ing tape is used on sections with the appropriate
visual inspections. This "visual inspection only" numbers attached to them and with the required
approach was used in lieu of the more conventional spacing.
spot radiography method and it was very success-
ful. Cost comparisons made between the two ap- Repairs to new fabrication welds are an inherent
proaches showed a similar cost and similar results part of any fabrication project, and these must be
for weld quality. controlled and tracked as well as the original weld-
ing. In some cases, a particular weld may have to be
repaired two or more times before it becomes accept-
Inspection Tip # 2 able, and each repair should be documented and
Identifying Field Welds identified separately to avoid confusion. It may be
helpful to track the weld reject rate for each welder
When setting up an RT program for pipe weld over time. Such tracking can often lead to sorting out
radiography, it is helpful to require the number- welders having difficulties that may be solved with
ing system used to delineate the pipe circum- additional training in the welding booth. It also can
ference on the film such that the highest number aid in trend analysis for an organization to monitor
used to lay out the radiograph is equal to the their continuous improvement status.
nominal pipe diameter being radiographed. For
codes that relate weld length to acceptable dis- Initially, by using visual inspection and radiogra-
continuity lengths or sizes, this approach is espe- phy on a spot basis as the two inspection methods,
cially helpful since the radiographic films can be the weld reject rate may start at a relatively high
quickly examined to determine the pipe diame- percentage. A îû%-15% rejection rate, and in some

AWS Practical Reference Guide 11

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STD-AWS PRGVT-ENGL 11999 0784265 05119390 766 =

spectors ensure all inspections are completed, and

records are kept of the efforts. Occasionally, difficult
problems are encountered, but they are not the
usual experience. This is in contrast to the in-service
inspections that are covered a bit later.

Fabrk a tion Codes

To this point, we have referred to fabrication codes
in only a general manner. A closer look at some of
the common fabrication codes is a worthwhile ef-
fort and is our next topic for discussion. Some codes
are intended to cover design and fabrication while
others apply to maintaining the equipment integ-
rity after they have been placed in service.

Generally, pressure vessels for petrochemical plants

are designed and fabricated to the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, an international code. Stor-
age tanks for petroleum products are usually de-
signed and fabricated to one of the A H Storage
Tank Codes, API 620 or 650. Petrochemical process
piping is often designed and fabricated to ACME
831.3 which specifically covers pressure piping for
petrochemical and refinery service. Buried process
or petroleum piping is often designed and fabri-
cated to API 1104 which covers “Welding of Pipe-
lines and Related Facilities.” Whenever any code is
used, it is important to make sure the current
Figure 12. The diameter of pressure piping is edition of that code is on hand and specified for
quite variable as shown. The piping in this use. Most codes are revised on some frequency and
photo is covered with thermal insulation.
many of the names and addresses found in Annex
A-Technical and Scientific Organizations, can be
helpful for contacting the appropriate code-
producer and determining the current versions. A
discussion of several commonly used codes follows.
cases even higher, is not uncommon in the very
early stages of a field project. Until the welders gain The ACME B&PV Code is published as a new edi-
thefeel as to acceptable and unacceptable welds, the tion July l every three years and revised by ad-
reject rate can be expected to be high. However, as denda which are issued July 1 of each year. In
the welders and inspectors spend time reviewing addition, interpretations to the Code are issued
the rejected welds, the weld quality improves and every six months, as are Code Cases. Code Cases
the reject rates often decrease to percentages of are special-purpose, limited scope rules that pro-
2%-5%. On one field project, the reject rate goal was vide alternative methods of construction to those in
to be less than 5%,which was determined to be typ- the Code. Code Cases are never mandatory, but
ical for shop welding using the same inspection ap- may be used if the fabricator wishes to use them.
proach. The shop goal became the field-welding This code has eleven sections and these are listed in
goal, and at project end, the overall reject rate was Annex B-1998 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
less than 4% for field welds. Sections.
Inspection of new fabrication is usually a very Pressure vessels may be fabricated to one of three
straightforward operation. Decisions are made as to ACME Code Section VI11 Divisions, 1, 2, or 3.
the extent of inspection required, the trained in- Generally, they are fabricated to Division 1, but

