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A Project report


Assessing Customer satisfaction of Subscribers of

Banglalink Digital Communications Limited: A literature
based study on Mobile subscribers in Bangladesh.
Prepared For
Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business & Economics

United International University (UIU)

Prepared By
Mohammad Mozammel Hoque
ID No: - 111 121 493
School of Business & Economics
United International University

Date of Submission


Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business & Economics

United International University

Subject: Assessing Customer satisfaction of Subscribers of Banglalink Digital Communications

Limited: A literature based study on Mobile subscribers in Bangladesh.

Dear Sir,

I am very pleased to submit you my thesis project report on “Assessing Customer satisfaction of
Subscribers of Banglalink Digital Communications Limited: A literature based study on Mobile
subscribers in Bangladesh.” It has been a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to apply my
academic knowledge in the practical field.

I tried my level best to put careful efforts for the preparation of this report. As an undergraduate thesis
researcher it is usual that inadequacy or error may arise and it may lack professionalism in some cases.
For any inadequacy in the report, your sympathetic consideration would be highly appreciated.

I, sincerely expect that you would be kind enough to accept my report for evaluation and oblige thereby.



Mohammad Mozammel Hoque

ID: 111-121-493

School of Business and Economics

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At first, I would like to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for giving me the strength and
opportunity to complete the report within the scheduled time successfully. I am also grateful to my
parents who provided me with the basic necessities of life since my early childhood.

The report titled, as “Assessing Customer satisfaction of Subscribers of Banglalink Digital

Communications Limited: A literature based study on Mobile subscribers in Bangladesh” has been
prepared to fulfill the requirements of BBA degree. I am very much fortunate that I have received almost
and sincere guidance, supervision and co-operation from various persons while preparing this report.
Many people have responsible in making this report. First of all, I would like to thank my academic
Supervisor of the of the project report , honorable teacher Asst. Prof Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan, School
of Business, UIU for giving me the opportunity to prepare this report & effortful supervision. He also
provided me some important advice and guidance for preparing such type of new idea based report.
Without his help this report could not have been a comprehensive one.

I am grateful to all those people who have at least minimum effort and contribution to complete report. I
feel so much lucky to get their co-operation.

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Mohammad Mozammel Hoque is a student of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) major in

marketing of school of Business and Economics does hereby declare that the project report on “Assessing
Customer satisfaction of Subscribers of Banglalink Digital Communications Limited: A literature based
study on Mobile subscribers in Bangladesh”. This is my original work and has not been submitted by me
before for any degree, diploma title or recognition. It is persuade under the supervision of Sarker Rafij
Ahmed Ratan, Assistant Professor, and School of Business & Economics.


Mohammad Mozammel Hoque

ID: 111-121-493

Major: Marketing

School of Business and Economics


This is certify that Mohammad Mozammel Hoque, student of Bachelor of Business Administration
(BBA) bearing ID-111-121-493 of United International University, major in Marketing under the
faculty of Business and Economics department has successfully completed project report on “Assessing
Customer satisfaction of Subscribers of Banglalink Digital Communications Limited: A literature based
study on Mobile subscribers in Bangladesh” I have gone through the report and found in to be a well
written report. He has completed the report by himself under my supervision.

I wish him every success in life.


Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business & Economics

United International University

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background of the study ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.1 Mobile Subscribers august in 2016, Bangladesh ......................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Topic of the report ............................................................................................................................... 4 Origin of the report ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.3 Objective of the Report: ....................................................................................................................... 5 General Objective ......................................................................................................................... 5 Broad Objective: ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.4 Scope of the study: ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.5 Methodology: ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Designing Instruments: ................................................................................................................. 7 Data Collection Procedure: ....................................................................................................... 7
1.1.6 Limitations of the Study....................................................................................................................... 9
2. Company Overview ................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Vision of the company ...................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Mission of the company ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Core Values........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Innovative ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Straightforward .......................................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Products and Services of the Company: ............................................................................................... 14
2.3.1 Prepaid Packages: .......................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.2 Postpaid Packages: ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Profile of the Company (Banglalink): ................................................................................................... 15
3. Customer Satisfaction: ............................................................................................................................ 17
3.1 Importance of Customer satisfaction: ................................................................................................... 17
3.1.1 It is a leading indicator of consumer repurchases intentions and loyalty ..................................... 18
3.1.2 It is a point of differentiation ..................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Customer Satisfaction Factors of Banglalink: ...................................................................................... 19
4. Literature Review.................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1 Customer Satisfaction – Definitions: .................................................................................................... 24

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4.1.1 Levels of Customer Satisfaction: .................................................................................................... 25
4.1.2 Customer Satisfaction on Telecommunication Industry: ........................................................... 26
5. Frequencies statistics .............................................................................................................................. 31
5.1 Frequency Table Gender ................................................................................................................... 32
5.1.1 Frequency Table Education ....................................................................................................... 33
5.2 Descriptive Statistics ............................................................................................................................. 36
5.2.1 Overall satisfaction ........................................................................................................................ 36
5.2.2 Customer Care ........................................................................................................................... 36
5.3 Regression ............................................................................................................................................. 37
5.3.1 Model Summary............................................................................................................................. 38
5.3.2 Coefficients ................................................................................................................................ 39
5.4 Finding of the Study: ............................................................................................................................ 42
5.5 Recommendations: ................................................................................................................................ 43
6. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 45
6.1 References ........................................................................................................................................ 45
6.1.1 Appendix .................................................................................................................................... 48

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List of Figure

Figure No Title Page No

Page No: 4
Figure 1 Total subscriber of Telecommunication sector

Figure 2 Research Framework Page No: 7

Figure 3 Management Team Page No: 12

Figure 4 Profile of the Company Page No: 15
Figure 5 Prize point Page No: 21
Figure 6 Customer judgment Page No: 26
Figure 7 Frequencies statistics Page No: 31
Figure 8 Distribution of gender of the respondent Page No: 32
Figure 9 Education level of the respondent Page No: 33
Figure 10 Occupation of the respondent Page No: 34
Figure 11 Package preferred by the respondent Page No: 35

List of Table

Table No Title Page NO

Table 1 Frequencies statistics Page 31

Table 2 Frequency Table Gender Page 32

Table 3 Frequency Table Education Page 33

Table 4 Frequency Table Profession Page 34

Table 5 User of Banglalink Page 34

Table 6 Frequency of Table Sim user Page 35

Table 7 Descriptive Statistics Page 36

Table 8 Model of Summary Page 38

Table 9 ANOVA Page 38

Table 10 Coefficient Page 39

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Executive Summary

The project is based on telecom sector as the telecom sector is growing at a very good pace. The telecom
company which I have selected for my project is Banglalink. The reason behind selecting Banglalink is
one of the most leading telecom operators in Bangladesh. Every company is fighting to boost up its
market share by offering new promotion to the customers. Banglalink always try to do something new
where the other operators are offering almost same categories of products. It has become a big confront to
keep the existing subscribers and acquisition of new customers. It has been successful to build a superior
image in comparison to the other operators. In other words, it has a clear advantage over the competitors.
Banglalink has some additional features in comparison to its competitors. It is playing a vital role to
increase the satisfaction of subscribers. Banglalink subscribers are happy with the country-wide network,
customer care, internet package; call drop and quality call services. But overall satisfaction level is not up
to the level. This is because there have a liner relationship among the variable.

