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H2O2 production increased in response to biotic and abiotic stress like wounding, chilling, salinity,

drought, intense light, UV radiation and pathogen attacks (Apel and Hirt 2004).CAT activity increased in
response to Nacl and the effect of sodium chloride on hydrogen peroxide content were studied in
various plants group such as Suaeda maritima, mangrove plant, Najas graminea, aquatic macrophyte
(Mallik et al.,2011).

The high activity of catalase under drought shows its protective role against stress. Catalase is a
chromoproteid thet contains oxidized heme as a prosthetic group (non-protein). Certain concentrations
of hydrogen peroxide formed during exchange reactions have toxic effects on cells. Catalase neutralizes
hydrogen peroxide, converting it into water and inactive molecular oxygen [7]. Catalase
(oxidoreductase, EC; CAT) is a tetrameric heme containing intracellular enzyme that is
widelydistributedinanimals,plants,andallaerobicmicroor- ganisms.
etypicalcatalasereactionistherapidlydegrada- tion of two molecules of H2O2to water and molecular

asoxidizing,bleachingorsterilizingagentandintheanalyti- cal�eldasacomponentofhydrogenperoxide[23–

.7.ActivityAssaysofCatalase. Catalase(CAT)activitywas determined at 25○C according to Aebi [42]. e

reaction mixturecontained40mMH2O2ina50mMphosphatebuffer pH 7.0 and 0.1 mL enzyme in a total
volume of 3mL. CAT activity was estimated by decreased in absorbance of H2O2at 240nm. Activities
were carried out at optimum conditions. Approximately 100mg of catalase immobilize chitosan beads
were mixed 10mL of 10mM H2O2solution in 0.05M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) 25○C. A er 5min, the
reactionwasdeterminatedbyremovalofthechitosanbeads from the reaction mixture. e absorbance of
the reaction mixturewasdetermined,andtheimmobilizedcatalaseactiv- itywascalculated.
ekineticconstantwasdeterminedusing Lineweaver-Burk plot by initial reaction rates of free or

CAT has less affinity for H2O2 and, under environmental stresses, such as saline condition and high
temperature, it can be inactivated, with

subsequent degradation (Hertwig et al. 1992). The wheat Cat gene expressed in transgenic rice im-
proves tolerance against low-temperature stress when com- pared to non-transgenic plants (Matsumura
et al., 2002). Catalases remove the H2O2, reducing H2O2 to 2H2O. These proteins are abundantly, but
not exclusively, localized to peroxisomes. The CATs genes respond differentially to various stresses
conditions (Scandalios, 2002; 2005).

SOD and CAT enzymes are almost restricted to the peroxisomes, which essentially work to remove
H2O2, during photorespiration. This compartmentalization limits their ability to keep low the reactive
oxygen species levels in other cellular compartments, such as chloroplast (Asada 2006)
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Matsumura T, Tabayashi N, Kamagata Y, Souma C and Saruya- ma H (2002) Wheat catalase expressed in
transgenic rice can improve tolerance against low temperature stress. Physiol plantarum 116:317-327.

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