12 AWS Practical Reference Guide

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S T D * A W S PRGVT-ENGL 1999 07842b5 0519391 b T 2 M

Division 2 contains alternate rules and does permit must have knowledge of each of these sections
wall thickness reductions along with the require- since they will all likely apply to vessel welding.
ments for increased NDT. Division 3 covers vessel ACME has adopted the AWS filler metal specifica-
design pressures above 10,000 psig which are not tions in their entirety for Section II, Part C.
covered in the other two Divisions. Within a Divi-
sion, decisions regarding service conditions must The API codes are issued periodically, not on a reg-
be made; for example, low-temperature services re- ularly scheduled basis, but Interpretations are is-
quire different considerations such as impact test- sued on an annual basis. The API code typically
ing requirements for base and filler metals. used for pressure containment of piping is 1104.
Storage tanks are often fabricated to either API 620
or API 650; 620 is used for low-pressure services
(up to 15 psig) and 650 for atmospheric pressure
and open top tanks though it can also be used for
pressure containment construction using special
ACME B31.3, Process Piping, is published as a new
edition every three years, and revisions are made
by addenda that are published annually. B31.3 was
specifically written for the petrochemical industry,
and contains several categories of services that vary
from routine to severe conditions. Using this code,
the engineer must select the category of service
from several choices as a first step for selecting the
appropriate inspection plan. The piping service cate-
gories are:
Category D Fluid Service-a fluid service that is
nonflammable, nontoxic, not damaging to hu-
mans, with pressures less than 150 psi, and tem-
peratures ranging from -20°F to 366°F.
Category M Fluid Service-a fluid service in
which the potential for personnel exposure is
significant, and exposure to a small quantity of
fluid can produce irreversible harm through con-
tact or breathing.
High-pressure Fluid Service-a fluid service that
Figure 13. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel exceeds pressures allowed by other ACME codes;
CodeSection VIII, Division 1. This code is no upper pressure limit is stated.
often used for the design and fabrication of new
unfired pressure vessels. Its rules are very
Normal Fluid Service-a fluid service pertaining
helpful for in-service equipment examination,
to most piping covered by B31.3 and not subject
to the rules for Categories D, M, or High Pres-
but the NBIC is actually the governing document
for maintaining equipment service integrity.
sure, and which are not subject to severe cyclic
conditions. All piping is Normal Fluid Service
unless another category is designated.
As shown in Annex B, the inspector must have ac- In using ACME B31.3, the engineer determines the
cess to several other Sections such as the four parts, actual piping conditions expected in service and
A, B, C, and D, of Section II for both ferrous and compares them with the above list to select the
nonferrous base metals, filler materials, and me- appropriate category. Once this is done, the code
chanical properties. Section V is the NDT section denotes actual inspection requirements for the
and Section IX refers to ”Welding and Brazing selected category. The various degrees of inspection
Qualifications.” Typically, the welding inspector such as RT include loo%, random, spot, and

AWS Practical Reference Guide 13

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random spot examinations, and these are defined in In-Service Inspections

. ACME B31.3 as follows:
Inspecting piping and equipment that has been in
100%-complete examination of all of a specified service for some period of time presents several
kind of item in a designated lot. unique aspects that must be considered, such as:
Random-omplete examination of a percentage Which code will be used as the guideline?
of a specified kind of item in a designated lot.
Experience history-type of deterioration ex-
Spot-a specified partial examination of each of pected, if any.
a specified kind of item in a designated lot; e.g., a
part of the length of shop-fabricated welds in Expected corrosion rate, if any.
jacketed pipe. Frequency of inspection needed.
Random Spot-a specified partial examination Type of inspection required.
of a percentage of a specified kind of item in a
designated lot. Decontamination required for internal inspection.