In this report I have tried my best to present the over view of Banglalink customer satisfaction. The report
deals with the service quality and customer satisfaction of Banglalink. A survey is conducted on the
customers of Banglalink. The objective of this report is to determine how well Banglalink is satisfying the
customers on different service grounds. Various important issues of customer satisfaction are presented in
light of the findings of the survey. Lastly, on the basis of findings I have prescribed a set of specific
recommendations to improve the overall satisfaction according to customers’ expectations and also to
solve the existing problems in the whole organizational level.

Chapter 1

1. Introduction
Customer satisfaction is a fundamental marketing construct in the last three decades. In the past, it was
unpopular and unaccepted concept because companies thought it was more important to gain new
customers than retain the existing ones. However, in this present decade, companies have gained better
understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction (especially service producing companies) and
adopted it as a high priority operational goal. Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in marketing,
is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation.
Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose
reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals.
People in Bangladesh are becoming busy day by day and more professional than previous. They need to
share more information to each other because demography has changed due to the era of globalization.
Mobile phone has introduced a tremendous change in the communication sector in our country. It has
changed the communication structure also. People in various occupations and income level are using
mobile phone intensively for their occupational purpose and personal purpose as well.

1.1 Background of the study
There are six mobile phone companies are operating in the mobile phone sector in Bangladesh which are
GrameenPhone, Citycell, Rabi, Banglalink, Airteland Teletalk. Among them the services of Banglalink
appear to be comparatively better in terms of nationwide networking, customer handling, trouble
shooting, billing system etc. The other telecom companies are continuing operations for more than 1
decade except Teletalk. If we look back at that time, the mobile phone services were limited to few
numbers of customers due to high connection price and call charges. Moreover, the network was also
restricted to some divisional cities and in few major cities in the country. As the technology developed
and the tariffs reduced by the companies people were getting more engaged with this portable
telecommunication services. After entering of Banglalink in the market, there was a remarkable change
seen in telecommunication industry. The competition has been more intensified among the mobile phone
companies. Banglalink is also struggling with the other competitors by offering new and unique services
to keep up the market share.

It is therefore imperative for Banglalink to analyze the customer’s opinion in this regard to its services
and take care of the dissatisfaction. This study is aimed at reviewing the prevailing situation to assist
Banglalink so that it can take appropriate measures for its improvement if needed.

1.1.1 Mobile Subscribers august in 2016, Bangladesh
The total number of mobile phone subscribers has reached 117.758 million at the end of August, 2016.
The Mobile Phone Subscribers are –


Grameen Phone (GP) 54.507
Banglalink Digital Communication Limited 28.977
Robi Axiata Limited (Robi) 23.263
Airtel Bangladesh Limited (Airtel) 7.943
Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (Citycell) 0.142
Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd (Teletalk) 2.925
Total 117.758
Figure 1: Total subscriber of Telecommunication sector

1.1.2 Topic of the report

A topic has to be selected for the report. A well-defined topic reveals what is going to be
discussed throughout the report. The topic has been assigned “Assessing Customer satisfaction of
Banglalink Digital Communications Limited: A literature based study on Mobile subscribers in
Bangladesh” Origin of the report

In today’s world academic education is not enough to enable student compete with
confidence and reach his/her goal without having experience of the outside world. The report
which has given the opportunity to learn about how a particular company increases their
customers satisfaction level.

1.1.3 Objective of the Report: General Objective

The general objective of the report is to fulfill the requirements of Project / Thesis provided by the School
of Business Program of United International University. Broad Objective:

The broad objective of this report is to measure or increase the customer satisfaction level of Banglalink
customer services.

Specific Objectives:

The specific objective of this report is to find out the customer satisfaction level of Banglalink customers.
This study will be looking for the following objectives.

 To find out specific areas of satisfaction of Banglalink users.

 To figure out specific areas of dissatisfaction of Banglalink users.
 To know the overall satisfaction level of the customers.
 To figure out the Loyalty level and the reason of loyalty increase and decrease.
 To figure out possible improvement sectors to reduce dissatisfaction.
 To find out the underlying functions, roles and responsibilities of different divisions of
 To make a comparison of the easiest communication of business solutions among Banglalink &
other mobile operator of Bangladesh
 To determine the importance of various customers services of Banglalink
 To discover what are the consumers’ level of satisfaction about the price, package options,
availability, network coverage etc of their current using.
 To measure the success/failure of service activities of Banglalink in customer satisfaction.

 To find out reliability of different dimensions through the reliability test.

 To figure out the correlation among different dimensions through the correlation test.

 To find out the important dimensions which relate to customer satisfaction through the multiple
regression analysis?

1.1.4 Scope of the study:
This study focuses on customer satisfaction level of Banglalink. For this report consists of the information
that is based on the evaluation of customers of Banglalink users. Some of the customers opinions are
presented here based on questionnaire survey.

1.1.5 Methodology:
For completing the report I basically used both Primary and secondary data, but its main focus on the
primary data because of the conversation of customers.

Primary Data:
 Face to face conversation with the customer.
 Personal Interview – Face-to-face conversation and in depth interview with the respective officers
of the branch.
 Survey: I have collected data trough questionnaires and it is based on sample of 80 customers.
 I have collected data through questionnaires by online (social media).

Secondary Data: I also had to use secondary data as it was already available.

 Selected books.
 Other manual information
 Websites
 Various publications on Banglalink
 Newspaper reports in this concern.

Research Framework







Figure 2: Research Framework Designing Instruments:

To design customers’ questionnaires, different items\statements are used with some changes in language
to fit the respondents. The questions are organized in a way so that the respondents feel easy and
comfortable to answer and express their opinions. The items\statements are basically about the
respondents’ positive and negative attitude towards the satisfaction of the service and facility they are
getting. The respondents have to choose and tick an appropriate option from five options for each
item\statement. For analysis, the responses are converted into mathematical figures as follows:

Strongly agree = 1, Agree =2, Neutral = 3, Disagree = 4, strongly disagree = 5 Data Collection Procedure:

To collect the data I went personally to the customers and asked them to help me regarding this. Some
customers were happy to help me and some did not. This was a difficult task as everyone is in a hurry.
Basically most of respondents are students or service holders.

