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general vocabulary

Size, quantity & dimension

1 Look at the following list and decide whether we are talking about something big (in terms of size,
quantity or dimension) or something small. Underline your answers

1. a minute amount of dust / Small 14. a giant building /Big

2. a minuscule piece of cloth /Small 15. a gargantuan meal / Big

3. an enormous book /Big 16. a wide avenue /Big

4. a mammoth job /Big 17. a broad river /Big

5. a huge waste of time /Big 18. a tall man /Big

6. a vast room /Big 19. a high mountain /Big

7. a gigantic wave /Big 20. a deep lake /Big

8. a tiny car / Small 21. a shallow pool / Small

9. a monumental error /Big 22. a long-distance journey /Big

10. a colossal statue / Big 23. a vast crowd of supporters /Big

11. plenty of food /Big 24. tons of work /Big

12. loads of times /Big 25. a great deal of time /Big

13. a narrow alleyway / Small

2 Now complete these sentences using one of the expressions above. In some cases, more than one
answer is possible.

1. Before you embark on a long-distance journey, it is essential that you are well prepared.

2. We spent a great deal of time working on the plans for the new library.

3. I love the Museum of Modern Art, and have been there loads of times.

4. There’s a small grey spot in the corner of all my photographs, so I guess a minute amount of dust
Must have got into the camera and ended up on the sensor.

5. Villages along the coast were destroyed when a gigantic wave Caused by the earthquake swept houses
into the sea.

6. In my opinion, playing computer games for hours on end is a huge waste of time.

7. A colossal statue of the Greek god Poseidon stood by the entrance to the harbour.

general vocabulary
Size, quantity & dimension
8. Despite the poor harvest, there was wheat for the whole population.

9. A river called the Thames separates the city of London from the suburbs to the south.

10. They are gathered to see their favorite football team.

11. We ate and we drank then lay down to rest.

12. The most impressive place in the building is theater called the Great Hall, which can hold over 3,000

13. We have much work to do In the next few days, so I suggest we start as soon as possible.

14. Loch Ness is a Lago in the Highlands of Scotland.

15. The only evidence of the crime was a hair`s which was stuck on a branch of one of the trees in the garden.

16. ‘Sumo’ is a series of book, containing almost 1,000 pictures by the controversial photographer Helmut

17. I had some calls to do, so took the phone off the hook, made myself some coffee and sat down at my

18. The Matterhorn a mountain in Switzerland, has claimed the lives of many who have tried to climb it.

19. He made something wrong in his calculations and had to start all over again.

20. The manufacturers have built a car which is ideal for getting around the city.

21. The NEC in Birmingham is exhibition center which is used for concerts and exhibitions.

22. The main feature of the town is the place of center, lined with shops and cafés.

23. I could see the key glittering at the bottom of a river.

24. Early European settlers in Central and South America heard legends of a city called El Dorado who covered
himself in gold dust.

25. My father ran along the side of the house to a garden at the rear.

General Vocabulary
Numbers and symbols
How do you say the numbers and symbols in bold in these sentences?
1. 2006 was the company's most profitable year since 1994.
Two thousand six, nineteen ninety-four

2. The advantage of Internet banking is that you can check your account 24/7.

Twenty-four hours of day seven days of the week

3. Despite a rigorous advertising campaign, demand has only risen by 0.8% in the last two months

Zero point eight percent

4. We're meeting in his office at 3:45 this afternoon.

Three and forty-five

5. Your flight for Zurich leaves at 18:00 from Logan International Airport.

Eighteen o’clock

6. I expect to be back in the country on June 30.

Thirty of June

7. Our next range of products will be released on 10/3

Ten of March.

8. She completed the test in a record 27½ minutes.

Twenty-seven and mid

9. ¾ of all our employees think the canteen food could be improved.

Three of four

10. The new desk measures exactly 6ft. x 3ft. x 3ft.

Six foots for three foots for three foots

11. Is this printer really only $1.99?

One dollar ninety-nine cents

12. Oh, sorry sir, that's a mistake. The sticker should say $100.9

One-hundred dollars nine cents

13. And that computer doesn't cost $120.75. It actually costs $1120.75.

One-hundred twenty dollars seventy-five cents

14. Please quote reference ACB81 - 25/B.


15. Our new telephone number is (212) 909-7940.

(Two-one-two) nine-zero-nine-seven-nine-four-zero

16. For more information, call 1-800-528-4800.

17. Alternatively, ring 1-800-AXP-1234.


18. The emergency telephone number in the U.S.A. is 911. In the U.K. it's 999. In Australia it's 000.

Nine-one-one, nine-nine-nine, zero-zero-zero

19. To access the information you require, press the # key, followed by the 0 key, and finally the * key.

Hash, zero, asterisk

20. He earns a salary of over $200K a year! In fact, he's making so much money that he plans
to retire in his mid-50's.
Two hundred thousand dollars

21. We have invested over $6M in new technology.

Six million dollars

22. The union held a ballot to see if the workers wanted to strike. The result was 2:1 in favor.

Two to one

23. My email address is

Marckbarrington At snailmail dat com

24. Hi Todd. GR8 news on the promotion. I'm really :-) for you! CUL8R for a celebratory drink?

Gi ar eight

25. He drives to work in a big, fuel-guzzling 4x4.

Four for four

26. The Denver Deadbeats won the match against the Washington Washouts by 2:0. In
the game against the Los Angeles Layabouts the following week, they tied 3:3.
Two to zero, three to three

27. At the last census, the population of the country was 37,762,418.

Thirty-seven millions seven hundred sixty-two four hundred eighteen

28. It's important to send your 1099 form to the IRS on time.

Ten ninety-nine

29. This book is © Rawdon Wyatt, 2007.

Two-thousand seven

30. The “Ultimafone®” has just won a “Product of the Year” award.

Ultimafone register mark


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