As one moves down the list, the amount of in- Plus others aspects.
spection given is decreasing. ACME B31.3 specifies The three codes often used for in-service inspec-
one of the above inspection categories depending tions of petrochemical and refinery piping and
on the fluid service category selected previously by equipment are:
the engineer.
National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), A Man-
It is also helpful to note the separate definitions ual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
given for Inspection and Examination. Often we
mistakenly use these words interchangeably. B31.3 API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Mainfe-
defines them as follows: name Inspection, Rafing,Repair, and Alteration.
Inspection applies to functions performed for the API 570, Piping lnspecfion Code: Inspection, Repair,
owner by the owner’s inspector or the inspec- Alteration, and Rerating of ln-Service Piping Systems.
tor’s delegates. An owner’s inspector conducts Each of the above has developed Inspector Certifi-
inspections for the owner. cation programs that are pertinent to the specific
Examination applies to quality control functions codes. As always, certifications lend credibility to
performed by the manufacturer (for components any inspection program and are encouraged.
only), fabricator, or erector. An examiner is a per- Often, for petrochemical plants, annual or biannual
son who performs quality-control examinations. inspections called ‘turnarounds’ or ’shutdowns’ are
Inspection by the owner does not relieve the manu- scheduled to permit necessary inspections, repairs,
facturer, fabricator, or erector of the responsibility equipment modifications, or other work that cannot
for: be done while the plant is operating. These events
usually require considerable preplanning to com-
Providing materials, components, and work- plete the required inspections and repairs in the
manship in accordance with code requirements shortest time available to minimize production
and engineering design. losses. Work is typically scheduled to continue
around the clock and the inspection work is done in
Performing all required examinations.
shifts. This approach requires careful attention to
Preparing suitable records of examinations and the communication procedure between successive
tests for the inspector’s use. shifts to ensure completion of all inspections and
To summarize this brief section on codes, the weld-
ing inspector must have copies of, or access to, the A variety of shift arrangements are possible for con-
applicable codes, read and understand them, and tinuous work schedules: scheduling three 8-hour
apply the applicable requirements to the welding shifts for the 24-hour day has the advantage of per-
operations. As shown above, the various new fabri- mitting the oncoming shift to overlap briefly with
cation codes can differ dramatically on their re- the off-going shift for communication relay, both
quirements for welding inspection. written and verbal. Another approach used is to

14 AWS Practical Reference Guide

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S T D * A W S PRGVT-ENGL 1999 0784265 0519393 475 I

Pressure Vessel Inspection Code:

Maintenance Inspection, Rating,
Repair, and Alteration

API 610

Figure 14. National Board Inspection Code- Figure 15. API 51O. Petroleum and
A Manual forBoiler and Pressure Vessel petrochemical process equipment integrity
Inspectors (NBIC). Many governing agencies must conform to 51O.
and codes require an Authorized Inspector for
boilers and pressure vessels, usually referring
to one certified as a National Board Inspector
working to the NBIC. The NBIC covers
installations other than those covered by API
510 unless the jurisdiction rules otherwise.

have two 10-hour shifts, with a two-hour span be- Anticipated problems to be found.
tween the shifts to permit radiographic inspection
Repairs likely to be needed.
to occur with minimum personnel available. This
two-shift approach does present more difficulty on Spare parts required.
relaying equipment or inspection status since the Time allotment necessary for completing all re-
verbal link does not occur, but it has been used suc- quired work.
cessfully when written communication is done
well. Inspection personnel required.
Inspection equipment and supplies required.
Typically, in preplanning, if equipment history re-
ports and corrosion data are available, they are Welding personnel required.
carefully reviewed in an attempt to realistically esti- Other issues (asbestos removal, vessel entry
mate the following: standbys, etc.).

AWS Practical Reference Guide 15

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This approach, if done by experienced personnel, Appropriate safety equipment-gloves, hard