7|Page Data analysis and Interpretation:
Both quantitative and qualitative analysis will be performed on the findings. The quantitative analysis will
be done by some figure or graphs. Qualitative analyses will be based on the customer satisfaction.
Different statistical tools will be used for the analysis of the findings. Significance of the Study:

The significance of the report is multi-dimensional. This kind of research is pretty much
applicable for all. Quality Customer Service is essential to building Customer Relationships.
Customer satisfaction related to expectation fulfillment is an extremely important and critical
issue facing organizations in the complex business environment of today. The
telecommunication industry is certainly not an exception to this premise. Banglalink is trying to
develop communication of the country. So they provide a wide range of customer service so that
customers get their desire services. Customer satisfaction depends on the customer’s expected
services provided by the organization. This report explore the importance customer place on
various aspects of the service provided by Banglalink and at the same time assessed the current
satisfaction levels of the customers. The findings of this report is helpful for the management in
attempting to improve the overall service quality and also to promote the company’s services to
customers. Finally, the current level of satisfaction is given an indication about the overall
quality of the service provided currently from customers’ point of view and thus giving an
opportunity to build on strengths and correcting weaknesses and dark sides of the service. So the
study is very useful for the top management in improving the overall service quality and
customer satisfaction. Techniques of Data Analyses:

In this report I use frequency analysis calculate for gender, education, profession, SIM user and operator
percentage. On the other hand I used descriptive statistics for find out stander division and mean value.
Moreover I used regression techniques for find out that which factor affect the overall customer
satisfaction. This is because customer satisfaction one kind of psychological marketing tram.

1.1.6 Limitations of the Study
The study was limited by a number of factors. Without these limitations the research would have been
much better. Some of the constraints are given below: -

 It’s not possible to collect the data which are confidential, Banglalink maintain a very strict rules
about providing their information. So it is quite difficult to collect all the necessary data that are
required to complete the report.
 In reality it is hard to understand all the concepts and gain sufficient knowledge about the
particular field.
 Sufficient records, publications facts and figures are not available, these hampers the scope of real
 Such a short period was not sufficient to understand the insights of customer satisfaction level.
 Lack of co-operation from the respondents from confidential point of view.

Chapter 2
Company overview

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2. Company Overview
Banglalink (Bengali: বাাংলাললাংক), is one of the largest cellular service providers in Bangladesh.
Banglalink digital communications limited (previously Orascom telecom Bangladesh limited) is fully
owned by telecom ventures ltd. (previously Orascom telecom ventures limited) of Malta, which is a 100%
owned subsidiary of global telecom holding. following business combination, in April 2011, between
Vimpelcom Ltd. and Wind Telecom s.p.a, Vimpelcom owns 51.92% shares of global telecom holding.
Vimpelcom ( is one of the world’s largest integrated ltd. telecommunications
services operators providing voice and data services through a range of traditional and broadband mobile
and fixed technologies in Russia, Italy, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Georgia,
Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Algeria, Pakistan, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Central African Republic, Canada and
Bangladesh. Vimpelcom is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and listed as an ads on the
nasdaq global select market under the symbol “VIP”.

Banglalink attained 1 million subscribers by December 2005 and 3 million subscribers in October 2006.
in less than two years which is by December 2007, banglalink overtook Aktel to become the second
largest operator in Bangladesh with more than 7.1 million customers.

Banglalink currently has 31.1 million subscribers as of February 2016, boosting a market share of 24.4%.
It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telecom Ventures Limited of Malta which is owned by Global
Telecom Holding.

The growth of banglalink over the years have been fueled with innovative products and services targeting
different market segments, aggressive improvement of network quality and dedicated customer care,
creating an extensive distribution network across the country, and establishing a strong brand that
emotionally connected customers with banglalink.

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Management Team

Banglalink have one strong management team show that figure:

Managing Derector
and CEO:
Erik Aas

Chief HR & Head of chief

Chief Chief Chief Chief corporate Chief legal
administration corporate compliance
Technology Financil Marketing and regulatory officer:
officer : officer: officer: affairs officer: Jahrat adib governance: officer :
Sanjay Monzula morshed chowdhury
Anton Prasoon lal Taimur rahman dr. guy sadler m nurul alam

Figure 3: Management Team

2.1 Vision of the company

To understand people’s needs best and develop appropriate communication services to improve
people’s lives and make it simple.

2.1.1 Mission of the company

 Segmented approach in terms of products and services

 Delivering superior benefits in every phase of customer experience (before, during and after

 Creating optimum shareholder value Objectives of the Company

The Objective of the company is to ensure telecom facility for all people of Bangladesh with minimum

2.2 Core Values

All employees of Banglalink are expected to demonstrate the following core values in day-to-day
activities to “start something new” in every area of our operations in the “Banglalink” way

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2.2.1 Innovative
What makes us Innovative

 Being open minded and flexible

 Discouraging false pride and challenging the normal way to do things
 Learning and adopting best practices from others
 Thinking of a situation from various points of view
 Creating an environment where others can put forth their ideas without hesitation or fear

2.2.2 Straightforward
What makes us Straightforward

 Communicating clearly and effectively

 Listening empathically and asking questions to seek out and understand different views
 Practicing what we preach
 Leading by example
 Accepting responsibility for successes and failures

2.2.3 Reliable
What makes us Reliable

 Generating trust and reliability

 Being understanding and focusing on a solution that everyone can benefit from
 Delivering results by deadlines
 Thinking before making a commitment and sticking to it
 Making honest decisions based on facts & figures, not feelings or opinions

2.2.4 Passionate
What makes us Passionate

 Striving to achieve goals

 Believing in self and team’s ability to achieve targets
 Driving for excellence in execution
 Using information/resources available in the best possible way to achieve targets
 Reaching the desired goal through trying out different options with determination

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“Start Something New”

2.3 Products and Services of the Company:

The main function of Banglalink is to provide Mobile Telecom Product and Services to its valued
customer including Voice Communication, SMS service and other Value Added Services (VAS). It also
Provides Data & Fax services to its customers. Main Product and services are described below:

2.3.1 Prepaid Packages:

Banglalink entered the market with a promise of making mobile phone affordable for people. This
promise was kept and Banglalink was the first operator to introduce a flat rate for all calls (inside own
network and to other operators) for the convenience and ease of customers.

Banglalink currently offers one prepaid plans. All the prepaid plans come in one phases—Standard (T&T
incoming and outgoing with NWD and ISD). All connections provide GPRS to subscribers.

Desh: Desh is the best prepaid package for making calls to any network. With the slogan EkdeshEk Rate!
(Means one country one rate!), is one of the cheapest prepaid plans in the country by tariff. Users of desh
can call any mobile operator at cheapest rate throughout the whole day at different time slot. It also has
three FnF facilities to any operator.

Desh rang: “Deshrong" has also been launched as a brand extension to enrich the brand of desh. “Rong”
is a Bengali word that means "color" - the objective is to give customers a brand that they can refer to as
colorful and lively. This package is beneficial for customers who mainly make calls to their own network
and are heavy SMS users. It offers four on-net FnF numbers.

Regular prepaid was the first package Banglalink had to offer. It is currently unavailable in the market.

ladies, first!, with the slogan Shomporker Network (means network of relationships), was tailored for
women. It was launched on September 3, 2005. It had introduced 1 second pulse for the first time in the
prepaid market. It offered four FnF numbers. It is currently unavailable in the market.

be linked! Was launched on November 16, 2005. It was later taken over by desh package as all the be
linked! Customers were automatically migrated to desh.

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2.3.2 Postpaid Packages:
Currently there are three postpaid plans from Banglalink for its retail customers. These packages are
known as enterprise personal, which is a subset of much larger Banglalink enterprise. All packages come
with T&T local, NWD, ISD and connectivity.

