Response Sheets For OpenLCA

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Product Name-________________(IronBox/CoffeeMachine)

Time at the beginning of the task :

1. Which part or an subassembly contributes to most to the total enviormental impact?


Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult

2. Identify the processes that contribute most to the total human health-impact.


Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult

3. Mention the corresponding the subassembly or part the identified process belong to


Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult

4. Mention the life cycle phase the identified process belong to:


Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult

5. Identify the endpoint categories that contributes most for the product


Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult

6. Identify the midpoint category that contributes most to the end point category

End Point Impact Midpoint category


Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult
7. Identify the environmental flow that contributes most to the midpoint identified in 6.
Midpoint Category Key flows

Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult
8. Construct a environmental pathways for any one of the processes identified above

Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult

9. What is Functional unit used for analysis_________________

Time a:
Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult

10. What is the System boundary considered __________________________

Task difficulty: Extremely Easy o o o o o o o Extremely Difficult

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