usually minimizes or eliminates the unexpected hat, goggles, safety shoes, safety harness or
surprises that can cause extended delays in restart- wristlets.
ing the plant. A good preplanning effort is usually
Standby personnel on hand with radio, air horn,
time and effort well spent, often resulting in consid-
erable savings by avoiding extended production
losses. Appropriate ladders to facilitate entry (scaffold-
ing may be required).
The inspection personnel used for shutdown work
needs to have considerable background and train- SCBA (Self-contained Breathing Apparatus)
ing in safety procedures, the particular chemical or available at vessel entry site.
manufacturing process, equipment inspection, and Once all of the safety considerations have been sat-
repair experience. Often the equipment must be en- isfied, the inspector must check the inspection
tered to complete a thorough visual inspection and equipment to make sure the necessary tools are on
this requires safe entry procedures and appropriate hand. There are several personal items each inspec-
standby personnel to ensure the safety of all person- tor should have to aid the visual inspection:
nel entering the vessels or piping. Knowledge of the
manufacturing process, the process chemistry, and Good flashlight, with fresh batteries, and the ca-
the equipment being inspected generally lead to pability to be focused to a spot.
completion of the appropriate inspections. Repair Small scraper, such as a stiff putty knife.
experience is also very helpful since the inspector is
often the person most familiar with the equipment Sharp scribe-a tungsten-pointed one is excel-
internals and the person who not only finds the ini- lent, or a stainless-steel dental pick, or both.
tial equipment deterioration or damage and assists lox magnifier-lighted ones are available.
with the repair procedure, but he/she must also fol-
low up on re-inspecting the field repairs. Pencil magnet.

Entering and inspecting pressure vessels must be 10-12 foot tape.

carefully done to comply with the required safety Six-inch machinist’s scale.
procedures as well as to find any existing damage.
Prior to entering a process vessel, the following Note pad and pen for notes, sketches.
steps must be completed as a minimum: Small tape recorder for dictation of conditions
(optional but very helpful).
A management-authorized vessel-entry form.
A belt pack to contain the above.
Vessel cleaned and decontaminated.
Most of the above items are readily available, but
Vessel blanked out from all piping. several of the specialty items can be purchased
from inspection supply firms such as Metallurgical
Vessel checked for explosive tendencies and Supply, Houston, Texas. Additional visual inspec-
flammability. tion items such as borescopes, digital or 35mm cam-
eras, video cameras, and video probes can be very
Vessel checked for oxygen content-21% useful for recording inspection results for future
required. comparison. Black-and-white camera technology is
Lock, tag, and try of agitators or other mechani- often adequate, but color cameras are usually better
cal devices. for documenting corrosion damage. While this
equipment can be purchased, rental is often the
Removal of ail radioactive monitoring equip- most economical approach.
ment if they present a personnel hazard. The next item to check is the equipment’s identifi-
Mechanical ventilation of vessel if required by cation; it must be confirmed by checking its ID
permit. plate. Some operating functions in a manufacturing
plant are such that more than one identical unit is
A management-authorized flame permit if weld- available for a particular function. Examples of this
ing is to be done. are equipment duplicates that fill the need to take

16 AWS Practical Reference Guide

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it in kind, or there may be spare pumps for a partic- for equipment damage without complete insulation
ular location to permit replacement of seals. A spare removal.
unit having its own ID is put into place and opera-
tions continue. It is imperative that each unit’s ID When the equipment inspection is complete, all re-
be confirmed before the inspection begins. sults should be documented and discussed with the
appropriate management and maintenance person-
Many feel the vessel entry access port should be nel. Needed repairs are planned and discussed with
the starting point for the vessel inspection; careful the welding or mechanical supervision to ensure
examination prior to entering ensures it is not for- that all damaged areas are well understood as to
gotten as you exit the vessel later. (In one case, the their location, extent of damage, and required re-
entry nozzle was not inspected, and the existing pairs. Often, the inspector will revisit the equip-
corrosion damage that was overlooked caused a ment location or even reenter the vessel with the
leak and a very expensive and unscheduled shut- repair personnel to point out exactly what is re-
down on startup.) Typically, flange faces, nozzle quired. Once all repairs are completed, they must
necks, and nozzle attachment welds are inspected be re-inspected.
for mechanical or corrosion damage as the inspec-
tor makes the initial entry. Piping presents a difficult inspection task because
of several reasons: fluid velocities can create erosion
Once within the vessel, it is carefully and thor- or corrosion problems on the interior; there may be
oughly inspected for mechanical and corrosion so much of it, it often is not readily accessible at
damage. Vessel inspections may require removal of ground level; it is often insulated, and usually is too
internal manways between different levels, or baf-
fling which may obstruct the view of portions of the
vessel. Often, ladders or scaffolding are required to
gain access to all of the interior surfaces. Inspection
of surfaces usually requires accessibility within an
arm’s length; long-distancevisual inspection is usu-
ally not adequate since damage may be overlooked.
Some inspectors take the position that if they can-
not touch a surface, they cannot adequately inspect
it. Piping Inspection Code
When damage is found, it should be noted and de-
scribed in some manner to permit accurate report-
age later. The damaged surfaces should also be
marked legibly if further action is required during API 570
the shutdown. For carbon steels, a soapstone
marker is quite good for marking; stainless steels
and other bright alloys may require a paint marker.
When using paint markers, it is imperative they do
not contain high sulfur, chlorides, zinc, lead or
other elements whose residue can cause damage to
the metals during subsequent cutting or welding
After the vessel interior is inspected, the exterior
must also be examined for deterioration. This can
be very difficult and costly if the vessel is insulated
as so many process vessels are. Damaged insulation
is often the first indication that insulation removal
and inspection may be required. If water can find
its way into the insulation via damaged vapor bar-
riers, the resulting moist, hot conditions can cause Figure 16. API 570. This code applies to
severe corrosion of the external surfaces. Radiogra- maintaining the piping integrity of chemical
phy and ultrasonic testing are often used to inspect service piping.