 Personal package 1
 Personal supplementary
 Personal call and control

2.4 Profile of the Company (Banglalink):

Name of the Organization Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Limited.

Type of Business Telecom Service Provider

Network Name Banglalink


Technology GSM 900

Motto Making a Difference

Network Status Live from September, 1998

Web Site

Headquarters Address Banglalink, Tigers’ Den, Plot 4, SW (H) Gulshan

Avenue, Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh

Phone No, Fax +880 8 821 256, +880 8 827 265

Figure 4: Profile of the Company

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Chapter 3

Customer Satisfaction & its


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3. Customer Satisfaction:
Customer satisfaction measures how well the expectations of a customer concerning a product or service
provided by your company have been met. Customer satisfaction is an abstract concept and involves such
factors as the quality of the product, the quality of the service provided, the atmosphere of the location
where the product or service is purchased, and the price of the product or service. Businesses often use
customer satisfaction surveys to gauge customer satisfaction. These surveys are used to gather
information about customer satisfaction. Typical areas addressed in the surveys include:

 Quality of product
 Value of product relative to price - a function of quality and price
 Time issues, such as product availability, availability of sales assistance, time waiting at
checkout, and delivery time
 Atmosphere of store, such as cleanliness, organization, and enjoyable shopping environment
 Service personnel issues, such as politeness, attentiveness, and helpfulness
 Convenience, such as location, parking, and hours of operation

3.1 Importance of Customer satisfaction:

Customer satisfaction is important because it provides marketers and business owners with a metric that
they can use to manage and improve their businesses.

Here are the top six reasons why customer satisfaction is so important:

 It’s a leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty

 It’s a point of differentiation

 It reduces customer churn

 It increases customer lifetime value

 It reduces negative word of mouth

 It’s cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones

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3.1.1 It is a leading indicator of consumer repurchases intentions and loyalty

Customer satisfaction is the best indicator of how likely a customer will make a purchase in the future.
Asking customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1-10 is a good way to see if they will become
repeat customers or even advocates. Any customers that give you a rating of 7 and above, can be
considered satisfied, and you can safely expect them to come back and make repeat purchases. Customers
who give you a rating of 9 or 10 are your potential customer advocates who you can leverage to become
evangelists for your company. Scores of 6 and below are warning signs that a customer is unhappy and at
risk of leaving. These customers need to be put on a customer watch list and followed up so you can
determine why their satisfaction is low. That’s why it’s one of the leading metrics businesses use to
measure consumer repurchase and customer loyalty.

3.1.2 It is a point of differentiation

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers; customer satisfaction is seen as a
key differentiator. Businesses who succeed in these cut-throat environments are the ones that make
customer satisfaction a key element of their business strategy. More than likely it’s on the back of a good
customer experience. Companies who offer amazing customer experiences create environments where
satisfaction is high and customer advocates are plenty. This is an example of where customer satisfaction
goes full circle. Not only can customer satisfaction help you keep a finger on the pulse of your existing
customers, it can also act as a point of differentiation for new customers.

3.1.3 It reduces customer churn

An Accenture global customer satisfaction report (2008) found that price is not the main reason for
customer churn; it is actually due to the overall poor quality of customer service. Customer satisfaction is
the metric we can use to reduce customer churn. By measuring and tracking customer satisfaction we can
put new processes in place to increase the overall quality of your customer service.

3.1.3 It increases customer lifetime value

A totally satisfied customer contributes 14 times more revenue than a somewhat dissatisfied customer.
Satisfaction plays a significant role in how much revenue a customer generates for your business.
Successful businesses understand the importance of customer lifetime value (CLV). If you increase CLV,
you increase the returns on your marketing dollar. Customer lifetime value is a beneficiary of high
customer satisfaction and good customer retention.

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3.1.4 It reduces negative word of mouth
Customer satisfaction is tightly linked to revenue and repeat purchases. What often gets forgotten is how
customer satisfaction negatively impacts your business. It’s one thing to lose a customer because they
were unhappy. It’s another thing completely to lose 20 customers because of some bad word of mouth. To
eliminate bad word of mouth you need to measure customer satisfaction on an ongoing basis. Tacking
change in satisfaction will help you identify if customers are actually happy with your product or service.

3.1.5 It’s cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones

This is probably the most publicized customer satisfaction statistic out there. It costs six to seven times
more to acquire new customers than it does to retain existing customers. If that stat does not strike accord
with you then there’s not much else I can do to demonstrate why customer satisfaction is important.
Customers cost a lot of money to acquire.

3.2 Customer Satisfaction Factors of Banglalink:

Banglalink is a highly growing mobile company. In mobile telecommunication industry, there are direct
and indirect factors that influence customer satisfaction. I tried to focus on the most important factors that
influence customer satisfaction at Banglalink.


Airtime is the core offering of Banglalink. So, quality of communication, network availability etc. are the
most important customer satisfaction factors. Quality of airtime depends on the ratio of subscribers and
transmission base stations. If the numbers of subscribers are increased without developing the network,
quality of airtime goes down.

After Sales Services

Now a day’s after sales service is very important in the mobile telecommunication industry. Banglalink
has extensive after sales customer care tools. I would like to focus on these tools one by one:


Banglalink has 24 hours helpline service in Bangladesh. In my paper I tried to focus on the existing
operations of the helpline service of Banglalink, which will enable us to understand the importance of the
helpline service.

19 | P a g e
A Banglalink subscriber needs to dial 111 to reach Banglalink Helpline. It is computer aided information
base to afford immediate access to the information about the subscribers. But the operations are done

After dialing 111 the subscriber is first welcomed by an automated and standardized process. Then s/he
needs to wait for few seconds. After that the subscriber reaches the Customer Manager. The CM starts the
conversation with a greeting. If the inquiry is regarding general information, the customer Manager does
not need to take help of information system. S/he just provides the information and the subscriber keeps
the phone.

Banglalink Customer Care

Most of the problems of the subscribers are solved by the helpline service. But there are some problems
that cannot be solved there. Subscribers need to come physically to deal with those problems. Banglalink
has several Banglalink care centers that are popularly known as Banglalink Service Point. These service
points are situated in all over the city, district and also many upazilla of Bangladesh. In this area, the
subscribers can come directly with their problems like billing (wrong bill, detailed bill etc.), address
change, SIM change, handset problems etc. These after sales services are very crucial to keep the
subscribers satisfied regarding Banglalink.

Health link

Banglalink customers can just dial 789 and they will be put through to a call center agent of health link.
These agents are all MBBS professionals and specially trained to provide health issue related consultancy
over phone.


 professional medical consultancy

 health care information

 tk 0.83 (sd + vat + sc will be applicable)/ 10 seconds

20 | P a g e
Prize point

Banglalink customers who use more than tk. 150 every month will become part of this exciting program
called priyojon. priyojon members can receive exciting gifts from Banglalink, enjoy discounts in over 450
partner outlets, and get free life insurance coverage. New members will begin with a priyojon silver
status, and after 3 months they can be upgraded to gold or platinum status based on their average usage.

Priyojon silver Priyojon Gold Priyojon platinum

Use tk. 150 – 169 every month Use tk. 150 – 169 every month Use tk. 150 – 169 every month

Figure 5: Prize point

Banglalink Priyojon Insurance

Now all Banglalink Priyojon customers will get free life insurance coverage of up to tk. 10 lakhs against
their priyojon prize points!

A customer earning 30 prize points in a month will be able to enjoy a free coverage amount tk.15, 000 by
redeeming 30 prize points on a monthly basis. Customers will have to select their desired insurance
package by themselves with the option to select an auto renewal process. In this case customer will get a
notification each time the before auto-renewal. To maintain their insurance coverage, the customer has to
maintain a minimum amount of prize points.

21 | P a g e
Chapter 4
Literature Review

22 | P a g e
4. Literature Review
Literature review Customer satisfaction is critical facet for the researchers and marketers (Naser et al.,
1999). It’s a key factor of diverse marketing activities which basically impart the linkage between the
different stages of customers buying behaviors. For example, if customer is pleased with the services
and/or products offered by the company, then he/she likely re-purchase and also try its line extensions
(East, 1997) and these customers are also share the information and favorable experience and producing
word-of-mouth communication (Jamal &Naser, 2003). This advertising technique is predominant in
socialist culture like in Pakistan where life is ordered in such a way that leads to develop social relations
with others in the society. Contrary, dissatisfied customers of any bank switch themselves to other bank
and will also fabricate negative word-of-mouth and these actions set ineradicable pressure on the banks to
improve their products and services (Levesque & McDougall, 1996; File & Prince, 1992).

Customer satisfaction has been a popular topic in marketing practice and academic research since
Cardozo's (1965) initial study of customer effort, expectations and satisfaction. Despite many attempts to
measure and explain customer satisfaction, there still does not appear to be a consensus regarding its
definition (Giese and Cote, 2000). Customer satisfaction is typically defined as a post consumption
evaluative judgement concerning a specific product or service (Gundersen, Heide and Olsson, 1996). It is
the result of an evaluative process that contrasts pre purchase expectations with perceptions of
performance during and after the consumption experience (Oliver, 1980). The most widely accepted
conceptualization of the customer satisfaction concept is the expectancy disconfirmation theory
(McQuitty, Finn and Wiley, 2000). The theory was developed by Oliver, who proposed that satisfaction
level is a result of the difference between expected and perceived performance. Satisfaction (positive
disconfirmation) occurs when product or service is better than expected. On the other hand, a
performance worse than expected results is dissatisfaction (negative disconfirmation). Studies show that
customer satisfaction may have direct and indirect impact on business results. Luo and Homburg (2007)
concluded that customer satisfaction positively affects business profitability. The majority of studies have
investigated the relationship with customer behavior patterns (Dimitriades, 2006; Olorunniwo et al., 2006;
Chi and Qu, 2008; Faullant et al., 2008).

According to these findings, customer satisfaction increases customer loyalty, influences repurchase
intentions and leads to positive word-of-mouth. Given the vital role of customer satisfaction, it is not
surprising that a variety of research has been devoted to investigating the determinants of satisfaction.
Satisfaction can be determined by subjective (e. g. customer needs, emotions) and objective factors (e. g.
product and service features). Applying to the hospitality industry, there have been numerous studies that
examine attributes that travelers may find important regarding customer satisfaction. Atkinson (1988)

23 | P a g e
found out that cleanliness, security, value for money and courtesy of staff determine customer
satisfaction. Knutson (1988) revealed that room cleanliness and comfort, convenience of location, prompt
service, safety and security, and friendliness of employees are important. Barsky and Labagh (1992)
stated that employee attitude, location and rooms are likely to influence travelers’ satisfaction. A study
conducted by Akan (1995) showed that the main determinants of hotel guest satisfaction are the behavior
of employees, cleanliness and timeliness. Choi and Chu (2001) concluded that staff quality, room
qualities and value are the top three hotel factors that determine travelers’ satisfaction.

4.1 Customer Satisfaction – Definitions:

Satisfaction has been broadly defined by Vavra, T.G. (1997) as a satisfactory post-purchase experience
with a product or service given an existing purchase expectation.

Howard and Sheth (1969) define satisfaction as, “The buyer’s cognitive state of being adequately or
inadequately rewarded for the sacrifices he has undergone” (p.145).

According to Westbrook and Reilly (1983)customer satisfaction is “an emotional response to the
experiences provided by, associated with particular products or services purchased, retail outlets, or even
molar patterns of behavior such as shopping and buyer behavior, as well as the overall market place”

Oliver (1981) put forward a definition as, “the summary psychological state resulting when the emotion
surrounding disconfirmed expectations is coupled with the consumers’ prior feelings about the
consumption experience” (p.27).

Berry and Parasuraman (1991) argue that since customers’ satisfaction is influenced by the availability of
customer services, the provision of quality customer service has become a major concern of all
businesses. Customer satisfaction is typically defined as a post consumption evaluative judgment
concerning a specific product or service.12 It is the result of an evaluative process that contrasts
repurchase expectations with perceptions of performance during and after the consumption experience.13
Oliver (1981)14 defines customer satisfaction as a customer’s emotional response to the use of a product
or service. Anton (1996)15 offers more elaboration: “customer satisfaction as a state of mind in which the
customer’s needs, wants and expectations throughout the product or service life have been met or
exceeded, resulting in subsequent repurchase and loyalty”.

24 | P a g e
Merchant Account Glossary points out that, “Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept
and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and
produce/service to produce/service.....”

Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) defines customer satisfaction as “The individual’s perception of the
performance of the product or service in relation to his or her expectations”

Woodruff and Gardian (1996) define “Satisfaction, then, is the evaluation or feeling that results from the
disconfirmation process. It is not the comparison itself (i.e., the disconfirmation process), but it is the
customer’s response to the comparison. Satisfaction has an emotional component.”

According to Hung (1977), “…. satisfaction is a kind of stepping away from an experience and evaluating
it … One could have a pleasurable experience that caused dissatisfaction because even though it was
pleasurable, it wasn’t as pleasurable as it was supposed to be. So satisfaction / dissatisfaction isn’t an
emotion, it’s the evaluation of the emotion”

Oliver (1977) defines “Satisfaction is the consumer’s fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product
or service feature, or the product of service itself, provided (or is providing) a pleasurable level of
consumption- related fulfillment, including levels of under- or over-fulfillment”.

Customer satisfaction is an evaluation of difference between prior expectations about product and its
actual performance. Customer satisfaction is how customers react towards the state of satisfaction, and
how customers judge the satisfaction level (Hanif, Hafez & Riaz, 2010).

Customer satisfaction is the reaction of customer toward state of the fulfillment and judgment of customer
about that fulfilled state (Khayyat & Heshmati, 2012).

Customer satisfaction is the expectation before consuming a product regarding quality or it is a pre-
consumption judgment or expectation (Bae, 2012).

Satisfaction is an outcome of purchase in which consumer compare cost and rewards with the anticipated
consequences (Maxham, 2001).

4.1.1 Levels of Customer Satisfaction:

When discussing categories of customer satisfaction levels, Williams and Buswell (2003) refer to Oliver’s
theory that divides potential customer satisfaction levels into three categories:

25 | P a g e
First, negative disconfirmation happens when the level of service turns out to be worse than expected by
the customer.