AWS Practical Reference Guide 17

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small to permit personnel entry for internal inspec- temperatures and pressures for the damaged
tion. Again, as for pressure vessels, damaged pip- equipment.
ing insulation is often an indication that further
external inspection is necessary after insulation re-
moval. RT and UT are very helpful in determining Summary
the condition of piping, both internally and exter- Several aspects of pressure containment equipment
nally. When making spot inspections on piping, pri- inspection have been reviewed. Distinction was
mary attention is often given to those areas more made between those national codes pertaining to
likely to suffer erosion/ corrosion such as locations the design and fabrication of new pressure equip-
of changes in fluid direction at elbows, or areas of ment and those with applicability to maintaining
high turbulence, such as branch connections or equipment and piping integrity after the items have
valve and pump installations. Experience will often been placed in service. There are numerous techni-
dictate the trouble spots within a piping system. cal references that treat the subject in much greater
detail, and the serious inspector is encouraged to
Piping suffering from corrosion and wall thinning seek these out and increase his or her knowledge
may no longer be adequate for containing design and understanding of the entire inspection process.
pressures. Sometimes it is possible to re-rate the I have developed the very strong feeling that in-
maximum pressure permitted to a lower value, but spection does not cost money; it saves money. Man-
often, piping suffering from wall thinning is agement should look at their inspection forces not
replaced. This same approach can be used for wall as a drain on the economics of their business, but as
thinning of vessels. A design engineer is given the one of the more important divisions that protect
current condition of the piping or vessel and them from poor quality often leading to bankrupt-
through calculations determines the safe working ing lawsuits.

18 AWS Practical Reference Guide

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Annex A-Technical and Scientific Organizations

Abrasives Engineering Society (AES) American Iron and Steel Institute (AISC)
P.O. Box 3157 1101 17th Street, N.W.
Butler, PA 16003 Washington, DC 20036-4700
(724) 282-6210; fax 282-6210 (202) 452-7100; fax 463-6573
Aluminum Association (AA) American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
l 900 19th Street, N.W. 11W. 42nd Street
Suite 300 13th Floor
Washington, DC 20006 New York, NY 10036-8002
(202) 682-8000; fax 682-8115 (212) 642-4900; fax 398-0023

America Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) American Nuclear Society (ANS)
100 Barr Harbor Drive 555 N. Kensington Avenue
W. Conshohocken, PA 19428 La Grange, IL 60526
(708) 579-8200; fax 579-8283
(610) 832-9500; fax 832-9555
American Petroleum Institute (API)
American Association of State Highway &
1220 L Street, N.W.
Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
Washington, DC 20005-8029
444 N. Capital Street, N.W.
(202) 682-8000; fax 682-8115
Suite 249
Washington, DC 20001 Amencan Railway Engineering Association
(202) 6245800; fax 624-5806 (AREA)
50 F Street, N.W.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Suite 7702
Two World Trade Center Washington, DC 20001-2183
106th Floor (202) 639-2190; fax 639-2183
New York, NY 10048
(212) 839-5000; fax 839-5130 American Society for NondestructiveTesting
American Gas Association (AGA) 1711 Arlingate Lane
1515 Wilson Boulevard Columbus, OH 43228-0518
Arlington, VA 22209 (614) 274-6003; fax 274-6899
(703) 841-8400; fax 841-8406
American Society for Quality (ASQ)
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and 611 E. Wisconsin Avenue
Petroleum Engineers (AIME) Milwaukee, WI 53202
Three ParkAvenue (414) 272-8575; fax 272-1734
New York, NY 10016-5598 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
(212) 419-7676; fax 371-9622 1801 Alexander Bell Drive
American Institute of Plant Engineers (AIPE) Reston, VA 20191-4400
8180 Corporate Park Drive (703) 295-6000; fax 295-6222
Suite 305 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Cincinnati, OH 45242 Three ParkAvenue
(513) 489-2473; fax 247-7422 New York, NY 10016-5990
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) (800) 843-2763; fax (973) 882-1717
One E. Wacker Drive American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
Suite 3100 1800 East Oakton Street
Chicago, IL 60601-2001 Des Plaines, IL 60018-2187
(312) 670-2400; fax 670-6573 (708) 692-4121; fax 296-9220

AWS Practical Reference Guide 19

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
American Water Works Association (AWWA) International Oxygen Manufacturers’ Association
6666 W. Quincy Avenue (IOMA)
Denver, CO 80235 P.O. Box 16248
(303) 794-7711; fax 794-7310 Cleveland, OH 44116-0248
American Welding Society (AWS) (216) 228-2166; fax 228-5810
550 N.W. LeJeune Road International Titanium Association (ITA)
Miami, FL 33126 1871 Folsom Street
(305) 443-9353; fax 443-7559 Suite 200
ASM International (ASM) Boulder, CO 80302-5714
9639 Kinsman Road (303) 443-7515; fax 443-4406
Materials Park, OH 44073
(440) 338-5151; fax 338-4634 Laser Institute (LI)
12424 Research Parkway
Association of American Railroads (AAR)
Suite 125
50 F Street, N.W.
Orlando, FL 32826
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 639-2100; fax 639-2286 (407) 380-1553; fax 380-5588

Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (AISE) Material Handling Industry (MHI)
Three Gateway Center 8720 Red Oak Boulevard
Suite 1900 Suite 201
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Charlotte, NC 28217-3957
(412) 281-6323; fax 471-4858 (704) 522-8644; fax 676-1199
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) National Association of Corrosion Engineers
178 Rexdale Boulevard (NACE)
Rexdale, Ontario P.O. Box 218340
M9W 1R3 Canada
Houston, TX 77218-8340
(416) 747-4000; fax 747-4149
(281) 228-6200; fax 228-6300
Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
1725 Jefferson Davis Highway National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Suite 1004 Inspectors (NBBPVI)
Arlington, VA 22202-4102 1055 Crupper Avenue
(703)412-0900; fax 412-0128 Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 888-8320; fax 888-0750
Edison Welding Institute (EWI)
1250 Arthur E. Adams Drive National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association
Columbus, OH 43221 (NEMA)
(614) 486-5000; fax 688-5001 1300 N. 17th Street
Fabricators’ and Manufacturers’ Association Suite 1847
(FMA) Rosslyn, VA 22209
833 Featherstone Road (703) 841-3200; fax 841-5900
Rockford, IL 61107-6302
(815) 399-8700; fax 399-7279 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
P.O. Box 9101
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers One Batterymarch Park
(IEEE) Q u ~ ~ cMA
Y , 02269-9101
Three ParkAvenue
(617) 770-3000; fax 770-0700
New York, NY 1006
(212) 419-7900; fax 752-4929 National Institute of Standards and Technology
Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) (NIST)
25 Technology Park 325 Broadway
Norcross, GA 30092 Boulder, CO 80303-3328
(770)449-0460; fax 263-8532 (303) 497-3000