Second, Positive disconfirmation, is the case where the service is better than expected by the customer.

Third, simple disconfirmation, happens when the level of service matches the level of service

A range of authors have offered explanations about differences between service quality and customer
satisfaction from the viewpoint of customers. The most notable work in that aspect belongs to Oliver
(1997) as mentioned by Williams and Buswell (2003) as presented on the following table:

Customer judgment of service quality and customer satisfaction

Service Quality Customer Satisfaction

Evaluated using specific clues Evaluation more holistic

Based on perceptions of “excellence” Based on needs

Cognitive Emotional

Figure 6: Customer judgment

4.1.2 Customer Satisfaction on Telecommunication Industry:

In the competitive telecommunication industry, customer satisfaction is considered as the key to success
(Siddiqi, 2011) However, customer satisfaction is not static in nature. Companies can’t feel safe with their
presently “appeared to be satisfied customers”. Rather companies need to know how to keep their
customers consistently satisfied because satisfied customers may look for better services elsewhere.
Again, some customers may not switch because of the unavailability of better service to other service
providers but actually they are not those of the satisfied customers (Thakur, 2011). Generally, level of
satisfaction increases when customers receive maximum usage and profit for minimum price paid (Jamal
and Kamal, 2002 cited in Afsar et al., 2010).

26 | P a g e
Silva and Yapa (2009) conducted an explanatory study to identify the attributes corporate customers
consider relevant in deciding whether to retain with the current service provider or to migrate or switch
completely. The research found that the common belief of price or the low cost being the most important
factor that determines the customer loyalty did not work here, rather the most important factor for all the
groups was value addition to the customer. It was also found that the relative importance of the
determinants was different to different user groups.

Almossawi (2012) conducted a study to investigate the importance, determinants, and consequences of
customer satisfaction in the mobile telecom industry in Bahrain. The study found insignificant association
between customer satisfaction and loyalty as 88% of the mobile users declared that they would switch if
they get a better offer which indicates lack of loyalty. Again the study also revealed trivial relationship of
customer retention and loyalty because 86% of who claimed that they will remain with their current
providers said that they would switch for a better offer.

Khan and Afsheen (2012) believe that most unhappy customers are the greatest source of learning and
attempted to investigate mostly crucial factors that can influence customer satisfaction in Telecom
industry of Pakistan. The study found that many factors have impact on customer satisfaction, but price
fairness (mostly important), coverage (secondly important) and customer services (thirdly important)
were three major factors which can highly affect the customer satisfaction.

Kim et al. (2004) conducted a study to determine the effects of customer satisfaction and the switching
barrier on customer loyalty and the structural relationship between these factors in the Korean mobile
telecommunication services industry. The study found that higher levels of call quality, value-added
services, and customer support were associated with higher levels of customer satisfaction while higher
level of the pricing structure, mobile device and convenience in procedures didn’t affect customer

Nimako (2012) examined the effects of service quality on customer satisfaction and behavioral

Intention in mobile telecommunication industry applying structured equation modeling techniques. This
study identified that Tangibles, Customer Relations, Real Network Quality and Image quality aspects of
service quality positively affect customer satisfaction, which in turn affects behavior intention in Ghana’s
mobile telecom industry. The findings further show a strong relationship between service quality,
satisfaction and behavior intention and that service quality and satisfaction.

Oyeniyi and Joachim (2012) worked on the mobile phone users in Nigeria to identify relationships of
customer service on customer retention. They investigated intention from various point of views like

27 | P a g e
customer service, satisfaction, value and behavioral intention. This study had shown a strong relationship
between customers’ perceived quality level and customer satisfaction. It is also revealed from the study
that customers’ retention is ensured when customers believe that they are offered effective and high
quality services.

Al-Zoubi (2013) investigated the effect of SERVQUAL model on customer loyalty among Jordanian
telecommunication sector. They assessed the effect of this model based on the application of regression
model. The study found a strong and positive correlation between SERVQUAL model and customer
loyalty in telecommunication industry. They concluded that this model has significant impact on the
customer loyalty.

Ojo (2010) investigated the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the Nigerian
telecommunication industry. The study revealed a positive relationship between service quality and
customer satisfaction. It also recommended that organizations should focus more attention on service

4.1.3 Relationship with Customer satisfaction

There is always a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and profit maximization ofan
organization (Bowen&Chen, 2001). No one is important than customers and their satisfaction isthe
ultimate objective through improvement in services in terms of competitiveness and it saves future
revenue plus it becomes the cause of cost reduction in future(Yuan Hu, Ching-Chan & Cheng,
Hong,2010).Customer satisfaction is the perceived feeling of a customer for which he orshe has set
standards if his expectations match with the standard he is satisfied(Eggert&Ulaga,2002).There are
number of imperial studies on specific relationship of employees satisfaction. Often the quality of the
relationship is called satisfaction mirror which gives an idea that success of business is from satisfaction
of employee which is reflected in term of the customer satisfaction. Service quality is derived from
employee satisfaction for example if employees are satisfied it has direct effect on both customer
satisfaction and service quality (Madern, Maull, Smart&Baker, 2005).

4.1.4 Effect of Customers Satisfaction

There is a significant effect of customer satisfaction on the performance of business and through customer
satisfaction returns of shareholders can be increased and value of any business can be maximized
(O’sullivan, Mccalling, 2010).

Customer satisfactions have antecedent, mediated and moderated effect on personal connections and
enjoyable interactions (Fatima & Razzaque, 2013).

28 | P a g e
Customer satisfaction with offices is resolved by specialized execution, as well as by a many-sided set of
trade procedures, for example, compelling correspondence and administration of desires. (Campbell &
Finch, 2004).

Customer satisfaction with offices is resolved not just by specialized execution; additionally by a
multifaceted set of trade methodologies, for example, powerful correspondence and administration of
desires. (Campbell&Finch, 2004)

29 | P a g e
Chapter 5

Data analysis and findings

30 | P a g e
COMPUTE Care=(CC1 + CC2 + CC3 + CC4 + CC5 + CC6 + CC7) / 7.
COMPUTE Network=(NC1 + NC2 + NC3)/3.
COMPUTE Internet=(IP1 + IP2 + IP3 + IP4)/4.
COMPUTE Quality=(QC1 + QC2 + QC3 + QC4)/4.
COMPUTE Drop=(CD1 + CD2 + CD3)/3.
COMPUTE Hotline=(CSH1 + CSH2 + CSH3 + CSH4 )/4.


5. Frequencies statistics
[DataSet1] E:\Banglalink CS.sav


Gender Education Profession Operators SIM

N Valid 80 80 80 80 80

Missing 0 0 0 0 0

Table 1: Frequencies statistics


Figure 7: Frequencies statistics

This research is based on customer satisfaction of Banglalink subscriber. In this research sample size is

31 | P a g e
5.1 Frequency Table Gender


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Male 58 72.5 72.5 72.5

Female 22 27.5 27.5 100.0

Total 80 100.0 100.0

Table 2: Frequency Table Gender

Gender Male 72.5%
Gender Female 27.5%
Gender Total 100%

Figure 8: Distribution of gender of the respondent

Interpretation: Above frequency table shows that most of the respondent, whom has been conducted
through personal interview were male, as 72.5% respondents were male. On other hand 27.5%
respondents were female. As a result cumulative percent is 72.5% out of 100%.