20 AWS Practical Reference Guide

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-AWS PRGVT-ENGL 1999 W 0 7 8 4 t b 5 0519399 993 =

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Robotics Industries Association (RIA)

1420 King Street 900 Victors Way
I Alexandria, VA 22314 Ann Arbor, MI 48106
1 (703) 684-2800; fax 836-4875 (734) 994-6088; 994-3338

National Welding Supply Association (NWSA) Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPEI

1900 Arch Street 222 Palisades Creek Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Richardson, TX 75083
(215)564-3484; fax 564-2175 (972) 952-9393; fax 952-9435
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Naval Inventory Point Center
120 Wall Street
700 Robins Avenue
New York, NY 10005-3902
Philadelphia, PA 19111
(212) 509-9577; fax 509-0224
(215) 697-2247; fax 697-5914
Steel Tank Institute (STI)
Order and Inquiry Desk 570 Oakwood Road
U.S.Government Printing Office Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Washington, DC 20402 (847)438-8265; 438-9766
(202)512-1800; fax 512-2250
Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society
Resistance Welder Manufacturers’ Association (UBPVLS)
(RWMA) 308 N. Evergreen Road
1900 Arch Street Suite 240
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Louisville, KY 40243-1010
(215) 564-3484; fax 963-9785 (502) 244-6029; fax 244-6030

AWS Practical Reference Guide 21

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D O A W S PRGVT-ENGL 1999 = 07842b5 05L9400 435 m

Annex B-1998 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sections


II-MATERIALS Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments
Part A-Ferrous Material Specifications Division 3
Part &Nonferrous Material Specifications Containment Systems and Transport Packaging for
Part C-Specifications for Welding Rods, Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive
Electrodes and Filler Metals Waste
Subsection NCA-General Requirements for
Subsection NC Division 1
Class 2 Components Division 2-Alternative Rules
Subsection ND Division &Alternative Rules for Construction of
Class 3 Components High-pressure Vessels
Supports VESSELS
Subsection NH
Class 1Components in Elevated Temperature Service Code Cases: Boilers and Pressure Vessels
Appendices Code Cases: Nuclear Components

22 AWS Practical Reference Guide

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Annex C-Discontinuities
(From AWS B1.10,Table 1)

Table 1. Common types of discontinuities.

ripa of Discontinuity ~
Location' Remarks

1. Porosity NM Porosity is also commonly found in the heat-affected zone

(a) Uniformly scattered if base metal is a casting
(b) Cluster
(c) Linear
(d) Piping

2. Inclusions WM
(a) Slag
(b) Tungsten

3. Incomplete fusion WM, BMNVM Also between passes

4. Incomplete joint penetration BM Weld root

~ ~~

5. Undercut BMMIM Adjacent to weld toe or weld root in base metal


6. Underfill WM Weld face or root surface

7. Overlap BMMIM Weld toe or root surface

8. Laminations BM Base metal, generally near midthickness of section

9. Delamination BM Base metal, generally near midthickness of Section

10. Seam and laps Base metal surface almost always aligned with rolling

11. Lamellar tears BM Base metal, near HAZ

12. Cracks (includes hot cracks and cold cracks)

(a) Longitudinal WM, HAZ Weld metal or base metal adjacent to weld interface
(b) Transverse WM, HAZ, BM Weld metal (may propagate into HAZ and base metal)
(c) Crater WM Weld metal at point where arc is terminated
(d) Throat WM Parallel to weld axis
(e) Toe BMMIM
(4 Root WM Root surface
(9) Underbead and heat-affectedzone BMNVM

13. Insufficientthroat WM Weld face

~ ~~

14. Convexity or weld reinforcement WM Weld face

15. Insufficientleg WM Fillet weld

*WM-Weld metal
BM-Base metal
HAZ-Heat-affected zone
BMNVM-Weld interface

AWS Practical Reference Guide 23

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D W A W S PRGVT-ENGL 1979 M 07842b5 0519402 208 M

Annex C-Disconti nuities (Continued)

(From AWS 81.10, Table 2)

Table 2. Discontinuities commonly encountered with welding processes.

I Type of Dlscontinuity

Welding Process I Porosity I Slag I Incomplete

Fusion 1 Incomplete
Penetration I Undercut 1 Overlap 1 Cracks


SW-Stud welding
PAW-Plasma arc welding
SAW-Submerged arc welding
GTAW-Gas tungsten arc welding
GMAW-Gas metal arc welding
FCAW-Flux cored arc welding
SMAW-Shielded metal arc welding
CAW-Carbon arc welding


RSW-Resistance spot welding X X

RSEW-Resistance seam welding X X
PW-Projection welding X X
FW-Flash welding X X
UW-Upset welding X X

OAW-Oxyacetylene welding
OHW-Oxyhydrogen welding
PGW-Pressure gas welding 1:l X

CW-Cold welding X X
DFW-Diffusion welding X X
EXW-Explosion welding X
FOW-Forge welding X
FRW-Friction welding X
USW-Ultrasonic welding X

EBW-Electron beam welding X X X X

ESW-Electroslag welding X X X X X X X
IW-Induction welding X X
LBW-Laser beam welding X X X
PEW-Percussion welding X X
TW-Thermit welding X X X X

24 AWS Practical Reference Guide

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Annex C-Discontinuities (Continued)
(From AWS-The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Visual Inspection and Weld L)iscontinuifies-Causes and Remedies)

A crack is defined as “A fracture type discontinuity characterized by a sharp tip and a high ratio of length
and width to opening displacement.” Cracks are usually considered the most severe discontinuity because
of their tendency to propagate under stress. Cracks are usually further described by their location geometry,
time of occurrence, or common usage terms; see figure below for AWS crack terminology.



Inclusions are defined as ”Entrapped foreign solid material, such as slag, flux, tungsten, or oxide The in- .I’

clusions may be found as single particles, aligned particles, or clustered particles. Slag inclusions are fre-
quently found on the weld surfaces, or along the toes of the weld due to improper cleaning techniques.
Tungsten inclusions are usually subsurface. Examples of inclusions are shown below. Inclusions on the sur-
face can be detected by VT;subsurface inclusions require UT or RT.

Slag Inclusions (darkened areas)

Incomplete Fusion
Incomplete fusion is defined as ”A weld discontinuity in which fusion did not occur between weld metal
and fusion faces or adjoining weld beads.” Incomplete Fusion (IF) can occur on both groove welds and fillet
welds. The term specificallyapplies to fillet welds where the weld does not extend to the joint root. See the
figures below.

AWS Practical Reference Guide 25

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services


Incomplete Joint Penetration

Incomplete joint penetration is defined as "A joint root condition in a groove weld in which weld metal
does not extend through the joint thickness."Note that it applies to groove welds only, notfillet welds. Examples
of incomplete joint penetration (IJP) are shown in the following figures.


Overlap is defined as "The protrusion of weld metal beyond the weld toe or weld root." Examples are
shown below for fillet and groove welds.


26 AWS Practical Reference Guide

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Porosity is defined as “Cavity-type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment during solidification or in a
thermal spray deposit.” The porosity may be surface or subsurface, a single cavity, aligned, or clustered, and
is represented by the followmg fig&.





Undercut is defined as “A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or weld face and left
unfilled by weld metal.” Examples are shown in the following figures.



AWS Practical Reference Guide 27

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Annex D-Selected References

AWS-The Everyday Pocket Handbookfor Visual Inspection and Weld Discontinuities.

AWS B1.lO-Guide for the Nondestructive Inspection of Welds.
AWS B1.11-Guide for the Visual Inspection of Welds.
AWS A3.û-Standard Welding Terms and Definitions.
AWC A2.4-Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination.
AWS B2.1-Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification.
AWS-The Practical Reference Guidefor Corrosion of Welds-Causes and Cures.
NDE Handbook-Non-destructive examination methods for condition monitoring, edited by Knud G. Boving, avail-
able through AWS.
NACE-Process Industries Corrosion, available from National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston,
NACE-NACE Corrosion Engineer’s Reference Book, Second Edition, edited by R. S. Treseder, available from
National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, Texas.

28 AWS Practical Reference Guide

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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