32 | P a g e
5.1.1 Frequency Table Education


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid HSC 7 8.8 8.8 8.8

Bachelor 62 77.5 77.5 86.2

Master or Equivalent
11 13.8 13.8 100.0

Total 80 100.0 100.0

Table 3: Frequency Table of Education


Education HSC 8.75%

Education Bachelor 77.5%

Education Master or
Equivalent Professional
Education Total 100%

Figure 9: Education level of the respondent

Interpretation: Above frequency table shows that most of the respondent education level was students of
HSC 8.8%, Bachelor 77.5%, Master or Equivalent Professional 13.8% of research.

33 | P a g e
5.1.2 Frequency Table Profession

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid student 59 73.8 73.8 73.8

Services Holder 12 15.0 15.0 88.8

Business 6 7.5 7.5 96.2

other 3 3.8 3.8 100.0

Total 80 100.0 100.0

Table 4: Frequency Table Profession


Profession student 73.75%

Profession Services Holder

Profession Business 7.5%

Figure 10: Occupation of the respondent

Interpretation: Above frequency table shows that most of the respondent occupation was students 73.8%
of research. On other hand 15% respondent occupation was service holder, 7.5% was businessman, and
3.8% of the respondents were others.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Banglalink 80 100.0 100.0 100.0

Table 5: User of Banglalink

Interpretation: Above frequency table shows that 100%of the respondent uses Banglalink. This is
because this research totally based on Banglalink subscriber.

34 | P a g e
5.1.3 Frequency Table SIM user

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Prepaid 70 87.5 87.5 87.5

Postpaid 10 12.5 12.5 100.0

Total 80 100.0 100.0

Table 6: Frequency of Table Sim user

SIM Prepaid 87.5%
SIM Postpaid 12.5%
SIM Total 100%

Figure 11: Package preferred by the respondent

Interpretation: Above frequency table shows that most of the respondents have use prepaid connection
that is 87.5%, on the other hands postpaid connection at second position that is 12.5%.

35 | P a g e
DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=OS1 Care Network Internet Quality Drop Hotline

[DataSet1] E:\Banglalink CS.sav

5.2 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

OS1 80 1.00 5.00 3.3625 .87502

CC 80 1.14 4.86 3.5589 .71091

NC 80 1.00 4.67 3.2708 .90644

IP 80 1.50 4.75 3.1875 .78202

QS 80 1.75 5.00 3.3469 .70430

CD 80 1.67 4.67 3.3875 .71834

CSH 80 1.75 4.75 3.4594 .64441

Valid N (listwise) 80

Table 7: Descriptive Statistics

5.2.1 Overall satisfaction
In this data analysis customer minimum opinion is 1 and maximum opinion is 5. Overall
satisfaction mean (µ) value is 3.3625 and Stander deviation (σ) is 0.87502.

5.2.2 Customer Care

In this data analysis customer minimum opinion is 1.14 and maximum opinion is 4.86. Customer
Care mean (µ) value is 3.5589 and Stander deviation (σ) is 0.71091.

5.2.3 Network Coverage

In this data analysis customer minimum opinion is 1.00 and maximum opinion is 4.67. Network
coverage mean (µ) value is 3.2708 and Stander deviation (σ) is 0.90644.

36 | P a g e
5.2.4 Internet Package
In this data analysis customer minimum opinion is 1.50 and maximum opinion is 4.75. Internet
package mean (µ) value is 3.1875 and Stander deviation (σ) is 0.78202.

5.2.4 Quality call Servicer

In this data analysis customer minimum opinion is 1.75 and maximum opinion is 5.00. Quality
services mean (µ) value is 3.3469and Stander deviation (σ) is 0.70430.

5.2.5 Call Drop

In this data analysis customer minimum opinion is 1.67 and maximum opinion is 4.67. Call drop
mean (µ) value is 3.3875and Stander deviation (σ) is 0.71834.

5.2.6 Cost of services of hotline

In this data analysis customer minimum opinion is 1.75 and maximum opinion is 4.75. CSH
mean (µ) value is 3.4594and Stander deviation (σ) is 0.64441.

/METHOD=ENTER Care Network Internet Quality Drop Hotline.

5.3 Regression
[DataSet1] E:\Banglalink CS.sav

Variables Entered/Removedb

Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method

1 CSH, NC, CC,

. Enter

a. All requested variables entered.

b. Dependent Variable: OS1

37 | P a g e
5.3.1 Model Summary
Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .695a .483 .441 .65435

a. Predictors: (Constant), CSH, NC, CC, QS, CD, IP

Table 8: Model of Summary

Multiple coefficient of determination:-

Multiple 𝑟 2 = 0.483

= 48.30%

The change in the dependent variable can be explain by the changes in the independent variable by


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 29.231 6 4.872 11.378 .000a

Residual 31.257 73 .428

Total 60.488 79

a. Predictors: (Constant), CSH, NC, CC, QS, CD, IP

b. Dependent Variable: OS1

Table 9: ANOVA

Ho: 𝑅 2pp = 0

H1: 𝑅 2pp ≠ 0

F= 11.378

Significance of F= 0.000

∝ = 0.05

The null hypotheses will be rejected because the value of significant is lass then the required value of α

So it can be concluded that there is a liner relationship among the variable.

38 | P a g e
5.3.2 Coefficients


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) .083 .485 .171 .865

CC -.199 .142 -.162 -1.404 .164

NC -.060 .101 -.063 -.599 .551

IP .271 .148 .243 1.833 .071

QS .072 .163 .058 .442 .660

CD .124 .147 .102 .848 .399

CSH .768 .135 .566 5.694 .000

a. Dependent Variable: OS1

Table 10: Coefficients

i. Customer Care (CC)

𝐻0 : 𝐵1 = 0

𝐻1 : 𝐵1 ≠ 0

T= -1.404


α= 0.05

H0 hypothesis will be accepted because the α= 0.05< Sig 0.164

As a result, the customer care does not affect the overall customer satisfaction. This is because in the
telecommunication sector of Bangladesh customer care services are not differentiated in the market.

39 | P a g e
ii. Network coverage (NC)

𝐻0 : 𝐵2 = 0

𝐻1 : 𝐵2 ≠ 0

T= -0.599


α= 0.05

H0 hypothesis will be accepted because the α= 0.05< Sig 0.551

As a result, the network coverage does not affect the overall customer satisfaction. This is because in the
telecommunication sector of Bangladesh network coverage services are not differentiated in the market.

iii. Internet package (NP)

𝐻0 : 𝐵3 = 0

𝐻1 : 𝐵3 ≠ 0

T= 1.833


α= 0.05

H0 hypothesis will be accepted because the α= 0.05< Sig 0.071

As a result, the internet package does not affect the overall customer satisfaction. This is because in the
telecommunication sector of Bangladesh internet package all most same that is not differentiated in the

40 | P a g e
iv. Quality call services (QS)

𝐻0 : 𝐵4 = 0

𝐻1 : 𝐵4 ≠ 0

T= 0.442


α= 0.05

H0 hypothesis will be accepted because the α= 0.05< Sig 0.660

As a result, the quality call service does not affect the overall customer satisfaction. This is because in the
telecommunication sector of Bangladesh quality call services all most same that is not differentiated in
the market.

v. Call drop (CD)

𝐻0 : 𝐵5 = 0

𝐻1 : 𝐵5 ≠ 0

T= 0.848


α= 0.05

H0 hypothesis will be accepted because the α= 0.05< Sig 0.399

As a result, the call drop service does not affect the overall customer satisfaction. This is because the
Banglalink call drop rate lass then others operator. On the other hand, another reason is when customer
face call drop Banglalink responses has very quickly.

41 | P a g e
vi. Cost of services of hotline (CSH)

𝐻0 : 𝐵6 = 0

𝐻1 : 𝐵6 ≠ 0

T= 5.694


α= 0.05

H0 hypothesis will be rejected because the α = 0.05> Sig 0.000.

As a result, the overall customer satisfaction has affected by the cost of services of hotline.

The relative contribution each independent variable can be identified by the β value:

Customer care = -0.162

Network coverage = -0.063

Internet package = 0.243

Quality of call = 0.058

Call drop = 0.102

Cost of services of hotline = 0.566

Between six independent variables cost of services of hotline is contributed more in the variation of
customer care, network coverage, internet package and call drop because higher beta value.

5.4 Finding of the Study:

 I found by analyzing the customer’s that most of the respondents are male like 72.5%.
 Most of the customer’s occupation is Student and Service holder.
 Banglalink is the renowned market leader in the telecom industry of Bangladesh.
 As a market leader Banglalink is a customer focused company.
 Some of the respondents are not satisfying with internet speed.
 Changing in package will attack customer to stay with Banglalink.

42 | P a g e
 Banglalink has customer service options like touch points, call centre, online customer service,
IVR, push-pull etc.
 Subscriber prefer call centre of Banglalink as the most convenient and effective customer service
option among all the options.
 Though call centre is preferred by the customers they do not like the waiting time in the hotlines.
 87.5% customer prefers prepaid connection.
 I found from respondents that sometimes they have faced some problem during the services of
hotline; therefore, that is highly affecting the overall customer satisfaction.
 Most of the respondents are satisfying with Banglalink network facilities.
 Most of the respondents are satisfying with Banglalink internet package.
 Most of the respondents are satisfying with Banglalink call drop rate.
 Most of the respondents are satisfying with Banglalink quality of call.

5.5 Recommendations:
To make a positive impact of customer service on the overall performance of Banglalink and to improve
the service quality I would like to suggest the following points to be taken into active consideration:

 Banglalink should strive to reduce the waiting time in hot lines before reaching the agents to
make the contact centre the most effective and efficient customer service option of the company.
 Increase the number of physical customer service touch points so that customers find it
convenient and cost effective customer service option to go for.
 Banglalink should increase the range of services of the customer service options like online
customer service.
 Need to reduce the complexity for after sales service.
 Answering Customers’ phone courteously with empathy.
 Listening to customers actively & attentively with a participatory approach.
 Should deal with complaints accurately & effectively.
 Internet speed facilities must be increasing.
 Price of packages should to reduce up to a margin level of subscribers’ expectation.
 Need to flexible call rate and most importantly internet package price.
 Treat customers like they are your boss.
 The department should be always ready to find out best solutions for customers which exceed
their expectations.

43 | P a g e
Chapter 6

44 | P a g e
6. Conclusion
Banglalink has been introduced in 2005 with lower tariff to influence people about the new service.
Banglalink offered cheaper rate for the first time in Bangladesh. Banglalink maintains relationship
marketing policy as well. Banglalink achieved better position in consumer mind by its quality, attractive
tariff plan etc that is very important for any service base company to maintain customer satisfaction level.
If Banglalink does not increase the level of satisfactions and another company enters the market with
similar offers, it will be difficult for Banglalink to keep the current market share intact. Therefore, I
recommended some courses of action. My observations make me believe that if Banglalink follows these
recommendations; it will enable them achieve a sustainable distinct competitive advantage and run
smoothly with loyal subscribers & market leadership. The essence of good customer service is forming a
relationship with customers – a relationship that that individual customer feels that he would like to
pursue. In my report I have tried to figure out how Banglalink is dealing with its customers to make a
long-term relationship through its customer care department. They need to remember the secret of good
customer service: “A company will be judged by what it does, not what it promises.”

6.1 References
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6.1.1 Appendix

United International University

Survey on Customer Satisfaction of Subscribers of Banglalink, Bangladesh
Being a student of Marketing, I am conducting a research on “Customer Satisfaction” of
Banglalink users. Please read each statement carefully and circle one number that you think is
most appropriate. Thank you in advance for your participation.

Name (optional):

Phone Number (optional):

Gende: Male Female

Education: SSC or Below HSC Bachelor 1 Masters or equivalent

professional degree or above 1
Profession: Student Service Holder Business Others

Which Mobile SIM are you using? Banglalink Others

Which of connection services do you use? Prepaid Postpaid

Please indicate your level of arrangement with the following statement. Where

1= highly disagreed, 2=disagreed, 3=Neutral, 4= agreed, 5=highly agreed.

SL Statements 1 2 3 4 5


CC1 Customer care center handles my queries promptly, politely and

CC2 Banglalink customer care support services are open in 24/7

CC3 Customer care service give more focus on individual customer care
CC4 I am satisfied with their Customer care services.

CC5 I get help from call center properly and timely

After sales service of Banglalink is satisfactory.


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CC7 Banglalink helpline is very helpful in meeting my queries and other
SL Statements 1 2 3 4 5


NC1 Banglalink mobile network is better than other.

NC2 Satisfied with Banglalink network facilities

NC3 Network coverage of banglalink is better than other’s in all over the


IP1 The internet packages is affordable to you

IP2 I am satisfied with the service (quality of airtime and internet

network) of Banglalink.

IP3 2G & 3G internet services are available in overall Bangladesh.

IP4 Internet speed is consistent with what they promised to you.


QC1 I always get clear voice using Banglalink connection.

QC2 The calls made through Banglalink never get disconnected in

middle of the conversation.
QC3 I can easily connect to other operator.

QC4 During calls I don’t face echo problem and one sided voice.


CD1 Banglalink call drop rate is low rather than other operator.

CD2 Call drop paid rate is better than other’s network.

CD3 Missed call alert services (MCA) is very so fast than others.

49 | P a g e
SL Statements 1 2 3 4 5


CSH1 The cost of getting service from 121 hotline is reasonable

CSH2 Normally the callers get the required service with 05-15 tk.

CSH3 Sometimes the subscribers get proactive service free of cost

from hotlines.
CSH4 The services the subscribers get justify the cost.

SL Statements 1 2 3 4 5

OS1 Overall I am satisfied the Banglalink Services.

---------------------------THANK YOU--------------------

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